Archaeological Inventory and Overview Assessment Refinement Ministry of Forests, Morice Forest District Houston, British Columbia Prepared for Ministry of Forests Morice Forest District 2430 Butler Avenue Bag 2000 Houston, B.C. VOJ 120 Prepared by Tony Hewer, March 1998 I. R. Wilson • Consultants Ltd. 13·6782 Veyaness Road, Victoria, British Columbia V8M 2C2 Tel: (250) 652-4652 Fax: (250) 652·2377 E-mail:
[email protected] Credits Project ManagerlEditor Ian R. Wilson Field Director/Author .Tony Hewer Community and Forestry Liaison Colleen Jones, Shamaya Consulting First Nation Consultation Alison Biely TonyHewer Nedo'ats (Old Fort) Translator and Liaison Mary Ann Poirier Nedo'ats (Old Fort) Interviewees Tony Alee Alex Miehell Clifford Aslin Anne Williams John Dennis Frank Williams TOCHCHAIRM OWEN·MCBRIDE IRM Field Archaeologists Field Archaeologists Jarnie Anfossi Jarnie Anfossi OwenGrant Fraser Bonner Darby Newnham Chantal Nussberger First Nation Field Assistant First Nation Field Assistants . Alex Miehell Jim Morris (Wet'suwet'en First Nation) (Nedo'ats, Old Fort) Roy Morris, Jr. (Wet'suwet'en First Nation) George Williarns (Wet'suwet'en First Nation) Background Research Coos Engiseh Model Development and GIS Potential Mapping Bruee Dahlstrom Graphics Report Production TonyHewer Jenny Chomaek DaveMetz Julie Dawes Abstract The following report details the results of an Archaeological Inventory and Overview Assessment Refinement prepared by 1. R. Wilson Consultants Ltd. for the Ministry of Forests, Morice Forest District, Houston, British Columbia. The resulting AaA model is intended to help enable Ministry and industry staff to make appropriatl< decisions regarding requirements for future archaeological impact assessment (AIA) studies for proposed forestry developments. The overview assessment refinement utilizes data from the analysis of previously recorded sites, the results of previous archaeological survey in the study area, interviews conducted with Nedo'ats (Old Fort) community members, and an intensive archaeological inventory study program.