
3CE untethers it up itself from PG&E’s rate structure, revising its promise to offer discounted electricity rates [6]

Santa Maria-Bonita wants Los Alamos theater Broken Clock is about NEWS campus resource officers [4] ARTS has a one-act play [20] EATS more than vinegar [23] 21st Annual Best of Northern Santa Barbara County Readers Poll JULY 8 - JULY 15, 2021 VOL. 22 NO. 19 n June, Central Coast Community Choice Energy (3CE) approved a new rate structure that’s based on its own costs rather than PG&E’s rates. The reason? Giving a discount to IPG&E’s constantly fluctuating rates caused the electric utility to end the year at a loss. Assistant Editor Peter Johnson from New Times, the Sun’s sister paper, speaks with 3CE about the 2 change and how it impacts customers [6]. IN THE RED: Central Coast Community You can also read about Santa Maria-Bonita School District’s Choice Energy (3CE) ended the fiscal year hank ou with less revenues than it cost to operate. T Y debate over school resource officers [4]; Los Alamos Theatre Group’s debut of a one-act courtroom comedy [20]; and Broken Clock Vinegar Works’ new products [23]. Camillia Lanham for VoTing! editor

Cover file photo by Jayson Mellom > Cover design by Alex Zuniga NEWS ARTS News Briefs ...... 4 Arts Briefs ...... 20 Political Watch ...... 4 Spotlight ...... 8 MOVIES Reviews ...... 22 OPINION Web Poll ...... 14 Modern World Mayfield ...... 14 CLASSIFIEDS, HOME, AND Canary ...... 15 REAL ESTATE ...... 25 EVENTS CALENDAR Hot Stuff ...... 16

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BRIEFS FILE PHOTO COURTESY OF SANTA BARBARA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE School board approves Political Watch school resource officer • U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla (D-California) released a July positions, despite opposition 1 statement condemning the Supreme Court decisions The Santa Maria-Bonita School in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee and District approved its Local Control and 4 Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, which Accountability Plan (LCAP) at a June 23 he said undermine free and fair elections. “In a pair board meeting outlining district goals and of 6-3 decisions today, the Supreme Court turned its spending that supports students. The plan back on the basic foundations of our democracy and includes funding for two school resource further opened the door to discrimination and big- officers, which some board members and money influence in our elections,” Padilla said in the public commenters opposed. statement. “The Supreme Court’s decision in Brnovich In the drafted LCAP presented at a June v. Democratic National Committee undermines the 9 board meeting, it was proposed that the legacy of the federal Voting Rights Act, which Congress elementary and junior high school district passed in 1965 to prevent racial discrimination in the spend $380,000 on four school resource electoral process. In the six decades since the Voting officers. Board member John Hollinshead Rights Act’s bipartisan enactment, its protections questioned whether sworn police officers have proven themselves indispensable.” Padilla also are still necessary on school campuses. opposed the Supreme Court decision made on the same “I think we need to revisit and discuss day in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, what the role of an SRO [school resource where “the court’s conservative majority struck down officer] is on our campuses: Why they’re a California law promoting transparency for big-money there, whether they’re effective, and whether we still want to engage in that donors to nonprofit organizations,” Padilla said in his practice, and where our monies might be statement. “The decision threatens our campaign spent better for the health and safety of our finance and transparency laws, and further opens the kids and whatnot,” Hollinshead said at the door to dark-money influence in our elections.” Padilla POLICE ON CAMPUS: In 2018, Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jaycee Hunter was chosen to serve as San Marcos High meeting. “I think that’s a really dated and School’s school resource deputy. As part of its recently approved Local Control Accountability Plan, the Santa Maria-Bonita School District encouraged Congress to pass bills relating to voting antiquated way to spend the money.” will work with the Santa Maria Police Department to hire two school resource officers. rights. “That means passing both the For the People Act Melissa Dutra, SMBSD assistant and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” superintendent of instructional services, and advocated to fund college and career the meeting, he suggested the city conduct a he said. “Our democracy depends on the voices of the clarified that the number of proposed officers opportunities, performing arts, and mental confidential survey of all business owners so people, and if the Supreme Court will not protect them, would actually be two instead of four. Director health programs instead of the two school everyone could comfortably give their opinion Congress must.” of Pupil Personnel Dr. Brian Zimmerman said resource officers. without fear of starting a conflict due to it’s because staffing the positions is an issue. Board President Linda Cordero argued that differing opinions. • In a July 1 Facebook post, Assemblymember Jordan “I’ve been in contact with the police the purpose of an SRO at the elementary or “A poll shouldn’t be determining what we Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo) advocated for more department and they are having trouble hiring junior high level is more than just punitive should do, but I think it’s something that we funding in the California budget to go toward wildfire folks, so it will be two,” he said. “When they’ve enforcement. should take into account from the people response and prevention. “As we head into what the been assigned to the clusters of kids … they start “They are helpers,” Cordero said. “You can go who bought those businesses or started those experts expect will be the worst wildfire season on a strong foundation with those kids and become to a police officer for assistance with a variety of businesses when Copenhagen was open, and record, we [cannot] afford to cut funding for critical a presence on campus. And then by the time things.” then it was closed, and that wasn’t their choice,” prevention projects,” Cunningham wrote in the post. they get to junior high school they’ve had them Despite the opposition from Hollinshead and Thomas said. “While the Legislature tried to appropriate $1 billion as their DARE instructor, they’ve seen them on Valencia, the board unanimously approved the As part of the discussion, Councilmember in wildfire prevention funding earlier this year, the campus, they know who they are, and they seek LCAP at the June 23 meeting as presented and Mark Infanti questioned whether the governor’s budget includes less than half of that. This them out.” the SRO positions will go forward as outlined. encroachment permits that allowed businesses issue needs to be a priority.” According to a June 29 Zimmerman added that having a police Hollinshead told the Sun that he voted to approve to set up parklets would end along with the CapRadio article that Cunningham linked in his post, presence on campus could help in a potential the LCAP because, while he doesn’t support the street closure. active shooter situation. the governor “rolled back a more ambitious wildfire SROs, he does support the rest of the plan. City Manager Xenia Bradford said the permits But Boardmember Ricardo Valencia, much prevention plan set by his predecessor, and this week “The district knows my opinion. I’m not don’t have an expiration date, however, the city like Hollinshead, didn’t agree with Zimmerman. his administration nixed more than half a billion dollars going to deliver some kind of an ultimatum has the right to withdraw the permits at any He expressed concerns that having school with regard to that, as far as the rest of the LCAP time. in promised fuel-reduction spending, an investigation resource officers on campus contributes to the by CapRadio and NPR’s California Newsroom has goes,” he said. “I’m not going to vote against all Mayor Charlie Uhrig and Councilmember school-to-prison pipeline. Robert Clarke both agreed that they would found.” those other programs that are really profoundly “Particularly youth of color who important.” like to see Copenhagen stay closed because unfortunately oftentimes suffer discriminatory • On June 29, U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla (D-California) and —Malea Martin it resembles certain European areas where treatment at the hands of some of our law individuals can walk freely on closed streets. a few congressional colleagues announced legislation to enforcement … for many of our youth, seeing During public comment, Solvang Chamber of protect coastal communities from sea level rise, called a police officer is actually a very scary thing,” Solvang starts discussing the Commerce Executive Director Tracy Beard said the Living Shorelines Act of 2021. The bill would create Valencia said. the chamber has previously asked to work with two new federal grant programs through the National Especially for children from immigrant fate of Copenhagen closure the city in conducting a business community Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, according families, Valencia continued, police are often Gov. Gavin Newsom’s June 11 executive survey. Beard said she believes the street should to Padilla’s office. One of the programs will “assist associated with immigration enforcement. orders that effectively “re-opened” California be closed through the month of December, states, localities, and non-governmental organizations “I think it’s really something that we need have communities like Solvang considering during the Christmas season. (NGOs) in constructing living shorelines,” and the to really look critically at,” he continued. “Just whether to keep city modifications such as the “I say that because we need a real business other program will “provide federal research grants to because we’ve been doing it for a long time Copenhagen Drive closure. improvement district. We put so much money study living shoreline development and effectiveness doesn’t mean it’s following best practices or Under the city’s emergency declaration in into what we call tourism, but we have to have to better protect coastal communities and ecosystems following research.” 2020, the council approved temporarily closing business improvement money spent in that from climate change,” according to a statement from At the June 23 meeting, two public Copenhagen Drive to provide space for outdoor direction,” she said. the senator’s office. A living shoreline involves using commenters also spoke out against funding dining through the implementation of parklets. The money, she claimed, is often used to native eelgrass and oyster beds to create reefs. These school resource officers. They suggested The policy was an attempt to help eateries analyze how many tourists are visiting the reallocating SRO funding toward mental health that weren’t allowed to provide indoor dining reefs “decrease wave energy, thereby reducing flooding area and where they stay specifically, but the programs for students, language interpretation, services due to state restrictions. and erosion of shorelines,” the statement explained. city already knows that people have been and assisting with in-person learning, helping food During the June 28 City Council meeting, The bill would provide $50 million in federal funds for continue to visit the city. insecure students, field trips, and outreach to council members agreed that a split exists “It’s now time to revitalize our city and these projects and $5 million for research grants. “We Mixteco students. between business owners and residents who are facing a climate crisis, and the impacts are being improve our city,” Beard said. “I would echo the thoughts of the folks in the either appreciated the street closure or believed it The council unanimously approved directing felt in California and across the country,” Padilla said community that we need to reimagine if we want hindered business. staff to conduct a confidential survey about the in the statement. “The Living Shorelines Act makes SROs on our campuses, which I personally feel Currently, the street remains closed through current Copenhagen Drive closure and bring the critical investments in natural infrastructure projects to like the money could be much better spent to Oct. 31. results back to the council in a month. better protect communities while restoring habitat and make kids feel healthy and whole,” Hollinshead Councilmember Jim Thomas said that he —Karen Garcia stimulating local economic development, taking us one said at the June 23 meeting. believed the closure benefitted restaurants but step closer to climate change resiliency.” m Valencia agreed with Hollinshead’s points, wasn’t popular among retail businesses. During NEWS continued page 5

4 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • NEWS [email protected]

NEWS from page 4 banks, propagating, and planting are crucial. “We are bulking the seed, propagating it, Fish and Wildlife Service wants and outplanting Nipomo Mesa lupine onto two publicly-owned sites in San Luis Obispo 55 FICTION to save two local plant species County that are being actively managed for the The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) species’ recovery and wildlife conservation,” wants to protect two plants that are only found Scarazzo said. “And we are conducting scientific in the Guadalupe-Nipomo dunes area and get studies on these populations in a greenhouse to them both off the federally endangered species better understand Nipomo Mesa lupine’s basic list. biology, life history, and ecology.” 5 The Nipomo Mesa lupine is a small annual She added that FWS is working with plant that produces vibrant purple flowers, and the UCSB Cheadle Center for Biodiversity it’s currently only found in the Nipomo Mesa and Ecological Restoration and the Land within an area that’s about 2 square miles. The Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to species’ small geographic range contributes to implement these conservation tactics. likely low genetic diversity, according to a draft The public can comment on the Nipomo recovery plan for the Nipomo lupine, released by Mesa lupine draft recovery plan until July 19. FWS on June 17. It also lacks an insect pollinator Also under local conservation efforts is the One contest. and is dependent on adequate rainfall, factors La Graciosa thistle. Part of the sunflower family, 55 words or less. contributing to its endangered status. this plant has “spiny leaves and flower heads,” The recovery plan lays out a strategy to featuring “long, white corollas with pink to BOOK ADS BY: 7-23-21 Hundreds of entries. preserve the plant by mitigating the threats to purple tubes and purple anthers,” as FWS 7-29-21 Countless eyes. its existence. One of the most prominent threats describes it. The thistle’s current geographic PUBLICATION DATE: is displacement and habitat loss due to invasive range is restricted to the Guadalupe-Nipomo species, particularly veldt grass. Dunes Complex, according to its draft recovery “Nipomo Mesa lupine requires sandy plan released June 11. The public can comment openings, or gaps within coastal dune scrub on this plan until July 12. habitat and perennial veldt grass comes in, fills Scarazzo said that once the public comment those gaps, outcompetes the lupine, changes the period closes for these plants’ draft recovery soil composition, and disrupts the ecosystem plans, the FWS will make any necessary processes required to create and maintain those changes or updates and then finalize the plan. sandy gaps,” Kristie Scarazzo, a botanist with “Several of the recovery actions outlined FWS, told the Sun in an email. “Residential in the draft plan are already underway,” she BEST OF development, activities associated with oil said. “In order for the actions to be considered and gas, seed predation, stochastic loss and successful, Nipomo Mesa lupine populations extinction, and climate change are also threats must display stable or increasing demographic to the species.” trends for 10 consecutive years.” m To address these threats, Scarazzo said, seed —Malea Martin NSBC

The results of our 21st ORCUTT annual Best of Northern PROVIDING FUEL & SERVICE TO ORCUTT FOR OVER 60 YEARS Santa Barbara County BOOK ADS BY: 8-12-21 readers poll will be SMOG CHECKS PUBLICATION DATE: 8-19-21 announced. PASS OR DON’T PAY Old & New Vehicles CONTACT US FOR MORE INFO TODAY NORTHERN SANTA BARBARA COUNTY DRIVE-UPS WELCOME (805) 347-1968 · [email protected] OIL CHANGES ASK FOR DETAILS OWNER OPERATORS TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED $1000 OFF $ 00 2014 OR NEWER 3 AXLE TRUCK • YOU PULL OUR TRAILERS @ NO COST • HOME DAILY SMOG CHECK 34Regular Price $44.00 Pass or Don’t Pay! Appointments Drive Ups Welcome! 805-937-5340 Plus $8.25 Certificate + $1.50 Transfer fee +$1.00 OPUS fee. ’99 & Older $25 extra, Vans & Motor Homes $30 extra. Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. Expires 7/31/21


