CURRICULUM VITAE Elisabeth Fost Maring, Ph.D. Notarization. I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate statement of my professional record. Signature___ ___ Date____1/16/2020____________________ I. Personal Information A. UID: 101519999/ Maring, Elisabeth Fost Elisabeth Fost Maring, Ph.D. Director of Global Health Initiatives School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Phone: 301.405-8339 ||
[email protected] B. Academic Appointments at UMD Associate Clinical Professor School of Public Health, University of Maryland, 2012-present (.50 FTE) Selected by Dean of School of Public Health to develop partnerships within UMD and externally, build global opportunities for students and faculty, lead Public Health without Borders, and convene Global Health Advisory Committee. Director, College Park Scholars - Global Public Health Program University of Maryland, 2011-present (.50 FTE) Selected by founding Dean of the School of Public Health to be the Director of College Park Scholars academic residential community for select freshman and sophomores. Developed and teach FMSC 110S: Families and Global Health (GenEd Cultural Competence); manage program (e.g., budget, two full-time Graduate Assistants, and 160 matriculated students in the program, weekly staff meetings, practicum placements). Intent is to guide students to explore global public health challenges and consider ways to improve individual, family, community, and population health within diverse contexts. Research