Congressional Record-Senate

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Congressional Record-Senate 1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6843 tain public works, arid fo\o other purposes, a special order ment of labor by the Government or any political subdivision of business; to the Committee on Rules. thereof; to the Committee on Labor. By Mr. O'NEAL of Kentucky: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 5113. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Kings County Con­ 683) to provide for an additional tax on whisky; to the Com-;. solidated Civic League, Brooklyn, N.Y., petitioning considera­ mittee on Ways and Means. tion of their resolution No. 91, with reference to the Home By Mr. DREW of Pennsylvania: Joint resolution <H. J. Owners' Loan Corporation; to the Committee on Banking and Res. 684) to create a joint congressional committee to re­ CUrrency. ceive, consider, and prepare proposals for a national high­ way from Jersey City, N.J., to the city of Washington, D. C., and to make reports and recommendations thereon to the SENATE Congress; to the Committee on Rules. By Mr. HAMILTON: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 685) to FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1938 provide for temporary operation by the United States of cer­ (Legislative day of Wednesday, April 20, 1938) tain steamships, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration By Mr. CELLER: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 686) to of the recess. create a temporary National Economic Committee; to the THE JOURNAL Committee on the Judiciary. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the By Mr. FISH: Concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 50) reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar requesting that the Secretary of State urge the British Gov­ day Thursday, May 12, 1938, was dispensed with, and the ernment to increase Jewish immigration to Palestine; to the Journal was approved. Committee on Foreign Affairs. - MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Messages in writ\ng from the President of the United PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one Under clause 1 of rule XXII~ private bills and resolutions of · his secretaries, who also announced that the President were introduced and severally referred as follows: had approved and signed the following acts and joint resO­ By Mr. DOWELL: A bill (H. R. 10626) granting an in­ lution: crease of pension to Nancy J. Halterman; to the Committee On April 29, 1938: on Invalid Pensions. S. 1279. An act to authorize the sale, under the provisions By Mr. GILDEA: A bill (H. R. 10627) for the relief of of the act of March 12, 1926 (44 Stat. 203), of surplus War Mike Kotis; to the Committee on Immigration and Natural­ Department real property; and ization. S. 1882. An act for the relief of the Consolidated Aircraft By Mr. HART: A bill <H. R. 10628) for the relief of James Corporation. Havey; to the Committee on Claims. On May 9, 1938: By Mr. RYAN: A bill (H. R. 10629) for the relief of the S. 477. An act to prevent fraud, deception, or other im­ village of Gaylord, Minn.; to the Committee on Claims. proper practice in connection with business before the By Mr. WEARIN: A bill <H. R. 10630) for the relief of J. United States Patent Office, and for other purposes; Milton Sweney; to the Committee on Claims. S. 3351. An act to permit the issuance of certain certHl­ cates under the shipping laws by inspectors of hulls, inspec­ PETITIONS, ETC. tors of boilers, and designated assistant inspectors; S. 3459. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to ac­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were quire by donation land at or near Fort Missoula, Mont., for laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: target range, military, or other public purposes; and 5105. By Mr. CURLEY: Petition of United Federal Work­ S. J. Res. 256. Joint resolution to amend the joint resolu­ ers of America, urging one-step increases for custodial em­ tion entitled "Joint resolution making funds available for ployees of the Post Office Department; to the Cemmittee on the control of incipient or emergency outbreaks of insect the Post Office and Post Roads. pests or plant diseases, including grasshoppers, Mormon 5106. Also, petition of United Cannery Agricultural Pack­ · crickets, and chinch bugs," approved April 6, 1937. ing and Allied Workers of America, urging enactment of On May 11, 1938: House bill 9745; to the Committee on the Judiciary. S. 2307. An act to provide for the conservation of the fish­ 5107. Also, petition of United Federal Workers of America, ery resources of the Columbia River, establishment, operation, urging enactment of House bill 8428, known as the Civil and maintenance of one or more, stations in Oregon, Wash­ Service Appeal Act; to the Committee on the Civil Service. ington, and Idaho, and for the conduct of necessary investi­ 5108. Also, petition of Interstate Conference of Unem­ gations, surveys, stream improvements, and stocking ployment Compensation Agencies, Washington, D. C., urging operations for these purposes; that the Umted States Employment Service be transferred S. 2986. An act to amend section 6 of the act approved to the United States Social Security Board; to the Com­ May 27, 1936 (49 U. S. Stat. L. 1380) ·; mittee on Labor. S. 2221. An act to facilitate the control of soil erosion and 5109. By Mr. FISH: Petition signed by Maurice R. Dey :flood damage originating upon lands within the exterior and 20 other residents of Orange County, N. Y., requesting boundaries of the Cache National Forest in the State of continuance of the Federal art project under the Works Utah; and Progress Administration; to the Committee on Appropria­ S. 2689. An act to regulate the leasing of certain Indian tions. lands for mining purposes. 5110. By Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSO~: Memorial of Mrs. On May 12, 1938: C. C. Pitts, State president, Ladies' Auxiliary to T. R. L. C. A., S. 1998. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to pro­ of Texas, favoring legislation liberalizing retirement to civil­ . vide for the collection and publication of statistics of pea­ service employees, including widows; to the Committee on the nuts by the Department of Agriculture," approved June 2'4, Civil Service . 1936. 5111. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of New York City Federa­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE tion of Women's Clubs, Inc., concerning House bill 9909, A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. wool-labeling bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Calloway, one of its reading d:erks, announced that the Foreign· Commerce. House had agreed to the report of the committee of con­ 5112. By Mr. SHAFER of Michigan: Resolution of the ference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the Michigan Construction Federation, relating to the employ­ amendments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. 10216) making LXXXIII---431 6844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 13 appropriations for the legislative branch of the Government it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 1793) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for other pur­ thereon. poses, and that the House had receded from its disagreement Mr. BARKLEY, from the Committee on Interstate Com­ to the amendments of the Senate Nos. 4 and 5 to the said merce, to which was referred the bill (S. 252) to exempt bill, and concurred therein. publicly owned interstate highway bridges from local taxa­ The message also announced that the House had passed tion, reported it without amendment. a joint resolution <H. J. Res. 679) making appropriations for Mr. ASHURST, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to work relief, relief, and otherwise to increase employment by which was referred the bill (S. 2927) to regulate the times providing loans and grants for public-works projects, in and places of holding court in Oklahoma, reported it With which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. amendments. CALL OF THE ROLL REST-ROOM ATTENDANT Mr. WALSH. Mr. President, I desire to be recognized Mr. BYRNES. From the Committee to Audit and Control after a quorum call so that I may submit a conference report. the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, I report back favor­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Massachu­ ably, without amendment, Senate Resolution 252 and ask setts will then be recognized. unanimous consent for its present consideration. Mr. McNARY. Mr. President, is this one of the measures Mr. LEWIS. I suggest the absence of a quorum and ask now on the calendar? to have the roll called. Mr. BYRNES. No; it is a resolution providing that the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. attending physician at the Capitol may employ a rest-room The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following attendant temporarily. The resolution is reported unani­ Senators answered to their names: mously by the committee. Adams Connally Johnson, Calif. Overton Mr. McNARY. I thought it was a resolution providing Andrews Dieterich Johnson, Colo. Pittman Ashurst Donahey King Pope for an investigation. Austin Duffy La Follette Reynolds Mr. B"'RNES. No. Bailey Ellender Lewis Russell Bankhead Frazier Logan Schwartz The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the present Barkley George Lonergan Sheppard consideration of the resolution? Bilbo Gerry Lundeen Shipstead There being no objection, the resolution (S. Res. 252) sub­ Bone Gibson McAdoo Smathers Borah Gillette McCarran Thomas, Okla. mitted by Mr. CoPELAND on March 15 was read, considered. Bridges Glass McGill Thomas, Utah and agreed to, as follows: Brown, Mich. Green McKellar Townsend Bulkley Hale McNary Truman Resolved, That the attending physician at the Capitol is au­ Bulow Harrison Miller Tydings thorized to employ a rest-room attendant to be paid from the Burke Hatch Milton Vandenberg contingent fund of the Senate at the rate of $1,440 per annum Byrd Hayden Minton Van Nuys until the expiration of the present session of Congress.
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