Extensions of Remarks E112 HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS HON
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E112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 16, 2007 heard Iraqi interpreters marvel that a squad House Resolution 15, honoring the late Honor- Congratulations again to the Mart Panthers of soldiers would capture a man who, only able Gerald Rudolph Ford, the 38th President on their 2006 2A Division II State football minutes before, tried to kill them, and bring of the United States. championship. Go Panthers. him unharmed to the detention facility on Here in this Chamber, President Ford our camp. This kind of mercy is unheard of f in the Arab culture. served dutifully for 24 years, representing the people of the Fifth District of Michigan from IN RECOGNITION OF CHIEF OF PO- Unfortunately, this story will not make the 1949 until his ascension to the Oval Office. As LICE STEVE MCFADDEN’S OUT- headlines back home. But this is the story of a Congressman, Gerald Ford’s warmth, ap- STANDING SERVICE AND DEDI- the American soldier in Iraq. It is a story of un- proachability, and affability made him one of CATION TO THE CITY OF precedented courage, restraint, and compas- LEWISVILLE sion for a foreign people. It is a story of the the most highly regarded Members of his day. It was these qualities which would shape strong trying, against all odds, to protect the Gerald Ford into an excellent House floor weak and defenseless from a dark and hope- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS leader for his party, a position he held for 8 OF TEXAS less future. I have no idea how the American expedition in Iraq will end. I doubt it will end years until his appointment as the 40th Vice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well. But I do hope that the courage and civil- President. During his tenure as minority lead- Tuesday, January 16, 2007 er, Gerald Ford set a standard of fairness, di- ity of the American soldiers who fought there Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise will not be forgotten both here and in Iraq. plomacy, and cooperation to which all of us can aspire. today in recognition of Lewisville Chief of Po- f As both Vice President and President, Ger- lice Steve McFadden. After more than 38 IN MEMORY OF VETERAN CARL ald Ford was called to serve in positions of years in municipal service, 34 years of which GENE YOUNG, SR. great responsibility during a troubled time in were served as Chief of Police, Mr. Steve our Nation’s history. Ford accepted his powers McFadden will retire in February 2007. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS and responsibilities with the same steadfast Mr. Steve McFadden grew up in a small composure and patience for which he had be- town outside of Paris, Texas. After graduation OF TEXAS from East Lamar High School, he served in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came known as a Congressman. As a man known for his ability to create the U.S. Army for three years where he dis- Tuesday, January 16, 2007 consensus, compromise, and conciliation, he covered his calling into law enforcement. He Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise was well suited to take the helm of America later received a Bachelor of Science degree today to honor Vietnam Veteran Carl Gene and navigate the turbulent storm it faced. from East Texas State University. Due to Mr. Young, Sr., who passed away Wednesday, President Ford’s gentle nature helped soothe McFadden’s strong leadership abilities and January 10, at Denton Regional Medical Cen- the deep scars America faced after an ardu- thorough education, he was promoted to Po- ter due to a myocardial infarction. ous period of strife at home and abroad. lice Chief within five years of serving as a po- A native of Denton, Texas, Mr. Young Madam Speaker, Gerald Ford served our lice officer. served as a city council member for 6 years country with a patient hand, an understanding In November of 1977, Mr. McFadden be- before retiring in 2001. He was an outspoken, mind, and a reassuring voice. His time in Con- came Chief of Police in Lewisville, Texas. At honest spokesman for southeast Denton, and gress and in the White House leave behind a that time there were only 27 sworn officers, a was known as an advocate of affordable hous- legacy of commitment, passion, and comity force that has grown drastically to include 136 ing and diversity in city government. Mr. that we will all remember. officers today. The crime rates in Lewisville Young was devoted to those he represented have been kept low due largely to the strong f and was genuinely concerned with any issues cooperation of the police department. Chief affecting them. Friends and former colleagues CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MART McFadden believed that one of the most inte- will always remember him for his dedication PANTHERS, STATE 2A DIVISION gral aspects that contributed to their depart- and loyalty to his community. II CHAMPIONS ment success was honesty and trust. He be- Before joining the city council, Mr.Young lieved that his job as police chief was not any served in the First Air Cavalry in the Vietnam HON. CHET EDWARDS more important than those jobs of the officers War. He later organized an annual Easter egg OF TEXAS and dispatchers. Mr. McFadden inspired a hunt to honor 16 soldiers that were killed on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sense of pride and integrity in his staff. He Easter Day 1968. Veteran Carl Young, Sr., was one of the most experienced and re- was a true patriot and was proud to serve our Tuesday, January 16, 2007 spected police chiefs in Texas, and his retire- country. Mr. EDWARDS. Madam Speaker, I rise ment is viewed as a great loss to the depart- I worked alongside Mr. Young on the Den- today with great pride to congratulate Coach ton County health executive director selection ment and to the community. Rusty Nail and the Mart High School Panthers The decision to retire was not an easy one committee. The committee assignment was on their 2006 2A Division II State football for Mr. McFadden, as he will truly miss his col- one that would affect every citizen in Denton championship. Their victory is the culmination County, and Mr. Young was thoughtful and leagues and serving our community as of years of hard work, dedication and sacrifice Lewisville Chief of Police. He does, however, thorough in his duties. I remember him as in- and inspires all of us who have followed their sightful and truly caring. look forward to spending more time with his progress with great interest. The team and wife, Judy McFadden, his two daughters, his In addition to his role as a politician and sol- coaching staff have demonstrated outstanding dier, Mr. Young was also a loving husband son, and his granddaughter. talent and commitment to achieving their It is with great honor that I recognize Mr. and father. He deeply cared for his family and goals. friends, and was a strong pillar in our commu- Steve McFadden for decades of hard work Mart High School has an outstanding history and selfless dedication given to the citizens of nity. I extend my dearest sympathies to his of representing their community and Central family and friends. Veteran Carl Gene Young, Lewisville, Texas. I am proud to represent him Texas with integrity and I am proud to rep- in Washington, and his service will be set as Sr., will be deeply missed and his service to resent such exceptional educators, coaches, our community will always be greatly appre- a standard of devotion and true leadership, and students in Congress. one that will never be forgotten. ciated. Winning this State championship is an ex- f traordinary accomplishment that holds lessons f MOURNING THE PASSING OF that will serve them well throughout their lives. ACKNOWLEDGING THE 2007 PRESIDENT GERALD RUDOLPH Chief among them is the confidence that ‘‘NUESTRO ORGULLO LATINO’’ FORD comes with knowing that success can be CELEBRATION AND ITS HON- achieved in life when you are willing to set OREES SPEECH OF goals and work hard to achieve them. The Mart Panthers have made history and HON. BRIAN HIGGINS HON. RAHM EMANUEL honored not only their school, but their com- OF ILLINOIS OF NEW YORK munity, fans and Central Texas by bringing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES home a State football championship. The Pan- Tuesday, January 9, 2007 thers victory brought the State championship Tuesday, January 16, 2007 Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I am honored trophy home to Mart for the fourth time with an Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to rise with my colleagues today in support of impressive record of 15–1. to pay tribute to an event, the ‘‘Nuestro VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:59 Jan 17, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16JA8.007 E16JAPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS.