84 Ignacio Paricio Ignacio Mannino Edgardo GATCPAC drawings Architectural ©el globus vermell (Arxiu Històric del COAC) de Catalunya d’Arquitectes Sindicat ©Fons Fundació Joan Miró Lluís Sert, Josep ©Arxiu Photos textuals) (serveis la correccional English translation de Barcelona del Disseny Museu Fundació Joan Miró the support of With el globus vermell Concept and texts Guide-Map Lluís Sert and GATCPAC Josep in Barcelona Architecture Avant-garde 3701 36 99112 Fundació Joan Fundació Joan Miró Miró Joan Fundació by organized Visits and reservations: Information 93 443 94 79 Tel. 10 am to 2 pm) to Friday, (Monday
[email protected] www.fmirobcn.org of the Spanish Republic Pavilion vermell el globus by organized Visits and reservations: Information
[email protected] www.elglobusvermell.org © texts and images: the authors © texts 2016 de Barcelona, Ajuntament © edition: All rights reserved Reina Sofía Arte de Centro Nacional Museo del COAC, Arxiu Històric Lluís Sert, Josep Arxiu Paricio, Ignacio Mannino, Edgardo Freixa, Jaume Mario Corea, Rossend Casanova, Acknowledgments , we GATCPAC GATCPAC and Avant-garde Avant-garde Architecture in Barcelona Lluís Sert Josep and Josep Lluís Sert Josep GUIDED VISITS about the architecture nd out more fi To of Casa Bloc Museu by organized Visits de Barcelona del Disseny and reservations: Information Friday, to 93 256 68 01 (Tuesday Tel. 3 pm to 5 pm) Thursday, 10 am to 1 pm and
[email protected] museudeldisseny.barcelona.cat Macià Plan (1932-1934) invite you to sign up for any of the guided any to sign up for you invite buildings the following for visits offered GATCPAC In the fi rst half of the 1930s the Generalitat of Catalunya The GATCPAC (Group of Catalan Architects and Techni- cities and residential buildings.