with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for Republic of Chad 29 December 2019 | Strategic Frameworks

Programme title: Strengthening capacities and partnerships for assessing mitigation and adaptation opportunities and enabling their implementation in the forestry and land use sectors in the context of the Great Green Wall (GGW), Chad

Country: Chad

National designated authority: Ministry of Environment, Water and Fisheries

Implementing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Date of first submission: 28 April 2017

Date of current submission / 13 December 2019 V.5 version number Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 2 of 26

How to complete this document?

- Please visit the Empowering Countries page of the GCF website to download the Readiness Guidebook and learn how to access funding under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. - This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDA) or focal points with support from their Delivery Partners where relevant. Once completed, this document should be submitted to the GCF by the NDA or focal point to [email protected]. - Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal. - If the Delivery Partner implementing the Readiness support is not a GCF Accredited Entity for project Funding Proposals, please complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA) questionnaire and submit it prior to or with this Readiness proposal. The FMCA is available for download at the Library page of the GCF website.

Where to get support?

- If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. - You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to [email protected], copying both the Readiness Delivery Partner and the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor. Please refer to the Country Profiles page of the GCF website to identify the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor. - We will get back to you within five (5) working days to acknowledge receipt of your submission and discuss the way forward.

Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues. Consult Annex IV of the Readiness Guidebook for more information.

Please submit the completed form to: [email protected]

Please use the following naming convention for the file name: “GCF Readiness Proposal-[Country]-[yymmdd]”

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Country name: Chad Name of institution representing NDA Ministry of Environment, water and or Focal Point: Fisheries Name of contact person: Mr. Ibrahim Charfadine Abdelkerim Contact person’s position: Focal Point for the GCF Country submitting the Telephone number: +(235)63110507 proposal Email: [email protected] Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Eau et de Full office address: la Pêche N’Djaména/Tchad

Additional email addresses that need [email protected] to be copied on correspondences: [email protected] Date of initial 28 April 2017 submission Last date of 13 December 2019 Version number V.5 resubmission

☐ National designated authority ☒ Accredited entity ☒ Delivery partner

Food and Agriculture Organization of the Name of institution: United Nations Name of official: Mr. Alexander Jones Which institution Director, Climate and Environment Division Position: will implement the (CBC) Readiness and Preparatory Telephone number: (+39) 06 5705 2331 Support project? [email protected]; CBC- Email: [email protected] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Full office address: Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy [email protected] Additional email addresses that need [email protected] to be copied on correspondences: [email protected] [email protected]

Title of the Strengthening capacities and partnerships for assessing mitigation and adaptation Readiness opportunities and enabling their implementation in the forestry and land use sectors in support proposal the context of the Great Green Wall (GGW).

☐ I. Country capacity for engagement with GCF ☒ II. Country programming process Type of III. Direct access to climate finance Readiness ☐ ☒ IV. Climate finance accessed support sought ☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 4 of 26

Chad is extremely affected by the impacts of climate change, in particular rising temperatures and prolonged drought, and is ranked as 180 over 181 as most vulnerable to climate change impacts and less ready to address them1. In order to address this threat, Chad has identified, through its Country Programme, the land-use and forest sector (LULUCF) as one of the priority areas for future investments aimed at mitigation and adaptation to climate change. This Readiness proposal builds on the broader national planning targeting the land use sector and forestry, and in particular on the Great Green Wall Strategy that was developed for Chad. In fact, Chad has developed with FAO’s support its national GGW strategy and action plan in 2012 2 and has identified broad priorities for interventions. To this day, the only activities undertaken by the GGW initiative mainly focused on awareness raising of communities and preliminary data gathering to identify intervention priorities and GGW geographic areas in the country. It is also important to mention that this strategy was developed before Chad had been able to formulate its NDCs and received little resources to achieve implementation of the strategy and action plan.

Chad is, in fact, facing a number of barriers that limit its capacity to implement and mobilize resources to support identified interventions to address climate change impacts in the land use and forestry sector including:

• Lack of national data on climate change impacts, benchmark data and emission reduction opportunities in the LULUCF sector, complementing the initial data generated by the GGW initiative; • Low capacity and limited inter-sectoral dialogue between the different institutions and entities at the institutional and regional level that are and may be involved in the identified priority adaptation and mitigation measures on climate change and forest sector issues and land management, in particular with regard to the GGW; Brief summary of • Lack of knowledge and dissemination of climate change mitigation and the request adaptation good practices in the sector; • Low commitment and interest of the private sector in adaptation and mitigation interventions in the forest and land use sector.

This readiness proposal for Chad, as it is being the case for the 3 other readiness projects developed under the Great Green Wall (approved and under implementation in Burkina Faso, Senegal and submitted for Niger) will address the above mentioned barriers, first step to prepare and enable these GGW countries to feed, inform and contribute to the formulation and implementation process of the Multi-country project under development (Scaling-Up Resilience in Africa’s Great Green Wall) and in alignment with the priorities identified in the Country Programme. This will allow the creation of an enabling environment for Chad to successfully invest in future climate change related diversified ininitiatives (what and where and by whom) to be prioritized and to define the national activities as part of the update of GGW strategy and the the regional multicountry project under formulation.

Indeed this proposed Readiness project will support the GGW agency and the ministry to : 1) Identify and support training and knowledge sharing among stakeholders on climate change impacts and potential interventions in the land use and forestry sector; 2) Generate the required evidence-based data for baseline scenario of targeted climate change adaptation and/or mitigation interventions; 3) Identify adaptation and mitigation technologies in the LULUCF sector and assess their feasibility to adjust the priority interventions that the country has identified in its GGW strategy and to demonstrate their relevance in the regional Scaling-up resilience GGW project; 4) Assess opportunities for collaboration and engagement with the private sector to strengthen their role and support climate finance in Chad including the upcoming regional project (Sacling-up Resilience in the Great Green Wall).

While this Readiness proposal will achieve the four pillars of intervention as described above, and is specific and tailored to tackle Chad’s specifities, it will also build on the Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 5 of 26

lessons learnt from the Readiness project under implementation in Burkina Faso and Senegal and in synergy with other GCF readiness projects and actions in other GGW countries.

