downloading private apps on google play Answers to common questions about Play App Signing. Android apps are cryptographically signed by the developer. This allows the package manager on the user’s device to verify that every app update comes from the same source and that it hasn’t been tampered with. Google Play also enforces this signature check when you upload your APK to the Google Play Console, so that even if someone had your login credentials it would be impossible to send a malicious update without also having access to your private key. Historically, developers were responsible for generating their own private keys and keeping them safe throughout the application’s lifetime. While this offered a lot of flexibility, it was also prone to mistakes: generating weak keys, accidentally checking in your private key to a public repository or even losing it altogether are just a few common ones that happen routinely even to seasoned developers. Nowadays developers have a compelling alternative to managing keys themselves: Play App Signing , in which the upload key (the one you use to upload your artifacts to Google Play) and the app signing key (the one used to sign APKs distributed to devices) can be separate, and the app signing key is stored securely on Google’s infrastructure. Even though many other popular platforms treat distribution keys this way, for many developers it’s a departure from the previous Android signing model, and some developers may feel like they’re giving up too much control over their apps. That’s why, I want to dispel some common misconceptions about Play App Signing, as well as give guidance on specific scenarios that you might encounter. This advice is based on questions our Developer Relations team has heard from developers at conferences, in online forums and our 1:1 chats. Let’s start with the most compelling reason to switch to Play App Signing: 1. I’ve lost the key used for signing release artifacts that I upload to Google Play. What are my options? Without Play App Signing : Without the app signing key, there’s nothing you or Google can do to continue updating your app due to security protections built into Android. Your only option is to create a new store listing with a new package name and start from scratch. With Play App Signing : You can request a new upload key. Play will be able to continue signing your app updates with the app signing key, which is securely stored by Google. If I were to name one reason that speaks for the adoption of app signing, it would be the one above. But before we go further and talk about specific scenarios that app signing can help you remediate (there are more!), let’s pause to answer a meta-question first: 2. Why does Google want developers to switch to Play App Signing? Google Play’s first priority is to build a trusted, safe, and secure platform for billions of users and millions of developers for many years into the future. The sustainability and success of the ecosystem depends on this. Most developers cannot match the level of security that Google can offer. The new app model, where Play ingests publishing artifacts and generates signed artifacts is designed to minimize the surfaces where the signing keys could be exposed. It is not only secure, but also more efficient, and future-looking with benefits for end-users and developers alike. For example, a number of apps currently on the Play Store still haven’t adopted the more secure v2 signing scheme. Once enrolled into Play App Signing, apps benefit from the new protections and future enhancements automatically, without developer work required. And finally, separating the publishing format (using Android App Bundles) from the serving format (split APKs) unlocks benefits for developers and users alike: from increased security, to optimization, reduced complexity and fragmentation. In order to do this, however, Play must have the ability to sign the serving artifacts. Some examples of features available right now are automatic size optimizations for app delivery, as well as new customizable delivery options for modules in your app. More importantly, it gives us a way to evolve and improve the delivery mechanisms in the future, while ensuring the trust and safety of the distributed artifacts. Even though we continue to improve our serving stack, we don’t modify and distribute your application code without your knowledge and approval, and the new optimizations Play performs are available for your inspection in the open source bundletool . Later in this FAQ I discuss some of the metadata (metadata which doesn’t impact how your app works) differences you might see between artifacts downloaded from Play and generated locally. 3. My app signing key was generated many years ago and I’m afraid its cryptographic strength no longer meets today’s standards or I believe that my app signing key has leaked. What can I do to upgrade? Without Play App Signing : As previously mentioned, you cannot simply switch to a new key, as that would mean your existing users would not be able to get app updates. You either have to continue using your existing key and risk the safety of your users’ data or start a new app entry from scratch. With Play App Signing: If you are using a weak key or your key was compromised, you can upgrade your app signing key for new installs. This works by delivering APKs signed with your legacy key to existing users when they update the app, while fresh app installations get APKs signed with the upgraded, secure key. Consider enabling app signing now and switching to using a separate upload key as soon as possible, reducing the likelihood of ever compromising the app signing key. The current process of upgrading to a new key is not instantaneous and if the app signing key leaks, your existing users will be at risk until they reinstall the app or move to a new device. Please note that the current key upgrade process does not take advantage of the key rotation feature introduced in Android 9 (Pie) and above. We are currently investigating support for key rotation using app signing v3 for devices on these OS versions and will let the developer community know once it’s ready in a separate announcement. 