CURRICULUM VITAE Elisabeth Fost Maring, Ph.D.

Notarization. I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate statement of my professional record.


I. Personal Information

A. UID: 101519999/ Maring, Elisabeth Fost Elisabeth Fost Maring, Ph.D. Director of Global Health Initiatives School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Phone: 301.405-8339 || [email protected]

B. Academic Appointments at UMD

Associate Clinical Professor School of Public Health, University of Maryland, 2012-present (.50 FTE) Selected by Dean of School of Public Health to develop partnerships within UMD and externally, build global opportunities for students and faculty, lead Public Health without Borders, and convene Global Health Advisory Committee.

Director, College Park Scholars - Global Public Health Program University of Maryland, 2011-present (.50 FTE) Selected by founding Dean of the School of Public Health to be the Director of College Park Scholars academic residential community for select freshman and sophomores. Developed and teach FMSC 110S: Families and Global Health (GenEd Cultural Competence); manage program (e.g., budget, two full-time Graduate Assistants, and 160 matriculated students in the program, weekly staff meetings, practicum placements). Intent is to guide students to explore global public health challenges and consider ways to improve individual, family, community, and population health within diverse contexts.

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Family Science/University of Maryland Extension, 2007-2012 Selected by University of Maryland Extension (UME) Administrative Team to Co-Lead the HealthSmart Impact Team (2009-2012). Developed Healthy Homes program for the state of Maryland, providing leadership to Family and Consumer Sciences field faculty and forming collaborative relationships within the School of Public Health, Extension professionals, and external agencies to the university; manage grant activities, serve on committees, and participate in department/school events.

Consultant, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) and Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR), University of Maryland, College Park, January 2006-August 2006 Consulted on interview protocol construction, interviewing, and data analysis of a 1 collaborative research study between HIDTA and CESAR of gay male crystal methamphetamine users in Washington DC treatment facilities.

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Family Studies Cooperative Extension University of Maryland, College Park, September 2002-May 2005 Assisted faculty member with Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP) research on financial resource management and food resource management project for low-income families in the state of Maryland. Prepared conference materials, analyzed data, wrote and edited professional papers. Assisted with Child Care and After School Programming website, including maintenance, content and design.

Faculty Research Assistant, Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) University of Maryland, College Park, September 1999-June 2002, October 1994-June 1995 Project Director of Offender Population Urinalysis Screening (OPUS) Program and Co- Coordinator of Ecstasy Study. Responsible for management of the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG). Provided supervision to staff and students hired to conduct interviews with juvenile offenders and their families, rave attendees, and college students. Supervised field operation staff nurses and substance abuse counselors at Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) residential detention centers. Managed analysis of and reported on quantitative and qualitative drug trend data for dissemination to prevention, treatment, education, law enforcement, substance abuse, and policy-related agencies.

C. Other Employment

Fulbright Scholar, J. William Fulbright Program Joint appointment at Banaras Hindu University and Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith University, Varanasi, India, October 2006-May 2007 Taught faculty, graduate, and undergraduate lectures and seminars, advised students, and participated in curriculum development in departments of Social Work. Partnered with staff at Malaviya Centre for Peace Research (MCPR) at Banaras Hindu University. Foci: high risk adolescents, non-violence, family research, policy, and practice.

Family Outreach Counselor/Residential Counselor, Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Inc. Washington, DC, August 1996-February 1999 Conducted individual, family, and group counseling sessions. Provided crisis intervention, advocacy for educational and health needs, and therapeutic services with goal of family preservation and runaway, truancy, and delinquency prevention. Assessed client needs, developed individual service plans, presented cases for live supervision. Developed monthly reports, budget requests, and all client documentation. Participated in didactic training in competency-based structural therapy. Designed and led competency-based training for interns.

D. Continuing Education

ADVANCE Professional Track Program Participant, 2015-2016 Funded by National Science Foundation and University of Maryland, College Park

2 E. Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy Family Science May 2006 University of Maryland College Park, MD

Dissertation Title: Fostering resilience among early adolescents exposed to community violence: Challenges, strategies, and support needs of middle school teachers in predominantly African American urban communities Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Sally A. Koblinsky, Professor

Master of Education Human Development & Psychology June 1996 Harvard University Risk & Prevention for Adolescent Youth Cambridge, MA

Bachelor of Arts Psychology; Religious Studies May 1993 Emory University Atlanta, GA

II. Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities

A. Books

1. Book Chapters

Braun, B. & Maring, E. F. (2011). Home environments and their relationship to safety. Encyclopedia of Family Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Maring, E. F. (2008). Fostering resilience against community violence among children in the United States (pp. 163-175). In D. P. Singh and M. Singh (Eds.) Violence: A concern for peaceful co-existence. Patiala, India: Publication Bureau.

B. Articles in Refereed Journals

Murray, R.T. Murray, Drew, L.B. Memmott, C., Bangura, Y., Maring, E.F. (under review). A community’s experience during and after the Ebola epidemic of 2014 – 2016 in : A Qualitative Study. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Murray, R.T., Rosenberg Goldstein, R.E., Maring, E.F., Pee, D.G., Aspinwall, K., Wilson, S.M., Sapkota, A.R. (2018). Prevalence of microbiological and chemical contaminants in private drinking water wells in Maryland. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15, doi:10.3390/ijerph15081686.

Maring, E.F. & Ahmed, N. (2018). Identifying distinctions between undergraduate and graduate global health programs. Journal of Global Health Reports.