FILE PHOTO BY JAYSON MELLOM Rate shuffle Central Coast Community Energy overhauls rates, looks to ramp up local energy programs 6 ince Central Coast Community according to CEO Tom Habashi. Energy (3CE) first launched in “When we started the year, we S2018, it’s made two promises to its thought we’d end up with $26 ratepayers from Santa Cruz to Santa million of surplus,” Habashi told the Barbara counties: that it will provide 3CE policy board, which includes carbon-free electricity, and it will three elected officials from the SLO provide that electricity at a discounted and Santa Maria area. “We are rate. now projecting about $500,000 of While the regional public power deficiency.” provider says it still intends to keep While 3CE still has about $120 both of those promises, 3CE is about million banked in reserves, Habashi to officially untether its rates from said that the loss is indicative of how PG&E’s. the old rate model hurt 3CE’s ability On June 16, the 3CE policy board to effectively plan its finances— approved a new three-year rate something he said will be even more structure that’s based on its own costs, important in the coming years as not its competitor’s prices. Diablo Canyon Power Plant is slated to “Discounts themselves—that shut down in 2024 and 2025. NEW RATES: Central Coast Community Energy, which buys power for most of SLO and Santa Barbara counties, is changing its electricity rates—untethering them from PG&E. goes away entirely,” 3CE Chief The upcoming few years will be Operating Officer Rob Shaw told an anxious time for power providers 1 percent less revenue than PG&E’s installations, and building upgrades— “There needs to be a lot of work the policy board. “We need to be across California, Habashi said, as rates, with potential savings varying and how they can get more investment done to put the necessary pieces in able to demonstrate our customer they’ll be expected to fill the carbon- by 3CE customer class. According to and participation. place to have market transformation,” value separate from just where our free energy void left by Diablo Canyon. estimates, residential customers are Energy programs receive 3 percent Griesser said. “There needs to be relationship to PG&E rates are, 3CE has pledged to grow its share of likely to see a 1 to 2 percent discount because we have our own costs of renewable energy to 60 percent of its of 3CE’s annual rate revenues, and greater awareness of EVs, greater under the new rates. providing service. We still need to total portfolio by 2025, and 100 percent despite budgeting as much as $7 inventory at dealerships, both new In response to public feedback, 3CE remain competitive, and our cost-of- by 2030, but regulators are ramping up million for them between 2018 and and used, and they need to be in a axed a proposed fixed monthly charge service proposal allows us to do so.” the pressure now, Habashi said. 2020, 3CE spent only $530,000 during position to not just have those cars on residential customers of $4.50— As a community choice aggregation “For the next three years, there’ll that time, due to a lack of demand. on their lots, but effectively sell them. opting instead for an all-volumetric utility, 3CE buys power on behalf of be a lot of push coming from the “What can we do to make sure the People need to be confident that rate model. nearly a half-million customers on CPUC [California Public Utilities program budget is more utilized?” once they buy them, they have the Customers complained in public the Central Coast—including for Commission],” he said. “They’re Santa Barbara County 1st District capability of charging them reliably comments that a fixed charge unfairly six San Luis Obispo County cities, not saying to PG&E, ‘You’re going Supervisor and 3CE policy board and conveniently.” impacted those who consumed less Santa Maria, Guadalupe, Solvang, to have to figure out a way to replace member Das Williams asked at the 3CE is preparing to roll out six energy, like homeowners with rooftop and unincorporated Santa Barbara Diablo Canyon.’ They’re coming to June 16 meeting. energy programs for the 2021-22 solar systems or renters in smaller County—while PG&E continues to all the load serving entities, like us, The programs picked up more fiscal year. They include rebates and apartments. That change, in turn manage the grid. and saying, ‘You’ve got an allocation steam in 2020 and 2021—dishing incentives to buy EVs and electric though, will place more of a financial During its four-year history—from of a certain amount of capacity you’re out more than $4 million in rebates, bikes, to install private and public burden on high-energy-use customers. its beginnings in Santa Cruz, Monterey, going to need to bring online.’” including a chunk to SLO developers EV charging stations, to electrify In another win for home solar and San Benito counties to its recent In addition to that stress, 3CE to build the 577-home San Luis Ranch residential buildings with appliances advocates, 3CE also increased the rate southward expansion—3CE has as all-electric. The policy board like induction ranges and electric is also grappling with increases to it’d planned to pay customers who promised rate reductions from PG&E budgeted a record-high $12 million for water heaters, and to electrify the exit fees charged to customers generate more energy for the grid than the upcoming fiscal year. agricultural equipment like water ranging from 2 to 6 percent, creating an leaving PG&E for 3CE, which are set they consume each year. easy cost-savings pitch to customers. by the CPUC for community choice “$12 million will be a challenge but pumps and tractors. But that model also had flaws, aggregation utilities statewide. I think it’s a challenge staff is excited to Those draft programs are out for according to 3CE officials. It meant “The squeeze is going to continue,” Jumpstarting meet,” Shaw said. public comment through July 13. 3CE had to make constant rate Habashi said. According to Jon Griesser, director Customers can review the details adjustments—73 in all—to keep up 3CE’s new rate plan—which is energy programs of energy programs, participation in at and provide feedback at with PG&E’s ever-fluctuating rates. effective January 2022—will provide Along with 3CE’s rate overhaul, the the 3CE programs is as much linked to [email protected]. m During the COVID-19 pandemic, more financial stability and still allow policy board also talked about 3CE’s the overall progress of the clean energy the rate roller coaster impacted 3CE’s it to charge competitive rates, officials local energy programs—which include industry on the Central Coast as it is to Assistant Editor Peter Johnson from budget to a point where it’s now ending said. incentives and rebates for electric car simply raising more awareness about the Sun’s sister paper can be reached at the 2020-21 fiscal year in a deficit, The rates are designed to generate (EV) purchases, EV charging port 3CE’s programs. [email protected].

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“A man who takes a stand against domestic violence... He does not stand by; he is part of the solution.”

Do you know an Upstanding Man who you would like to honor, or are you that man? U - Understanding P - Positive • Domestic Violence Solutions’ is excited to announce S - Supportive its 3rd Annual Upstanding Man campaign! T - Tenacious A - Accountable • Please give a minimum contribution of $100, and you N - Not a Bystander or your honoree will be listed in the July 15 issue of D - Determined the Santa Maria Sun as an Upstanding Man. I - Inspiring N - Non-violent • To have your name or the name of your honoree G - Generous included, please donate by July 8. Thank you! M - Motivating • We can’t wait to see all of the wonderful A - Advocate Upstanding Men in our community. N - Needed

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COURTESY PHOTO BY AUGIE DOEBLING entertainment businesses can go online and bid on will consist of these animals and projects.” a live DJ as well But Barks emphasized that next year, Fun at the fair as Bubba Bear the livestock show will be in person and the Badland again. In lieu of the typical county fair, locals Band’s audio- “We worked out the kinks from the animatronics first year, so we’re really excited about can still find rides, food, and fun at show. On that,” Barks said of the virtual show. the Santa Maria Fairpark this year Thursday and “Moving forward, we’re going back to 8 Friday there will in-person. This is not the way of the BY MALEA MARTIN be a monster truck show at the Minetti future, this is not how we want it to lthough the traditional Santa Arena. For the little ones, the Cub be. But at least it gives our community Barbara County Fair isn’t Country Kids Cave will keep children something to do.” Ahappening this year, those seeking entertained. She also expects the fair to look back this quintessential summer fun can still All the fair food classics are available to “normal” next season. get their carnival fix at the Santa Maria for purchase once you’re in. Helm and “We’ll be back to that in-person, that Fairpark. Sons brought its full carnival menu. week-long [fair],” Barks said. “We may Helm and Sons Amusements will “So you’ll still get those footlong corn do some tweaks along the way, because continue its Greatest Portable Theme dogs, your funnel cakes, all of the things we’ve seen how you can kind of do Park at the fairgrounds from July 8 to that you know and love about the fair, things a little bit differently. We want ALL ACCESS: If you’re itching for some fair rides, carnival food, and classic summer entertainment, 11. Helm and Sons is the same company you’ll still get the majority of that style to come back better, stronger, and just head to the Helm and Sons Greatest Portable Theme Park at the Santa Maria fairgrounds. One ticket will of food being showcased,” Barks said. really here for our community.” that the Fairpark has historically get you access to all the rides and entertainment. While there won’t be any in-person Things are looking up now for the partnered with to put on the county livestock this year, the fair’s Virtual Fairpark. But last year, in the thick trained behavior team, which includes fair attractions, so attendees will under and $40 for ages 11 and older. Livestock Show and Auction will be of the pandemic, the future wasn’t so Purchase tickets on the Helm and Sons five humane certified dog trainers. recognize the same types of rides that held just like last year. The show will certain. The Fairpark held “Save the website. The program provides three affordable they know and love, with nearly 30 such feature beef, goat, sheep, swine, and Fair” fundraisers in 2020 to raise money classes, each targeted to a specific amusements to choose from. replacement heifers for auction, as well as it struggled from lost revenues. behavioral need.” The new training “One-price admission gets them as industrial arts, all from local 4-H, “What the last year gave us was a Highlight facility is located at 1517 Stowell Center into the gates, gets them on all the FFA, Grange, and independent students. chance to really get back to bare bones • Santa Barbara Humane announced Plaza, suite B, in Santa Maria, and classes carnival rides, enjoying any of the “We have about 200 exhibitors that so that we could survive,” Barks said. the launch of its Confident Canine School are offered in both Santa Maria and Santa entertainment,” said Rebecca Barks, have raised livestock that are registered “Now that we have survived and we’re of Behavior dog training program at a Barbara, with scholarships available for who does PR and marketing for the to sell in our virtual auction,” Barks able to open up, we want to come back new training facility in Santa Maria. “The those who qualify. More information and Fairpark. “You’re not going to have said. “There will be a market class, better and stronger, and really use the Confident Canine School of Behavior class registration forms can be found at your livestock elements in this portable so these animals will be judged by an money wisely for this Fairpark. … Last promises to strengthen the bond m theme park. … And you won’t have official judge and they will have prizes year it was, ‘Let’s just keep the lights on,’ between dog and owner while addressing your main stage entertainment.” awarded that were generously donated and this year it’s, ‘Let’s get back to fun.’” common behavioral issues,” according to Staff Writer Malea Martin wrote In the past, the fair has included by our sponsors. Then they will sell Tickets for the Greatest Portable Santa Barbara Humane. “The program this week’s Spotlight. Send tidbits to concerts, but this year musical [on July] 15 and 16, all online. People, Theme Park are $30 for ages 10 and is led by Santa Barbara Humane’s highly [email protected].

We believe you. Help is only a You are not alone! phone call away . . . The North County Rape Crisis and Child Protection Center is available to individuals in crisis 7 days a week through its 24-Hour Support Line. Agency staff and volunteers assist people of all ages and all genders by meeting their crisis needs through trauma-informed care. Trained advocates handle a variety of calls ranging from an immediate assault that just happened to issues that may have happened decades ago. If you or North County Rape Crisis and someone you know needs help, reach out. We believe you and we support Child Protection Center you! All services are available free of charge in both English and Spanish. KNOW MORE | DO MORE | NO MORE! 24-Hour Support Line (805)736-7273

8 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • DEATH NOTICES ADAMS, JOHN T., 53, passed away 6/20/2021 HUNTEMAN, STEVEN RYAN, 66, passed arrangements with Lady Family Mortuary away 6/14/2021 arrangements with Kuehl- Nicolay Funeral Home BARRAGAN, SALVADOR VALENCIA, 91, of Santa Maria passed away 6/19/2021 KLEYNHANS, CHRISTINA JOHANNA, arrangements with Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary, 67, passed away 6/15/2021 arrangements with Crematory & Memory Gardens Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home BENSON, GARRY EDWARD, 90, of Lompoc MENDOZA, MARIA GUADALUPE, 84, of passed away 6/25/2021 arrangements with Guadalupe passed away 7/4/2021 arrange- Starbuck-Lind Mortuary ments with Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary, BONDE, CHARLES EUGENE, 69, of Paso Crematory & Memory Gardens Robles passed away 6/21/2021 arrangements MUNOZ, ELVA, 66, of Lompoc passed away with Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home 6/20/2021 arrangements with Starbuck-Lind 9 BUCKLEY, THOMAS EDWARD, 77, passed Mortuary away 6/21/2021 arrangements with Kuehl- NICKSON, LILLIAN A., 83, of San Luis Nicolay Funeral Home Obispo passed away 6/8/2021 arrangements CERVANTES, MOISES DIAZ, 28, of Santa with Lady Family Mortuary Maria passed away 6/27/2021 arrangements OSBORN, JAMES, 65, of Atascadero passed with Moreno Mortuary away 6/30/2021 arrangements with Blue Sky COLE, DENNIS GENE, 73, of Paso Robles Cremation Service passed away 6/17/2021 arrangements with PETERS, MARK PAUL, 60, passed away Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home 6/25/2021 arrangements with Chapel of the DANCEY, CHARLA JEAN, 68, passed away Roses 6/21/2021 arrangements with Chapel of the PISTORESI, GEORGE JOSEPH, 80, Roses passed away 6/30/2021 arrangements with DEGOMEZ, EPIFANA CASTILLO, 77, of Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home Santa Maria passed away 6/27/2021 arrange- POLTA, DAVID W., 84, of Santa Maria passed Attention local ments with Moreno Mortuary away 7/5/2021 arrangements with Magner DEMING, DONALD A., 56, of Buellton Maloney Funeral Home and Crematory passed away 7/2/2021 arrangements with singers, song writers, Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary, Crematory & PRESCOTT, LAVONDA CAROL, 84, of Memory Gardens Goodyear, AZ passed away 6/27/2021 arrange- ments with Marshall Spoo Sunset Funeral DILLINGHAM, RACHEL AMOR, 41, of Chapel musicians, & bands: Santa Maria passed away 7/2/2021 arrange- ments with Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary, REISZ, WILLIAM ANTHONY, 82, of Paso Crematory & Memory Gardens Robles passed away 6/15/2021 arrangements with Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home DOMINGOS, LOUIS, 85, of Lompoc passed It’s almost time to enter away 6/22/2021 arrangements with Starbuck- SAUCEDA, CAROLINA BELEN, infant, of Lind Mortuary Santa Maria passed away 6/24/2021 arrange- ments with Moreno Mortuary this year’s New Times FELIX, CANDELARIO FRAGOZO, 80, of Santa Maria passed away 6/19/2021 arrange- SODERGREN, TOM, 71, of Orcutt passed ments with Moreno Mortuary away 6/28/2021 arrangements with Dudley- Music Awards! Hoffman Mortuary, Crematory & Memory FLORES, GEROGE DAVID, 69, passed Gardens away 6/11/2021 arrangements with Kuehl- Nicolay Funeral Home SULARZ, MELANIE ANN DAWSON, 69, of ENTRY PERIOD BEGINS GENDRON, SALLY JO, 61, passed away Santa Maria passed away 6/7/2021 arrange- 6/20/2021 arrangements with Kuehl-Nicolay ments with Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary, Funeral Home Crematory & Memory Gardens Thursday, July 29, 2021 GONZALES, ALBERT, 79, of Grover Beach TOUCH, CHHENG POV, 84, passed away passed away 6/26/2021 arrangements with 6/19/2021 arrangements with Kuehl-Nicolay DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES Marshall Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel Funeral Home GUZMAN, RUBEN MORALES, 74, of Santa WALTON, ELLA LOU, 89, passed away Monday, August 16, 2021 by 5pm Maria passed away 6/20/2021 arrangements 6/21/2021 arrangements with Kuehl-Nicolay with Moreno Mortuary Funeral Home HABENER, MELANIE, 76, of Lompoc WHITE, BARBARA J., 86, passed away passed away 6/21/2021 arrangements with 6/25/2021 arrangements with Chapel of the SAVE THE DATE! Starbuck-Lind Mortuary Roses HALLAS, RICHARD DALE, 70, passed WOLF, LARRY WAYNE, 74, passed away NTMA SHOWCASE away 6/29/2021 arrangements with Chapel of 6/23/2021 arrangements with Kuehl-Nicolay the Roses Funeral Home Friday, November 12, 2021 HATFIELD, JOHN EDWARD, 49, of Santa ZAMORA, MARJORIE L., 71, passed away Maria passed away 6/27/2021 arrangements with 6/26/2021 arrangements with Chapel of the @ SLO Brew Rock Magner Maloney Funeral Home and Crematory Roses

