2011: a Survey of Disease Conditions in Pet Store Reptiles with Diagnostic and Therapy Options
A SURVEY OF DISEASE CONDITIONS IN PET STORE REPTILES WITH DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPY OPTIONS Drury Reavill, DVM, DABVP (Avian), DACVP,1* Chris Griffin, DVM, DABVP (Avian)2 1Zoo/Exotic Pathology Service, 2825 KOVR Drive, West Sacramento, CA 95605, USA; 2Avian & Exotic Veterinary Hospital, 2100 Lane Street, Kannapolis NC 28083, USA ABSTRACT: This is a review of the disease processes identified in a population of reptiles (n=349) sold through a pet store chain over the time period from 2003 to 2010. In broad categories there are 50 chelonians, 180 lizards, and 119 snakes. KEY WORDS: reptiles, disease survey, lizard, snake, tortoise, turtle, diagnostics, therapy INTRODUCTION The species of chelonians include: Russian Tortoise Testudo horsfieldii n=33, red-eared slider turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans n=8, turtle, not specified n=5, and one each Malayan box turtle, Cuora amboinensis, box turtle, Terrapine species, African side neck turtle, Pelomedusidae family, and red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria). The species of snake submitted for examination include: ball python (Python regius) n=54, ‘red tail’ boa, Boa constrictor constrictor n=48, corn snake, Elaphe guttata n=10, snake not specified n=3, and one each ribbon snake, Thamnophis sauritus, milk snake, Lampropeltis triangulum, Garter snake, Thamnophis species, and green tree python, Morelia viridis. The species of lizards submitted for examination include: leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius n=59, bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps n=42, green water dragons (Physignathus cocincinus) n=20, common green iguana, Iguana iguana n=17, gecko, not specified n=15, anole, family Polychrotidae n=7, Savannah monitor, Varanus exanthematicus n=6, Lizards, not specificed n=6, emerald Swift, Sceloporus malachiticus n=3, blue tongue skink, Tiliqua species n=2, chameleon, not specified n=2, and Ameiva, family Teiidae n=1.
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