Maring, E.F. & Hedge, N. (in process) Developing Future Global Health Leaders.

3 Craddock, H., Maring, E.F., Grutzmacher, S., Nurgi, S., & Bashme, K.T. (2020). Foodborne illness and childhood diarrhea in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia: Preliminary efforts to assess risk in the home environment and develop educational interventions.

Drew, L.B., Maring, E.F., Conteh, R., & Lewin, A. (submitted). Promoting social determinants of health: An evaluation of a no fee primary school in Calaba Town, Sierra Leone. Global Health Promotion

Mammen, S., Sano, Y., Braun, B., & Maring, E.F. (2018). Shaping core health messages: Rural, low-income mothers speak through participatory action research. Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2018.1465792

Aldoory, L., Braun, B., Maring, E.F., Briones, R., & Duggal, M. (2015). Empowerment in the process of health messaging for rural, low-income mothers: An exploratory message design project, Women and Health.

Ginter, A., Maring, E.F., Paleg, B., & Valluri, S. (2013). Using clicker technology with rural, low-income women: An innovative case study. Journal of Extension, 51(4).

Maring, E.F., & Koblinsky, S.K. (2013). Teachers’ Challenges, Strategies, and Support Needs in Schools affected by Community Violence: A Qualitative Study. Journal of School Health, 83(6), 379-388.

Maring, E.F., Wallen, J., Malik, B.B. (2012, December). Drug Abuse in India: Grounding Research in an Ecological Risk and Resilience Framework. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal.

Maring, E.F., Singer, B.J., & Shenassa, E.D. (2010). Making the transition from lead poisoning prevention to healthy homes: A qualitative study. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 16(5) (Suppl), S53-S60.

Maring, E.F., Singer, B.J., & Shenassa, E.D. (2011, April). Healthy Homes: A contemporary initiative for extension education. Journal of Extension, 49(2).

Maring, E. F., & Braun, B. (2006). Drug, alcohol and tobacco use in rural, low-income families: An ecological risk and resilience perspective. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, E9(2).

Arria, A., Yacoubian, G., Fost, E., & Wish, E. D. (2002). Ecstasy use among club rave attendees. Archives of Pediatric Medicine, 156, 295-296.

Yacoubian, G., Arria, A., Fost, E., & Wish, E. D. (2002). Estimating the prevalence of ecstasy use among juvenile offenders. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 34(2), 209-213.

Yacoubian, G., Rico, D., Fost E., Urbach, B. J., & Wish, E. D. (2001). The relationship between gang and other group involvement and the use of illicit drugs: Findings from Maryland’s Offender Population Urinalysis Screening (OPUS) Program. Journal of Gang Research, 8(3), 1-11. 4

Nowicki, S., Jr. Fost, E., & Naik, M. (1997). The impact of cooperative and competitive instructions on the performance of friendly and hostile complementary mixed-sex dyads. Journal of Research in Personality, 31, 512-522.

C. Conferences and Workshops: Talks, Abstracts, and Other Contributions

1. Keynotes

Maring, E. F. (2007, February). Invited as keynote speaker: Recommendations for raising non-violent children. International Conference on Coping with Violence in Today’s World, Punjabi University, Patiala, India.

2. Invited Talks

Maring, E.F. (2016). University of Maryland School of Public Health: A Presentation for Debre Berhan University. Presented material with assistance from the School of Public Health Dean’s Office.

Maring, E.F. (2015). A Global-Local living and learning program. Consortium of Universities for Global Health Pre-Conference, Boston. Presenter, Group Facilitator, and Pre-conference organization committee member.

Maring, E.F. (2014, May). Global Health Initiatives. Invited presentation in Dr. Thurka Sangaramoorthy’s Anthropology course. School of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park.

Maring, E.F. (2013, December). Global Health Initiatives. Dean’s Council, University of Maryland, College Park.

Maring, E.F. (2013, October). Developing Global Health Initiatives. Invited presentation in Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health Graduate Student and Faculty Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park.

Maring, E.F. (2010, 2011). Healthy Homes. Invited presentation in Dr. Edmond Shenassa’s undergraduate Maternal and Child Health course. School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park.

Maring, E.F. (2011) Healthy Homes for Children and Families. Invited presentation in Tiffani Stevenson Lloyd’s undergraduate Children in Families Course. School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park.

Maring, E.F., and Braun, B. (2010, October). Rural Families Speak (NC1171) National Meeting. Invited to present Rural Health Message Development Plan, October 2010, Nashville, TN.

3. Refereed presentations

Maring, E.F., Bauer, C., Kaplow, K. (2020). Training students to design global health workshops using health literacy principles. Consortium of Universities for Global 5 Health (CUGH) Conference, Washington, DC.

Maring, E.F., (2014). Global Public Health: A living and learning perspective. Undergraduate Education for Public Health Summit, Association of Schools and Programs Of Public Health (ASPPH) Conference, New Orleans.

Braun, B., Maring, E.F., Aldoory, L., Duggal, M. (2012). Core health messages: A user- focused health literacy initiative. National Council on Family Relations. Phoenix, AZ.

Maring, E.F., Ginter, A., Braun, B., & Aldoory, L. (2011). Rural Mothers’ Empowerment: Developing Health Messages for Rural Low-Income Families. National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, FL.

Maring, E.F., Aspinwall, K., Raqib, N., Little, L., Lewis, N., Terhune, C. (2011). Healthy Homes through university extension programs. National Healthy Homes Conference, Paper presentation, Denver, CO.

Maring, E.F., Leslie, L., & Cook, E.T. (2011). Outreach and service to military families in Maryland through the Department of Family Science. 2011 DoD/USDA Family Resilience Conference. Program Showcase, Chicago.

Maring, E.F. & Singer, B.J. (2009, November). Healthy Homes: A Contemporary Issue for Family Science Education, National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San Francisco.

Maring, E.F., Singer, B.J., & Shenassa, E.D. (2009, October).A qualitative study of the Baltimore City Transition from lead poisoning prevention to Healthy Homes, National Environmental Public Health Conference, Atlanta GA.

Wallen, J., Maring, E.F., & Malik, B.B. (2008). An ecological risk and resilience model of drug use and abuse in India. Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Little Rock, AR.

Maring, E. F., Braun, B.,Austin, J. F., O’Neil-Haight, M. J., Little, L. F., & Gentry, D. B. (2008, November). Healthy homes: A lens for informing public policy on family health. Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Little Rock, AR.

Maring, E. F. (2007, November). A cross-cultural myth: The ideal family in the U.S. and India. Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Sanjay and Maring, E. F. (2007, November). Men in India: Stopping . Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Maring, E. F. (2007, February). Ecological/risk and resilience: The importance of teachers in the lives of early adolescents exposed to community violence. Presentation accepted at the International Conference on Coping with Violence in 6 Today’s World, Punjabi University, Patiala, India.

Maring, E. F. and Braun, B. (2007, February). Drug, alcohol, and tobacco use in U.S. rural, low-income families: An ecological risk and resilience perspective. Presentation accepted at the International Seminar on the Structure of Poverty and Public Policy, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith University, Varanasi, India.

Maring, E. F. (2006). Cross-cultural myths: Nostalgic views of family in the U.S. and India. Presentation at the Conference for Fulbrighters in South Asia, United States Educational Foundation in India (USEFI), Darjeeling, India.

Maring, E. F., Koblinsky, S. A., & Randolph, S. M. (2005). Teaching preschoolers in violent communities: Challenges and recommended public policies. Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Public Policy Conference. Washington, D.C.

Maring, E. F., & Matthew, R. L. (2004). Completing the dissertation: Achieving goals through a peer support group. Roundtable Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference. Orlando, FL.

Maring, E. F., Koblinsky, S. A., & Randolph, S. M. (2004). Teaching preschoolers in violent communities: Challenges and recommended support services. Presentation at the Center for Race Gender and Ethnicity (CRGE) Tools for Social Justice Conference. University of Maryland, College Park.

Braun, B., Anderson, E. A., Walker, S. K., Kim, J., Kohler, J. K., Tyler, C., Oravecz, L. M., Maring, E. F., & Simmons, L. A. (2003). Influences on rural women’s well- being: A case for customizing policy. Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia.

4. Refereed Abstracts

Murray, R., Drew, L.B., Memmott, C., Bangura, Y., & Maring, E.F. (2017). Surviving Ebola in Sierra Leone: A community’s experience during and after the epidemic. A qualitative study. Consortium of Universities for Global Health Annual Conference, Washington D.C. *Abstract selected for publication in Annals of Global Health Journal, May 2017.

Maring, E.F., Raspanti, G., Jaschek, G, Hogan, K., Farmer, C., Lovell, D., Grutzmacher, S., Parikh, P., Olcese, S. (2014). Engineering and Public Health: An interdisciplinary approach to addressing water quality in Compone, Peru. Consortium of Universities for Global Health Annual Conference, Washington D.C. *Abstract selected for publication in Annals of Global Health Journal, September 2014.

5. Refereed Posters

Shah, V., Khan, Y., Soltani, D., Talarico, K., Maring, E.F., Borzekowski, D. (2020). Public Health without Borders: Reducing Health Disparities in Partner 7 communities through education, advocacy, and research. Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Conference Washington, DC.

Talarico, K., Soltani, D., Shah, V., Maring, E.F., Hurtado, A., Bissonette, B. (2020). Exploring adolescent development in Compone Peru through education. Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Conference Washington, DC.

Maring, E.F., Ahmed, N., Moyadil, M., & Evert, J. (2018). Navigating overlap within and between undergraduate global health programs. Consortium of Universities of Global Health (CUGH) Conference. New York, NY.

Myers, A., DeSantiago, M., Sharma, P., Kaplow, K., Bernal, A., Jaschek, G., Maring, E.F. (2017). The process and challenges of needs assessment in the rural community of Compone, Peru. Submission: American Public Health Association (APHA) National Conference.

Memmott, C., Drew, L., Murray, R. Bangura, Y., Maring, E.F. (2017). Providing health education to the community of Calaba Town, Sierra Leone. Submission: American Public Health Association (APHA) National Conference.

Murray, R., Drew, L.B., Memmott, C., Bangura, Y. Maring, E.F. (2017). Surviving ebola in Sierra Leone: A community’s experience during and after the epidemic. Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference (CUGH), Washington D.C.

Murray, R., Drew, L.B., Memmott, C., Bangura, Y., & Maring, E.F. (2017). Fear and mistrust of government during the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone: A qualitative study. Submission: American Public Health Association (APHA) National Conference.

Ross, P., Rock, M., Lolli, N., & Maring, E.F. (2017). Public Health Without Borders: Using logic models to build sustainable community partnerships. Submission: American Public Health Association (APHA) National Conference.

