Mr. Hendry’s

CHEST (Pectorals) BACK (Lats, Rhomboids, ) (with or w/o chains) Lat Pull-downs Incline Bench Seated Decline Bench Pull-ups (Close Grip / Wide Grip) Dumbbell Bench (Incline, Flat, Decline) Chin-ups Flys (Dumbbells or TRX) (Incline, Flat, Decline) Supine Row (Bar, TRX) Push-ups (Incline, Regular, Decline, RBT) Bent-Over Row (Bar, Dumbbells) Jammer Press (Regular, Single Leg) Crossover (Band, Cable) Resistance Band Row (Low, Medium, High, Prone) Atomic Push-ups (TRX) One-Arm Row (Dumbbell, TRX) Chest Press (TRX) (Regular, Single Leg) Back Extensions 45 Degree Press (Plate or Dumbbell) Prone Row (on a bench) Barbell Pullover

SHOULDERS (Deltoids) Shoulder Press (Bar, Dumbbells, Plates, Bands) Triceps Extension (Dumbbell, Bar, Plate, Band, TRX) Shoulder Raises (Front, Lateral, Bent-over) Triceps Kickback Shrugs (Bar, Dumbbell, Plate, Band) Triceps Pushdown (Cable, Band, 60 reps in 30 sec.) Upright Row (also see back) French Curl (a.k.a “Skullcrusher” or “Headbanger”) Arnold Press (Dumbbells) Close-Grip Bench Press Rotator Cuff Stabilization Triceps Push-ups Overhead Jammer Press Dips (on a bench, TRX)

LEGS & HIPS (Quads, Hams, Glutes, etc.) Back (with or w/o chains) Bicep Curls (Bar, Dumbbells, Bands, and TRX) Front Squat (Bar, Dumbbells) Hammer Curls Overhead Squat (Bar, Dumbbells, Plates) 21’s Sumo Squat (Dumbbell, Kettlebell) Concentration Curls Split Squat (Bar, Dumbbells) Wrist Curls Single Leg Squat (Bar, Dumbbells, TRX) Reverse Curls (Romanian, Straight Leg, Hex Bar, Single Leg) Lunges (Bar, Dumbbells, Plates, TRX) (Stationary, Walking) EXPLOSIVE/TOTAL BODY Step-ups (Bar, Dumbbells) Power Clean (Rack, Mid-thigh, Knee, Shin, Floor) Good Mornings Power Snatch (Rack, Mid-thigh, Knee, Shin, Floor) Glute-Ham Raise (Bar, Dumbbells) Abduction (Machine, Band) Jerk (Drives, Push, Power, Split) (Bar, Dumbbells) Adduction (Machine, Band) Pulls (Clean, Snatch, High) (Bar, Dumbbells, Band) Jammer Extension Tibia Machine Power Jumps (Dumbbells, Hex Bar, Medicine Ball) Drive Sled (Push, Pull) Kettlebell Swings TRX Hip Press Rip & Press (Dumbbells) Snap Downs (Band) Jumps (Hurdles, Boxes) Medicine Ball (Throws) (Height, Distance, into wall)

* To see many of the above exercises (and more) in action click on the links below: