Suffolk Local Access Forum
Suffolk Local Access Forum Title: Agenda Meeting Date: 29th October 2020 Author/Contact: Anna McGowan Venue: online via TEAMS Paper Number 1. 14:00 Welcome, apologies and housekeeping 2. 14:05 Minutes of previous meeting LAF 20/11 - BH 3. 14:10 Declaration of interest 4. 14:15 Network Rail Public Rights of Way Level LAF 20/12 - AW Crossings 5. 14:30 England Coast Path LAF 20/13 - AW 6. 14:45 Sizewell C, and Friston Sub Station Verbal - AW Letter to Planning Inspectorate LAF 20/14 - BH 7. 15:00 Sunnica Energy Farm LAF 20/15 - AW 8. 15:10 A14 Severance Verbal - AW 9. 15:20 OA seasonal closure Euston, The Brecks Verbal - DF 10. 15:30 SLAF Annual Report 2019-2020 LAF 20/16 - DF SLAF Annual Report 2019-2020: Presentation LAF 20/16A - DF to Cabinet 11. 15:40 Review of Working Groups LAF 20/17 - AW 12. 15:50 Public Question Time 13. 15:55 Any Other Business 14. 16:00 Dates & Venues of Future Meetings LAF/20/11 Suffolk Local Access Forum Title: Minutes of Meeting Meeting Date: 21st July 2020, 2 - 3.15pm Author/Contact: Anna McGowan Venue: Virtual Meeting via Zoom 1. Welcome, apologies and housekeeping Present: Barry Hall (BH) (Chair), Monica Pipe (MP), Roland Wilson (RW), Margaret Hancock (MH), Derek Blake (DBL), Suzanne Bartlett (SB), Clare Phillips (CP), Anthony Wright (AWR), Cllr James Mallinder (JM), Cllr Jane Storey (JS), Jane Hatton (JH). SCC Officers Present: Anna McGowan (Minutes), David Falk (DF), Steve Kerr (SK), Annette Robinson (AR). Apologies: Andrew Woodin (AW), David Barker (DB) (Vice Chair), Gordon Merfield (GM), John Wayman (JW), Susan Mobbs (SM).
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