OBITUARIES Want to memorialize a loved one?

We’re here to help. Our obituary and in memoriam services are affordable, accessible, and handled with personal care.

OBITUARIES Share your loved one’s story Mark your family’s memories with the local community in Contact Jennifer at (805) 347-1968, ext. 121 your local newspaper. or [email protected] • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 9 10 2021 Santa Barbara County Fair Large Market Show and Livestock Auction

The 2021 Santa Barbara County Fair is fast approaching; we would like to provide the community this update regarding the Pediatric Medical Group wants to ensure all status of the Fair and Livestock Program. The likelihood of an in-person fair with a carnival, food, and concerts is still unclear newborns, infants, children and adolescents in our ever-changing world. There is a long list of requirements are up-to-date on their comprehensive well-child to be met for such an event to take place and we are still care, inclusive of appropriate screenings, exploring options that could be available to us. complete physical exam, laboratory exams, We do want to offer the fair livestock experience to our fluoride varnish and vaccines. exhibitors and our final decision was not easy to arrive at. The top priority, that was important to all of us, is we offer Pediatric Medical Group is scheduling well exam visits for exhibitors an option that was secure without any threat of children of all ages. Strict safety precautions have been put cancellation. For the 2021 Santa in place to ensure the safety of patients and their parents. Barbara County Fair both the auction and market show will • We provide rapid COVID-19 tests (15 Min results) Flu tests, and Flu vaccines. be virtual. There will be no in • All individuals entering the building are pre-screened and temperature is taken. person show or auction. We are • Face masks are required to be worn diligently working to ensure • Only well-patient visits are seen inside the building the survival of our fair and for • All sick visits are seen either outside in a tent or via telehealth that reason we are planning for market sales only, and • Strict sanitation practices are in place including disinfecting exam rooms after each visit. unfortunately will not be able to offer separate showmanship Call to schedule your child’s well exam today. classes. Small livestock will also not be included as a fair judging is not possible without hands on evaluation of the animals, transportation to processors, and the current restrictions with rabbits. We know the community will rally around such an important experience in our livestock community and encourage your support through sponsorship of the virtual show and market auction!

The Santa Barbara County Fair Board of Directors, Fairpark staff, and the Junior Livestock Sales Association (JLSA) are all committed to working together to save the fair and making this experience a success for the kids and our community. We will have more specific details available in February about the Virtual Market Show and Livestock Auction, please continue to check our website at for updates.

Thank you, David Ikola, M.D. Shane Rostermundt, D.O. Joseph Nunez, M.D. Dr. Michele Kielty, D.O. Autumn Acquistapace, Interim CEO

Kevin Merrill and Matt Olsen, Santa Barbara County Fair Directors and Livestock Committee

Lynn Peltier, C.P.N.P. Geronna Leonards, N.P. Jessica Prather, C.N.P. 1430 E. Main St. Monday – Friday Santa Maria, CA 805-922-3548

10 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • 11 Welcome Back to the Santa Maria Fairpark

“Time for FUN in 2021” UPCOMING EVENTS: #1 194SAKE Town Center East, SantaSUSHI Maria (805)922-9900 July 1–4th & 8–11th Portable Theme Park from 2–10pm $25 pre-sale, $40 July 1st GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE - AT ALL LOCATIONS! Ticket includes admission, entertainment, Cub Country Kids SUSHI Sake Sushi#2 Cave access, unlimited Carnival Rides and so much more. 805 Purchase tickets @ ALL YOU CAN EAT KOREAN BBQ SUSHI & BBQ & SUSHI July 15–16th Santa Barbara County 460 W. Grand Ave. 1325 N. “H” St. #C, Virtual Livestock Auction Grover Beach Lompoc You can register as a buyer or (805)489-3839 (805)736-8899 become an awards sponsor on the website @ www.

July 31st Jingle in July Holiday Market BERRY Come shop local artisans and direct sellers at this fun craft fair hosted by the Santa Maria Fairpark Foundation. More info DELICIOUS @

October 23–24th West Coast Kustoms Car Show 7am–3:00pm

West Coast Kustoms will be hosting the 40th Anniversary Cruisin Nationals in Santa Maria CA. The event will start on Friday Oct 22, 2021 with the world famous Friday night City Cruise in front of the Historic SM Inn on Broadway.

Book your upcoming special events here at the Fairpark As one of the largest venues in the Santa Maria Valley, we can host weddings, birthdays, quinceaneras, company meetings & trainings, and fund-raisers. Call today for more info (805) 925-8824

(805) 714-6933 • Open daily 10am–6pm Hwy 101 & Stowell Road, Santa Maria, CA • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 11 12 Please join us in participating in the 2021 Santa Barbara County Fair Virtual Junior Livestock Auction

The Junior Livestock Auction will take place on July 15th & 16th, 2021 Help support the hard working members of the 4-H, FFA Grange, and Independent Livestock Exhibitors!

July 15th & 16th the Santa Maria Fairpark will be hosting their Junior Livestock Auction virtually again this year for the 2nd year in a row. This gives our local 4H, FFA, Grange & Independent youth exhibitors an opportunity to sell their projects at auction. Following the auction, livestock will be delivered to the fairgrounds to be processed overseen by our Livestock Superintendent Rick Tomasini. All exhibitors for live & still projects have already entered into the 2021 Santa Barbara County Virtual Livestock Show & Auction and are working on uploading their submission for the virtual platform. Just as in years past, ALL exhibitors are responsible for contacting potential buyers and explaining the registration process. We are happy to be able to again offer the feature of “Add-Ons” for our exhibitors. So for those who may not want to purchase and animal or still exhibit, they can contribute to the exhibitors total raised. We use a virtual program called Show Works, which we have for several years and find it to be an easy program to use. An added feature this year, there will be a virtual market class, that will be judged, and awards will be given which were generously donated by our many sponsors. The Virtual show & Auction would not exist if it wasn’t for the hard work of the fairpark staff, board, our Junior Auction livestock board, many volunteers and our generous community sponsors. Although we are sad not too be able to experience the in person auction in our Auction barn, we are thankful we are able to provide something. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2022 for our in-person.

Register as a buyer at Any questions? Please email [email protected]

12 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Celebrating 75 years of caring for our community. Your New French Hospital.

This year, French Hospital Medical Center celebrates health care. As such, we are building Your New French 75 years of providing exceptional care to the residents Hospital, which will transform the current campus and of San Luis Obispo. set the standard for care on the central coast, well into 13 the future. Since French Hospital first opened its doors in 1946, the facility has evolved to meet the needs French Hospital has deep roots here, and strong of our growing community, and is now nationally partnerships that have formed over our many years of recognized for safety, patient experience, cardiac care, service, and we are incredibly proud to serve this great orthopedics, stroke treatment, and maternity. community. We look forward to the future of our facility and serving you for years to come! From the beginning, we made a commitment to provide excellent health care for every stage of life, combining physicians from top medical schools, the latest advanced technologies, and safe, quality care for our community. Alan Iftiniuk Today, as our community continues to grow, French President and CEO Hospital remains committed to being at the forefront of French Hospital Medical Center

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY FAIR PARTICIPANTS! Receive $300 off treatment when you bring in a picture of You & Your Fair Animal

Central Coast Orthodontics 1311 South Miller St., Suite 201 · Santa Maria 805-347-4444 · • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 13 CANARY


president of the foundation that funded the research and destructive, especially when it comes from those at the Wuhan lab using U.S. Institute of Health funds. in science and the media who we must rely upon to Online Pll Siene trut What caused this abrupt turnaround in inform us in an increasingly complicated world. Are u traeling thi uer supposedly “scientific” opinion? Most alarming was the censorship by social media, Uncritically promoted false Evidence of a lab origin is nothing new. In May citing supposed “fact checkers” who had an obvious I might do some small day tris or a narratives erode our trust of 2020, a study by the Lawrence Livermore Lab conflict of interest. Why should we trust them to 14 road tri, but nothing maor. suggested the possibility. The recent revelation protect us from “dangerous” points of view? How I’ll be staying home and suorting the BY OHN ONEGAN that three researchers at the Wuhan lab had been much of the “fake news” and “hate speech” barred local economy this summer. s some of you may have noticed, the theory that hospitalized with Covid-like symptoms in November from social media may actually be true? I’m going to hold off on the air travel until the source of the COVID-19 pandemic may 2019, and the inability of investigators to find a Science should be based on facts, not belief or Ahave been a lab in Wuhan, China, is no longer naturally occurring source of the virus, forced even career considerations. When many in science were so COID is comletely under control. just the stuff of fevered right-wing fantasies and rabid the reluctant to take another look. Reports that the eager to uncritically promote a false narrative, how Yes After all the travel restrictions of Trumpists, but has become mainstream. In fact, U.S. had been funding research at the lab, possibly can we trust them in other areas? Is the wariness of the last year, I can’t wait to get out of by the time that this column runs, the lab-release including “gain of function” research (a dangerous some toward the vaccine actually justified? Are the the country. scenario may be recognized as the most likely cause of process in which a virus is made more virulent), conclusions of the scientific community on climate otes the pandemic. raised questions. A Nobel laureate virologist change valid, or just more ideologically driven described the structure of the virus as a “smoking groupthink? Where does the deceit end? te nline at antaariaun President Biden recently ordered an investigation into whether the pandemic was the result of a gun” for lab modification. Early gene sequencing Should the findings of scientific experts be trusted Chinese lab release, and various establishment media data showing that the theory that the virus originated or considered just another political point of view? sources now concede the possibility. The World in the Wuhan “wet market” was unlikely, was The scientific community, social media, and the Northern Santa Barbara County’s inexplicably deleted from the National Institute media have a lot of work to do in earning public News Entertainment eekly Health Organization (WHO) now allows that the Skyway Drive, suite A theory is “feasible,” and is attempting to investigate of Health (NIH) database. An internal NIH email trust. m Santa Maria, CA despite Chinese obstruction. The iconic Dr. Fauci warns of “opening up a can of worms.” EITORIAL AERTISING FA has reconsidered his earlier dismissals and is now It is increasingly clear that the attacks on the theory John Donegan is a retired attorney in Pismo EMAIL ailantaariaun WEB antaariaun investigating and demanding medical records from were an effort by some in government and science Beach. Send comments for publication to letters@ OUNDER Steve Moss China. Facebook and other social media have quietly to avoid blame for having supported and funded lifted their censorship of the topic. the research that may have caused so much death EITORIAL EDITOR Camillia Lanham Until recently, any discussion of the possibility that and suffering. When the lights are turned on, the ASSOCIATE EDITOR Andrea Rooks the virus may have come from the Wuhan lab was roaches scurry for cover. The attacks were uncritically LETTERS STA RITERS Malea Martin, aren Garcia, asey Bubnash depicted as just another right-wing, xenophobic, foil- embraced by a media eager to weaken Trump as we ARTS EDITOR Caleb iseblood STA PHOTOGRAPHER ayson Mellom hat fantasy held by Trump, unhinged conservatives, headed into the 2020 election. Funtining rain ell ART DIRECTOR Ale uniga and racists. Any crime report in which an Asian was A few media voices have had the integrity to admit EDITORIAL DESIGNERS Leni Litonua, Taylor Saugstad Have you ever had the urge to play Russian CONTRI BUTORS Glen Starkey, Ross Mayfield, Anna Starkey victimized invariably mentioned Trump’s charges that their loathing of Trump and his administration roulette? It’s a simple game, full of suspense, hope, against China, suggesting that the attacks were caused them to instinctively dismiss the possibility and dreadful anticipation. The rules are simple. Load AERTISING SENIOR ACCOUNT EECUTIE imberly Rosa incited, even when the attack was obviously just an that the theory might be true, and to uncritically a revolver with one bullet, spin the cylinder, place it ACCOUN T EECUTIES aty Gray, ennifer Herbaugh, opportunistic robbery. accept the self-protective conclusions from the against your head, and pull the trigger. Lee Ann ermeulen, Danny asue, Drew Gilmore Most of the establishment media confidently scientific establishment. Others continue to squander Sounds like fun, does it not? PROCTION dismissed any possibility of a lab origin. The their reputational capital in ridiculing the theory. The odds are straightforward. You have a 1 in 6 ASSISTANT PRODUCTION MANAGER Eva Lison Washington Post pronounced the theory Apoorva Mandavilli, of The New York Times, who GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Eva Lison, Ellen ukumoto, Ikey Iekian, chance of blowing your brains out. Who wouldn’t Mary Grace laus “debunked.” Facebook and other social media purportedly covers science for the paper, continues take those odds? You also have a 6 in 6 chance of censored any discussion of the theory as “fake news” to argue that the lab-origin theory is racist, giving the BSINESS proving you’re an idiot, not afraid of playing the Cindy Rucker and “hate speech.” fading credibility of the Gray Lady yet another hit. odds that you have a 5 in 6 chance of walking away CIRCULATION DIRECTOR im Parsons Much of the scientific establishment dutifully The lab-release hypothesis is still unproven, and unscathed. CIRCULATION Michael errell, Margo Baldives, Simon Loe jumped aboard the bandwagon. A number of may never be, but it was always a serious possibility. PUBLISHERS Bob Rucker, Ale uniga What does this have to do with COVID-19 you ask? EECUTIE ASSISTANTS Patricia Horton virologists signed a letter published in The Lancet The information was there all along but was I’m not a doctor, but I have a couple of functioning asserting “scientists overwhelmingly conclude that just ignored while more attractive theories were SBMITTING LETTERS brain cells. I know (knew) a half-dozen people who RITE Mail your letter to Sun Letters, Skyway Drive, Suite A, this coronavirus originated in wildlife,” ignoring the promoted. Groupthink, and ignoring evidence just to died either directly or indirectly over the past 15 Santa Maria, CA . Include your name, address, and hone number. fact that the scientist orchestrating the letter was the serve political or professional objectives, is dishonest A months as a result of a COVID-19, and a bunch of EMAIL, others who got very sick. It was heartbreaking. None of them deserved it. TO AERTISE DISPLAY ADS Rates and secial discounts are available. MAYFIEL Then, the vaccine arrived quickly and was highly Call our ad deartment at . effective against all odds (even though researchers had CLASSIIEDS Call , Et. . Or fa your ad to . been working on the concept for decades). Hallelujah! isa and MasterCard acceted. We could finally fight this horrible pandemic with

