Minutes of the CMSC August 31,2017 at Alton's Gilman Museum at 7PM

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Minutes of the CMSC August 31,2017 at Alton's Gilman Museum at 7PM Minutes of the CMSC August 31,2017 at Alton’s Gilman Museum at 7PM. Present: F. Quimby, J. Smith, R. Wentworth, M. Sullivan, C. Chase, R. Craycraft, R. Howard, C. Johnson, R. Doherty, and G. Young, Absent: W. Mannion, D. Neils, W. Meyer Guests: D. Gilman, M. Gelinas The meeting was opened at 7:01 and Fred Quimby asked if there were any additions or omissions in the Minutes of July 27,2015. Hearing none, Fred asked for a motion to accept the Minutes as written which was made by Gene Young and seconded by Rod Doherty. The vote for approval was unanimous. Next Fred explained that the purpose of this meeting was to vote on whether or not to develop a watershed management plan (WMP) because the two Towns were now in the development stages of the 2018 budgets and requests for WMP funding would be a critical part of this process. Fred also explained the amount being sought for the development of the WMP was $60,000 based on three quotations. The quotations were based on the size, geology and land use of the watershed area. The entities asked were the NH DES watershed division in charge of approval of WMP for federal funding, the Lake Winnipesaukee Association Director, Pat Tarpey, who has managed 4 such WMP , and the company FB Environmental, a Portsmouth based company specializing in WMP which has worked with Pat Tarpey on several WMP for the Lake Winnipesaukee Association. All three entities came in with bids between $50-60,000. With that introduction Fred asked for a motion. Mark Sullivan moved and Reuben Wentworth seconded the following motion: The CMSC will identify the sources of funding for and development of a Merrymeeting River Watershed Management Plan. A brisk discussion then occurred. Ray Howard asked with all the information we already have at hand why do we need to develop such a plan? Fred replied that the WMP actually addressed a different set of criteria which in part would be based on the information we have on-hand. The WMP will calculate all the sources of phosphorus entering the Merrymeeting River throughout the watershed and evaluate each according to land use. For instance, sources from failed septic systems and those systems likely to fail in the next 10 years will be calculated. Runoff from urban areas, erosion of tributaries, broken or undersized culverts, the use of lawn fertilizer, all these sources will be address and a mitigation for each found. The WMP will develop an action plan and the methods for implementation of the action plan, and emphasize education of the public since much of the non-point sources of phosphorus is likely to be runoff over private land. Mike Gelinas stated the entire Alton area, which is much larger than the Merrymeeting River Watershed, would cost more to do so should New Durham’s share be less? Fred answered that the NH DES advised that we take on the Merrymeeting River watershed area first since there appears to be a problem already here. The DES would advise that Alton Bay be looked at as at least two separate subwatersheds due to its size. Mark Sullivan asked what will happen if we do not raise all the $60,000. Fred answered that the project would not be started. No entity which promises a contribution would expect to make a payment unless all the money for the project was in-hand. Cecile Chase made the comment that she has seen recent data showing the impact that fresh water recreation has had on NH land values over the past several decades and mentioned that land in the Lakes region has appreciated most rapidly in the state. We must do everything possible to maintain the water in a healthy state. Fred asked if she had access to this data and could share it with the rest of the committee. Cecile said she did have it and would send it to Fred. Jason Smith told the CMSC that the Commissioners of the NH F&G met recently and the idea of having NHF&G contribute to the WMP was brought up at the meeting. The commissioners seemed favorable to making a $20,000 contribution. Fred told the CMSC that the Merrymeeting Lake Association has already made a commitment of $10,000 towards the WMP. Mark Sullivan asked how many federal grants has the LWA received for implementation of the WMPs. Fred thought, based on the implementation of action plan in Paugus Bay, Winoma and Waukewan Lakes, that several federal grants have been received. But he doubted whether the Moultonborough plan , which has just been completed, has received any funds. Mark said that it is not obvious from reading the Winnipesuakee Gateway website that any federal funds have been received for any plan. Fred said he