4. The upload key I used for signing my artifacts was stolen. What are my options? Without Play App Signing : There is no concept of a separate “upload key”, so if your release signing key leaks, you could be in big trouble: someone could create malicious or unauthorized versions of your app that would be indistinguishable (and updateable!) from your original APKs. Of course, Google account protection applies to Google Play Console access (and we recommend developers enable 2-step verification), so the attacker would still have to find a way to trick a user into sideloading such a modified APK. Nevertheless, your app’s security is weakened. Refer to the question 3. above about a compromised app signing key to see what kind of remediations are available, including key upgrade for new installs. With Play App Signing : If your upload key is separate from your app signing key (which I cannot recommend highly enough), and the upload key is the one that leaked, that means your users’ data is safe — the upload key is not enough for an attacker to be able to impersonate APKs signed with the app signing key. Simply request a new upload key. If you continued to use your app signing key for uploading to Play when you first enabled app signing, and that app signing key leaked, you are in a bit of a worse situation, but app signing can still remedy the problem. Follow the advice on how to upgrade your key for new installs. 5. I enabled Play App Signing for my app, but I changed my mind and would like to download the app signing key that is stored on Google’s infrastructure. It’s not possible for you, or anyone else on your developer account, to download and save the private key for your app that’s stored on Google’s secure infrastructure. This is to ensure the protection of your app signing key. If you foresee a situation in which you will need continued access to your app signing key, you should do the following when enabling app signing: Do not select the option for Google Play to generate the app signing key for you. Generate your signing key locally on your machine instead. Securely transfer your key to Google Play, and do not delete it from your machine. Keep the key secure , ensuring it doesn’t leak to third parties. Make sure to create and test backups of your key regularly, as you will not be able to download it from Google in case you lose it. These steps are explained in the documentation. Look for the instructions on how to “ opt in for an existing app ” to see how to encrypt your signing key to upload it to the Google Play Console from Android Studio or the command line. If you are absolutely sure you will not need continued access to your private app signing key, we recommend that you either let Play generate your key (for new apps) or that you delete your copy after transferring it to Play, and switch to using an upload key. The upload key can be reset, and it doesn’t compromise your users’ security in case it leaks. 6. How can I be sure my private key is not intercepted when I transfer it to Google Play? If you’re enabling app signing for a new app and select the option to generate a new key in Google Play Console, the key is never transferred and is generated directly on Google’s secured server, so you’re all set. If you need to transfer your existing signing key (optionally for new apps and mandatory for existing apps), you always do that in encrypted form. Whether you export the key from Android Studio or from the command line, you will use the Play’s Encrypt Private Key (PEPK) tool locally on your machine before transferring the key. In case you need to know details of the encryption used, PEPK uses P256 Elliptic Curve asymmetric encryption with AES symmetric encryption. If you need to inspect the tool further and get more details, we give you the opportunity to download the PEPK tool and its source code during the app signing sign up . Feel free to review or compile it yourself, so that it can be run in your own secure environment, ensuring that the unencrypted key is never exposed. O nly use versions of PEPK downloaded from the Google Play Console, never download it or its source from unverified third-party websites. 7. How is the key protected at rest on Google’s infrastructure? How can I be sure no one is accessing it? When you use Play App Signing, your keys are stored on the same infrastructure that Google uses to store its own keys. Key access is governed by strict ACLs and tamper-evident audit trails for all operations. All artifacts generated and signed with the developer’s key are made available to you in the Google Play Console for inspection/attestation. Furthermore, to prevent key loss, we make very frequent backups of our primary storage. These backups are strongly encrypted and we regularly test restoring from these backups. If you want to learn about Google’s technical infrastructure, read the Google Cloud Security Whitepapers. 