Organizational Capacity and Prime Ministerial Effectiveness: Observations from Australia R.A.W. Rhodes and Anne Tiernan Contact addresses: R. A. W. Rhodes Faculty of Social and Human Sciences University of Southampton Murray Building Southampton SO171BJ United Kingdom Email:
[email protected]; or
[email protected] and Anne Tiernan School of Government and International Relations Griffith University SO7, Graduate Centre Sidon Street South Brisbane Qld 4101 Australia Email:
[email protected] Biographies R. A. W. Rhodes is Professor of Government, University of Southampton, UK; and Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Anne Tiernan is an Associate Professor in the School of Government and International Relations at Griffith University; and the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). *Paper to the 63rd PSA Annual Conference, ‘The Party’s Over?’ 25-27 March 2013, City Hall, Cardiff. The authors acknowledge funding support from the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). © 2013 R.A.W Rhodes and Anne Tiernan. First Draft. Not for citation. One thing that distinguishes a champion sports person from their peers is that they seem to be unhurried, calm. They seem to be on top of things, to have a lot more time to do things, to prepare for things than their colleagues. And that’s how it is with [John] Howard. Howard never seems, or very rarely, seems harried or rushed. He’s almost always on top of the subject; the questions that might be put to him are anticipated; his position on issues is deliberate and calculated. He rarely gets caught by surprise and he is very effective in bringing to bear, I think, rewards and sanctions on people (Allan Hawke, 21 February 2003).