Appendix A: Summary of Consultation Responses

Summary of Consultation Meetings:

Brambles Farm Community Centre – Thursday 24 June 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (MH Council Community Regeneration), members of the BFCC Management Committee (MC) and Councillor Len Junier (towards the end of the meeting).

The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the service we could provide at BFCC. The MC were unable to respond in detail due to the lack of information about the specific nature of any proposals. They did however make a number of points which were:

 They would like to retain the resource they have

 Difficult to see how the centre could run without staffing

 The centre operates within a small geographical area serving a clearly defined community

 If they haven’t got a worker they might as well close the centre

 It is a well used centre which supports local groups and church group

Brambles Farm Community Centre – Tuesday 31 August 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (MH Community Regeneration and members of the Management Committee (MC)

MH explained he was meeting the MC to make them aware of the proposals referred to in the previous meeting with the Centre Management Committee in June. He outlined the reduction in staffing which was proposed.

This was: The loss of the Site Manager post and the replacement with a single part time ‘Super Caretaker’ role, which would be put in place from the beginning of April 2011. Added to this the Centre would receive ongoing support from the East Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Management Team Community Worker. The members of the MC highlighted a number of issues and questions with regards to the proposals. These were:

 Is a demand for staff to be in place when sessions are running.

 Is a problem with redundancy payment for the current worker who is employed by the Management Committee, the MC may not be able to afford redundancy payments.

 Computer Suite not currently working; there is a need to look at the use of that room.

 Volunteers provide support to the Centre but were unable to do any more than they currently do and in the main are older people who are not as agile and mobile as they once were.

 MH provided details of the consultation period and offered to come out again and talk to the Committee at any point they requested it and suggested they may want to respond in writing.

BME Network (BMEN)– Monday 14 June 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (MH Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration), Tony and Yasmin Khan, members of the BME Network Board

The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the support the service could provide to BMEN. The Board members expressed some concern over the implications for the organisation, although at this point were unable to respond in detail due to the lack of information about the specific nature of any proposals. Some of the issues they were concerned about were:

 Is it that there is no funding at all? MH replied he thought that Cohesion work was recognised as making a significant contribution but was unable at that point to guarantee funding.

 BME Network as a Network makes a huge contribution to the Council’s agenda

 BMEN meets the needs of the local community, encouraging enterprise

 What would be in place to meet the Council’s objectives were this structure not in place

 Network has suffered from being unsuccessful in tendering processes and subsequent support with running costs, admin all mixed in terms of Future Jobs Fund

 Quality of work has gone up ten fold with the current staff member’s arrival

MH explained he would return to speak to the Board when they were more concrete proposals to put to them and that a formal consultation would be undertaken with all staff affected by them.

BME Network (BMEN)– Wednesday 1 September 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration), Yasmin Khan (BMEN Board member)

MH explained that at this no point no firm proposals were being put forward as the area of Cohesion work was complex in that it cut across the work of the Council and Middlesbrough Partnership and that efforts were being made to explore what the broader position might be in terms of those structures. A report was being compiled which would raise this issue corporately.

 Difficult for the Network to make decisions / actions

 Assistance with bid writing. MH Offered to assist with bid writing.

 A question was asked in relation to how the Council will prioritise the various Cohesion related work it currently supports. MH said a number of exercises were being undertaken to support that decision making process, which included a scoping and prioritisation process and a full Equality Impact Assessment.

MH said he would discuss the proposals with the Board once they have been put together and both staff and the Network would be given a proper opportunity to comment.