8. I require a public certificate to sign up for external services, but I don’t have access to my key. What can I do? If you want to use services or APIs that require signing up with a hash of the public certificate of your application, you can view or download the public certificate fingerprints from the Google Play Console’s “ App signing ” section: Remember to always use these fingerprints when enabling services for the release versions of your app, and not the ones derived from your upload key. Most services allow you to enable multiple certificates for your application, so you can continue testing with locally built APKs, as well as APKs generated by Google Play. 9. Are artifacts that Google Play distributes to users of my app any different from the ones I build locally, other than the key used to sign them? As stated before, Play will not modify the functionality of your application without your knowledge and approval. It does however insert a minuscule amount of metadata that helps with verifying the source and integrity of the distribution. This metadata comes in two flavors: For all apps uploaded to Google Play, Play has been adding security metadata after the signing block to enable features such as authorized P2P app sharing. We announced this originally in a blog post in 2017. For apps uploaded as app bundles, we will improve this security by introducing what is called a source stamp. This source metadata is inserted into the app’s manifest by bundletool . When the APK is generated on Play’s server, it’s also signed with a Google key in addition to your app signing key. This means the security metadata cannot be removed or tampered with without invalidating the Google signature. This gives a high confidence signal that unmodified APKs containing the source stamp must have come from Google Play. You can use the open-source bundletool locally to generate APKs from bundles in the same way Play does on the server. The source stamp metadata added by bundletool will not be signed by Google’s key. Other source signatures will be possible when ApkSigner is updated with the next Android release. 10. How can I access the final artifacts that Google Play distributes to users of my app? There are multiple options available to you: For testing purposes, you can use an internal app sharing link for any historical version of your app from the Google Play Console’s app bundle explorer . Tapping the link on a device will install the APKs that the Play Store would install in prod for that device. You can also download signed, device-specific APKs from the Google Play Console’s app bundle explorer . 11. How can I keep distributing my app to other stores if I want to use Play App Signing? It’s entirely possible to distribute apps in multiple ways and through different channels. There are a few considerations that you have to keep in mind, depending on if it’s a new or existing app: For new apps, you can use separate signing keys for each distribution channel, and let Google generate the key used by Google Play for you. This is the most secure way for apps distributed on Play, as the key never leaves Google’s servers and minimizes the chance that someone intercepts the key to near zero. Alternatively, if you don’t want to manage multiple keys but still benefit from the full security of Play App Signing, you will soon be able to download signed universal APKs from the app bundle explorer and distribute them to other stores. For existing apps, if you’re already using a single key for different stores, you can continue doing this if you wish. You’ll be asked to upload the existing key when enabling app signing on Google Play. Optionally, you can consider the key upgrade functionality mentioned earlier in this FAQ to move away from sharing the key used by Google Play with other distribution channels over time. There is one caveat that comes with the above advice: please note that if you decide to use separate signing keys for different stores, your users will not be able to cross-update the app between different distribution channels, such as when someone has originally installed the app through another store and then tries to update it through Play. They will need to uninstall and install the application again. 12. I’m busy working on features and all of this sounds like a lot. Do I have to switch to Android App Bundles or use advanced features like dynamic delivery? No, you don’t have to do everything at once. You can opt in to Play App Signing and continue publishing APKs for the time being. When you’re ready, you can start publishing Android App Bundles. Publishing with an app bundle is straightforward for build systems which support it and automatically brings size reduction benefits for most apps. Over time, you can take advantage of advanced features such as dynamic delivery. For apps, you can modularize your app with dynamic feature modules to improve build times and take advantage of customizable delivery. Games can use dynamic asset delivery to deliver high quality assets either at install time or post install with customizable delivery modes and smart targeting options. If you’d like to start using app signing, but your management or security teams need an explanation of the benefits and caveats of app signing, please feel free to forward the questions and answers to them. Feel free to add questions in the comments, I’ll do my best to find answers for you if possible! Manage private Android apps in Google Play. Supported editions