ONLINE high expectations of success. All we needed was shots isit the un web site at in arms. Unfortunately, as we all know by now, all Our site was develoed and designed by Liftoff Digital, a Central Coast too many Americans have decided to ditch their few web site develoment comany remaining functional brain cells in favor of Russian The un is ublished every Thursday for your enoyment. One coy of each roulette. Whether the reason is political, abject issue is available free to Northern Santa Barbara County residents and visitors. Subscritions to the un are er year. The entire contents stupidity, selfishness, or just plain arrogance is beyond of the Sun are coyrighted by the un and cannot be reroduced without my comprehension. secific written ermission from the ublisher. I’m infuriated with the so-called “anti-vaxxers” Because a roduct or service is advertised in the un does not mean who think public health does not apply to them. that we endorse its use. e hoe readers will use their own good Too bad their moms and daddies made the decision udgement in choosing roducts most beneficial to their wellbeing. to protect their precious little ones against polio, e welcome submissions. Please accomany them with a selfaddressed, measles, mumps, and rubella before they had a say in stamed enveloe. All letters to the editor become the roerty of the un. the choice. Imagine the world we would live in today. un With a very small exception for people who have a legitimate reason not to get vaccinated, I find zero empathy for the “not me” crowd. Carrying the virus is similar to Russian Roulette with one notable exception to the rules: You’re not only pointing the gun to your head; you’re pointing it to anyone you ever encounter with blatant, selfish disregard to the consequences. To make matters worse, I would argue you’re also 2009 violating another premise of Russian roulette. Instead of one bullet, the chamber is potentially loaded with four or five. Use your brain cells. For something other than a lethal target and collateral damage. Brenda Carol San Luis Obiso

14 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • OPINION Jeers for fears ou know whose heads aren’t quite screwed on straight? The folks over at Central Coast YCommunity Energy (also known as 3CE), which pulled a little bait-and-switch on all the people who were promised PG&E rate discounts when the electric utility traveled up and down the coast marketing itself to local cities and counties. 15 At the time, 3CE promised millions in savings on utility bills. “Discounts themselves— that goes away entirely,” 3CE Chief Operating Officer Rob Shaw said. Why? Well, they kind of, sort of, maybe didn’t end the fiscal year in the black. They ended it $500,000 in the hole. In other words, those much- touted discounts the community choice energy provider used to sell its product to you—Joe and Jane Consumer—made it so that 3CE didn’t bring in enough revenue to pay its operating expenses. Governing bodies, amirite? All you told-you-so conservatives out there are going to say “I told you so!” But really, when you run a utility like a business, you get PG&E, which burned down part of California because it didn’t invest enough in infrastructure maintenance. Cutting corners to maintain that nice profit doesn’t really work either. Plus for some stupid reason, PG&E’s rates constantly fluctuate throughout the year, which was one of the issues that 3CE had with the discounts. Because PG&E’s rates were changing, 3CE’s rates needed to change—and that level of uncertainty made it hard to predict revenues. So there you have it. Both structures, either investor-owned or government-run, suck. Three jeers for us! And three jeers for the Santa Maria-Bonita School District too! The elementary and junior high school district decided that its junior high school campuses still needed school resource officers—cops—to be present. At the school board’s June 23 meeting, Board President Linda Cordero called school resource officers “helpers” who could offer “assistance with a variety of things.” But cops aren’t traditionally viewed as that, are they Cordero? Especially in a largely immigrant community of color, full of youth who likely already have to deal with an unwanted police presence in their lives—and some of those encounters are likely unpleasant, dripping with discriminatory policing. As Boardmember Ricardo Valencia put it, “For many of our youth, seeing a police officer is actually a very scary thing.” Yes it is. As it is for most people. And aren’t there better ways to accomplish whatever the district is trying to accomplish? We’re talking about children, here. Boardmember John Hollinshead called JDX PHARMACY Your Local Pharmacy spending money on resource officers “a really dated and antiquated” way for the district to spend and Medical Equipment its money. That money could be spent on things Supply Source like mental health programs, performing arts, and college and career path opportunities, he argued. And these are all things that could give ·Vintners Lounge underserved students a leg up in the world. Medical equipment: Medicine: Oh come on guys! Isn’t instilling a healthy fear ·Atrium Bistro • Hospital beds • Prescription medicine of corporal punishment into a bunch of children • Lift chairs • Cold medicine and preteens a good way to make them behave and ·Vintners Grill think about their future? • Wheelchairs • Cough syrup I’m not sure I’d want my mini-me bumping into ·Champagne Sunday Brunch • Bathroom safety • Cough drops an armed officer at Canary Elementary—even if products • Flu medicine he/she/they was a DARE instructor who taught • and more • Pain relief medicine ·Conferences & private OPEN: Mon–Fri 9am–6pm · Sat 9am–1pm them that sniffing fermented birdseed might ruin their lives. parties for up to 350 people JDX Pharmacy is a full-service pharmacy that offers medications and other medical equipment What sort of message are we sending to them? m to all of Santa Maria, CA. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist you 928-8000 · 3455 Skyway Drive, SM with all your medical supply needs. We offer same-day service for your convenience. The Canary gets the message but doesn’t like it. Send thoughts for publication to [email protected]. 1504 SOUTH BROADWAY EAST, SANTA MARIA • WWW.HEALTHMART.COM • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 15 16 JULY 8 – JULY 15 2021

TOUCH OF GRAY Indie-folk artist Graybill is performing an acoustic concert at Brick Barn Wine Estate on Wednesday, July 14, from 5 to 7 p.m., as part of the tasting room’s Wine Down Wednesdays series. According to press materials, this local singer- songwriter’s voice has been compared to artists like Jack Johnson, G. Love, Michael Franti, and Sam Beam. Visit or graybillmusic. com for more details. The tasting room is located at 795 W. Highway 246, Buellton. —Caleb Wiseblood

FILE PHOTO COURTESY OF GRAYBILL SANTA MARIA VALLEY/LOS ALAMOS PCPA READS AT HOME A literacy project that uses July 13, July 14, July 15, July 16 and July 17 Free. our students’ learning to serve children and parents who 805-925-0994. Santa Maria Public ARTS CAMERA CLUB Learn how the camera works. Share are learning at home. Co-hosted by Allan Hancock College Library, 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria. experiences and make new friends. Second Monday of and the Santa Maria-Bonita School District to bring a love SANTA YNEZ VALLEY every month Free. 805-937-9750. Oasis YOUTH ARTS ALIVE CLASSES The City of Santa of stories and language to people right in their homes. Center, 420 Soares Ave., Orcutt. Maria Recreation and Parks Department and Youth Arts ART FROM THE TRAIL: EXPLORING THE NATURAL ongoing PCPA: The Pacific Conservatory Theatre, Santa BEAUTY OF SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Celebrates Alive will be offering youth arts classes, at no charge, for FEATURED ARTIST: MARILYN DOVER BENSON Maria, 805-922-8313, youth and teens ages 8 to 18 years of age. Classes held the Central Coast with 38 artworks by 27 local artists On display now through the end of July, at the Shepard SUMMER CAMPS AT WINE AND DESIGN Offered outdoors. Through July 30 Free. Abel from the Oak Group, SLOPE (San Luis Outdoor Painters for Hall Gallery at the Santa Maria Public Library. Exhibiting during various weeks of June and July (check site for full list Maldonado Community Youth Center, 600 S. McClelland the Environment) and SCAPE (Southern California Artists the works of Central Coast artist Marilyn Dover Benson. of camps). Through July 23 Wine and Design, 3420 Orcutt St., Santa Maria. Painting for the Environment). Saturdays, Sundays, 11 Through July 29 Free. Shepard a.m.-4 p.m. through Oct. 3 $5 General Admission; ages 17 Road, suite 105, Orcutt, Hall Art Gallery - Santa Maria Public Library, 421 South SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY and under are free. 805-688-1082. McClelland St., Santa Maria, 805-925-0994. TECH TALKS: LIVE ON INSTAGRAM Every Tuesday sit news/art-from-the-trail. Wildling Museum of Art and Nature, down with one of our technical staff and learn about the ins COMEDY TONIGHT A two-act vaudeville revue filled with INCORRUPTIBLE: AN SMCT READERS THEATRE 1511-B Mission Dr., Solvang. and outs of their craft. Get the exclusive with our host Erik puns, parodies, song, and dance starring some of your Presented in a Readers Theatre format for one weekend Stein. Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m. PCPA: The Pacific Conservatory Melodrama favorites. Sundays, 6-8 p.m. through Sept. 12 BIO/MASS: CONTEMPORARY MEDITATIONS only. Written by Michael Hollinger and directed by Stuart Theatre, Santa Maria, 805-922-8313, $25-$32. 805-489-2499. Great ON NATURE Invites viewers to engage with art through Wenger. July 9, 7-9 p.m. Santa Maria American Melodrama, 1863 Front St., Oceano. the eyes of the artists as observers and interpreters of Civic Theatre, 1660 N. McClelland St., Santa Maria. TRASH, A MUSICAL ABOUT A VERY UNTIDY the world around them. The exhibition highlights eleven The fourth and most ambitious production of the INTRO TO IMPROV Looking for something new in 2021? JULY CAMPS: WINE AND DESIGN Check website DEATH contemporary artists who create work in series, exploring Intro to Improv classes are now in-person and they’re a for more details. Through July 9, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and LATG. A cast of 14. A dozen original songs. Music and some element of nature. Saturdays, Sundays, 11 a.m.-4 casual and fun way to build confidence and develop your Through July 16, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Admission varies. comedy on a serious theme. Tickets sales donated to p.m. through Sept. 5 $5 General Admission; ages 17 and improv skills. Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m. through July 14 $150. Wine and Design, 3420 Orcutt Road, suite 105, Orcutt, nonprofit organizations; more than $12,000 raised to date. under are free. 805-688-1082. Broad Street Public July 9, 8-9:30 p.m., July 10, 8-9:30 p.m. and July 11, news/biomass. Wildling Museum of Art and Nature, 1511-B 2-3:30 p.m. $25. 805-344-1144. Los House, 3590 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo, 805-439-3055. MUSIC LESSONS AT COELHO Call or go online for the Mission Dr., Solvang. Alamos Theatre Group, 515 Bell Street, Los Alamos. MIXED MEDIA FOR AGES 5-6 AND 7-12 For ages Academy’s current offerings. The Academy offers private HOLLI HARMON: THE NATURE OF CLOUDS 5-6 (Mondays) and 7-12 (Tuesdays). Mondays, Tuesdays, lessons by the hour or half hour for all age groups and WORKSHOPS VIA ZOOM Sara Curran Ice, PCPA’s Chandelier crystals, spider plants, and various 3:15-4:15 p.m. 805-668-2125. LilA ability. ongoing 805-925-0464. Coelho Technical Theatre Program Coordinator/Designer, is succulents are among the items suspended by invisible Creative Community, 1147 East Grand Ave. suite 101, Academy of Music, 325 E. Betteravia Rd., Santa Maria. conducting Workshops via Zoom for local high school threads, all under a ceiling designed to resemble a drama students. Check site or call for more info. ongoing Arroyo Grande. OUTDOOR UKULELE LESSONS For individuals 50 cumulus-cloud-filled sky, in artist Holli Harmon’s window PCPA: The Pacific Conservatory Theatre, Santa Maria, OPEN STUDIO FOR ADULTS Call to reserve. All years and up, at no charge. Participants will learn to installation inspired by the water cycle. Through Nov. 1 805-922-8313, materials included. Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m. and Wednesdays, play chords, melodies, and familiar songs. Five baritone Wildling Museum of Art and Nature, 12:30-3:30 p.m. $35. 805-668-2125. LilA ukuleles are available to borrow, or class members may THE YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROJECT: SUMMER 1511-B Mission Dr., Solvang, 805-688-1082. Creative Community, 1147 East Grand Ave. suite 101, bring one of their own. Tuesdays, Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 PROGRAMS AT PCPA Features programs for ages Gallery Los Olivos presents artists INSIDE/OUTSIDE p.m. Elwin Mussell Senior 9-12, 13-17, and 8-17. July 12-16 $250 per student. Arroyo Grande. Renee Kelleher and Jim Tyler in an exhibit of pastel and Center, 510 Park Ave., Santa Maria. PCPA: The Pacific Conservatory Theatre, 800 oil paintings. The pair share their passion for rich color, S. College, Santa Maria, 805-922-8313. SAN LUIS OBISPO PCPA: ACTORS TALKBACK Streams live on PCPA’s lighting, composition, and strong value contrasts. ACT SUMMER THEATRE CAMPS Enjoy a whole week Mondays, Thursdays-Sundays. through July 31 Instagram every Thursday and spotlights a YOUTH ART PACKS: SANTA MARIA PUBLIC Pick up an art pack from the Youth Services of theatrical fun in a safe, welcoming environment. Students 805-688-7517. Gallery different thespian guest each week. Hosted LIBRARY desk at the Santa Maria Public Library. Art packs include (ages 5-18) will learn a variety of theater skills, including Los Olivos, 2920 Grand Ave., Los Olivos. by Erik Stein. Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. Free. PCPA: The Pacific Conservatory projects that guide students in learning basic principles of improvisation, movement, character exploration, and acting SOLVANG SCHOOL: BIRD STUDIES A Theatre, Santa Maria, 805-922-8313. art to create a masterpiece at home. July 10, July 12, basics. Camps conclude with a performance for family collaboration with educator Erin Dunkle and and friends. Scholarships available. Mondays-Fridays, 9 middle school students enrolled in Solvang a.m.-4 p.m. through July 30 $150-$300. 805-781-3889. School’s Art and Science elective class to New Times and the Sun now share their San Luis Obispo explore birding and the art of John James community listings for a complete Central INDEX Repertory Theatre, 888 Morro St., San Luis Obispo. Audubon. Through Sept. 12 Wildling Museum Coast calendar running from SLO County through ATMOSPHERES DEEP SLOMA presents a of Art and Nature, 1511-B Mission Dr., Solvang, Arts ...... [16] multimedia exhibition exploring themes of ecology and 805-688-1082, northern Santa Barbara County. Submit events online by logging in with your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account environmentalism. Through Aug. 1 atmospheres-deep/. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. LOMPOC/VANDENBERG at You may also email calendar@ Culture & Lifestyle ...... [18] Deadline is one week before the issue BRUCE EVERETT: OPEN STUDIO ART TOUR Small A CORNUCOPIA OF COLOR: CHRISTINE to large local landscapes. Open daily. Call or email for Featured artist Christine Jeszeck’s fluid date on Thursdays. Submissions are subject to editing Food & Drink ...... [19] JESZECK address and information. 818-384-6125. acrylic work is very bold and colorful. Fridays-Sundays, and approval. Contact Calendar Editor Caleb Wiseblood Private home, Private address, TBA. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. through July 25 Free. Cypress Gallery, 119 directly at [email protected]. Music ...... [19] E Cypress Ave., Lompoc, 805-705-5328, ARTS continued page 17

