Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 4 April 2019 PERSPECTIVE


Luxturna: FDA documents reveal the

value of a costly

Jonathan J. Darrow

In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved -rzyl (Luxturna), a

gene therapy used to treat a rare form of inherited blindness. Widely described by the media as a curative

treatment that ‘restores vision’, it was priced at US$850 000. Although voretigene neparvovec-rzyl

represents a substantial therapeutic advance, most reports have failed to adequately describe study

outcomes as documented by FDA reviewers. These documents reveal that the drug is not expected to

restore normal vision, that only about half of treated patients met the FDA’s threshold for minimally

meaningful improvement, that improvements might not persist long-term, that the most common


measure of visual function was rejected as a primary endpoint after yielding mixed results, and that two 

patients experienced permanent vision loss. Over US$100 million of additional publicly-funded costs are

not evident from the US$850 000 figure. Features

Introduction that targets a disease caused by mutations in a while looking through a tunnel. Other patients

Voretigene neparvovec-rzyl (Luxturna) was ap- specific gene [1]. or their family members reported improvements

proved by the FDA in December 2017 for the The transformative nature of voretigene such as the ability to read large print rather than

treatment of biallelic retinal pigment epitheli- neparvovec-rzyl has been widely lauded by Braille, eat at dimly lit restaurants, use iPhone

um-specific 65 kilodalton (RPE65) mutation-as- regulators, patients, and the media. The FDA accessibility features, and see the ‘faces of family

sociated retinal dystrophy, an inherited enzyme granted the drug a breakthrough therapy des- and . . . some letters on the eye chart’. Parents

deficiency that generally progresses to total ignation and provided priority regulatory re- emphasized the life-altering impact the treat-

blindness. The treatment relies on a viral vector view; in addition, the agency’s Commissioner ment had in normalizing social interaction and

to deliver a normal copy of a gene that encodes hailed the approval of the drug as a ‘milestone’ enhancing academic achievement.

a human retinal protein, the absence or dys- reflecting the ‘culmination of decades of re- Media outlets reacted with similar enthusi-

function of which interrupts the visual cycle search’ [1]. At a meeting of the advisory com- asm. Boston’s National Public Radio news station

involved in the conversion of a photon of light mittee of the FDA, which unanimously described voretigene neparvovec-rzyl as a

into an electrical signal by the eye. It is ad- recommended approval, one patient described ‘miracle treatment’ and the ‘kind of therapeutic

ministered as a one-time treatment to each eye how he could now see ‘things that I’ve never home run scientists have dreamed about for

no fewer than 6 days apart. According to the been able to see before, like stars, snow falling, decades’ [3]. STAT reported a claim by the maker

FDA, the treatment was the first directly ad- fireworks, but most importantly, the moon’ [2]. of the treatment that it ‘restores vision’, and

ministered gene therapy approved in the USA Another explained that the postsurgical world noted that one-time gene therapies, such as

was bright and colorful, whereas she previously voretigene neparvovec-rzyl, are ‘meant to be

E-mail address: [email protected]. saw as though she had sunglasses over her eyes curative [4]. A Wall Street Journal article noted

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PERSPECTIVE Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 4 April 2019

that, in the pivotal trial, 13 of 20 participants nally inherited (‘biallelic’) mutant copies of the randomized to the treatment arm and ten

who received voretigene neparvovec-rzyl ex- RPE65 gene, the label of the drug indicates that patients to the control arm. To assess outcomes,

perienced the ‘maximum possible improve- patients must have viable retinal cells remaining. patients were asked to navigate a course (Fig. 1)

ment’ [5]. Multiple sources stated or implied that Researchers have distinguished between two under increasing illumination, progressing from

the drug was ‘curative’ [6–9]. pathological mechanisms of RPE65-associated 1 lux (equivalent to a moonless night) through 4,

Despite the clear advance represented by the conditions: visual dysfunction, which relates to 10, 50, 125, 250, and 400 lux (equivalent to an

therapy, these characterizations fail to fully de- the biochemical pathway in which the RPE65 office environment). A custom-designed as-

scribe the reported benefits of the treatment, enzyme serves as a catalyst; and photoreceptor sessment, termed multi-luminance mobility

the risks and uncertainties of the procedure, or degeneration, relating to deterioration of the testing (MLMT) [17], was administered and

the technical challenges that remain. They also cells (rods and cones) in the in which the points were assigned (Table 1) both before

omit important details about the approval biochemical processes underlying vision occurs injection and at 1-year follow-up, according to