Total requested USD 359,903 Anticipated duration 18 months amount and currency ☒ Yes ☐ No Has the country received or is expecting to receive other Readiness and Preparatory Chad has received USD 300 000 from the GCF in February Support funding allocations (including 2017 for Readiness, with the Le Centre De Suivi Ecologique adaptation planning) from GCF or other (CSE) as delivery partner. The proposal aimed at the donors? strengthening of Focal Point and develop the strategic framework for engagement with the Fund, including the preparation of a country programme


As highlighted in Chad’s Country Programme (2019), temperatures have continuously increased in Chad since the beginning of the 1980s, and different climate scenarios show an increase in the average annual temperature of 0.8 ° C in South, 1.2 ° C in the Center and 1.3 ° C in the North by 2020 compared to 1981-2010. With regards to precipitation, different models show a variation of average annual rainfall of -15 to + 9 mm per month (-28 to + 29%) by 2090 (UNDP, 2006). Moreover, Chad’s (I)NDC3 highlights that the country is affected by more intense and prolonged droughts, which are accelerating the extension of Saharan and Sahelian deserted zones, that have spread 150 km South over the last ten years. This phenomenon is also greatly contributing to the shrinking of the country’s largest lake, Lake Chad, which has reduced in size from 25,000 km² in 1960 to less than 2,500 km² today.

Increased in Chad, a country categorized as extremely vulnerable to climate change4, is causing reduced farming and pasture areas, decrease of fertility leading to high crops losses, food insecurity, malnutrition, livestock producers and farmers migration, resulting in an increase of existing inequality and discrimination amongst certain populations. According to the Country Programme, recent declines in agricultural production (2000-2001, 2004-2005, 2009-2010) are due to the increasingly intense droughts. In fact, rise in temperatures associated with increased variability of rainfall causes malfunctions of agricultural seasons, disturbances in crop life cycles and deterioration of agricultural production. It is estimated that the agricultural sector in the region will suffer the greatest losses compared to the rest of the world, losing between 2% and 4% of its GDP (Mendelssohn et al., 2000, Boko et al., 2007).

With regards to climate change mitigation, the sector contributing the most to emissions generation is the forestry and land use representing 57.94% of total emissions in Chad5. It is followed by the agriculture sector (because of slash-and-burn agriculture, bush fires and overgrazing) with 41.05%. Without sustainable mitigation measures, GHG emissions would double within 15 years (INDC 2015), with the sectors projected to be the drivers of this phenomenon being agriculture / livestock, land-use and forestry and energy. Even if GHG emissions in Chad are relatively low compared to those generated in developed countries, there is significant emission reduction potential from agriculture, land use and forestry and energy sectors.

The INDC estimated that the cost to address adaptation and mitigation challenges in Chad is USD 14.170 billion in total over the 2030 commitment period of which 11,380 for achieving the conditional goal (with support from the international community) and for mitigation a cost of 7,063 Billion USD in total over the commitment period of which 6,540 to achieve the conditional goal. In this context, to provide a long term and efficient response to the above mentioned climate change challenges, Chad has identified in its Country Programme published in May 2019 the forest and land use sector (LULUCF) as critical and key to prioritize for climate change adaptation and mitigation action. The main national framework for intervention in the LULUCF in Chad is the Great Green Wall Initiative, a pan-African initiative aiming at

1 https://gain.nd.edu/our-work/country-index/rankings/ 2 http://www.fao.org/3/a-av131f.pdf 3https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/ndcstaging/PublishedDocuments/Chad%20First/INDC%20Chad_Official%20version_English.pdf 4 https://gain-new.crc.nd.edu/country/chad 5 Country Programme 2019 Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 6 of 26

restoring and sustainably managing land in the Sahel-Saharan region through nature-based interventions that contribute to adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Chad developed its Great Green Wall Strategy and action plan in 2012 (see for reference the strategy document only available in French: http://www.fao.org/3/a- av131f.pdf), with the support of FAO, which identified priority actions to be undertaken in the forestry and land- use sector a such: • Improvement and Sustainable management of production systems including restoration and • Socio-economic basic infrastructure for local communities • Sustainable livelihoods • Knowledge management Capacity development including on climate finance and climate change adaptation and mitigation techniques The first priority includes the implementation of the following technologies: reforestation and restoration with drought resilient trees and other adapted local plant species (shrubs and fodder species), natural regeneration that allows farmers to protect and manage the natural regeneration of forests, croplands and grasslands, large- scale land preparation using water harvesting techniques and soil management, restoration and enrichment planting especially in areas where degradation is severe; mobilization of high-quality and drought resilient seeds and planting materials to respond to the massive required restoration needs; and community involvement in the selection of native species to be used, planting and land management operations and livelihoods. However, only a limited number of activities have been carried out through the Great Green Wall Initiative in Chad. These include: i) raising awareness of communities for the identification of the strategic areas of intervention and the ii) identification of the broad GGW areas of intervention in the country. In this context, as part of the GGW strategy, Chad has undertaken a preliminary environmental and socio-economic baseline analysis for the Great Green Wall in 2012-2013. The findings of the baseline studies enabled, as a result, the identification of the GGW priority intervention areas which are roughly corresponding to the transition zone between the steppe formations and the Sudano-Sahelian savannah zones and which extends over a long strip of about 1010 kilometers by 15 kilometers wide. While these have been identified, the analysis lacked at that time evidence based information, including information on climate change scenarios and impacts on the area. The Great Green Wall Strategy also is outdated and has been developed before the country was able to prepare its Nationally Determined Contributions.

Figure 1: Great Green Wall areas of intervention in Chad

Chad is, as a matter of fact, facing a number of barriers that limit its capacity to implement and mobilize resources and partners from different sectors to support the scaling up of nature based interventions that contribute to addressing climate change impacts in the forestry and land use sector, in particular under the framework of the GGW. These barriers, reiterated in Chad’s Country Programme6 include:

6 See country programme section 1.4 page 30 Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 7 of 26

• Lack of evidence-based data on climate change impacts on the forestry and land use sector in the area (physical and socio-economic impacts) and on adaptation and emission reduction potential and scaling up opportunities in the forestry and land use sector; • The main national and regional framework for intervention in the LULUCF sector, the Great Green Wall Strategy, is outdated as was developed before the country submitted its NDCs. • Low capacity and limited dialogue between the different institutions and entities across sectors, at the institutional and regional level that are, and could, be involved in the identification, planning and implementation of the priority climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in forest and land use and management sector, in particular in the context of the GGW; • Lack of knowledge and dissemination on climate change mitigation and adaptation good practices and tools in the forestry and land-use sector; • Low commitment and interest of the private sector in adaptation and mitigation interventions in the forest and land-use sector.

This Readiness proposal aims at supporting the scale up of successful adaptation and mitigation interventions in the forestry and land use sector, contributing and feeding the ongoing efforts in developing a multicountry/regional project on (Scaling up Resilience in the Great Green Wall involving 6 countries including Chad) by overcoming the identified barriers through the following pillars:

• Training and knowledge sharing between relevant institutions and stakeholders7 across sectors at central and regional level on: - impacts of climate change in the forest and land use sector, the impact of the sectors on carbon emissions; - opportunities that the sector offers in terms of technologies for adaptation and mitigation, in particular targeting and adjusting the priority interventions that the country has identified in its GGW strategy and that could be scaled up as part of the regional GGW; - creation of a platform at national level to encourage the sharing of knowledge of different actors (including the private sector). The platform will respond to the orientations of the already existing steering committee; • Generation of detailed evidence-based physical and socio-economic data to determine the baseline scenario for priority interventions, quantify adaptation and mitigation targets, support the monitoring and updating the Great Green Wall Strategy; • Identify and assess the pre-feasibility of technologies in the LULUCF sector for adaptation and mitigation; • Engage the private sector in resource mobilization, scaling up and co-financing of mitigation and adaptation interventions in the land use and forest sector, notably through: (i) identification of entry points and opportunities for financial support for private sector intervention in priority interventions identified in the GGW strategy; and (ii) identification of priority value chains for possible interventions, aligned with the priorities of the Great Green Wall strategy in Chad. This Readiness proposal is aligned with the Country Programme, which identified sustainable land and forest management for reducing emissions from degradation and , and climate resilient agrosylvopastoral practices as priority interventions for future GCF investments. In this context, the assessments produced by this Readiness proposal will also help strengthen the baseline of the relevant priority interventions identified in the CP and support the development of the regional multicountry project (Scaling-up Resilience in the Great Green Wall) under preparation and other project concept notes and partnerships for GCF and private sector co- financing.

7 NDA’s team and other Government staff and institutions, National Ministry and institutions at national and regional level dealing with forestry and land use sector, both multi-sector and national committees, Conseil National du Patronnat Tchadien, NGOs, research structures working in the forestry and land-use sector, women’s and youth associations working in the LULUCF sector. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 8 of 26


Anticipated duration: 18 months Activities Outcomes Baseline Targets (brief description Monthly implementation plan of activities and deliverables)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Outcome 2: Sub-Outcome 1 2 Activity 2.1.1: Country 2.1: Stakeholders are Stakeholders Reinforce collaboration Programming Stakeholder being consulted engaged and knowledge sharing process engagement in a as a result of the (including private among the two NDA 8 consultative framework sector) in committees , and other process created in the decision making regional, national and country processes on the international partners programme, but LULUCF sector. (including the private not specifically on sector) organizations 9, matters regarding on climate change the LUCUF sector adaptation and and their climate mitigation challenges change and opportunities in the challenges and LULUCF sector, as per opportunities. The priority interventions GGW strategy did and gaps identified in not put in place a the Country platform to Programme. X X X X systematically engage This will be achieved stakeholders through: a) One national workshop to bring together key stakeholders in the LULUCF sector, and the creation of a multi- sectorial platform at national level focusing on climate change activities in the LULUCF and its impacts, integrating the gender dimension. The platform will meet twice during the

8 See section 6.2 on roles and responsibilities 9 NDA’s team and other Government staff and institutions, Great Green Wall Agency, National Ministry and institutions at national and regional level dealing with forestry and land use sector, Conseil National du Patronnat Tchadien, NGOs, research structures working in the forestry and land-use sector Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 9 of 26

implementation of the proposal 10. b) the development of a work plan and a communication strategy to ensure the platform is functional and updated on monthly basis and raises awareness on climate challenges

Deliverables 2.1.1: - One day workshop delivered with associated report (that will include the creation of a multi-sectorial platform (ToR to share with GCF) - 1 Communication strategy and 1 work plan delivered for operationalization and future update of the platform (ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 5

Activity 2.1.2: Following the findings of activities 1.2.1, 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 and via the multi-sectoral platform created in activity 1.1.1, 3 regional level trainings will be conducted to X strengthen capacities and improve dialogue of key stakeholders 11 (including private sector and representative of women’s and youth associations) engaged in the LULUCF on:

10 The members of this platform will meet twice during the implementation of the proposal to evaluate their involvement in the project and also to define strategies and their implication in the future updated Great Wall strategy 11 NDA’s team and other Government staff and institutions, Great Green Wall Agency, National Ministry and institutions at national and regional level dealing with forestry and land use sector, Conseil National du Patronnat Tchadien, NGOs, research structures working in the forestry and land-use sector Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 10 of 26

i)gender disaggregated climate change impacts and vulnerabilities in LULUCF. ii) gender disaggregated opportunities and barriers in forest value chains (non-timber forest products market) and land restoration in support of adaptation and mitigation of climate change iii) successful adaptation and mitigation options and models for scaling up ii)lessons learnt and best practices iv) climate finance options, in particular GCF

Deliverable 2.1.2: - 3 regional trainings delivered with associated reports (Kanem, Ouaddaï et Wadi Fira12) and one national training (ToR to share with GCF) - 1 report describing adaptation and mitigation options and tools and their feasibility in the LUCUF sector(ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 13

Sub-Outcome 1 2 Activity 2.2.1: 2.2: Appropriate Solutions had This sub- Fill data and evidence- climate been identified in outcome will based study gaps at technology the GGW strategy further inform the national level to assess X solutions developed in 2012 country climate impacts and identified and but need to be programme and opportunities of prioritized in updated enable the LULUCF and identify accordance with update of the

12 These regions have been selected as part of the GGW intervention area Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 11 of 26 national climate successful adaptation strategies and adaptation and and mitigation plans mitigation technologies for future technologies interventions, in identified in the alignment with the GGW strategy Country Programme. This activity will further inform the country programme and enable the update of the priority interventions of the 2012 Great Green Wall Strategy.

