Title and or physical possession is the manner in Effects of Title which both real and personal property is owned. Ownership on Title may come in the form of deed, certificate, bill of sale, contract or some other document. Property These pieces of paper designating title are important designations that cannot be separated Author: Carolyn Paseneaux from a will. 307-778-0040
[email protected] Forms of Property Ownership Sole ownership of property is the simplest and Until substantial amounts of property are gives the holder the most complete ownership acquired, few focus on estate planning. However, possible. When the property is transferred, there the method by which titles are held to land, is a minimum of red tape since the titleholder livestock, machinery and other property can have has the right to dispose of the property. During important estate planning implications. When, the titleholder’s life there are laws of the state late in life, it is decided to plan an estate, making that dictate how the property is to be managed. changes in title ownership can create problems You cannot infringe on the rights of a neighbor, such as gift taxes. zoning restrictions dictate whether an agriculture operation is allowed in certain areas, and you Deciding on ownership is generally based on cannot disregard the interest rights of a surviving the following five factors: Preference as to sole spouse. Wyoming is a common law state and ownership or co-ownership (joint tenancy and thus protects spouses and keeps them from tenancy in common); desired disposition of being left out in the cold when the other spouse property at death; estate and inheritance tax dies.