for this feature: Frontline; Business Starter, Standard and Plus; Enterprise ; Education Fundamentals, Standard, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Plus ; G Suite Basic and Business; Essentials; Cloud Identity Free and Premium. Compare your edition. You can host Android apps specifically for your organization in the managed Google Play store and control who can download them. With managed Google Play, you also get security checks, such as user authentication and malware detection. You can publish private apps to the Play store from the Google Admin console or the Google Play Console. After you add a private app to the apps list, users can download it from the managed Play Store on their Android device. It can take a few hours for the app to be available to users. Before you begin. Read the following sections to decide how to publish your app and important considerations. You might want to use Google Play Console if the following is true: You have existing private apps in Play Console. You can't manage existing private apps in the Admin console. You might want to use Admin console if any of the following are true: You don't plan on making your private apps public. You don't want to pay a one-time 25 USD registration fee. You want to your apps list to include all managed apps—public mobile apps, SAML apps, and private apps. You want to make the app available to only select organizational units and groups. Apps can't be published as a private app and in the public Google Play store at the same time. If an app with the same app ID was published by another organization (publicly or privately), you can’t publish the app until the developer changes the application ID for your variant. However, you can add public apps to your app list to make them available to your users as managed apps. This setup allows your users to easily find all work- related apps in one place. If you publish an app to the public Google Play store, you can change it to a private app but you won't be able to manage it in your Admin console. Private apps don't support billing features. Publishers can't charge for private apps. In Play Console, you can't publish the app for a specific group of users. You can publish an app intended for a specific country or specific device models. If you want to beta test your app with specific groups, or Play Store users, you can set up alpha/beta testing. The app must be less than the download size limit. Option 1: Publish private apps from the Admin console. To upload and publish private apps in the Admin console, you only need an Android application package (APK) and a title. When you publish a private app for the first time, a Play Console account is created on behalf of your organization. Private apps are automatically approved for your organization and are typically ready for distribution within 10 minutes. You can upload up to 15 private apps per day. Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in From the Admin console Home page, go to Apps Web and mobile apps . To let all users in your organization install the app, select Entire organization . To allow only certain users to install the app, click Select groups or Select organizational units . You can add both groups and organizational units. Supported editions for this feature: Frontline; Business Plus; Enterprise ; Education Fundamentals, Standard, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Plus ; G Suite Basic and Business; Cloud Identity Premium. Compare your edition. Groups settings are applied at the top organizational unit level and override organizational unit settings. If a user belongs to multiple groups with conflicting configurations, the settings are applied in order of group precedence, which you can set after you add the app. Access method: Choose how users get the app. To apply a managed configuration before you force install an app, select Available , complete app setup, apply the managed configuration, then edit the app settings to force install the app. To let users install the app themselves, select Available . With this option, users who don’t need the app don’t have to download it. To install the app on all managed devices, select Force install . With this option, the app is automatically installed on all managed devices, with no option to opt out. Optionally, you can prevent users from uninstalling a force installed app. Force install is also supported for basic mobile management with Business Plus, Enterprise, G Suite Business, and Cloud Identity Premium editions. Support private apps. A private app is an app that’s only available to an enterprise’s users. Private apps are fully compatible with managed Google Play. An enterprise can publish private apps to its managed Google Play store and install private apps remotely to users’ devices. To learn more, see Distributing private apps to users. Google-hosted private apps. Enterprise customers aren't required to host their private apps on managed Google Play, but it offers several key benefits. See Google-hosted private apps for more details. Google-hosted private apps can be installed on devices running any mode of operation (profile owner, device owner, or legacy), and there are no additional features you need to implement in your EMM solution to support them. Self-hosted private apps. Enterprise customers also have the option of hosting their private apps themselves and only using the managed Google Play infrastructure to manage app installation. Self-hosted private apps can be installed on devices running