Craddock Kelbick, H.A., Drew, L.B., Murray, R., Bibb, K. & Maring, E.F. (2017). Public Health Without Borders – Engaging undergraduates in global health learning through self-directed projects. Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit, American Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Conference, Arlington, VA.

Garcia-Rosales, K., Ennaco, C., Foust, A., Kramer, R., Parikh, P., Raspanti, G., Jaschek, G., De Silva, G., Maring, E.F., Lovell, D., Grutzmacher, S., Olcese, S. (2015). Water chlorination and health education: Collaboration to decrease water contamination and water-related illnesses in rural Peru. Poster presentation at American Public Health Association Conference, Chicago.

Maring, E.F., Raspanti, G., Jaschek, G, Hogan, K., Farmer, C., Lovell, D., Grutzmacher, S., Parikh, P., Olcese, S. (2014). Engineering and Public Health: An interdisciplinary approach to addressing water quality in Compone, Peru. 8 Consortium of Universities for Global Health Annual Conference. Poster Presentation, Washington D.C.

Rosenberg-Goldstein, R., Aspinwall, K., Maring, E.F., Sapkota, A.R., Pee, D. (2012). Well Water Education Program: A Collaborative Project Between Extension Educators and University of Maryland Public Health Researchers. Priester Conference, Washington, DC.

Duggal, M., Braun, B., & Maring, E.F. (2012). Core health messages: Strategies to improve the health outcomes of rural, low-income families. Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Annual Conference, Poster presentation, Washington DC.

Duggal, M., Braun, B., Maring, E.F., & Sana, H. (2012). Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Strengthen the Health of Rural Low-Income Families. American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Oral Presentation, San Francisco, CA.

Braun, B., Maring, E.F., Aldoory, L., & Duggal, M. (2012). Core Health Messages: A User-Focused Health Literacy Initiative. National Council on Family Relations, Paper Presentation, Phoenix, AZ.

Braun, B., Maring, E.F., Mammen, S., Sano, Y., & Aldoory, L. (2011). Exploring oral health literacy messages among rural, low-income mothers. American Public Health Association Conference, Poster Presentation, Washington, DC.

Maring, E.F., & Little, L. (2011). Healthy Homes toolkits for family-based educators. National Healthy Homes Conference, Poster presentation, Denver, CO.

Maring, E.F., Leslie, L., & Cook, E.T. (2011). Outreach and service to military families in Maryland through the Department of Family Science. 2011 DoD/USDA Family Resilience Conference. Program Showcase, Chicago.

Maring, E.F., Berger, A.T., Cook, E.T., Evans, L., Riera, K., Braun, B. (2010). Healthy Lifestyles in Children’s Literature, NCFR Poster Presentation, Minneapolis, MN.

Maring, E.F., Singer, B.J. & Shenassa, E.D. (2009, November) A Qualitative Report of the Baltimore City Transition from Lead Poisoning Prevention to Healthy Homes, APHA, Poster Presentation, Phhiladelphia, PA.

Maring, E. F., Braun, B.,Austin, J. F., O’Neil-Haight, M. J., Little, L. F., & Gentry, D. B. (2008, November). Healthy homes: A lens for informing public policy on family health. Presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Little Rock, AR.

Maring, E. F., Koblinsky, S. A., & Randolph, S. M. (2008, May). Fostering resilience among early adolescents exposed to community violence: Teachers’ challenges, strategies, and support needs. Poster presentation at the Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) conference. San Antonio, TX.

9 Maring, E. F., Koblinsky, S. A., & Randolph, S.M. (2006). Fostering resilience among early adolescents exposed to community violence: Teachers’ challenges, strategies, and support needs. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Maring, E. F., & Koblinsky, S. A. (2006) Fostering resilience among adolescent youth exposed to community violence: Teacher challenges, strategies, and support needs. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) National Conference, San Francisco, CA

Maring, E. F., Braun, B., & Matthew, R. F. (2005). Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Use in Rural, Low-Income Families: An Ecological Risk & Resilience Perspective. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Koblinsky, S. A., Randolph, S. M., & Maring, E. F. (2005). Teaching preschoolers in violent communities: Challenges and recommended support needs. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Matthew, R. F., Maring, E. F., & Edmond, Y. M. (2005). Use of exploratory factor analysis to examine the psychometric properties of family functioning measures. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) National Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

6. Non-Refereed Posters

Hosack, D., Tilahun, G., Ross, P., Slaton, A., Craddock, H., Maring, E.F., & Grutzmacher, S. (2016). Teacher satisfaction of a pilot-test nutrition education tool for primary school students in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia. Public Health Research Day, 2016.

Maring, E.F., Bhagat, K., Murray, R., Asmail, H., Taban, S., Ko, H., Lovell, D., & Williams, M. (2015). Risk, Response, and Recovery: A Community’s Battle with Ebola in Sierra Leone. Poster Presentation, Public Health Research Day.

Garcia-Rosales, K., Ennaco, C., Foust, A., Kramer, R., Parikh, P., Raspanti, G., Jaschek, G., DeSilva, G., Maring, E.F., Lovell, D. (2015). Water chlorination and health education: Collaboration to decrease contamination and water-related illnesses in rural Peru. Poster Presentation, Public Health Research Day.

Maring, E.F., Raspanti, G., Jaschek, G, Hogan, K., Farmer, C., Lovell, D., Grutzmacher, S., Parikh, P., Olcese, S. (2014). Engineering and Public Health: An interdisciplinary approach to addressing water quality in Compone, Peru. Poster Presentation, Public Health Research Day.

