a Place tHat ever calls…

The University of Mississippi Foundation Report on Philanthropy for the Year Ended June 30, 2012 a Place tHat ever calls… Ole Miss Total endowment benefiting the University of Mississippi

Total endowment: $462 million

4.5% – Library support

38.7% – Scholarship support

38.6% – Academic and program support

18.2% – Faculty support

Recent Private Support 80



50 $80.4 million

40 $68.9 million $65.9 million $58 million

30 $58.7 million $55.4 million $55.5 million $52.1 million

20 $48.1 million


0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 able of Contents T Chancellor’s Letter...... 2 Board Chair’s Letter...... 3

Foundation Letter...... 4

Mission Statement ...... 5

Introduction...... 6

Impact...... 10

Major Gifts...... 26

Present and Future Needs...... 30

Conclusion...... 32

Executive Management Council...... 38

Academic Deans...... 40

University of Mississippi Foundation Board, Joint Committee on University Investments, UM Foundation Staff, University Development Staff, UM Medical Center Development Staff, UMAA (University of Mississippi Athletics Association) Foundation Staff, Alumni Affairs Staff ...... 41

Donor Lists ...... 50 hanceor’s Leer C ith $122 .6 million in private sup- places in their academic journeys . port to the University of Missis- We are grateful for the essential role sippi during fiscal year 2012, your you play in establishing our university as a contributions achieved the second highest national leader in higher education, research, Wyear of giving in our 165-year history . Thank medical breakthroughs, service projects and you for this truly extraordinary demonstration athletics programs . The Ole Miss experi- of generosity and commitment . You once ence is no longer a “best kept secret,” as again stood strong for Ole Miss, and this evidenced by a growing student body com- level of support in a continuing tough econo- posed of residents from all 50 states and 75 my made your gifts especially remarkable . foreign countries . As our reach has expand- The meaningful rewards of your invest- ed, our students and faculty have become ments can be seen in the quality of stu- increasingly engaged in making positive dents, faculty and staff who are attracted impacts on society at large . to our campuses, by national rankings and We have pledged to transform lives and accolades for our programs, and by the make important contributions to Mississippi, achievements of our graduates . They are felt the nation and the world . Thank you for join- by each and every one of our students as ing us in this great responsibility of providing they enjoy and are challenged by their time outstanding higher education opportunities at the university . Your support for our vision and of seeking meaningful answers to some for Ole Miss athletics programs and facili- of the most important questions facing our ties through the Forward Together campaign time . Let us match your values and passions brings pride and unity to the Ole Miss family . with the needs of our university . By connect- Your gifts continually expand educational ing with our vibrant students and campuses, offerings and scholarships to draw talented your life will be forever changed . students to our campuses, as well as in- With your continued support, we will crease accessibility to academically deserv- constantly strive for excellence, while also ad- ing students who need financial assistance . dressing opportunities and complexities . Please Additionally, we offer programs to facilitate continue to stand with us in these efforts . success for all students, who are at different Together, we are Ole Miss .

Daniel W . Jones, M .D . Chancellor

2 oard Chair’s Leer “ ith united heartsB we praise thee, nurturing campus environment continues to all our loyalty is thine ”. This year be one of our best attributes . Your generous has proven that the love and gifts have served to make this exceptional, loyalty we sing about in the University of distinctive environment stronger each year . WMississippi’s alma mater is real . More than Three years ago, you heard our message 15,300 devoted alumni and friends answered that this university needed to increase endow- the call to invest in Ole Miss, resulting in ment funds for faculty support to recruit and gifts totaling $122 .6 million in private sup- retain top professors to teach our students . port . What a magnificent year, and what a Thank you for heeding this message and mak- difference these funds are going to make! ing the endowed assets for faculty support When I began singing the alma mater as grow by 60 percent . In a fragile economy with an undergraduate, I found it both beautiful college tuition soaring, you stepped forward and inspiring . As the years have passed, the with gifts to assure that scholarship endow- anthem has taken on greater meaning for ments increased by 36 percent — thank you . me . It evokes memories of the past, confir- When we said private support was needed mation and enjoyment of the present, and for athletics programs, you began responding commitment for the future . I’ve watched this to the university’s most ambitious athletics institution grow from a small, tightly knit, be- campaign ever undertaken . Thank you again . loved Ole Miss family to a large, tightly knit, Your investments are achieving great things . beloved Ole Miss family . We are bigger and Our accolades and rankings are incredible, but better, and we are more devoted than ever . I strongly urge you to spend time on one of The number and caliber of our educational our campuses and interact with students, fac- offerings and programs have experienced ulty and staff . The positive energy, inquisitive tremendous growth, earning national promi- minds and service commitments you encoun- nence and improving our ability to recruit ex- ter will both inspire and reassure you that your tremely bright, talented students . Our unique investments are showing significant returns .

Jan G . Farrington Chair, University of Mississippi Foundation Board of Directors

3 oundation Leer F e celebrate an incredible year of both achievements and challenges . giving because you — Univer- One reality is that the markets continue sity of Mississippi alumni and to be volatile . Our endowment stands at friends — obviously feel a deeply held re- $462 million, which represents a 1 .6 percent Wsponsibility to transform lives and strengthen loss — a fiscal year 2012 average for the the state’s flagship university . nation’s universities . Some risk is expected In a time when difficulties of our nation’s to achieve the desired spendable return over faltering economy fed news reports, political the long term, and our returns have rebound- debates and harsh realities, you stood with ed in the first quarter of the new fiscal year . and for Ole Miss, creating a model of support Our Joint Committee on University Invest- that continues to ensure this university can ments structures the endowment portfolio fulfill a powerful leadership role . with a long-term view and seizes opportu- While your $122 .6 million in private nities as they arise . Our management fee support brought on an array of emotions — continues at one-half of 1 percent, the lowest gratitude, exhilaration, humility, respect and in the Southeastern Conference . This means pride — we were not surprised . We work 99 .5 percent of your endowment gifts and daily with you — some of the most visionary, 100 percent of your nonendowment gifts are thoughtful and generous donors we have directed to the areas you designate . ever known — and we profoundly appreciate Thank you for entrusting your gifts to our your belief in this university and its role . management . We will continue working to State and federal financial support for ensure your contributions make the greatest higher education continues to decline, and impact possible, undergirding the bold vision your private gifts have been and will con- in the strategic plan UM 2020 that includes tinue to be a driving force behind continued building the endowment to a billion dollars . expansion and progress on our campuses . Please continue to stand with us as we build In this report, we have attempted to outline a great American university for the ages .

Wendell W . Weakley Sandra M . Guest Foundation President Vice President

4 ission Statement he University of MississippiM Foundation is a nonprofit corpo- ration chartered in 1973 by the state of Mississippi to operate pri- Tmarily for the benefit of the Univer- sity of Mississippi . The foundation is responsible for receiving, receipting, investing and distributing all gifts for the benefit of the University of Mississippi . It pursues this mission in an environment of productive teamwork, effective communication and relentless service to our donors, university administrators, faculty, staff and students . Communication of university needs and priorities along with encouraging investment in the future of Ole Miss are inte- gral to our success . Integrity, honor, civility, service and respect for our donors and their wishes serve as the foundation’s guiding principles .

5 Introduction road, proud smiles spread across Standing up together for Ole Miss the faces of the cap-and-gown- has propelled our university to national clad graduates assembled in the prominence and has fueled an explosion of Grove for commencement exercises . As outstanding educational opportunities for Bthe ceremony closes, they stand with their students, opportunities that simply would newly minted degrees and join their families, not be possible without private support . friends and professors in singing an anthem Standing up together has brought us to a to the University of Mississippi . year in which, despite continuing challenges As the sun shines down on the Rose of the economic downturn, the generosity of Garden, a throng of people has gathered to deeply committed alumni and friends have dedicate several new scholarship endow- made headlines . In fact, fiscal year 2012 ments — three philanthropic gifts that will resulted in the second highest year of giving provide the resources to transform lives . in the university’s 165-year history with a Moved and inspired by the benefactors’ remarkable $122 .6 million in private support . generosity, alumni and the Ole Miss Concert “This is an extraordinary demonstration of Singers stand together and sing the univer- the generosity and commitment of Ole Miss sity’s beloved hymn . alumni and friends,” Chancellor Dan Jones At a retreat of scholarship recipients, an said . “A tough economy makes this support alumni leader stands with a group of stu- especially noteworthy, as donations from our dents to whom she has become a cherished supporters came within $600,000 of the all- mentor . She and the students lift their voices time record ($123 .2 million) set in 2002 ”. in unison, harmonizing on lyrics that have be- Numerous programs were honored this come enshrined in the songbook of their lives . year for national leadership, a level of excel- In Vaught-Hemingway Stadium, a hard- lence made possible through private resourc- fought football game comes to an end, and es . They include the slowly the stadium grows quiet . Flushed ƒƒ Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College with victory, the faithful fans rise to their feet ƒƒ Patterson School of Accountancy as band strikes up the ƒƒ School of Business Administration familiar tune of the alma mater . ƒƒ School of Law

6 ƒƒ University of Mississippi Medical Center someone supporting me ”. ƒƒ School of Pharmacy “While there are still many years ahead of ƒƒ College of Liberal Arts’ Master of Fine me, getting started was one of the toughest Arts in creative writing program, forensic tasks and was only possible because of your chemistry program and Army ROTC generosity,” added Kristen Stephens, a biol- “Our supporters are seeing solid evidence ogy major from Greenwood . of a tremendous return on their investments Public policy leadership major Cody Smith in Ole Miss,” said Wendell Weakley, presi- of Brookhaven declared, “Going to the Uni- dent and CEO of the University of Missis- versity of Mississippi has opened up many sippi Foundation . “Whether it is our Forbes’ new opportunities that would not have been ranking at No . 18 in the nation as a Best available to me anywhere else ”. Value College or our top 10 ranking in the Standing up together for Ole Miss is what United States for the Patterson School of our alumni and friends do best . When Ole Accountancy, the investments by our donors Miss called, you answered, and we thank are paying huge dividends . We deeply ap- you for investing so generously and selflessly preciate this continued support, and we are in this university . Your support has benefited thankful for the trust placed in our university our main Oxford campus, the University of and in our foundation ”. Mississippi Medical Center and our regional And what are some of our students from campuses in Southaven, Tupelo, Booneville Mississippi saying? and Grenada . Your contributions have fueled “Your donations have not only helped me important scientific discoveries, funded high- with my education, but they are also assisting quality, specialized medical care, enhanced me with my future dreams and aspirations of significant research and innovation, and teaching others,” said Lauren Calvert, a liberal inspired a new generation of young people to arts major from Courtland . serve others and to give back to their com- Accountancy major Omar Sharabati of munities, their state and their country . Cleveland agreed, saying, “I want to do so In short, your gifts are helping transform many things to help others, and I cannot tell students, who will graduate and help trans- you how amazing it feels to know there is form the world .

Private support for fiscal year 2012: $80 .4 million in cash and realized gifts $21 .2 million new pledges receivable and payable in future years $21 million in deferred and planned gifts $122.6 million total private support


Remarkable Results Way down south in Mississippi

10 ay down outh in ississipphank you for your invaluable support! Freshman Ventures program sends teams s Gifts of all sizes from University of of Honors College freshmen from coast to W M Mississippi alumni and friends are coast,i and our student leaders organize a transforming the academic environment and sophomore service weekend in one of our Tathletics programs . The $122 .6 million com- nation’s metropolises to gain a sense of how mitted this year will forever change individual a community works to find pragmatic solu- lives and benefit society at large . The fol- tions to their challenges . lowing examples of generosity touch on top priorities: academic, student, faculty, Medical Center and athletics support . Without private gifts, we could not offer our cherished 84 Barksdale, Academic Support “ Ongoing major program support has launched Raymond and Parker scholarships the university to a new level of academic prominence, as evidenced by high demand that attract the high performers, for an Ole Miss degree . Among programs changing the academic landscape are the Sal- both in state and out of state.” ly McDonnell Barksdale Honors College and —Douglass Sullivan-González Dean of the Sally McDonnell the Croft Institute for International Studies . Honors College “Private gifts to the Honors College have made the difference in our work to make citizen scholars of our students,” said Dou- “Private gifts also enable us to offer attrac- glass Sullivan-González, dean of the Honors tive fellowships to study abroad or to buy College . “These gifts enable us to show our research equipment essential for the mo- students firsthand how different parts of ment of discovery,” Sullivan-González said . our nation answer the tough questions . Our “Without private gifts, we could not offer our

11 There’s a Spot that ver cas, 12 e cherished 84 Barksdale, Raymond and Parker needed window on the wider world outside scholarships that attract the high performers, the South and the United States ”. both in state and out of state . We simply Gispen continued, “In conjunction with could not be one of the nation’s best honors other recent program additions, such as the colleges without these gifts ”. Chinese Language Flagship Program, the in- Leveraging the Joseph C . Bancroft telligence and security studies minor, the Ara- Charitable and Educational Fund’s ongoing bic language program, and the new empha- generosity, the Croft Institute for Internation- al Studies has been a catalyst for change at the University, said Kees Gispen, executive Along with the Sally McDonnell director and professor of history . Barksdale Honors College and other “Though a relatively small academic pro- “ gram, the Croft Institute has had a dispropor- programs, the Croft Institute has been tionately beneficial impact on the university’s overall academic climate, culture and repu- a magnet that attracts substantial tation,” Gispen said . “Along with the Sally numbers of high-achieving students.” McDonnell Barksdale Honors College and —Kees Gispen other programs, the Croft Institute has been Executive director of a magnet that attracts substantial numbers the Croft Institute for International Studies of high-achieving students . This has helped raise the average ACT score of the student body as a whole and also provided new direc- sis on advanced foreign-language proficiency tions in student leadership and awareness . in the Department of Modern Languages, By allowing students to choose a regional Croft has been busy addressing America’s concentration in East Asia, Latin America or skills gap . It is playing a crucial role in interna- the Middle East, Croft has opened a much- tionalizing the university’s curriculum and its There’s a Spot that ver cas, 13 e Where among the hills enfolded

14 here among the hillsgeneral orientation enfolde . For almost 15 years, the is the key to life, the key to success . I’ve Croft Institute has been preparing our state’s been rather successful, and I wanted to put W and other states’ best and brightest students some ofd my resources to good use . Naturally, to compete effectively in an increasingly glo- I thought of Ole Miss, a place I love ”. balized world with remarkable results ”. Likewise, the late Dr . R . Faser Triplett — the state’s first board-certified allergist-immu- Faculty Support nologist and a founder of the Mississippi Al- UM has made considerable strides in a short period toward growth of endowments for faculty and student support . While major Education is the key to life, the key to faculty support reserves are necessary for success. I’ve been rather successful, and faculty recruitment and retention, we are “ gratified to record faculty support endow- I wanted to put some of my resources ment growth of 60 percent over the last three years, helping ensure our students are to good use. Naturally, I thought of taught by outstanding professors . Charles and Sarah Moore of Blytheville, Ole Miss, a place I love.” Ark ., were among those donors who chose —Charles Moore 1947 graduate, retired to make major investments in faculty across farmer and state legislator disciplines on the Oxford campus . “Growing up on that dirt road during the Depression years of the ’30s has made me lergy Clinic — is remembered with a named realize that I have lived an abbreviated ver- faculty position at the UM Medical Center . sion of the American dream,” said Charles A gift in excess of $1 million from his family Moore, a 1947 graduate, retired farmer, foundation capped off a $2 million funding state legislator and civic leader . “Education campaign for the endowed faculty support .

15 tand old Alma mater ’s has, S 16 “My dad was very proud of the Triplett friends . With recent tuition increases deemed Chair of Allergy and Immunology as he had necessary in response to decreased state devoted more than 35 years of his life prac- funding, scholarships have become critical to ticing allergy,” said R . Faser “Chip” Triplett Jr . many deserving students’ ability to pursue “My siblings — Diane Holloway, Suzy Fuller, college degrees . About 3,000 UM students Liz Walker and Lou Ann Woidtke — and I are recipients of privately funded scholarships . knew that the first funds we wanted to grant from the foundation would be directed to this chair . We were inspired to know this The hope is that this faculty support would help ensure Mississippians will have will help … train our students access to future allergists trained at UMMC ”. “ Dr . Alan E . Freeland of the Medical Center and residents and keep contributed a major gift to continue building an endowed professorship in hand surgery . Mississippians active physically “It’s wonderful to be able to restore a to improve their health.” patient’s hand function,” Freeland said of —Dr. Alan E. Freeland his career as a hand surgeon . “The hope is Retired hand surgeon at the that this faculty support will help attract an University of Mississippi Medical Center outstanding hand surgeon to help train our students and residents and keep Mississippi- ans active physically to improve their health ”. The late Madeline O . Sciacca of Slidell, La ., remembered students at her alma Student Support mater in her will, assuring that generations In the past three years, endowments for of pharmacy students will now receive as- scholarship support have increased by 36 sistance . Sciacca directed a major gift to the percent due to the generosity of alumni and School of Pharmacy for the Sciacca Memo- tand old Alma mater ’s has, S 17 Where the trees

lift high their branches

18 rial Scholarship Endowment . member of the Madison Charitable Foun- “She was fiercely loyal to the people and dation’s board of directors . “The council’s institutions that she cared about,” said Bar- scholarship and mentoring program should bara Wells, dean emeritus of pharmacy, who be a model for others ”. knew the 1953 pharmacy graduate . “She also cared for students and wanted to make a difference in their lives . She was very gen- The Madison Charitable Foundation … erous, as expressed by her gift to our school, and she is an excellent role model for our has expanded its support to a leadership students and for all of us in pharmacy ”. series for students, recognizing that young The Madison Charitable Foundation, founded by Houston, , businessman people benefit from enriching assistance and Mississippi native Wiley H . Hatcher, con- tinues to support Ole Miss First Scholarships other than financial resources. and has expanded its support to a leadership series for students, recognizing that young people benefit from enriching assistance Medical Center other than financial resources . The series Benefactors continue to step forward to sup- was created by the Ole Miss Women’s Coun- port the life-changing work of the UM Medi- cil for Philanthropy, which also developed an cal Center, the state’s only academic health exceptional mentoring program . science center and home of the schools of “My wife, Leigh Anne, and I believe the Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Health Related work done by the Women’s Council is so Professions and Graduate Studies in the unique and cutting edge that it was a very Health Sciences, as well as the penultimate easy call to want to participate,” said James year of the School of Pharmacy’s profession- “Joc” Carpenter of Port Gibson, Miss ., a al program . One of the largest employers in

19 to the whisp’ring Southern breeze, 20 the state, the Medical Center is composed tic options available anywhere . of four specialized hospitals . “It is important that we have resources More than $12 .6 million in private gifts like this available to the people of our state,” were designated for Medical Center programs, Mosley said . “The MIND Center will ensure including those for The MIND (Memory Im- that Mississippians will be among the first to pairment and Neurodegenerative Dementia) experience the benefits of the latest research ”. Center . Currently, an estimated 5 .3 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease . The MIND Center is a leader in major research dedi- Philanthropic support is critical to cated to discovering causes and treatments for Alzheimer’s and related forms of dementia . the center’s success. Such support has Thomas H . Mosley Jr ., director of The enabled The MIND Center to expand MIND Center, said philanthropic support is critical to the center’s success . Such support its faculty team, bringing world-class has enabled The MIND Center to expand its faculty team, bringing world-class neurosci- neuroscientists to the Medical Center. entists to the Medical Center . “Bringing scientists together is one of the most effective ways to solve complex Athletics Programs problems like this,” Mosley said . “Sharing Also promoting good health and physical information and ideas accelerates the pace fitness are student-athletics programs — of discovery ”. competitive programs that draw people back The collaboration of scientists and physi- to the Oxford campus and inspire loyal fans cians also means that Mississippians suffer- to follow Ole Miss teams when they are “on ing from this disease will have access to the the road ”. Alumni and friends are constantly most state-of-the-art treatment and diagnos- connected to the university through athletics, to the whisp’ring Southern breeze, 21 There Ole mi is caing, caing

o our hearts T 22 here le i is caand student-athletesing, realize lifelong benefits ca ties for studentsin and otherg fans . m  from this support . Keith Carter, associate athletics director T O This year’s enthusiasm and interest were for development and executive director of directed at new Athletics Director Ross Bjork the UMAA Foundation, said, “With your con- and head football Coach Hugh Freeze . A tinued help, our Forward Together campaign $150 million Forward Together campaign had will catapult Ole Miss Athletics to a higher Rebel supporters demonstrating overwhelm- level of excellence, not only in the South- ing support for the UMAA Foundation’s larg- est, most comprehensive fundraising effort ever undertaken for Ole Miss Athletics . The new state-of-the-art facilities will “The UMAA Foundation is the backbone allow our student-athletes to excel in of Ole Miss Athletics,” said Bjork . “Through “ the generous support of our members, we their respective sports, in the classroom are able to provide the necessary resources to help over 400 student-athletes compete and then in rewarding careers and lives. on and off the field . Your passion and love of —Keith Carter this program have shown through three con- Associate athletics director and executive director of the secutive record-breaking years of athletics UMAA Foundation giving . Our staff, coaches and student-ath- letes thank you for your continued support ”. The campaign will allow both facility con- eastern Conference but also on the national struction and existing facility enhancements, stage . The new state-of-the-art facilities will with the most prominent construction proj- allow our student-athletes to excel in their ect being a basketball facility to replace C .M . respective sports, in the classroom and then . The 10,000-seat arena in rewarding careers and lives ”. will feature a number of exceptional ameni- fond memories.


Forging the Future ajor Gifts M ajor gifts and pledges in fiscal year Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation, 2012 are strengthening the Univer- Center for Mathematics and Science Edu- sity of Mississippi, the UM Medi- cation, Early Childhood Education, Missis- cal Center campus and satellite campuses sippi Teacher Corps, Principal Corps and Mby helping to transform the lives of individu- Center for Excellence in Literacy Instruc- als and society at large . Deepest apprecia- tion; and The MIND (Memory Impairment tion is extended to donors who devoted gifts and Neurodegenerative Dementia Re- of all sizes to strengthen and expand our search) Center at the UM Medical Center mission of teaching, research and service . ƒƒ James and Donna Barksdale of Jackson, Among these important contributions are: Miss ., for the Barksdale Reading Institute, Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors Col- $1 million and above lege, Mississippi Principal Corps and the ƒƒ Lucian and Mary Minor of Memphis, Tenn ., FIRST Robotics Program in the Center for the Patterson School of Accountancy for Mathematics and Science Education; ƒƒ Joseph C . Bancroft Charitable and Barksdale Medical Scholarships and The Educational Fund of McComb, Miss ., for MIND Center at the UM Medical Center continuing support of the Croft Institute ƒƒ Charles and Sarah Moore of Blytheville, for International Studies and the Blair E . Ark ,. for the Charles R . Moore Faculty Batson Children’s Hospital Endowment at Support Endowment to support salary the UM Medical Center supplements, research and creative activ- ƒƒ Luckyday Foundation of Jackson, Miss ., ity across the university for continuing support of the Luckyday ƒƒ Estate of Lillian Smith Stovall of Corinth, Scholarship Program Miss ., for the Cary Stovall Scholarship ƒƒ FedEx Corporation of Memphis, Tenn ., Endowment in the School of Law for the Vaught Society/Forward Together ƒƒ Gertrude C. Ford Foundation of Jackson, athletics campaign Miss ., for the building fund of the Gertrude ƒƒ Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation C . Ford Center for the Performing Arts and of Jackson, Miss ., for continuing support the Suzan B . Thames Chair in Pediatrics at of the Hearin Scholarship Program, William the UM Medical Center

26 ƒƒ Triplett Family Foundation of Jackson, Parker Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology Miss ., for the R . Faser Triplett Sr ., M .D ., at the UM Medical Center Chair of Allergy and Immunology Endow- ƒƒ Benjamin A. and Dr. Hilary Craddock of ment at the UM Medical Center Jackson, Miss ., for the Vaught Society/For- ƒƒ An anonymous gift for the Forward To- ward Together athletics campaign gether athletics campaign ƒƒ An anonymous gift for academics $200,000 to $499,999 ƒƒ An anonymous in-kind gift for unrestrict- ƒƒ Joe and Kathy Sanderson of Laurel, ed use Miss ., for the Sanderson Chair in the Mis- sissippi Center for Obesity Research at the $500,000 to $999,999 UM Medical Center ƒƒ E.H. Sumners Foundation of Jackson, ƒƒ David Nutt of Ridgeland, Miss ., for the Miss ., for continuing support of the Sum- Nutt Building Fund to support the Robert ners Scholarship Program C . Khayat Law Center ƒƒ Friends of Children’s Hospital for the ƒƒ Children’s Miracle Network of Salt Lake Batson Children’s Hospital Endowment at City, Utah, for the Batson Children’s Hospi- the UM Medical Center tal Endowment at the UM Medical Center ƒƒ Estates of Oscar and Edith Wetzel ƒƒ Estate of Madeline Occhipinti Sciacca Ainsworth of Tuscaloosa, Ala ., for the of Slidell, La ., for the Sciacca Scholarship University Libraries Endowment in the School of Pharmacy ƒƒ Henry C. Brevard Family of Tupelo, Miss ., ƒƒ Roland and Sheryl Burns Jr. of Frisco, for the Brevard Family Chair in Civil Engi- Texas, for Indoor Practice Facility enhance- neering and the School of Engineering ments as part of the Forward Together ƒƒ Madison Charitable Foundation of athletics campaign Houston, Texas, for Ole Miss First Scholar- ƒƒ Estates of Ralph S. and Della W. Dickerson ships, Ford Center for the Performing Arts of Kenova, W .Va ., for the Dickerson Memorial and Ole Miss Women’s Council Leadership Fund to address needs in the School of Law Series; and the Batson Children’s Hospital ƒƒ Estate of Genevieve Falk of Jackson, Endowment, MIND Center and the Paul H . Miss ., for the UM Medical Center

27 ƒƒ Benjamin and Selena Burns of Iuka, the Salinas Endowment for faculty support Miss ., for the Vaught Society/Forward in the School of Business Administration Together athletics campaign ƒƒ John S. and Judy Chew of Madison, ƒƒ Bruce and Karen Moore of Nashville, Tenn ., Miss ., for the Chew Pediatric and Oncol- for Moore Scholar providing faculty support ogy Research Endowment for the School of Business Administration ƒƒ Vicksburg Medical Foundation of Vicks- ƒƒ Ole Miss Alumni Association for the burg, Miss ,. for the UM Medical Center Alumni Association Endowment Scholarship Endowment Trust ƒƒ An anonymous gift for the McLean Insti- ƒƒ John H. and Suzan Thames of Jackson, tute for Community Development Miss ., for the Thames Chair in Pediatrics Endowment and The MIND Center at the $100,000 to $199,999 UM Medical Center ƒƒ Mississippi Power Education Foundation ƒƒ H. Dixon and Suzanne Montague of of Gulfport, Miss ., for the Center for Manu- Houston, Texas, for the Frank Montague Jr . facturing Excellence, School of Engineering Professorship of Legal Studies and Profes- and the Tim Ford Public Service Scholarship sionalism in the School of Law ƒƒ Phil Hardin Foundation of Meridian, Miss ., ƒƒ Charles F. and Kathy G. Porter of Jack- for the Archie McDonnell Mississippi Teachers son, Miss ,. for the Paul Parker, M .D ., Chair Corps Endowment in the School of Education in Pediatric Gastroenterology at the UM ƒƒ Charles and Donna Merkel of Clarksdale, Medical Center Miss ., for the Forward Together athletics ƒƒ The Hon. Trent Lott of Washington, D .C ., campaign for the Patricia Thompson Lott Scholarship ƒƒ North Mississippi Educational Consor- for public policy leadership majors tium for the School of Education ƒƒ Madeleine McMullan and the late ƒƒ BBB Foundation of Columbus, Miss ,. for James McMullan of Lake Forrest, Ill ., for the Ole Miss Opportunity Fund Oxford Conference for the Book ƒƒ Vining Sparks of Memphis, Tenn ,. for the ƒƒ Harry and Vicki Sneed of Oxford, Miss ., Forward Together athletics campaign for the Vicki and Harry Sneed Council ƒƒ Salinas of Nashville, Tenn ., for Scholarship under the direction of the Ole

28 Miss Women’s Council ƒƒ Bryan and Britton Owen of Jackson, Miss ,. ƒƒ Dr. Alan E. Freeland of Jackson, Miss ., for the Forward Together athletics campaign for the Freeland Professorship at the UM ƒƒ Cardinal Health Foundation of Washington, Medical Center D .C ., for the Cardinal Health Scholarships ƒƒ Estate of Margaret Lewis Draper of in the School of Pharmacy Edinburg, Texas, to support the Barnard ƒƒ Richard and Diane Scruggs of Oxford, Initiative for faculty salary support Miss ., for the Forward Together athletics ƒƒ J.L. and Diane Holloway of Ridgeland, campaign Miss ., for faculty support in the School of ƒƒ Gerald M. Hollingsworth of Niceville, Business Administration Fla ., for the Vaught Society/Forward To- ƒƒ David and Susan McCormick of Pas- gether athletics campaign cagoula, Miss ., for the Forward Together ƒƒ Robert C. and Yvonne P. Bertolet of athletics campaign, Ole Miss Women’s Ridgeland, Miss ., for the School of Nursing Council, Triplett Alumni Center and the at the UM Medical Center Ford Center for the Performing Arts ƒƒ TeleSouth Communications Inc. of ƒƒ Joseph C. Langston of Booneville, Miss ., Jackson, Miss ., for the Forward Together for the Forward Together athletics campaign athletics campaign ƒƒ S. Lawrence and Jan Farrington of Jack- ƒƒ Horseshoe Casino & Hotel of Robin- son, Miss ., for the Forward Together athlet- sonville, Miss ,. for the Forward Together ics campaign, Ford Center for the Perform- athletics campaign ing Arts and the Ole Miss Women’s Council ƒƒ An anonymous gift to establish the Dr . ƒƒ David and Sue Shelton of Columbus, Miss ., Edmund Keiser Biology Endowment in the for the Forward Together athletics campaign College of Liberal Arts ƒƒ Karen C. Trumpore of Jackson, Miss ., for ƒƒ An anonymous gift for the Paul Parker, the Forward Together athletics campaign M .D ., Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology ƒƒ Estate of Celia Emmerich of Greenwood, at the UM Medical Center Miss ., for the Celia and John O . Emmerich ƒƒ An anonymous gift for the Batson Chil- Jr . Council Scholarship under the direction dren’s Hospital Endowment at the UM of the Ole Miss Women’s Council Medical Center

29 resent and Future Needs P niversity of Mississippi students, Barnard Initiative for Faculty Support faculty, researchers and staff, as Ole Miss Opportunity well countless adults and children, Chancellor’s Trust look to Ole Miss for enriching educational Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College Uand cultural experiences . Today, the invitation Deborah Vaughn at 662-915-1687 is again extended for alumni and friends to dvaughn@olemiss .edu help transform the lives of individuals and write new chapters in the story of Ole Miss, School of Business Administration the Medical Center and regional campuses . Adam W. Lee at 662-915-1586 Please give thoughtful consideration to awlee@olemiss edu. matching your passions, values and inter- Tim L. Noss at 662-915-5932 ests with the critical needs of our teaching, tlnoss@olemiss .edu research and service . Listed here are some of the programs Center for the Study of Southern Culture and initiatives in which you can become Nikki L. Neely at 662-915-6678 involved: nlneely@olemiss .edu

Patterson School of Accountancy Chancellor’s Scholars Program Jenifer McMillan at 662-915-1993 Corporations and Foundations mcmillan@olemiss .edu Carol Anne Miconi at 662-915-1758 camiconi@olemiss .edu School of Applied Sciences Gloria Kellum at 662-915-7900 School of Education gkellum@olemiss .edu Meek School of Journalism and New Media John Festervand at 662-915-1757 Ole Miss Women’s Council for Philanthropy jfesterv@olemiss .edu Sarah Hollis at 662-915-1584 shollis@olemiss .edu

30 School of Engineering Parents Campaign Kevin Gardner at 662-915-7601 Elizabeth Milhous at 662-915-3181 kevin@olemiss .edu milhous@olemiss .edu

Ford Center for the Performing Arts School of Pharmacy University Libraries Raina McClure at 662-915-6967 University Museum and Historic Houses rmcclure@olemiss .edu Michael Upton at 662-915-3027 mupton@olemiss .edu Triplett Alumni Center Tim Walsh at 662-915-7375 Graduate School tim@olemiss .edu John Z. Kiss at 662-915-5974 jzkiss@olemiss .edu University of Mississippi-DeSoto Center Fannye Love at 662-342-4765 School of Law flove@olemiss edu. Jamie White at 662-915-6881 jamie@olemiss .edu University of Mississippi Medical Center John McCollouch at 601-898-1920 Sara Merrick at 601-984-2300 johnmccullouch@bellsouth .net smerrick@umc edu.

College of Liberal Arts University of Mississippi-Tupelo Center Denson Hollis at 662-915-5092 James Pate at 662-844-5622 dhollis@olemiss .edu jppate@olemiss .edu Nikki L. Neely at 662-915-6678 nlneely@olemiss .edu Vaught Society and Ole Miss Athletics Ron Wilson at 662-915-1755 Keith Carter at 662-915-7159 jrwilso3@olemiss .edu jkcarter@olemiss .edu

31 onclusion C tate universities’ contributions of educa- in its share of the state Public Employees’ tional preparation, service, innovation and Retirement System (PERS) contributions for discoveries are needed more than ever, faculty and staff . These increases occurred in but the message across the nation con- January 2012, when the rate rose from 12 per- Stinues to be somewhat contradictory . Educa- cent to 12 .93 percent, and then in July 2012, tion is crucial to propelling society forward, when the rate escalated from 12 .93 percent but states’ declining revenues and shrinking to 14 .26 percent . State funding was not pro- resources for higher education have led to vided for the first increase, and Mississippi’s accelerated funding declines . public universities were among the few state During fiscal year 2012, the university’s entities that did not have any portion of the operating revenues were approximately second increase funded .This impacted the $484 million (including $46 million for athlet- core educational and general portion of UM’s ics) . State appropriations accounted for 16 5. budget by $2 1. million prior to factoring in the percent of this total or $79 .75 million . This increased costs associated with new faculty was better than expected, said Larry Sparks, needed to meet the booming enrollment . UM vice chancellor for administration and In addition, PERS has already announced finance . Federal stimulus funding did not ex- its intention to increase the employer’s tend into FY 2012, and the early indications contribution from 14 .26 percent to 15 .75 were that state appropriations would not percent in July . only decline but also not cover the decrease created by stimulus fund loss . However, ap- Tuition and enrollment propriations allocated for FY 2012 were less With the university experiencing its largest than 1 percent below the FY 2011 level of enrollment ever, additional monies have been funding achieved by the state when adding realized from tuition and fees (39 .3 percent or appropriations and stimulus funds . Appropri- $190 .2 million) . UM leadership took steps to ated funds for FY 2013 decreased slightly control out-of-state admissions beginning fall again ($74 .9 million) but less than 1 percent 2012 . Even with the tougher standards, en- below the previous year . rollment hit a new all-time record of 21,528 UM has weathered two recent increases (3 .3 percent increase) . In addition, freshman

32 class ACT scores increased from 23 .5 to Infrastructure 23 .9, and high school grade-point averages Growth of the student population coupled increased from 3 35. to 3 43. . with the normal requirements of maintain- “As national interest in our university has ing and improving 200 buildings and related increased, we have been able to manage infrastructure have created the need for ap- growth while the qualifications of our new proximately $250 million in construction and students have improved,” said UM Provost renovation projects on the Oxford campus Morris Stocks . alone . Last year, no state bonds were issued, In a tuition-related issue, UM leadership placing the full burden on public universities recently requested, and the Board of Trust- to address capital facility needs . ees of State Institutions of Higher Learning The IHL approved a UM request to attach a (IHL) granted, the ability to award out-of- new $50-per-semester student fee beginning state tuition scholarships for high-achieving in fall 2013, with proceeds directed to student- students from targeted geographical areas related capital projects . The funds’ first use for the 2013-14 academic year . Incoming will go to the Student Union’s $50 million reno- freshmen who live in Shelby, Tipton and Fay- vation and expansion . The fee is expected to ette counties in Tennessee and have a mini- generate $1 .83 million annually . Other projects mum 3 .5 high school grade-point average underway or in planning stages are renova- and a minimum 28 ACT score are eligible . tion and expansion of the Johnson Commons This speaks to UM leadership’s commitment dining facility, addition to the National Center to strengthening the academic community for Natural Products Research, renovation and increasing accessibility . of Lamar Hall into general classrooms, reno- Also eligible for these tuition scholar- vation of the former mall property into the ships are students who meet the GPA Jackson Avenue Center, addition to Coulter and ACT score requirements and enroll in Hall, expansion of the domestic water system, STEM (science, technology, engineering and and construction of a central mechanical plant mathematics) majors, as well as members to provide an increase in UM’s capacity and ef- of the U .S . military who have been honorably ficiency to heat and cool its facilities with the discharged from recent service . plant relocated outside the academic core .

33 Join UM to Impact the Future financial aid support for tuition, housing With the backdrop of reduced state funding, and meals — filling the funding gap after all private investments are paying meaningful federal, state, institutional and private scholar- dividends, as evidenced by UM’s continu- ships and grants are awarded . The program ally expanding educational opportunities and served 102 students the first year (cost of its ranking at No . 18 on Forbes’ Best Value $459,060) . That was followed by 233 students Colleges list while operating in a higher educa- in the 2011-12 program ($1 .15 million) and 321 tion environment where only a small portion students in 2012-13 (more than $2 million) . of funding comes from state support . Private Projections for 2013-14 place the number of giving facilitates improved educational opportu- students served at 431 at a cost of $3 million . nities across our University through numerous programs . Two examples of strategic areas of Medical Corridor impact for private support are ensuring acces- In yet another service opportunity for UM, sibility to education for Mississippi residents Mississippi Gov . Phil Bryant has joined ef- in need and improving our ability to meet the forts to build a new $63 million School of medical needs of Mississippians . Medicine education building on the Univer- sity of Mississippi Medical Center campus Accessibility as part of a goal of making health care a Increased tuition in light of the reality of targeted industry for development . He has dwindling state funding — at a time of endorsed the increased capacity to train phy- rapid enrollment growth and unfunded cost sicians and other health care professionals in increases — has pushed the cost of col- light of the existing physician shortage in a lege degrees farther out of reach for many state with high incidences of heart disease, deserving Mississippi students . In 2010, UM diabetes and obesity . leadership responded by boldly answering For every 10,000 Mississippians, there with the creation of Ole Miss Opportunity . are 8 .3 primary care physicians, which Ole Miss Opportunity focuses on access include family physicians, pediatricians, and affordability for academically qualified, general internists, obstetrician-gynecologists lower-income students, who are guaranteed and others . That’s 4 .5 fewer primary care

34 physicians than the national average . A $31-million educational bond is being sought from the Legislature for the initial construction phase . The 151,000-square-foot building will also depend heavily on private support, particularly for its technology . The building will increase the capacity to edu- cate future physicians (from the current 135-member classes to 160- to 165-member classes) to meet the needs of citizens and boost the economy . A new physician setting up practice has a positive impact of about $2 million annually .

Conclusion Private support from alumni and friends dur- ing FY 2012 spoke volumes about a commit- ment to provide strong educational oppor- tunities for students and future generations, as well as to share in UM’s extraordinary responsibility to positively impact the quality of life in our state and beyond . The univer- sity’s ability to plan and prepare is continually strengthened by your involvement and sup- port . Please join us as we continue in this great journey to transform lives .


Advancing Excellence Executive Management Council

David D. Allen Larry H. Bryan Donald R. Cole Jan G. Farrington Glenn W. Hopkins Dean of the School of President of the Ole Miss Associate Provost, Chair of the University of Dean of the College of Pharmacy Alumni Association Assistant to the Mississippi Foundation Liberal Arts Chancellor for Board of Directors Leslie W. Banahan Robin C. Buchannon Multicultural Affairs Lynette Y. Johnson Assistant Vice Chancellor Assistant Vice Chancellor Kathryn F. Gates Executive Associate for Student Affairs for Research and Kendall B. Cyree Chief Information Officer Athletics Director Sponsored Programs Dean of the School of Ian G. Banner Business Administration I. Richard Gershon Clayton H. Jones Director of Facilities Velmer S. Burton Jr. Dean of the School of Assistant Vice Planning Dean of the School of Kimbrely N. Dandridge Law Chancellor, Director of Applied Sciences President of the Human Resources and Michael A. Barnett Associated Student Body William Gottshall Jr. Contractual Services Chair of the Faculty Alexander H.D. Cheng Executive Director of Senate Dean of the School of Maurice R. Eftink the Lott Leadership Daniel W. Jones, M.D. Engineering Associate Provost Institute Chancellor C. Ross Bjork Director of Intercollegiate Alice M. Clark Tom Eppes John E. Hall James E. Keeton Athletics Vice Chancellor Chief Communications Associate Vice Vice Chancellor for for Research and Officer Chancellor for Research, Health Affairs, Dean of Danny Blanton Sponsored Programs Medical Center the School of Medicine, Director of Charlotte N. Fant Medical Center Public Relations Assistant Provost and Registrar

38 John Z. Kiss Andrew P. Mullins Jr. Julia M. Rholes Jasmine Pugh Taylor Timothy L. Walsh Dean of the Graduate Chief of Staff Dean of the University Associate Vice Chancellor Executive Director of School Libraries for Multicultural Affairs, Alumni Affairs John T. Newsome Medical Center Brandi Hephner LaBanc Chief Legal Officer David Rock Wendell W. Weakley Vice Chancellor for and General Counsel, Dean of the School of Sam Ellis Thomas Jr. President/CEO of the Student Affairs Medical Center Education Controller UM Foundation

Jeffrey T. McManus Will Norton Jr. Pamela K. Roy Michael H. Thompson James L. Wentz Director of Landscape Dean of the Meek Director of Budget Senior Associate Chief Financial Officer, Services, Golf Course School of Journalism Athletics Director of Medical Center and Airport Operations and New Media . Sparks Communications and Vice Chancellor for Marketing W. Mark Wilder Michael F. Metcalf Ashton C. Pearson Sr. Administration and Dean of the Patterson Senior International Director of the Physical Finance Larry Leroy Tyner Jr. School of Accountancy Officer, Chair of the Plant University Attorney, Deparment of Public Morris H. Stocks Special Assistant to the Noel E. Wilkin Policy Leadership Stephen Ponder Provost, Vice Chancellor Chancellor Associate Provost Senior Associate for Academic Affairs Marc E. Mitchell Athletics Director for Amanda L. Walker LouAnn Woodward President of University External Relations Doug Sullivan- President of the Staff Associate Vice Physicians, Chair of the González Council Chancellor for Health Department of Surgery, Thomas J. Reardon Dean of the Sally Affairs, Vice Dean of Medical Center Assistant Vice Chancellor McDonnell Barksdale the School of Medicine, for Student Affairs, Dean Honors College Medical Center of Students 39 Academic Deans

Oxford, Tupelo and DeSoto Center Campuses Morris H. Stocks Alexander H.D. Cheng Glenn W. Hopkins Will Norton Jr. David Rock Vice Chancellor for Dean of the School of Dean of the College of Dean of the Meek Dean of the School of Academic Affairs, Engineering Liberal Arts School of Journalism Education Provost and New Media Kendall B. Cyree John Z. Kiss Doug Sullivan- David D. Allen Dean of the School of Dean of the Graduate James P. Pate González Dean of the School of Business Administration School Dean of the Tupelo Dean of the Sally Pharmacy Center McDonnell Barksdale I. Richard Gershon Fannye Love Honors College Velmer S. Burton Jr. Dean of the School of Interim Dean of the Julia M. Rholes Dean of the School of Law DeSoto Center Dean of Libraries W. Mark Wilder Applied Sciences Dean of the Patterson School of Accountancy

University of Mississippi Medical Center Campus James E. Keeton Jessica H. Bailey Joey P. Granger Kim Hoover Gary Reeves Leigh Ann Ross Vice Chancellor for Interim Dean of the Dean of the School Dean of the School Dean of the School Associate Dean Health Affairs, Dean School of Health of Graduate Studies of Nursing of Dentistry for Clinical Affairs of the School of Related Professions in the Health School of Pharmacy Medicine Sciences

40 UM Foundation Board

Board officers Board Members Meredith Creekmore Sally H. Hederman Elizabeth W. Quirk Jan G. Farrington Robert R. Bailess Jackson, Miss. Jackson, Miss. Atlanta, Ga. Chair Vicksburg, Miss. Ridgeland, Miss. Allen Crosswell Jamie G. Houston Robert Seibels III Bryan Barksdale, M.D. Houston, Texas Jackson, Miss. Montgomery, Ala. Charles T. Cannada Jackson, Miss. Chair-elect Rose J. Flenorl Abby McGrew Manning John M. “Nat” Sumner Jackson, Miss. Louis K. Brandt Cordova, Tenn. Hoboken, N.J. Winona, Miss. Houston, Texas Wendell W. Weakley R. Mayo Flynt III Susan C. McCormick Rodney F. “Chip” President/Chief David E. Brevard Jackson, Miss. Pascagoula, Miss. Triplett Jr. Executive Officer Tupelo, Miss. Madison, Miss. University, Miss. Roger P. Friou Michael T. McRee Larry H. Bryan Ridgeland, Miss. Jackson, Miss. Jon C. Turner Sandra M. Guest Memphis, Tenn. Jackson, Miss. Vice President/Secretary Martha Dale Fritts Markeeva Morgan University, Miss. Roland O. Burns Jr. McLean, Va. Madison, Ala. Chancellor Daniel W. Frisco, Texas Jones, M.D. Maggie E. Abernathy T. Michael Glenn Richard G. Noble Ex-officio, nonvoting Treasurer/Chief Financial W. Hunter Carpenter Memphis, Tenn. Indianola, Miss. member Officer Little Rock, Ark. University, Miss. University, Miss. Samuel B. Haskell III Charles L. Overby C. York Craig Oxford, Miss. Washington, D.C. Faculty Ridgeland, Miss. Representative Joseph P. Ward University, Miss. 41 oint Commi ee on J University Investments

Michael T. McRee, Chair Jan G. Farrington Jamie G. Houston Wendell W. Weakley Nina Jones Jackson, Miss. Ridgeland, Miss. Jackson, Miss. University, Miss. Resource Personnel University, Miss. Charles T. Cannada Roger P. Friou J. Michael Lightsey Sandra M. Guest Jackson, Miss. Ridgeland, Miss. Jackson, Miss. University, Miss. Nolan M. Bean and Christopher M. Meyer W. Hunter Carpenter Don L. Frugé Larry D. Sparks Maggie E. Abernathy Fund Evaluation Little Rock, Ark. Oxford, Miss. University, Miss. University, Miss. Group Inc . Cincinnati, Ohio

42 University Foundation Sta

Wendell W. Weakley Maggie Abernathy Lee Ann Cooper Sylvia Finley Lynn Paterson President/Chief Treasurer/Chief Financial Director of Gifts Administrative Assistant Staff Assistant Executive Officer Officer Administration Aaron Harris Donna Patton Sandra M. Guest Hesham Baeshen Donna Falkner Systems Analyst Stewardship Coordinator Vice President/Secretary Assistant Director of Executive Assistant Information Technology Anna Langley Teresa Williams Ron Guest Kim Fearing Director of Finance and Gifts Administration Executive Director of Christi Bland Gifts Administration Accounting Assistant Foundation Services Director of Endowment Assistant and Related Accounts Tiffeny Owens Lance Felker Gifts Administration Director of Information Assistant Technology

43 University Development Sta

Deborah S. Vaughn Bonnie Brown Sarah Kathryn Hickman Jenifer McMillan Michael Upton Senior Executive Director Administrative Assistant Director of Director of Associate Director of of Development, Chief Coordinator of the Ole Annual Giving Development, Patterson Development, Gertrude Development Officer Miss Women’s Council School of Accountancy C . Ford Center for Denson Hollis the Performing Arts, Sarah S. Hollis Brandy Dickerson Director of Development, Carol Anne Miconi University Libraries, Associate Director of Prospect Research College of Liberal Arts Director of Corporate University Museum and Development Analyst and Foundation Relations Historic Houses Mary Ann Kerr Linda Arrington John Festervand Administrative Elizabeth Milhous Jamie White Prospect Research Associate Director of Coordinator Associate Director of Associate Director of Analyst Development, Meek Development, Parents Development, School School of Journalism Adam W. Lee Initiative of Law Lauren M. Beyers and New Media, School Associate Director of Manager of Prospect of Education Development, School of Nikki L. Neely Ron Wilson Management and Business Administration Director of Development, Director of Development, Research Kevin Gardner College of Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts Director of Development, Angela Avery Lewis Center for the Study of Deborah K. Binkley School of Engineering Prospect Research Southern Culture Operations Manager Analyst Tina H. Hahn Tim L. Noss Zimberlyn Bolton Communications Raina McClure Associate Director of Program Manager of the Specialist Director of Development, Development, School of Calling Center School of Pharmacy Business Administration

44 UMMC Development Sta

Sara Merrick Joshua Cogswell Mary Hagaman Sheila Henderson Kay McRee Tabby Polk Executive Director, Director of Administrative Director of Director of Information Chief Development Development for Assistant Development Development Technology Support Officer The MIND Center; for the School of for the School of Analyst Departments of Nursing; Office Dentistry; Batson Neurosurgery, of Research; Children’s Hospital; Internal Medicine, Departments Departments and Psychology and of Anatomy, of Pediatrics, Human Behavior Anesthesiology, Obstetrics and Emergency Gynecology, Medicine and Ophthalmology and Family Medicine; Otolaryngology School of Graduate Studies; and Rowland Medical Library

45 UMAA Foundation Sta

Stephen Ponder Mónica Lebrón Evin Beck Tammy Diggs Cullen Pollard Senior Associate Assistant Athletics Director of Development Donations Manager Assistant Director of Athletics Director for Director for Development External Relations Development Kerry Cruse Jim Hanauer Operations Coordinator Assistant Director of Amanda Roehn Keith Carter Dan O’Dowd Development Assistant Director of Associate Athletics Assistant Athletics Corese Davis Development Director for Director for Senior Staff Assistant Ronnie Heard Development, UMAA Development Associate Director of Executive Director Development

46 Alumni Aairs Sta

Timothy L. Walsh Emily Briggs Sandra Horton Thelma Mays Annie Rhoades Executive Director Executive Assistant, Senior Accounting Clerk Senior Secretary Editor of Publications, Office Manager Director of Alumni Sheila Dossett Port Kaigler Daniel Morrow Review Advertising Senior Associate Allie Bush Alumni Assistant, Web Developer Director Web Developer Club Coordinator Pam Shelton Steve Mullen Supervisor of Clay Cavett Martha Dollarhide Annette Kelly Assistant Director Membership and Associate Director Systems Programmer II Alumni Affairs for Membership and Records Accountant Marketing Rusty Woods Julian Gilner Scott Thompson Associate Director for Assistant Director Susanna Levy Suzy Norwood Assistant Director Information Services Special Events Assistant Alumni Records Donna Holdiness Assistant Jim Urbanek Joseph Baumbaugh Alumni Records Teresa Littlefield Assistant Director for Systems Analyst III Assistant Alumni Programs Jo Von Reed Communications Assistant Staff Assistant


Standing Up TogetheR 2011-2012 donors

Barnard Society Allison M. Brandt MCI WorldCom H. F. McCarty Jr. Gifts of $5,000,000 and above Lucia and Louis K. Brandt Madeleine McMullan James M. McMullan Joseph C. Bancroft Charitable and Brevard Family Foundation Lynne C. and Sam M. Millette Jr. Mary and William P. Mitchell Educational Fund Shawn S. and David E. Brevard Mississippi Bankers Association Clementine Palmer Donna and James L. Barksdale Beth and Henry C. Brevard Jr. Mississippi Power Education Foundation R. Faser Triplett Sr. FedEx Corp. Sheryl L. and Roland O. Burns Karen L. and A. Bruce Moore Jr. Marianne T. and John W. Whitten Jr. Gertrude C. Ford Foundation Century Capital Investors N.L.P. Sarah L. Moore Freedom Forum & Newseum Kelly Gene Cook Charitable Foundation North MS Education Consortium Inc. W. F. Galtney Jr. Fay S. and Stacy Davidson Jr. John N. Palmer UNIVERSITY SOCIETY Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation Sallie Davis Dillingham Estate of Katharine Parker Gifts of $500,000 to $999,999 Gerald M. Hollingsworth Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Donald S. Pichitino Educational Trust Estate of Edith W. and John E. Ainsworth Luckyday Foundation Foundation Pittman Germany Roberts and Welsh Nancy and Rick Akin Becky W. and Edwin E. Meek Cyd and Robert Holmes Dunlap Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Dorothy and Bert Allen Mary W. and Lucian S. Minor ExxonMobil Foundation Kathy and Joe Frank Sanderson Jr. Arrowhead Foundation Kristie and David H. Nutt Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington Estate of Ms. Ottilie Schillig AT&T Corp. Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Susanne W. Galtney Estate of Robert P. Scott Jane Anna and Bryan Barksdale Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Smith Waldrop Foundation Nancy F. and John W. Barrett Estate of J. R. Scribner Jr. Phil Hardin Foundation Laura A. and Michael S. Starnes Bell South Corp. Headquarters Diane T. and Richard F. Scruggs Margot and Richard M. Fountain Estate of Lillian Smith Stovall Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens and Cannada E. H. Sumners Foundation Mary Donnelly and Samuel B. Haskell III Tri State Education Foundation Robert and Lenore W. Carrier Foundation Dawn and Matthew Heric/IAVO Research Jacqueline D. Triplett Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America This list includes one anonymous donor. and Scientific Susan and Rodney F. Triplett Jr. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Nancy and Carl Herrin University of Mississippi Alumni Association Mary Claire and Daniel O. Conwill IV In Memoriam: Estate of Clarence Thomas Hill Jr. Vicksburg Medical Foundation Hilary G. and Benjamin A. Craddock Sally M. Barksdale Diane T. and J. L. Holloway Hansjorg Wyss Foundation CREATE Foundation Frank R. Day Sondra S. and W. Henry Holman Jr. Family Nancy F. and William G. Yates Jr. Leah L. and Allen H. Crosswell Estate of Harper Johnson Jr. Gina and John T. Crunk Jr. Sandra and William B. Johnson Foundation This list includes seven anonymous donors. Stephen Davenport LYCEUM SOCIETY Margaret G. and John T. Keeton Jr. Estate of Violet M. Douglas Gifts of $1,000,000 to $4,999,999 Abby M. and Eli N. Manning In Memoriam: Estate of Lester R. Dunham Sr. Peggy H. and James F. Adams Lockheed Martin Corp. Guy C. Billups Jr. Yvonne M. and Clyde B. Edwards Jr. John G. Adler Susan B. and Larry P. Martindale Bruce Dillingham Jr. Entergy Corp. Asbury Foundation of Hattiesburg Deuce J. McAllister Lanelle Guyton Gafford Becki and Donald D. Felts Robert Barnett Foundation H. F. McCarty Jr. Family Foundation Frances C. and Lewis A. Graeber Jr. Gaye P. and Roger M. Flynt Jr. Nancy Blackmon Billups Mary Ann McCarty William Henry Holman Jr. Susie and Roger P. Friou Estate of Emma Katherine Faser Birchett Susan C. and David O. McCormick Clare L. Marquette Dorothy Cate and Thomas Frist Foundation

50 Mary Helen and O. T. Gaines III William W. Gresham Jr. Mena and Victor H. Applewhite Jr. F. Watt Bishop Donna H. and T. Michael Glenn Elinor W. and M. C. Herrington Army Emergency Relief Anne Andrews Black Charitable Lead Trust Ann H. Gresham Seymour Lawrence Barbara D. and David W. Arnold Kathryn B. Black Estate of Joseph Alfred Hale Nancy F. and William A. McMinn Staci and Richard M. Arriola Anne M. and Robert A. Blackmon Patricia S. and W. Briggs Hopson Jr. Frank S. Peddle Jr. Suzanne Askew Estate of Darl Blair Horseshoe Casino and Hotel Wilson Hudson Turner Lynda T. and William Austin Jr. Estate of Laura C. Blair IBM Thomas W. Avent Jr. John and Elizabeth Bleuer Scholarship Montfort and Allie Brown Jones Foundation B & B Concrete Co. Cornelius H. Block Martha Y. and Douglas A. Jumper CIRCLE SOCIETY Jennifer and Ronnie Bagwell Jr. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Mississippi W. K. Kellogg Foundation Gifts of $100,000 to $499,999 Natalie and Robert R. Bailess Kimberly H. and Steven L. Boatwright Estate of Kenneth Henry Kirk AT&T Foundation Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell Patricia M. and E. Josh Bogen Jr. Cherry and Fred H. Krutz III AT&T Mississippi Michael L. Baker Patsy B. and Aubrey L. Boone Jeanne C. and Alwyn H. Luckey Alison M. and R. Luke Abney IV Bea and Warren N. Ball Sr. Ellen and Mike Breedlove Jr. Madison Charitable Foundation Inc. Ginny and Robert M. Abraham BancorpSouth Bristol‑Myers Squibb Co. Roberta M. and Raymond L. McGuire Buff and Thomas C. Adams Jr. Bank of Mississippi Becky and Charles F. Brock Jr. A. Ashley and Victor H. Meena Trudy D. and Terrence J. Millette Mississippi Network Inc. Mississippi Power Foundation M‑Tel Celia C. and Sherman Muths Jr. Tricia and Charley Myers Estate of Carl Warren Nabors Estate of Olivia Lewis Nabors Marge Peddle Estate of Louis I. Pigott Hugh S. Potts Irrevocable Trust Estate of Corrie D. Quarles Sharon E. and Thomas H. Rhoden Donna Ruth Roberts Gwenette and Jack W. Robertson Jr. Jane Thomas Rogers Stephen E. Rowell Scholarship America Shell Oil Co. Foundation Estate of Prescott Sherman D. Shepard Smith Diane A. and Frederick W. Smith Dorothy J. and Billy Ray Adams Baptist Memorial Health Care James M. Brock Sr. Smith Waldrop Foundation Fran and Carl E. Adams Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation Wilma A. and Ralph L. Brock Patricia H. and John B. Sneed II Carol B. and William B. Adkins Reginald E. Barnes Allison and William A. Brown Southern Baptist Foundation Aegon USA Inc. Nancy C. and Edwin W. Barnett Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corp. Lenoir W. and John C. Stanley IV AICPA Foundation James W. Barnette Estate of James Thomas Brown Nancye Bell Starnes Alabama Power Co. Cela S. and Lyle S. Bates Jr. Lyn S. and Raymond L. Brown State Farm Cos. Foundation Lynn W. and John L. Albriton III Batesville Presbyterian Church Nancy H. and Cecil C. Brown TeleSouth Communications Inc. Nancy L. and Thomas Alexander Jr. Blair E. Batson Brunini Grantham Grower and Hewes Suzan B. and John T. Thames Jr. Bert Allen Pontiac Inc. Barbara K. Beckmann Ingrid H. and Gwynne T. Brunt Jr. Watkins and Eager Emily A. and Harry R. Allen Courtney S. and Donald B. Bedell Bryan Foods Polly P. and Walter G. Watkins Jr. Kay W. and James B. Allen Bedford Foundation Susan and Larry H. Bryan Linda T. and Thomas L. Windham Kay D. Allen Margo P. and George D. Behrakis Builders Transportation Co. Inc. Nancy M. and Bennett V. York Rosaland M. and L. Nash Allen Jr. Bellsouth Corp. Kathrine G. and Henry M. Burkhalter America’s Junior Miss Bellsouth Telecom Inc. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation In Memoriam: American Bar Association The Benificus Foundation Martha G. and W. Joseph Burnett Leah and J. Roland Adams Amgen Inc. Mary M. and James A. Bennett Burns Inc. Iris and James A. Brown Sr. Carl Ann Apple Yvonne P. and Robert C. Bertolet Selena and Benjamin F. Burns III Cora P. and Hardy Moore Graham Melissa H. and Ronald G. Applewhite Hattie and Guy C. Billups III Harold Burson

51 Susan M. and Lampkin Butts Sandy D. and Thomas W. Butler C Spire Jennifer and James P. Caldwell Tara W. and Charles T. Cannada Elizabeth and J. Larry Cantrell Tricia R. and Timothy R. Cantrell Barbara and Winston Caperton Jr. Cardinal Health Foundation Sarah W. and Charles E. Carmichael Sr. Gary L. Carnathan Estate of Don E. Carpenter Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter Zula D. Carpenter Living Trust Candice W. and Thomas M. Carr Jr. Caroline K. and James L. Carroll Robbie J. and Milburn Carter Mary Margaret D. and Chad E. Case Cassidy Foundation R. H. and M. H. Center Foundation Central Mississippi Ole Miss Club Estate of Thelma H. Cerniglia Francis D. Cerniglia Elizabeth T. and John T. Cossar Deposit Guaranty National Bank Vontese and W. Doty Farmer Nancy D. and L. Rodney Chamblee John W. Cowart Anna and G. Bryan Dewees III Liz and Thomas C. Farnsworth Jr. Chambliss Helen and C. York Craig Jr. Estate of Ralph S. and Della W. Dickerson Estate of James Parmer Farrell Karen and Jimmy Chandler Cindy and Terry Crawford Betty C. and Danny H. Dickey Mari W. and Samuel Farrington III Chapman Drug Co. Betsy S. and Wade H. Creekmore Jr. Anna and Kenneth D. Dill Sr. Charles Farris Jr. Jo Lynn and Clarence W. Chapman Estate of L. O. and Verna Crosby Dover Elevator Co. R&B Feder Charitable Foundation Checkpoint Crosthwait Terney and Noble PLLC Melanie W. and Michael E. Dowell Feild Cooperative Association Inc. Chemfirst Foundation Inc. Julie P. and James L. Crosthwait Estate of Margaret Draper Weba C. and James V. Ferguson Jr. Chevron Texaco Products Co. Sandra and Frank Crosthwait Jr. Robert G. Drewry Keith Ferrell Chevron USA Inc. Gerald P. Crystal Cheryl A. and Michael L. Ducker Marcie C. and William R. Ferris Jr. Sandra and Sammy M. Chow CSX Corp. Jack F. Dunbar Fertel Family Foundation John M. Christian Sharon M. and Danny E. Cupit Wylene W. Dunbar John E. Fetzer Institute Inc. Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark Estate of W. H. Cutcliff Alicia T. and Richard M. Dunlap First National Bank – Oxford Dinah C. and Harold N. Clark W. M. Dalehite Jr. Lynn W. and Woods E. Eastland First USA Bank Larry W. Clark Daniel Coker Horton and Bell Justina and Barney E. Eaton III Tonya K. and Dale L. Flesher Donna W. and Neal J. Clement Kay N. and Lundy W. Daniel Cecile C. and Arthur M. Edwards III Frances C. and Harry Flowers Coca Cola Enterprises Bottling Gene L. Davidson Lynn D. and John C. T. Edwards Kathy B. and Timothy A. Ford Coca Cola Foundation Laurie L. and J. Stacy Davidson Rebecca F. and Mike Ehrlicher Forman Perry Watkin Krutz and Tardy Coca Cola Scholars Foundation Lynne R. and Donald S. Davis Alisa R. Elliott Ramelle T. and Richard L. Forman Mary L. and Steve Cockerham Barbara and J. T. Davis Anne S. and Robert W. Elliott Sr. Mae Fortenberry Marida and Charles Coghlan James W. Davis Estate of Annie B. Ellis Franks Foundation Jacqueline DeMange Cole Sidney D. Davis III Vicki O. and Timothy L. Ellis Freddie Mac Shelly H. and R. Kevin Cole Wilma L. and Tommy L. Davis Jr. Estate of Celia Emmerich Janis A. and Alan E. Freeland Diann W. Coleman Estate of Frances Marie Dean Empire Products Co. Inc. Friends of Children’s Hospital Gail T. and James C. Collins Lee C. and Raymond M. Dearman Ergon Foundation Martha Dale and Edward O. Fritts Columbus Properties L.P. Deloitte Foundation Ergon Inc. Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé Perian C. Conerly Deloitte and Touche Foundation Ernst & Young Foundation Lee Anne and William N. Fry IV Coleman B. Connell Delta Airlines Carol and Vick L. Etheridge John P. Fullenwider Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Delta Beverage Group Inc. Laura and Jeffrey N. Evans Sonja D. and I. E. Gaddy III Rosalie L. and Max D. Cooper Delta Gamma Foundation Cynthia S. and Thomas C. Evans Jr. Ruby E. and Charles D. Galey Copeland Cook Taylor and Bush Delta Gamma House Corp. Patti N. and Robert S. Fabris Sr. Lynn C. and Stewart Gammill III Sandee and Jim Cosman Sr. Edward A. Demiller Jr. Anne D. and Davis L. Fair III William C. Gartin Jr. Bill F. Cossar Angela and William T. Denton Imogene Fair Sandra R. and William Gates III

52 Gateway Foundation Cathy and Joe D. Havens Jr. Linda F. and Charles D. Jackson Rebecca M. and Shane F. Langston Linda G. and Eddie H. Gatlin Alice J. and G. Lee Hawkins G. W. Jackson Christy M. and Brent A. Larson Shirley H. and John H. Geary James C. Hays Sandra M. and Robert T. Jackson Sr. Estate of John C. Latham Michelle and Craig M. Geno Margaret and George J. Heard Jr. Paula P. and William R. James Matthew J. Lautar Georgia Pacific Foundation Chris and W. Cliff Heaton J. Paul Janoush Karen A. and William L. Lawhorn Jr. Ginger M. and Robert G. Germany Blair and Henry D. Hederman Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q Gail F. and A. Chance Laws Juliette G. and Gerard R. Gibert Sara H. Hederman Al Johnson Jr. Joanne L. and James H. Lear Jr. Carolyn W. and Randel C. Gibson Wanda M. Henderson Ellen C. and Clinton Johnson Jr. John Wincie Lee Jr. Richard Gilder and Lois Chiles Grace G. and William S. Henley II Kathy and Craig M. Johnson Robert C. Lee Tiffany S. and Robert T. Gililland Patricia M. and James R. Herndon Larry Lee Johnson Alysia D. and Jon V. Lewis Estate of Francis Gill Carly and Jack T. Herrin Rita P. and Larry Leo Johnson Pauline S. and Michael T. Lewis Elise W. and Guy T. Gillespie III Herrin-Gear Chevrolet Co. Inc. Nina N. and Carey A. Johnston Patricia P. and William Lewis Jr. Jean F. Gillespie Joan J. Hewes Beth Jones Estate of Roger C. Lewis Joe I. Gillespie Hewlett-Packard Co. Brown Jones Lewis and Lewis Attorneys GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Dewey Hickman Jones Walker Maureen H. Liberto Ann and Chauncey R. Godwin Jr. Pansy and James E. Higginbotham Candace O. and Walker W. Jones III Carl H. Lindner Sr. Dean and John K. Gordon Patricia J. and George D. Hightower III Estate of Gaston Jones Chloe S. and William B. Lloyd Jr. Carolyn C. and Walter M. Gorton Hill Brothers Construction Co. Janice P. and Gary M. Jones Elizabeth A. and Robert L. Lloyd June D. and S. Duke Goza Hill Brothers Leasing Co. Louise M. Jones Sara H. and Benjamin B. Lloyd Bettie Y. and R. Newell Graham Marian S. and Julian B. Hill Jr. Melissa M. and Donald D. Jones William T. Lloyd Dorothy L. and Hardy P. Graham Martha R. and Frank S. Hill Jr. Nancy P. and Gary M. Jones Loews Foundation Katherine H. and A. Neal Graham Shirley and E. R. Hines Jr. Dixie C. and B. J. Jordan Marla W. and Lowry M. Lomax Charlie B. and C. Fred Graves III HMA Hospitals Gigi Jordan Penny and Robert H. Lomenick Sara H. and B. Perry Green Marjorie L. and Earl P. Holland Lyna and Covin M. Jordan Long Wholesale Distributors Inc. Victoria L. and G. Richard Greenlee Holloway Foundation Sherry and William Roberts Jordan Long Wholesale Inc. Tod M. Greenwood Paula J. and James W. Hood Journal Publishing Co. Trent Lott for Mississippi Lynn M. and James B. Grenfell Estate of Col. and Mrs. James P. Hooper Janet E. Kahlstorf Tricia and C. Trent Lott Betty J. Gresham Carl C. Hoover Kappa Delta House Corp. Christine Love Julie C. and J. Kenneth Gresham Jr. Horne LLP Norman P. Katool Courtney H. and Robert Y. Love Jr. Laura E. and W. Walton Gresham III Florence W. and R. Jerry Hornsby Deborah C. and David Kaufman Sharon W. and Michael H. Lovelace Louise H. and Thomas G. Gresham Hotel and Restaurant Employees Leonard Kaye Catherine C. and Jason Lowe Mary Ann W. and William G. Griesbeck International Union Edith Kelly-Green and Alfred Green Janet and C. Matthew Lusco Amanda H. and William K. Griffin III Houser Family Foundation Hannah P. and Harold C. Kelly Rhonda Lusco Estate of Mary Beth Griffin Elmo Howell Carol L. and Robert J. Kelly Lauch M. Magruder Jr. Monica R. and W. Glynn Griffing Lynne and G. Norris Howell Jr. Margaret D. and Robert C. Khayat Rebecca and Wayne Mahon Susan H. and G. O. Griffith Jr. Estate of Marjorie M. Howorth Julius W. King Rhoda N. and Edward C. Maloney C. H. Guenther and Son Inc. Andrew K. Howorth Faye H. and Walter D. King Sr. Olivia W. and E. Archie Manning III Gulf Guaranty Life Insurance Co. Estate of Mary H. Howry Nancy Carole L. and Michael L. King Sudie M. and James O. Manning Susan S. and Mark G. Gunn Jane Hubben Robert D. Kirk III Cathleen A. and C. Donald Martin Martie and Paul D. Gunnoe Sherry L. and James S. Hudson Martha D. Kirkley Lizabeth and H. Frank Martin Jr. Dianne R. and Barney J. Guyton Kay B. and Carson M. Hughes John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Lisa S. and Fred M. Massey Sunny and Mac Haik Sarah M. and Dan C. Hughes Jr. Betty S. and Robert L. Koestler Karen Comer Fox Matthews Dorothy A. Halliday Harriet H. and John M. Humphreys Jr. Kathryn C. and A. Michael Koury Barbara Mattingly Kathy and Jimmy L. Hamilton Bernice Hederman Hussey and C. Hal Brunt KPMG Foundation Estate of Marie B. D. Mattingly Jackie and Harold P. Hammett Jr. Terry W. and Paul R. Hust Estate of Albin J. Krebs Dot and Troy S. Maxcy Jr. Hancock Bank Linda O. and R. Edward Hutton Jr. Barbara N. and Edward A. Krei Lounette A. and J. Lamar Maxwell Jr. Carole B. and Harold E. Haney Jr. Mary P. and Cameron S. Huxford Marion and L. Byrnes Kuehnle Margaret H. and Arthur W. May Hankins Inc. i2 Inc. Ernie Labarge Bullpen Club Cherri D. and William S. Mayo Katherine S. and Jordan H. Hankins Sue and Charles V. Imbler Estate of Lavergne L. Lamar Mayo Mallette PLLC Hugh H. Haralson III Trentice G. and Charles V. Imbler Jr. Wayne T. Lamar Beth and Malcolm D. McAuley Jr. Larry J. Hardy International Paper Co. Foundation Dorothy C. and Leslie B. Lampton Jeremy C. McCamic Laura G. Harper International School and Tuition Services Inc. Robert H. Lampton Linda and John R. McCarty Betty and Lonnie Harris Debbie W. Bush Irby Lampton-Love Inc. Jane H. and Henry E. McCaslin Mary B. and Steven M. Harris Estate of Harriet J. Jackson Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane James McClure Jr. Brent Harrison Jackson Rotary Club Charities Tracie E. and Joseph C. Langston Donna W. and John R. McCommon

53 Leighton W. and D. Campbell McCool Jr. Mississippi Law Journal Association Julia and Rush O’Keefe Jr. Radiology Associates of Oxford John D. McCullough Mississippi League of Savings Institute Gayle and Edward J. Odom Tommy Ramey Foundation Inc. Estate of Mrs. G. F. McDonnell Mississippi Mentoring Network Ole Miss Quarterback Club Estate of Earline F. Ramzy Mary and Mike McDonnell Mississippi Power and Light Co. Estate of William Robert Orr Jr. Kathy and Michael K. Randolph Jan and Jimmy McElroy Mississippi Power Co. Gail G. and John H. Ott Joan Ray Mimi T. and E. Robinson McGraw Mississippi Valley Title Andi R. and Butch Oustalet Melissa A. and Curt L. Ray The McIlhenny Co. Mitchell, McNutt and Sams P.A. Helen G. and Mike Overstreet Tammy B. and Gary T. Ray Sue W. and H. Earl McKay Jr. Elaine B. and John R. Mitchell Jr. Mary H. and Joe W. Overstreet Raytheon Co. Ruby T. McKee Susan S. and Guy W. Mitchell III Kathy T. and Boyce F. Overstreet Rebel Club of Memphis John M. McKenzie Judith and Frank Mitchener Jr. Britton O. and Bryan Owen Betty A. and Randy Reed Wendy I. and John A. McKinney Forrest C. Mobley Trust Judith J. and Samuel W. Owen Beverly and Jon A. Reeves Shelby and Hugh W. McLarty Phil D. Mock Patricia and Billy H. Pannell Regions Bank Brenda H. and Eugene B. McLaurin Suzanne R. and H. Dixon Montague Rose L. and Henry Paris Renasant Bank Lori B. and Carroll M. McLeod Estate of E. W. Montgomery Lisa R. and Leroy H. Paris II Patricia M. and Brian G. Reynolds Loni Eustace-McMillan and Fred L. McMillan Finney C. and James L. Moore Toni C. and George G. Parker Sandra M. Reynolds Patsy H. and David C. McMeans Marye and Paul H. Moore Sr. Elisa F. and Roger A. Parris Mary Jane and Julius M. Ridgway Mary Eliza and Howard L. McMillan Jr. Laura and Dan H. Moore Jr. Ruby Kathryn and Aubrey Patterson Jennifer C. and Christopher C. Riley Carolyn H. and David L. McMillin Lucy L. and Guy W. Moore Marilyn L. Patterson RIMS Memphis Chapter James M. and Milton McMullan Foundation Melanie R. and Paul H. Moore Jr. Estate of Sidney E. Patton Jr. Claude G. Rives IV Rachel S. McPherson and William P. Bill Q. Morgan Estate of Jack Stephens Patty Shedric Roberson Jr. McMullan III Elizabeth L. and G. Terrell Morgan PDX Inc. H. Wilson Roberts Jr. Michael T. McRee Johnny Morgan John M. Pearson Joanna B. and Joseph E. Roberts Jr. Renee H. and Johnny P. McRight Mary Jo G. and Donald E. Morgan Peat Marwick Foundation Peggie M. and Bill Robinson Carole Lynn and Joseph R. Meadows Morgan Stanley and Co. Myra H. and W. Paul Pennebaker Rock River Foundation Inc. Suzanne and Mark A. Medford Morgan-White Group Inc. Peoples Bank and Trust Co. Swift C. and Herbert G. Rogers III Medical Marketing Economics Camille and William H. Morris Jr. Perrigo Anne M. and J. Lock Ross Jr. Medical Support and Development Margaret P. and Sam V. Morse Elizabeth and Michael S. Person Lisa D. and Todd Roth Organization Inc. Belinda L. and Fred H. Mothershed Holmes S. Pettey Roy Anderson Corp. Jackie and Albert L. Meena Callie B. and William M. Mounger II Gail T. and Bubba Pettit Roy Anderson Holding Corp. Molly W. and W. E. Meisenheimer Melissa R. and Robert S. Murphree Pfizer Foundation Connie and E. W. Rucker Melanie and Larry H. Melton Murphy Oil USA Inc. Pfizer Inc. Lynn P. and Dave A. Russell Leonard B. Melvin III Jane Kerr G. and Robert B. Nance III Pharmaceutics International Inc. Estate of Mattie U. Russell Meredith Corp. National Association of Broadcasters Phelps Dunbar Saks Inc. Donna W. and Charles M. Merkel Jr. Neel-Schaffer Inc. Philip Morris Inc. Dixie Carter Salinas Metro Food Inc. Vicki J. and W. B. Netterville Billy B. Phillips Mitchell Salloum Jr. MGM Mirage Network Systems Corp. Jeanette C. and Jesse P. Phillips Mary H. and Lucius F. Sams Jr. Emily and Ronald D. Michael New Republican Majority Fund Jennifer R. and Gene B. Phillips Sanderson Farms Inc. Microage Martin M. Newcomb L. E. Phillips Family Foundation Inc. Barbara C. and Eric L. Sappenfield Microsoft Corp. Linda M. and R. Bruce Newell Plough Foundation Sara Lee Corp. Jean M. Mihalyka Nancy M. and W. Richard Newman III Plough Inc. Linda V. and A. Craig Sartin Estate of Dorothy Maude Milden Estate of Sarah R. Nicholson Lynda S. and Monroe Pointer Dorothy and J. H. Sasser Jr. Estate of Mary Eugenia Miller Nissan North America Inc. Kathy F. and Charles F. Porter Estate of Mahala Saville Phyllis J. and H. Glenn Miller Laura S. and Richard G. Noble Jennifer and Mike Portera Earline and Lenny Sawyer Trudy and Terrence J. Millette Holley A. and Don Noblitt Jr. Janet M. and Allie S. Povall SBC Foundation Betty Mims Norfolk Southern Foundation Hilda C. and J. Kirkham Povall Schering-Plough Foundation Inc. Troye L. Mims Sr. E & S Norris Foundation Leigh F. and J. Richard Price Richard B. Schwartz Mississippi Asbestos Association Nortap Inc. Opal R. Price Estate of Madeline Occhipinti Sciacca Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Sally F. and Darden H. North PriceWaterhouseCoopers Foundation Laverne W. and Francis J. Scott Mississippi Bar Foundation North Mississippi Health Services Jessie D. Puckett Jr. Scruggs Law Firm Mississippi Bar Sections Fund North Mississippi Hematology and Oncology Sarah and Robert V. Pulaski Scruggs Millette Lawson M.S. Carriers Inc. Association Barbara L. and J. Steve Purdon Jill S. and J. Hunter Seabrook III Mississippi Charitable Foundation Northrop Grumman Foundation Dixie T. Purdon Samuel P. Seay Mississippi Chemical Corp. Northwest Mississippi Community College Terry G. and J. Marvin Quin Cynthia M. and Robert Seibels III Mississippi Defense Lawyers Association Estate of Charles E. Noyes Elizabeth W. and Neal J. Quirk Self Foundation Mississippi Junior Miss Program Inc. Davis W. and John R. Nunnery Jr. Welissa W. and Gregory C. Rader Grace Self

54 Peyton M. B. Self III Sherry D. and Thomas B. Storey Jr. Trustmark National Bank Washington University Estate of William G. Shaffer Jr. Jane and Michael A. Strojny Latitia and William E. Trusty Martha P. Watt Virginia M. and Rodney E. Shands Martha and W. Terrell Stubbs Robin S. and James M. Tucker Susan K. and Wendell W. Weakley Lynda Mead and John J. Shea Jr. Ygondine W. Sturdivant Pamela M. and Jon C. Turner Rachael H. and Dan W. Webb Sereda F. and Roy D. Sheffield Neal H. and John M. Sumner Deborah W. and Mickey W. Tyler Janis M. and Robert A. Weems Sue and David Shelton Christy C. and Milton Sundbeck Caroline B. and Todd B. Underwood Loraine L. and Scott Wegmann Elizabeth S. Shelton Surdna Foundation Inc. Union Pacific Corp. Geri G. and Michael D. Weiland Lisa and Stephen B. Sherrill Molissia L. and Walker J. Swaney Union Square Hospitality Group Ann and Joe C. Weller Sherriel F. and Bernard L. Shipp Pam J. and Jerry Swanson United Negro College Fund Inc. Wells Family Partnership Anne and Stephen M. Shirley Douglas A. Swayze United Southern Bank Barbara G. and Richard M. Wells Sharon and G. Michael Shirley Robyn M. and J. Rhea Tannehill Jr. University Florists Estate of Paul L. Wells Jr. Estate of Frances A. Silver Tau Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity and University Surgery Associates PLLC Jennifer L. and Carl V. Welsh III Irene S. and Michael S. Simon House Corp. UST Public Affairs Inc. Grace F. West Ann Y. and Glynne A. Simpson Mary S. and C. Glenn Taylor Mollie and William J. Van Devender Allison and Guy H. White Deborah Smith Telapex Inc. Victoria D. and James E. Vance Jeannine H. and C. Neel White Donna C. and Kenneth O. Smith Telos Foundation Rita G. and Robert Vasilyev Lori L. and Robert E. White Jr. Dot and Daniel Briggs Smith Jr. Van H. Temple Scott R. Vasilyev Rosemary and J. Dan White Erwin E. Smith Foundation Donna J. and Joseph R. Terracina Viking Range Corp. Pamela M. and C. Neel White Jr. Geri and D. Preston Smith Amy M. and Lawrence D. Terrell Vining Sparks Corp. Marjorie M. and Homer A. Whittington Jr. Geri Beth and R. Allen Smith Jr. James M. and Luvie C. Thomas Foundation Visual Analytics Inc. Anne and Joseph T. Wilkins III Laura B. and R. Brent Smith Linda D. and J. Dewayne Thomas Charlie M. Wade Gabrielle C. and Robert W. Wilkinson Tami M. and Charles E. Smith Jr. Mary E. and John B. Thomas Donna D. Wade Mary F. and Brian L. Wilkinson Estate of Virginia Smith Susan S. and Sanford C. Thomas Virginia S. and D. Winn Walcott Millicent T. Wilkinson J. M. Smucker Co. Mildrene C. Thomasson Julie M. Grimes and Michael D. Waldorf Amy and C. Allen Williams Vicki L. and Harry A. Sneed Jan P. and Nimrod G. Thompson Sr. Lissa F. and Charles R. Walker Charlie H. Williams Lynne R. and Rory H. Sneed Debbie and Gary D. Thrash Liz T. and Cecil F. Walker III Cynthia C. and David J. Williams South Central Bell Robin and S. Todd Threadgill Robert D. Walker Nila Q. and Max W. Williams Southeastern Conference Lee and John M. Tidwell Jr. Wal‑Mart Foundation Polly F. and Parham Williams Jr. Southern Co. Sylvia S. and Bowman S. Tighe Jr. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Sandra P. and Roy C. Williams Southern Co. Charitable Foundation Frank L. Tindall Sr. Christy W. and C. Wesley Walls Linda M. and Johnnie W. Williamson Linda J. and Robert D. Sparks Joseph C. Todd Jane M. and Thomas H. Walman Ann S. and William R. Wilson Jr. Specialty Metals Supply Inc. George W. Tomlinson Walton Family Foundation Inc. Creighton L. Wilson Jr. Standard Life Insurance Co. Kay and Andrew R. Townes Jine and S. Y. Wang Evelyn and Jerry W. Wilson Stanford Financial Group Dana H. and David L. Traxler Jr. Mary Ellen B. and Robert L. Warner Jr. M. Amanda and Edward R. Wilson Jr. Diane J. and James D. Stark III Trehern Charitable Foundation Cynthia H. and Terry F. Warren Martha L. Wilson Starr Foundation Carolyn E. and O. B. Triplett III Gayle Gamble and Glen C. Warren Neida and Florian O. Wittichen Jr. Steen Dalehite and Pace LLP Julie H. and William R. True Dale D. and Richard Warriner III Joseph K. Wong F. T. Stent Family Foundation Karen C. Trumpore James E. Warrington World Learning

55 Leila Clark Wynn Trust Thomas W. Elliott Leonard S. Kraemer Eileen and Nicholas J. Angelozzi Jr. W. T. Wynn Memorial Foundation Davis L. Fair Jr. Carolyn Holman Kroeze Anson Mills Benjamin Yarbrough Joseph B. Fenley Patricia C. Lamar Cleston L. Armstrong Linda B. and Wirt A. Yerger III Gladys G. and Elmer A. Ferguson Carol M. Lee Estate of Louise Arrington Linda H. and Richard L. Young Robert E. Fonville Alma and Arthur B. Lewis Association of Small Business Sharon M. and Charles F. Young Jr. Elizabeth and Porter L. Fortune Jr. James S. Love III Cindy P and E. Edwin Aune Dorothy and Thomas Fearn Frist Clare L. Marquette Sally Pederson and James A. Autry This list includes five anonymous donors. Hortense and Hunter M. Gholson Thomas J. Mattingly Jeannie Avent Ann A. Gillespie Lisa T. McCamic James E. Baine In Memoriam: Edwin C. Gillespie Angelé K. McClure Estate of Betty M. Baird Mary C. and Frank A. Anderson Louise N. Godwin James T. McKee Estate of Edgar V. Baker John Boyd Apple Sr. John K. Gresham Sally M. and Carl Meisenheimer BankPlus James T. Baird Preston M. Hays Jamie M. and Leonard Melvin Jr. Dicey M. Barbour Edgar V. Baker Hap Hederman Jimmy W. Mims Claire B. and R. H. Barksdale Lionel F. Baxter John P. Henderson Josephine Mims Nicole S. and Doug Bateman Woodard Davis Beacham George P. Hewes III Jean M. Moore Brenda K. and Lee Baumann Vasser Bishop Will A. Hickman Marcus E. Morrison Baylor College Van R. Burnham Jr. Warren A. Hood Olivia L. and Carl W. Nabors Anne W. Beall Bette F. Burson Susan B. Howorth Ruthie S. and Charles E. Noyes Jean B. and J. Monte Bee Eugene Butler Herbert Hubben Eldon H. Patterson Bell Atlantic Don R. Chambliss Sr. Margaret Irby Wofford R. Price David C. Berry Clarence M. Conway Stuart C. Irby Jr. John Eugene Ray Susan L. Besser Connie Crawford Harper Johnson Jr. David L. Reynolds Biltmore Estate Wine Co. Dorothy H. Crosby Frederick A. Jones Henry Callicott Self Gage M. Black Charlotte Crystal W. L. Jones Howard W. Stringfellow Jr. Sandra M. and John L. Black Jr. Alfred F. Dantzler Jack H. Kahlstorf Mike Sturdivant Estate of Thomas M. “Peter” Blake Jack DeMange Marion K. King Marie H. Swayze Katherine T. and Walter J. Blessey IV Mildred C. DeMiller James M. Kirkley Joy M. Tindall Rebecca C. and M. Guion Bond Jr. Jeannie Wade Pamela B. and Hugh J. Boone Beverly and Coy W. Waller Donna E. and Barry G. Bouchillon Helen and E. C. Walsh Harry E. Bovay Jr. Foundation Pearl Linda Walters Dorothy L. and Rees T. Bowen III William L. Watt Boyd Gaming Corp. Charles L. Wilkinson Nancy and John H. Boydstun Sr. Douglas C. Wynn Laura L. and John R. Bradley Jr. P. Michael Brady Virginia F. and James G. Brooks PACESETTERS Jack D. Brown Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Estate of Olivia Meyer Browne restricted to academic programs Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. Abbott Fund A. Hume Bryant Clara Abbott Foundation Burlington Northern Foundation Anne L. and James B. Abney Nancy R. and Donald R. Bush Kristie and Charles Abney Carol and Taylor D. Caffey ACT Wal-Mart Julie S. and Charles W. Caldwell Jr. Action Industries Inc. Ann and Ricky J. Calhoon Adler Foundation Canadian National Railway Sarah G. and Jimmy D. Ainsworth Janet G. and D. J. Canale Gilbert Alexander Capital Group Cos. Inc. Altria Group Inc. Carothers Construction Alumni Club of Washington County Carroll Warren and Parker PLLC America Online The Catfish Institute American Furniture Manufacturers Association Lisa H. and Ralph E. Chapman American Mercantile Corp. Chick-fil-A Inc. American National Lawyers Cathy and Mark A. Chinn

56 Chisholm Foundation Eckerd Corp. Foundation Henley Lotterhos and Henley Camille and Robertson M. Leatherman City of Southaven Sarah E. and Stephen V. Edge Regina R. and Stephen R. Hennessy David Levine Jim Clark Edison Group Aaron E. Henry Foundation of Jackson Ellen Levine Reatha H. and James M. Clark Education Foundation of Greenville Gayle G. and Mike Henry Lewis Grocer Co. Joan D. Cleary Education Services Foundation Karyn K. and Dieter K. Herterich T. A. Liles Jr. Rose C. and Jennifer H. and John B. Edwards II Estate of George P. Hewes III Hung Wei Lin D. Mike Cockrell El Dorado Promise Inc. Laura H. and L. Dean Holleman Estate of Blanche Lockard Estate of Lillian M. Cohn Catherine D. and Ed Eleazer Lisa C. and Timothy C. Holleman Lodge Manufacturing Co. Bernice Cohron Foundation Inc. Electric Power Associations of Mississippi Estate of Jeanne L. Holley Love Broadcasting Inc. Mary Ann Mobley Collins Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation Mary L. and J. G. Hollingsworth Tressa K. Love Commonwealth of Kentucky Equitable Foundation Warren A. Hood Jr. Marsha G. and John F. Lucas III Communigroup of Jackson Inc. Equitable Life Assurance Society Estate of Hugh S. Hopkins Lucent Technologies Community Enterprises Inc. Jane and Roy Evans Maryem F. Hopkins Deedie Lynch Community Medical Education and Mona M. and Johnny Evans House of Blues Inc. Patricia M. and James J. Madden Jr. Research Foundation Fabenco Inc. Katherine S. and Jamie G. Houston Maddox Foundation Coopers and Lybrand R. W. Fair Foundation Ernest E. Howard III Elizabeth and Ronald N. Magruder Coopers and Lybrand Foundation Grace L. and Dennis R. Feller Rita N. Howard Sharon D. and John A. Maloney Elizabeth S. and John G. Corlew Nita Faye B. and Brooke Ferris Robert L. Howell Foundation J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Louanne P. and George P. Cossar Jr. Financial Accounting Foundation Estate of Lucy Somerville Howorth Martin Marietta Corp. Foundation Sara M. Costner First National Bank‑Pontotoc Judith T. and B. Jerry L. Huff Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Daisy Cothren First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Tenn. Wiley C. Hutchins Holly S. and Christopher Mathews J. Paige Cothren The Ford Family Foundation Illinois Central Railroad Estate of Mary Catherine McBride Peggy T. and James P. Cothren Ford Motor Co. Fund Ingalls Shipbuilding Catherine and H. Russell McCarty Arthur A. Cox Jr. Anne S. and Cecil C. Fox Institute of Community Services Jonelle E. and Douglas C. McClurkin Pamela J. Cox William E. Fox Institute of International Education Cille and William Michael McDonald Sr. Dana B. and William J. Crumb Freeport-McMoran Interfraternity Council Jane H. and Chester A. McLarty Charles E. Culpepper Foundation Suzan T. and James M. Fuller Jr. International Research and Exchanges Estate of Ann K. Rosamond McLean Currie Johnson Griffin Gaines and Myers Furniture Brands International Inc. Board Inc. Marty D. and Lynn B. McMahan CVS Charitable Trust Inc. Eliza M. and Frederick W. Garraway Jr. Intuit Corp. Leta R. and Samuel P. McManus F. C. and Anne P. Dailey Trust Estate of Cornelia C. Gatlin Irby Contruction Co. Estate of Milton McMullan Dale and Associates P.A. Kathryn and James R. Gatlin Isle of Capri Casinos Inc. Laurie H. McRee Adine Dalrymple Charlotte and Thomas Gee J. B. Systems Inc. Susan E. and C. E. McRoberts Jr. Truly E. Daniel General Motors Research Labs Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Merchants and Farmers Bank Sarah P. Dantin Globe Music Co. Gwen M. Johnson Merrill Lynch and Co. Foundation Howard L. Davidson Deidre A. and Lawrence A. Gordon Carol C. and Stephen G. Johnston Darby P. and R. David Miller Jr. Jessie T. Davis Seth R. Gouguet Bettye S. and E. Grady Jolly Estate of Imogene Miller Dorothy W. and Joseph Dehmer Jr. Government of the District of Columbia Louise M. Jones Pageant Inc. Estate of Virginia M. Deibert W. R. Grace and Co. Nancy N. Joseph Missco Corp. Ruthann Ray and Rex M. Deloach Michael A. Grantham Betty J. Jourdan Mississippi Bankruptcy Conference Inc. Deloitte and Touche LLP Neva F. Greenwald Jumpstart Mississippi Blood Services Delta Delta Delta Grenada School District Betty and John N. Kamman Jr. Mississippi Low Income Child Care Delta Gamma Fraternity Housing Corp. Brenda and Charles Griner Nicole F. and John N. Kamman III Mississippi Manufacturers Association Delta Pacific Inc. Grocery Manufacturers Association Kappa Alpha Order Mississippi Pharmacists Association Delta Rho Chapter House Association of GTE Corp. William H. Keener Jr. Mississippi Real Estate Commission Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Gulf Coast Community Foundation M. W. Kellogg Co. Lynn S. Mitchell Jo Ann Denley Gulf National Life Insurance Co. Kimberly‑Clark Foundation Inc. Mobil Foundation Donald R. Depriest Rekha and Jonathan Hagen Estate of Ray E. King Karen C. and Robert S. Montjoy Jacqueline A. and Quinton H. Dickerson Jr. Mike Halford Mary L. and Nick Kotz Dennis E. Moore Dixon Hughes PLLC Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. Joy C. and Richard Kuebler Sr. Dorothy T. Moore Lois S. and Carl S. Downing Harris Jernigan and Geno PLLC Landman Scholarship Trust Frances N. Moore Ouida C. and W. W. Drinkwater Jr. Tena C. Haskins Langston Law Firm, PA P. J. Moran Foundation Duke Corporate Accounts Payable William Randolph Hearst Foundation Estate of Eleanor Launius Allen B. Morgan Jr. Durr-Fillauer Medical Inc. Heart and Hand Inc. Estate of Edward B. Launius Deborah McAbee and J. Byron Morris Dye Vanmol and Lawrence Hederman Brothers Elizabeth Lauritzen Morton International Inc. EADS North America Heidelberg and Woodliff LDDS Communications Inc. Estate of Esther S. Moss

57 Mountain Valley Spring Water Risk and Insurance/Memphis Chapter Thomas A. Turner Arch Dalrymple Nancy W. and Paul W. Murrill Rite Aid Corp. Betty S. and Jesse B. Tutor Jr. Joe H. Daniel Murphy Martin Higher Education Fund Riverhills Capital Corp. Twenty-First Century Foundation Maurice J. Dantin Estate of Henry A. Nabors Kenneth L. Roberts Unifirst Bank for Savings Dorothy H. Davidson Robert W. Naef III Rock River Foundation Inc. Union Planters Foundation Jesse T. Davis Karen and Aldert S. Nall Jr. Estate of Emma Rogers United Congregation Mesorah Jennie Dehmer Estate of Francis Napier Frances A. Sam United Parcel Service G. B. Delashmet National Community Pharmacists Association SAP Public Services Inc. University Dentists PLLC Richard A. Denman National Peanut Board Beverly and J. Gorman Schaffer Jr. University Radiology Associates PLLC Sidney M. Edelstein Estate of Paul T. Neely Schering Plough Corp. UPS Foundation Annie B. Ellis Miriam H. and James W. Newman III Elizabeth P. Scott USF&G Cos. Caroline R. and Jason C. Fisher Helen R. and Johnny W. Newman Searle Pharmaceuticals Inc. Ann C. and J. Alex Ventress Gertrude C. Ford Sara and Paul M. Newton Sr. Gail G. Seely Susan M. Marchant and Ronald F. Vernon Bernice Hederman Constance C. and William B. Nobles Jr. Selected Funeral Insurance Co. Volvo Trucks North America Inc. Jane B. Heidelberg North American Operations Dan Seligman Family Charitable Foundation Todd M. Wade George P. Hopkins Jr. North Mississippi Health Services Inc. Jean M. Shaw Jennifer and John F. Waits III Lucy Somerville Howorth Northeast Mississippi Community Newspapers Lori B. and James Keith Shelly Nell B. and O. Edward Wall Mary Hartwell and Beckett Howorth Jr. Northrop Grumman Shelter Insurance Foundation James D. Wallace Trust Robert L. Hudson Northwest Mississippi Community College Kristy and Noel C. Simms Walt Disney Co. James Floyd Ingram Foundation Carolyn V. and W. Marion Smith Estate of Anna L. Ward Garner James Nucor Foundation Claire D. Smith Waring Cox PLC Howard Jobe Diana Lynne and Houston D. Nutt Mary Elizabeth and J. George Smith Jr. Estate of Odith E. Warren Paul H. Johnson III Jennifer R. O’Barr Melissa Smith Washington County Ole Miss Club Joseph Ellis Joseph Michelle Hyver Oakes Pamela P. and Jerome W. Smith Weatherford Memorial Foundation D. Olen Jourdan Jr. Elizabeth and Mike Ogie Solvay Pharmaceuticals Ellen F. and William P. Wells Doris and Thomas Joyner Jr. Eliza Craft Olander and Brian McHenry Southern Progress Corp. David R. White Dorothy T. Keady Michael Olander Southwest Airlines Co. Elizabeth M. White Ted U. Klein Ole Miss Greek Fundraiser Bessie S. and Leland Speed Mitzi J. and Lynn K. Whittington Maude M. Lane Bernard Osher Foundation Joyce H. Spradling Whole Foods Market Paul R. Lauritzen Andrea G. and Charles L. Overby Ronald W. Stallings, CPA Kathryn L. Wiener Robert N. Leavell Herman and Hazel Owen Foundation State of Mississippi Department of Finance Emily F. and Mike E. Williams Morris Lewis Jr. Joseph S. Owen and Administration George R. Williams Thelma and William F. Lyles Oxford Rotary Club Steen Reynolds Dalehite Noell and Gary M. Wilson Morris F. Lynch Leslie D. and Lewis C. Palumbo Estate of Mary H. Stephens Eleanor Winter Betty C. and W. Emmett Marston Panola County Community Chest Dorothy C. and William S. Stewart Elise V. and William F. Winter Anna K. Rosamond McLean Debbie and Steven A. Patterson Stone and Webster Engineering Inc. Becky and John R. Wooley Mary Mitchell Pennzoil Co. Philippa B. and Michael Straus Margaret A. Wylde and Kenneth L. Wooten Dudley R. Moore Jr. Peoples Bank – Ripley Strojny and Strojny Wyss Foundation Elizabeth Newman Anne K. and Alan W. Perry Structural Steel Services Inc. Mary and Wirt A. Yerger Jr. Thomas J. Parks Elisa T. and L. Brian Phillips Paul D. Stutzman Young Williams P.A. Frances G. Patterson Emily J. Pointer Trust Sylvia P. and John M. Sullivan Mary Lee S. and Paul M. Pope Jr. Poole’s Downtown Diner Sun Microsystems Foundation In Memoriam: Corrie D. Quarles Procter and Gamble Fund Lee R. and Thomas L. Sweat Orpal T. Armstrong Ann J. Rayburn Public Education of Mississippi Dorothy Lee Tatum Charles C. Beall Jr. Tally D. Riddell Sr. Quaker Oats Foundation Ross K. Thueson Thomas U. Black Jr. Jack V. Rice Quorum Health Group Inc. Otis R. Tims W. Cecil Brunson W. Bryant Ridgway R.T.W. Equipment Co. Senith C. and Ancel C. Tipton Jr. Charlotte Capers Kathrine C. Roach Reader’s Digest Foundation Inc. Trailmobile Corp. Lane T. Chandler Ruby Roden Isla C. and T. R. Reckling III Judith T. and Jay A. Travis III Robert W. Cleary Jean and Doyle Russell Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation Cynthia and William B. Travis Ethel and Aubrey O. Clement Joseph Sam Estate of B. H. Richardson Jr. Triad Hospitals Inc. Gerald B. Cole Barry C. Scott Bobby E. Richardson Triton Biopharma LLC J. R. Scribner Wilma W. Riddell June Tucei Clarence M. and Kathryne W. Conway Warren B. Seely Jr. Juanita W. Ridgway Gail O. and R. Gerald Turner Lee T. Cossar William B. Shaw Riordan Foundation Susan S. Turner Overton A. Currie Mildred R. and Prescott A. Sherman

58 J. Lucian Smith Jr. Lee C. and Raymond M. Dearman Ann H. Gresham Roberta M. and Raymond L. McGuire Mary C. Speed Cyd and Robert H. Dunlap Nina Q. and Lenard A. Grice Leta R. and Samuel P. McManus John F. Tatum Lynn W. and Woods E. Eastland Renee and John R. Grisham Jr. Michael T. McRee Ferdinand Walker Tucei Jr. Carole B. and Stephen C. Edds Carole B. and Harold E. Haney Jr. A. Ashley and Victor H. Meena Jr. E. G. Tutor Jr. Michael L. Edmonds Freda W. and R. V. M. Harrison Sara M. and Carl A. Megehee Sylvia H. Vaughan Jennifer and J. Berlyn Edwards Sara H. Hederman Merchants and Farmers Bank Krista H. Vernon Carolyn S. Elkin Wanda M. Henderson Trudy D. and Terrence J. Millette Adelaide H. Wesson Michael E. Ellis Nancy and Carl Herrin Mississippi Chemical Corp. Charles Farris Jr. Dewey Hickman Marye and Paul H. Moore Sr. Nita Faye B. and Brooke Ferris Claudia H. Hollister Camille and William H. Morris Jr. CHANCELLOR’S TRUST First National Bank-Oxford Maryem F. Hopkins Margaret P. and Sam V. Morse An unrestricted gift of $25,000 Gaye P. and Roger M. Flynt Jr. Florence W. and R. Jerry Hornsby Melissa R. and Robert S. Murphree Jennifer A. and Gerald M. Abdalla Nell C. and John M. Flynt Bernice Hederman Hussey and C. Hal Brunt Nancy W. and Paul W. Murrill Sharron M. and Harry A. Alexander Renee N. and R. Mayo Flynt III Larry Lee Johnson Valerie and Victor G. Nance Betty J. Anderson Russell P. Flynt Beth Jones Beverly P. and Charles A. Neale Lynda T. and William Austin Jr. Judy K. and Dennis M. Ford Brown Jones Nancy M. and W. Richard Newman III Thomas W. Avent Jr. Margot and Richard M. Fountain Estate of Gaston Jones Sara and Paul M. Newton Sr. Sharon M. and Dwight N. Ball Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé Dixie C. and B. J. Jordan Mary B. and Ed D. Noble Jr. Pam Ball Cherry S. Fyke Lyna and Covin M. Jordan North East Mississippi Electric Power Dicey M. Barbour Merle and David E. Galloway Nancy Joseph Association Ann W. Barksdale Ralph M. Garrard Julius W. King Davis W. and John R. Nunnery Jr. Claire B. and Rees H. Barksdale Linda and Ralph M. Garrard Jr. Betty C. Kinsey E. Scott Palmer Donna and James L. Barksdale Betty P. Gary Joy C. and Richard Kuebler Sr. Jean Palmer Jane Anna and Bryan Barksdale Linda G. and Eddie H. Gatlin Allen and Janice Lackey Foundation John N. Palmer Marian B. and Charles C. Barksdale Kathryn and James R. Gatlin Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane Rose L. and Henry Paris Rae R. Barnett Shirley H. and John H. Geary Tracie E. and Joseph C. Langston Rebecca B. and Robert A. Parker Jr. Paige H. Berry Ann P. and Thomas S. Glasgow Gail F. and A. Chance Laws Marge Peddle Jane R. and Homer Best Jr. Deidre A. and Lawrence A. Gordon John W. Lee Jr. Elizabeth and Michael S. Person F. Watt Bishop Graeber Brothers Inc. Patsy P. and Stephen Livingston Sr. Holmes S. Pettey Anne Andrews Black Trust Dorothy L. and Hardy P. Graham Mayo Mallette PLLC Jeanette C. and Jesse P. Phillips Rebecca L. and C. Marion Black Linda and R. Huck Graham Margaret D. McCall Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Kathryn B. Black Michael A. Grantham Mary Ann McCarty Kathy and Michael K. Randolph Laura L. and John R. Bradley Jr. Sara H. and B. Perry Green James McClure Jr. Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Lucia and Louis K. Brandt Laura E. and W. Walton Gresham III Janet B. and H. Smith McGehee Jr. Angie E. and Douglas P. Reese Florence Brent Elizabeth and Henry C. Brevard Jr. Lyn S. and Raymond L. Brown Ingrid H. and Gwynne T. Brunt Jr. Dale H. Bullen Martha G. and W. Joseph Burnett Harold Burson Susan M. and Lampkin Butts Patsy B. Caraway Susan and Jerry H. Center John M. Christian Ann B. and Thomas W. Colbert Bill F. Cossar Mary Jane and John A. Crawford Jr. Sandra B. and Frank Crosthwait Jr. Laurie L. and J. Stacy Davidson Fay S. and Stacy Davidson Jr. Allison F. and Dwayne P. Davis Juanita Davis Nan G. and Thomas R. Davis Barbara A. Day

59 Laura A. Reese Aubrey O. and Ethel Clement Angelé K. McClure Army Emergency Relief Wilma W. Riddell Helen W. and Lee T. Cossar Jean M. Moore Barry W. Atkins Swift C. and Herbert G. Rogers III William N. Cox Ethel M. and William H. Mounger Thomas W. Avent Jr. Anne M. and J. Lock Ross Jr. Friley S. Davidson Olivia L and Carl W. Nabors Natalie and Robert R. Bailess Carolyn Russell W. Jefferson Davis Jr. Charles W. Palmer James E. Baine Barbara C. and Eric L. Sappenfield Frank R. Day Clementine Palmer Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell Jeffrey and Ben B. Sayle Richard A. Denman Thomas J. Parks Michael L. Baker Elizabeth P. Scott Margee Farris Frank S. Peddle Jr. Balch and Bingham LLP Shirley S. and Robert B. Seymour Mary W. and D. E. Freeman Tally D. Riddell Sr. Joseph C. Bancroft Charitable and Gloria and Norman E. Shaw F. Earl Fyke Jr. W. Bryant Ridgway Educational Fund Linda L. Shelton Dorothy Garrard Jean and Doyle Lamar Russell BankPlus D. Shepard Smith Knox Gary Ted Russell Baptist Memorial Health Care Sneed Hardware Inc. Frederick M. Glass Barry C. Scott Arnold Barefoot Ygondine W. Sturdivant Nina B. and J. C. Goolsby Trenton H. Shelton Donna and James L. Barksdale Patricia R. and Ben P. Tatum Robert O. Tatum Frank L. Tindall Sr. Judith T. and Jay A. Travis III Jacqueline D. Triplett Susan and Rodney F. Triplett Jr. United Southern Bank Martha P. and R. Preston Wailes Jr. James D. Wallace Trust Louise Bullard Wallace Foundation Estate of Robert A. Webb Elizabeth M. White Pamela M. and C. Neel White Jr. Rosemary and J. Dan White Dan S. Wilford Annette S. and John E. Williams Nila Q. and Max W. Williams Sandra P. and Roy C. Williams Stirling B. Williams Jr. Linda T. and Thomas L. Windham Jewell Y. and James P. Graeber Sr. Mike Sturdivant Barnett Foundation This list includes two anonymous donors. Frances C. and Lewis A. Graeber Jr. Joy M. Tindall Nancy F. and John W. Barrett Cora Lee P. and Hardy Moore Graham R. Faser Triplett Sr. Baylor College of Medicine In Memoriam: William Walton Gresham Jr. James N. White Becker Professional Education Bessie M. and Beverly C. Adams Vernon B. Harrison Edwina and R. Baxter Wilson Barbara K. Beckmann Leah and J. Roland Adams Hap Hederman Mary M. and James A. Bennett Mary C. and Frank A. Anderson John P. Henderson David C. Berry Robert Anderson Jr. Will A. Hickman Benefactors John Besh Louise M. Avent Ann F. and George Wilden Hoffman An annual gift of $10,000 and above Gregory L. Best Leonard D. Ball III Jeanne L. and Robert L. Holley Jr. restricted to academic programs Biltmore Estate Wine Co. William Barbour Sr. Ralph K. Hollister Jr. Abbott Fund Gage M. Black Sally M. Barksdale George P. “Buddy” Hopkins Jr. Kristie and Charles Abney John and Elizabeth Bleuer Scholarship Fund Thomas G. Barksdale Frederick A. Jones ACT Wal-Mart Big Apple Barbeque Party Robert G. Barnett W. L. Jones James F. and Peggy Adams J. Steven Blake Oscar D. Brent Jr. Joseph Ellis Joseph Agilent Technologies Patricia L. and Charles W. Boland Mary Alice Bullen Doris E. and Thomas Joyner Jr. AICPA Foundation Carmen Bond Bette F. Burson Marion K. King Estate of Edith Wetzel Ainsworth Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Allen H. and Charles W. Capps Jr. Everett W. Kinsey America’s Junior Miss Nancy and John H. Boydstun Sr. Natie P. Caraway Thelma and William F. Lyles William H. Andrews Susan S. and William C. Brabec Mary T. and Samuel P. Carter Jerry C. McCall Anson Mills Laura L. and John R. Bradley D. R. Chambliss Sr. H. F. McCarty Jr. Aprecia Pharmaceutical Co. Elizabeth and Henry C. Brevard Jr.

60 Shawn S. and David E. Brevard Barbara M. and John Z. Dollarhide Greenwood Leflore Hospital Local 817 I.B.T. Theatrical Teamsters Briggs-Freeman Real Estate Brokerage Inc. David K. Dollarhide Mary Ann W. and William G. Griesbeck Lodge Manufacturing Co. Bright Star Restaurant Elizabeth Dollarhide Guardian Manufacturing Inc. Marla W. and Lowry M. Lomax Nancy H. and Cecil C. Brown Louis E. Dollarhide Gulf Coast Community Foundation Long Wholesale Inc. Tyler Brown Martha C. Dollarhide and Bobby L. Ingram Gulf Guaranty Life Insurance Co. Robert C. Long Brunini Grantham Grower Hewes Estate of Margaret Draper Hoover H. and William C. Gunn Estate of Doy Payne Longest Susan and Larry H. Bryan Ouida C. and W. W. Drinkwater Jr. Rekha and Jonathan Hagen Tricia and C. Trent Lott Nancy R. and Donald R. Bush Cheryl A. and Michael L. Ducker Dorothy A. Halliday Luckyday Foundation C Spire Eastern Band Cherokee Indians William P. Hallman M B Sections Fund Butler Snow O’Mara Stevens Cannada PLLC Education Services Foundation Stephen E. Hamric Madison Charitable Foundation Inc. Capital Group Companies Inc. Yvonne M. and Clyde B. Edwards Jr. Phil Hardin Foundation Charles Magill Cardinal Health Foundation El Dorado Promise Inc. Larry J. Hardy Sharon D. and John A. Maloney Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter Electrical Industry Labor Management Mary D. and Samuel B. Haskell III Olivia W. and E. Archie Manning III Robert and Lenore W. Carrier Foundation Cooperation Barri and Don O. Haskins Sean Manning Hodding and Betty Carter Family Charitable Eley Guild Hardy Architects Cathy and Joe D. Havens Jr. Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Fund Vicki O. and Timothy L. Ellis Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation Margaret H. and Arthur W. May Ann Cashion Estate of Celia Emmerich William Randolph Hearst Foundation Susan C. and David O. McCormick Cassidy Foundation Entergy Corp. Wanda M. Henderson Nancie S. McDermott Sally G. and Terry L. Caves Ernst and Young Foundation Regina R. and Stephen R. Hennessy Cindy and Sam McGann Center for Scholarship Administration Inc. Mona M. and Johnny Evans Karyn K. and Dieter K. Herterich Wendy I. and John A. McKinney Central Mississippi Ole Miss Club Pamela and Walter H. Eversmeyer III Melissa L. and Anthony L. Holland Madeleine McMullan Francis D. Cerniglia ExxonMobil Foundation Diane T. and J. L. Holloway Medical Marketing Economics Chick-fil-A Inc. R and B Feder Charitable Foundation Estate of Col. and Mrs. James P. Hooper Becky W. and Edwin E. Meek Ashley Christensen Paul Fehribach Gina and Linton Hopkins Jr. Christie F. and L. Madison Michael II CIC Foundation Marcie C. and William R. Ferris Jr. Horne LLP Mary W. and Lucian S. Minor City House Restaurant Fertel Family Foundation Rita N. Howard Mississippi Council of Cooperatives Janis A. and Kenneth R. Clark John E. Fetzer Institute Inc. Lynne and G. Norris Howell Jr. Mississippi Junior Miss Program Inc. Rhonda K. Clark Financial Accounting Foundation John W. Huey Mississippi Manufacturers Association Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark First Baptist Church, Oxford, Miss. Hunter Public Relations Mississippi Power Education Foundation Reatha H. Clark Tonya K. and Dale L. Flesher International Scholarship and Tuition Services Inc. Mississippi Valley Title Insurance Co. Coca Cola Scholars Foundation Carolyn L. and Joe M. Floyd Jr. Jackson Rotary Club Charities Mitchell McNutt and Sams P.A. Mary L. and Steve Cockerham Sylvia S. and William Foran Sandra M. and Robert T. Jackson Sr. Susan S. and Guy W. Mitchell III Kelly Gene Cook Charitable Foundation Gertrude C. Ford Foundation Jet Propulsion Laboratory Deborah B. and John E. Monroe Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Ford Family Foundation Jim ‘N Nicks BarBQ Mary and Frank D. Montague Jr. Copeland Cook Taylor and Bush Kathy B. and Timothy A. Ford Estate of Harper Johnson Jr. Suzanne and H. Dixon Montague Bill F. Cossar Fort Sill Apache Tribe Larry Lee Johnson Kenneth Montgomery Foundation Sara M. Costner Foundation for Agency Management Jones Walker Finney C. and James L. Moore Daphene D. Craig Excellence Inc. Louise M. Jones Karen B. and A. Bruce Moore Jr. Helen and C. York Craig Jr. Anne L. and John T. Frame Lydia and Daniel W. Jones Morgan-White Group Inc. CREATE Foundation Freedom Forum Melissa M. and Donald D. Jones Camille and William H. Morris Jr. Betsy S. and Wade H. Creekmore Jr. Janis A. and Alan E. Freeland Journal Publishing Co. Mortgage Insurance Cos. of America Meredith and James H. Creekmore Friends of Children’s Hospital Kanbar Charitable Trust Angela D. and Johnny B. Mosier Crosthwait Terney and Noble PLLC Susie and Roger P. Friou Kappa Alpha Order Mountain Valley Spring Co. LLC Bess and John M. Currence Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé Norman P. Katool Melissa R. and Robert S. Murphree Rebecca Currence Caren and Tom T. Gallaher Matthew Kelly Murphy Martin Higher Education Fund Daniel Coker Horton and Bell Lynn C. and Stewart Gammill III King Saud University Medical Branch Murphy Oil USA Inc. Ashley Day Realty Co. Catherine W. King Robert W. Naef III Deloitte Foundation Dotsie G. and John D. Glass Joyce E. and David A. King National Philanthropic Trust Deloitte & Touche Foundation Donna H. and T. Michael Glenn KPMG Foundation Beate B. and Rodney Nolan Edward A. DeMiller Jr. Joy W. and James R. Gordon Barbara N. and Edward A. Krei North Mississippi Education Consortium Inc. Diane O. and Fred DeRoode Seth R. Gouguet Dianne S. Lee North Mississippi Health Services Estate of Ralph S. and Della W. Dickerson Government of the District of Columbia Carroll Leggett Sally F. and Darden H. North Lynton S. Dilley Bettie Y. and R. Newell Graham Elizabeth L. and Leighton Lewis Sr. Nucor Foundation Dixon Hughes Goodman LLC Dorothy L. and Hardy P. Graham Patricia P. and William Lewis Jr. Kristie and David H. Nutt L. John Doerr Amy L. Wilson and H. D. Granberry III Maureen H. Liberto OB-GYN Associates P.A.

61 Jacqueline E. and Jay T. Oglesby Vicki L. and Harry A. Sneed Wingspan Partnerships Wanda M. Henderson Eliza Olander and Brian McHenry Southeastern Conference Margaret A. Wylde and Kenneth L. Wooten Estate of George P. Hewes III Michael Olander St. Anthony Scholarship Fund World Learning Larry Lee Johnson Osage Nation Federal Programs Lenoir W. and John C. Stanley William T. Wynn Memorial Fund Margaret G. and J. T. Keeton Jr. Bernard Osher Foundation Nancye B. Starnes and David Hughes Benjamin Yarbrough Margaret D. and Robert C. Khayat Nancy Jane Otto State Farm Cos. Foundation Mary and Wirt A. Yerger Jr. Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane* Andi R. and Butch Oustalet Steen Dalehite and Pace LLP Zingerman’s Community of Businesses Elizabeth and Richard D. Langston Leslie D. and Lewis C. Palumbo Kate Stewart Tracie E. and Joseph C. Langston Panola County Community Chest Pardis Sooudi and Frank Stitt This list includes 16 anonymous donors.. Madison Charitable Foundation Inc. Jamie Parsley Family Foundation Inc. Estate of Lillian Smith Stovall Jean J. Massey Pharmaceutics International Inc. Strojny and Strojny In Memoriam: Michael T. McRee Alana C. and Perry W. Phillips Jane and Michael A. Strojny Thomas U. Black Jr. Molly and Alan G. Millis Leslie Pinsof The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Van R. Burnham Jr. Susan S. and Guy W. Mitchell III Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman E. H. Sumners Foundation Ellen Eason Goldman Vada and A. Eugene Montgomery III Pittman Germany Roberts and Welsh Joyce Sumners James O. Goldman Estate of Carl Warren Nabors Poole’s Downtown Diner Symantec Corp. John P. Henderson Sally F. and Darden H. North Lynn A. and Pepper Pounds Taqueria Del Sol Nancy and William A. McMinn E. Scott Palmer PriceWaterhouseCoopers Foundation Telos Foundation James M. McMullan Vera M. and Richard T. Phillips Jessie D. Puckett Jr. Temple Inland Foundation Estate of Mary Elizabeth Pitts Welissa W. and Gregory C. Rader Suzan B. and John H. Thames Jr. Kathy F. and Charles F. Porter Tommy Ramey Foundation Inc. James M. & Luvie C. Thomas Foundation Ole Miss First Renasant Bank Ramey Agency LLC Mary E. and John B. Thomas A gift or pledge of $25,000 Anne W. and Steven G. Rogers* Kathy and Michael K. Randolph Fred D. Thompson Abbott Laboratories Fund Jane Thomas Rogers Nancy Rasco Jan P. and Nimrod G. Thompson Sr. Nancy and Rick Akin Eleanor M. and Richard Rollins Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Lisa R. and John D. Tickle Jr. Arrowhead Foundation Kimberly A. and Gordon F. Singhas Renasant Bank James Titley Asbury Foundation of Hattiesburg Inc. Patricia H. and John B. Sneed II Patricia M. and Brian G. Reynolds Tower International – Madison, Miss. Donna and James L. Barksdale Laura A. and Michael S. Starnes Sharon E. and Thomas H. Rhoden Judith T. and Jay A. Travis III Mary M. and James A. Bennett James M. and Luvie C. Thomas Foundation Linda F. and Michael E. Riley Dana H. and David L. Traxler Jr. Lee and James R. Billingsley Jan P. and Nimrod G. Thompson Sr. Risen Son Foundation Tri State Education Foundation Kathryn B. Black Carol P. and W. James Threadgill Jr. Rite Aid Corp. Susan and Rodney F. Triplett Jr. Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Pamela M. and Jon C. Turner* Edward W. Robert UM Alumni Association Susan and Larry H. Bryan University of Mississippi Foundation Board Donna R. Roberts United Negro College Fund Inc. Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter of Directors Craig Rogers University Physicians PLLC Diana Day-Cartee and Alan Cartee Vogel Family Foundation Inc. Harry Root Julian Van Winkle Robbie and James M. Caswell III Cynthia D. and William R. Warren Royal Cup Coffee Vicksburg Medical Foundation Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark Debbie and David P. Webb* Dixie Carter Salinas Viking Range Corp. Bill F. Cossar Lori L. and Robert E. White Jr. Kathy and Joe F. Sanderson Jr. Donna H. Vinson Estate of John Dryden Davenport Jr. Marjorie M. and Homer A. Whittington Jr.* Sanderson Farms Inc. Lissa F. and Charles R. Walker Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Noell and Gary M. Wilson Earline and Lenny Sawyer Laurie and David M. Walker Foundation Elizabeth H. and David C. Wood Donna L. and Thomas C. Schmidt Waller Lansden Dortch and Davis LLP Jennifer S. and Ricky Douglas* Harry C. Young III* Scholarship America Jine and S. Y. Wang Yvonne M. and Clyde B. Edwards Estate of Madeline Occhipinti Sciacca Washington County Ole Miss Alumni Association ExxonMobil Foundation This list includes three anonymous donors. Estate of Barry C. Scott Washington University Liz and Thomas C. Farnsworth Jr. Jody and Pick Scruggs Waters Corp. Julia Cutler and James P. Farrell In Memoriam: Cynthia and Robert Seibels III Susan K. and Wendell W. Weakley Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington* Mae Fortenberry Anne and Stephen M. Shirley Weil Gotshal and Manges Foundation Inc. Margot and Richard M. Fountain Hortense and Hunter Gholson Sharon and G. Michael Shirley Mitzi J. and Lynn K. Whittington Clare and Russell G. French Louise N. Godwin Estate of Frances A. Silver Emily F. and Mike E. Williams Jacquelyn S. and Robert D. Gage IV J. Al Hale Elizabeth Sims Polly F. and Parham Williams Jr. Nina and Joseph W. Gary John P. Henderson Geri Beth and R. Allen Smith Jr. Sandra P. and Roy C. Williams Estate of Cornelia C. Gatlin Maude M. Lane John H. Smith Thomas Williams Kathryn and James R. Gatlin C. P. Massey Smith Waldrop Foundation Creighton L. Wilson Jr. Linda G. and Eddie H. Gatlin Charles E. Noyes Erwin E. Smith Foundation M. Amanda and Edward R. Wilson Jr. Donna H. and T. Michael Glenn Jewell P. Snyder The J. M. Smucker Co. Noell and Gary M. Wilson Estate of Joseph Alfred Hale *1848 Society Donors

62 OLE MISS WOMEN’S Amanda and Edward R. Wilson Jr. COUNCIL For Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae Philanthropy $100,000 Endowed Council Oxford Business Women’s Scholarship Initiative Scholarship Nancy and Rick Akin Clara Lee Arnold Barbara D. and David W. Arnold Diane Davis Barrentine Asbury Foundation of Hattiesburg Inc. Bette Butler Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation Vickie M. Cook S. Margaret Bardwell* Beth Dalton David Barksdale and Betsy Barksdale Pokorny Sara S. Davidson Caroline D. Billups, Mary Margaret Case, Ann H. Devoe Kenneth Dill Jr. and Sarah Catherine Reily Karen J. Elam Kathryn B. Black* Frances B. Elliott The Brevard Family Shannon M. Ferguson Barbara and Winston Caperton Jr. John P. Fullenwider Mildred and R. H. Center Foundation Bettye H. Galloway Pamela J. Cox Gale M. Gurner Arthur A. Cox Jr. Emmie Lou Harlan Greene Meredith Wilson Creekmore Penny B. Harvey Jan Farrington* Sue L. Hodge FedEx Corp. Rosann D. Hudson Martha Dale and Edward O. Fritts Patricia P. Lewis Susan Anthony Keith Grice* Tina Montgomery Mary Donnelly and Samuel B. Haskell III June C. Overstreet Wanda M. Henderson* Phillip Morris Inc. Kathryn Healy Hester* Laura P. Sale Andrew K. Howorth, Family and Friends Sue M. Sneed Gloria Dodwell Kellum Family and Friends Vicki L. Sneed Edith Kelly-Green Donna H. Vinson Ralph E. Abraham A. Jason Baker Margaret Denton and Robert C. Khayat Peyton Warrington Robert M. Abraham Estate of Edgar V. Baker Martha Dunn Kirkley Estate of Kathryn G. Adams Dwight N. Ball Maureen H. Liberto In Memoriam: Betty J. Adams Pam Ball Patricia Lott Family and Friends Louise M. Avent Peggy H. and James F. Adams S. Margaret Bardwell Susan B. Martindale Celia B. Emmerich Barry B. Aden Bryan Barksdale Rachel S. McPherson Lanelle Guyton Gafford Judith H. and M. Lynn Adkins M. Delores Barlow The Meisenheimer Family Janis H. Holley Ronnie Agnew Helen B. Barnes Karen B. and A. Bruce Moore Jr. Susan Barksdale Howorth Estate of Edith W. and John E. Ainsworth Estate of Robert G. Barnett Celia Carter Muths Clare L. Marquette Richard B. Akin J. Patrick Barrett Estate of Olivia Lewis Nabors* Sally M. and Carl Meisenheimer Harry A. Alexander Cary C. Bass Jr. Gail J. Pittman* Wilson Hudson Turner Marian S. Alexander Jerry F. Bates Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner *1848 Society Donors Bert Allen Blair E. Batson Donna Ruth Else Roberts Clyde R. Allen Jr. Malcolm D. Baxter Jr. Jane Thomas Rogers Harry R. Allen Alon W. Bee Jr. Lynda Mead and John J. Shea Jr. 1848 Society Louis F. Allen Mary M. and James A. Bennett Elizabeth Sherman Shelton The 1848 Society was established Rebecca A. Allison Ned Benson Jr. Robert M. P. Short in 1998, the university’s 150th year, Estate of Edwin Anderson Estate of William H. Berry Vicki L. and Harry A. Sneed to honor and recognize special James N. Anderson Sidney R. Berry Neal H. and John M. Sumner* friends who have either funded or Estate of Charles B. Armistead Anna M. Berryhill Carolyn E. and Oliver B. Triplett III planned a deferred gift in support Estate of Helen S. Armstrong Lloyd G. Bess University of Mississippi Foundation of the University of Mississippi. Barbara D. and David W. Arnold Nancy B. Billups Julie Marie Grimes and Michael D. Waldorf Guthrie T. Abbott Estate of Louise Arrington Estate of Emma Katherine Faser Birchett Scott J. Walker* James B. Abney Estate of James W. Backstrom F. Watt Bishop Wendell W. Weakley* Sylvia M. Abney Estate of Kathryn K. Backstrom Kathryne and Gene H. Bishop Becky Jones West* George E. Abraham II Phillip J. Bailey Sue Bishop

63 Ann Andrews Black Charitable Lead Trust C. Marion Black Gage M. Black Jane P. and Robert R. Black Kathryn B. Black Donald J. Blackwood Estate of Darl Blair Estate of Laura C. Blair Estate of Louise Blasingame Patricia M. and E. Josh Bogen Jr. Donald L. Bomer Estate of James L. Bonner Leo Boolos Jr. Walter T. Boone John H. and Elizabeth J. Bowen Trust John H. Bowen III John D. Bower Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Lynn B. Boyer John R. Bradley Jr. P. Michael Brady Louis K. Brandt Stephen P. Castleman Ben L. Crawford III Estate of Ralph S. and Della W. Dickerson Terry K. Brantley A. Ken Causey Jr. John A. Crawford Jr. Sallie D. Dillingham Garry W. Bray Estate of Phyllis M. Caver Estate of Walter Ray Crenshaw Jr. Estate of Janette Doerflinger Maury B. Breazeale Francis D. Cerniglia Irvin H. Cronin Richard D. Douglas Alvin E. Brent Jr. Estate of Thelma H. Cerniglia Kenneth I. Cronin Estate of Violet M. Douglas Charles R. Brent Joseph Cerny III Estate of Verna and L. O. Crosby Melanie W. and Michael E. Dowell Henry C. Brevard Jr. Estate of Donald Chambliss Sr. Estate of Beatrice S. Cross Estate of Margaret Draper Estate of David J. Brewer Estate of John Hill Chisolm Sandra B. and Frank Crosthwait Jr. Robert G. Drewry Ralph L. Brock Estate of Tim Lam Chow Thomas D. Crowson Estate of Victor D. Dubois Estate of M. James Brooks Jr. John M. Christian Theodore H. Cunningham James R. Dumas Jr. Estate of James Thomas Brown J. Shannon Clark Barbara M. and Edward J. Currie Jr. Roy D. Duncan Estate of Olivia Meyer Browne Janet H. and John B. Clark Estate of W. H. Cutcliff Jacqueline F. and Michael W. Dunn Robert J. Buchanan Estate of Mamie Craft Clark Beth P. and Val S. Cuthbert Jr. Joseph B. Durrett Robin C. and Denny N. Buchannon Mark E. Clasen W. M. Dalehite Jr. Wilton E. Dyson Jr. W. J. Burnett John C. Clay C. Ralph Daniel III Stephen C. Edds Estate of Marie W. Burrow David L. Clippinger Melissa Paisios Daniel Mike L. Edmonds Harold Burson Estate of Edwin W. Cocke Jr. Estate of John Dryden Davenport Jr. J. Berlyn Edwards Estate of Clara-Baur Bush Wayne P. Cockrell Wallace E. Davenport Estate of C. H. Elliott Taylor D. Caffey Wayne P. Cockrell Jr. Christopher L. Davidson Michael E. Ellis Wallace E. Caldwell Estate of Lillian M. Cohn Fay S. Davidson Estate of Annie B. Ellis Glenn S. Calvert Estate of Robert J. Coker Estate of Elise Walton Davis Richard B. Ellison Estate of Allen H. Capps Ann B. and Thomas W. Colbert James W. Davis John M. Estess Nancy S. and Carl Carden David O. Cole Nan G. and Thomas R. Davis Trese A. Evans Estate of John L. Carey Gwen W. Cole Sue B. Davis Estate of Carl G. Evers Sarah W. and Charles E. Carmichael Sr. Mary Ann Mobley Collins Woody D. Davis Janella M. Evers Estate of Don E. Carpenter Robert K. Collins Larry H. Day Steven E. Farese Sr. Candice W. and Thomas M. Carr Jr. Estate of Marjorie Cook Estate of Frances Marie Dean Charles E. Farmer Jr. Charles M. Carr Jr. Steven L. Cornelius Strawford H. Dees III Charles E. Farmer III James R. Carr Estate of George P. Cossar Sr. Estate of Virginia M. Deibert Estate of James Parmer Farrell Robert and Lenore W. Carrier Foundation Larry A. Cox Estate of Gordon B. Delashment Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington Patsy H. Carroll Rebecca C. and Arlen B. Coyle Kirby B. Delozier Charles Farris Jr. Carolyn E. and Gary G. Carter Daphine D. Craig Maxine R. and Frank E. Dement III William O. Faustman Estate of Marjorie Carter Phillip E. Cranston Edward A. Demiller Jr. James V. Ferguson Jr. Estate of James A. Casburn Bonnie and B. C. Crawford Charles R. Depro Seri G. Ferguson

64 Clarence B. Ferndon Trust Estate of Ruth C. Harris W. Ray Jamieson Estate of Frank Lopresto Josephine C. and Hugh Ferretti Lyttleton T. Harris IV Estate of Harper Johnson Jr. Ann C. and Wiley P. Lowry Jr. Estate of Raymond Fioranelli Freda W. and Robert V. M. Harrison Judith L. and Sheldon A. Johnson William F. Lynch Jr. Estate of Stephen T. Fishel Lewis E. Hatten Joseph E. Johnston Estate of Raymond E. Mabus Sr. Janet J. Fisher Susan S. Hayman Estate of Carolyn L. D. Jones Jean Stuart Magee Richard C. Fleming Jr. James C. Hays Beth Jones Lauch M. Magruder Jr. Leslie R. Fletcher William T. Haywood Jr. Margaret S. Jones Estate of Lawrence W. Mahalak Anne L. and John T. Frame Estate of Jay H. Hedgepeth Estate of Sara Virginia Jones Elisabeth Chow Mallory Alan E. Freeland Pamela F. Helms Sydney R. Jones Charlotte and Phil Malone Karen S. Freeman Wanda M. Henderson Walker W. Jones III Estate of Autrey W. Mangum Frances and John Friedman Ann T. Henry Covin M. Jordan John E. Mann Jr. Estate of Thomas Frist Sr. D. Chan Henry Richard J. Joseph Sudie M. and James O. Manning Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé James R. Herndon Laura M. Justice Estate of James G. Martin Lee A. and William N. Fry IV Kathryn H. Hester Jackie L. Kapaun C. Don Martin Elmo P. Gabbert Joan J. Hewes Leonard Kaye James L. Martin Patrice K. and John A. Gage II Dewey Hickman Jack C. Keen Jan H. Martin Charles D. Galey Frances H. and James S. Hicks Margaret G. and John T. Keeton Jr. Arthur M. Matthews Jr. Lynn C. Gammill W. Brian Hicks James E. Keeton Estate of Marie B. D. Mattingly William S. Garlic Andrew J. Higgins Edith Kelly-Green Estate of Byrd P. Mauldin Richard D. Garmer Paula B. Hilby Estate of Paul Kemp Olin B. Mauldin Jr. Thomas C. Garrott Estate of Clarence Thomas Hill Jr. Estate of Daphne Davis Kendis Estate of C. Stanton Maxcy Mary M. Garst Frank S. Hill Jr. Larry H. Killebrew James C. Mayoza Estate of Cornelia C. Gatlin Jean W. and John Edward Hill Fred T. Kimbrell Jr. Nancy L. McCain Estate of Mary Triplett Geddings Joseph C. Hillman Jr. Bobby F. King James McClure Jr. Harris Gholson II Estate of James D. Hinga Estate of Louise G. King James A. McCroskey Estate of Lilian Gladish Gibbes Estate of Eldrid Hodge Estate of Ray E. King Estate of Mrs. G. F. McDonnell Estate of Wendall N. Gilbert Thomas E. Holden Estate of Kenneth Henry Kirk George E. McGee Estate of Francis Gill Estate of Jeanne L. Holley Lenell Kittlitz Raymond L. McGuire Jean Gillespie Reginald L. Holley Milton L. Knowlton Estate of Anna K. Rosamond McLean Joe Ivy Gillespie Gerald M. Hollingsworth George L. Koomos Jr. Estate of Keith S. Dockery McLean Virgil G. Gillespie Lauren M. and Denson B. Hollis George D. Ladner Estate of William A. McMinn Marvin G. Girod Estate of Ernest D. Holloway Estate of Lavergne L. Lamar Fred L. McMillan Jr. Estate of Sanford Gladdin Estate of Col. and Mrs. James P. Hooper Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane Georgie W. McMullan Thomas S. Glasgow Elizabeth G. Hope Ledon Langston J. Bart McMullan Jr. William H. Goodin Estate of Hugh S. Hopkins Elizabeth C. and Richard Dean Langston Madeleine McMullan Frances M. Gordy Florence W. Hornsby Estate of John C. Latham William H. McMullen Carolyn C. and Walter M. Gorton James R. House Jr. Luther G. Latham Sr. John M. McRae Jr. R. Huck Graham Jamie G. Houston III Estate of Edward B. Launius Carole Lynn and Joseph R. Meadows B. Perry Green Thomas P. Houston Estate of Eleanor Launius Michael R. Medley Neva F. Greenwald Elmo Howell Estate of Stanley F. Lavner Becky W. and Edwin E. Meek Thomas H. Greer Jr. Estate of Lucy Somerville Howorth Henry L. Laws II G. Rodney Meeks Chellis O. Gregory Estate of M. Beckett Howorth James H. Lear Jr. Nancy Kimball Mellon Lenard A. Grice Estate of Marjorie M. Howorth Estate of Benjamin Y. Lee Estate of Leonard B. Melvin Jr. Susan K. Grice Estate of Mary H. Howry Laurie G. Lee Robert H. Middleton Jr. Estate of Mary Beth Griffin Harold K. Hudson DiAnn B. and Harvey S. Lewis Estate of Dorothy Maude Milden J. Brooks Griffin Carson M. Hughes Norma T. Lewis Charles D. Miles Lucien C. Gwin Jr. Clarence G. Hull III Estate of Roger C. Lewis Elizabeth B. Mileski Mary P. and Leroy U. Hairald Fannie Lou Gordon Hunt Trust Estate of Sarah Rollins Lewis Estate of Imogene Miller Dixie Dewees Hall Estate of Harriet Rankin Hunter Maureen H. Liberto Estate of Mary Eugenia Miller Dorothy A. Halliday Bernice H. Hussey Estate of V. A. Liberto Trudy and Terrence J. Millette Gale R. and Frank J. Hammond III Annette H. Hutcherson Alton L. Lightsey Jr. John M. Mills Harold E. Haney Jr. Frank Inman Jr. T. A. Liles Jr. Mary W. and Lucian S. Minor Larry J. Hardy Robert B. Ireland Jr. William T. Lloyd Mary Sue and Don Q. Mitchell Janet Y. Harris Matt Isch Estate of Blanche Lockard Estate of W. P. Mitchell John E. Harris Estate of Harriet J. Jackson Estate of Doy Payne Longest Estate of Donald L. Moak

65 James M. Moher Julia R. and R. A. Peace Sr. John R. Schwalje Estate of Charles S. Tindall Jr. Frank D. Montague Jr. Marge Peddle Estate of Madeline Occhipinti Sciacca Ancel C. Tipton Jr. Estate of E. W. Montgomery Chere H. Peel Linda B. and Stephen H. Scott Joseph C. Todd Estate of Felix B. Montgomery Ann T. and Brett T. Person Estate of J. R. Scribner Jr. William C. Tompkins Jr. Tina and Thomas R. Montgomery Estate of Lily Peter Robert S. Scruggs Judith T. and Jay A. Travis III Vada and A. Eugene Montgomery III Anthony B. Petro William D. Seagrove Jacqueline D. Triplett Billie Ruth A. Moore Edward K. Phillips K. Scott Segars Jr. William C. Trotter III Sarah L. and Charles R. Moore Donald S. Pichitino Educational Trust Nathan P. Shappley III James W. Troxler Estate of E. Lowry Moore Lynn and George B. Pickett Jr. Estate of W. W. Shaver III Alan A. Troy Paul H. Moore Jr. Estate of Louis I. Pigott Sereda F. and Roy D. Sheffield Grayden A. Tubb Paul H. Moore Sr. Gail J. Pittman Thomas E. Sheffield Robert J. Turgeon Camille and William H. Morris Jr. Estate of Mary Elizabeth Pitts Linda L. Shelton Pamela M. and Jon C. Turner Estate of Sara H. Morrison Emily Jones Pointer Trust Stephen B. Sherrill Betty S. and Jesse B. Tutor Jr. Estate of Esther S. Moss Joseph J. Portera W. C. Shoemaker David E. Ulmer William S. Mullins III Hugh S. Potts Irrevocable Trust Estate of Gary A. Shute John J. Upchurch William H. Murdock Brenda N. Pritchard Estate of Frances A. Silver Joseph E. Varner Raymond Murov William J. Propst Jr. Thomas R. Singley Rosa and Stephen Vassallo Dennis H. Murphree Estate of Winston B. Prude Estate of Gladys M. Slayden Estate of Sylvia Hunter Vaughan James G. Murphy David O. Puckett III Bette J. and David L. Smith Jr. Robert L. Vick Donald S. Murray Jessie D. Puckett Jr. Iris R. Smith Lawrence D. Wade Estate of Carl Warren Nabors Estate of Corrie D. Quarles J. George Smith Jr. Rebecca B. Wade Estate of Henry A. Nabors Estate of Mary Bell Ragland John B. Smith Jr. Thad F. Waites Estate of Olivia Lewis Nabors Estate of Earline F. Ramzy Lester F. Smith Jeanette Waits Estate of Francis Napier Gerald P. Randle Mary K. and Mickey C. Smith Julie Grimes Waldorf John H. Napier III Mary Sharp Rayner W. Marion Smith Scott J. Walker Estate of Paul T. Neely Rene M. Reeb Estate of Louise M. Sollitt Estate of Sharon Walters W. Ross Neely II Estate of Anne Greene Reeder Estate of W. G. Somerville Robert E. Waltman David L. Neville Douglas P. Reese Estate of Lula F. Spain Estate of Anna L. Ward Estate of Talbot B. Newman Jr. Jon A. Reeves Raymond W. Speck Jr. Jean Purvis and Henry O. Ward Estate of Irby C. Nichols Mark L. Rexroat James P. Spell Estate of Dorothy E. Warner Ron M. Nichols Sandra A. Rhoden Ernest G. Spivey Jr. Charles E. Warren Estate of Sarah R. Nicholson Estate of B. H. Richardson Jr. Wilbrod St. Amand Estate of Odith E. Warren J. Elmer Nix Sr. Bobby E. Richardson Estate of Mary H. Stephens Richard Warriner III Estate of William Noblin III Estate of Ann H. Rickey Estate of Louise O. Stewart Paul W. Warrington Estate of Marjorie F. North Shedric Roberson Jr. William R. Stewart Estate of Leland Rouse Waters Jr. Betty R. Noullet Gerald M. Robertson Martha Dale Stock Mary V. Watson Estate of Charles E. Noyes John W. Robinson Estate of Lillian Smith Stovall L. Kenton Watt Jr. Carl E. Odom Anne W. and Steven G. Rogers R. Mason Stricker Foundation Trust Robert J. Watts III Estate of William Robert Orr Jr. Estate of Emma Rogers Landa F. Strum Wendell W. Weakley Estate of Walter H. Ott Jane Thomas Rogers Estate of Josephine P. Suber John Houston Wear Trust Estate of Edgar H. Overstreet Swift C. and Herbert G. Rogers III Estate of John C. Sullivan Patricia Weathersby David M. Owen Ellen Rolfes E. H. Sumners Foundation Estate of Robert A. Webb Steve Owens Waymond L. Rone Neal H. and John M. Sumner David P. Webb Louis J. Owens Lloyd W. Rose Estate of Bernard B. Swayze Sandra R. and James L. Weeks E. Scott Palmer Estate of Owen Royce Estate of Charles J. Swayze Sr. Jerry W. Welch John N. Palmer Louis A. Rubenstein Estate of James Hugh Tabb Joe C. Weller Rose L. and Henry Paris Estate of Mattie U. Russell William O. Tankard Barbara Lea G. and Richard M. Wells LeRoy H. Paris II Mitchell Salloum Jr. Estate of Rebecca Tansil Estate of Paul L. Wells Jr. Arthur E. Parker Estate of Jean Sain Estate of Robin Hunt Tapper Estate of Thomas Wilson Wesson Sr. Austin F. Parker II Mary H. and Lucius F. Sams Jr. Estate of G. C. Taylor Rebecca Jones West Estate of Katharine Parker Albert A. Sanderson Estate of Mary Elizabeth Thomas James P. Whitaker Estate of Thomas J. Parks Estate of Bessie Sant Pat Thomasson Barry L. Whites Deborah and Bobby R. Pate Jeffrey L. Sauls Jack W. Thornton Estate of Bruce Lowell Whitsitt Estate of Sidney E. Patton Jr. Estate of Mahala Saville Mary Jane R. and Roger D. Thornton Marjorie M. and Homer A. Whittington Jr. Estate of Jack Stephens Patty Estate of Ottilie Schillig Estate of John S. Throop Jr. Thomas A. Wicker

66 Sallye M. Wilcox Guy C. Billups Jr. James O. Goldman Paul W. McMullan Robert F. Wilkins Thomas M. “Peter” Blake Jack R. Gordy Robert T. McRaney Jr. Estate of Auvergne Williams Cecil M. Bolton Stephen Gorove Ellis M. Moffitt Carol and Stanley L. Williams Allen S. Braumiller Cora P. Graham Margaret H. Murphree Charles O. Williams Karl Brenkert Jr. Hardy Moore Graham Charles E. Noyes John E. Williams James M. Brock Sr. Joseph A. Hale Frances G. Patterson Estate of Mildred Williams Wilma Brock William P. Halliday Jr. John M. Pearson Estate of Mrs. John Williford Van R. Burnham Jr. Venita Harris John Pilkington Jr. Julius A. Willis Jr. Zelma Rose Califf-Gross Thomas C. Hayman Mary Lee S. Pope Estate of Kenneth W. Wills Charles W. Capps Jr. John P. Henderson Paul M. Pope Jr. Creighton L. Wilson Jr. Frederick T. Carney Rexine M. Henry John E. Ray Richard B. Wilson Jr. William O. Carter Jr. Elinor W. Herrington Jimmie B. Reynolds Jr. William C. Wilson John H. Chisolm George P. Hewes III Kathrine C. Roach Owen Taylor Robinson Robert Roy Jr. Owen B. Royce Jr. Henry J. Sanders III Herbert C. Sanders Barry C. Scott Robert P. Scott Edwin G. Sessions W. G. Shaffer Jr. Prescott A. Sherman Charles A. Sisson Jr. James Lonnie Smith Virginia Smith Jewell P. Snyder Joseph W. Stephens Robert C. Tibbs II Thomas L. Windham Wilfred Q. Cole Jr. Will A. Hickman R. Faser Triplett Sr. Patricia D. Wise Gary Collins Wallace E. Hope Rose R. Vick William C. Wiygul Maurice L. Colly M. Beckett Howorth Jr. James C. Waites Eugene G. Wood Jr. A. Wallace Conerly Pratt Irby Beverly B. and Coy W. Waller Mary Bess Woodruff Clarence M. Conway Jerry W. Isles Robert Walter Warren William W. Woods III Gene E. Crick Elsie Walker Johnson William L. Watt Estate of Alice H. Wooster James B. Davis Harper Johnson Jr. Edgar W. Waugh Joyce W. Wright William E. Davis Frederick A. Jones Adelaide H. Wesson William T. Wynn Memorial Fund Mildred C. DeMiller Gaston C. Jones Robert M. Williams Jr. Benjamin Yarbrough Herbert Dewees Jr. Lois B. Jones Robert M. Wilson Rebecca J. Yates Bruce Dillingham Jr. Leonard S. Kraemer Robert W. Yelverton Dean C. Dubois Albin Krebs Louis B. Yerger Jr. Lester R. Dunham Jr. Adron K. Lay Sr. University of W. Swan Yerger Celia B. Emmerich A. Eugene Lee Mississippi Brenda F. Young Clyde B. Everett Arthur B. Lewis Medical Center Harry C. Young III Margaret Bryant Everett Celian H. Lewis Guardian Society Estate of Dorothy Hill Yuill Robert E. Fonville Donald E. Lewis Legacy Members of the Guardian Elizabeth C. Fortune Russell J. Logan Society are in boldface. This list includes ten anonymous donors. F. Earl Fyke Jr. Raiford N. Long Gerald Abdalla Lanelle Guyton Gafford Ben G. Lumpkin Andrew E. Abide Sr. In Memoriam: Evelyn E. Gandy Clare L. Marquette Sylvia A. Abney Mary Ellen and Frank W. Alexander Janie Elizabeth Gavin Gartin W. Emmett Marston George E. Abraham II Thomas H. Arrington Hortense Gholson Mary Catherine McBride Ginny H. Abraham Betty M. Baird Hunter M. Gholson Angelé K. McClure Ralph E. Abraham Leonard D. Ball III Ann A. Gillespie James M. McMullan Robert M. Abraham James L. Ballard Jr. Ellen Eason Goldman Milton McMullan Wadie H. Abraham Jr.

67 Carolyn J. Adair William J. Bell Jr. Anna Adams Michael Bemis Betty J. Adams George M. Benashvili Jerry E. Adams Kaye W. Bender John Adams Hamed A. Benghuzzi Barry B. Aden Freeman T. Bennett William M. Aden James D. Bennett III Richard B. Akin Wesley S. Bennett Edward F. Aldridge William A. Bennett Risa M. Aleithawe Louis A. Benoist III J. G. Alexander Louise and Richard Benton Nick E. Alexander Ronald Bequette William J. Alexander B. C. Bernard Martha J. Alford Barry D. Bertolet Timothy J. Alford Robert C. Bertolet Rebecca L. Algee Yvonne P. Bertolet Robert D. Algee Lloyd G. Bess Clyde R. Allen Jr. Susan L. Besser David J. Allen Jane and Homer Best Marshall B. Allen Jr. Carl T. Bevill III Ola B. Allen Matthew G. Beyer Christian Allenburger Abhay J. Bhatt Rebecca A. Allison Gene L. Bidwell III Jeff D. Almand Carol A. Biedenharn Joe Amato Karl L. Bierdeman Vinod K. Anand William A. Billups Jr. James N. Anderson Billy M. Bishop Leon Anderson Jr. Brittany Bishop Reuben V. Anderson Frank W. Bishop III Michael F. Angel Wade C. Bishop Nancy E. Anklam Kenneth “Joe” Bishop Cynthia Anthony Kathryn D. Black Victor H. Applewhite Jr. Robert R. Black Brad Armstrong Ruth W. Black Marsha Arnold Brenda R. Blackburn Paul S. Arnold Jr. Mark W. Blackburn Jan Aronson Jerry B. Blacklock Paul Artman Betty M. Baird T. K. Bartley Joseph W. Blackston Jan and Giorgio Aru George Ball Jill and Christopher Barton Bess C. Blackwell William C. Ashford Leonard D. Ball III Randall Baskin Donald J. Blackwood Charles E. Atkins Jr. Ottis G. Ball Thomas E. Bat Stephanie J. Blake Ralph C. Atkinson Barbara A. Banks G. William Bates Darrell N. Blaylock Mirella and Alexander Auchus Frank R. Banks Blair E. Batson Jasper M. Blount Jr. Virgil I. Aultman Bryan Barksdale Frederick Bauer Phillip J. Blount Barbara E. Austin Donna and James Barksdale Scott Bauer Juanita S. Bluntson John R. Austin Delores B. Barlow Garrett R. Baumgarten Allen Bobbitt Mindelyn T. Austin Anna Marie Barnes Malcom D. Baxter Jr. Linda Bobbitt Denise S. Auttonberry Grover W. Barnes Tracilia B. Beacham Richard H. Bobo Sarah H. Avery Helen B. Barnes Audrey S. Beasley Michael J. Boland Rainna P. Bahadur Susan Barnette Jane W. Beaver Brenda W. Bolen Rosanna P. Bahadur Vincent P. Barranco J. A. Becker Jr. David W. Bomboy Nahid Bahrami Don Barrett James R. Beckham Donald L. Bomer Joan and Hugh Bailey Jr. John P. Barrett Elton Beebe Rachel L. Bomgaars Jessica H. Bailey Marjorie B. Barron Charles L. Belknap Garey A. Bonner Marshall S. Bailey Rebecca M. Barry Walterine H. Bell Bernard H. Booth III

68 James W. Boozer Doyle Bryan Joanne and Thomas H. Cato John J. Cook Fredricka Borland Darlene S. Bryant Arthur K. Causey Jr. John W. Cook Barbara J. Boss Kirby K. Bryant Jr. Ray Causey William S. Cook Sr. Maurice L. Bouchea William T. Buchanan Lou Ann Cavett Shannon E. Cooke Tracy Townes Bougard William Buchanan Charles D. Cesare Ray L. Cooley Marshall Bouldin Walter S. Buckley Bobby L. Chain Charlie W. Cooper Frank W. Bowen Sr. Michael S. Bumagin Lisa B. Chandler Spencer Copeland Robert M. Bowen Brenda and Tommie Burchfield James P. Chaney Virginia L. Cora John D. Bower Pat S. Burke Pamela T. Chapman Susanne O. Core John W. Bowlin William P. Burke Stephanie and Stanley Chapman Lee and John Corlew Richard B. Bowlin Kathy G. Burkhalter Ching J. Chen Fred G. Corley Jr. Donna Bowling William J. Burnett Ian A. Chen William B. Cornell William E. Bowlus Nancy W. Burrow Susan A. Chiarito Michael F. Coscia Benjamin E. Box Jr. R. L. Burrow Jr. Park T. Chittom Ernest L. Coward Jr. Stephen T. Box Swan B. Burrus Mary A. Christ Mary A. Cowart K. Brian Boyd Donna and Anthony Busin Jamie Christian Anne G. Cowley Lynn B. Boyer Kenneth R. Butler Jr. Debra K. Christie Harrell E. Cox William R. Boyte Trent L. Butler Patricia P. Christie Lora A. Cox Chad Bradford Linda S. Buttross Sonny Clanton Sam J. Cox III Craig A. Bradford William Bynum Douglas E. Clark Jr. Wayne L. Coxwell Scott T. Bradley Thomas R. Byrd Lawrence L. Clark Jason A. Craft Marc Brand Taylor D. Caffey Mark E. Clasen Lucretia R. Craft Pamela K. Branning Wallace E. Caldwell Jamie R. Clay Frances P. Craig Terry K. Brantley Ron Caloss Jr. John C. Clay Harris V. Craig Hank Braswell Rosie L. Calvin Suzanne Clay Philip E. Cranston Sally Braswell Ralph F. Cameron Jr. William H. Cleland Benjamin L. Crawford III Garry W. Bray Helen and Robin Campassi Steven Clement Dewitt G. Crawford Marilyn B. Bray Douglas Campbell Jr. Betty H. Cleveland Virginia M. Crawford Janis W. Breeland Margaret Campbell Robert S. Cleveland Betsy Creekmore Alvin E. Brent Melissa D. Campbell David L. Clippinger Meredith and James Creekmore Charles R. Brent W. M. Campbell James A. Cloy Karen M. Crews Martha J. Brewer C. Ron Cannon Alton B. Cobb Ann Davidson Critz Michelle and Mitch Brewer Don T. Cannon Thomas J. Cobb Irvin H. Cronin Charlie H. Bridges Marsha N. Cannon Ernest L. Coburn Jr. Kenneth I. Cronin Jo Lynn P. Bridges Winston T. Capel Wayne P. Cockrell Robert E. Cronin Margaret Bridges Phyllis and Malcolm Carlisle Wayne P. Cockrell Jr. Marilyn G. Crosby William A. Bright Sarah C. Carlisle Rebecca D. Cody Mickey E. Crosby G. Dodd Brister Eric C. Carlson Julie Coffey William H. Crowder IV Debbie Broadway Linda M. Carlson Timothy E. Coffey Thomas D. Crowson Charles F. Brock Dianne F. Carlton Erin and Joshua Cogswell Mary M. Crump Ralph L. Brock Frederick B. Carlton Jr. David O. Cole Julius M. Cruse Jr. Wilma A. Brock Janet L. Carmichael Jason K. Coleman Gerald P. Crystal David Van Broome Victor W. Carmody Jr. Michael W. Coleman Larissa J. Cummings Larry G. Broome Leigh and James Carpenter Peggy J. Coleman Amanda R. Cunningham David T. Brown Candice W. Carr Roderick L. Coleman Sharon and Danny Cupit H. Lusby Brown Thomas M. Carr Julie and J. Mitchell Collins Marilyn J. Currier Keith A. Brown Patsy H. Carroll Rex W. Collins Mary M. Currier Kim K. Brown Cheryl Carruth Robert K. Collins Patricia and David Curtis Lynda N. Brown Sam Carruth Horace E. Combs III J. C. Dabney Patsy Brown Bernace M. Carter Jeff R. Comer Ralph Daigle Will M. Brown Patricia H. Casasanta Ponjola Coney Martin L. Dalton William A. Brown Sr. Steven T. Case Norman L. Connell Jr. Denis Damiens William A. Bruck Charles J. Caskey James L. Connolly Steven Dancer Janet M. Brumfield Zelma Cason Terry M. Conrad Carlton R. Daniel III Albert C. Bryan Jr. Robert J. Cater Henry W. Cook Melissa P. Daniel

69 Anthony E. Daniels Mary C. Dowless Joe A. Ewing James M. Fuller Jr. Ginger R. Daniels Donald N. Downer W. T. Ewing Jr. Sonja R. Fuqua Suman K. Das John K. Drake George A. Eyrich Mack C. Furr Suzanne O. Dater Margaret L. Drake David M. Faber Elmo P. Gabbert Michael E. Daun Cheryl L. Drennan Jay E. Fandel Charles E. Gabler Debrynda B. Davey John B. Dubberly Paul B. Farabaugh Donald K. Gaddy Barbara J. Davey-Sullivan Leland S. Duddleston III Jason P. Farese Whitney E. Gallagher John Davidson Marlin F. Duff Charles E. Farmer III Steve Gandy Lisa M. Davidson Diane H. Dukes Charles E. Farmer Jr. Vicki Gann-Childress Fay and L. Stacy Davidson Andrew K. Dulaney Jan and Lawrence Farrington E. J. Garner Donald S. Davis Mercedes K. C. Dullum Charles Farris Jr. Thomas C. Garrott Jesse T. Davis James R. Dumas Jr. Pamela Farris Michael J. Garvey Kenneth M. Davis John Dale Dumas Alvin L. Felts Jr. Robert S. Gatewood Margaret M. Davis Russell Dumas Alvin L. Felts III Judith G. Gearhart Randy F. Davis Deason C. Dunagan James V. Ferguson Jr. Guion Gee Sheila P. Davis James David Duncan Seri G. Ferguson William B. Geissler Sue Bishop Davis Richard W. Duncan Wesley Ferguson Barry E. Gerald Woody D. Davis Roy D. Duncan Don Ferris Tom F. Gerrets Jr. Hursie J. Davis-Sullivan William K. Duncan Larry D. Field Don A. Gibson Walter E. Dawkins II Vincent C. Dungan Richard J. Field Jr. John Y. Gibson Larry H. Day Andrew Durante Samuel E. Field Jr. Leo E. Gibson Jr. Helen C. Dayton Carol J. Durante Suzanne and Joe Files Matthew Gibson Strawford H. Dees III Mark Durrett Janet S. Fisher Guy B. Giesecke Tracy M. Dellinger Charles D. Dyer Luther C. Fisher III R. Lee Giffin Kirby B. Delozier A. E. Dyess James G. Fitchie Buford O. Gilbert Jr. Frank E. Dement III Brenda G. Dyson Jennifer C. Flanagan Herbert Giles Maxine R. Dement David J. Dzielak Lynn Flanagan Eleanor A. Gill Fanasy P. Deming Timothy L. Eakes Jr. Richard C. Fleming Jr. Hilton L. Gillespie Jr. Thomas L. Demoss Elizabeth Eason Audwin B. Fletcher William M. Gillespie III William T. Denton Stanley R. Easterling Jefferson A. Fletcher John E. Gillis Brent B. Depta William R. Edmonson Edwin E. Flournoy Jr. John M. Gillis Robert A. Desantis Daniel P. Edney James D. Fly II James C. Gilmore Clyde Deschamp John B. Edwards Arthur N. Fokakis Douglas A. Girod Richard deShazo Larry W. Edwards Benjamin P. Folk III Marvin G. Girod Robert A. Deville Brian E. Eifert Tamara G. Ford Christina Glick Carroll W. Dew Neva and Jason Eklund Victor J. Ford III Pamela and Jeffrey Glover Pablo R. Diaz Owen C. Elder Terry Paul Foreman Drew Godfrey Walter D. Diaz Andrea B. Elenbaas Linda Foreman Dolly and Wesley Goings Ginger A. Dickerson Stephanie L. Elkins Cole Fortenberry Daniel S. Goldman Quinton H. Dickerson Jr. Kimberly D. Elliott David G. Fowler Heather Golin Danny H. Dickey Robert L. Elliott Jr. Henry C. Fox William H. Goodin Jason L. Digby Michael B. Ellis John S. Fox Frances Gordy Cameron Diket Tellis B. Ellis III Karen M. Frank Walter M. Gorton Kenny Dill Terry R. Ellis Herschel H. Franklin John C. Goudelock William L. Dillard Vicki Orr Ellis Johnny B. Franklin Andrew W. Grady John J. Dimonte Richard B. Ellison Sr. Christine B. Franzese Phillip L. Grady Wade H. Ditcharo Charles Enicks II Jonathan D. Fratkin Lawrence C. Graeber Sherri L. Dixon Yolanda C. Epps Bradley A. Frazier Michael C. Graeber Theresa M. Doddato Jerry M. Estes Alan E. Freeland Bobby L. Graham Jr. W. Mark Donald John M. Estess Thomas E. Freeland Jr. Ronald A. Graham William Donald Chris P. Ethridge Frances H. Freeman Joey P. Granger Shirley Donelson Robert M. Evans Karen S. Freeman Matthew L. Graves James K. Dossett Thurman Keith Everett Rodney A. French Angie Gray Ben H. Douglas Jan M. Evers Roger Friou Howard R. Gray Michael E. Dowell H. P. Ewing Theresa Fuller Paul L. Gray

70 Ronald E. Gray Joe T. Harris Elizabeth and Samuel Hensley Jane Holden Lenora L. Grayson John E. Harris John L. Henson Thomas E. Holden Nacara S. Grayson Robert L. Harris Nancy and Carl Herrin Ray Holder Jr. Albert H. Green Omeera J. Harrison Thomas J. Herrin Jr. P. S. Holla James R. Green Jr. Mary K. Hartman Bubba Herrington Charles W. Holley Jr. Marion V. Green Durward S. Hartness Jr. Ronald G. Herrington Charles A. Hollingshead Neva F. Greenwald Jerri and Lucian Harvey Robert L. Hester Kossuth F. Hollingshead Thomas H. Greer Jr. Richard L. Harvey Peggy O. Hewlett James W. Hollingsworth Kathy T. Gregg Mary and Sam Haskell Dewey C. Hickman Richard S. Hollis Elizabeth (Betty) Griffin John F. Hassell Frances H. Hicks Diane and J. L. Holloway James B. Griffin Alicia Hathorn Gilliam S. Hicks Jr. John Holman James C. Griffin Jr. Betty L. Hatten James S. Hicks Kevin Holman John E. Griffin Jr. Elizabeth Hatten Benton M. Hilbun Kimberly W. Hoover Elizabeth J. Griffin-Feezor Lewis E. Hatten Brett M. Hildenbrand William C. Hopper Amelia and Jason Griggs Stephen H. Haynes Charles K. Hill W. Briggs Hopson Jr. Patricia Grigoryev Lisa A. Haynie Frank S. Hill Jr. Lori B. Horn Bette A. B. Groat Carol B. Grossman Roland P. Guest Jr. Janie B. Guice Donald C. Guild John L. Guillot Jennie A. Gunn Walter D. Gunn Sr. Barney J. Guyton Sherry R. Gwin Kelly and Lawrence Haber Mary W. Hagaman James L. Hagan Alexander J. Haick Jr. Duane E. Haines Angelos Halaris David M. Halbrook John C. Halbrook James E. Hall John K. Hall James R. Haltom Jimmy L. Hamilton Harold P. Hammett Jr. Tripp Hammett Harold E. Haney Jr. Jordan Hankins Preston and James Hays Sr. Jean and John Hill Teena F. Horn Neil Haraway Elizabeth and James Hays Jr. Julia R. Hill Marshall L. Horton III William J. Hardin Richard P. Hays Richard M. Hill James R. House Jr. Kimberly and Douglas Harkins David M. Headley Stanley L. Hill Courtney Houser Robert M. Harkins Kenneth M. Heard Jr. Willie J. Hill Gerry A. Houston Edwin P. Harmon William T. Heath Stephen H. Hindman Karen J. Houston Susan N. Harper Judy Hedglin Randall S. Hines Thomas P. Houston William K. Harper Pamela F. Helms Reid B. Hines Mary T. Howard Demetris S. Harrington David G. Helton Laree M. Hiser William P. Howard Carol Harris James L. Hemphill Stacy L. Hite Homer L. Howie Jack Harris II James S. Henderson Ing K. Ho M. B. Howorth Jr. J. Huel Harris James S. Henderson IV Thomas W. Hodge Min Huang James O. Harris Jane B. Hendrix Jacqueline V. Z. Hogan Charles H. Hubbert Janet Y. Harris William O. Henry Reed B. Hogan William R. Hudgins

71 Harold K. Hudson Jeffrey L. Hudson Jessica L. Hudson Chris D. Hughes Christopher V. Hughes James L. Hughes Jr. Robbie W. Hughes Wayne A. Hughes Calvin T. Hull Clarence G. Hull III Fred M. Hunter James R. Hupp Annette H. Hutcherson Ruth E. Hutcheson Wiley C. Hutchins Florence N. Hutchison Eileen Hutton Mary P. Huxford Frances G. Hyde John C. Hyde Stephen A. Imbeau Fred H. Ingram Jr. Jerry Inmon Braxter P. Irby Jr. Charles L. Irby Earle Jones Jane Kersh Richard S. Kuebler Robert B. Ireland Jr. H. Read Jones Timothy P. Kerut Fred D. Kurrus David H. Irwin Jr. James S. Jones Richard D. Key Robert E. Kynerd John D. Isaacs Jr. Lee M. Jones Robert C. Khayat Peeler G. Lacey Matt Isch Malcolm W. Jones Marcia W. Kidder Janice and Allen Lackey Kristine Jacobs Shunte M. Jones Larry H. Killebrew Shari M. Lackey H. Wynne Jacobs Sydney R. Jones III Patricia Kimble Van L. Lackey Paul Jacobs Theresa G. Jones Dana E. Kimbrell George D. Ladner Bobby James W. R. Jones Fred T. Kimbrell Jr. Anand S. Lagoo Edward T. James Jr. Walter R. Jones Jr. Bobby F. King Sandhya Lagoo-Deenadayalan Paula P. James Warren A. Jones Edwin King Marla M. Lambert William B. Jameson Richard J. Joseph Julius W. King Lucius (Luke) M. Lampton Mamoon Jarrah Laura M. Justice Pia and Scott Kirk Hite M. Lane Camille J. Jeffcoat Richard R. Kadue Brian J. Kistenmacher Judi Lane John K. Jenkins William L. Kahlstorf Ben E. Kitchens Kenneth T. Langley Helene Johnson Michelle B. Kaiser Martha A. Klaus LeDon Langston Hollye R. Johnson Mary Louise Kandyba C. Gene Klinck Hector O. Laurel Hugh R. Johnson Jackie L. Kapaun Joel M. Knight Mary Lou and Frank Lauritzen John J. Johnson Michael S. Keel Christian Koch Dave Lawrence Ray E. Johnson Burt Keel Kathryn R. Kolar Albert H. Laws Roger B. Johnson Jack C. Keen Harold Kolodney Jr. Henry L. Laws II Sheldon A. Johnson Kevin K. Keen George L. Koomos Jr. Samuel T. Lawson Carey A. Johnston Jona and James Keeton Michael R. Korpiel Scott C. Layne Elta and James Johnston F. E. Keith Ronald P. Kotfila Billie Leach Joseph E. Johnston Jane Kelley A. Michael Koury Jason A Leach Word M. Johnston Andrew H. Kellum Miriam and Peter Koury A. E. Lee Thomas E. Joiner Roy B. Kellum M. J. Kramer David C. Lee Amy L. Jones Maxine Kemp Nicholas C. Kraus John M. Lee ,Jr. B. B. Jones III Mary and Ted Kendall III David A. Krischer Laurie G. Lee Duane Jones Ben S. Kennedy Sigurds O. Krolls Robert C. Lee Lydia and Dan Jones Robert A. Kennedy Joy C. Kuebler Scottye C. Lee

72 Stephen F. Lee Susan Martindale James A. Megehee Sr. James G. Murphy Eric S. Lewis Verneda Mason Robert K. Mehrle Jr. Donald S. Murray Fredrick Lewis David H. Massey Keith P. Melancon Lesly Murray Robert E. Lewis Jr. Antonio Mastrostefano III Walter H. Merrill Ray E. Myatt Al L. Lightsey Jr. Arthur M. Matthews Jr. Phil Moore C. A. Myers J. Michael Lightsey Daniel E. Matthews Roland J. Mestayer III Dewey F. Myers Dong K. Lim Barbara B. Mauldin William H. Meyer William M. Myers II Sheila G. Lindley Charles C. Mauldin Jr. Andrew S. Middleton Leigh A. Naas Charles K. Lippincott Olin B. Mauldin Robert H. Middleton Jr. Yoshinobu Namihira Larry R. Lipscomb George W. May Jr. Troy H. Middleton III Henry A. Nasrallah Lewis D. Lipscomb Michael G. May John B. Milam Robert J. Neely Thomas D. Little Robert C. Maynor Jr. William H. Milam Sr. Willard R. Neely II Harold M. Livingston William S. Mayo Charles D. Miles Chris Newcomb Beth and Bob Lloyd Susan Mays John W. Miles III Martin M. Newcomb Sharon A. Lobert Connie S. McCaa Jimmy D. Miller Susan J. Newcomb William R. Locke Nancy L. McCain Kristen Miller R. B. Newell Kevin E. Lofton William P. McCluskey Mary L. Miller Barry D. Newsom Billy W. Long Melissa C. McCollum Scott F. Miller John T. Newsome Atkinson W. Longmire Linda S. McComb Thomas I. Miller Ta Van V. Nguyen Chester C. Lott Jr. Julia C. McCormac Terrence J. Millette William C. Nicholas Martin H. Lott Darcy L. McCoy Theodore M. Millette Erin L. Nichols Annette K. Low Stacy McCoy John M. Mills Jeffrey T. Nichols Roger L. Lowery John B. McCraw Stephen J. Mills Michael R. Nichols Melinda and Alan Lucas Thomas J. McDonald Steven K. Miner Edward J. Nieberlein Aubrey B. Lucas Robert C. McEachern Billy E. Mink Jr. James E. Nix Sr. John F. Lucas George E. McGee Deborah S. Minor James Nobles Jr. Karen B. Luckett Hilda E. McGee Ben L. Mitchell Don and Holley Noblitt Mary V. Lyles J. P. McGinnis Jr. Mary and Don Mitchell Thomas E. Nolan James C. Lynch Suzannah McGowan-Baroni Geoffrey C. Mitchell Samuel T. Norris Jr. Robert E. Lynch John J. McGraw Marc E. Mitchell D. T. Norsworthy Jr. William F. Lynch Jr. Mary H. McGriff Jennifer L. Moffitt LaDonna K. Northington Brenda H. Macko Robert A. McGuire Jr. George W. Moll Mark W. Norton Amy R. Macon John S. McIntyre Jr. Bill G. Molpus Betty R. Noullet John J. MacWilliams Gwen McKee Charles W. Montgomery Talal M. Nsouli Steve E. Magee Jr. David M. McLellan Deborah Montgomery Eric B. Nye J. M. Mahan Lynn B. McMahan Thomas J. Montgomery Betty P. Oates Nancy and Elgene Mainous Fred L. McMillan Jr. Danny D. Moore Patrick J. O’Brien Mark R. Mainous Howard L. McMillan Jr. James L. Moore Jr. Richard J. O’Callaghan John H. Mallett Delores and Malcolm McMillin Kenneth C. Moore John B. O’Connell Presley D. Mallett J. B. McMullan Malcolm S. Moore Jr. Danny P. O’Keefe Bob Malone Martin H. McMullan Roy K. Moore Robert I. Oliver Irene and Ed Mangum Michael R. McMullan Paul H. Moore Jr. Bobbie M. Ollie John E. Mann Jr. Georgie and Paul McMullan Paul H. Moore Sr. Mark O. J. Olson Sudie Manning W. P. McMullan Jacqueline D. Moran Benella H. Oltremari Charles A. Marascalco David F. McNamara Alma W. Moreton James W. O’Mara Jr. Don E. Marascalco Jasper L. McPhail Toxey M. Morris Kelly R. O’Neal Jr. Bouldin A. Marley ,Jr. Scott H. McPherson William H. Morris Jr. W. R. Orr Gailen D. Marshall Jr. John M. McRae Jr. John C. Morrison Joel C. Osborn James N. Martin Jr. Vaughan W. McRae Sam V. Morse Clarence M. Osborne Lilla G. Martin Robert T. McRaney Jr. Nicholas G. Mosca Emmanuel C. Osuji Nancy S. Martin Renee Medders Donna T. Moses Jennifer D. O’Sullivan Natalie D. Martin G. Rodney Meeks William D. Mounger Janet and Luther Ott Rick W. Martin William M. Meeks Jr. Paul E. Mullen Macon C. Overton Marla and Victor Martin Albert L. Meena Pam Murphey C. Penn Owen Jr. Scott Martin Gail Megason Dennis H. Murphree David M. Owen

73 Louis J. Owens Ashley W. Pittman Barbara and Richard Redmont Joe R. Ross Jr. Robert M. Owens Lucas O. Platt Rene M. Reeb Lisa D. Rotolo Kitty S. Oyler Steven M. Pollock John M. Reed Douglas W. Rouse Jr. Lynn A. Ozborn Martin M. Pomphrey Jr. Valerie and Reynaldo Reese Kara and Kevin Rowan Mary E. Pace Galen V. Poole Jr. Gary W. Reeves Thomas S. Rowland Jr. Thomas B. Pace Steven M. Porter Cloie L. Reid William A. Roy Frank O. Page Joseph J. Portera William L. Reno III Edrie G. Royals Vicki and Howard Palefsky Katherine and Michael C. Portner William H. Replogle Craig Rozier David M. Palmer Tracy and Michael E. Portner Robert R. Rester Mike Rozier James Y. Palmer Rudolph A. Posey Sr. Charles S. Rhea Jr. Louis A. Rubenstein John N. Palmer Rudolph A. Posey Jr. Sandra A. Rhoden James E. Ruff Stacy R. Palmer Charles R. Pound Pete H. Rhymes Rudolph S. Runnels Sr. Gayle and Anthony T. Papa Brenda and David Powe Beatrice R. Richardson Gustavus A. Rush III Anjali P. Parish Llewellyn Powell Charles D. Richardson W. Richard Rushing Marianna G. Pardue Michael R. Powell Daniel Q. Richardson Dave A. Russell A. F. Parker II Harry V. Precheur John D. Richardson Doyle L. Russell Arthur E. Parker Donald A. Presley Randy K. Richardson George V. Russell Jr. Everett L. Parker Alfred L. Price Rodney C. Richardson Richard H. Russell Paul H. Parker William Price Elizabeth G. Rickman Brenda R. Safley Richard Jason Parolli Tara N. Price Julius Ridgway Jorge D. Salazar Sunshine and Joel Pastorek Jeffery B. Pride Louis E. Ridgway III Ellis J. Salloum Samuel R. Pate Jr. Ruth D. Priester Mildred Ridgway James E. Salyer Katherine F. Patterson Gus A. Primos Edward E. Rigdon Lucius F. Sams III Shannon P. Patterson Brenda N. Pritchard Imogene T. Riley Jane A. Sanders George E. Patton Jr. Susan Proaps Karen A. Rintoul Neeka L. Sanders Michael F. Payment George Procter Stephanie Rippee Kathy and Joe Sanderson Jim A. Payne John W. Pruett Jane E. Rivers Kathy and Larry Sasser Joel G. Payne Jr. Joseph A. Pryor Thomas B. Rivers Jeffrey L. Sauls Allison Pearson Aaron D. Puckett Jr. Michel E. Rivlin Rowell B. Saunders Rodney A. Pearson Jeanette Pullen Craig A. Robbins Felix H. Savoie Thomas H. Pearson Jr. Steve Purdon Robert C. Robbins Roy W. Scales Ann H. Peden John M. Purvis John B. Roberson Sr. Patrick H. Scanlon Jr. Chere H. Peel David G. Putt Bradley O. Roberts Bruce M. Scarborough Dottie and Glenn Pennington C. M. Quick Edna Roberts Norman A. Scarborough Karen H. Pennington Janis M. Quinn Thomas S. Roberts Roddy Scarbrough David Penton Jr. Barbara and Frank Quiriconi William E. Roberts David C. Schaff Ami S. Percy Daniel Quon Charles R. Robertson Jr. Shirley D. Schlessinger Charles H. Perkins Ashraf A. Ragab Gerald M. Robertson Jack Schneider Kenneth G. Perry Jr. Frank A. Raila Lawrence D. Robertson Alan C. Schroeder Michael M. Perry Seshadri Raju Roland B. Robertson Robin and Alan Schwartz Rajesh G. Petal Gerald P. Randle John W. Robinson Cynthia K. Scott Laura K. Petersen Deborah P. Ratcliff John Robinson Jr. Karon Scott Dave Peterson Edward Rather Jr. Jimmie Robison Carol E. Scott-Conner Anthony B. Petro Charles A. Ray III George L. Robson Jr. Donald P. Seago Andrea L. Phillips Jennifer G. Ray Daryl Roby Kelly S. Segars Sr. Chat Phillips Mark A. Ray Milton L. Roby Michael A. Seicshnaydre Melessa Phillips William A. Ray Robin W. Rockhold Melvin H. Seid Denise E. Phillips Carl Rayburn Barbara P. Rogers Denise Seiffer Edward K. Phillips Christine Rayburn Lee H. Rogers Nancy J. Self John F. Phillips III Richard Rayford Waymond L. Rone Ada M. Seltzer Joseph P. Phillips James W. Rayner Lloyd W. Rose Francis G. Serio Paul W. Pierce III Ann S. Rea Walter H. Rose Jane E. Serio William C. Pinkston Jeanne A. Rea Brendan Ross Joey K. Sessums Martin L. Pinstein Jane F. Reckelhoff Jamie E. Ross Marion C. Sessums Sherry C. Pippen Shirley E. Reddoch Joe M. Ross Michael E. Shaheen

74 John A. Tanksley Felicia M. Tardy Thom A. Tarquinio Stephen W. Tartt Frederick E. Tatum George M. Taybos Aubrey E. Taylor B. R. Taylor Herman A. Taylor Jr. Jessie R. Taylor Susan Taylor Walter Taylor Diana L. Tedder David M. Temple Kenneth B. Tennyson Donald Terrell Roy C. Terry Vita H. Thaggard Suzan and Tommy Thames Greg E. Tharp Stone R. Thayer James T. Thigpen Cassandra F. Thomas Webster Shaker J. George Smith John C. Stitt Pete Thomas William Shanks John B. Smith Jr. Marvin E. Stockett Betty K. Thompson Lynn Shannon Kimla Smith Michael O. Stodard Christopher C. Thompson Nathan P. Shappley III Margie L. Smith David K. Stone Lucy Mobley Thompson Robert Shaye Mary C. Smith Reuben H. Stone Robert H. Thompson Jr. Paul E. Sheffield Mary M. Smith Toni Stovall Robert L. Thompson Thomas E. Sheffield Pat D. Smith Jacob Stovall William B. Thompson Elizabeth A. Shelton Patrick O. Smith Flolynn T. Stover Cynthia D. Thompson-Wilson Jane and Thomas Shelton Shannon J. Smith Howard Stover Sarah and Robert Thomsen Jinna M. Shepherd Stover L. Smith Jr. D. C. Strange Jr. Jack W. Thornton Bernard L. Shipp William W. Smith II James T. Strange Stephen T. Threadgill Sherriel F. Shipp Rebecca Smith-McDougald Paula A. Strange Margaret E. Tidd J. C. Shirley Jr. Nichole and Doug Smyly Thad Strange Jack E. Tindall Hollis Shoemaker Marjorie Solomon Lorraine M. Street Raane Tindle Grace G. Shumaker Dwalia S. South-Bitter Michelle and Scott Stringer Ancel C. Tipton Jr. Deborah Shure James E. Speed Angela Stuart Warren A. Todd Jr. Stephen Silberman Jean B. Speed Earl T. Stubblefield Noel K. Toler Jr. Heber S. Simmons Jr. Leland R. Speed Paula A. Stubbs William C. Tompkins Van R. Simmons James P. Spell John E. Studdard Thais B. Tonore William B. Simmons Libby M. Spence William E. Studdard Jr. Dale A. Touchstone Dan H. Singley Jr. David L. Spencer Mary E. and Donald Sturdivant Marion W. Towery Thomas R. Singley William A. Spencer A. Wayne Sullivan James T. Trapp Donald B. Sittman Jr. Ernest G. Spivey Jr. Davis L. Sullivan Jay A. Travis III Theresa L. Skelton Marshall B. Stamper Patti Sullivan David M. Trigiani Thomas N. Skelton Thomas V. Stanley Jr. Timothy Summers Susan and Chip Triplett Christa L. Sligh John W. Starr Jr. James C. Sumner Laramie C. Triplett Wayne A. Slocum Michael Stept Ashley L. Sumrall Toby Trowbridge Arthur A. Smith Lisa Stevens Sara J. Switzer George W. Truett Beth M. Smith Paula Stewart Pamela O. Sykes Audrey K. Tsao Edward E. Smith Clark Stewart Amanda P. Tailyour Grayden A. Tubb Elizabeth G. Smith William R. Stewart James M. Talkington James M. Tucker J. G. Smith Jr. Katharine R. Stilley David S. Talton Patrick E. Tucker

75 Helen R. Turner Carla Watson Jackey D. Turner Steve Watson Valerie Turner Bettie and Walker Watters William W. Turner Jr. Gayle M. Watters William Turney Jenny R. Watts E. G. Tutor Jr. Steve A. Watts Forrest T. Tutor Patricia Weathersby Heather K. Tutor Carla D. Webb Henry B. Tyler Gary L. Webb James B. Unger Charles M. Webber John J. Upchurch John S. Webster Jimmy Dale Vance Ellyn W. Weeks Ralph B. Vance Miriam and Tommy Weems Wesley B. Vanderlan W. Lamar Weems Celeste J. Vardaman Eric E. Wegener Joseph E. Varner Jr. Geri G. Weiland William H. Vaughan Jr. Jerry W. Welch Charlotte Vayda Samuel B. Welch Indira K. Veerisetty Susan E. Wellman Venkateswarlu Veerisetty Matthew B. Wesson Margaret W. Vise Sandra H. West Richard M. Vise William F. West Floyd D. Wade Sr. David O. Westbrook Lawrence D. Wade Scott Whatley Rebecca B. Wade Ronald L. Wheeler Joyce D. Wade-Hamme William E. Wheeler Thad F. Waites R. G. Whitacre Jeanette Waits A. Randle White Dexter W. Walcott Chester K. White II Billy L. Walker Marilyn W. White Edward R. Wilson Jr. Walter Woody Gloria Walker Rachael A. White James P. Wilson Thomas D. Wooldridge Harry Walker Barry L. Whites Marie L. Wilson John R. Wooley J. B. Walker Dayton E. Whites Ramsey E. Wilson O. B. Wooley Jr. Jean T. Walker Jack C. Whites Robert M. Wilson Charles H. Wray Liz and Chip Walker Richard S. Whitlock Yolanda W. Wilson Anna M. Wright Sue Walker Lynn K. Whittington Thomas L. Windham Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wright Mark Wall Earl E. Whitwell Evelyn L. Winford-Collier Joyce W. Wright John K. Wallace Sallye M. Wilcox Eustace H. Winn Sharon B. Wyatt Randall Wallace Thomas L. Wiley Jr. Michael D. Winniford James Wylie Richard E. Waller Robin R. Wilkerson Elise and William F. Winter Annette B. Wysocki Elgin Walley Billy Williams John Witcher Benjamin W. Yarbrough Kenneth Walley David J. Williams Marion R. Wofford Steven C. Yarbrough Lorra Walley J. M. Williams Douglas A. Wolfe William C. Yarbrough Jr. Robin H. Walley John E. Williams James H. Wolfe Rebecca J. Yates Christopher Walton Parthenia R. Williams Joseph K. Wong James E. Yelverton Jr. O. B. Walton Robert D. Williams Charles G. Wood Robert W. Yelverton Sr. Bobbie and Elbert Ward Johnnie W. Williamson Eugene G. Wood III Samuel S. Yen Robert Ward James S. Williford Eugene G. Wood Jr. Shu H. C. Yen Robert L. Warner Jr. Joy Williford J. O. Wood Louis B. Yerger Jr. James L. Warnock Jr. Donald C. Willis William R. Woodall Wirt Yerger Malinda and Jim Warren Julius A. Willis Jr. Daniel M. Woodliff Linda and Wirt Yerger Richard B. Warriner III Ashley and Mark Willson Mary Bess Woodruff Charles F. Young Jr. James E. Warrington Cindy P. Wilson William W. Woods II Joseph S. Young Paul W. Warrington Cliff Wilson Lou Ann H. Woodward Ronald A. Young Rebecca and Chris Waterer David B. Wilson Jr. Walter W. Woody Jr. Wei Yu and Fei Lu

76 Organization Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. Regions Bank In Memoriam: A & A Home Health Equipment Inc Johnson Controls Riggs, Estate of Marvin A. Charles H. Allen Jr. Active Network Junior League of Jackson Rissah Temple Conrad C. Barnes Jr. American Academy of Otolaryngology Head Kohl’s River Region Medical Center Jerrel W. Benson and Neck Surgery Inc Kroger Stores Robert Ellis & Associates, Inc. Joan S. Berry American Legion Auxiliary Hovious-Grayson Ladies Auxiliary V.F.W. Ross & Yerger Walter L. Bourland Unit 112 LeBlanc Orthodontics, PA SABC Staff Michael A. Brumley Anne Andrews Black Charitable Lead Unitrust Living Legends Mustang Club Sanderson Farms, Inc. Benjamin H. Buchanan Jr. Antique Vehicle Club of Mississippi Log-a-Load for Kids - Mississippi Loggers Scott Equipment Company Wallace Conerly BancorpSouth Association Sefco Electric Supply Bryan D. Cowan BankPlus Louisiana/Mississippi Wireless Association Sigma Engineers & Constructors, Inc. Emanuel Crystal Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation Madison Charitable Foundation, Inc. South Mississippi Endodontics PA Friley S. Davidson Beaumad & Associates, Inc. Maersk Drilling USA Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Mary P. Davis Benton Academy, Inc. Magic Maids of Mississippi, Inc. Company William W. East Jr. Blackburn Dental Laboratory Malco Theatres, Inc. Spinal USA, LLC Eloise Freeman BlueCross BlueShield of Mississippi Medical Support and Development SSS Foundation Jack Gordy Bravo Italian Restaurant & Bar Organization, Inc. St. Dominic Community Health Services, Inc. John H. Hembree Jr. Business Interiors, Inc. Medtronic Inc. R. Mason Stricker Foundation Trust Rexine M. Henry Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens & Cannada, Methodist Rehabilitation Center Stryker L. C. Henson PLLC Mireles Technologies Stryker Craniomaxillofacial Robert W. Higgins Carroll Academy Miscellaneous Donors Synthes USA HQ, Inc. Jeremiah H. Holleman Central Trust & Investment Company Mississippi Association of Women Dentists Teamsters Local 891 Robert T. Hollingsworth Jr. Charles M. and Joanne M. Carraway Mississippi Blood Services Telecommunications Association of the Cathy S. Hughes Charitable Foundation Mississippi Braves Southeast Jerry W. Iles Children’s Miracle Network Mississippi Charity Horse Show The Chisholm Foundation J. M. Jones City Sweep Mississippi Credit Union League The McCarty Company Design Group, P.A. Lois B. Jones Cogent Healthcare Mississippi Dental Association The Mississippi Charitable Foundation, Inc. Rees Kimble Community Foundation of Greater Jackson Mississippi Dental Association District 1 The Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi Herbert A. Kroeze Jr. Coram Inc. Mississippi Dental Association District 2 The Ramey Agency, LLC Adron K. Lay Sr. Credit Union Miracle Day, Inc. Mississippi Dental Association District 3 The University of MS Foundation John E. Lindley Crossgates Baptist Kindergarten Olympics Mississippi Dental Association District 4 The Whitehead Foundation John R. Lovelace Cypress Employees Mississippi Dental Association District 5 Trustmark National Bank Henry A. McCrory Daley Mohan Groble, P.C. Mississippi Dental Association District 6 UMC Health Professional Alumni Daniel G. Martindale Delta Delta Delta Mississippi Dental Society United Way of Neshoba County Patricia C. Moynihan Daniel and Pamella DeVos Foundation Mississippi Federal Credit Union University Dentists PLLC William T. O’Brien III Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency University Medical Center Candlelighters Charles O. Parkel Jr. Ergon Foundation, Inc. Mississippi Paralysis Association University Nursing Associates, PLLC Herbert R. Pearce F & M Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. Mississippi Section A. C. S. University Physicians Family Medicine John M. Pearson FC&E Engineering, LLC Mississippi Tent & Party Rental. LLC University Physicians Internal Medicine Edwin J. Porche Flora United Methodist Church Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. University Physicians Ophthalmology Louis A. Portera Friends of Children’s Hospital Mutual Credit Union Associates, PLLC. Virginia H. Read G I Associates & Endoscopy Center Nix-Tann and Associates University Physicians Orthopedic Surgery & Barry C. Scott Greater Jackson Darts Association Northminster Baptist Church Rehabilitation Simon A. Sharp Gulfsouth Capital, Inc. Omicron Kappa Upsilon Rho Sigma Chapter, University Physicians Pediatrics Charles A. Sisson Jr. H.F. McCarty, Jr. Family Foundation UMMC School of Dentistry University Physicians Psychiatry and Glenn N. Smith Haddox Reid Burkes & Calhoun Orthopaedic Research and Education Human Behavior Faser Triplett, Sr. Robert M. Hearin Foundation Foundation University Physicians Surgery Frank H. Tucker Jr. Helping Hands Pharmacy Patterson Companies, Inc Verde Do Krewe Clinton E. Wallace Henry Schein Dental Performance Rehab, Inc. Vicksburg Medical Foundation W. W. Walley Heritage Properties, Inc PPD Development, LP Vowell’s Market Place #7 Neil S. Whitworth Jackson Medical Mall Foundation Professional Staffing Group, LLC W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Charles L. Wilkinson Jackson Oncology Associates Providence Baptist Church of Carroll County Ware Foundation Andrew A. Windham Jackson Pediatric Associates, P.A. R. Scott Runnels, Jr., M.D., PLLC Plastic Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. James and Carmen Hupp Foundation Surgery Jimmy A. Payne Family Foundation RADIOTHON This list includes four anonymous donors.

77 ccolades for Ole Miss A ƒƒ Forbes placed Ole Miss in its top 20 “Best ƒƒ UM’s undergraduate program in the Patter- Buy Colleges” for 2012-13 . son School of Accountancy is ranked No . ƒƒ For the second year, the university is 10 in the nation by the Public Accounting included in Fiske Guide to Colleges 2013 Report . The master’s and doctoral pro- (Sourcebooks, 2012), as one of 300 of the grams are ranked Nos . 11 and 12, respec- best and most interesting colleges and tively, in their categories . universities in three nations . ƒƒThe National Jurist ranks the School of Law ƒƒ For the third year, student enrollment has in America’s top five law schools in terms increased . This fall, 21,528 students are en- of value and job placement . rolled, a 3 .3 percent increase, making the ƒƒ The University of Mississippi Medical Center state’s flagship university also the largest . is recognized in the specialties of cancer ne- Average freshman ACT scores increased phrology and urology in this year’s U.S. News from 23 5. last year to 23 .8 this year; high & World Report’s Best Hospital rankings . school GPAs climbed from 3 .35 to 3 .43 . ƒƒThe American Academy of Forensic Sci- ƒƒ Reader’s Digest named UM’s Sally McDon- ence ranks UM’s forensic chemistry pro- nell Barksdale Honors College as one of gram among the top five in the country . the top three honors colleges in the nation . ƒƒThe Center for Manufacturing Excellence ƒƒThe Stamps Family Charitable Foundation is unique in the nation, bringing together is UM’s new partner in offering a top schol- engineering, accountancy, business and arship program in the Southeast . Valued liberal arts students to produce graduates between $98,000 and $138,000 each, the with unique skills . Stamps Leadership Scholarships at Ole ƒƒ Ole Miss offers the Chinese Language Miss become the most comprehensive Flagship Program and is developing a flag- full scholarship packages for in-state and ship program in Arabic, which is beneficial out-of-state students . Each scholarship to students in UM’s Center for Intelligence includes a $12,000 stipend for educational and Security Studies . activities outside the classroom . Five will ƒƒ The William Winter Institute for Racial Recon- be awarded in 2013, with that number ciliation was honored with the 2012 Interna- projected to grow to 10 annually . tional Award from the International Associa-

78 tion of Official Human Rights Agencies . of Top Doctors, ranking them among the ƒƒ UM social work students have created top 10 percent of doctors nationally . These the San Mateo Empowerment Project in doctors span 17 specialty areas and were Ambergris Caye, Belize, to help strengthen selected based on peer nomination . Of the schools and build essential roadways . 22 physicians selected, 11 rank among the ƒƒ For its work in Delta communities, the top 1 percent in America . School of Pharmacy was honored with ƒƒ In 2012, 100 percent of the Ole Miss the American Association of Colleges of Doctor of Pharmacy graduates passed Pharmacy’s Lawrence C . Weaver Transfor- the North American Pharmacist Licensure mative Community Service Award . Examination on their first attempt . This is ƒƒThe Master of Fine Arts creative writing pro- the second time in five years the school’s gram is ranked among the nation’s top 50 graduates have achieved a perfect pass programs by Poets and Writers magazine . rate on the professional exam, and over ƒƒ Army ROTC at Ole Miss won one of eight that span, the school’s cumulative pass MacArthur Awards, which are presented to rate is fifth in the nation . the top Army ROTC programs in America . ƒƒ Ole Miss is the only public university in ƒƒThree new residence halls follow the Mississippi to shelter a chapter of Phi recent construction of two residential col- Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and most leges, the only ones in the state . prestigious honor society for liberal arts ƒƒ Insight Park is providing a new environ- undergraduates . ment for technology and research com- ƒƒThe UM Medical Center is collaborating panies to collaborate with faculty and with Tougaloo College and Jackson State students and have access to academic University on the Jackson Heart Study, the resources and services . world’s largest long-term study of cardio- ƒƒThe Oxford campus was ranked safest in vascular risk factors in African Americans . the SEC and in the top 10 nationally by Col- ƒƒ Meek School of Journalism and New legeSafe .com . Media students continue to receive top ƒƒThe UM Medical Center had 22 physicians honors, including a recent Robert F . Ken- included in U.S. News’ most recent list nedy Journalism Award for College Print,

79 2011 and 2012 grand champions of the event, helping with such chores as paint- Southeast Journalism Conference, Silver ing homes, cleaning out garages, assisting Anvil Award for Excellence from the Public with needs in retirement communities, Relations Society of America, Hearst Jour- prepping a community garden and helping nalism awards by the William Randolph businesses organize their storerooms . Hearst Foundation and the Yearbook Pace- ƒƒThe Mississippi Innocence Project, housed maker Award from the National College in the School of Law, identifies, investi- Media Convention . gates and litigates viable claims of inno- ƒƒThe university has been included on the cence on behalf of Mississippi prisoners President’s Higher Education Community who have been wrongfully imprisoned . Service Honor Roll for two consecutive Second- and third-year law students join years, 2011 and 2012 . with MIP staff and serve as student- ƒƒThe university is helping some of the attorneys to represent clients . UM law state’s poorest school districts through the student-attorneys in the clinic have been Mississippi Teacher Corps, a two-year alter- involved in close to a dozen exonerations native teacher-certification program . More in the state . than 500 teachers have graduated from ƒƒ For the fourth year in a row, The Chronicle the program and serve in needy school dis- of Higher Education named Ole Miss as tricts, benefiting 80,000 students . Among one of the “2012 Great Colleges to Work the program’s successes is helping the For,” putting the institution in elite company . North Panola School District raise its per- ƒƒ With the world’s largest blues music formance from a “Failing” grade on state archive, Living Blues magazine and “High- testing to “Successful ”. way 61” (a blues radio show produced ƒƒ Ole Miss students contribute thousands weekly for Mississippi Public Broadcast- of hours of volunteer work to the Oxford ing), UM is internationally renowned for its and Lafayette County communities each blues research and scholarship . spring through the Big Event, an annual, campuswide day of service . More than 3,000 students participated in last year’s

80 a Place tHat ever calls…

The University of Mississippi Foundation P.O. Box 249 University, MS 38677-0249 Ph: 662.915.5944 Fax: 662.915.7880 email: [email protected] www.umfoundation.com