process and the outcomes that study patients [12]. Voretigene neparvovec-rzyl appears to the lowest light level at which a patient could

actually experienced, as described by the FDA address dysfunction, but it is unclear whether, or accurately and with reasonable speed navigate

reviewers who evaluated the voretigene to what extent, it mitigates degeneration the 5 ft  10 ft course, which was reconfigured

neparvovec-rzyl submission package. A bal- [13,14,15]. Given that the disease is progressive, at each attempt. The course comprised large

anced picture of the benefits, limitations, and older patients may therefore be less likely to black arrows on the floor and required patients

costs of voretigene neparvovec-rzyl is important respond as well as younger patients, or at all to avoid obstacles. For a given patient, a change

to patients seeking to become informed re- [14]. In addition, if photoreceptor degeneration in score of two points, from baseline to year 1,

garding eligibility for treatment and probable continues to progress despite treatment, loss of was considered by the FDA as the minimum

outcomes, and payors attempting to appropri- visual function could eventually follow for most change needed to demonstrate clinically

ately assess the value of the treatment and or all patients, thus qualifying descriptions of the meaningful benefit [15]. The mean improve-

negotiate a fair price. drug as a ‘one-time’ therapy [16] that restores ment for all treated subjects was 1.9 points,

vision. compared with 0.2 points in the control arm.

Eligibility for treatment The changes in score for each of the 20

The RPE65 gene is only one of more than 220 Efficacy measurement for voretigene treated patients and nine untreated patients

genes that, if mutated, can lead to inherited neparvovec-rzyl (one patient in each arm withdrew consent

retinal dystrophies [10], accounting for an esti- For those patients who respond, the treatment before beginning the baseline assessment) are

mated 2% of cases [11]. As a result, most patients cannot be expected to be curative or to restore summarized in Fig. 2, with right-facing arrows

with inherited blinding conditions will not fall normal vision, even temporarily. The single indicating improvement in assessment score. In


within the indication of voretigene neparvovec- Phase III trial supporting approval was an open- the control arm, 11% of patients improved by

rzyl. For those with both maternally and pater- label (unmasked) trial in which 21 patients were two or more points, compared with 55% in the  PERSPECTIVE

Foam Raised Door

Grass Hole Cone

Hole Foam Stop Waste

Step Grass Cone

Raised Hole


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FIG. 1

Example of a navigation course used as an efficacy assessment for voretigene neparvovec-rzyl. Patients were assessed according to their ability to quickly and

accurately navigate a 5 ft  10 ft course under increasing illumination. The custom-designed assessment was reconfigured before each run and standardized for

each of 12 different configurations with a fixed number of turns and obstacles. The assessment was validated for correlation with visual acuity and for inter-rater

agreement of successful completion. Adapted from [17].

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Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 4 April 2019 PERSPECTIVE



Points assigned on successful completion of course at lowest possible lux level

Lux 1 4 10 50 125 250 400 Does not pass 400

Points 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 –1


Points were assigned according to the lowest illumination level at which a patient could accurately and with reasonable speed complete the course. A score of –1 indicated the patient

failed the test at the brightest illumination level. A score of 6 indicated a patient passed the test at the lowest illumination level [17].

treatment arm, including 30% who improved by Notably, the trial sponsor decided not to use among other treatment-related ocular adverse

three or more points. Given that 13 patients in as a primary endpoint a more traditional mea- events. Overall, 27 (66%) treated patients ex-

the treatment arm achieved the maximum sure of vision function [logarithm of the mini- perienced one or more ocular adverse events,

possible score, there might have been a ‘ceiling mum angle of resolution (logMAR) which were primarily attributed to the surgical

effect’ to the efficacy outcomes, suggesting that improvement of 0.3 or more] after an earlier trial procedure rather than to the drug itself. Most

the improvement could have been even greater yielded mixed results: a 5-year follow-up of were mild or moderate and resolved, or were

than the assessment was able to measure. Based Phase I patients showed that a greater propor- ongoing but consistent with disease progres-

on Phase I results, durability of effect may be 3 to tion of treated than untreated patients im- sion irrespective of treatment [10,15]. However,

5 years or more. proved by logMAR 0.3 or more (46% versus two (5%) study participants sustained perma-

