American Legion Baseball 1926-2014
Department Of Indiana American Legion Baseball 1926-2014 1991 NA A.D. Phillips Award 1992 NA 1993 NA 1994 Eric Tryon, Terre Haute 346 The American Legion Department of Indiana 1995 Bart Liter, Madison 9 gives the A.D. Phillips Sportsmanship Award 1996 Tommy Johns, Anderson 127 each year to a participant in the Department 1997 NA State Baseball Tournament. 1998 Jonathon Carey, Anderson 127 1999 Nick McIntyre, Lafayette 11 The award, which was created in 1964, honors 2000 Joel Novack, Anderson 127 longtime Legionnaire and member of the State 2001 NA Baseball Committee, A.D. Phillips. Phillips was 2002 Kyle Smith, Evansville 265 a member of John C Peterson Post 49 in 2003 Chris Macke, Terre Haute 346 Warsaw. 2004 Matt Haug, Plymouth 27 2005 NA The criteria for the award are as follows: 2006 Will Pappano, Rockport 254 2007 Christopher Wanty, Madison 9 1. Must be nominated by team manager 2008 Michael Mosby, Rockport 254 2009 Brett Keeler, Hammond 168 2. Must be in last year of legion eligibility 2010 Jacob Hayes, Terre Haute 346 2011 Brock Sprinkles, St. Leon 464 3. Must have displayed good sportsmanship 2012 Dan Snyder, Porter County 94/170 consistent with the ideals of Legion Baseball 2013 Caleb Stayton, Bristol 143 2014 Tyler Goudy, Kokomo 6 4. Must excel in playing the game *NA means the name of that year’s winner is not available Year Recipient 1964 Jack Walkey, Lafayette 11 1965 Glen Speedy, Princeton 25 1966 Steve Kirkpatrick, Lafayette 11 1967 Gene Avery, LaPorte 83 1968 Kevin Powers, South Bend 284 1969 Terry McGee, Terre Haute 346
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