This activity will: a) Strengthen existing climate database by filling data gaps at national level needed for the completion of baseline and climate impact assessments, using tools such as collect earth, SHARP and MOSAICC, in the LULUCF sector. b) Stock-taking exercise and strategic analysis of adaptation and mitigation technologies in the LULUCF, building on the current evidence base. c) Identification of adaptation and mitigation technologies in the LULUCF sector with potential for scaling up d) quantify carbon emission reductions with the use of EX Ante Carbone( EX-ACT) and removals potential from identified interventions

Deliverable 2.2.1: - Climate data base strengthened. - Assessment report prepared (ToR to share with GCF) - Guidelines developed on adaptation and Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 12 of 26

mitigation technologies (taking into account gender dimension) with potential for scaling up under the GGW -Ex-ACT report elaborated (ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 7

Sub-outcome 1 2 Activity 2.3.1: 2.3: The Country The project will In coordination with Considerations Programme takes develop a gender activity 2.2.1, support of gender into account the assessment and the identification of mainstreaming importance of action plan for gender roles, in climate gender the LULUCF vulnerabilities, barriers, change and mainstreaming sector to ensure opportunities that climate finance gender aspects support/ hamper the are role of men, women systematically and youth in access to considered and assets and benefits properly from climate resilient addressed in and low emission climate practices in the investments LULUCF value chains. projects. The update of the This will be done Great Green through a gender Wall strategy will analysis in the LULUCF also integrate sector in a changing this assessment. climate, assessment of X gender roles, barriers and opportunities in assisted natural regeneration (ANR) and other restoration strategies and assessment of the role of women in forestry and land restoration value chains in the context of the GGW.

Deliverable 2.3.1

-1 Assessment and Action plan delivered, highlighting gender inclusive priority activities in support of CC adaptation and mitigation in the Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 13 of 26

LULUCF (ToR to share with GCF) - One day national consultation workshop to bring together key stakeholders in the LULUCF sector to validate the action plan and to discuss the results of the studies carried out in 2.2 (ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 7 .

Sub-Outcome 0 1 This activity will Activity 2.4.1: 2.4: feasibility of further inform After identification of selected climate and update the technologies in activity technologies for GGW Strategy, 2.2.1, develop pre- mitigation and in particular with feasibility study for adaptation regards to new scaling up of climate assessed areas of change adaptation and interventions and mitigation interventions priority in the LULUCF; X technologies for scaling up Deliverable 2.4.1: 1 pre-feasibility report (ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 10

Activity 2.5.1: Sub-Outcome 0 1 Building on the data 2.5: Periodic no participatory process for and information participatory review of the updating the generated in the review and country country previous activities, updating of the programme has programme will convene 1 national climate finance been conducted be kick started. three-day workshop Country yet with GGW agency, Programme NDA, Conseil National du Patronat Tchadien and key LULUCF X X stakeholders (via the platform) to update the country programme, share findings and agree on updated priorities and next steps. The workshop will also give the possibility of the main stakeholders to Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 14 of 26

brainstorm and agree on new priorities and models for interventions in the context of the GGW in order to update the strategy.

Deliverable 2.5.1: First annual consultation workshop and associated report to update the country programme and validate the updated GGW strategy (ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 16

Activity 2.5.2: Revise, update (by the GGW agency in collaboration with different stakeholders) the 2012 GGW strategy and plan and submit it for validation

Deliverable 2.5.2: GGW strategy and plan updated and validated. (ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 18

Outcome 4: Sub-outcome 0 1 Activity 4.1.1: Climate 4.1 private The private sector Some private Develop a finance sector is currently not sectors working methodological manual strategies and engagement engaged in in the LULUCF for products value project climate change sector will be chains appraisals and pipeline related activities in engaged to engagement of private strengthened the LUCUFC explore sector, adapting the X X sector. collaboration FAO EX-Act value under the GGW chains appraisal tools context in Chad to the context of the as part of the Great Green Wall and ongoing effports aspects (such as of a the regional gender equity, project (Scaling resilience, etc) up resilience in Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 15 of 26

Africa’s great Activity 4.1.2. Based on green Wall) developed methodology (and following the trainings undertaken in activity 2.1.2, and the baseline socio-economic assessment, undertake an analysis of the different potential products, value chains (Gum Arabic, and other non-timber forest products, livestock based products) that could generate future climate-oriented investments and associated activities in the context of the GGW. Different private- sector entities13, will be involved and in particular the Conseil National du Patronat Tchadien, representing the private sector.

The aforementioned activity will be achieved through two different sub-activities: a) Develop an adapted version of the Exact Value Chain appraisals tool to the GGW to conduct value chain analysis study of 3 to 5 most important flagship products. To be chosen based on the socio- economic and climate baseline assessments in Chad

b) Based on the outcomes of the value chain analysis, develop a private sector engagement stategy for climate finance

13 Private sector entities include Professional Associations, Large Enterprises, Multinationals, Small and Medium medium-sized companies Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 16 of 26 mobilization in LULUCF in Chad GGW c) two-day workshop targeting the private sector, GGW agency, NDA and key stakeholders to discuss climate change impacts, opportunities and barriers for private sector investment on LULUCF value chains.

Deliverable 4.1.1 :

-Methodology fro products value chains appraisals in the context of the GGW, developed based on the FAO Exact Tool for value chains appraisals. ToR to share with GCF(ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 12

Deliverable 4.1.2:

- Report compiling the findings of the value chain analysis study of a max of 5 flagship products (ToR to share with GCF)

-Report on private sector engagement strategy for climate finance mobilization in the LULUCF sector in Chad with an action plan developed for private sector under the GGW context -(ToR to share with GCF)

- 1 two-day workshop and associated reports (ToR to share with GCF)

Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 17 of 26

Completed by month 14

Sub-Outcome 0 1 4.2: Project one concept Activity 4.2.1: Develop concept notes note developed one oncept note as a development targeting the contribution to the LUCUF sector in preparation of the contribution to national component the development (project activities, of the national logframe and theory of component for change) of the regional Chad under the concept (Scaling up regional project resilience in africa’s (Scaling up great green wall). resilience in Africa’s great Deliverable 4.2.1: green wall) National activities for Chad formulated as X part of the Regional project on Scaling up Resilienece in Africa’s Great Green Wall) and contribution to the development of the Theory of Change and logframe for the regional project (ToR to share with GCF)

Completed by month 17

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5.1 Budget plan Please complete the Budget Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website.

5.2 Procurement plan Please complete the Procurement Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in section 2, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

5.3 Disbursement schedule Please specify the proposed schedule for requesting disbursements from the GCF. For periodicity, specify whether it’s quarterly, bi-annually or annually only.

☒ Readiness Proposal that falls within a Framework Agreement with the GCF Disbursements will be made in accordance to Clause 4 “Disbursement of Grants” and Clause 5 “Use of Grant Proceeds by the Delivery Partner” of the Amended and Restated Agreement in the respect of the Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement entered into between GCF and FAO on 17 May 2018. The Delivery Partner is entitled to submit 2 request(s) for disbursement each year and an Interim Request for Disbursement within 30 days of approval by the GCF of a proposal, which must be in accordance with the Framework Agreement

. Disbursement schedule:

Disbursement Tentative month Amount USD 1 Month 1 280,584

2 Month 7 28,500 3 Month 13 48,000 4 Against completion 2,819 report

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6.1 Implementation map Please describe how funds will be managed by the NDA and/or the Readiness Delivery Partner. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 21 of 26

6.1.1. Institutional framework and coordination

This Readiness project will be led by the Government of Chad, through the NDA in Ministry of Environment, Water and Fisheries in close collaboration with the National Agency of the Great Green Wall (GGW). The project will be implemented by FAO, as Delivery Partner.

