Most Common Procedure Case Rates
LUNG CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILHEALTH CASE RATES MOST COMMON PROCEDURE CASE RATES RVS CODE DESCRIPTION CASE RATE PROF. FEE HCI FEE 19100 Biopsy of breast; needle core 3,640 840 2,800 19101 Biopsy of breast; incisional 5,560 1,260 4,300 19120 Excision of cyst,fibroadenoma or 8,020 2,520 5,500 other benign breast tissue 1 or more lesion 19160 Mastectomy,partial 22,000 8,800 13,200 19180 Mastectomy,simple,complete 22,000 8,800 13,200 19200 Mastectomy, radical 22,000 8,800 13,200 19240 Mastectomy, modified radical 22,000 8,800 13,200 27125 Partial Hip replacement 37,180 18,480 18,700 27130 Total Hip replacement 53,400 29,400 24,000 31600 Tracheostomy,planned 12,120 6,720 5,400 31601 Tracheostomy,planned;under 2 years 12,540 7,140 5,400 31603 Tracheostomy,emergency procedure 7,140 4,760 2,380 31622 Bronchoscopy,diagnostic, w/ or w/o 10,960 5,460 5,500 cell washing or brushing 31625 Bronchoscopy, w/ biopsy 10,960 5,460 5,500 31635 Bronchoscopy; w/ removal of foreign 18,000 8,400 9,600 body 31640 Bronchoscopy; w/ excision of tumor 30,300 16,800 13,500 32000 Thoracentesis 1,260 840 420 32005 Chemical Pleurodesis 10,540 5,040 5,500 32020 Tube Thoracotomy 7,980 5,320 2,660 32100 Thoracotomy,major 37,800 21,000 16,800 32220 Decortication,pulmonary;total 38,440 19,740 18,700 32225 Decortication,pulmonary;partial 30,300 16,800 13,500 32310 Pleurectomy,parietal 37,800 21,000 16,800 32320 Decortication & parietal pleurectomy 37,800 21,000 16,800 32400 Biopsy of pleura 5,560 1,260 4,300 32402 Biopsy,pleura;open 37,180 18,480 18,700 32405 Biopsy,
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