Park End Community Centre (PECC) – 9th June 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and members of the PECC Management Committee (MC)

The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the service we could provide to PECC:

The issues the MC raised at the meeting were:

 Can’t the Council look at Job Share which would allow everybody to work less but at least retain their job

 Cleaner in most mornings from 8.00 to 10.00 am - £2,500 per year

MH said he would take the suggestion of Job Share back to the Council and would come and speak to the MC at a later date when it is clearer what the impact of any budget cuts might be to the Centre. A formal consultation would be also be undertaken with all staff in the service. Park End Community Centre – 25th August 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and the PECC MC

MH explained he was meeting the Management Committee to make them aware of the proposals referred to in the previous meeting with the Centre in June. He outlined the reduction in staffing which was proposed from April 2011. These were: The loss of two Community Workers to the Service across the Town. MH explained that the service would try and reduce the impact this would have on PECC, which would come into effect from the beginning of April 2011.

 The members of the MC highlighted that they would be keen to ensure continuity with Community Work support to the Centre. MH said that the East Team would work with the MC to provide a level of support to meet the demands of the Centre.

 MH offered to come out and talk to the MC again if they so wished but would also welcome any written feedback they would want to make.

Charlbury Road Community Centre (CCRC) – 24.08.2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (MH Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and members of the CRCC Management Committee (MC)

The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the service we could provide to CRCC. He outlined the reduction in staffing which was proposed which was: The loss of the Site Manager post to be replaced by a single ‘Super Caretaker’ role, which would be put in place from the beginning of April 2011. The members of the MC highlighted a number of issues and questions with regards to the proposals.

 The Community centre cleaning facility – would that be retained? MH said that cleaning was provided as part of the service provided by the Council to what are known as scoped buildings. There were no plans to reduce that service.

 The MC felt that a greater demand would be placed on them as volunteers, which was unreasonable. The Centre MC were keen to try and retain the current worker as a key worker for the Centre. MH pointed out that the Council were unable to guarantee that as the posts which were being created were on a lower salary and the current worker could apply but on a voluntary rather than compulsory basis.

 MH offered to come out again and talk to the Committee at any point they requested it and suggested they may want to respond in writing.

International Centre (IC) – Thursday 17 June 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration), 10 members of the IC Management Committee

The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the service we could provide through the IC

The issues the Management Committee raised at the meeting were:

 Acknowledge the government cuts to the centre, the centre is unique in that it primarily serves the BME community

 Twelve user groups – concerns over the Council closing the centre, which MH reassured them was not part of any proposals

 In an area of high disadvantage (Middlehaven ward) not just within the town but nationally (Middlesbrough)

 The MC said they felt Regeneration money had gone to East and West of town and that the town centre communities had missed out

 Vulnerable members of the community feel safe here

 Margaret, one of the members, had been involved in the centre for 25 years and was concerned about the impact cuts would have.

 Difficult to see how any staffing could be reduced

 Centre manager works well beyond her remit and carries out a fantastic job, single handed

 Special community which other areas could learn from

 Hugely enthusiastic staff member

 Involvement from volunteers from day one

 Part of North Yorkshire Moors Activity and the current staff member has made a fantastic contribution to it

MH explained he would return to the Management Committee when they were more concrete proposals to put to them and that a formal consultation would be undertaken with all staff in the service

International Centre – Wednesday 25 August 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey and Sarah Ross (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and the IC Management Committee.

MH explained he was meeting the Management Committee to make them aware of the proposals referred to in the previous meeting with the Centre in July. He outlined the reduction in staffing which was proposed. These were: The loss of the Site Manager post and the current Caretaking resource. This would be replaced by a single ‘Super Caretaker’ role, which would be put in place from the beginning of April 2011. The members of the MC highlighted a number of issues and questions with regards to the proposals. These were:

 The unique nature of International Community Centre.

 Provision was far greater a few years ago and was subsequently reduced.

 There would be a need to take account of Cultural elements within any proposed post.

 With regards to Caretaking role the Management Committee enquired further the nature of this post. MH explained the kinds of task the role would undertake.

 Cultural issues with regards to community issues / liaison with users of the centre.

 A question came in terms of reducing the hours down of existing staff. It was explained that in general the Council were not keen on that option

 Could we combine the resources ie Caretaking budget we have with those of the centres.

 Main worry is that cuts will lead by inference to the closure of the centre.

MH reassured the MC that there are no plans to close the centre and that he would want to continue to discuss how the service might work with the group.

International Centre – Wednesday 8 September 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey and Sarah Ross (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and members of the IC Management Committee.

 The group once again outlined the particular nature of the centre in terms of language and cultural issues and its town-wide nature, as opposed to the majority of centre’s which tend to be neighbourhood specific

 The possibility of the centre making a contribution of up to £10k to the costs of employing someone for more hours was discussed. MH to provide figures on costs to the MC by Tuesday next week.

 The group asked whether if they made that contribution the current staff member would remain a Council employee. MH responded that if the current staff member chose to go for the job then it was possible she would remain with the centre, however given that the current staff member is currently on a higher grade than is being offered she would have to make the choice to apply for the job to be considered.

International Centre – Wednesday 22 September 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey and Sarah Ross (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and members of the IC Management Committee.

 The IC Management Committee had met and agreed to provide up to £10K to support staff costs with the Community Regeneration Service providing half a post, which is the Super Caretaker

The CR service would also provide £3K to support the employment of a cleaner and £3K to provide support for youth provision in the centre from April 2011.

International Centre – 5th October 2010

In attendance: Sarah Ross (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and members of the IC MC.

The Management Committee would like to take the 18.5 Super caretakers hours offered and the £3k contribution for the cleaner.

They will then go to advert to employ someone independently for the remaining hours.

Mick Moore, chair of the IC management Committee will to confirm this in an email asap. Langdon Square Community Centre (LSCC) – Thursday 15th July 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (MH Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and members of the LSCC Management Committee (MC)

The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the service we could provide to LSCC. The MC expressed some concern over the implications for the centre, although at this point were unable to respond in detail due to the lack of information about the specific nature of any proposals. They did make a number of points which were:

 Centre fully booked so no opportunity for further funding

 Would be keen to ensure the centre remain at its current high standard

 Have invested heavily as a MC in the running of the Centre and the Centre itself

 Don’t want to reduce the hours

 In July Dave Elliot outlines the proposals to the broader MC meeting

MH explained he would return to the Management Committee when they were more concrete proposals to put to them and that a formal consultation would be undertaken with all staff in the service

Langdon Square Community Centre – Tuesday 24 August 2010

MH explained he was meeting the Management Committee (MC) to make them aware of the proposals referred to in the previous meeting with the Centre Management Committee in July. He outlined the reduction in staffing which was proposed. These were: The loss of a half time Caretaking resource.

The members of the MC highlighted a number of issues and questions with regards to the proposals. These were:

 Raising issues of how to resource opening the centre – Health & Safety implications. MH said that any H&S issues would be dealt with with support from the Neighbourhood Management Team Leader

 Looking to fund part-time posts from centre resource – advised cost of salary 9.5k – 9.7k.

 Looking to trial funding post for one year.

 MH was asked what the implications were of retaining staff e.g. redundancy costs at a later date. MH to check the Council would be happy to bear those at a later date.

 Will carry out a review of centre activities with the support of the Neighbourhood Management Team Leader and other staff where necessary.

 Voted in favour of financing part-time post for 11/12 and carry out review.

 MH to confirm some detail and offered to come out a later date to discuss more if necessary. The Review period will finish in September to allow time to make staff redundancies where necessary.

Netherfields Community Centre – Wednesday 9 June 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration), Kevin Wardle (Chair, Community Centre)

 The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the service we could provide at Netherfields Community Centre

 The way the centre runs would make it difficult for Management Committee Members to accept a different way of doing things

 Wouldn’t run as smoothly without staff members’ presence

 KW said he understood the problems the Council faced, however he felt the Management Committee may be less understanding

 Would need someone to do books / order stock / sanitation / equipment

Netherfields Community Centre – Tuesday 31 August 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration), members of the Netherfields Community Centre Management Committee

 MH explained that Middlesbrough Council was proposing to lose the post of Site Manager from the Service and that in it’s place it was proposing to put a Caretaking provision. This was based on the fact the service was losing 40% of it’s budget in 2011/12 and needed to identify ways in which it could save costs.

