Craigmarloch Community Council

Thursdav 19 Nov 2009 at 7.30pm in St Andrews & Primarv School.

In attendance Barney Kinsler (BK) - Chairperson Mike Ogden (MO) - Vice-Chair Jean Thomson (JT) - Treasurer Donna Niven Also in attendance Councillor Bob Chadha PC Paul McWhinnie Jim Smith (Resident) Jim Storie (Resident) Welcome/introductions/apoloaies Barney gave a warm welcome to all in attendance. Apologies from Ailsa Clunie (AC) who has swine flu & Mike Ogden (MO) who is on holiday. Previous minutes Minutes proposed as accurate by JT and seconded by BK. No matters arising that are not on agenda Communitv Police report PC McWhinnie stated that he normally covered the area so apologised that he did not know the Craigmarloch area well. He had however researched recent local events which included an incident of egg throwing in by youths at the pond area and a report of a suspicious character in the Glen Clova Drive vicinity. There had also been a number of break ins in and he warned us to be on the lookout for men of Eastern European appearance who had been acting suspiciously along the general Eastfield Road route. Chair’s report This Report marks the end of my five year term as Chairman during which we have maintained our vision of community and demonstrated a commitment to improving the amenity within Craigmarloch. This aspiration is particularly difficult as there are no community buildings so any advance has to depend on the people who live here. Our success in that has depended on being able to set up and run events such as our Santa Run, the Easter Bunny gathering on the village green and our Summer Fun Days in the Auchinbee Nursery grounds. These events are welcomed and supported by local residents although we are always looking for more helpers. We also keep contact and inform residents through our regular Newsletters. If I just list the headings of the most recent it will be obvious that we try to inform our community on a wide range of topics which are up-to-date, relevant and useful. The latest list included an update on the Cumbernauld Community Park which we brought to the notice of Cumbernauld and the Council and which has now its own Committee for the improvement of local amenity. There was a notice about a highly successful Youth Locality Event, warnings by Community Police about car and house thefts, the latest news about Broadband access,(a grave local difficulty), the swans and our meetings. Community Councils are set up by Act of Parliament for the purpose of ascertaining and referring local matters to the attention of Council. We are also enjoined to take whatever local action is deemed necessary in the local interest. Our Minutes of Meetings demonstrate to the Council that we are active and operate within the Act and in the spirit of the intentions of Parliament. I am convinced that we have done all of the things required and are a valuable asset to our community, to Cumbernauld and to the Council. I am stepping down as chairman at this AGM and passing the wand over to Mike Ogden and taking on his role as Vice Chairman. I will not, therefore, propose a number of things to do in the year ahead but leave him to develop his own list while looking forward to my new Vice role. Treasurer’s Report Opening Balance 2562.90

Income Admin Grant 585.00 Fun Day Receipts 331.04 Community Grant Fun day 2009 550.00 1466.04 4028.94 Expenditure Rent 50.80 Subscription 15.00 Postage 11.65 lnternet Fees 68.86 Stationery 507.29 Christmas 2008 288.50 Easter 2009 11 1.81 Fun Day2009 763.54 Present 10.00 1827.45 2201.49 In Bank 21 49.1 6 In Cash 52.33 2201.49 Community Funds

Cash 139.06 Bank 1565.09 1704.15 Admin Funds

Cash (86.73) Bank 584.07 497.34 2201.49

Secretarv’s report Due to the illness of our secretary, a secretary’s report was not available Elections It had been intended that a vote be taken on CCC positions but due to the unexpected absence of key members this was postponed. It is our intent that BK stand down as Chair due to his increased responsibilities with regard to the Cumbernauld Community Park. MO will take over as Chair with BK acting as Vice Chair. AC will continue as secretary and JT will continue as Treasurer. Christmas The Christmas Float will once again be visiting each street on Sat 14 Dec from 4pm onwards. This time we will be stopping in designated spots in each street in an attempt to help parents organize the children and make sure nobody misses out. Councillor Bob Chadha Councillor Chadha reported that NLC will be looking in the next fiscal year to plug budget deficits. This is likely to include introduction of car parking charges and removal of currently free services such as smoke alarm installations. Closure of some smaller schools may also be considered.

There was no other business raised. Next Meeting will be held on 21 January 2010 at Auchinbee Nursery at 7.30pm.