16 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • ARTS from page 16 p.m. through Aug. 6 $40. 805-590-7334. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. COLLEEN GNOS: OPEN STUDIOS ARTIST Call or email for private tours of Gnos Art Studio. 805-441-8277. TEEN ART WAREHOUSE Free art space and supplies Tickets on sale now at Private home, Private address, TBA. provided for teens, Monday and Friday afternoons. Photography corner for photo shoots and videos. Also THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM features painting, collaging, sewing and more. Mondays, SLO REP returns with SHAKESPEARE (ABRIDGED) Fridays, 12-1 p.m. through Aug. 20 Free. 805-270-3346. a madcap comedy, which features 3 actors who weave Supporting local journalism, one ticket at a time. Transitions Mental Health Warehouse, 784 their wicked way through all of Shakespeare’s comedies, High Street, San Luis Obispo. histories, and tragedies in one wild ride that will leave you breathless and helpless with laughter. Fridays, Saturdays, VIRTUAL ART GALLERY Every Friday, we publish our 7 p.m. and Saturdays, Sundays, 2 p.m. through Aug. 8 Virtual Art Gallery to our blog and newsletter. Featuring $20-$35. 805-781-3889. San Luis Obispo artworks from customers and the community. Fridays, 9 Repertory Theatre, 888 Morro St., San Luis Obispo. a.m.-1 p.m. Free. 805-747-4200. artcentralslo.wordpress. com/category/gallery-exhibits/virtual-gallery/. Art IMAGINATIVE PLAY WITH PYJAMA DRAMA This Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. online imaginative play class will teach children fun ways to handle new situations and emotions in a fun and VIRTUAL OPEN STUDIOS ART TOUR Visit ARTS nurturing environment. Registration required (see link). Obispo’s Facebook page to view works from several 17 Wednesdays, 10:30-11:15 a.m. through July 28 Free. local artists and artisans. ongoing Free. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. artsobispo. Downtown SLO, Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo. LINDA WEINBERG-HAMMER: PASTEL EXHIBIT Pastel artist Linda Weinberg-Hammer will have her works NORTH SLO COUNTY Virtual Lighthouse Tours In-Person Lighthouse Tours SLO Blues Baseball vs. on display. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, please contact the artist directly. ongoing 913-522-9457. Jamaica You, COMEDY NIGHT AT THE CASTLE WITH ERIN ON DEMAND WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS Orange County Riptide 1998 Santa Barbara Ave., San Luis Obispo. FOLEY Features comedian Erin Foley. An evening of Point San Luis Lighthouse, Point San Luis Lighthouse, THURSDAY, JULY 8 smiles, food, and wine. July 10, 7:30-9 p.m. $40-$240. Avila Beach Avila Beach Sinsheimer Park, SLO OPERASLO CHILDREN’S OPERA CAMP Each 805-369-6100. Tooth and Nail singer will perform 2 virtual chorus pieces, 1 solo, and a Winery, 3090 Anderson Rd., Paso Robles. monologue. Guest instructors will be joining us from all over the US to discuss monoglue work, acting technique, FUSED GLASS PLATE OR BOWL CLASS Learn the posture, vocal health, and the history of the American basics of fusing and slumping in this 2-hour beginner Songbook. July 12-23, 9 a.m. $275. 805-423-6551. class. Make an 8” x 8” plate or bowl. You may use pre-cut Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. glass pieces, or learn how to cut glass shapes to create SLO CAMERA CLUB Online Zoom meetings and your own unique design. All materials included. Limited to competitions. Everyone is welcome. Visit site for meeting 6 people. July 10, 10 a.m.-noon $100. 805-464-2633. links. Second Thursday of every month Free to guest. Glasshead Studio, 8793 Plata Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. Lane, Suite H, Atascadero. SLO NIGHTWRITERS FEATURES AUTHOR AVA ICE DYING CLASS Melt ice sprinkled with dye over a HOMA (ZOOM) Ava Homa will discuss her critically t-shirt to create a truly one of a kind design. This process acclaimed book, Daughters of Smoke and Fire. Her debut is completely customizable, choose your colors, fold/ novel is set primarily in Iran among the stateless Kurdish scrunch pattern (if you want one), and watch your shirt SLO Blues Baseball vs. Incorruptible Drive-Thru BBQ Fundraiser people. July 13, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. 805-703-3132. come to life. All supplies are provided. July 17, 12-3 p.m. Conejo Oaks An SMCT Readers Theatre SATURDAY, JULY 10 Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. $50. 805-712-0533. The ARTery, 5890 FRIDAY, JULY 9 FRI, SAT SUN, JULY 9, 10 & 11 Atascadero United Traffic Way, Atascadero. SNAIL MAIL PRINTS: THE CENTRAL COAST Sinsheimer Park, SLO Santa Maria Civic Theare Methodist Church PRINTMAKERS The Central Coast Printmakers started MARBLE PAINTING KIDS CLASS Get the kids an art project during quarantine to stay connected, creative with this simple yet fun painting technique. Each they took inspiration from the Exquisite Corpse Project participant will roll paint covered marbles over a piece of popularized by 1920’s surrealists. In their version, each paper contained in a tray, to create a completely unique began an original print and mailed it to the next member piece of art. All supplies are provided. July 10, 12-1:30 to add to it. Sundays, 12-4 p.m. and Mondays-Saturdays, p.m. $30. 805-464-0533. The ARTery, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. through Aug. 30 Free. 805-747-4200. 5890 Traffic Way, Atascadero. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE GUADALUPE-NIPOMO DUNES CENTER

The Mother Corn Shuckers SLO Blues Baseball vs. Nature Walk at Oso Flaco SATURDAY, JULY 10 Arroyo Seco Saints SUNDAY, JULY 18 Point San Luis Lighthouse, FRI & SUN, JULY 16 & 18 The Guadalupe-Nipomo Avila Beach Sinsheimer Park, SLO Dunes Center