the profile owner mode of operation, but they aren’t compatible with legacy devices and can only be push installed to devices running the device owner mode of operation. To successfully publish a self-hosted private app, an enterprise customer must first build an APK definition file that contains metadata captured from the app's manifest in JSON format. This definition file replaces the APK within Google Play and needs to be uploaded during the publishing process. More detailed guidance on how to generate an APK definition file and access to downloadable sample code is available on GitHub (see externally hosted APKs). Integrate private app management into your console. The simplest way to add private app publishing capabilities to your EMM console is to embed the managed Google Play iframe. The iframe's Private apps page silently creates a Play Console account on behalf of an enterprise and waives the $25 USD registration fee. Another option is to add private app publishing to your console using the Google Play Custom App Publishing API. This API is only compatible with Google-hosted private apps, and the apps published through this method can't ever be made public. To integrate additional publishing and app management tasks, use the Google Play Publishing API. You or your enterprise customer can also publish and update private apps directly from the Google Play Console. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Popular Android apps on Google Play Store expose millions of users' private data — download at your own risk. Cybersecurity researchers discovered 13 Android apps that potentially left over 100 million smartphone users and developers vulnerable to malicious attacks due to their private data being exposed. Spotted by Check Point Research (CPR), researchers found the Android apps had a variety of misconfigurations of third-party cloud services that made personal data publically available, including emails, texts on messaging apps, location, passwords and photos. in 2021 The best cell phone deals in May 2021. According to the report, the developers of the mobile apps did not intentionally expose this data. However, having the information easily available for hackers to peek through means the private information could be used for malicious attacks. CPR found the issue lies with the application developers. By not following best practices when configuring and integrating third-party cloud services into their apps, devs not only left millions of users' private data exposed but also their own. One of the major problems came from a misconfiguration of real-time databases that allows data to be stored in a cloud. Without using authentication, it became easy to access all the private information stored. In fact, CPR researchers didn't have to do much to access the data, as there was nothing to stop them. Misconfigured Android apps. A popular astrology app on the Google Play Store with more than 10 million downloads called "Astro Guru" was found to have this real-time database misconfiguration. Users needed to enter their name, date of birth, gender, location, email, and payment details to get horoscope predications, meaning the aforementioned private information had been exposed. CPR also discovered a taxi app with 50 thousand downloads named "T’Leva" that stored real-time data. This allowed researchers, and potential malicious actors, to see chat messages between drivers and passengers, and retrieve a users' full name, phone numbers, and locations via destination and pick-up. Talk about creepy. Cloud storage also posed a security risk. The "Screen Recorder" app with 10 million downloads would store recordings on a cloud service. "There can be serious implications if developers safeguard users’ private passwords on the same cloud service that stores the recordings," CPR states. After analyzing the app files, researchers could recover keys that gave them access to stored recordings. There's also an "iFax" app that had the same issues, potentially allowing hackers to gain access to documents from over 500,000 users. CPR also mentions a "Logo Maker" app where they could access the username, email, and password of users. The report doesn't mention all the apps exposed data, stating that "a few of the apps have changed their configuration." Developers of the apps have been notified about the issues. Check out CPRs full post for more details. If you're looking to be protected online and to hide your private information, you'll want to find out what a VPN is, and why you should be using one. 11 Best Private Browser Apps for Android & iOS. In the modern world, privacy on the Internet is the hottest topic to dispute. In the past few years, we have heard enough scandals and news about how hackers, sponsored by different criminal organizations, or even by governments, break up any kind of system and steal the personal data of millions of people. That became the reason why people got more concerned about Internet privacy. Not surfing the Internet sheer is far not enough. A basic user has to care about their privacy in order to save their personal data which is so easy to steal. In other cases, it can be just morally uncomfortable when some barbaric people break up our social networks and get access to private conversations. That’s why private browsers were created. They provide safety of all your personal information and guarantee access to the files on the Internet without risks of getting a virus. They all work in a different way, but all of them are a powerful tool to