Maring, E.F., Berger, A.T., Cook, E.T., Evans, L., Riera, K., Braun, B. (2010). Healthy Lifestyles in Children’s Literature, University of Maryland School of Public Health Research Interaction Day.

10 Maring, E.F., Braun, B., Ginter, A., & Duggal, M. (2010). Core health messages: A strategy to improve the health and well-being of low-income rural families. University of Maryland School of Public Health Research Interaction Day.

Maring, E.F., Singer, B.J. & Shenassa, E.D. (2009, September) A Qualitative Report of the Baltimore City Transition from Lead Poisoning Prevention to Healthy Homes, Research Interaction Day, Poster Presentation, School of Public Health, College Park, MD.

Maring, E. F., Braun, B.,Austin, J. F., O’Neil-Haight, M. J., Little, L. F., & Gentry, D. B. (2008, November). Healthy homes: A lens for informing public policy on family health. University of Maryland School of Public Health Research Interaction Day, College Park, MD.

Maring, E. F., Koblinsky, S. A., & Randolph, S. M. (2004). Teaching preschoolers in violent communities: Challenges and recommended support services. Presentation at the Health and Human Performance College Research Interaction Day. University of Maryland, College Park.

Maring, E. F., Braun, B., & Matthew, R. F. (2005). Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Use in Rural, Low-Income Families: An Ecological Risk & Resilience Perspective. Poster presentation at University of Maryland Council on Family Relations (UMCFR) Symposium on Families, College Park, MD.

D. Professional/ Extension Publications

Maring, E. F., & Braun, B. (2005, March). Rural, low-income families experience barriers to substance abuse services. National Council on Family Relations Report, 50(1), F19-F20.

Kim, J., Maring, E. F., & Morris, S.K. (2004). Financial counseling program’s train-the- trainer approach. The Reporter: The Research Journal of Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, 25-27.

E. Completed Creative Works

Developed Healthy Homes website to provide information to help serve Maryland’s residents who face health hazards in the built environment including: toxic materials (lead, asbestos, pesticide and household products); dangerous gases (carbon monoxide and radon); hazards that cause and contribute to asthma (dust allergens, molds, and pests); and other safety and health concerns.

Statewide Health Care Reform: Rural Communities & You, December 2010 Conducted at 5 sites using web conferencing. There were 160 people pre-registered. Data was collected to guide further programming on health reform.

F. Sponsored Research

Funded Maryland Well Water Education Project, PI, USDA/HUD Healthy Homes Partnership 11 Awarded grant to pilot water clinic program in Queen Anne’s County. Provided link between members of the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health and University of Maryland Extension to provide community members with unique opportunity to learn the proper procedure to obtain water sample from their homes and resources to have water sample tested and analyzed. Award Amount: $12,000

Maryland Well Water Program to Achieve Testing, Education and Research (WATER), Co-PI, Women in Science ADVANCE Program, UMD Seed Grant Program Pilot study to increase the number of Kent County, MD residents who can properly manage their private wells monitor for contaminants. Collect pilot data for development of a Statewide Safe Drinking Water Clinic program that will be submitted to the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program and Kaiser Permanente Community Benefits Program. Award Amount: $20,000

Maryland Private Well Water/Safe Water Education Clinics, Co-PI Funded by University of Maryland Extension Awarded grant to pilot water clinic program in Cecil County. Provided link between members of the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health and University of Maryland Extension to provide community members with a unique opportunity to learn the proper procedure to obtain a water sample from homes and resources to have water sample tested and analyzed. Award amount: $9840

Rural Health and Safety, USDA-NIFA, Co-PI USDA grant entitled “Core Health Messages: A Strategy to Improve the Health and Well-Being of Rural, Low-Income Families” to develop and test health messages with low-income rural families and use those messages in a financial and health literacy curriculum. Conducted forums on health reform and two focus groups with rural African- American families. Partnered with 14 states. Findings shared across the Extension system through Award amount in Year 1: $349,958 (Maryland $134,443 + a portion of the greater grant for conducting interviews).

In year 2, grant entitled, “Dissemination of Core Health Messages: Using Community Based Participatory Research to Strengthen the Health of Rural, Low-Income Families” Used Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) with rural, low-income mothers as well as various primary and secondary community stakeholders in determining which method(s) of dissemination of the health messages previously created through the Core Health Messages project were positively received by the target population. Award amount in Year 2: $250,062 (Maryland $87,199)

Healthy Homes Field Visit: University of Georgia, PI Funded by University of Maryland Extension Awarded grant for Health Smart team members to engage in professional development with a comparable university Healthy Homes program by visiting University of Georgia (UGA) Extension to discuss signature programs, review educational materials, and create opportunities for multistate collaboration. Award amount: $2605 12

HealthSmart Promoting Health Living Programs, Co-PI Funded by University of Maryland Extension Produced promotional plan and materials for use at the Priester Health Conference in April 2012. Supervised experts in the fields of communications, photography and videography, adding to the professionalism of the products and our learning. Award amount: $6,348

Healthy Homes Partnership, PI Funded by HUD through interagency agreement with USDA-NIFA Awarded grant to conduct training, maintain University of Maryland Healthy Homes website, and facilitate evaluation-based participation in Healthy Homes activities for Extension field faculty. Award Amount to date: $18,000

Building IPM Capacity in Childcare and Early Learning Environments, Regional Integrated Pest Management Competitive Grants Program, Northeastern Region, NIFA, USDA Goal of project was to increase the capacity of professionals to understand and implement reduced-risk pesticide and pest management protocols in school facilities including childcare centers, early learning environments and schools. Partnered with Penn State IPM to implement project. Award Amount: $5000 (Maryland portion)

Healthy Homes Focus Team: A Comprehensive Approach, PI Developed Healthy Homes, Healthy Homes Needs Assessment in progress, and Deliberative Forum Guide. Leverage partnerships with School of Public Health, National Center for Healthy Housing, National Environmental Health Association, CDC, and other branches of University of Maryland Extension Award Amount: $15,000.

