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NEEMO 21: TOOLS, TECHNIQUES, TECHNOLOGIES & TRAINING for SCIENCE EXPLORATION. T. Graff1, K. Young2, D. Coan3, D. Merselis 4 Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 2391.pdf NEEMO 21: TOOLS, TECHNIQUES, TECHNOLOGIES & TRAINING FOR SCIENCE EXPLORATION. T. Graff1, K. Young2, D. Coan3, D. Merselis4, A. Bellantuono4, K. Dougan4, M. Rodriguez-Lanetty4, K. Nedimyer5, S. Chappell6, K. Beaton6, A. Naids7, A. Hood7, M. Reagan7, E. Rampe7, W. Todd8, J. Poffenberger6, and D. Garrison9, 1Jacobs, NASA JSC, Houston, TX 77058 ([email protected]), 2UTEP-Jacobs/JETS, 3SGT, 4FIU, 5Coral Res- toration Foundation, 6KBRwyle, 7NASA JSC, 8USRA, 9Barrios-Jacobs/JETS. Introduction: The 21st mission of the National Aer- deep and shallow reefs [4,5]. Over the course of the mis- onautics and Space Administration (NASA) Extreme sion, > 60 hours of science driven EVA operations were Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) was a conducted, including 1) the construction and initial sci- highly integrated operational field test and evaluation of ence investigation of two long-term coral nurseries, 2) tools, techniques, technologies, and training for science follow-on research and re-sampling of NEEMO 20 tar- driven exploration during extravehicular activity gets of interest, 3) further exploration of the surrounding (EVA). The mission was conducted in July 2016 from reef environment to identify, document, and sample ad- the Aquarius habitat, an underwater laboratory, off the ditional coral species, and 4) stand-alone tool testing to coast of Key Largo in the Florida Keys National Marine evaluate sampling procedures and on-going geoscience Sanctuary. An international crew of eight (comprised of tool development. This abstract briefly summarizes the NASA and ESA astronauts, engineers, medical person- tools, techniques, technologies, and training conducted nel, and habitat technicians) lived and worked in and during NEEMO 21. around Aquarius and its surrounding reef environment Tools: A number of prototype hardware designs for 16 days. The integrated testing (both interior and ex- were evaluated for maturation of tools and equipment, terior objectives) conducted from this unique facility these can be categorized into the following: continues to support current and future human space ex- ploration endeavors. Expanding on the scientific and operational evalua- tions conducted during NEEMO 20 [1], the 21st NEEMO mission further incorporated a diverse Science Team comprised of planetary geoscientists from the As- tromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES/XI) Division from the Johnson Space Center, Science Sampling Kit. Evaluated EVA hardware and marine scientists from the Department of Biological operations for science sampling in a surface/partial-g Sciences at Florida International University (FIU) Inte- environment. This kit includes a variety of end effectors grative Marine Genomics and Symbiosis (IMaGeS) for collecting surface, float, regolith, chip, and core Lab, and conservationists from the Coral Restoration samples [6]. This kit also included an updated sample Foundation [2]. The Science Team worked in close co- marker design used for communicating targets of inter- ordination with the long-standing EVA operations, est during pre-sampling surveys to the Science Team. planning, engineering, and research components of Equipment Transport. Evaluated EVA hardware and NEEMO in all aspects of mission planning, develop- operations for transporting and stowing tools and sam- ment, and execution. ples. The various components included multiple Objectives: The primary EVA objectives for this cart/sled configurations for moving equipment between operational field test were to analyze the integrated as- science sites, and a sling bag for organizing small EVA pects of science, operations, and equipment in a mis- items (sample markers, hand tools, electronics, etc.). sion-like environment to evaluate 1) EVA concepts of Sample Collection. Evaluated sample collection operations in a natural science-rich environment, 2) tools and containers with special emphasis on contami- equipment requirements for conducting science, and 3) nation control. operational methods that enable effective and efficient Techniques: Evaluated exploration concepts of op- communication between the Science Team and the crew erations and science processes and procedures. These during an EVA, while utilizing a flexible execution techniques can be categorized into the following: methodology [3]. The mission simulated Mars explora- tion conditions by applying a 15 minute communication latency on all voice and data transmissions. Serving as an appropriate proxy for planetary surface exploration and sampling activities, marine science research was conducted focusing on assessing the photosynthetic ca- pability of corals and their genetic connectivity between Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 2391.pdf Data Collection. A portable scientific instrument (a support system will be key for exploration operations Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometer) was with long communication latencies. utilized for marine science research. This allowed eval- Informatics. NEEMO 21 incorporated a digital cue uation of the utility and impact of in-situ measurements card system (Figure 2) that enabled the crew to conduct on the science decision making process and overall general navigation, execute uploaded traverse plans, EVA strategies and methodology. identify samples, and guide themselves through proce- Science Operations. Figure 1 displays the compo- dures. This type of information system permits increas- nents, communication methods, and flow used to con- ing EVA and crew autonomy. duct EVA science operations. NEEMO 21 further de- veloped these techniques and evaluated what functions and capabilities are needed to enable effective operation and actively direct science operations over a long com- munication latency [7]. Figure 2: Home page of the tablet based digital cue card system developed and used during NEEMO 21. Training: NEEMO missions enabled training and integration across diverse skill sets and teams. Training opportunities included: Figure 1: Components, communication methods and flow used to conduct EVA science operations. Sample Preservation. Along with sampling tools, the processes and procedures for sample collection were Crew Training. Provided crew training and leader- evaluated. The collection of biologically relevant ma- ship opportunity supported by the astronaut office. rine science samples for subsequent DNA analysis Skill-Set Integration. Facilitated integration, coordi- played a key role in the sample preservation techniques. nation, and educational opportunities from multiple dis- Technologies: NEEMO 21 assessed numerous tech- ciplines across numerous organizations. nology needs for navigation, communication, and oper- Team Training. NEEMO continues to provide an ex- ations to support accomplishment of science objectives. cellent opportunity for collaboration and integration within JSC, across NASA centers, alongside our inter- national partners, and with academia, industry, institu- tions and the military. Acknowledgements: We would like to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of the FIU Aquarius Operations Team, the Coral Restoration Foun- dation Team, and the NEEMO 21 crew. Activities were Navigation. A combination of digital maps, traverse coordinated with the Florida Keys National Marine plans, and an active underwater navigation system ena- Sanctuary under permit #FKNMS-2014-086-A3. bled the crew to locate all science sites and maintain sit- References: [1] Graff et al. (2016), 47th LPSC uational awareness. #2212. [2] Nedimyer et al. (2016), 13th Intl Coral Reef IV Workstation. Evaluated the support system re- Sym #29957. [3] Hodges and Schmitt (2011), GSA, v. quirements for the intravehicular (IV) crewmember in 483 p.17-31. [4] Dougan et al. (2016), 13th Intl Coral order to effectively handle the amount of information Reef Sym #29615. [5] Bonthond et al., in prep. [6] Hood and tasking the crewmember inside the habitat must et al. (2016), 47th LPSC #1249. [7] Chappell et al. contend with while actively directing the EVA. This IV (2017) IEEE Aerospace Conference, submitted #2442. .
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