48 bus time schedule & line map

48 Gorebridge - Fort Kinnaird View In Website Mode

The 48 bus line (Gorebridge - Fort Kinnaird) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Birkenside: 4:25 AM - 11:40 PM (2) : 4:43 AM - 11:36 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 48 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 48 bus arriving.

Direction: Birkenside 48 bus Time Schedule 73 stops Birkenside Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 4:50 AM - 11:40 PM

Monday 4:25 AM - 11:40 PM Fort Kinnaird West, Newcraighall 3 Quarry Cottages, Tuesday 4:25 AM - 11:40 PM

Peacocktail Close, Newcraighall Wednesday 4:25 AM - 11:40 PM 31 Wisp Green, Edinburgh Thursday 4:25 AM - 11:40 PM Jack Kane Centre, Niddrie Friday 4:25 AM - 11:40 PM

Hay Drive, Niddrie Saturday 4:20 AM - 11:40 PM 263D Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh

Hay Avenue, Niddrie Cakemuir Grove, Edinburgh 48 bus Info Wauchope Road, Niddrie Direction: Birkenside Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh Stops: 73 Trip Duration: 59 min St Teresa Church, Line Summary: Fort Kinnaird West, Newcraighall, 6 Chapel Court, Edinburgh Peacocktail Close, Newcraighall, Jack Kane Centre, Niddrie, Hay Drive, Niddrie, Hay Avenue, Niddrie, Niddrie Marischal Drive, Craigmillar Wauchope Road, Niddrie, St Teresa Church, Niddrie Marischal Drive, Edinburgh Craigmillar, Niddrie Marischal Drive, Craigmillar, Niddrie House Avenue, Craigmillar, Niddrie House Avenue, Craigmillar Terrace, Craigmillar, Sandilands Close, Edmonstone, Scrm, Edinburgh Royal Inrmary, Royal Inrmary, Greendykes Terrace, Craigmillar Edinburgh Royal Inrmary, Road, Little France, Drive, , Fernieside Grove, Sandilands Close, Edmonstone Moredun, The Wisp, Danderhall, Old Dalkeith Road, Danderhall, Sheriffhall Park And Ride, Danderhall, Scrm, Edinburgh Royal Inrmary Campend, Danderhall, Melville Gate Road, Dalkeith, Lugton Brae, Dalkeith, Glebe Street, Dalkeith, Old Royal Inrmary, Edinburgh Royal Inrmary Edinburgh Road, Dalkeith, Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith, James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith, Bruce Gardens, Little France Road, Little France Dalkeith, Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith, Easthouses Road, Kippielaw, Easthouses 395 Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh Way, Easthouses, Little Acre, Easthouses, Hawthorn Fernieside Drive, Moredun Crescent, Mayeld, Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld, Mayeld Place, Mayeld, Elm Place, Mayeld, Buckie Fernieside Grove, Moredun Road, Mayeld, Oak Crescent, Mayeld, Finlay Place, Mayeld, Larch Crescent, Mayeld, Hughes Crescent, The Wisp, Danderhall Mayeld, The Kilns, Mayeld, Sycamore Road, Mayeld, Stone Place, Mayeld, Newbattle Centre, Old Dalkeith Road, Danderhall Mayeld, Blackcot Road, Mayeld, Blackcot Avenue, Maulsford Avenue, Mayeld, Suttieslea Place, Bryans, Hamilton Crescent, Bryans, Bryans Avenue, Newtongrange, Sheriffhall Park And Ride, Danderhall Park Road, Newtongrange, Station Road, Newtongrange, St Anne's Court, Newtongrange, Campend, Danderhall Dean Park Place, Newtongrange, Fourth Street, Newtongrange, Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Melville Gate Road, Dalkeith Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange, The Crescent, Gowkshill, Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill, St Andrews Melville Gate Road, Scotland Primary School, Gowkshill, Greenhall Road, Lugton Brae, Dalkeith Greenhall, Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall, Greenhall Crescent, Huntereld, Arniston Engine, Arniston, Leisure Centre, Gorebridge, Newbyres Glebe Street, Dalkeith Crescent, Gorebridge, Gore Avenue, Gorebridge, Esk Place, Dalkeith Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge, Police Station, Gorebridge, Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge, Powdermill Old Edinburgh Road, Dalkeith Brae, Birkenside, Powdermill Brae, Birkenside, 8 High Street, Dalkeith Terminus, Birkenside Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith

James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith

Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith

Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith

Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Lauder Road, Dalkeith

Easthouses Road, Kippielaw

Easthouses Way, Easthouses Barley Bree Lawn, Dalkeith

Little Acre, Easthouses B6482, Scotland

Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld

Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld Langlaw Road, Scotland

Mayeld Place, Mayeld Andrew Dodd's Avenue, Scotland

Elm Place, Mayeld Buckie Road, Scotland

Buckie Road, Mayeld Buckie Road, Scotland

Oak Crescent, Mayeld

Finlay Place, Mayeld

Larch Crescent, Mayeld Hughes Crescent, Mayeld Oak Place, Scotland

The Kilns, Mayeld

Sycamore Road, Mayeld Bogwood Road, Scotland

Stone Place, Mayeld

Newbattle Centre, Mayeld

Blackcot Road, Mayeld Blackcot Road, Scotland

Blackcot Avenue, Mayeld

Suttieslea Place, Bryans

Hamilton Crescent, Bryans Bryans Road, Dalkeith

Bryans Avenue, Newtongrange Hamilton Crescent, Dalkeith

Park Road, Newtongrange

Station Road, Newtongrange 13 Station Road, Dalkeith

St Anne's Court, Newtongrange

Dean Park Place, Newtongrange Main Street, Dalkeith

Fourth Street, Newtongrange

Mining Museum, Newtongrange Lingerwood Cottages, Scotland

Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange

The Crescent, Gowkshill

Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill

St Andrews Primary School, Gowkshill

Greenhall Road, Greenhall

Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall Barleyknowe Crescent, Scotland

Greenhall Crescent, Huntereld Greenhall Crescent, Scotland

Arniston Engine, Arniston

Leisure Centre, Gorebridge Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge

Gore Avenue, Gorebridge Gore Avenue, Arniston

Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge Newbyres Crescent, Arniston

Police Station, Gorebridge Huntereld Court, Arniston

Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge 3 Main Street, Arniston

Powdermill Brae, Birkenside Powdermill Brae, Arniston

Powdermill Brae, Birkenside

Terminus, Birkenside Direction: Newcraighall 48 bus Time Schedule 71 stops Newcraighall Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 4:48 AM - 11:36 PM

Monday 4:43 AM - 11:36 PM Terminus, Birkenside Tuesday 4:43 AM - 11:36 PM Powdermill Brae, Birkenside Wednesday 4:43 AM - 11:36 PM Powdermill Brae, Birkenside Thursday 4:43 AM - 11:36 PM

Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge Friday 4:43 AM - 11:36 PM 3 Main Street, Arniston Saturday 4:48 AM - 11:36 PM Police Station, Gorebridge Huntereld Court, Arniston