Baltimore Healthy Homes Transition Project, Co-PI Awarded contract with Center for Disease Control and Prevention Lead Branch (subcontracted with TKC Integration Systems) to conduct qualitative focus groups and interviews to highlight challenges as well as solutions identified by the by the Baltimore Healthy Homes Collaborative Project transition group. This group received funding as a demonstration program from CDC to transition from a Lead Poisoning Prevention Office to a comprehensive healthy homes resource program. Award amount: $75,112

Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) New Communities Project, Evaluator Serve as program evaluator for three after-school programs in Maryland (.10FTE). Write reports, present at conferences, and help manage monthly conference calls. Conduct site visits and stakeholder focus groups to address program sustainability. Award amount: $700,000

Not Funded

13 Distance Counseling for Geographically Dispersed Military Families in Maryland, Quality Health Foundation Proposed project to pilot a distance counseling program for geographically dispersed military families in Maryland. Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) impacts the state of Maryland due to an influx of military youth and families. Family support programs are needed. The goal was to address a barrier to mental health services access for geographically dispersed military families in rural areas where there is a known shortage of mental health practitioners. Amount Requested: $49,966

Teaching about Bed bugs: Healthy Homes, Healthy Kids, Healthy Families, EPA, PI Teaching about Bedbugs: Healthy Homes, Healthy Kids, Healthy Families educates teachers and school staff, students and their families, and community members about bedbugs and other health threats in the built environment and increases their awareness about prevention and remediation. The proposed community based project would monitor indoor concentration of bedbugs within the homes of middle school children, use bedbug data in the middle school classroom to teach students about basic concepts in environmental science and math and provide relevant education and resources to families from the community about Healthy Homes. Amount Requested: $89,732

Gender Equitable Communities, Department of Health and Human Services, PI The Family Science Department in the School of Public Health (FMSC) and Men Can Stop Rape, Inc. (MCSR) designed a course for university students entitled “Gender Equitable Communities” to examine issues surrounding images of masculinity and gendered interaction in American culture. Evaluation of middle school participants at pre- and post-test would explore reduction in high risk behaviors, strengthening of protective/resiliency factors, and development of life skills and behaviors that lead to healthier lifestyle choices. Amount requested: $895,816

Healthy Homes, Healthy Kids: A UMCP Project for Healthy Indoor Air Quality, EPA, PI Proposed community based project: to train members of the community as educators and stewards to prevent and educate community members about existing health hazards in local housing; to monitor indoor concentration of selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) within the homes of middle school children (grade 7); to use VOC data in the middle school classroom to teach students about basic concepts in environmental science and math; and to provide relevant education and resources to families from this school community about IAQ problems in the built environment and prevention of associated health problems such as asthma, injury, and risk for disease. Amount requested: $49,832

Economic Empowerment of rural women through agri-business enterprises, USDA Proposed research collaboration with Department of Home Science Extension Education at Haryana University, Hisar, India with partners from University of Maryland Extension to develop training material, data collection and evaluation tools and training staff. Collaboration established for formulating concept note through video-conferencing and e-mail. Amount requested: 415,800 14

III. Teaching, Mentoring, and Advising

A. Courses taught

Future Global Classroom - Menstrual Hygiene: Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions. Spring 2021, 22, 23

SPHL 260 – Public Health without Borders: Designing Culturally Competent Global Projects, Spring 2020 Redeveloped from MIEH 240 as a project-based Scholarship in Practice course in 3 parts: Cultural Competency, Program Design, and IRB Proposal. Prepares students for future field-based research and service in partnership with communities.

MIEH 240 – Global Health Projects: Addressing health needs with a focus on reciprocity and relationships, Spring 2016, 2017 Designed while participating in the Stamp Service Learning Fellows Program to prepare students to think critically about reciprocity in international service projects. Students explore the needs of global communities, design interventions, and reflect on the potential outcomes in improving health in the communities served, while also focusing on their own subjective experience.

FMSC 280 – Child and Family Global Health: Getting There through E-Communications Spring 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 (online), 2019 (online) I-Course that draws on the fields of family science, epidemiology, information science, and related social and public health sciences to understand current global health challenges to families, to explore the potential role of information and communication technology in addressing them, and to grapple with the legal, ethical, and political challenges and controversies posed by the global use of these technologies for promoting the health of children and families. Enrollment: 65

FMSC 110S-Families and Global Health, Fall 2012-present General Education: Cultural Competency and History and Social Sciences Teach Global Public Health Scholars to define global health and explore social determinants of health (e.g., poverty, education, literacy), nutrition, infectious disease, and environmental health. The course provides students with a basic understanding of family theory and principles of public health from a global perspective. Enrollment: 70-100

FMSC 332-Children in Families, Faculty Advisor for graduate instructors Fall 2007-2011 Required undergraduate course covering the psychological development of the child from birth to adolescence, including aspects of biological and maturational processes, from a family systems perspective.

