makers of american political thought NO. 06 | February 20, 2013

Calvin Coolidge: Forefather of Our Conservatism Joseph Postell, PhD

alvin Coolidge is the only early life Progressivism, his greatest legacy as C President in american his- John was born in President is his incredible reduction tory born on the Fourth of July. It Plymouth Notch, Vermont, in 1874. in spending and taxes and the eco- is appropriate that he bears this Most of what we know of Coolidge’s nomic prosperity that resulted from distinction, since Coolidge—more so early life comes directly from his his policies. than any other President of the 20th autobiography. His father was a rela- Sadly, Coolidge’s mother died century—embodied a dedication tively prominent public offi cial who from wounds suff ered in a carriage to the principles that the Founders served in the Vermont state Senate. accident when Coolidge was 12. “Life fought to establish in the american The time spent with his father as was never to seem the same again,” revolution. In addition, he lived at a young boy had a profound eff ect on Coolidge wrote of the feeling of los- a time when these principles came Coolidge’s political views. From his ing his mother.3 Just a few years later, under radical assault, and Coolidge, a father’s experience, Coolidge later he lost his sister, abigail, to what fi erce critic of Progressivism, off ered wrote, “I came to have a good work- was likely appendicitis. These tragic one of the greatest defense of these ing knowledge of the practical side events surely had some eff ect on principles. He is an intellectual of government. I understood that Coolidge, who was to experience a far and political forefather of modern it consisted of restraints which the more traumatic loss when his young- american conservatism. people had imposed upon themselves est son died at the age of 16. in order to promote the common The stories that survive from welfare.”1 He learned that “when Coolidge’s upbringing paint a pic- taxes were laid some one had to work ture of a spry and clever lad with a to earn the money to pay them. I saw core of profound seriousness.4 He

This paper, in its entirety, can be found at that a public debt was a burden on all attended the black river academy, the people in a community.”2 where he was trained in the classics. Produced by the B. Kenneth Simon Center Coolidge therefore learned at He excelled in Latin and read a lot of for Principles and Politics an early age the importance of fi s- Cicero (he was particularly fond of the heritage foundation cal restraint and the evils of exces- the orations against Cataline). 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 sive government debt. These les- every graduate from the acad- (202) 546-4400 | sons stuck with him throughout his emy gave a speech at the graduation Nothing written here is to be construed as necessarily political career, and aside from his ceremony; Coolidge’s speech, reveal- refl ecting the views of The Heritage Foundation or as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any bill eloquent defense of the Founders ingly, was called “Oratory in History.” before Congress. and his thoughtful critique of The speech addressed “the eff ect makers of american political thought | NO. 06 February 20, 2013

Calvin Coolidge

Born July 4, 1872, in Plymouth Notch, Vermont, to John Calvin Coolidge Sr. and Victoria Josephine Moor (Coolidge).

Education Attended Black River Academy and Amherst College. Apprenticed with the Hammond & Field law firm.

Religion Congregationalism

Family Married Grace Anna Goodhue in 1905, with whom he had two sons, John (born 1906) and Calvin Jr. (born 1908).

Highlights • Massachusetts House of Representatives (1907–1908). • Mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts (1910–1911). • Massachusetts State Senate (1912–1915); President from 1914–1915. • Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts (1916–1918). • Governor of Massachusetts (1919–1920). • Vice President of the United States (1921–1923). • President of the United States (1923–1929). • Author of The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge (1929) and three volumes of his greatest speeches: Have Faith in Massachusetts (1919), The Price of Freedom (1924), and Foundations of the Republic (1926).