Gore Avenue, Gorebridge Gore Avenue, Arniston 48 bus Info Direction: Newcraighall Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge Stops: 71 Newbyres Crescent, Arniston Trip Duration: 59 min Line Summary: Terminus, Birkenside, Powdermill Leisure Centre, Gorebridge Brae, Birkenside, Powdermill Brae, Birkenside, Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge, Police Station, Arniston Engine, Arniston Gorebridge, Gore Avenue, Gorebridge, Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge, Leisure Centre, Gorebridge, New Huntereld, Huntereld Arniston Engine, Arniston, New Huntereld, Laundry Cottages, Scotland Huntereld, Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall, Hogarth Avenue, Greenhall, St Andrews Primary Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall School, Gowkshill, Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill, The Crescent, Gowkshill, Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange, Hogarth Avenue, Greenhall Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Fourth Street, Newtongrange, Dean Park Place, Newtongrange, Greenhall Road, Scotland Station Road, Newtongrange, Park Road, St Andrews Primary School, Gowkshill Newtongrange, Bryans Avenue, Newtongrange, Hamilton Crescent, Bryans, Suttieslea Place, Bryans, Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill Blackcot Avenue, Mayeld, Blackcot Road, Mayeld, Newbattle Centre, Mayeld, Stone Place, Mayeld, Roundabout, Mayeld, Sycamore Road, Mayeld, The Crescent, Gowkshill The Kilns, Mayeld, Hughes Crescent, Mayeld, Stobhill Road, Scotland Finlay Place, Mayeld, Oak Crescent, Mayeld, Roundabout, Mayeld, Elm Place, Mayeld, Mayeld Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange Place, Mayeld, Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld, Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld, Little Acre, Mining Museum, Newtongrange Easthouses, Easthouses Way, Easthouses, Easthouses Road, Kippielaw, Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith, Fourth Street, Newtongrange Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith, Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith, James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith, South Street, Dalkeith, Dean Park Place, Newtongrange Bridgend Court, Dalkeith, Lugton Brae, Dalkeith, Main Street, Dalkeith Melville Gate Road, Dalkeith, Summerside, Dalkeith, Campend, Danderhall, Sheriffhall Park And Ride, Station Road, Newtongrange Danderhall, Old Dalkeith Road, Danderhall, The Wisp, 13 Station Road, Dalkeith Danderhall, Fernieside Grove, Moredun, Fernieside Drive, Moredun, Little France Road, Little France, Park Road, Newtongrange Royal Inrmary, Edinburgh Royal Inrmary, Scrm, Edinburgh Royal Inrmary, Sandilands Close, Bryans Avenue, Newtongrange Edmonstone, Greendykes Terrace, Craigmillar, Hamilton Crescent, Dalkeith Niddrie House Avenue, Craigmillar, Niddrie Marischal Drive, Craigmillar, Wauchope Road, Niddrie, Hay Hamilton Crescent, Bryans Avenue, Niddrie, Hay Drive, Niddrie, Jack Kane Hamilton Crescent, Dalkeith Centre, Niddrie, Niddrie Mill Avenue, Niddrie, Peacocktail Close, Newcraighall, Fort Kinnaird West, Suttieslea Place, Bryans Newcraighall Suttieslea Road, Scotland

Blackcot Avenue, Mayeld

Blackcot Road, Mayeld

Newbattle Centre, Mayeld

Stone Place, Mayeld

Roundabout, Mayeld Eskview Road, Scotland

Sycamore Road, Mayeld Bogwood Road, Scotland

The Kilns, Mayeld

Hughes Crescent, Mayeld Oak Place, Scotland

Finlay Place, Mayeld

Oak Crescent, Mayeld D'Arcy Road, Scotland

Roundabout, Mayeld Eskview Road, Scotland

Elm Place, Mayeld

Mayeld Place, Mayeld Bogwood Road, Scotland

Hawthorn Centre, Mayeld 2f Bogwood Road, Scotland

Hawthorn Crescent, Mayeld

Little Acre, Easthouses

Easthouses Way, Easthouses

Easthouses Road, Kippielaw

Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith Hepburn Drive, Dalkeith

Primrose Terrace, Dalkeith

Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith Bruce Gardens, Dalkeith

James Lean Avenue, Dalkeith

South Street, Dalkeith South Street, Dalkeith

Bridgend Court, Dalkeith Glebe Street, Dalkeith

Lugton Brae, Dalkeith Old Dalkeith Road, Scotland

Melville Gate Road, Dalkeith Melville Gate Road, Scotland

Summerside, Dalkeith

Campend, Danderhall

Sheriffhall Park And Ride, Danderhall

Old Dalkeith Road, Danderhall Maulsford Avenue, Scotland

The Wisp, Danderhall

Fernieside Grove, Moredun Old Dalkieth Road, Edinburgh

Fernieside Drive, Moredun Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh

Little France Road, Little France Little France Cottages, Edinburgh

Royal Inrmary, Edinburgh Royal Inrmary

Scrm, Edinburgh Royal Inrmary

Sandilands Close, Edmonstone Sandilands Close, Scotland

Greendykes Terrace, Craigmillar

Niddrie House Avenue, Craigmillar

Niddrie Marischal Drive, Craigmillar 1 Woolmet Place, Edinburgh

Wauchope Road, Niddrie Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh

Hay Avenue, Niddrie Cakemuir Grove, Edinburgh

Hay Drive, Niddrie 261 Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh

Jack Kane Centre, Niddrie

Niddrie Mill Avenue, Niddrie 59 Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh

Peacocktail Close, Newcraighall 8 Blackchapel Close, Edinburgh Fort Kinnaird West, Newcraighall 1 Quarry Cottages, Edinburgh 48 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved