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~ .., . --i ,.. ) : -. · ...;.:~· ~~~ (f/~ tiO\J 6 194.S rrtzi:.J -,.... +~ ·~. (Jl ·.Rate~ . 'NOvember 1, 1-940. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 1)ieJ. L( -??-sg- ~ ~... ~ Q~ 19~ . Aug . 6, 1952 NEWS BUREAU ~ f!e!!!~;;;;;;~~ . :~6~Q~t~;;?; m •m • • ~~yd . m m • m m ~,e; m m I It m~rried woman ~ECo ~ Maiden name in full .................................................................................................................................................................................. :............................. ...................................... • W her e Were You Prepared for College?-...--.- .... - ...- ........-----·---·------ i Home Address 195'0 Arlington Avenqe _____ (Street and number) _ O~o_ _Et~t!_Uni!!!".!i _t.L:Jl~ll~g_e~~f E!>&• _ -~ Town ColUl!lbUs __ _ Telephone_k~~42 Degrees : Degree College Date C.E. in Arch. OSU June, 1907 ...r Professor of Architecture Bachelor Degrees B• ... .Ar~h. ._ QQJ.Jl!!l~~-~ - J:~n~ _)..910-J: Present Position or Rank__ __Jl.ID_e.r.ei.~..J. .. R.C.hi.'.t..§cj;__ ,____________ _ Ct Dept. of Arch. & Landscape Arch. (Acad ) Department ~~h.--2LArch ~ew_QQ~st~~ -!_!on_~ ) Advanced degrees in course, or honorary degrees, from Ohio State or other Colleges or Universit(es· P lease specify, stating institutions and dates : Date of Birth Febr.J.!f!l"_y 21, 1886 College or Universit y Degree Date ,. ____ .. __________ .. _______ .. _ t'I Place "0£ Birth__ ~:t.® M.ofilgQJDj).l'J'.'._ Ohi.o_ __ ....) City County State ,. ---·---·-----\~' (.. ~ F ather's Name in Fu!L. _A.n.dr~---J..~k&.OJL.S.mi.th ________ _ Scholarships or Fellowships Held, with dates .... _. .. __ .. - ____ _:._ :.__ --- · ----·- Mother's Maiden Name, in Full_~Q.Y. .. ~_Ql.Yr\... ¥0..0r.fL ····-·---··- January 24 1 1912 Are You Married -~---- ; Date_ L~uai:LJ.4..J..9-32_ _ _ Myl"na Theresa Cott Undergraduate Honors nnd Offices Held ... ··-·-·- Wife's Maiden Name in Full_~_Mith Thomps_on______ _ or .ffusbund's ?ia~---·- ----·----·----·- --·-··--·-----··--·-··-·--··-···-··--·- Children (please name) Give Dates of Birth --- ------------- Mar J.. ?...rie Cott ~De~Qmb.~it-1912.. _____ -.-·_ Membership in Social Fraternity or Sorority_ .. _---------------- Robert Jackson - November 3, 1914 Howard Dwight - November 21, 1916 .!l!°E:! .. -~-;-~!_ ___ .. - ~-,~Rr..µ~rL.9..,_.l.92.2 __. _______ _ Honorary Fraternities and Societies (undergraduate)_ ------------·-·-·-- Priscilla Ruth - March 9, 1925 Positions and ranks at Ohio State University, with dates---·------·-·-- I1Iilitary Service, with dates_ ·-·--·--·----------~-..::.--"- --- - Branch of Service---·-----·---··---------------- Rank------·----·------·-·-----------·---------- /9.L,_ _:.C':!' ___________________________________ - "Wpo:S w;.ro'' _ Where Did You Serve_________ .. C~bi'~f;{:~ HC1J~ wit"e~tA~tta~Qi-~~~ tuPeag~j ftic~ •~tee' . • P . ~onors and Citations------ ---·---··-·-··-·------·---·----- 1,e-m-be-,-,--J?e&t-Vla-J:'--'leB,4jus-tfile-r±t--D-Ormn-ittBe-,---C{}lUmb s Chamber of Commerce · • .£t1~c-1'1i-t.e-0-t.ii,r.a.L___ful_ir~ __t.(>-__the ___l\_illfil:i_c_an Hobbies 0onu11·i ssion for Iii'fJ"in: · ~:Jar l1Te1nor1 inls I!u:nnC:s.i 01- professional experience, other than at Ohio State, with dates-- Pavoritc recreation or sporL___ ,__ .G.olf- .. --·-.. ·----------- Oflicer, Director, or Trustee of following business or professional institutions (give title and city)---·---···-····---···----··-···-·-·----·--- ···----·------ ' Other information (include honors received in art, literature, music, sport, and millcellane?us in!ormatiol'jl,9_~~-M~dal J.~21 Con_y_~nti_qp. Exh~J?_:!. tion_._A!!lJ'>!'.ica!LJ:11!!.'.!;_~,:!;_11-le _o_t'.Ar.cllitJ>cfill, for_ -t;_~_<!!"_aigJ!_Q f OM_g_§_:!;_afl~Ylll.l\Q.l.d.M!iW!.l.. .l9_4_Q___ Go.nY!i!ll:tiO.n .. Gmnp.e:ti.tion,___ Ohia.-Soc:.iat-)t--.of #c.hi:te.c:ta,-£0r-deaign.. <>t'.-Upper--~ling;ton- - Elementary School. Charitable -----··- Does University Department of Photography have n. photograph of you, taken in last five years?______ ... __",f~~------·-----------··---·-·-- . -~ }>......1t-1s-<r-~1~-~> Educational, Scientific --- If not- l. It will be greatly apprel!inted if you will send the News Bureau an Ki:lL.Kat __Glullt_JlolJJmb!!llL __1927 _j;_Q__ Pl'.M~@ unmounted glossy photo to be retained in the fllea. OR ________ _!'.r~e1_j,~_1!.nt_ :-__! 2_3§!______ ----------- 2. Are you willing to have a photo made for us by the Photography Department in its studio at no expense to you 1-------- (H you answer affirmatively to No. 2, we will endeavor to arrange the appoint.. n1ent and notify you). J / ' ..... (~) (Jy ' ,•·~ ""~ %~ >:", ·- ~ .. , ( Form No. 473(; THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EVALUATION PROGRAM FACULTY MEMBER'S ANNUAL REPORT (Copies to Department Chairman, Dean,. and President) N ame ..... Smith ........................ Hamr.d........................ Dwight. ...... Dept.A.r.ch •..& ...L .•... .A..PeriocD.O,,,.!.J±t.. ... tolQ,,,l-.la-.5. Lnst, First, Middle This report is intended to provide an opportunity to the Faculty member to suggest changes in hiS work and relationships that seem to him desirable and to record, for the period covered, his professional activities that seem to him most significant. It will be preserved as a part of his permanent personnel record in the University and will be used as one of the bases for the annual evaluation of faculty members required of Chairmen of Departments. I. What do you regard as the greatest handicaps or obstacles to your effectiveness and service .during the period covered by this report? Lack of Departmental meetings or staff conferences. II. What new or changed opportunities for service or development do you desire the University to provide for you in the immediate future? (Nothing) III. Activities for the period ............... Q.c.t.. o:b.e.r.., .... .l.94.l!: ............................. to ......... O.c.tob.e.r ... 1.,.... 19\hgi............................... Please arrange your report under such of the following headings as are applicable to your activities. Omit items that are not applicable.· Number those used to correspond to the num bering in the list: 1. Teaching. (Do not list courses taught. Rather, report any experiments or noteworthy re sults in your teaching.) 2. Relationships to students and student activities. (Over) 3. Research Projects undertaken, underway, completed. 4. Productive and Creative Activities (other than those covered by Nos. 1to3 and not includ ing publications). 5. Administrative and Committee Assignments and activities (Departmental, College, and University, but not extra-University services). 6. Professional activities and responsibilities outside the University. 7. Community and Public Relations (not included under No. 6). 8. Publications not elsewhere listed by this report. 9. Honors and distinctions received during the period, not covered by other sections of this report. J.O. Other activities or accomplishments not covered by headings provided: 1 •.. .Gaur.s.e.s. ...in .. Prof.e.s.sional .. .Practi.ce., .... .(.aff.ice... manageme.nt., ....pu.b.lic .... an.d. ...pr.o.,. .... fessional relations) aim to give the students the advantage of intimate ...C..°.I_l~~<::~.8. .... ~~.ll:... !1.°..l:'.l!: ... 1..r.i... P.l:'.9.§.r..,,.. 8..8. .... 1.1'.1.... ~ll:~ .. P.:r.i1.:!,,.JC.8..~.~!.... J.\:i::<::ll:1..~~-°--~--···S. .... <i.!.:f..1..<::~. 4 •.. JJ.niYe.r..si.t;v.. ..Jl,r.cll.i.t.ec.t . .' ..§ ....Qffi.c.l<! ... :l'mr.k ... inc.lude.s. ... de.sigu ... and ... .sllper.11:isi.o.n. .. .of.......... construction of all University building projects. 5 •...CW.i.r.man. ... c!... :O:n.i..Y.er.§J:l<Y..... S.:l<!il.l;l,ding ... C.cmmi.t.te!> ....on ... P..o.r.tr.ai:ti.s.... an.d.J,temor.ia.ls .•. 6. Consulting Architectural Service to - Grandview Heights Board of Education Upper Arlington Board of Education Cincinnati Ohio Board of Education American Commission on Living War Memorials 7. Miscellaneous addresses in Central and Southwestern Ohio on Building Construction Subjects, with particular emphasis on analysis of post war building costs. (Over) , ' Form No. 4735 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EVALUATION PROGRAM FACULTY MEMBER'S ANNUAL REPORT (Copies to Department Chairman, Dean, and President) N ame..... ?m.t.t.h............................ !:l.Q.IY.e. ..r..d ............ D.l!Lt.g:11:t ............ Dept....... Ar.c.b .•.................. Period...... 4.6. ........ to....... 4.7. .. Last, Firat, Middle This report is intended to provide an opportunity to the Faculty member to suggest changes in his work and relationships that seem to him desirable and to record, for the period covered, his professional activities that seem to him most significant. It will be preserved as a part of his permanent personnel record in the University and will be used as one of the bases for the annual evaluation of faculty members required of Chairmen of Departments. I. What do you regard as the greatest handicaps or obstacles to your effectiveness and service during the period covered by this report? Lack of Department2l meetings or ste.ff conferences. II. What new or changed opportunities for service or development do you desire the University to provide for you in the immediate future? Nothing III. Activities for the period.-....... O.. ctab.er.., .... 1.9.45 .......................... to................. J:un.e.. , ..... 19.IJ:?.. ................................ Please arrange your report under such of the following headings as are applicable to your activities. Omit items that are not applicable. Number those used to correspond to the num bering