The Readiness proposal will build on the coordination mechanism already in place in Chad. In fact, in the light of preparing the country to access climate finance and to lead climate-related activities, including in the context of the GGW initiative, the NDA of Chad set up two different committees and one secretariat (Décret datant de 2018 intitulé Portant Création, Attributions, Composition et Fonctionnement de l’Autorité Nationale Désignée du Fonds Vert pour le Climat au Tchad (AND-FVC)), which are placed under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of the Environment and are part of the NDA:

• Comité de Pilotage (Steering Committee): steering authority and decision-maker for GCF activities in the countries, according to the national strategies and norms • Comité Technique d’Examen et d’Evaluation des projets (CTEEP) (technical committee for review and evaluation of projects) evaluation unit to select projects to be submitted upon approval of the first comité. • Secretariat of the NDA that ensures organizational and operational activities, as well as decision notification.

These bodies are placed under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of the Environment, Water and Fisheries and constitute the High Oversight Committee. With regards to coordination, this proposal aims at strengthening the capacity of these two committees and facilitate exchange and partnership with other relevant stakeholders involved in the LULUCF sectors, with particular emphasis on the Great Green Wall agency of Chad and Conseil National du Patronat Tchadien representing the private sector in Chad.

6.1.2. Strategy, management and operational support

The project will be led by the Government of Chad, with the technical and operational support of the FAO, acting as Delivery Partner, through the FAO’s representation in Chad (based in N'Djamena), the FAO Regional Office for Africa (in Accra, Ghana) and the FAO Headquarters in Rome. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 22 of 26

FAO will implement the activities, under the leadership of the NDA, based on its standards and procedures, and may establish agreements with institutions, including the NDA, and NGOs, with consolidated experience on the ground for the implementation of some services under determined activities (e.g. communication).

Day-to-day project management

The day-to-day activities of the project will be implemented under the direct supervision of the FAO Representative for Chad who will be the project budget holder (BH), and the technical supervision of the Lead Technical Officer (LTO) based at the regional office for Africa. While the LTO ensures compliance with the FAO technical standards, the budget holder (BH) will be responsible for the project funds and budget. Technical support and guidance on implementation and reporting will be provided by relevant staff in the FAO regional office in Ghana and in the FAO GCF Unit in FAO Headquarters in Rome. In the FAO regional office, the Senior forestry officer/ focal point for climate change, GCF and GGW, will act as LTO for the project. These actors will be part of the FAO project task force. The task force is a management and consulting body composed of FAO staff members with the authority and technical knowledge required to support the project and ensure efficient technical, operational and administrative management of the project; and it will be supporting the Project Coordination Team as needed all along the project implementation.

The dedicated Project Coordination Team will be set up composed by national consultants covering the different thematic areas, coordinated by one full time national project coordinator (national consultant) to be recruited by FAO. The National team of consultants, the NDA and the national Agency of the GGW in Chad will be supported by international consultants for the formulation of GCF concept notes, support the development of value chain analyses and other studies.

The existing Steering Committee will provide guidance and advice to the Project Coordination Team and will be consulted as needed. All the relevant stakeholders involved in this project, including the different relevant ministries and NDA, the GGW initiative’s representatives and FAO’s members will be participate to the meetings organized by the Steering Committee to ensure the delivery of technical inputs and assistance to the different project activities, including validation of documents and work plan for the project implementation.

FAO’s roles

In this context, FAO will provide technical assistance to the project partners and team and will have proactive exchanges with the NDA and the GGW National agency, as well as with other relevant stakeholders. FAO will also ensure possible synergies with other on-going projects related to forestry and land-use and GCF in other countries in particular in the context of the GGW and beyond for similar climate change challenges and context, in collaboration with the national agency of the GGW in Chad and the NDA all along the project implementation.

GGW National Agency’s roles

The national agency of GGW initiative has been a key counterpart and initiator of the project formulation in collaboration with the NDA and has been consulted regularly by the NDA and FAO. The GGW National Agency has also been consulted to ensure this project is well coordinated with the GGW initiative and that activities are not duplicating existing efforts.

During the project implementation, the national agency will be a key stakeholder all along the activities of the project and will be a direct beneficiary of capacity-strengthening and partnership activities.

The national agency of GGW will contribute to the coordination and will be closely involved in the project implementation. A Letter of Agreement (LoA) between FAO and the Agency will be prepared and signed at the start of the project to ensure the GGW initiative’s involvement in the delivery of some services under some activities. The Agency will also be part of the project steering committee with NDA and FAO.

The Agency will nominate a focal point to coordinate and secure the contributions of the agency team and partners in project implementation including: Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 23 of 26

• Provision of available required information • Support the planning and organization/ facilitation under technical guidance of FAO, of all planned workshops, securing an inclusive gender sensitive participatory process at regional and national levels • Hosting the monitoring and evaluation system to be developed under the project and will be responsible for data collection under technical supervision and assistance of FAO experts and consultants.

The national agency will be a key stakeholder all along the activities of the project and will be a direct beneficiary of capacity-strengthening and partnership activities.

6.1.3. Stakeholders and beneficiaries

The project will be implemented under the leadership of the NDA, within the Ministry of Environment, Water and Fisheries. The implementation will attempt to engage all relevant stakeholders, using a transparent, participative and inclusive consultative process, so that they benefit from the project.

The key stakeholders and direct beneficiaries have been preliminarily identified as follow:

• NDA’s team, including steering committee, technical committee, secretariat, whose capacities and means will be strengthened to facilitate access to GCF and reinforce country’s efforts on climate change mitigation and adaptation. • The National Agency of the GGW team in Chad including staff in the GGW intervention regions • National Ministry and institutions at national and regional level dealing with forestry and land use sector • Existing multi-sector and national committees: local and regional committees, territorial communities • Conseil National du Patronnat Tchadien: represents the private sector in Chad, in particular enterprises and cooperatives of farmers and breeders • Civil society, NGOs, research structures working in the forestry and land-use sector, universities

6.1.4. Starting date of implementation

The start date for implementation will be as outlined in the framework/grant agreement in effect at time of approval unless otherwise agreed to between the Delivery Partner and the GCF.