However, some treated patients, including 16%), but also that a greater proportion wors- nent vision loss attributed to the subretinal

two younger patients aged 5 and 6 years, im- ened by logMAR 0.3 or more (16% versus 0%), administration procedure [15,19], including ir-

proved by only a single point, and one patient, making the results ‘difficult to interpret’ [15]. The reversible optic atrophy because of sustained

aged 33 years, exhibited no measurable im- pivotal trial included logMAR as a secondary increased intraocular pressure associated with

provement. Four (44%) of the nine control efficacy measure and demonstrated a numerical the administration of ocular steroids for the

patients also improved, including one, aged 4, advantage to treatment (logMAR change at year treatment of Staphylococcus infection, and

who improved by two points. Changes in control 1 of À0.16 in the treatment arm versus +0.01 in permanent loss of central vision in the right eye

patient performance could be explained by the placebo arm, where more negative values from 20/150 at baseline to 20/320 because of

natural fluctuations, variations in effort by indicate improvement), but the difference was injection-related macular thinning [15]. A 15-

patients, a more advanced developmental level not statistically significant. year follow-up study to assess long-term safety

(for younger patients) at the end of the 1-year and efficacy is ongoing.

period, or by greater experience with the as- Safety concerns are unlike most FDA- Voretigene neparvovec-rzyl is the first FDA-

sessment tool itself. Assessments were per- regulated medicines approved therapy to rely on an adeno-associ-

formed at baseline, at days 30, 90, and 180, and Voretigene neparvovec-rzyl is unlike most FDA- ated virus (AAV) vector as its delivery mecha-

at 1 year. Given that patients used both eyes for approved injectable treatments in that admin- nism, although more than 100 clinical trials have

the assessment, improvement in one eye might istration requires a surgical procedure. The gene used such vectors [20] and one AAV vector- PERSPECTIVE

have masked lesser improvement or vision loss therapy is administered by subretinal injection based gene therapy (alipogene tiparvovec,

in the other eye [10], a possibility supported by under general anesthesia, supplemented with Glybera) was approved in Europe in 2012 before

single-eye assessments that demonstrated dif- local anesthesia (‘retrobulbar anesthetic irriga- being withdrawn for commercial reasons


ferences in improvement between the first tion’) [10]. It involves cutting into the covering of [21,22]. These engineered vectors are consid-

treated eye and the second treated eye [18]. the white of the eye (‘conjunctival peritomy’), ered to be nonpathogenic and are not expected

The maximum possible score of six indicated cutting through the layer below (‘Tenon’s cap- to insert into the host genome, reducing the risk

that a patient was able to recognize large black sule dissection’), removal of the vitreous gel of of cancer mutagenesis [23,24]. FDA reviewers

arrows and other obstacles near the patient's the eye (‘pars plana vitrectomy’), removal of expressed concern over potential liver toxicity

feet well enough to pass the MLMT at the lowest membrane (if present) in the macular area using based on unrelated trials of intravenously ad-

light level, and did not indicate normal vision. A a scraper and forceps, insertion of a tube ('39- ministered AAV vector-based therapies, but

passing score at any light level could be gauge hydrodissection cannula’) through which observed that immune reactions were mild at all

achieved by navigating a winding path totaling the drug is administered by subretinal injection, doses in the Phase I and III studies of voretigene

24 ft in no more than 3 min (including any and potential repair of retinal breaks, if any. neparvovec-rzyl.

time penalties assessed for errors, which ranged The FDA reviewers combined the safety data

from 15 to 30 s per error) and committing no from the Phase III study with an earlier Phase I Personal and societal costs of voretigene

more than three errors. Score interpretation was study, yielding a total of 41 treated patients neparvovec-rzyl

also made more challenging, as some advisory (control patients in the Phase III trial crossed The maker of voretigene neparvovec-rzyl, Spark

committee members observed, because the over to receive treatment after 1 year). Based on Therapeutics, priced the drug at US$850 000, or

scoring system was ordinal whereas the corre- a follow-up period ranging from 1 to 6 years, two US$425 000 per eye, which does not include the

sponding lux levels were logarithmic and un- (5%) treated patients experienced wrinkling on cost of surgery (estimated at US$4876 [20]) or

evenly spaced (with steps ranging from a the surface of the macula (‘maculopathy’), three other medical costs. Spark’s Chief Executive

change of 0.25 log units to 0.6 log units), (7%) experienced macular holes, four (10%) Officer explained this price was justified by the

meaning that a two-point change in the ordinal experienced retinal tears, six (15%) experienced value of the drug to patients, including the value

scale could carry a different meaning depending increased intraocular pressure, and eight (20%) of being able to work and reduced caregiving

on the starting score. experienced clouding of the lens (‘cataract’), needs, in addition to the more obvious quality-

