CURRICULUM VITAE Ernest Sosa Professor of Philosophy, Romeo Elton Professor of Natural Theology Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA Visiting Professor II (every spring term), Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 E-mail:
[email protected] Dept. tel.: (401) 863-2718; dept. fax: (401) 863-2719 I. Education: University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL), 1957-61; B.A. in Philosophy, 1961 University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 1961-64; M.A., 1962; Ph.D., 1964 II. Professional Appointments: University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario): Instructor, 1963-1964; Assistant Professor, 1966-67 Brown University (Providence, RI): Postdoctoral Fellow, 1964-1966; Assistant Professor, 1967-1968; Associate Professor, 1968-1974; Chairman, 1970-1976; Professor, 1974- ; Acting Chairman, Fall Semester, 1981-1982; Romeo Elton Professor of Natural Theology, 1981- Visiting Professor at the Universities of Pittsburgh, Western Ontario, Miami, Michigan (Ann Arbor), Salamanca (twice), and Texas (Austin); the National University of Mexico; and Harvard University. Cowling Visiting Professor at Carleton College. Christensen Fellow at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University. Visiting Professor, CUNY Graduate Center. Visiting Fellow, Australian National University. Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford University. III. Completed Research: A. Bibliography 1963 • "The Paradigm-Case Argument: Necessary, Causal or Normative? Methodos XV: 253-273. 1964 • "The Analysis of 'Knowledge That P'," Analysis 25: 1-8. (Reprinted as part of the Bobbs-Merrill reprint series in philosophy.) 1965 • "Professor Malcolm on 'Scientific Materialism and the Identity Theory'," Dialogue III: 422-423. (Reprinted in C.V. Borst, The Mind/Brain Identity Theory (London: MacMillan, 1970).) • "Actions and their Results," Logique et Analyse, Nouvelle Serie, 8 Annee, pp.