6.1.5. Potential conflicts of interest

To avoid any possible conflicts of interest deriving from the Delivery Partner’s role as an Accredited Entity, the prioritization of technologies, investments and projects in the context of this readiness grant, will be made through a broad consultation process with relevant stakeholders, including other potential implementing entities active in Chad. The final validation of these priorities will be carried out through the countries’ own relevant coordination mechanism and institutional arrangements, with the participation of other government agencies, as well as representatives from civil society and private sector as the NDA deems relevant, to ensure chosen priorities are fully aligned with national plans, strategies and Chad’s Country Work Programme and adequately includes inputs from consulted stakeholders.

Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 24 of 26

6.2 Risks, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and other relevant information

A number of potential risks that could jeopardize the attainment of the project’s desired outcomes have been identified and possible mitigation measures proposed as in the table below.

Risk Impact Probability Mitigating Action Farmers / herders conflicts Medium low Reinforcing protocols on Charts and management arrangements through the pastoral units allow to cope with this risk Limited capacity and reluctance/slowness by local and Medium low By mobilizing and articulating the capacity of national institutions to actively different actors, projects and programs to participate work intensively with Government and private sector (for example the planned development of the national platform under this project with a communication strategy will help mitigate the risk) Security and stability in the field Medium low Priorities will be focused on those GGW regions that can most benefit and where stakeholders can participate fully in the consultation Money laundering, terrorist Medium low No risk of money laundering or terrorism are financing or prohibited practices envisaged. The government will ensure security (Gendarmerie, police, intelligence service, anti-terrorism brigade), good financial governance (financial investigation brigade) and the proper application of laws and legal instruments against money laundering.

6.2.2 Monitoring & information

At the start of project implementation phase, an inception workshop will be organized to further detail the project implementation strategy and institutional arrangements.

During project implementation, the LTO will over-see the production and quality of the six-monthly progress reports. The project implementation team will be responsible for drafting these reports. The Progress Reports will be submitted to the Project Task Force for comments and finalization.

The National Project Coordinator and the Project Consultants will prepare reports for every assignment undertaken. These reports will be reviewed and cleared by the LTO. FAO staff backstopping the project will prepare Back-To-Office Technical Reports (BTORs) after each mission.

Towards the end of the project, the National Project Coordinator will prepare and submit to the LTO a draft Terminal Report for technical clearance.

6.2.3. Other relevant information Alignment and strategic opportunities

Chad developed a number of strategies and plans in the context of climate change and related impacts:

• (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions (2015) Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 25 of 26

• Stratégie nationale et plan d’action pour la mise en œuvre de l’initiative grande muraille verte au Tchad (2012).

• Plan d’Intervention pour le Secteur Rural (PIDR)

• Plan National d’Intervention dans le Secteur Rural (PNSIR)

• Plan d’Action National d’Adaptions au Changement Climatique (PANA)

• Plan d’Action National de Lutte contre la Désertification (PAN/LCD)

• Plan National d’Action pour l’Environnement (PNAE)

• Stratégie Nationale et le Plan d’Action en matière de Biodiversité (SNPA/BD),

• Stratégie Nationale de Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (SNLCC)

The project is aligned with the main climate change policies in plans developed by Chad, as follows:

• The National Adaptation Action Program (NAPA) of Chad capitalizes all the efforts undertaken by the highest authorities of this country, and is "a guidance and guidance tool for national and sectorial policies "aimed at preventing the adverse effects of climate change to contribute to sustainable development’’. These efforts have focused mainly on the implementation of development projects taking agricultural diversification, actions to combat desertification and degradation of arable land and the improvement of living conditions and incomes of peasants. • The National Strategy for Poverty Reduction (SNRP) capitalizes all these efforts and has retained the main strategic thrusts of: (i) improving the social, legal, political and economic; (ii) to ensure strong and sustained growth; (iii) improve the capital human; (iv) improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups; and (v) restore and to safeguard the ecological equilibrium of ecosystems.

Various other plans and programs such as the National Plan to Combat desertification (PAN / LCD), the National Strategy, the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Plan Intervention Program on Rural Development (PIDR), the National Program for Security Food (PNSA) are also aligned with the interventions of this proposal.

In addition, the Government of the Republic of Chad has acceded and ratified a number of International Conventions and Agreements relating to climate change such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1993) and The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries severely affected by drought and / or desertification, particularly in Africa (1996).

FAO is implementing a project called “Action against desertification in support of the Great Green Wall in strong partnership with GGW agencies and coordination units in 6 countries, with EU financial support to address the adverse social, economic and environmental impacts of land degradation and desertification. The objective is to improve the living conditions of populations, the resilience and productivity of agro-sylvo-pastoral systems, through the promotion of sustainable community management of land and restoration based on the sustainable use of plant and animal biological diversity, key for building resilience of communities and landscapes. Outcomes and lessons learnt from this ongoing project that is implemented in similar context in those GGW countries (including Niger, Nigeria and Senegal, Burkina Faso) will benefit the GCF readiness project implementation in Chad.

Chad has also requested and obtained support from FAO a program of Technical Assistance for the implementation of the GMV (TCP / RAF / 3302 (D)), which includes a one of the milestones the development of the Great Green Wall National Strategy and an Action Plan. The technical services concerned, together all the actors involved, have refined the socio-economic and environmental diagnoses, and undertook baseline studies for establishment of the reference situation which will make it possible to assess, objectively, the impact actions that will be carried out. This Readiness project will further strengthen these assessments. Sustainability of the outcomes

Synergies with approved Readiness projects and other GCF initiatives in the country

The Government of Chad is currently finalizing the Country Programme, which has reconfirmed the interest of Chad in investing in the land-use and forestry sector for adaptation and mitigation interventions. In particular, the CP identified sustainable land and forest management for reducing emissions from degradation and deforestation, and climate resilient agrosylvopastoral practices as priority interventions for future GCF investments. In this context, the assessments produced by this Readiness proposal will also help strengthen the baseline of the relevant priority interventions identified in the CP. Readiness and Preparatory Support Page 26 of 26

Gender equality

The project will support an active participation of women and men in stakolder consulatatioins and workshops, and will ensure gender is always considered in the main activities implemented and related reports developed.

Indigenous peoples

The Mbororo Peul are indigenous to Chad and live essentially from pastoralism and subsistence agriculture. According to the 1993 census, they number around 250,000 individuals, living primarily in the dry centre and tropical south of Chad, where pastures can be found.