A number of issues were raised by the Management Committee in terms of:

 Can existing staff apply for the new position? MH responded that if the existing staff member chose to go for the job then it was possible he would remain with the centre, however given that he is currently on a higher grade than is being offered he would have to make the choice to apply for the job to be considered.

 Caretaking – There were concerns that caretaking would not necessarily fulfil all the roles that the existing staff member currently carries out. MH said that as much as was possible the service would try to provide a level of continuity with what was currently offered.

 The existing staff member is involved in providing Youth work in the Centre. What would happen to that? MH said that account had been taken of that and there would be a resource made available directly to centres to continue to provide sessional youth work.

 The group also expressed concern that the existing Community Worker, be retained on the patch. MH said the service had no plans to remove Community Work provision from Netherfields and recognised the importance for continuity of maintaining that support.

 A query was raised in terms of a fair distribution to Centres across the town of the proposed reductions. MH said that all Centres were being offered the same level of support in terms of Caretaking but that some centres were discussing the possibility of self- funding some provision.

Netherfields Community Centre – Tuesday 12 October 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey, Fiona Williams and Linda Kime (Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration), members of the Netherfields Community Centre Management Committee

 MH outlined the previous discussion that had taken place with the Management Committee and that the proposals originally put forward for the Centre still applied. He said he wanted to meet again with the group to re-assure them that, given CS imminent departure, adequate cover would be provided in the short term to take account of the needs of the centre.

 Concern was expressed that following the initial meeting no changes had been made to the proposals, which took account of the views of the Management Committee. One member said it felt more like implementation than consultation. MH said that the Service was trying to take account of people’s views and that where it has been possible changes had been made to account of them. MH gave an example of Langdon Square where the Council had revised its plans for cutting half of its existing full time caretaking provision. This it was able to do as the Centre had agreed to fund half of the post itself. It was however difficult to change the proposals drastically or simply not implement proposals as savings did have to be made.

 Concern was also expressed that the proposals were being implemented at front line services to communities. Cllr Hubbard said he wanted to know why the cuts were not starting at the top of the service as suggested they would be by the Chief Executive. FW said that the Management tier of the Community Regeneration Service had in the previous financial year had cut 49% of it’s staff costs and lost five posts in the process.

 There was also concern expressed over the impact on the centre and its planning. MH said that the Service would try and provide whatever support the Centre needed to continue to offer a high level of service to the Netherfields community. This would include providing cover between now and the end of the financial year, due to the existing staff member’s departure, to offer financial support to enable youth provision to continue and any practical support necessary to allow for the smooth running of the centre.

Newport Neighbourhood Centre (NNC) – Tuesday 29 June 2010

In attendance: Martin Harvey (MH Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration) and members of the NNC Management Committee (MC)

The meeting started with MH explaining the budget issues the service was facing and how they might start to impact on the service we could provide in NNC. The MC expressed some concern over the implications for the centre, although at this point were unable to respond in detail due to the lack of information about the specific nature of any proposals. They did however make one specific point which was:

 At the moment the centre needs all the staff it currently employs due to the regeneration of the surrounding area

MH explained he would return to the Management Committee when they were more concrete proposals to put to them and that a formal consultation would be undertaken with all staff in the service

Newport Neighbourhood Centre – Monday 13 September 2010

MH explained he was meeting the Management Committee (MC) to make them aware of the proposals referred to in the previous meeting with the Centre Management Committee in June. He outlined the reduction in staffing which was proposed. These were: The loss of the two part time receptionist posts and the existing Caretaking resource.

This would be replaced with reception duties undertaken by the existing Administrator within the Neighbourhood Management Team, who would occupy the front office and a single part time ‘Super Caretaker’ role, which would be put in place from the beginning of April 2011. The members of the MC highlighted a number of issues and questions with regards to the proposals. These were:

 Discussed issues relating to replacement of caretaking and administration. In particular the very good relationship the Committee and users of the Centre had developed with the staff over years. The MC expressed concern about the lack of continuity this would provide and the impact this might have on the running and reputation of the Centre.