protect your digital privacy. InBrowser. InBrowser is a private browser for your device with the and video support. Every time you exit the app all your data is getting deleted, including history, cookies, and sessions. InBrowser is a multi-functional browser with the anonymous mode. The data encrypting is made via the TOR net, receiving access to the information sources, which were blocked by a provider, network, or government. For this, you will need the installation and launching of Orbot. It also supports all the search networks, such as DuckDuckGo, StartPage (Ixquick), Bing, Google, and Yahoo. There are no ads in the app. It supports the camouflage agent so it appears like you visiting sites via , , , and so on. Moreover, the app has the function called LastPass which saves your passwords automatically so you don’t have to write them down. Video support is included – just cope with the link and the player will play it. If you have several opened pages at the same time InBrowser will allow you to switch quickly between them. If you want to download something you need to click on the link and hold your finger on it. Then you can download the file on your SD card. . This app finally will allow you to watch all the browsers privately on the full screen. All the history, cookies, cache – everything will be deleted after you exit the app. And the quality of the picture is really impressive since it allows you to view the browser on the full screen. Thanks to the hiding of status bars and auto-hiding of all navigation controls when required. The fact that the browser is private doesn’t mean that it has a low speed. Moreover, it also includes a high-security level and reliability. The interface is easy to use. The app also has such functions as portrait and landscape mode support, orientation locking support for iPad, similar UI to . In order to provide yourself with more space, you can use a hidden status bar. If you want to maximize screen real-estate then overlay controls. Lightning-fast startup and shutdown will help you to save your battery’s energy. Your homepages will always be Google, Yahoo, or Bing. The app has a very discrete icon and presentation and, what is important, it has no ads. Browser. Although less widely known, a Brave Browser os one of the best ones out there on the market. With this app, you can stay sure that your security and personal data are well-secured. With it, you will forget about the annoying ads and pop-up windows. Another cool thing that the Brave Browser does is that it helps to save your Internet data by blocking ads and 3rd party apps. You will also be protected from hazardous , malware, and viruses. What is more significant, Brave Browser speeds up your Internet and the overall work of your gadget. In general, users of this app can expect that their smartphone will be working on average 2,5 hours longer. The 3rd party cookies won’t be able to track your search history anymore. Secure Private Browser. This is a simple app that lets you visit all the sites you want securely and privately. The speed of the browser is pretty decent and it is also described as multi-functional. You can store your personal files to watch them whenever you want and protect your privacy by locking all files with a passcode or your Touch ID. Besides you can stream videos and images from the browser or your Personal Files to Chromecast and Airplay devices to watch your favorite media on your television. You are also able to download photos from your camera roll and share all kinds of files using iMessage. The VPN service is powered by Rocket VPN. The app is optimized to work with the latest iPhone versions. In general, users will find this Browser quite simple, but all the functions it includes are actually use without any extra features that you may not be using. Private Browser Deluxe. Visit your favorite sites and download files to your device with this app! Private Browser Deluxe gives you a chance to watch such popular formats as Microsoft Word, PDF, ZIP, and others. Protect your data and access to the files with the password or Touch ID. The powerful browser supports few pages opened, notes, anonymous mode, and Google search tips. It also shows you the list of the files available for download for each page. You can always change your user-agent For access to the full version of sites. You can keep the history of your visits or delete it. You got a download manager in this app with downloads active in the background (up to 10), pause, and resume of downloading. You can always choose a folder for a new download. After that, you can sort your files, rename and delete them. The app also supports AirDrop. Dolphin Zero. Cute dolphin on the icon of the application will definitely attract your attention. Dolphin Zero is a free browser that is able to anticipate users’ requests, search the entire internet, and can be configured completely for you. One of the features of the browser is that your phone becomes a real desktop. So you don’t have to switch screens to another tab – they’re all displayed at the same time. Synchronization between your devices is also convenient. In addition to the data on your personal smartphones, tablets, and phones, your passwords, bookmarks and more from Chrome and Mozilla browsers can be synchronized. This feature is incredibly useful when changing the main browser on your smartphone. There is an extension Dolphin Zero Incognito, which weighs less than 1 megabyte but guarantees you anonymity on the Internet. The browser always has