Olympic Variations Variations The Bear [t-nation.com – entire article] Back squat [exrx.net] Clean from hang [exrx.net] Box squat [t-nation.com – entire article] Clean with jerk [exrx.net] Front squat [exrx.net] Dumbbell snatch [t-nation.com – last ] Hack squat [exrx.net] Snatch [exrx.net] Single leg split squat [exrx.net] Zercher squat [t-nation.com –1/2 way down] Variations Deadlift [exrx.net] Additional leg King deadlift [t-nation.com – last exercise] Glute-ham raise [bodybuilding.com – 1st exercise] Snatch grip deadlift [t-nation.com – 1/2 way down page] Good-Morning [exrx.net] Stiff-leg deadlift [exrx.net] Hip [Dartmouth - 9th exercise] Sumo deadlift [t-nation.com – 1/4 way down page] [exrx.net] [exrx.net] Calves [exrx.net] Donkey calf raise (use belt for load) [exrx.net] one leg back extension [t-nation.com – 1st exercise] Leg press calf raise [exrx.net] Overhead lunge [t-nation.com 6th exercise] Seated calf raise [exrx.net] Pull through [t-nation.com –1/2 way down] Standing calf raise [exrx.net] Rear Lunge [exrx.net] Vertical pull Step-up [exrx.net] Cable pulldown [exrx.net] Swissball Leg curl Chin-up [exrx.net] Zercher good morning [t-nation.com –1/2 way down] Parallel grip chin-up [.com – 1st variation] Horizontal pull Pull-up [exrx.net] Bent-over [exrx.net] Sternum chin-up [t-nation.com – 1st exercise] Cable row [exrx.net] Towel / rope chin-up [t-nation.com – end of article] [exrx.net] [exrx.net] T-bar row [exrx.net] Vertical Press Renegade row [bodybuilding.com] Bent press [t-nation.com – 1st exercise] Reverse Push-up [exrx.net] [exrx.net] Horizontal Press [exrx.net] [exrx.net] Scott press [larryscott.com – scroll down] Cable crossover [bodybuilding.com – 1st exercise] See-Saw press [bodybuilding.com – 7th exercise] Dips [exrx.net] Shoulder press [exrx.net] [exrx.net] Pull-over [exrx.net] Cable curl [exrx.net] Push-up [exrx.net] curl [exrx.net – use straight bar] Telle Fly [t-nation.com – 4th exercise] Dumbbell curl [exrx.net] Lying curl (Lazy man curl) [t-nation.com – 6th exercise] Cable pressdown [exrx.net] Preacher curl [exrx.net] Close-grip bench press [exrx.net] Abdominal Floor press [weightliftingdiscussion.com] Cable kneeling [exrx.net] Lying triceps extension [exrx.net] Cable woodchopper [chekinstitute.com - figure 16] Overhead triceps extension [exrx.net] Decline bench sit-up [bodybuilding.com – 8th exercise] Postural / Corrective Dragon flag [evfit.com – scroll 1/2 way down page] Cable external rotation [exrx.net] Hanging [exrx.net] Cuban rotation [t-nation.com – 1st exercise] Hanging leg raise with pike [t-nation.com –1/4 way down] Face pulls [t-nation.com – 3rd exercise] Jackknife sit-up [exrx.net] Kneeling cable x-row [t-nation.com – 3rd exercise] Rollout [t-nation.com – exercise A1] Poor man’s shoulder horn [t-nation.com – 7th exercise] [t-nation.com – 2nd exercise in circuit] th Rear lateral raise [exrx.net] Saxon side bend [t-nation.com – 4 exercise] st Scapular wall slide [t-nation.com – 1 exercise] Exercise Complexes Scare crow [t-nation.com – 8th exercise] Combo extension-pull [t-nation.com – 1st exercise] Side-lying external rotations [familydoctor.org – ex.2] T Push-up [t-nation.com – 4th exercise] Straight-arm cable pressdown [exrx.net] Iron Cross [bodybuilding.com] Wall push-up [uhseast.com] Turkish Get-up [t-nation.com – 2nd exercise]