Classic Cryptosystems
Classic Cryptosystems ١ ١ Key Points Field: set of elements with + & * Modular Arithmetic: reduces all numbers to fixed set [[00…n…n--11]] GCD: largest positive integer dividing Finite Field: finite number of elements Order Finite Field: power of a prime Pn where n = integer Finite Field: of order p can be defined using normal arithmetic mod p 6262//٢٢ Modulo Operation Q: What is 12 mod 9??9 A: 12 mod 9 ≡3≡3 Let a,r,m ∈ Ζ ((Ζ = set of all integers ) and m >0.. We write r ≡ a mod m if m––rr divides a.. m is called the modulus. rr is called the remainder. q · a = m --rr 0 ≤ r< m 6262//٣٣ Ring Ring Zm is: – Set of integers: Zm={00,,11,,22,…,m,…,m--11}} – Two operation: “+” and “ ××”” → ≡≡ ∈ “+” a + b c mod m (c Zmm)) ×× → ×× ≡≡ ∈ ““ ” a b d mod m (d Zmm)) Example: – m = 7,7, Z77={00,,11,,22,,33,,44,,55,,66}} 6 + 5 = 11 mod 7 = 44 6 ×× 5 = 30 mod 7 = 22 6262//٤٤ Ring Zm Properties & Operations Identity: additive ‘‘00’’ , multiplicative ‘1‘ 1’’ a+00=a=a , a××11=a=a mod m Inverse: additive ‘‘--a’,a’, multiplicative ‘a--11’’ a+( --a)=0 mod m, a×× a--11 =1 mod m Multiplicative inverse exist if gcd (a,m) = 1 Ring Addition and Multiplication is: Closed, Commutative, Associative 6262//٥٥ Division on Ring Zm Ring Division: 44//1515 mod 26??? 44//1515 mod 26 = 4 ×× 1515 --11 mod 2626 1515 --11 mod 2626exist if gcd(1515,,2626)=gcd( )=11 1515 --11 mod 26 = 7 4//15 mod 26 = 4××7 mod 26 = 28 mod 26=2 Note that the modulo operation can be applied whenever we want: (a + b) mod m = [(a mod m)+ (b mod m)] mod m (a ×× b) mod m = [(a mod m) ×× (b mod m)] mod m 6262//٦٦ Exponentiation in Zm Ring Exponentiation: 338 mod 7 =??? 338 mod 7 = 6561 mod 77 6561 mod 7 = 2 → 65616561=(=(937937 ××77)+)+22 Or = 3388 = 3344××3344= 3322××3322××3322××3322 338 mod 7 = [( 332 mod 77))××((332 mod 77)) ××((332 mod 77)) ××((332 mod 77)])] mod 77 338 mod 7 = (2( 2 ×× 2 ×× 2 ×× 22)) mod 7 = 16 mod 77==22 Note that ring Ζmm (modulo arithmetic) is of central importance to modern publicpublic--keykey cryptography.
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