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PERSPECTIVE Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 4 April 2019

Treatment-01 4 4

Treatmen t-02 5 1 Treatmen t-03 5 1 Treatment-04 5 2

Treatment-05 6 1

Treatmen t-06 6 1 Treatmen t-07 6 1

Treatment-08 6 3

Treatmen t-09 8 1

Treatmen t-10 11 2 Treatmen t-11 11 3

Treatment-12 11 3

Treatmen t-13 13 2 Treatmen t-14 13 3 Treatment-15 16 2

Treatment-16 18* 0

Treatmen t-17 20 3 Treatmen t-18 33 0

Treatment-19 34 1

Treatment-20 34 1 Treatmen t-21 44 2 Features Control-01 4 2 Control-02 7 –1 

PERSPECTIVE Control-03 9 –1 Control-04 9 1 Control-05 10 1 Control-06 18 1 Control-07 19 –1 Control-08 24 0 Control-09 28 0 Control-10 31* 0

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

MLMT score usin g both eyes

Drug Discovery Today

FIG. 2

Changes in score from baseline to 1-year for all treated and control patients. Patients were evaluated for each eye separately (i.e., with one eye patched) and for

both eyes together. Results of the change in score from baseline to year 1 using both eyes are presented. The numbers adjacent to each data point or arrow head

indicate the change in score. The numbers to the right of each patient number indicate patient age at randomization. Treatment 16 did not receive treatment;

Control 10 withdrew consent. Course navigation (as described in Fig. 1) was evaluated at seven specified illumination levels, measured in lux, and points awarded

according to the lowest illumination level at which successful completion occurred, as determined by trained, masked evaluators who reviewed video recordings

of subject assessments. The assessment was repeated for at least two illumination levels (one failing, one passing) [15]. Adapted from [18].

of-life improvements [25]. By contrast, the In- pharmaceutical products, estimated that treat- 3-years old at the time of treatment, under

stitute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), a ment cost would have to be lowered from US varying assumptions regarding cost savings and

nonprofit healthcare research organization that $850 000 to between US$214 553 and US using commonly cited thresholds of US$50 000

provides independent cost-benefit analysis of $755 633 to be cost-effective for those patients and US$100 000 per quality adjusted life year

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Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 4 April 2019 PERSPECTIVE

(QALY) [20,26–27]. For those 15-years old at the the USA estimated to fall within the indicated and the gene therapy offers improved visual

time of treatment, costs would have to be population receive the US$850 000 treatment function and meaningful therapeutic benefit to

lowered to between US$88 499 and US [31], expenditures could total between US$850 patients who previously had few options. Con-

$362 524. Cost-per-QALY thresholds are con- million (i.e., 1000 Â US$850 000) and US$2.55 tributions to the medical toolbox such as this

troversial [28,29], and ICER also included less billion (3000 Â US$850 000), not including should be appropriately incentivized, including

commonly cited thresholds in its analysis. hospital costs. via adequate financial compensation to their

Given that the calculations by ICER assumed Less-apparent costs must also be considered. makers, taking into account other healthcare

that measured benefits would persist for 10 Given that it is indicated for a rare disease, imperatives that must also be funded. Although

years and that patients would experience an voretigene neparvovec-rzyl was granted an or- voretigene neparvovec-rzyl represents a more

additional 10-year period during which effects phan drug designation, making Spark Thera- substantial step forward than most other costly

waned, these cost–benefit figures might rise or peutics potentially eligible for a tax credit worth interventions introduced each year (a low bar,

fall if treatment effect duration is ultimately 50% of its clinical testing costs under the 1984 given that many offer little or no incremental

demonstrated to be shorter or longer. FDA Orphan Drug Act (reduced to 25% in 2018) and benefit [38–40]) and deserves a proportionally

reviewers cited evidence that progressive cel- entitling it to a waiver of the over US$2 million larger reward, it is well short of the cure that

lular degeneration might occur within 1–3 years new drug application fee [32]. Any patient out- patients desire. Patients, payors, and policymakers

notwithstanding sustained improvement in vi- of-pocket costs paid for by the manufacturer are should be aware of the risks and limits of the

sual function in studies of similar AAV vector- also likely to qualify as deductible business effectiveness of the technology, the incomplete

based gene therapies for the identical indication expenses and, therefore, represent an additional and short-term nature of the evidence, and the

[13,15,30]. Benefit might also be higher than indirect government subsidy borne by all tax- various nontransparent subsidies that its manu-

calculated because, according to ICER, certain payers. Under the 2012 FDA Safety and Inno- facturer was eligible to receive as they consider

quality-of-life benefits might not have been vation Act, was also awarded treatment options, make reimbursement deci-

adequately captured in its analysis because of a rare pediatric disease priority review voucher sions, and evaluate incentives to promote the

data limitations. The US$850 000 cost also does [33] that it sold in 2018 for US$110 million [34]. development and availability of new pharma-

not reflect confidential rebates that insurers Potentially of greater significance, as more gene ceutical products, including gene therapies.

might be able to negotiate, or outcomes-based therapies are approved, the launch price of

rebates that Spark has announced it will offer if voretigene neparvovec-rzyl will anchor the price Declaration of interest

the drug does not reach certain effectiveness of treatments that address indications affecting J.J.D. is supported by grants from the Laura and

thresholds in particular patients as determined larger numbers of individuals. Finally, some John Arnold Foundation, the Harvard-MIT Cen-

at approximately 3 months and 2.5 years after therapies might be widely prescribed off-label, ter for Regulatory Science, and the Engelberg

treatment [16]. potentially increasing costs while providing Foundation. The funders had no role in the

Despite high costs, patients might pay little or uncertain benefit. conception, preparation, or approval of the

nothing out of pocket beyond their insurance manuscript, or in the decision to submit the

premiums. Spark has stated that it will help with Implications manuscript for publication. PERSPECTIVE

travel, accommodation, and other costs, and Issues of cost, benefit, and uncertainty will be-

that commercially insured patients can expect come increasingly important as a wave of costly Acknowledgements

to bear ‘zero cost’ for voretigene neparvovec- new therapies tested in small patient popula- The author gratefully acknowledges Jason


rzyl and immediate follow-up care [16]. Spark tions are developed and approved. In 2018, 58% Comander, Aaron Kesselheim, Nicole Lemanski,

has also offered physicians free RPE65 genetic of new drugs addressed orphan indications, David Rind, and Melissa Hergan Simmons for

test kits to determine whether their patients defined as those affecting fewer than 200 000 their input on earlier drafts.

meet the FDA-labeled indication. Experts and patients in the USA, compared with 39% the

study patients who offered testimony at the year before [35]. Gene therapies, which are References

Advisory Committee meeting reported that targeted to specific genetic abnormalities, are 1 FDA (2017) FDA Approves Novel Gene Therapy to Treat

Patients with a Rare Form of Inherited Vision Loss. FDA

Spark had already provided financial support for likely to address especially small patient popu-

2 FDA (2017) 67th Meeting of the Cellular, Tissue, and Gene

their travel and accommodation, and similar lations and remain among the costliest drugs.

Therapies Advisory Committee. Center for Biologics

support will be provided to patients to facilitate Although small trials might be unavoidable for

Evaluation and Research. FDA

travel to one of the small number of treatment such indications [36,37], limited evidence and 3 Knox, R. (2018) Affording miracles: as biotech victories

centers in the USA that will offer the procedure uncertain long-term benefits and risks will in gene therapy excite, costs spur quest for new ways

to pay. WBUR June 7

[6]. These subsidized costs can be substantial. complicate coverage decisions and could lead to

4 Feuerstein, A. and Garde, D. (2018) The most expensive

One patient, for example, reported that Spark overpayment if benefit and risk profiles turn out

U.S. medicine now has an official sticker price. Stat

Therapeutics agreed to pay US$4000 in out-of- to be less favorable than expected. The in-

January 3

pocket costs [5]. creasing prevalence of high-priced rare disease 5 Reddy, S. (2018) High hopes for a gene therapy come

Although patients might experience mean- treatments also creates challenges for payors, with fears over cost. Wall Street J. September 24

6 Tirrell, M. (2018) A US drugmaker offers to cure rare

ingful benefit while being spared from imme- particularly smaller ones, who might experience

blindness for $850,000. CNBC January 3

diate financial burdens, these benefits are not difficulty forecasting annual claim amounts.

7 Kelly, C. (2018) Installment payments for gene therapy;

without cost. The price of voretigene neparvo-

from Luxturna to hemophilia. Pink Sheet January 4

vec-rzyl (minus expenses saved) must eventually Concluding remarks 8 Mukherjee, S. (2017) The first FDA-approved gene

be passed along in the form of higher insurance The technical advance underlying voretigene therapy can cure a type of blindness but may cost $1

million. Fortune December 19

premiums. If all of the 1000–3000 patients in neparvovec-rzyl represents a scientific milestone,

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