a “no tracking” feature, so Dolphin Zero doesn’t save your request and viewing history, logins, passwords, and other personal information. The only nuance is that the application does roughly track your location, but compared to the functionality, it’s not a big deal. : Privacy browser. Human rights on the Internet are very vague. Many websites collect your personal data, track your location, and browsers store requests and cookies so much that many users are frustrated. On the one hand, browsers provide complete anonymity, but on the other hand, your data is absolutely easy to access. Mozilla, as one of the most famous browsers, often defends anonymity when using the Internet. Firefox Focus: Privacy browser has been developed for this purpose. When using it, you do not need to configure many settings. Most web trackers are blocked automatically and do not inconvenience you. Because information is not stored or collected for advertising purposes, websites are downloaded faster. You can easily erase the entire history of your requests at the end of your session. From the beginning of the launch to the end of the application on your smartphone, the Firefox Focus keeps you anonymous on the Internet and protects your personal data. Tenta Private VPN Browser Beta. This app guarantees you ultimate privacy, security, and convenience in a browser. Unlike most of browsers, it protects your data, not selling it. It was developed specifically with one aim – to guard your privacy. In some ways, this is a new generation app. The app has an in-built true VPN and complete data encryption. The idea of this app, as its developers say, is that privacy is non-negotiable and everyone should have safe access to the world’s information without censorship or judgment. Well, if you are not new to the digital world, then you probably know that VPN coding provides better protection of any data type. Moreover, the app has a special function “Smart incognito” which will help you protect your DNS, IP address, and browsing history well and for good. You won’t have to do any setup or registration. No hackers, trackers, and ISPs will find you. Besides, you can safely connect to the public WiFi and keep your information safe. Tenta protects your password with AES-256 encryption. For the better safety of the password, don’t keep it on any other servers. No one, including Tenta, can snoop into your search history because your traffic has special encryption. Each user has their own access to the Tenta browser – it means each of them has to have a separate password so no one violates the privacy of others. VPN + TOR Browser Private Web. This app is the only one of its kind that has both a VPN and TOR browser. That means it promises to be the most secure app when it comes to Internet surfing. You can choose between the speed and ease of use of VPNs and the advanced protection offered by the TOR network. The TOR Network protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location. When you use a certain website, they cannot track your real IP address. Besides, it will become safe for you to use public WiFi. It also supports the video and audio playback. Moreover, using this app you will find an advanced browsing capability with tabs, and popover detection and blocking. All VPN sessions are unlimited in duration. You will be able to access .onion websites that are only accessible through the TOR network. DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser. Have you noticed that some of the anonymous browsers have funny icons? DuckDuckGo is depicted with a funny duck, which basically corresponds to the name. But don’t think that such an icon implies that the service is not serious or working badly. Absolutely not! DuckDuckGo is a private Internet browser that holds a leading position in the market among search engines. You can safely say that it goes almost on a par with Google and Yahoo. It provides a high degree of confidentiality and blocks network advertising trackers. If many private browsers simply don’t save your history, DuckDuckGo protects your data even from your ISP. Multiple encryptions allows you to leave all your information only with you, without saving it anywhere. This high degree of anonymity is due to the fact that developers believe that no one should know what you are looking for on the Internet. Your health, finances, intimate preferences, and other issues should be kept strictly confidential. DuckDuckGo leaves a privacy rating next to each website, so you can always know your level of security. Of course, 100% anonymity is not yet possible, but DuckDuckGo is considered the best in this area. Cake Browser. Another great private browser app that gives you total anonymity and freedom on the Internet. Cake Browser positions itself as an innovative browser with the built-in VPN service that will protect your search history from all the 3rd party apps. One of the distinctive features of Cake Browser is that it has a customizable icon. Yes, you can indeed choose how the icon of this app is going to look like! Another aspect is that Cake can serve as a news portal, and you can view the information about the latest world news, currency exchange rates, and other stuff. Moreover, Cake Browser allows you to affect the search simultaneously in several search engines and then pick up the best results. You can also set up the password protection so no one else except you could access your browser. The app has mainly positive rewiws from users on Google Play so you can definitely trust it.