would look into this. In a follow-up email to Pet Tarpey Fred was told that: they received federal grants for septic system upgrades and stormwater improvements at the Waukewan Street Boathouse, another grant to make stormwater improvements at Weirs Blvd., and a third grant for improvements at Meredith, Saunders and Paugus Bays. She went on to explain that having a plan allows anyone to submit for federal or private funds for upgrades in the watershed and that she is currently writing a non-federal grant for stormwater improvements for a homeowners association in Meredith Bay. Someone asked why we need a WMP and Fred answered that it was a necessary first step to requesting federal funds for the implementation of the action plan. Hearing no other questions Fred Quimby asked for a vote on the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous vote. Bob Craycraft next provided an update on water quality testing on the Merrymeeting River. Two handouts were provided to guide this presentation. Results to date show that the concentrations of phosphorus at various points throughout the river system are increasing as the summer progresses. The same is seen for the several tributaries tested going into the river. Out in Merrymeeting Lake and in Alton Bay away from the Merrymeeting River inlet to the Bay, the phosphorus levels are low. Coffin Brook appears to be introducing a large load of phosphorus into the river. There is a lot of cyanobacteria growing deep in Marsh Pond, but this has not resulted in a bloom in Marsh Pond or in any other pond in the river. Bob said when the cyanobacteria, such as Oscillatoria, grow they tend to clump and flakes of Oscillatoria can be seen rising to the surface in Marsh Pond and moving with the current. There were several questions for Bob after this presentation. Gene Young asked what the vertical scale on the graph denoted and Bob replied that each line represented 10 ppb phosphorus. Mike Gelinas asked whether or not the Fall inversion seen in Lakes could happen in Marsh Pond and if so would that disperse the cyanobacteria growing deep in the pond? Bob answered that such an inversion will occur in Marsh pond in the Fall and he suspects that the deep cyanobacteria may well disperse at that time. Cecile Chase asked if the fish are safe to eat because she sees people still fishing in Marsh Pond. Bob and Fred replied that David Neil told the committee that the NH DES has measured cyanobacteria toxins in fish meat so they know fish take it up but they do not have an established level in meat known to be harmful to man. Bob suggested that fish in Marsh Pond may well carry some level of cyanobacteria toxins in their systems. Mark Sullivan asked whether the high levels of phosphorus found in Marsh Pond are likely to travel downstream to other ponds and even into Alton. Bob answered that ponds such as Marsh Pond, where there is an oxygen deficiency at the bottom, dissolved phosphorus is released from the sediments and becomes redistributed in the water column. When a waterbody like Marsh Pond mixes in the Spring and Fall ( as the temperature from top to bottom becomes uniform) phosphorus may be exported downstream over time and, in this case, move toward Alton. Ray Howard asked if the flakes ( clumps) of cyanobacteria break up over time? Bob answered that they can and that is weather dependent. Bob said after high winds they see the cyanobacteria blown up on shore. Ray then asked if this cyanobacteria can move downstream and Bob answered that they can and explained that cyanobacteria can create gas bubbles which allow it to move from the bottom to the surface. Mike Gelinas made the comment that despite the tremendous amount of cyanobacteria in Marsh Pond there doesn’t appear to be much in Jones Pond which is the next pond downstream. Fred concurred based on recent cyanobacteria testing. Next Fred Quimby reviewed the recent visit of the hatchery best management practices working group to the Maine State Fish Hatchery in Palmero, ME. The trip occurred on August 15, 2017 and was arranged by Jason Smith. Fred Quimby, Tom Rogenski, David Swenson and Doug Gilman all attended and Jamie Bray was our host. Jamie demonstrated the techniques used to collect settled solids from the raceways and explained how the various pieces of equipment were used. They employed a clarifier, a drum filter and a solids storage building to remove and store solids from the waste water. They removed 30,000 gallons of concentrated solids every 1.5 years, which is used as agricultural fertilizer. Before this equipment was used Palmero discharged its waste into the Sheepscott River and people complained about the tremendous amount of algae growth in the River.
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