Nov 27, 2013 16:36 GMT What's your next challenge?

It's been another great year for challenge events and, even as Aspire Channel Swimmers are still racking up the lengths before Christmas, we're already making plans for next year!

The success of the 2013 Aspire Relay Channel swim teams was recognised at a Celebration dinner held on Friday 15th November. Our seven successful teams have raised over £85,000 between them this year, taking the total raised by swimmers crossing to to just under £300,000 in the five years we have been involved in the event. Prizes were awarded to top individual fundraiser (Ali Rogers from Team Brock who raised £5,844) and top team for 2013 (The Pelicans, who raised just under £15,000), with mementos and certificates going to all successful swimmers.

Looking to the future, the following day we held our Swim Assessment Day for 2014 swimmers. Aspire will once again have seven teams crossing the Channel during the summer and at present we still have one or two spaces available if you would like to join us for this truly amazing challenge.

If you are keen to tip your toes in the water, but not quite ready for The Channel, then our Solent swim could be just the event for you.

Away from the sea, our 2014 runners are busily training and fundraising for their big day in April. With a small number of Aspire places remaining in this ‘Must Do’ event there is still time to join them and be part of one of the greatest sporting days of 2014.

Half the distance, but also at an iconic venue, you could also join Team Aspire for the Silverstone half marathon in early March. You probably won’t be as quick as Lewis or Jensen, but will have a great day at the world famous circuit.

For details of how to get involved in any of the above events, please call Andrew on 020 4420 8951 or email [email protected]. There are a huge range of ways to set yourself a challenge for the new year whilst supporting Aspire. Get some inspiration, or get in touch with us to find out more.

Aspire is a leading charity, supporting the 40,000 people living with Spinal Cord Injury in the UK through a range of services. Every eight hours in the UK someone is paralysed by a spinal cord injury; it can happen to anyone at anytime and no one is prepared for how it will change their life. Aspire exists because there is currently no cure. We provide practical help to people who have been paralysed by a Spinal Cord Injury, helping them move from injury to independence. The services that Aspire provides are Aspire Grants, Aspire Housing, Independent Living, Assistive Technology, Campaigning and Research.


Laura Haynes Press Contact Communications Manager Press and Media [email protected] 02084208957