Died January 5, 1933, of a heart attack in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Notable Quote “American ideals do not require to be changed so much as they require to be understood and applied.”

of the spoken word in determining fellow residents most with his sense languages, Italian and French in human action.”5 Little did he know of humor. During one meal in which particular. Years later, a foreign dip- as a young graduate that generations he and his boardmates were served lomat quipped that Coolidge, a.k.a. later, Americans would study his spo- hash, Coolidge took one look at the “Silent Cal,” could be “silent in five ken words to determine their actions hash and asked the server to “Bring languages.” in politics. me the cat.” During his junior and senior years, Yet Coolidge’s impishness also At Amherst Coolidge discovered Coolidge gained a reputation on cam- shone through on several occa- his passion for great books, great pus as a talented orator. He was heav- sions. When he enrolled at Amherst ideas, and great deeds. He also ily influenced by two of his profes- College in 1891, he impressed his developed his liking for modern sors: Anson D. Morse, whose courses

1. Calvin Coolidge, The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge, paperback ed. (Plymouth, Vt.: Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation, 1989), p. 25. 2. Ibid., p. 26. 3. Ibid., p. 13. 4. For my description of many of these early events, I rely heavily on Robert H. Ferrell, The Presidency of Calvin Coolidge (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1988), pp. 1–21, and Coolidge’s The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge.

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in history taught Coolidge (among Coolidge launched himself into Coolidge was elected Lieutenant other things) to value the American politics. His first elected office was a Governor of Massachusetts in 1915 party system for its contributions to one-year term in the Northampton and Governor of Massachusetts a well-functioning democracy, and common council. The only election in 1918. He rose to prominence the Charles E. Garman, a philosophy he lost was in 1905, when he ran for following year, when the Boston and psychology professor who was the school board. Police Department went on strike very close to the Pragmatist thinker That same year, he married in response to suspension of its William James. Perhaps as a result a young teacher named Grace union leaders by Boston Police of Garman’s influence, Coolidge was Goodhue. His devotion to her was Commissioner Edwin Curtis. drawn to Progressive political phi- so great that he translated Dante’s Coolidge acted decisively, calling up losophy and policies during the early Inferno into English during their the National Guard and taking con- years of his political career, before he courtship. In 1906, he returned trol of the police force. When chal- rejected Progressivism and gained to politics and won consecutive lenged by Samuel Gompers, the head prominence as a conservative. terms in the Massachusetts state of the American Federation of Labor, Upon his graduation from Amherst legislature. Coolidge asserted: “There is no right in 1895, Coolidge became appren- Coolidge emerged as a lead- to strike against the public safety ticed to John C. Hammond and Henry er of the Republican ranks in by anyone, anywhere, any time.”6 P. Field, two prominent lawyers in Massachusetts after he unseated the Coolidge’s forceful treatment of the Northampton, Massachusetts. (Most president of the state Senate in 1913. public employee union reverberated American lawyers received their His unique political demeanor imme- throughout the nation and brought training through apprenticeship diately attracted attention. In an age him national notoriety. prior to 1900, when states began to where politicians were increasingly limit admission to the bar to gradu- gregarious and ostentatious, the seri- “We draw our Presidents from ates of law schools.) During the day, ous and taciturn Coolidge stood out. the people. It is a wholesome he prepared legal documents, and in As president of the state Senate, the evenings, he continued to study he had his first of many encounters thing for them to return to the the classics: the speeches of Daniel with Frank W. Stearns, a prominent people. I came from them. I wish Webster, the literary works of John Boston businessman. As Stearns to be one of them again.” Milton and Shakespeare. Drawing on related the event, he met Coolidge in his classical education, he translated an office with a single desk and chair, Though not among the front-run- speeches of Cicero on the worth of in which Coolidge sat. Stearns was ners when the Republican National reading literature. forced to stand while he asked for a Convention opened in in The deepening of his reading legislative favor from Coolidge. As 1920, Coolidge eventually emerged and appreciation for the classics Coolidge became more interested in as Warren G. Harding’s running would serve him well during his Stearns’s proposal, he walked over mate in the critical presidential political career. He also received to a closet, unlocked the door, and election of 1920. Harding and an award from the Sons of the grabbed a chair for his guest. When Coolidge won a landslide victory American Revolution for an essay the meeting concluded, Coolidge against James Cox and Franklin on “The Principles Fought for in the put the chair back in the closet and Delano Roosevelt: Their margin American Revolution.” locked the door. Though Stearns of victory in the popular vote was initially found the encounter off- unmatched in any election before or Entry into Politics and Rise putting, when Coolidge followed up since. As Vice President, Coolidge to National Prominence with a note that the favor had been gave many of his most eloquent Shortly after passing the bar completed, he recognized Coolidge’s speeches, cultivating the speech in Massachusetts at the age of 25, political virtues. craft that would flourish during

5. The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge, p. 48. 6. “A Telegram to Samuel Gompers, September 14, 1919,” in Calvin Coolidge, Have Faith in Massachusetts: A Collection of Speeches (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1919), p. 223.

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his own presidency.7 Following not refuse to spend and be spent was staggering. Coolidge maintained Harding’s sudden death in August in the service of our country, it is that America would flourish again 1923, Coolidge was sworn in (by hazardous to attempt what we feel only if its citizens remembered the his father at their family home in is beyond our strength to accom- principles that made the country Vermont) as President of the United plish.”10 With his typical humil- great in the first place. He called States, and he was re-elected to his ity, Coolidge stated, “We draw our upon Americans to conserve their own term in 1924. Presidents from the people. It is a traditions and their principles and During the summer of 1924, wholesome thing for them to return to reapply them. The wisdom of the Coolidge suddenly lost his son, to the people. I came from them. I past ought to guide the present, he Calvin Jr., to blood poisoning from wish to be one of them again.”11 argued: “American ideals do not a blister caused while playing ten- require to be changed so much as nis on the White House lawn. Many Defense of they require to be understood and scholars claim that this incredible Founding Principles applied.”12 personal tragedy fundamentally Throughout his political career, The core of the American altered Coolidge’s decision-making Coolidge was a staunch defender Founding, Coolidge argued in many as President, but Coolidge’s personal of the principles of the American of his speeches, was the set of per- philosophy, as articulated in his Founding. These principles formed manent truths articulated in the speeches and actions, was constant the basis of his conservative Declaration of Independence. These both before and after the loss of his philosophy. principles were permanent because son.8 Yet while his political phi- human nature was permanent. “We losophy remained constant, the loss Coolidge called upon Americans must realize that human nature is exacted a heavy emotional cost. In to conserve their traditions about the most constant thing in his autobiography, Coolidge won- the universe and that the essentials dered, “if I had not been President he and their principles and to of the human relationship do not would not have raised a blister on his reapply them: “American ideals change.”13 Since human nature is toe…. I do not know why such a price do not require to be changed unchanging, the principles of human was exacted for occupying the White so much as they require to be relationships, including the prin- House.”9 ciples of government, do not change. understood and applied.” Despite his great popular- The Founders got it right when they ity, Coolidge declined to run for an set forth these principles in the additional term in 1928 and was When Coolidge rose to the Declaration of Independence and the succeeded by Herbert Hoover. He presidency, the country was slowly Constitution. explained in his autobiography: “The emerging from the doldrums of The first principle the Founders Presidential office takes a heavy toll the post–World War I economy. set forth was the principle of natu- of those who occupy it and those who Economic growth was sluggish, and ral human equality. This, Coolidge are dear to them. While we should the government’s debt from the war said, is “the natural and inalienable

7. These speeches are collected in The Price of Freedom (New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1924). The speech for which the book is named closely resembles Coolidge’s most famous address, “The Inspiration of the Declaration,” July 5, 1926. See Heritage Foundation Primary Sources, principles/primary-sources/calvin-coolidge-challenges-progress-in-the-name-of-the-declaration-of-independence. 8. See, in particular, Robert E. Gilbert, The Tormented President: Calvin Coolidge, Death, and Clinical Depression (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003), and “Personal Tragedy and Presidential Leadership: Calvin Coolidge as Legislative Leader,” Congress and the Presidency, Vol. 33 (2006), pp. 47–68. The “personal tragedy” thesis, however, does not correspond with the evidence. Coolidge’s speeches and actions were consistent both before and after the tragic death of his son. Thus, whatever effect the death of his son had on Coolidge’s personal temperament, it is difficult to discern a transformation in Coolidge’s political philosophy following the tragedy. 9. Coolidge, The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge, p. 190. 10. Ibid., p. 239. 11. Ibid., p. 242. 12. Calvin Coolidge, “Education: The Cornerstone of Self-Government,” in Foundations of the Republic (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1926), p. 53. 13. Coolidge, “Inaugural Address,” in ibid., p. 194.

