Everyday Needs Colored Easter Egg* and Jelly ' Beans

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Everyday Needs Colored Easter Egg* and Jelly ' Beans PJftvL jHT v J&L * U. M. Union ?STORE HOURS: DAILY. 9:45 to 5:45; SATURDAY, 9:45 to 6:00 < * Immediate * Ptrionil Again Delivery Shopping Scrvict Holds War Available of Bondi * _ , f » A. HUDSON COMPANY After A. M. I.W L. on Hudton’t The ** * Bunny Hop 11th Floor Phone CH. 9100 4 HB) HI is ANN ARBOR. April 24. TOASTER was celebrated last night at Bunny Hop, annu- ally held by the Michigan Union. * A noticeable sacrifice made for the war effort was the ab- Come to Hudson’s for These Famous sence of the live Easter bunny and the "buftTiy race.” ¦¦¦ f - • ®a[**Js* m At this race, live rabbits run ¦ io( down miniature race tracks and ¦¦¦¦ lucky bettors are rewarded with Everyday Needs colored Easter egg* and jelly ' beans. 88811 It WMMlmmMm Ur Helen Garrels Attends Helpn Garrels and Jim Man- dler. Joyce McCormick and In Drugs, Toiletries Dave Strack. Nancy Filstrup and Don Clark and Molly Hunter and John Ehlers were on hand. Also seen were Churk Dotterer. social chairman of the Union, and Bunny Crawford, and Sundries publicity chairman. Follow Your Soldier Pussy Hughes and Russ Sacco, Dcede Brier and Jim Skinner, CREAMS SOAPS Tek, adult size, single Julie Jennings and Russ Hadley * ' package 29c enjoyed the occasion I Pond's Cold Cream, Aimcee Hardwater adult size, double With Letters Deborah Parry' was named 3Zi ounces 39c Soap 12 for 69c Tek. general chairman of 19-14 package 55c the . Pond's Cold Cream, Basis Soap ... 21c Junior Girls Project. The girls, Prophylactic, Prolon Because space and weight are at a premium, it’s important . Bocabelli Soap Cake 19c having abandoned the tradi- 5 )4 ounces . 39c for bristle, adult size . 47c tn write your letter on lightweight papers. Fach word, each tional play, have converted to Pond's Cold Cream, or 3 55c the sale of war stamps and Cuticura Soap 17c Pepsodent Tooth Brushes, line, each page counts so much for those awaiting news. 10 ounces .... 98c bonds. 2/5 or 3 for ,48c adult size 47c Woodbury There is so much to say! So, come to Hudson’s for light* Deborah a member of Gamma Facial Cream. Ha/eline Soap 25c Pycope Tooth Brushes, 1 weight that reduce your messages to words instead of Phi Beta, is being aided by a A t ounces 39c Pear's Soap papers Maty Unvcented 11c adult size 44c committee composed of Lt. and Mrs. Armistead D. Williams are Woodbury Facial Cream, weight, (f sheets, 1 envelope weigh less than half-ounce.) l.ee Mason, assistant general Packers Tar Soap Dr. West. F.xton bristle, shown cutting the cake at the reception follow- ounces 97c chairman; Groefsema, 11 •. Cornelia Va adult size . 47c , 60 and 16 envelopes, $1 treasurer; Mary Driver, secre- ing their recent wedding which took place at FEATHERWEIGHT BOSD sheets Woodbury Cold Cream. Resinol Soap 18c bristle, tary. and member of Alpha Xi “Sunnycrest,” the estate of the bridegroom's Dr. West. Exton SKYWARD AIRMAIL, 120 sheets and 10 envelopes, $1 5\ x ounces „.39c Sayman’s Soap 7c Delta. Williams, in youth size 33c parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rich- Stork Castile Soap .... 8c Corsages will be headed hy Woodbury Cold Cream. Stationery Department— Ftrtt Floor— VP oodward— Section E Marcia Netting. Kappa Kappa mond. Va. The bride is the former Fannie 2 for 15c | 11 W ounces 97c ) Gamma; Ruth Mary Picard. Col- Perley Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson's Superfatted l ady Esther Cream PARKE-DAVIS legiate Soros is. will have charge Frederick W. Richardson of Neff road. Soap 1 sc; 6 for 85c and b of League Houses. 39c. 39c 98c Hudson's Bath Tablets VITAMINS Nivea Cream 77c - Scholarship to Miss Otto (large round bar) ...10c ABD Capsules, Riiht: Clear, easy . $1.83 The Ethel McCormick scholar- Nivea Cream, tin 12 for sl.l 5 100 s $2.69 ships were awarded to three Parent Home in Rosedale Stein’s Alpine Cold Cream. Hudson's Neutral Oil ABD Capsules, junior women last week on the R ounces 29c Soap 15c; 12 for $1.25 250’s $5.67 hasi« of xcholar-Jup and service Wrisley’s Deluxe Bath to the university. Mildred Otto 16 ounces 49c ABD and C Cap- Tablets, assorted, $1 Ann MacMillan and Barbara Scene of Stork Shower Stein’s Knickerbocker 20 sules, 100’s .. $4.69 Wrtsley's Waverly Toilet Smith were recipient* Cold Cream, R ors. 29c ABD and C Cap- Otto is vice to furnish a assorted, Millie now presj Patent home in Corps sunroom at $1 . 'HUE Robert 16 Soap, 20 for sules, 25 o's . $9.69 of assembly, a ounces 49c dent and member Ashton road has been the the Wayne County Air Port of Wyvepi, Mortar Board and Hospital. Angelus Cold Cream, ABD Improved Cap- of activity the past Household Needs scene much sules, 1 00’s .. $2.98 Senior Society. In addition she Mr and C W 6 ounces 79c of Mis Parent entertnin«*d Mrs Woodry of w»« chairman a->»*nibly ban- week Artesian mad spent the week- A. V. A. Cleaning ABD Improved Cap- quet. and orientation a Angclus Cold Cream. an adviser evening with .. Thursday stork Delaware. O , where they sules, 250’s . $6.39 also served end in Powder 1 6c She on the central shower for their sister, Mrs. visited ihnr -on. Clifton, who 2 ' : ounces 49c Compbex committee of victory Cameo Cleanser, 8c; 2 15c Kapscals, ball. ley of Ogle- has completed a three-month Milkweed Brand, 7 Ann MacMillan has served Theodores Row Fort x/i Energine (fireproof), 8 100’s $4.56 in course in the naval air corps. well in extra curricular (la The decor was ounces $1.39 equally thorfre. Mr and M;>. 7,ar Reader of ozs., 3 3c; 16 ozs. 59c Compbex Kapseals. activities anil has maintained a keeping with the occasion Those Brand, $18.75 Piedmont road had a< their Milkweed 3;^ Solvcntol, 28 ounces. 60c 500’s high scholastic average She i' attending: week-end guest Irene Huff ounces 79c Cotton, Vitamin B Extract, > of Acme Absorbent affiliated with Alpha Phi and MKBPAM* S Chicago. ? M »•- 4 ounces president of Women s Judmarv I<l* M*rik«-' 1-pound package .. 75c 98c \jr* < W**hVirr. and cYmneil. and a member of Wy- I* Purrni Mr. Mrs Albert K Smith and 1 Irradol A—Hospital s»rr i»l Itmrr S*»miel of Greenview road entertained J J Bandages, inch vern and Mortar Board Hf»nor Wlllura H*t a Krank K*-ia»f HAND by yards 8c size $2.23 Societies. She wax also general i'h»r'.r» W u»an Chari** *!»rr over the week-end Mrs. Smith's LOTIONS 10 -istrr. McDonald, Ventrex Kapseals, chairman of sophomore profit. Mr and Parent enter- Miss Christine I 4 ounces 39c J and J Bandages, 2 Mrs finds, x/x $2.97 in a member of the M/rhigan State inches by 10 yards 15c 100’s tained with a dinner f>arty * i'¦ 1 finds, 1 | ounces 89c 726 Students Cited evening N< • mal ge itaff Ventrex Kapseals, their home Sunday after fergens 39c and 79c J and J Adhesive Tape, Seven hundred and twenty-v,\ the christening of their six- Mr. and Mr* C. R Dudley of l: inch bv 10 yards 20c 5 00’s $12.50 daughter l.**** Gamshorn road will a< hrmtilla 29c, 39c, 79c Student* were cited for out- rrorrh-nld Karen have and Adhesive Tape. *'anding scholarir achievement in the Plymouth Methodist their Easter guests their son and Nepto 4 ounces 43c J J a» the annual honors eonvo. at ion Church, the Rev T. Leonard wife Mi and Mrs Hex Dudley, Italian Balm I inch by 10 yards 40c Abimalt. 8 ounces ..$1.25 officiating.. and small Dun- Band-aids. Friday in Hill Auditorium Sanders son Robert from 29c, 39c, 79c l and J 23c l.cderle Vitamin B Barbara Alcorn, Allan Axel- Catherine Roney of Ashton dee. Mich. Red Cross, 1 pound < hamberlain's, Complex, 100's ..$3.39 rod, John Beauchamps, Barbara road was hostess a splash Margaret Goodwin, Virginia at. package cotton .... 98c 4 ..... Bentley. Jim Conant, Bill Halli- l«rty at the Yacht Club Satur- Stuart, Barbara Laßine, Betty ounces 42c l.cderle Vitamin B Isabel morning * day. Kulsavage Marallyn day and afternoon. Her Kern, Norma Ames. Donne 1 ounces ..... 21 c Complex, 500’s .$14.34 Mac Ritchie and Margaret Still guests included Carolyn St rub, Westphal. Helen Meyers. Bar- were among the seniors named Ev a Busse. Douglas Callow. How- bara Woodry and Nancy Henry , Shaving Needs I cderlc Vitamin B Com- hy Phi Beta Kap|M. national ard Trence and t’harles Hunt all skiers in the Alpha' Gamma plex, 8 ounces ...$2.39 literary honor DEODORANTS Burma Shave Tubes 29c society Catherine's grandmother. Mr- Tail sorority entertained with a l.ederle Vitamin B Com- Follow the War Mews Tati Beta Pi national rngi- party Burma 39c F Hoyt Dol/ine willcome from Saturday evening in the s erdrv, liquid or Shave Jars I plex, 12 ounces . $3.39 society, rtted Jarrett () . Goodwin home Colgate Lather (.ream, ?eering Columbus. to Ive the Easter for some of the 4 3c ’lark. Dick Fleddermann. Herb of parents. naval aviator 'ailor« of cream Hcptuna Capsules Im- Ileavenrich, guest Catht'rine's Grosse giant tube . 39c Dick Mosher, Bill John S $ Mr and Mrs Roney lie and Port Albert. Odorono 3 9c Lather Brushless proved, 5 o’s ....
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