The Queen's Report Update from the Queen Anne's Revenge Shipwreck Project Volume 1, Number 1, February 2001
The Queen's Report Update from the Queen Anne's Revenge Shipwreck Project Volume 1, Number 1, February 2001 Exploring Blackbeard's Cannon - Cannon C-4 measures five feet, six inches long, weighs 763 pounds, and is the third of five recovered so far from the wreck of Queen Anne's Revenge (QAR) It came up on October 12, 1998 with a four-pound cast iron shot ball stuck in its throat. Divers brought it up early because it was a different size from the others, and had interesting elements attached to it. From some angles, it appeared to be a big lizard with a funny looking rod and ring sticking out of one end. The four-pound shot was sandwiched in the bore between two wads of cordage, a typical practice for early 18th century ships' cannon. Cordage consisted of heavy towing rope, lines, or fiber from a ship's rigging. The outer wad held the shot in place while the ship was at sea, and the inner wad was used to create a seal between gunpowder charge and shot. Project Conservator Wayne Lusardi, found stitched paper powder cartridge in the bore. In short, C-4 was armed and ready to fire when the ship went down. Kim Eslinger is a QAR intern and a graduate student in Maritime Studies at East Carolina University. Her task is to remove artifacts that may be in the "interesting elements", or concretion, a heavy layer of debris, mostly sand and shells, bonded by a lengthy rusting process. Careful separation of its contents has so far yielded a tiny gold-plated silver spangle, glass fragments, pig bones, nails, and musket parts.
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