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condition of beings who were cre- This American conservative was deeply conservative, dedicated ated ‘a little lower than the angels.’” philosophy of equality of rights to preserving the wisdom of the past. Equality is “not an equality of pos- to life, liberty, and property, with sessions, not an equality of degree, government by the consent of the Critique of Progressivism but an equality in the attributes of governed, was concisely set forth in Coolidge’s eloquent defense humanity, an equality of kind.”14 the Declaration of Independence, of the principles of the Founding We are all equal, Coolidge (and Coolidge observed: was matched only by his insightful the Founders) argued, because we criticisms of Progressivism. In his are all equally human: because we Three very definite proposi- day, the basic principles of equal- possess the same human nature and tions were set out in its preamble ity, natural rights, and consent of share the same “attributes of human- regarding the nature of mankind the governed were being attacked ity.” And because we are equal— and therefore of government. by a new philosophy of government because no person has a natural or These were the doctrine that that claimed to be “progressive.” divine title to rule the rest of us with- all men are created equal, that Coolidge’s anchoring in the per- out our consent—we are also equally they are endowed with certain manent principles of the Founding free. Regardless of our differences, inalienable rights, and that allowed him to counter the pur- all human beings possess the same therefore the source of the just ported claim to progress of this new equal rights to life, liberty, and the powers of government must be worldview. In a memorable Fourth of pursuit of happiness. derived from the consent of the July oration, he stated the issue with Deeply intertwined with our governed.17 absolute clarity: liberty is the right to property. Each man, Coolidge wrote, has the right These doctrines, he argued, “are It is often asserted that the world “to possess, enjoy, and control the dol- the ideals which supply the founda- has made a great deal of prog- lar which he earns” and be assured tion of American institutions.”18 ress since 1776, that we have had that “it shall not be taken away with- These principles rested on the new thoughts and new experi- out due process of law.” Our rights to wisdom of centuries of thought- ences which have given us a great property follow from our right to lib- ful peoples. They were not unique advance over the people of that erty: Without property rights, liberty to America, in Coolidge’s view. The day, and that we may therefore could not be preserved. “This neces- American Founders did not set forth very well discard their conclu- sarily goes with any theory of inde- new principles in the Declaration of sions for something more mod- pendence or of liberty, which would Independence and the Constitution; ern. But that reasoning can not be only a mockery unless it secured they applied long-established politi- be applied to this great charter. to the individual the rewards of his cal theories to their own practical If all men are created equal, that own effort and industry.”15 Without circumstances. “The American is final. If they are endowed property rights, liberty can never be Constitution was not a new theory. with inalienable rights, that is secure. But…it was the practical application final. If governments derive their In the political realm, our liberty of an old theory which is very new,” just powers from the consent of translates into self-government. “Our Coolidge said.19 the governed, that is final. No country was conceived in the theory The wisdom of America’s first advance, no progress can be of local self-government,” Coolidge principles, in other words, was made beyond these propositions. argued. “It is the foundation principle derived from the wisdom of the ages. If anyone wishes to deny their of our system of liberty.”16 In this sense, Coolidge’s philosophy truth or their soundness, the only

14. Coolidge, “The Price of Freedom,” in The Price of Freedom, p. 233. 15. Coolidge, “The Price of Freedom,” in ibid., p. 234. 16. Coolidge, “The Reign of Law,” in Foundations of the Republic, p. 230. 17. Coolidge, “The Inspiration of the Declaration,” in ibid., pp. 445–446. 18. Coolidge, “The Price of Freedom,” in The Price of Freedom, p. 234. 19. Coolidge, “Religion and the Republic,” in Foundations of the Republic, p. 151.

