I I v v v v d v v Patient advice and liaison service (PALS) Actions r v If you have a compliment, complaint or It is sensible to ensure you make the r concern please contact our PALS team on following steps now you have a new r 020 7288 5551 or inhaler d
[email protected] d d Pick up our guide on inhalers and If you need a large print, audio or spacers to complement this leaflet translated copy of this leaflet please Inhaled Steroids in Agree on a personalised asthma contact us on 020 7288 3182. We will try plan (this is done with your doctor or our best to meet your needs. Asthma nurse and usually written down for future reference) Remember to take your medicines A patient’s guide as advised Should your inhalers fail to relieve your symptoms, go straight to Accident and Emergency Need Help? Whittington Paediatric Asthma Nurse Tel: 020 7288 5527 Whittington Health Community Nurse Magdala Avenue Islington 020 3316 1950 (8am-6pm) London N19 5NF Haringey 020 8887 3301 (9am – 5pm) Phone: 020 7272 3070 www.whittington.nhs.uk Asthma UK 0300 222 5800 Date published: 25/09/2018 www.asthma.org.uk Review date: 25/09/2020 Ref: C&YP/Paed/ISA/03 © Whittington Health Please recycle Tel: 020 7272 3070 Asthma There are many types of preventer Side Effects Asthma is a common condition affecting inhaler. There are simple steroids like Parents worry about children and young the airway. Usually a trigger (such as dust beclomethasone, and then there are also adults taking inhaled steroids because of or pollen) irritates the airways which combined inhalers, called seretide or side effects they’ve heard about.