Patriot Cruise of San Luis Bay SLO Blues Baseball vs. SLO Blues Baseball vs. JULY 8 – JULY 15 2021 SUNDAY, JULY 18 Orange County Riptide Santa Barbara Foresters Point San Luis Lighthouse, TUESDAY, JULY 20 WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 TRAILBLAZERS Avila Beach Sinsheimer Park, SLO Sinsheimer Park, SLO The Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center hosts its next Nature Walk at Oso Flaco Lake on Sunday, July 18, from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants are asked to meet at the trailhead in the public parking lot area. Attendees can register for the hike in advance at Admission is free for Dunes Center members and $5 for non-members. Visit for more info. Oso Flaco Lake is located at 3006 Oso Flaco Lake Road, Arroyo Grande. — C.W. STUDIOS ON THE PARK: ONLINE CLASSES AND Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. WORKSHOPS Check site for a variety of virtual classes SPIRITUAL MOVIE DISCUSSION (VIRTUAL) and workshops online. ongoing Supported by Unity 5 Cities, this weekly virtual group Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles, 805- discusses popular movies with spiritual themes (please 238-9800. watch movies in advance). Contact Melissa at meliss. WESTERN TRADITIONS The West conjures up images The FrenZ Symphony of the Vines Yoga at the Lighthouse [email protected] to be added to the email list and receive of cowboys, Native Americans, ranching, and open SATURDAY, JULY 24 Fundraiser SATURDAY, JULY 31 the link. Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. 805-440-9461. plains. For some, the west represents a rough lifestyle Point San Luis Lighthouse, SUNDAY, JULY 25 The Guadalupe-Nipomo Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. that hasn’t changed in over 100 years. Through Aug. 30 Avila Beach Pear Valley Vineyard, Paso Robles Dunes Center SUMMER CAMP: VIDEO GAME CODING, Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles, 805- CARTOONING, CLAYMATION, AND MORE Ray 238-9800, Mullikin (of Raytoons Cartoons) will be teaching his online WINNING IMAGES 2021 Since 1994, New Times classes through Outschool this year instead of Cuesta Media Group has invited local photographers to show us Interested in selling tickets with My805Tix? College For Kids. He will be teaching classes in Cartooning, life from their point of view. Come check out of this year’s Contact us for a demo today! [email protected] POWERED BY: & Claymation, 2-D Animation, Video Game Coding, Comic Book Making, and much more. Mondays-Fridays, 11 a.m.-5 ARTS continued page 18 • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 17 ARTS from page 17 Sensory packs will include everything needed to create an ocean themed sensory bin. Pick up a pack from the a fundraising concert winning photos on display. Through July 24 newtimesslo. Youth Services desk at the Santa Maria Public Library. com. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles, July 8, July 9 and July 10 Free. 805-925-0994. abenefiting fundraising The concert OASIS Center 805-238-9800. Santa Maria Public Library, 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria. benefiting The OASIS Center NORTH COAST SLO COUNTY a fundraisinga senior community concert center in Old Town Orcutt REFLEXOLOGY AT OASIS Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. benefitingaa seniorfundraising communityThe OASIS concert Centercenter in Old Town Orcutt 18TH YEAR CELEBRATION AND FEATURED 805-937-9750. Oasis Center, 420 ARTISTS OPENING RECEPTION Gallery at Marina Soares Ave., Orcutt. Square has been open for 18 years, and is celebrating a seniorbenefiting community The OASIS center Center in Old Town Orcutt with an opening reception for the following exhibits: SUMMER READING PROGRAM: SANTA MARIA aThe fundraising MOLLY concert PUBLIC LIBRARY Sign up for the Summer Reading a senior community center in Old Town Orcutt Gregory Siragusa, Lisa Falk, and Coastal Encounters Group Show. July 10, 5-7 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. Program at your local library branch. There is a special Thea fundraising MOLLY concert reading program for every age level from toddlers to benefiting The OASIS Center Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay. adults. Each program offers activities and challenges as Thebenefitinga senior MOLLYcommunity The OASIS center Center in Old Town Orcutt well as prizes for reading, based on age level. Through RINGWALD ARTIST SALON 2021 EXHIBIT This special exhibit July 31 Free. 805-925-0994. cityofsantamaria.beanstack. aThe senior community MOLLY center in Old Town Orcutt celebrating 70 years of MBAA will feature MBAA Member org. Santa Maria Public Library, 421 S. McClelland St., RINGWALD Artists and their choice of artwork that best represents 18 Santa Maria. their personal artistic journey. Artwork will be accompanied The MOLLY TEEN STEAM MAKER SPACE PACKS (KIT 3) Teens RINGWALD by the artist’s photo and brief bio. All art media and artistic ThePROJECT MOLLYfeaturing the rockin’ views approaches will be represented. Through July 12, 12-4 p.m. can get a free STEAM Pack from any SMPL branch. RINGWALD Free. 805-772-2504. Art Center July 8, July 9 and July 10 Free. 805-925-0994. PROJECT Morro Bay, 835 Main St., Morro Bay. Santa Maria Public Library, 421 S. at CMT Ranchfeaturing 5200 the Dominion rockin’ Roadviews McClelland St., Santa Maria. RINGWALD GALLERY AT MARINA SQUARE PRESENTS PROJECT TEEN STEAM MAKER SPACE PACKS (KIT 3): at CMTfeaturing Ranch 5200 the Dominionrockin’ views Road FEATURED ARTIST GREGORY SIRAGUSA Artist RINGWALD statement: “Photography offers an opportunity to marvel at SANTA MARIA PUBLIC LIBRARY This summer, teens PROJECT will have a chance to use STEAM concepts to complete at CMTJuly Ranchfeaturing 31, 5200 2021 Dominion the rockin’ Road views the beauty in the world. Birds, sunsets, mountains, oceans, all offers a journey into the sublime.” Through July 29 Free. fun experiments. July 8, July 9 and July 10 Free. PROJECTat CMTJuly Ranch 31, 5200 2021 Dominion Road 805-772-1068. Gallery at 805-925-0994. Santa Maria Public Gates openfeaturing at the 6pm rockin’ views Library, 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria. PROJECT Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay. atJuly CMT Ranchfeaturing 31, 5200 2021 the Dominion rockin’ views Road GALLERY AT MARINA SQUARE PRESENTS VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS OVER ZOOM Visit site or call ConcertGates starts open atat 8pm6pm to learn about various virtual workshop offerings. ongoing July 31, 2021 FEATURED GLASS ARTIST LISA FALK Lisa Renée Gatesat CMT open Ranch 5200at 6pm Dominion Road Falk has brought with her many years of experience in Varies. Unwind Studio, 130 N. Broadway, suite B, Santa Concert starts at 8pmTicket sales at art and design, and working with various materials. She Maria, 805-748-2539, GatesJuly open 31, at 2021 6pm is excited to share. Through July 29 Free. 805-772-1068. YOGA FOR MANKIND: ZOOM CLASSES Offering ConcertJuly starts 31, www.oasisorcutt.orgat 20218pmTicket sales at Gallery at Marina Square, a variety of virtual yoga and pilates classes over the ConcertGates starts openConcert atat 6pmtickets8pm - $35 ea 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay. summer. Check site for class schedule. ongoing Starts www.oasisorcutt.orgTicket sales at THE GREAT OUTDOORS Morro Bay Art Association is at $10. Yoga for Mankind, 130 N Gates open at 6pm Broadway, suite B, Orcutt. Concert startsSM Styleat 8pm BBQ - $20 ea proud to present The Great Outdoors. Features artworks ticketsTicket -sales $35 ea at inspired by the beautiful scenery and colorful wildlife YOUTH BOREDOM BUSTERS PACKS: SANTA Concert starts at 8pm found in San Luis Obispo County from their respective MARIA PUBLIC LIBRARY Pick up a pack from the Style ticketsTicket BBQ - $35 sales- $20 ea eaat studios. View nature inspired scenes in all media. July Youth Services desk at the Santa Maria Public Library 14-Sept. 6 Free. 805-772-2504. and any other library branch. Limit of one pack per youth, SMConcert www.oasisorcutt.orgStyle BBQticketsTicket - $20sales - $35 ea atea Art Center Morro Bay, 835 Main St., Morro Bay. available while supplies last. July 10, July 12, July 13, Style BBQ - $20 ea PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP SHOW: COASTAL July 14, July 15, July 16 and July 17 Free. 805-925- Concert tickets - $35 ea ENCOUNTERS Gallery at Marina Square presents 0994. Santa Maria Public Library, ConcertSM Style tickets BBQ -- $35$20 eaea photographers: Alice Cahill, Carlo Christian, Terry 421 S. McClelland St., Santa Maria. Garvin, Dominic Hartman, Brett Harvey, SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY SM Style BBQ - $20 ea Jack McNeal, Karen Peterson, and Beth Sargent in a group show. Through July AMPSURF KIDS SUMMER SURF 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. CAMP (WEEKLY JUNE TO SEPT) Gallery at All children with all abilities invited to Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, participate. Early signups can use promo Morro Bay. code KIDSURF21 for $50 off. Mondays- Fridays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. through Sept. 3 $0- JULY 8 – JULY 15 $350. 805-441-5271. Addie 2021 Street Surfer Parking Lot, Addie Street, DENTAL CARE for the whole family! CULTURE & Pismo Beach. PATRIOT CRUISE OF SAN LUIS BAY Come LIFESTYLE celebrate the 130th Anniversary of the Point San Luis Lighthouse by taking a cruise of San Luis Bay. July 18, IMPLANT SPECIAL LOMPOC/VANDENBERG $2,500 SPECIAL 2 p.m. Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 2021 SUMMER DROP-IN Features outdoor games, Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach. movie days, arts and crafts, sports, and more. For ages POINT SAN LUIS LIGHTHOUSE VIRTUAL TOUR (REG. $4,300) 6 to 12. Sibling discount offered. Presented by the City Join a live docent via Zoom for an interactive virtual INCLUDES: Implant, Abutment & Crown of Lompoc Recreation Division. Mondays-Fridays, 12:30- tour of the Point San Luis Lighthouse. Wednesdays, 11 5:15 p.m. through Aug. 13 Admission varies. 805-875- a.m. $10. Point San Luis CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 8100. Anderson Recreation Center, 125 W. Walnut Ave., Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach. Lompoc, OVER 30 YEARS OF PRIVATE PRACTICE EXPERIENCE SECOND ANNUAL GEARS ON THE GREEN CAR SANTA MARIA VALLEY/LOS ALAMOS SHOW A day filled with everything from classics to vintage DR. LEE & STAFF off-road rigs, live music, and the best of the county’s local 1558 W. Grand Ave, Grover Beach 30 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED IN SANTA MARIA/ food trucks. July 18, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Avila Beach Golf ORCUTT Community Partners in Caring is seeking We accept Resort, 6464 Ana Bay Rd., Avila Beach, 805-595-4000. (8 05) 474 - 810 0 volunteers to help support dependent older adults and payment SUMMER CAMP (GRADES 1-6) Held at different plans seniors. ongoing Santa Maria, Citywide, Santa Maria. elementary schools in Nipomo. Camps feature games, arts Se Habla Español · Walk-ins Welcome and crafts, movies, STEAM activities, and more. Through Open Monday–Fridays, 8am–5pm CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP (ONLINE) Join us Aug. 13 805-929-5437. Nipomo. for this Caregiver Support Group online. Sponsored by the Santa Maria Wisdom Center and Dignity Health VETSURF FRIDAY Veterans encouraged to join us for Family Caregiver Support Program. Open to everyone. these weekly VetSurf programs to share the camaraderie. Call to have zoom link emailed, or for questions. Second Surfers and non-surfers are welcome; enjoy coffee and Tuesday of every month, 1:30-2:30 p.m. through Dec. 31 snacks on the beach or paddle out to share some waves Free. 805-354-5326. Santa Maria, with fellow Veterans. Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free Summer Special: Citywide, Santa Maria. admission. 805-441-5271. Addie Street Surfer Parking Lot, Addie Street, Pismo Beach. FEEL GOOD YOGA Tuesdays, Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. 805-937-9750. Oasis Center, 420 WEEKLY DROWNING RESCUE COURSES Facility $25 off any service Soares Ave., Orcutt. advertised as open and safe. Give the office a call to register over the phone. Mondays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.- HEALTH AND WELLNESS CLASS Tuesdays Oasis 6:30 p.m. Members $130; Non-members $160. 805- Center, 420 Soares Ave., Orcutt, 805-937-9750. 481-6399. 5 Cities Swim School, 425 Traffic Way, Arroyo HUMAN BEING SUPPORT AND INSPIRATION Grande, ONLINE GROUP An online group to listen and get support from others from the comfort of your own home. SAN LUIS OBISPO Tuesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. $40 monthly subscription. 805- ALL-AGES GARDEN YOGA Enjoy a family-friendly 598-1509. Divine Inspiration, 947 E yoga class at the garden this summer. This gentle yoga Orange St., Santa Maria. class is great for kids, seniors, and everyone in between. LINE DANCING Mondays, 6:30-9 p.m. 805-937-9750. Please arrive at the garden’s gift shop a few minutes Oasis Center, 420 Soares Ave., Orcutt. prior to class and bring your own mat, water, and props. Mondays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. through July 26 $5-$15. se habla español ORCUTT MINERAL SOCIETY Second Tuesday of every month Oasis Center, 420 Soares Ave., Orcutt, 805-541-1400. (805) 621-5000 805-868-0954 805-937-9750. yoga. San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden, 3450 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo. PRESCHOOL SUMMER SENSORY PACKS: 1340 W. Betteravia Rd, Santa Maria SANTA MARIA PUBLIC LIBRARY Preschool Summer CULTURE & LIFESTYLE continued page 19