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direction in which he can pro- government’s new job would be to of the people cringing supplicants ceed historically is not forward, take care of its citizens. Self-reliance, for the favor of the Government, but backward toward the time rather than government assistance, when they should all be independent when there was no equality, no is always the best means to happi- masters of their own destiny,” he rights of the individual, no rule ness and prosperity, he believed. proclaimed.22 of the people. Those who wish to Alas, he was forced to acknowl- proceed in that direction can not edge that “the present tendency is “I do not want to see any of the lay claim to progress. They are not in this spirit.” Progressivism had people cringing supplicants for reactionary.20 eroded the self-reliance and per- sonal responsibility of the American the favor of the Government, Coolidge turned the argument people: when they should all be of the Progressives on its head. independent masters of their What were Progressives trying to The individual, instead of work- own destiny.” progress beyond? If the principles ing out his own salvation and of our Declaration are permanent securing his own freedom by because human nature is unchang- establishing his own economic Perhaps most alarming in ing, then there can be no progress, and moral independence by his Coolidge’s view was the cynicism but only regression away from these own industry and his own self- that Progressivism produced about principles of equality, inalienable mastery, tends to throw himself the motivations of businessmen and rights, and consent of the governed. on some vague influence which corporations. In the past, Americans Progressives who seek to depart from he denominates society and to had always praised those who did our Founding principles, he argued, hold that in some way respon- well economically and understood are reactionaries in disguise. They sible for the sufficiency of his that it is a good thing when business- would depart from the ideas that support…. This is not local self- es thrive, but Progressivism argued made America the greatest and freest government. It is not American. that it was evil to do things for profit country in human history. It is not the method which has and that inequalities of wealth were The Progressive rejection of our made this country what it is. harmful to the country. Founding principles led, in Coolidge’s We can not maintain the west- Coolidge constantly fought against view, to disastrous consequences, ern standard of civilization on these claims. Whenever he spoke to including the erosion of self-reliance, that theory. If it is supported at industry groups, chambers of com- the growth of government burden all, it will have to be supported merce, banking organizations, or and dependence, and the vilification on the principle of individual leaders of labor, he emphasized that of business and industry. Coolidge responsibility.21 business is based on the law of service: fought vigorously against these If someone does well in business, it trends. With the decline of individual is because he provided a valuable One of the effects of Progressiv- responsibility comes the rise of service to customers. Business “does ism was the centralization of power dependence on government. Once not represent, as some have hastily in Washington and expansion of the citizens no longer care for them- concluded, a mere desire to minister role of government in Americans’ selves, they are beholden to the to selfishness,” he explained. “It is lives. Coolidge believed that gov- government, which they expect will something far more important than a ernment had a legitimate role to care for them. Coolidge emphasized sordid desire for gain. It could not suc- play in securing the equal rights of that the new Progressive philoso- cessively succeed on that basis. It is Americans and ensuring equality of phy of government entitlements was dominated by a more worthy purpose; opportunity in the marketplace, but actually a philosophy of government [it] rests on a higher law…. It rests he firmly rejected the notion that the dependence. “I do not want to see any squarely on the law of service.”23

20. Calvin Coolidge, “The Inspiration of the Declaration.” 21. Coolidge, “The Reign of Law,” in Foundations of the Republic, pp. 230–231. 22. Coolidge, “The High Place of Labor,” in ibid., p. 85.

