The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 1

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The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 1 Jozef Rulof The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 1 The Age of Christ Jozef Rulof 1898-1952 Jozef Rulof The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 1 The Age of Christ Contact and copyright The Age of Christ Braspenningstraat 88, 1827 JW Alkmaar, the Netherlands Tel: 00 31 (0)728443852 E-mail: [email protected] Website: ___ © 1944-2020, Stichting Geestelijk-Wetenschappelijk Genootschap “De Eeuw van Christus”, the Netherlands, all rights reserved. The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 1, 2020 ISBN 978-94-93165-10-6 Contents Contact and copyright ..............................................................................4 Word of the publisher ...............................................................................7 Book list ....................................................................................................8 Explanation of the books by Jozef Rulof ...................................................9 List of articles .......................................................................................... 11 Jozef Rulof .............................................................................................. 15 1944 The Divine Introduction Introduction ............................................................................................22 The All-Source ........................................................................................30 God, as the Growing Universe ................................................................ 37 God as Soul ............................................................................................. 41 God as Spirit ...........................................................................................44 God as Light ........................................................................................... 45 God as Spiritual Personality ....................................................................46 God as Father and Mother ...................................................................... 47 God as the Realm of Colours .................................................................. 49 God as Harmonic Laws ...........................................................................50 God as both Spiritual and Material laws of condensing ........................... 51 God as Grades of Life ............................................................................. 52 God as Life ............................................................................................. 53 God as Spark ...........................................................................................54 Part 1 Material Revelations ................................................................................ 58 The Astral and Material Cosmos ........................................................... 107 Fatherhood and Motherhood for the Universe ...................................... 113 Cosmic Harmony .................................................................................. 137 The Conscious and Unconscious Grades of Life in the Universe ............153 The Laws of Life and Death for the Universe ........................................ 176 The Divine Laws of Love for the Universe ............................................. 191 God as The Material Growing Universe ................................................200 Through Reincarnation to the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life ................ 218 The Fifth Cosmic Grade of Life ............................................................260 The Sixth and Seventh Cosmic Grade of Life ........................................ 269 Word of the publisher Dear reader, This book belongs to the series of 27 books which came to earth via Jozef Rulof between 1933 and 1952. These books are published by Foundation Spiritual-Scientific Association “The Age of Christ”, which was set up in 1946 by Jozef Rulof. As the board of this foundation, we guarantee the orig- inal text of the books which we are making available today. We have also published an explanation for the books, which contains 140 articles. We consider the publication of the 27 books and this explanation as an inextricable whole. For some passages from the books, we refer to relevant articles from the explanation. For instance (see article ‘Explanation at soul level’ on refers to the basic article ‘Explanation at soul level’ as you can read that on the website With kind regards, The board of directors of the Foundation The Age of Christ 2020 7 Book list Overview of the books which came to earth via Jozef Rulof in the se- quence that they were published, with the years in which the content of those books was realised: A View into the Hereafter (1933-1936) Those who came back from the Dead (1937) The Cycle of the Soul (1938) Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side (1939-1945) The Origin of the Universe (1939) Between Life and Death (1940) The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side (1941) Through the Grebbe Line to Eternal Life (1942) Spiritual Gifts (1943) Masks and Men (1948) Jeus of Mother Crisje Part 1 (1950) Jeus of Mother Crisje Part 2 (1951) Jeus of Mother Crisje Part 3 (1952) Questions and Answers Part 1 (1949-1951) Questions and Answers Part 2 (1951-1952) Questions and Answers Part 3 (1952) Questions and Answers Part 4 (1952) Questions and Answers Part 5 (1949-1952) Questions and Answers Part 6 (1951) Lectures Part 1 (1949-1950) Lectures Part 2 (1950-1951) Lectures Part 3 (1951-1952) The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 1 (1944-1950) The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 2 (1944-1950) The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 3 (1944-1950) The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 4 (1944-1950) The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 5 (1944-1950) 8 Explanation of the books by Jozef Rulof The foreword of this explanation is: Dear readers, In this ‘explanation of the books by Jozef Rulof’, as publisher we describe the core of his vision. In this way, we answer two types of questions which we were asked during the past few years about the content of these books. Firstly, there are the questions about specific subjects such as for instance cremation and euthanasia. The information about such subjects is often dis- tributed over the 27 books with a total of more than 11,000 pages. This is why, for each subject, we have put relevant passages from all the books to- gether and summarised them each time in an article. The distributed information is the result of the knowledge building in the book series. In the article ‘explanation at soul level’, we distinguish two levels in this knowledge building: the social thinking on the one hand and the explanations at soul level on the other hand. For his first explanation of many phenomena, the writer limited himself to words and concepts which belonged to the social thinking of the first half of the previous century. As a result, he attuned himself to the world view of his readers at that time. Book after book, the writer also built up the soul level, whereby the human soul is the main focus. In order to explain life at soul level, he introduced new words and concepts. In this way, new explanations came, which supple- mented the information from the previous round about particular subjects. However, usually the explanations at soul level did not supplement the first descriptions, but they replaced them. In this way, for instance in social terminology it can be spoken about a ‘life after death’, but at soul level the word ‘death’ has lost every meaning. According to the writer, the soul does not die, but it lets go of the earthly body and it then passes onto the following phase in its eternal evolution. The unfamiliarity with the difference between these two explanation lev- els ensures a second type of questions about words and views in the books about which current social thinking has changed in relation to the first half of the previous century. In this explanation, we explain those subjects from the soul level. As a result, it becomes clear that words such as for instance races or psychopathy no longer play a role at soul level. These words and the related views were only used in the book series in order to connect with the social thinking in the time period that these books were realised, between 1933 and 1952. The passages with these words belong to the then spirit of the 9 times of the readers and in no way represent the actual vision of the writer or the publisher. When currently reading these books, that is not always clear, because the writer does not usually mention explicitly at what explanation level the sub- ject is dealt with in a particular passage. This is why, as publisher, for a num- ber of passages we add a reference to a relevant article from this explanation. That article then explains the subject dealt with in that passage from the soul level, in order to express the actual vision of the writer on that subject. For cultural-historical and spiritual-scientific reasons, in the 27 books we do not make any changes to the original formulations of the writer. For the read- ability, we have only adapted the spelling of the Old Dutch. In the online version of the books on our website, all the linguistic changes can be requested upon demand per sentence. We consider the publishing of the 27 books and this explanation as an inseparable whole. This is why, on the cover of each book and in the ‘word by the publisher’, from now on we will refer to the explanation. For a wide availability, we have published the 140 articles of this explanation as e-book (visit, and all
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