A Bratislava Purim-Schpiel on Purim in the "Old Country," Jewish Boys and Girls Visited Relatives and Norman Adolf to Rece*Ve Puthn Goodies, Called Shalach Mones
A bratislava purim-schpiel On Purim in the "old country," Jewish boys and girls visited relatives and Norman Adolf to rece*ve Puthn goodies, called shalach mones. Those youngsters who could entertain their hosts received a bonus, sometimes real money instead of only Hamantaschen. This minhag (custom) was observed in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia (formerly Pozsony or Pressburg, a city on the Danube between Vienna and Budapest, in the old Austro-Hungarian Empire). This city was famous in Jewish life for its seat of higher Jewish learning, the Pressburger Yeshivah, headed by the Sofer (Schreiber) hierarchy of rabbanim, commencing with "Chatam (Moshe) Sofer" followed by his son, "K'tav (Avraham Sh'muel Binjamin) Sofer" and by Shevet (Akiva) Sofer, whose Shiurim I attended up to July, 1920 at the "Shier-schtube" on the "Schlossberg". The Jewish community also had many amateur composers, singers, and poets. According to my uncles, my maternal grandfather, Reb Sh'mel Lieberman, who was a shechet (slaughterer) and baal t'filah (prayer leader) in a small (not even a shtetl, but a) doerfel, called Naceg (so small that it felt uplifted to be not far from the shtetl of Duna-Szerdahely), composed and wrote the lyrics of the following Purim-schpiel. The time of the composition is probably around 1905-10. Like the original Hatikvah, it speaks of "loshuv loeretz," "to return to the land," whereas now we no longer have to use the future tense when we speak of the "Return to Israel." (Ed. Note: The music for this purim-schpiel, transcribed from Norman Adolf's tape by Jon Hadden, is available, gratis, from Sh'ma.
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