Contact Us News & Events Multimedia FAQ's Home About Us Our Services SPEG Members Pineapples Pre-export Handling Export Performance SPEG Affiliates SPEG Members Below is the list of all SPEG Members in alphabetical order: Search: Go News & Events 2K FARMS AMO DELTA LT D. +Fruit Logist ica 2016 Address: P.O.BOX 85, BAWJIASE,GHANA Address: P.O.BOX 157. SOGAKOPE As usual SPEG will be participating in Tel: 233-20-8614336 FeatTuelr: 2e33d-2 4N4-e66w97s68: [New "Sankofa" BraFnruidt L]ogistica 2016 in Berlin Germany Fax: Fax: from 3-5 February 2016. We will be... Loc: Bawjiase Loc: Sogakope, Volta Region Posted: 06- Jan-2016 | 09:42 AM Email:
[email protected] Email:mTichhea eSl@eaa m- oFdrelitgah.cto mPineapple Exporters of Ghana (SPEG)'s vision is to be BOMART S FARMS CHART EnRaEtiDo nIaMllPy EaXn dL TgDlo.b ally recognized as a premier center for unifying pineapple arneda do tmheore» fruit exporters for shipment, shaping policy and providing relevant services to the fruit Address: P.O.BXOX NW124, NSAWAM-GH Address: P.O.BOX KIA 1538, ACCRA-GH +SPEG Int roduces Product ion Tel: 233-302-410027 Tel: 233-i3n0d2u-s5t1ry8.452 and Export of Melons Fax: 233-832-22260 Fax: 233-302-518452 SPEG is in the process of accomplishing these tasks to bring together operators in the Loc: Maampehia, near Nsawam Loc: Bubuata pineapple industry and promote good agricultural pInr a2c0t1ic5e SsP aEnGd w pilrlo rvoildl eou et ffithceie cnotm, mercial Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] effective and economic logistics and marketing serpvriocdeusc.tion and export of high quality melons to Europe and beyond.