 MH said the service would work closely with the MC to ensure there was continuity within the service offered and pointed out that having the Neighbourhood Management Team based in the building would assist with this process. MH said he was appreciative of how the news could be unsettling for the MC, but that changes being made were not as a result of Council cuts but due to those imposed by Central Government.

 MH offered to come out again and talk to the Committee at any point they requested it and suggested they may want to respond in writing.



Cllr Kerr Cllr N Walker Cllr Purvis Cllr Carter Cllr K Walker Cllr Rooney Cllr Coppinger Cllr Cole Sandra Cartlidge

1. Sandra Cartlidge gave a presentation on the proposals for the service arising from the service review, including the reasons why the changes were required (loss of external funding including WNF). It was stressed that these changes were not the result of the Council reducing funding but of the loss of external grant (indeed, it is intended that the service will be protected from any Council funding reductions in 2011/12 given that it has already been hit by loss of external funding).

2. Questions and discussions followed during which Members raised a number of concerns, summarised as follows:

3. Individual Ward Impacts – Members had concerns about individual impacts in their respective wards, including impact on community centres within their wards. These were acknowledged, and the steps that had been taken to try to minimise impact, particularly the reshaping of the way that community centres are supported, were discussed in more detail. It was acknowledged that if management committees were being asked to take on more responsibility for the operation of community centres then they would need to be adequately supported, to do this. Ensuring proper safeguards were in place for young peoples’ activities in community centres was a particular concern.

4. In general, members recognised that there had been an attempt to ‘spread the pain’ and to balance the impact of the reductions across the different areas. The needs of particular areas were noted, including Gresham, but it was also recognised that other areas also had particular needs. SC agreed that she would review the allocation of resources across the different areas to be sure that they are being directed towards different areas of need as fairly as possible.

5. There was discussion about whether the Council should provide funding to compensate for the loss of external funding and avoid the need for these proposals. The difficulty of doing this in the current financial climate and the likely financial challenges for the Council next year were also discussed. In the end it was acknowledged this is a decision for the Executive.

6. Members queried whether enough focus had been given to finding back-office and management efficiencies before impacting on front-line services. SC outlined efficiencies that had already been made at management level; that managers in the service are Neighbourhood Managers and therefore are also front-line staff; and that any managers above this level are included in the senior staff review currently being led by the Chief Executive, which would propose any changes at this level.


Susan Carter/Councillors/Middlesbrough_Borough_ Council/GB

11/06/2010 18:24 S u b j e c t Community Regeneration Service Review


Thanks for your letter of 11/6/2010. As there are no proposals regarding possible changes in the Community Regeneration Service Review yet, I'm not sure a briefing session would be worth it at the moment. I hope however that you will arrange to brief us in July with your initial proposals.

It may help to inform your decisions that I feel that the Community Development Workers in Gresham, i.e. Sarah Ross and Catherine Taylor are doing an excellent and vital job . I have worked with Cath since I was elected and her enthusiasm and energy really make a difference to a ward which feels sadly neglected by the council. Sarah's more recent appointment is the icing on the cake because of the way in which she has made Neighbourhood Management work effectively in Gresham.

I'm sure my Ken and Javed will agree with me. If however they would like an earlier briefing, I'm on holiday until 19th June.



Jeff Grace/Housing/S&H/Middlesbrough_Borough_Co uncil/GB Sent by: Jeff Grace

26/08/2010 11:38 Community Regeneration Service Review

Morning Martin.

I have been contacted by Tasneem who you will be aware works at the International Centre and she has raised some issues into the proposals for the community centres.

The first thing I was informed of was that the next scheduled meeting for Friday the 10th of September is the celebration of - Eid.Could some consideration be given to changing the meeting to another date because of this given that there are a number of employees within this group who celebrate this day.

Other issues raised where in relation to the International centre being somewhat different to other establishments within the proposals in that the centre is in an area where there is a large ethnic community that regularly use the centre.Tasneem thinks that to change the way the centre is run from it's current for to being run with a 'super caretaker' will not meet the needs of the community that it serves.There will be issues with language,many Individuals contact the centre and their first language is not English and if Tasneem is not available and someone else takes a call,then that call has to be terminated because of the language difficulties.

There are many Asian ladies groups that use this building and because of cultural issues this may cause difficulties,many of the ladies speak to Tasneem in confidence and they trust her implicitly as you can imagine.

I am sure there are many more issues in relation to the International centre and would ask if there is a case to deal with this in isolation to the other centres,I am aware that as a pert of the consultation process the management committees will have the right to make representations upon the proposals and I am sure in this case they will. sincere regards




01/09/2010 19:26


Dear Ms Cartlidge

Please find the attached letter regarding the above.

Yours Sincerely

Mick Moore Chair

Zahreen Akram Secretary

Dear Ms Cartlidge,


In reference to the letter received by chair dated 18th Aug 2010 and following the meeting held by the management committee with Martin Harvey and Sarah Ross. Subsequently a sub committee was formed who held meeting’s on 25th Aug and 1st Sept.

We have all agreed that the centre would not survive without existing site manager due to the uniqueness of the centre and vast duties carried out by the manager. Duties are fulfilled from bookings, accounts, advice and info, projects, group working, functions, reception, banking, ref. funding, admin tasks, telephone enquiries, door security, health and safety, purchasing, fire precautions & training, multi lingual (urdu, punjabi, english, hindi, awareness of religious aspects and cultures) bringing business to the centre and evening/week end work. Also promoting the centre, arranging meetings, handling cash, finance duties and whole security of building. As above stated all duties are held by one post within the centre who is needed due to the centre being a large centre which covers all of Middlesbrough. We hope you can appreciate the qualities within the centre and how it is unique in this area unlike other centre’s this covers whole of Borough. Due to the centre’s uniqueness and being extensively used by the diverse community on a daily basis from 9am to 9pm including weekends.

Committee would appreciate if you would take the above into consideration as we are very concerned of the proposal made reference to site manager. Committee has reached to the decision without existing site manager post centre would not function and could result in closure of the centre, therefore we propose existing manager stays in place.


26 September 2010 Dear Sandra I am concerned at the contents of your letter dated 22 September 2010 which suggests that the Community Regeneration Service Review is virtually complete. There are many special circumstances surrounding the need for these provisions throughout Gresham ward, and would therefore suggest a briefing update with all three Gresham ward Councillors is convened. I would also like to have details of your departments consultations with the residents, businesses and faith groups etc throughout Gresham ward.

Regards Ken Walker


Brian Hubbard/Councillors/Middlesbrough_Borough_C ouncil/GB

01/10/2010 14:58 Community Regeneration Service Review

Dear Sandra Could you please inform me why this action/cuts is taking place? Thanks, Brian ----- Forwarded by Brian Hubbard/Councillors/Middlesbrough_Borough_Council/GB on 01/10/2010 14:57 -----

Brian Hubbard/Councillors/Middlesbrough_Borough_C ouncil/GB

27/09/2010 22:28 Community Regeneration Service Review

Dear Sandra Thank you for your correspondence dated 22nd September. I am concerned that part of your letter states that following consultation you do not propose to make any significant changes to the proposals. Around late August/early September, around eight members of the Netherfields community centre, together with Councillor Peter Cox and myself met with Martin Harvey. All voices were united against the proposed cuts to the community staff which would have an impact on all centres. To reiterate what I said at the meeting, the cuts should start further up the chain of command, and not begin at the front-line of the service. I continue to hold this position and will vehemently oppose any action that will see the loss/reduction of services, not only to this ward, but throughout Middlesbrough.

Regards, Brian