Polish Heritage Club of June czerwiec Vol. 13, Issue 5 Wisconsin, Inc. – Madison 2014 Karski Commemoration Year Founded in 1979 as a non-profit organization to promote Polish Heritage through educational, cultural, charitable and social activities. PO Box 45438, Madison, WI 53744-5438 (608) 831-8827 http://www.phcwi-madison.org Email:
[email protected] Facebook PHCWI President Obama in Poland in June Board of Directors From White House Office of the Press Secretary: May 31 House Concert Schubert & Chopin "As part of the United States’ ongoing consul- 7:30 pm Trevor Stephenson will play Chopin’s F Executive Committee: tations with our allies, President Obama will minor Ballade op. 52. 5729 Forsythia, Madison. travel to Poland, Belgium, and France in June Admission $40. Light refreshments served. President RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Joanna Pasowicz '15 2014. While in Warsaw, the President will hold bilateral meetings and join other world leaders
[email protected] (608) 238-6092 (608) 848-4892
[email protected] in commemorating the Polish Day of Freedom, June 6 First Fri Polish Club Breakfast 9 am marking the 25th anniversary of Poland’s Monona Gardens, 6501 Bridge Road, Monona Vice President emergence from Communism…." And the Summer Parades are coming! Please John Hagen '15 call for a ride or to participate in the parades. (414) 640-4031 An Appeal by the President of the Republic Also: Barbara Lomperski has a Polish Costume of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski: for a girl of about 6 or 8 years of age. Past-President "On 4 June 1989, we defeated communism. On (608) 238-9189
[email protected] Stan Graiewski '15 4 June 2014, it will be a quarter of a century Secretary since that memorable day…4 June 1989 repre- MILWAUKEE June 13-15 Polish Fest Pamela Pasowicz '16 sents a triumph of solidarity and courage over (608) 217-2658 America’s largest Polish festival doubt and political isolation.