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In other words, it is through against federal spending.24 Coolidge “Roaring Twenties” saw one of the service to others, not selfishness, won his war on federal spending: most dynamic periods of economic that businesses succeed in America. From 1921 to 1924, federal expendi- growth in the nation’s history, and Successful entrepreneurs should tures were reduced from $5.1 billion Coolidge left office having achieved therefore be praised, not condemned. to $2.9 billion—a spending reduction great personal popularity and, more of 43 percent. important, having shown that the A “Roaring” Economy At the same time, Coolidge principles of the Founding were still Coolidge put his actions behind worked with Secretary of the the best way to achieve freedom and his rhetoric. He followed his prin- Treasury Andrew Mellon to pass prosperity. ciples as President and was remark- three successive income tax reduc- Skeptics might respond that the ably successful in achieving his tion plans. The purpose of reducing prosperity of the Roaring Twenties policy goals. Harding and Coolidge spending, he noted, was to protect was a mirage, since the economy inherited one of the worst economic the property rights of citizens. “A went into a tailspin in 1929, causing disasters in American history. In government which lays taxes on the the “Great Depression.” Economists 1921, the unemployment rate was 11.7 people not required by urgent neces- have long disagreed, and will prob- percent. The national debt had shot sity…is not a protector of liberty, but ably continue to disagree, about the up from $1.5 billion in 1916 to $24 bil- an instrument of tyranny. It con- causes of the Great Depression. Many lion in 1919. Gross national product demns the citizen to servitude.”25 blame faulty government policies (in decreased from $91.5 billion in 1920 particular, faulty monetary policy to $69.6 billion in 1921. “A government which lays taxes pursued by the Federal Reserve) for In response, Harding and on the people not required exacerbating a normal and tempo- Coolidge did not blame their pre- rary downturn.26 decessor, , for the by urgent necessity…is not While this debate will never be disaster they inherited. They went a protector of liberty, but fully settled, it is probably fair to say about putting their principles into an instrument of tyranny. that the prosperity of the 1920s was practice and turning the economy It condemns the citizen to bound to level off at some point. At around, and they were extremely the same time, however, the causes of servitude.” effective in doing so. They employed the Great Depression were numerous, a three-step plan: and Coolidge’s policies of reducing Freeing the citizen from bur- taxes, cutting spending, and paying 1. Cut spending dramatically. densome taxes was Coolidge’s top off the national debt were probably priority, and under the Revenue Acts not immediate causes of the crash of 2. Lower taxes. of 1921, 1924, and 1926, the highest 1929. income tax rate fell from 73 percent 3. Reduce the burden of regulation. in 1921 to 24 percent in 1929. By A Conservative Hero reducing spending, Coolidge was When Ronald Reagan became Due to the passage of the Budget able to lower taxes and retire much President in 1981, he hung a portrait and Accounting Act of 1921, Coolidge of the government’s debt, which was of Calvin Coolidge in the Cabinet had a newfound power to propose reduced from $24 billion to $16.9 Room of the White House. This an annual budget, giving him some billion. act astonished many who merely influence over spending issues. Combined with his program of thought of Coolidge as “Silent Cal,” Coolidge used this power, in his regulatory relief, Coolidge’s eco- the President of few words. But words, in an “intensive campaign” nomic policies produced a period Reagan understood the real Coolidge, that he “waged unrelentingly” of incredible prosperity. The perhaps a man of few words, but also

23. Coolidge, “Government and Business,” in ibid., pp. 319–320. 24. Coolidge, “Economy in the Interest of All,” in ibid., p. 43. 25. Coolidge, “Economy in the Interest of All,” in ibid., p. 40. 26. Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz advanced this thesis in their highly regarded book A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1963).

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a President who made those words that all conservatives should regard count and meant what he said. Coolidge as one of their greatest Coolidge was the most effective heroes. defender of America’s Founding —Joseph Postell, PhD, is Assistant principles at a time when those Professor of Political Science at the principles were widely dismissed. University of Colorado at Colorado Moreover, he was extraordinarily Springs and a Visiting Fellow in the B. effective at putting those principles Kenneth Simon Center for Principles into practice. Surely, Reagan consid- and Politics at The Heritage ered Calvin Coolidge a hero for these Foundation. reasons, and it is for these reasons

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