SUTTON UNDER WHITESTONECLIFFE PARISH COUNCIL Clerk. Mrs I.C de Wet, 3 Holly Close, Sowerby, , YO7 1SH, Tel: 01845 522401. email: [email protected]

Minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2020 at 7.15pm. The meeting was held by telephone as face to face meetings were not currently possible.

Present: Cllrs. A. Pollard, B. Edgeworth, C, Worley and County Councillor G. Dadd. Apologies were received from District Councillor A. Robinson who stated that he had nothing to report as there were no meetings at HDC at the moment. He hoped that things would soon get back to normal. NY County Council Report. County Councillor Dadd outlined the Government’s plan and timetable to link devolution deals with the establishment of new unitary councils across . That would mean ending the current arrangement in North whereby District and Borough councils provide some local services in their local areas and the County Council delivers strategic services like children’s services and education, health and social care, safeguarding and highways across the whole county. It is not yet clear how what a new unitary system for would look like but Councillor Dadd said it was the only way to secure the many positive benefits of devolution. Government had also stated that a devolution agreement would include the formation of a Combined Authority with an elected Mayor. The timeline was very tight, with bids to be submitted by September this year and those which were successful in this round to be established as early as May 2022

20.070 The minutes of the telephone Meeting of the Council on June 8th 2020 were approved. The Chairman will sign and date the minutes for future reference. 20.071 There were no declarations of interest in items on the agenda. 20.072 Financial Matters. Balance of account. 30th April 2020 £5650.15. Payments: IC de Wet. Clerk’s Wage July - October 2020. £348.54 Cheque 691. Approved. IC de Wet. Clerk’s travel. July – October. 4 x Return £23.40 Cheque 692. Approved. HMRC . Q2 PAYE. £ 87.00 Cheque 693. Approved. Zurich Municipal Insurance. £206.08 Cheque 694. Approved. Arrangements were made for signing of cheques on July 15th. A. Pollard refund of excess WhyPay? – overpayment from June meeting. (Keep on file) Deposits. The submission of the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review as neither the income nor expenditure of Sutton under Whitestonecliffe Parish Council exceeded £25,000 was confirmed. PKF NY0542 Notice of Exempt Status for 2020 received. No review required unless requested by a member of the public. Publication of accounts from 15th July until 31st August 2020 for public viewing on the noticeboard and website. 20.073 Defibrillator. The confirmation of regular checking was given with Cllr. Pollard checking each Friday as from Friday 3rd July 2020. It was confirmed by the Clerk that the pad expiry date of November 2021 was sent to Joanne at Yorkshire Ambulance Service for their records. 20.074 Planning. Applications. Brook House. 20/01153/FUL Realignment of access drive. Sutton under Whitestonecliffe Parish Councillors wish to see approved the application 20/01153/FUL for the realignment of the access drive at Brook House, Sutton under Whitestonecliffe, but with the proviso that the post with the warning signs is replaced in a suitable position. Councillors are minded to request that NYCC Highways and the Police consider installing a 40mph zone (clearly involving both ends of the village) to include the new access as traffic approaching the village will be travelling much faster than that approaching the existing entrance. It is presumed that Highways will reinstate any road markings which are affected by the works. Decisions: There was no further update on the application for Osterley House. 20.075 VMS and Road Markings. The Chairman reported that following discussions with Ian Beighton from NYCC Highways it was apparent that work for the Vehicle Management Signs on the areas of Sutton Bank where HGVs regularly get stuck was planned for September 2020 rather than having been carried out in 2019 as reported. The works in 2019 had been to monitor the stability of the Bank under the road surface.

20.076 Website Accessibility. A statement would be added to the website of an intention to audit. Arrangements for an Councillors in September were discussed 20.077 Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner project fund “AJ1”. A discussion took place around the submission of an application to a PFCC project fund raised by the sale of AJ1 number plates. Bids, by 31 August, for a maximum grant of £20,000.00 may be made to improve safety in the Parish. Resurfacing of the back lane near the Village Hall and speed roundels in the centre of the village were suggested, along with traffic calming measures at both ends of the village. Speeding issues were a priority. Cllr. Pollard was to look at the application form to assess possibility. 20.078 Antisocial behaviour of visitors to the area. Cllr. Edgeworth gave an update re the action taken by a landowner at Thirlby and NYMNPA at the Southwoods Lodge entrance off Carr Lane to Lake Gormire. As a result of antisocial behaviour over a period of time, parking of vehicles is not possible anymore and visitors are asked to park at Sutton Bank Visitor Centre and walk down through Garbutt Wood. 20.079 Response from 101 non-emergency calls to the police. Concerns have been raised about slow or no response to 101 calls in light of issues connected with antisocial behaviour as in 20.078 and other matters, involving parking of vehicles on the A170. Calls were not answered or delays as long as three days were encountered. Although a report had been received from a PCSO in time for this Parish Council meeting, it was in an altered format so that it now lacked useful data and appeared to be more a publicity and information medium. Councillors were disappointed that there was no longer the level of information available eg the dates of incidents 20.080 Newsletter. The forthcoming newsletter was discussed and arrangements made for its publication around 8th August. 20.081 Date of next meeting, September 14th 2020.

Clerk’s Report. All items listed have been circulated to Councillors Yorkshire Local Councils Associations YLCA - numerous free online meetings advertised for Councillors. YLCA. Webinar invitations. Inquire about frequency of transmission of YLCA mailings to Councillors. Agreed that one copy is sufficient. Update on footpath maintenance at side of Eden House. A volunteer had been regularly cutting the grass. YLCA Office manned as lockdown is eased from end of June 2020. 01904 436622. National Association of Local Councils NALC/YLCA advice issued to carry on with remote Parish Council meetings, unless absolutely essential to hold a face to face meeting. Communication from a member of the public via email re open water swimming at Gormire - advised to contact NYMNPA. Calico notice of Parish Council mail server migration. Update on street light changes. New bulb not yet in situ. Police Report.