18 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • CULTURE & LIFESTYLE from page 18 practices. Learn about benefits of mindfulness; being NORTH SLO COUNTY aware of what you’re doing, thinking and feeling in the BREASTFEEDING AND RETURNING BACK TO moment. Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.-noon through Aug. 26 TAPAS ON THE HILL Kick off your weekend on our WORK (ONLINE CLASS) Learn the best practices Free. 805-270-3346. Online, San Luis Obispo. hilltop patio with traditional tapas, award-winning wine, 2021 about pumping, how much, when, and managing work, and stunning panoramic vineyard views. Call or email MODERN DANCE FITNESS CLASS FOR ADULTS pumping, and breastfeeding. Registered Dietician and to reserve your table. Fridays, 5-7 p.m. through Oct. 29 Rhythmic and exploratory movement rooted in Lactation consultant Lauri Conrad will lead this class, 805-434-3333. AronHill Vineyards, 3745 West Highway expressive modern dance style. This class is suitable SUMMER which is provided as a public service by Tenet Health 46, Templeton, Central Coast. July 13, 6-7:15 p.m. 805-434-4644. for all levels. Wednesdays, 9-10 a.m. World Rhythm and TWILIGHT RESERVE TASTING Semi-private CONCERT SERIES Online, See website, Motion Studio, 3422 Miguelito Ct., Studio #3, San Luis sunset rooftop tasting experience. Includes a flight San Luis Obispo. Obispo, 805-596-0609, of limited release and reserve wines paired with a SLO BLUES BASEBALL Come see the Blues take on FEATURING CAMP SHORESHIM The JCC is thrilled to host its complimentary cheese and charcuterie board. Advanced various teams at the ballpark. Tickets are limited; early 10th summer of Camp Shoreshim. We welcome you 48-hour booking required. Fridays, Saturdays, 6 p.m. Central Coast bands, BBQ, purchases recommended. Visit site for more details. and your family to our Ancient Hebrew Village. This will through Oct. 30 $120 per person. 805-369-6100. July 8, 6 p.m. Sinsheimer Park, 900 and beer on our outdoor be a summer to remember and we welcome campers Tooth and Nail Winery, 3090 Southwood Dr., San Luis Obispo, 805-781-7222. and families of all backgrounds to join us. July 8, 9 Anderson Rd., Paso Robles. patio from 12-4pm a.m.-3:30 p.m., July 9, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., July 12, 9 STORYTIME TALES FROM AROUND THE USA VIRTUAL WINE TASTING PACKAGES AT CASS Each Friday this summer, we FILE PHOTO BY STEVE E. MILLER WINERY Wine by the glass and bottles are also available 19 will premiere a story time from for purchase. Check site for specific virtual tasting JULY around the USA, each recorded packages. ongoing Free. 805-239-1730. in a different state. Fridays, 6 a.m. through July 30 Free. 805- Cass Winery And Vineyard, 7350 Linne Rd., Paso Robles. 7/10 Noach Tangeras 781-5775. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. 7/11 Earls of Tuesday SUMMER SUPER CAMP-A- MUSIC 7/17 Jill Knight PALOOZA Summer camps for ages 4 and up. Each week has SANTA YNEZ VALLEY 7/18 Shameless a different theme with special LIVE MUSIC SUNDAYS Sundays, 2-5 p.m. Brick Barn guests and fun activities. Wine Estate, 795 W. Hwy 246, Buellton, 805-686-1208, 7/24 Rockin Bs Through Aug. 18 805-549-8408. Central Coast 7/25 Spanky Paul WINE DOWN WEDNESDAYS Wednesdays, 5-7 p.m. Gymnastics Sports Center, 21 Brick Barn Wine Estate, 795 W. Hwy 246, Buellton, 805- Zaca Lane, San Luis Obispo. 7/31 Rough house 686-1208, NORTH SLO COUNTY SANTA MARIA VALLEY/LOS ALAMOS PASO ROBLES JOB FAIR CENTRAL COAST BEAT SOCIAL: COURTYARD More than 40 businesses CULTURE An ongoing series of outdoor music events representing several sectors at different venues in Santa Maria, Guadalupe, and other of industry and hospitality will cities along the Central Coast. Hosted by Central Coast be on hand and ready to meet Beat Social. ongoing Santa prospective employees. July Maria, Citywide, Santa Maria. 13, 9-11 a.m. Free. Downtown City Park, 11th and Spring St., SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY Paso Robles, 8052398463, [email protected]. CONCERT IN THE VICTORIAN GARDEN Popular JULY 8 – JULY 15 PASO ROBLES OLIVE singer/songwriter Mark Welch returns to Unity 5 Cities 2021 FESTIVAL AND CENTRAL for a free, live outdoor concert. Welch has a passion YOU HAD ME AT MELO and talent for writing soulful, relatable songs that lift Call for Reservations Comedy Night, a new two-act vaudeville revue, premieres at the COAST LAVENDER FESTIVAL Paso Robles Olive listeners’ spirits as well as provide inspiration. Donation 805-927-4502 Great American Melodrama in Oceano on Thursday, July 15 Festival and Central Coast suggested but not required. July 11, 12-1:30 p.m. Free. and is scheduled to run through Sunday, Sept. 12. The theater Lavender Festival have been 805-440-9461. The Victorian, 789 is asking patrons who aren’t fully vaccinated to respectfully combined this year, to be held in Valley Rd., Arroyo Grande. wear masks while inside the venue. All cast and staff members the downtown Paso Robles City GROVER BEACH SUMMER CONCERT SERIES are fully vaccinated. Visit to find out Park. July 10, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Features Unfinished Business (July 4), Stevie Nicks more. The theater is located at 1863 Front St., Oceano. Free admission. 805-238-4103. Illusion (July 11), Dark Desert Highway (July 25), Careless — C.W. Paso Whisper (Aug. 1), Scratch (Aug. 8), and Rock Odyssey Robles City Park Gazebo, Spring (Aug. 15). July 11, 3-6 p.m. Free. Ramona and 12th St., Paso Robles. Garden Park Center, 993 Ramona Ave., Grover Beach, Have the Sun 805-473-4580. a.m.-3:30 p.m., July 13, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., July 14, 9 delivered to a.m.-3:30 p.m., July 15, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. and July 16, LIVE AT THE LIGHTHOUSE: MOTHER CORN 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $295. 805-426-5465. FOOD & DRINK SHUCKERS Enjoy a fun, danceable mix of bluegrass camp-shoreshim.html. JCC-Federation of SLO Property, and other genres. Limited availability; early purchases your door! SANTA YNEZ VALLEY 875 Laureate Lane, San Luis Obispo. recommended. No outside chairs, food, or beverage, KALYRA: PURCHASES AND PICK-UPS Offering please. No pets please. This is a smoke free site. July COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND BOUNDARIES varietals from all over the world. Tuesdays-Sundays, 12-5 10, 3-7 p.m. Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Save yourself the trouble! Have your communication skills gotten a little rusty p.m. 805-693-8864. Kalyra Winery, Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach. during the shutdown? How can you improve your 343 N. Refugio Rd., Santa Ynez. relationships and workplace communication skills? THE TAPROOTS DUO AT PUFFERS OF PISMO The $20/month · $117/six months · $208/year This is important, and so is allowing others to express STANDING SUN: CELLAR CLUB Visit site for Cellar Taproots are best known for their creative songwriting, themselves. Tuesdays, 9-10:30 a.m. through Aug. 17 Club details and more info. Mondays-Thursdays, 11 a.m.- strong harmonies and innovative guitar work. The band Contact Patricia at (805) 546-8208 Free. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. 5 p.m. 805-691-9413. Standing performs a unique blend of original contemporary or [email protected] Sun Wines, 92 2nd St., Unit D, Buellton, 805-691-9413. Americana music incorporating rock, folk and jazz DEALING WITH OVERWHELMING EMOTIONS: influences.July 11, 5-7:30 p.m. Free. 805-773-6563. to sign up today ONLINE STRESS SUPPORT (ZOOM) Feelings got SANTA MARIA VALLEY/LOS ALAMOS Puffers of Pismo, 781 Price you dazed and confused? Not dealing well with yet more St., Pismo Beach. changes? We have some awesome, kind, caring, and wise PRESQU’ILE WINERY: WINE CLUB Call or go online folks from FEMA Crisis Counseling team and TMHA who to make a reservation to taste at the winery or find SAN LUIS OBISPO can try and help the stress get less. Mondays, 5-6:30 more info on the winery’s Wine Club offerings. ongoing p.m. through Aug. 30 Free. Presqu’ile Winery, 5391 DANTE MARSH AND THE VIBE SETTERS LIVE DJ Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. Presqu’ile Dr., Santa Maria, 805-937-8110. Mano Gil will kick the night off and there will be special guests. July 10, 7 p.m. Free. 805-543-1843. SLO Brew MEDITATION COURSE VIA ZOOM Learn to meditate WINE AND DESIGN VIRTUAL AND IN-PERSON Rock, 855 Aerovista Pl., San Luis Obispo, from the comfort of your home from an experienced, CLASSES Check Wine and Design’s Orcutt website certified meditation teacher. For beginners as well for the complete list of virtual and in-person classes, MARATHON: NEW ALBUM RELEASE Local artist C. as those seeking to extend an existing practice. for various ages. Also offering kids camps for summer. Hite is releasing Marathon, a collection of original techno What’s Your Email ([email protected]) or text for more info. ongoing Varies. Wine and music, to run by that was created and broadcast for We know you’ve Wednesdays, Sundays, 11 a.m.-noon and Sundays, 6-7 Design, 3420 Orcutt Road, suite 105, Orcutt. marathon runners in a downtown SLO race. Through Aug. got an opinion. p.m. Donation based. 559-905-9274. theartofsilence. 5 Online, See website, San Take? net/events. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY Luis Obispo. Everybody’s got one! MEET AN AMAZING ANIMAL EACH WEEK (LIVE ARROYO GRANDE FARMERS MARKET Saturdays, WOLF JETT (WITH SUPPORT FROM BALTO) Enjoy This week’s online poll 7/8–7/15 VIA ZOOM) Each Tuesday, meet a different animal 12-2:25 p.m. Arroyo Grande Farmers Market, Olohan Alley. live music from folk/blues supergroup Wolf Jett with through Zoom, and learn about the people who work PISMO BEACH FARMERS MARKET Features various support from Balto. July 9, 7 p.m. Free. 805-543-1843. Should Santa Maria-Bonita School with them. Part of the 2021 Summer Reading Program. vendors selling their goods. Wednesdays, 4-7 p.m. Pismo SLO Brew Rock, 855 Aerovista Pl., San District fund school resource officers Tuesdays, 10:30-11 a.m. through July 27 Free. 805-781- Beach Farmers Market, Pismo Pier, Pismo Beach. Luis Obispo. (SROs)? 5775. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo. m Yes, we need a police presence on SAN LUIS OBISPO NORTH SLO COUNTY METABOLIC CONDITIONING We use primarily our campus. own body weight in this interval training class to run , 4 p.m. The Pour House, 525 CHARCUTERIE AND CHEER Celebrate summer at DEJA-VU LIVE July 11 m through exercises and drills to raise the heart rate, this exclusive Monday Club Garden event. Enjoy fine Pine St., Paso Robles, 805-239-1000, No, funding should go toward other condition our muscles, and stay flexible. This advanced wine, charcuterie, and entertainment in The Monday TIM STYLES AND STEVE KEY SHARE PASO programs. class also incorporates hand weights and sand bags, if Club Garden. July 11, 4-6 p.m. $200 (for two). SHOW Songwriters at Play host Steve Key swaps m Sure, a SRO creates a better you have them. Mondays-Thursdays, 8:15-9:15 a.m. $72. The Monday Club, 1815 Monterey songs with Bakersfield balladeer Tim Styles. Guest sets: relationship with law enforcement. 415-516-5214. Online, See website, San St., San Luis Obispo, 805-541-0594. Craig Louis Dingman, Zoe FitzGerald Carter, and Casey m Defund the police. Luis Obispo. SLO FARMERS MARKET Hosts more than 60 Rodgers. July 10, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Free. 805-204-6821. MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION A safe place to vendors. Saturdays, 8-10:45 a.m. World Market Parking Sculpterra Winery, 5015 Linne Rd., Enter your choice online experience reality through mindfulness and meditation Lot, 325 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo. Paso Robles. m at: • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 19 STAGE COURTESY PHOTOS BY JEFFREY BLOOM Arts Briefs Third season of NBC’s Making It features Santa Maria local PHOTO COURTESY OF 20 Kara Walker MPRM COMMUNICATIONS Santa Maria-based artist and designer Kara Walker (pictured) was chosen to compete on NBC’s current season of Making It, which premiered on June 24. Hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, each season of Making It assembles a different group of crafters from around the country to compete with each other in various do-it-yourself crafting challenges. Described in press materials as “a small-town mom with big dreams,” Walker, 40, enjoys making costumes and props Judge Clara Click (Ilene Bezahler, for her two sons, as part of her love for crafting. Walker was MOCK TRIAL: left) presides over the Los Alamos Theatre Jury duty born without an eardrum in one ear and is half deaf in the other Group’s new courtroom musical, TRASH, which Performances of TRASH, presented by the Los Alamos Theatre Group, will ear. After going through multiple surgeries while growing up, also stars Dianne McGowan-Lindquist (center) be held on July 9 and 10, from 8 to 9:30 p.m., and July 11, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., Walker felt like an oddball in high school. At age 19, she started as witness Beatrice Flatta and Shelby Sim at the Depot Mall and Bar, located at 515 Bell St., Los Alamos. Tickets range her own art company and has been self-employed ever since. (right) as Prosecutor Blanchfield. from $25 to $35. Visit for more details. Check out videos on Walker’s YouTube page (Kara Walker Designs) for more info on the designer and her artistic process. Santa Maria Civic Theatre presents one-night reading All that litters is gold of Incorruptible A cast and crew of volunteers bring the On July 10, the Santa Maria Civic Theatre will present Los Alamos Theatre Group’s new musical its first in-person Readers Theatre production of the year, Incorruptible, written by Michael Hollinger and directed by fundraiser, TRASH, to life Stuart Wenger. This one-night reading starts at 7 p.m. and is scheduled to end at 9 p.m. BY CALEB WISEBLOOD The songs General admission to the show is $10, and tickets are he historic Depot Mall and Bar in Los Alamos are brief (as available online in advance at Tickets for Santa has been transformed into a fictitious county you’d expect Maria Civic Theatre members are $5 (attendees must bring Tcourtroom, thanks to Jim Albertson, the set from a one-act), their membership cards to the show, or have the box office constructor behind a new one-act musical currently but every cast check the membership list, to receive the discounted price). held at the venue (with performances scheduled to member lends To find out more about the reading and other upcoming run through July 11). their voice to productions at the Santa Maria Civic Theatre, visit Presented by the Los Alamos Theatre Group, the plot at least The venue is located at 1660 N. McClelland St., Santa Maria. TRASH debuted on July 2 and proceeds from its once, expressing two-weekend run will be split between Olga Reed their opinions Elementary School and a handful of nonprofit (whether they Cypress Gallery holds seem fair, biased, organizations, including the Friends of the Los JUDGEMENT DAY: Defense Attorney Dandi (Krista Harris, right) defends three men (Gabriel Bustamante, or anywhere new solo exhibit, Color Alamos Public Library. To date, the local community Jason Mergenov, and Kris Beverly, pictured from left to right) on trial for murdering a litterbug, in Los theater (founded in 2018) has raised more than in-between) of Alamos Theatre Group’s latest production, TRASH. Connections, showcasing $12,000 to benefit various programs and causes. the unfolding Tickets to TRASH start at $25, with special bar case. Even the local artist Chris Jeszeck seating also available to patrons for $35. court’s stenographer (Deborah Ulrick) and The Lompoc Valley Art Association presents Color Written and directed by Jeffrey Bloom bailiff (Douglas Clark) weigh in with their Connections, a new exhibition at the Cypress Gallery, which (locally known as a prolific wedding and portrait thoughts on the case in operatic fashion. opened on July 2 and COURTESY IMAGE BY CHRIS JESZECK photographer), TRASH has been described as a While Prosecutor Blanchfield openly is scheduled to remain courtroom comedy centered on “a very untidy death,” sings lyrics alluding to the defendants on display through July made possible by a team of volunteer performers and rotting in hell someday, the trio isn’t afraid 25. This solo exhibit technicians, with a cast and crew made up of unpaid to revel in their belief that the person they’re showcases a collection community members. The plot follows Prosecutor accused of murdering is already there— of artworks created whoa, talk about a major burn! While it’s by Lompoc local Chris Blanchfield (played by Shelby Sim), who squares evident early on that these three men believe Jeszeck. off with Defense Attorney Dandi (Krista Harris, Featured pieces co-publisher of Edible Santa Barbara) as she comes the decedent deserved his fate, whether in the show include to the aid of three men (Jason Mergenov, Gabriel they’re responsible for his death remains a Celebration (pictured), Bustamante, and Kris Beverly) on trial for murder. mystery up until the play’s final moments. Waiting, Blue Iris, The decedent? A motorcyclist who the trio got into Throughout the show, the audience Jazz, and Carefree, an aggressive scuffle with after they accused him of hears testimonies from several witnesses, TRUE DETECTIVE: Detective Blaine O’Reilly (Addison Jones, right) is called all of which use littering on the highway (hence the title, TRASH). including twin sisters Beatrice and Anna to the witness stand and questioned by Defense Attorney Dandi (Krista color selection and Judge Clara Click (Ilene Bezahler) presides over Flatta (played by real-life twin sisters Harris, left). Also pictured: Judge Clara Click (Ilene Bezahler, center). placement to provoke this procedural parody, as the audience becomes Dianne McGowan-Lindquist and Gretchen specific moods and a jury of sorts, watching as the play progresses like McGowan, respectively), and brother “My sister planted the acting seed with me a long feelings, according to the Lompoc Valley Art Association. To an actual court case in real time—with the minor and sister Lucas and Penelope Redwine (played time ago,” Jones said in the show’s program. “We find out more about Color Connections and other upcoming exception of characters periodically breaking into by Cooper Smith and Bella Sim, respectively). performed anything and everything we could, for exhibits at the Cypress Gallery, visit The gallery song and dance routines. The show features about Speaking of siblings, cast member Addison Jones anyone who would sit down long enough for us to is located at 119 Cypress Ave., Lompoc. m a dozen original songs, composed by collaborators (who also gets called to the witness stand during the grab their attention.” m Connie Rhode and Lee Stanchfield (the duo who trial, playing Detective Blaine O’Reilly) thanks her Arts Briefs is compiled by Arts Editor Caleb Wiseblood. Send scored the Los Alamos Theatre Group’s last original sister for inspiring her to pursue acting during her Grab Arts Editor Caleb Wiseblood’s attention at information to [email protected]. musical, Crazy Talented). childhood. [email protected].

20 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • 21

A brief story, Get up close with fifty-five words sea life from the Santa Barbara Channel! or less, with Meet sharks, sea anemones, rays, a headline no sea stars, mesmerizing jellies, longer than and an entrancing octopus. seven words.

Thank you for entering!

Our judges have lots of reading to do.

Winners will be published on July 29, 2021.

211 Stearns Wharf, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-962-2526 • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 21 [email protected]

SUN SCREEN PHOTO COURTESY OF CONCORDIA STUDIO AND SEARCHLIGHT PICTURES communities of New York that performance is facilitated by music. There are riveting. The 1960s SUMMER OF SOUL so many moving moments, was a boom decade (… OR, WHEN THE Black is beautiful and the original 1969 for assassinations uestlove directs this new documentary about cameramen who captured the concert series had between John and REVOLUTION COULD the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival, an event the good sense to turn the cameras on the crowd, Bobby Kennedy, NOT BE TELEVISED) 22 Qovershadowed by Woodstock and in part capturing the mood, the fashion, and the energy of Malcolm X, and What’s it rated? PG-13 ignored because it celebrated African American this seminal moment in history. It’s like opening a Dr. King, and the When? 2021 music and culture, promoting Black pride and unity. time capsule. Black community Where’s it showing? The Palm It features appearances by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Anna: What an experience this festival must clearly felt the sting Theatre of SLO, Chris Rock, Stevie Wonder, and many more, as well have been! I’m sure everyone who attended still of those murders What’s it worth, Anna? Full price as archival footage of Nina Simone, B.B. King, Sly pinches themselves when they think about how in ways others What’s it worth, Glen? Full price and the Family Stone, and others. (117-min.) lucky they were to catch these acts on stage and the didn’t. This was solidarity that this festival brought to the Harlem also the beginning Glen: If you think Summer of Soul is just another community. The film delves into some of the of the “Black is beautiful” era, and artists like Nina “TAKE YOU HIGHER”: Sly Stone entertains a huge crowd during the Harlem Cultural Festival, which took place over six concert film, you’re very much mistaken. This intricacies of the music and musicians as well, from Simone were reminding her community that it weekends in 1969, in the new documentary Summer of Soul, is a history lesson, an economics lesson, and the differences in how Babatunde Olatunji, Mongo was filled with people who are “Young, Gifted, and screening at The Palm Theatre and on Hulu. a sociological lesson that just happens to have Santamaria, and Ray Barretto hit their drums to Black”—a message that resonated after so many amazing, never before seen live performances by years of segregation and Jim Crow. This is a film the different elements that both their shared and music is far before my time on this earth, and while Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone, Sly and the Family about a community celebrating itself, lifting itself separate heritages brought to the music. It’s lively it speaks to my heart because I grew up listening to Stone, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Mahalia up, despite continued racism, poverty, and lack of and inspiring. Watching the audience, you can tell all of these artists and bands, it is a whole different Jackson, B.B. King, The 5th Dimension, Pop opportunity. And the music! My god! These are that this was a hugely spiritual experience, one that experience to watch them perform and to do it to a Staples and the Staples Singers, and more. Filmed amazing performances. As the camera panned got swept away when studios at the time refused to huge crowd who are having an experience that you in 1969 over six hot summer weekends in Mount the crowd, in the rare moment I saw a white face, think people would want to watch and experience know they will never forget nor re-create. Questlove Morris Park (now Marcus Garvey Park), the I thought, “Man, I wish that was me.” What a Black music. I’m sure this festival was on the radar manages to build a history while keeping the music videotapes were shelved and forgotten, just like this moment in time! for a lot of diehard music aficionados, but I had flowing, and as far as interviewees, he scores with festival. Questlove finds some of the people who never heard anything about it—which is pretty Anna: That Mahalia Jackson and Mavis Staples a wide range of characters who were there, knew attended the event, and we watch as they’re shown outlandish when you look at the all-star lineup of duet was so incredible. That’s the kind of the people involved, are from the neighborhood, or footage and prompted to recall how they felt. He performers. The Palm is a great theater to see this performance that will bring me to tears. It was bring big insight into what a phenomenon this time also interviews some of the performers who are still film; it feels intimate and engrossing, and listening also interesting to hear people talk about Stevie was. To see the park cleared out after the festival alive, and again, we watch them as they watch the to this music and the people talking about it while Wonder and his performance. At the time, there and then hear that it was thoroughly pushed aside footage, reliving a very defining moment in Black seeing all this amazing archival footage on the big were questions about whether he would stick with and hidden away is so sad, but I’m so glad we get to history. We learn from former New York Times screen is dazzling to say the least. his hits from the ’60s and continue in that successful experience this magic now. m reporter Charlayne Hunter-Gault that 1969 was the Glen: Hearing Mavis Staples recall singing Martin yet tired vein or branch out into something bigger, year the Black community went from being called Luther King Jr.’s favorite hymn, “Take My Hand, bolder, and more experimental. Let’s just say he Senior Staff Writer Glen Starkey and freelancer Anna “negroes” in the press to “Blacks.” We learn about Precious Lord,” with Mahalia Jackson at the festival brought the heat in that performance and there Starkey write Sun Screen. Glen compiles streaming the crossover between the Black and Hispanic was a real highlight for me, and archival footage of wasn’t anything conventional about it. All of this listings. Comment at [email protected].

PHOTO COURTESY OF HBO MAX AND WARNER BROS. PHOTO COURTESY OF SKYDANCE MEDIA AND NEW REPUBLIC PICTURES I’d say goes to (1998), but this is a gripping story Film Reviews with an unbeatable cast. (115 min.) —Glen NO SUDDEN MOVE What’s it rated? R THE TOMORROW WAR When? 2021 What’s it rated? PG-13 Where’s it showing? HBO Max When? 2021 (Erin Brockovich, Ocean’s Eleven, Magic Where’s it showing? Amazon Prime Mike) directs this crime drama that’s got an amazing cast, Chris McKay (The Lego Movie) directs this sci-fi a twisty-turny double- and triple-cross tale, and a decided adventure about a future war humanity is losing against film noir feel. At the heart of the story is career criminal Curt aliens. When time travelers arrive from 2051, they recruit Goynes (), who gets teamed up with a crew of soldiers and civilians in the present to travel 30 years into the FIGHT OF THEIR LIVES: Chris Pratt (second from left) stars unfamiliar lowlifes to pull off a mysterious job of stealing a TRUST ISSUES: Career criminals Ronald Russo (Benicio Del future to help fight the war before it’s too late. Most of the document somehow related to the automotive industry. as Dan Forester, a high school biology teacher drafted to Toro, left) and Curt Goynes (Don Cheadle) are teamed to draftees never return. When the job goes sideways, Goynes and Ronald Russo fight a war 30 years in the future against alien creatures, in pull off a heist, but both seem to have hidden agendas, in High school teacher Dan Forester (Chris Pratt) is called to () try to chase the money up the food chain, duty, reluctant to go but determined to assure there’s a future The Tomorrow War, screening on Amazon Prime. discovering along the way who hired them and why they’re the noirish period crime thriller, No Sudden Move, screening world for his daughter Muri (Ryan Kiera Armstrong). Once expendable. Jon Hamm shows up as dirty fed Joe Finney, Ray on HBO Max. there, he teams up with the leader of the future army, a brilliant (J.K. Simmons), the story works hard to inject some emotional Liotta is mid-level gangster Frank Capelli, and scientist (Yvonne Strahovski) working to destroy the enemy. heft, but the star of the show is Pratt, who’s delivering his is Jones, another gangster with an anger problem. Best of all, Between the sets, the clothes, and the cars, it’s a slick and It’s action-packed, well filmed, and considering it deals in quippy one-liners with dry humor. It’s not great, but it’s free there’s an essential cameo by , which sets up the engrossing period thriller, and the story will keep you guessing time travel, only mostly ridiculous. Between Forester and his with your Amazon Prime subscription. (140 min.) m film’s whole point about American corruption and greed. till the end. It may not be Soderbergh’s best crime caper, which daughter Muri, and Forester and his estranged father James —Glen


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22 • Sun • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • [email protected] FOOD PHOTOS COURTESY OF BROKEN CLOCK VINEGAR WORKS Best in shrub 23 Broken Clock Vinegar Works wins big at 2021 Central Coast Vinegar Competition, offers new flavors and take- home fermentation kits BY CALEB WISEBLOOD t the end of June, a board of judges gathered in Paso Robles for a blind Atasting event to determine the winners of the California Mid-State Fair’s 2021 Central Coast Vinegar Competition. From a pool of entries encompassing 10 coastal counties (from Alameda to Ventura), Solvang’s Broken Clock Vinegar Works placed first in one of the competition’s five categories. “We are very grateful there is a competition like this,” said Broken Clock co-founder Jody Williams, whose infused chardonnay and lavender vinegar took home the Best in Class (Infused) award. The last year Broken Clock competed in the contest was 2019, in which they VEGGIE TALES: Although an official start date has yet to be announced, the owners of Broken Clock are won one gold, one bronze, and three SHRUB STEPS: Broken Clock Vinegar Works’ latest offerings include a new line of take-home planning to host monthly fermentation workshops, starting this summer. Participants will be asked to silver medals. Apart from scoring Best fermentation packets and pickling kits, which include beginner-friendly directions and supplies for bring three vegetables of their choice, which they’ll learn how to ferment in jars using spices and other in Class this year, the company earned patrons to create healthy, lacto-fermented foods. supplies (all included with the price of admission). four more medals (two gold and two silver) to add to its list of accolades. using its current space for both retail Williams ordered beets “We were very excited to find out that and production. and carrots from one of we placed again and are very proud of “We have been busy expanding our her favorite local growers, all of our vinegars, but it was especially product line, increasing distribution, Finley Farms in Santa Ynez, exciting to win big for the chardonnay and reinventing our retail location for the new flavor. Broken lavender,” Williams said. “That vinegar at our production facility to better Clock has used golden beets is so beautiful and fun to use. It’s always accommodate COVID-19 safety in previous shrubs, but nice to know a group of highly qualified protocols,” said Williams who currently this new offering marks judges agree.” hosts private tours of the facility (aka the first time Williams and Williams also appreciates the The Shrubbery), where guests can catch her husband have used red competition as an outlet to stay in touch a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Broken beets. with other vinegar makers from around Clock’s infusion and fermentation “The fun thing about the state. process. red beets is that the “We always have a good time “We are trying to make it a really color is hot pink, so now checking out the other winners and unique experience for people, and also we have this amazing discovering new vinegar producers. educational,” Williams said of the tour. product that makes a hot There aren’t many of us out there,” she “We try to make sure there are some pink cocktail—so fun,” said. “We’d love to go tour some of these interesting things going on, like having a Williams said. other producers and see what they’re vinegar mother that people can see and Hot, new flavors aside, doing the same/differently, etc.—just touch, or something fermenting in one the Broken Clock brand like winemakers compare notes, us of our large bins.” has grown into much more vinegar makers need to stick together.” One of Williams’ favorite parts of than just shrubs, Williams ON THE CLOCK: Central Coast locals Jody and Charles Williams (pictured) originated Broken Clock Vinegar Works under Broken Clock Vinegar Works these appointments though is simply explained. a cottage food license in their own home kitchen in 2016. A year later, they moved the business to its current location on originated as a cottage food business witnessing her guests’ reactions during “Our fermentation line Mission Drive in Solvang, lovingly nicknamed The Shrubbery. (in Williams’ home kitchen) in 2016, a the tasting segment, especially attendees is a fun new focus and year before Williams and her husband who have never tried a shrub before. also very educational for yet to be announced, Williams said she is that you really only need a few acquired an official facility, where they “We love sharing that ‘aha’ moment our customers,” Williams said, while and her husband are also planning to supplies to do it right,” said Williams, continue to operate today. Over the with people when they have just tasted discussing Broken Clock’s take-home host monthly fermentation workshops who offers complimentary samples of shrubs for the first time, and a whole past few months, the couple has been pickling kits and lacto-fermentation at Broken Clock, beginning with an lacto-fermented cauliflower, carrots, new world of flavors and recipes go off brine packets available for purchase. pondering whether they should pursue introduction to lacto-fermentation green beans, and cucumbers to visitors like a light bulb,” she said. “All you have to do is know which a separate location (in either Solvang or (which the couple hopes to host during shrub tastings. The newest shrub flavor guests veggie you want to use—cucumbers, Los Olivos) strictly for retail, or continue sometime this summer). “Eating lacto-fermented foods is can look forward to trying is a triple broccoli, carrots, cabbage, squash, linked to all kinds of health benefits, and Participants will be asked to bring threat—beet, carrot, and cinnamon. etc.,” Williams said, referring to the we try to have examples going at The The clock is ticking “We have never done anything like brine packets, which include beginner- three vegetables of their choice to Shrubbery at all times to serve people Broken Clock’s production facility, aka The it, so we started with a few different friendly directions and supplies the class, which they’ll learn how to m Shrubbery, is currently open for private tours and while they taste,” Williams said. trials at home,” Williams said of Broken for patrons to create healthy, lacto- ferment in jars using spices and other tastings and is located at 1210 Mission Drive, Clock’s latest experiment. “Thankfully supplies (all included with the price of Send veggies, tales, and VeggieTales to Arts suite 103, Solvang. For more info on Broken Clock fermented foods from the comfort of Vinegar Works, visit they were delicious, and we settled on their own homes. admission). Editor Caleb Wiseblood at cwiseblood@ this combo.” Although an official start date has “The thing about lacto-fermentation • July 8 - July 15, 2021 • Sun • 23 Winning What’s That What’s That 24 Images SMELL? 26th Annual Photography SMELL?

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