They are a poor population, 99% of them are illiterate, and they have no national political representation. This proposal does not target directy indegenous people and will have no negative impact on them.

It is difficult to estimate the exact number of Mbororo Peul but they represent approximately 10% of the Chadian population. In fact, many of them have now departed for neighbouring countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Niger). They can be identified by their way of life, their culture, their language and by the discrimination they suffer.

Capacity Building

The Readiness proposal will support training and knowledge sharing of relevant institutions and stakeholders on :

• impacts of climate change in the forest and land use sector, the impact of the sector on carbon emissions • opportunities that the sector offers in terms of technologies for adaptation and mitigation, in particular targeting the priority interventions that the country has identified in its GGW strategy • creation of a platform at national level to encourage the sharing of knowledge of different actors (including the private sector). The platform will respond to the orientations of the already existing steering committee

Readiness Grant Budget Preparation Guidelines

The following considerations are important when completing the budget: 1. Before preparing the Readiness and PPF budget, please read the full guidance on our website (https://www.greenclimate.fund/how-we-work/empowering-countries). 2. You can select the appropriate budget categories from the dropdown list in the budget plan: 3. To insert additional rows, right click on the row number below where you wish to insert the new row and choose INSERT. 4. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet. :

Project Management Cost: Project management costs (PMC) are the direct administrative costs incurred to execute a project. They should cover only incremental costs incurred due to the GCF contribution. In most cases, these costs are directly related to the support of a dedicated project management unit (PMU) which manages the day to day execution related activities of the project.

General Principles for PMC costs: 1. The percentage of PMC financed by GCF should not be more than the percentage share of the overall budget financed by GCF 2. PMC budget thresholds: Up to 7.5 per cent of total activity budget. > PMC exceeding 7.5 per cent for the readiness (including NAPs) proposals, and PPF proposals, up to $ 3 million will require detailed documentation and justification supporting the entire PMC budget. > The PMC should be shown as a separate component in the project budget. A detailed breakdown of PMC should be provided by budget category. > Indicative list of eligible project management costs: > Project staffing and consultants: Project manager, Project Assistant, Procurement personnel, Finance personnel & Support/admin. Personnel > Other direct costs: Office equipment, Mission related travel cost of the PMU, Project management systems and information technology, Office supplies, Audit cost

Contingency : 1. Select the appropriate % of Contingency Budget from the dropdown list :

2. Contingency budget for unforeseen costs arising during the project implementation should not be included in the outcome budget separately. 3. Contingency budget must be used for any unforeseen programme (output level) cost that is unrelated to implementation/service fee. 4. Any use of contingency must be reported to and agreed by the GCF Secretariat in writing in advance provided with justifications that are acceptable to the GCF 5. If you get to the end of the project and you haven’t spent Contingency, you can’t increase the scope of the project or buy some more equipment to use it up.

6. The Budget Notes sheet should be used to record explanations, further details or cost breakdowns for individual lines

If you are unsure about how to complete the budget template, please send your query to: [email protected] 5.1 Budget Plan Please add rows for Outcomes, Outputs and Cost Categories as required. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet.

Detailed Budget (in US$) Disbursement Plan Total Budget Outcomes Budget Budget Categories Unit # of Unit Unit Cost Total Budget Total Budget (per outcome) 6m 12m 18m 24m 30m 36m Note choose from the drop-down list (per budget category) (per sub-outcome) 1 5013 Consultant international W/Day 35 500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 2 5011 Professional W/Day 20 300.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 3 5013 Consultant W/Day 35 300.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 4 5023 Trainings & workshops Workshop 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1.1. Sub-outcome: stakeholder engagement in a 5 5023 Trainings & workshops Workshop 2 2,500.00 5,000.00 84,800.00 - 2,500.00 2,500.00 consultative process 6 5021 Travels International Trip 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 7 5023 Trainings & workshops Training 3 8,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 8 5021 Travels National Trip 10 300.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 9 5028 GOE Lumpsum 1 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 C 10 5013 Consultant W/Day 35 300.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 11 5013 Consultant international W/day 30 500.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 1.2. Sub outcome: Approprate climate technology 12 5013 Consultant W/day 30 300.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 solutions identified and prioritized in accordance 52,000.00 with national strategies and plans 13 5021 Travels International Trip 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Outcome 1: Country W/Day 10 500.00 5,000.00 229,200.00 5,000.00 programing process 14 5013 Consultant international 15 5028 GOE Lumpsum 1 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 E 16 5013 Consultant W/Day 25 300.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 1.3. Sub outcome Considerations of gender 17 5013 Consultant W/Day 30 300.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 mainstreaming in climate change and climate 28,500.00 finance 18 5028 GOE Lumpsum 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 D 19 5023 Trainings & workshops Lumpsum 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 1.4. Sub outcome feasability of selected climate 20 5014 Contracts Lumpsum 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 technologies for mitigation and adaptation 35,000.00 assesesed 21 5021 Travels International Trip 2 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 22 5023 Trainings & workshops Lumpsum 1 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 23 5011 Professional W/day 15 300.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 1.5. Sub-outcome: periodic participatory review and updating of climate finance country 28,900.00 24 5013 Consultant W/day 23 300.00 6,900.00 6,900.00 programme

25 5028 GOE Lumpsum 1 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 B 26 5013 Consultant W/Day 25 300.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 27 5011 Professional W/Day 15 300.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 2.1 Sub-outcome: private sector engagement 28,500.00 Outcome 2: Climate finance 28 5023 Trainings & workshops Workshop 1 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 strategies and project pipeline 76,500.00 strengtened 29 5028 GOE Lumpsum 1 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 2.2 Sub-outcome: project concept note 30 5013 Consultant international W/Day 60 500.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 48,000.00 developement 31 5021 Travels International Trip 3 6,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 Total Outcome Budget 305,700.00 224,200.00 31,000.00 50,500.00 - - - 32 5013 Consultant Month 18 1,225.00 22,050.00 33 5021 Travels National Lumpsum 3 300.00 900.00 Percentage of Project Management Cost (PMC) - 22,950.00 Up to 7.5% of Total Activity Budget PMC requested: - 7.5% -