FMST 298F-Future of Families, Fall 2003/Fall 2004/Spring 2005

15 Undergraduate course covering the changing structure of family life, and exploring the most controversial issues relating to families and personal relationships.

FMST 485-Introduction to Family Therapy, Spring 2006 Undergraduate course that introduces students to the basic theories and processes of family therapy. The course includes a variety of didactic, experimental, and videotaped learning experiences to explore the field of family therapy.

B. Curriculum and Course Developments and Innovations

1. Major Programs Established

FMSC 110S: Families and Global Health. Revised curriculum and received approval for GenEd: Cultural Competency

Stamp Service Learning Fellows Program participant in Spring and Fall 2015, Developed Service Learning Course for Spring 2016

College Park Scholars, Global Public Health Curriculum FMSC 332-Children in Families, Faculty Advisor for graduate instructors Fall 2007-2011 Organized monthly meetings, observed graduate students twice during semester, maintain library clearinghouse of videos/dvds, assignments, and other curricula materials for instructors.

2. Education Abroad Established SPHL 389I-India: Global Health and Development, Summer 2011, Summer 2012 Supervise and teach an undergraduate course in India focusing on global health and development, specifically examining social determinants of health, within a global public health and family systems framework.

C. Advising: Research Direction

1. Undergraduate Serve as Faculty Mentor for McNair Scholar on study of Malnutrition and Diarrheal Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa, Summer 2017

Served as Faculty Mentor for 2 Individual Studies Program (IVSP) students whose major is Global Public Health, 2012-present

Served as Reader for 1 Individual Studies Program (IVSP) student whose major was Global Women’s Health Policy, 2011-2012

Served as faculty advisor for two Honors Program students on secondary data analysis and writing an Honors Thesis in Family Science, 2011-12

Served as undergraduate Honors Program director for the Department of

16 Family Science, Spring 2009

Mentored one Undergraduate Teaching Assistant participating in the UTA program through the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Spring 2011

2. Master’s Served on Master’s thesis committees for 4 Couple and Family Therapy (CFT) students

3. Doctoral • Serve as mentor for 2 Ph.D. level Graduate Assistants for Global Public Health Scholars Program • Serve on thesis and dissertation committees (12 to date)

D. Advising and Mentorship

Faculty Advisor, Public Health without Borders, 2012-present Mentor, support, and travel with this globally minded group of students aiming to foster a universal community by educating and serving underrepresented communities in the US and other countries. The student-run organization has a mission to assess community health needs, provide education, and collaborate with engineers and other student/professionals to improve health in the communities served by projects. Current projects: Calaba Town, Sierra Leone; Compone, Peru; Hyattsville, MD; Varanasi, India. Past Project: Debre Berhan, Ethiopia

Faculty Advisor, Movement at UMD, 2012-2017 Mentor and support students involved in Half the Sky movement which is inspired by the best-selling novel and the work of journalists Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn to turn oppression of women into opportunity worldwide. Hidden in the overlapping problems of sex trafficking and , gender-based violence, and maternal mortality, women are facing gender-based violence all over the world. The Half the Sky Movement at Maryland is not only raising awareness of women’s issues, but also bringing together faculty, staff and students to share ways to get involved in opportunities to empower women.

Faculty Advisor, Supporting Hospitals Abroad with Resources and Equipment (SHARE), 2014-present Supports medical sustainability and global health equity by providing hospitals abroad with unused, surplus medical supplies from local domestic clinics. The UMD branch of SHARE was started by two UMD students in 2013, who modeled it after its parent branch at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. A research team from Johns Hopkins asserts that major U.S. hospitals collectively throw away at least $15 million of sterile, unused surgical supplies per year. SHARE aims to reduce part of this burden, and provide these crucial supplies to those who need them.

E. Extension Education

Maryland Day, annually 2008-2012, 2014-present 17 2014-present: Handwashing demonstration booth for School of Public Health 2008-12: University of Maryland Extension booth disseminating information on Healthy Homes to 1000s of individuals and families.

Served on Creating Healthy Communities Community of Practice and “Ask the Expert” at, 2010-2012

National Healthy Homes Festival, Baltimore Maryland, September 2008 University of Maryland Extension booth in partnership with the National Healthy Homes Partnership disseminating information on Healthy Homes, 4-H and FCS programs to 4700 individuals, including 1400 elementary and middle school students.

Healthy Homes for Community Health Workers, Washington DC Trainer: Conducted training at Tenant’s Association in Washington DC low-income community in partnership with the National Healthy Homes Training Center, March 2010.

Essentials for Healthy Homes Practitioners, Baltimore, MD Trainer: Conducted training at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the National Healthy Homes Training Center, May 2008 and January 2009.

Healthy Homes for Everyone: Prince George’s County Adventures in Science Program, Saturday, Oct 29 2011 in the School of Public Health. Conducted educational program teaching 4-H’ers about how to help their families keep a clean, safe, and pest- free home.

IV. Service and Outreach

A. Reviewing activities

1. Reviewing Activities for Journals and Presses

Journal of Extension, June 2010-13

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (JPHMP), January 2010-present

2. Reviewing Activities for Agencies and Foundations

Institute of Medicine, November 2010 Invited to serve as reviewer for “Toward an Integrated Science on Families” report

Programs of Distinction (POD) Peer Reviewer, 2008-2011 Awarded opportunity to review Programs of Distinction applications for innovative, exemplary, and effective 4-H youth development programs that improve outcomes for disadvantaged youth.

18 Annie E. Casey Foundation Grant Reviewer, 2007

Administration for Children and Families (ACYF) Grant Reviewer, 2004 Mentoring Children of Prisoners and Street Outreach Programs

3. Reviewing Activities for Conferences Consortium for Universities of Global Health, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

National Conference on Family Relations Annual Conference International Section: 2011, 2010, 2007 Feminism and Education: 2008, 2005 Ethnic Minorities Section: 2005

B. Professional Service

1. Position in professional organizations

CUGH Local Organizing Committee Representative 2016-17 CUGH Sub Committee on Master’s and Undergraduate Degrees in Global Health 2016-present CUGH Trainee Advisory Committee (TAC) 2016-17

New Professional Representative, National Council on Family Relations, 2010- 2012

2. Professional Memberships

Current Consortium for Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Engineers without Borders (EWB-USA)

Past National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS)

C. Campus Service

1. Departmental

Family Science Open Rank Position Search Committee, 2016-17

School of Public Health Search Committee, Global Health Assistant Professor, 2016-2017

Family Science Extension Position Search Committee, Spring 2016

19 MIAEH Global Health Certificate Advisory Committee, 2014-2015

SPH Commencement Event Committee, 2013-2015

SPH Public Health Science Steering Committee, 2012-present

MIAEH Adjunct/Affiliate Faculty Recruitment, Engagement & Networking, 2012-2015

MIAEH Communications & Website Committee, 2012-present

MIAEH Graduate Public Health Committee and PCC, 2013-2014

Search Committee, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health Assistant Professor, 2013-2014

Faculty Advisor, Phi Upsilon Omicron Family Science Honor Society, 2006-2011

2. College

Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC) Faculty Liaison Network Representative for SPH, 2020

Global Health Advisory Committee, Coordinator, 2014-present

Faculty Advisor, Public Health without Borders, 2013-present

University of Maryland Prevention Research Center Committee Member, 2009-present

Search Committee, Public Health Science, Director 2013-14

3. University Global Health and Culture Lecture Series, 2016-present, Co-creator and Co-coordinator with Dr. Thurka Sangaramoorthy, BSOS

Global Handwashing Day at the Center for Young Children (CYC), October 2013, 14, 15, 16

Service Day, University Park Elementary School, 2016

Service Day at N Street Village, August 2014, 2015

Social Entrepreneurship at UMD Workgroup, Spring 2014

Education Abroad Advisory Committee, Fall 2013-present

International Affairs Council, Fall 2013-2014

20 Fulbright applicant reviewer for undergraduate and graduate applicants for Fulbright programs, 2011-present.

Search Committee, Education Abroad, Director, Fall 2013

Search Committee, Education Abroad, Assistant Director, Fall 2013

Search Committee, Special Projects Coordinator, Food Stamp Nutrition Education, University of Maryland Extension, Columbia, MD, Fall 2009.

Search Committee, Assistant Director, Evaluation and Assessment, Maryland Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland, College Park, Spring 2008.

Panelist (February, 2014), Japanese Delegation visit on Student Engagement, Center for Social Value Creation (CVSC). Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Gemstone Undergraduate Honors Program, Discussant for Team Risky Business: A study on the effects of early risk behavior on later substance abuse, Spring 2009

Search Committee for Director of Global Communities, one of University of Maryland’s Living and Learning Undergraduate Residential Programs, Fall 2008.

Faculty Staff Advisory Committee, 2012, University of Maryland Extension

Annual Conference Committee Member, 2012, University of Maryland Extension

Priester Health Conference Planning Committee, 2011-12, University of Maryland Extension

4. Presentations and Media Activities Blog:

V. Awards, Honors, and Recognition

A. Service Awards and Honors Jerry P. Wrenn Outstanding Service Award, 2016-2017, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park

Outstanding Advisor for a Student Organization Award, 2014, Nominated by students in the Half the Sky Movement at UMD, Selection Committee in Center for Campus Life, University of Maryland, College Park

George F. Kramer Practitioner of the Year Award, August 2010, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park 21 B. Media Coverage Interviewed by Star-Ledger Newspaper Reporter, Dan Ivers, New Jersey August 14, 2014 Reporter, Dan Ivers writing story on community violence and impact on schools and school teachers.

Interviewed by Diamondback, UMCP Newspaper March 3, 2014: Bills Seek to Bring Awareness to Human Trafficking in Maryland by Erin Serpico for my role as advisor to Half the Sky Movement 8f9c-0017a43b2370.html

Interviewed in Multimedia by Diamondback, UMCP Newspaper March 4, 2014: Art Gallery: Half the Sky Movement 8e3c-0017a43b2370.html

C. Research Fellowships, Prizes and Awards Family Studies Dissertation Support Award, June 2005 Department of Family Studies, University of Maryland, College Park

CESAR Dissertation Scholarship, May 2005 Center for Substance Abuse Research, University of Maryland, College Park

D. Teaching Awards Global Classroom selected for Spring 2021-23 with Dr. Madhu Kushwaha, Banaras Hindu University, Menstrual Hygiene: Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions.

Stamp Service Learning Fellowship, 2015 Developing Service Learning Course for Spring 2016

Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award, 2003-2004 Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland, College Park

E. Other Special Recognition Selected for Graduate School Fellowship, 2001-2002, 2003-2004 Fellowship Committee of the Graduate Council, University of Maryland, College Park

Summa cum laude, Emory University, 1993

Phi Beta Kappa, Emory University, 1992