cor unum Stuartholme School Winter Edition 2016 Blessings and rituals PAGE 2 New program provides benefits to parents and students PAGE 3 Simpson Prize winner PAGE 5 CONTENTS FEATURES CONTACT US 02 lnstallation JOURNALIST: Kate Gilmore 02 Blessings and rituals e.
[email protected] 03 New program provides benefits for parents and students CONTRIBUTORS 04 The artist behind the window Many thanks to everyone who contributed 04 Australia Day Honours stories and photos to make this edition 05 The Simpson Prize possible. 06 Girls challenge stereotypes DESIGN: DesignbyLook 07 Mère Gabrielle Renard If you are interested in submitting From the archives 07 content for the next edition, please email 08 In the Nest
[email protected] 09 Cooking for life 10 The girl effect 11 Sister Young-hyun Son rscJ 12 Our great teachers 14 Cor Unum badge presentation OUR COMMUNITY 15 Bush Dance 15 Parent Daughter Breakfast 16 Mother’s Day Lunch 17 Open Day 18 Madeleine Sophie Day 19 Equestrian Report 20 Stuartholme Sport ALUMNAE 22 It’s time to call home 24 Fiona’s work to protect ecosystems 25 Alumnae Achievements cor unum Stuartholme School Winter Edition 2016 26 Erskine Stuart Alumnae Recognition Awards 28 Births, Deaths, Baptisms and Marriages 28 Mass & Morning Tea – 22 May 2016 Blessings and rituals PAGE 2 New program provides benefits to parents and students PAGE 3 Simpson Prize winner PAGE 5 DISCLAIMER The Cor Unum publication highlights the stories of our current and past students. Material in this Publication is gathered from a range of sources and does not necessarily reflect the policies and opinions of ‘CorunumetanimaunaincordeJesu’ Stuartholme School.