FOR GREEN CLIMATE FUND’S SECRETARIAT USE ONLY Breakdown (per budget category) Total (per budget category) nn 5011 Professionals 15,000.00 5013 Consultants 150,450.00 FOR GREEN CLIMATE FUND’S SECRETARIAT USE ONLY 5014 Contracts 25,000.00 5021 Travels 43,900.00 Total Outcome Budget 305,700.00 5023 Trainings & workshops 72,000.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) 7.5% requested 22,950.00 5024 Expandable Procurement - Contingency 1% requested 3,057.00 5025 Non-expandable Procurement - 5028 GOE 22,300.00 - Sub-Total (Total Outcome Budget + Contingency + PMC) 331,707.00 - - Delivery Partner Fee (DP) - Up to 8.5% of the Sub-Total 28,195.10 - - - Total Project Budget (Total Activity Budget + Contingency + PMC + DP) $ 359,903.00 - Total Outcome Budget + PMC 328,650.00 Budget Note Detailed Description

One international consultant (climate change Specialist), for 35 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.1. To be recruited according to FAO 1 honorarium scale and procedures. One professional (stakeholder engagement expert), for 20 days to conduct the workshops under suboutcome 1.1. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium 2 scale and procedures. One national consultant (LULUFC sector expert), for 35 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.1 To be recruited according to FAO 3 honorarium scale and procedures One day national workshop under Activity 1.1.1, to bring together key stakeholders in the LULUCF sector (about 30 participants). The workshop will be carried 4 out in N'Djamena. The the platform put in place will meet three times during the implementation of the project (1 day meeting each for about 30 participants). This will allow the 5 members of this platforme to evaluate their involvement in the project and also to define strategies and their implication in the future updated Great Wall strategy Travel for international consultant (to N'Djamena) related to activity 1.1.2. Includes air fare and per diem for 10 days per trip. Cost estimate includes travel and 6 DSA in line FAO/UN Travel regulations. Three trainings (1 day each) to strengthen the capacities of key stakeholders under activity 1.1.2 (20 participants each). The regional trainings will be carried 7 out in Kanem, Ouaddaï and Wadi Fira. 8 Travels for two national consultants for in country flights to Kanem, uaddai, Wadi Fira including DSA in line with FAO/UN regullations 9 Printings, utilities and supplies under for workshops/trainings under sub-outcome 1.1. One national consultant (LULUFC sector expert), 35 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.2. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium 10 scale and procedures. One international consultant (Climate change specialist), 30 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.2. To be recruited according to FAO 11 honorarium scale and procedures. One national consultant (climate change Specialist), for 30 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.2. To be recruited according to FAO 12 honorarium scale and procedures. Travel for international consultant (to N'Djamena and to the field) related to activity 1.2.1. Includes air fare and per diem for 20 days. Cost estimate includes 13 travel and DSA in line FAO/UN Travel regulations. One international consultant (EXACT data analyst expert), 10 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.2. To be recruited according to FAO 14 honorarium scale and procedures. 15 Utilities, transportation, filed consulatations and supplies for activity 1.2.1 under sub-outcome 1.2. One national consultant (Climate change Specialist), for 25 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.3. To be recruited according to FAO 16 honorarium scale and procedures. One national consultant (Gender specialist), for 30 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.3. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium 17 scale and procedures. 18 Printings, utilities, field consultations, consul transportation and supplies for activity 1.3.1 under sub-outcome 1.3. One day national consultation workshop under Activity 1.3.1, to bring together key stakeholders in the LULUCF sector to validate the action plan and to discuss 19 the results of the studies carried out in 1.2 (30 participants). The workshop will be carried out in N'Djamena. 20 One firm, for 30 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.4. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium scale and procedures. Travel for international firm (to N'Djamena with field missions) related to activity 1.4.1. Includes air fare and per diem for 15 days per trip. Cost estimate 21 includes travel and DSA in line FAO/UN Travel regulations. Three days national workshop under Activity 1.5.1, to update the country programme and validate the updated GGW strategy (40 participants). The workshop 22 will be carried out in N'Djamena One professional (stakeholder engagement expert) for 15 days to conduct the workshop under 1.5. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium, scale and 23 procedures 24 One national consultant (GGW expert) for 23 working days to suppport the update of the GGW strategy 25 Printings, utilities, transportation and supplies for activity 1.5.1 under sub-outcome 1.5. One national consultant (Value chain expert), 25 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 1.2. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium 26 scale and procedures One professional (stakeholder engagement expert), for 15 days to conduct the workshop under suboutcome 2.1. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium 27 scale and procedures. Two day workshop under Activity 2.1.1, to bring together key stakeholders in the LULUCF sector (20 participants). The workshop will be carried out in 28 N'Djamena. 29 Printings, utilities and supplies under for workshops/trainings under sub-outcome 2.1. One international consultant, for 60 working days to support the activities under Suboutcome 2.2. To be recruited according to FAO honorarium scale and 30 procedures. 3 travels for international consultant (to N'Djamena and to the field) related to activity 1.4.1. Includes air fare and per diem for 15 days per trip. Cost estimate 31 includes travel and DSA in line FAO/UN Travel regulations. 32 National consultant to be Project Coordinator 33 Internal travels related to the coordination of the project Budget Categories 5011 Profesionnal 5013 Consultants 5014 Contracts 5021 Travels 5023 Trainings & workshops 5024 Expandable Procurement 5025 Non-expandable Procurement 5028 GOE

Indicate additional budget categories 5.2 Procurement Plan For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in Section 3, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

Thresholds Item Item Description Estimated Cost (US$) Procurement Method (Min-Max monetary value for which indicated Estimated Start Date Projected Contracting Date procurement method must be used)

Goods and Non-Consulting Services National firm to develop activities Contracts 25,000.00 Request for quotation/Open Tender NA Month 2 under suboutcome 1.4

Travels Travel Costs and DSA 43,900.00 UN Travel Policy NA Month 2

Trainings and Workshops Venue, refreshment etc. 72,000.00 Invitation to bid (Open Submission) NA Month 2 Printings, utilities and supplies under GOE 22, 300 Direct Procurement NA Month 2 for workshops/trainings

Sub-Total (US$) $ 140,900.00

Consultancy Services International Consultant Climate Change expert 67, 500 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 2 Professional Stakeholder engagement expert 15,000.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 2

National Consultant LULUCF sector expert 21,000.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 2

National Consultant Climate Change expert 16,500.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 2 International Consultant EXACT data analyst expert 5,000.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 2

National Consultant Gender expert 9,000.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 2

National Consultant Value chains expert 7,500.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 6 National Consultant GGW expert 6,900.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 4 National Consultant Project Coordinator 22,050.00 Vacancy Announcement / FAO roster N/A Month 1

Sub-Total (US$) $ 102,950.00