CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1045 HON
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July 23, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1045 MAJOR ROBERT ODELL OWENS As Chairman of the Education Sub- National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council, POST OFFICE committee on Select Education and Civil the U.S. delegation to the Northwest Atlantic Rights (1988 to ’94), Congressman Owens Fisheries Organization, and the North Atlantic SPEECH OF was one of the earliest and strongest sup- Coast Guard Forum. Further, he was the sole HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE porters of the Americans With Disabilities Act, Coast Guard representative on the U.S. State OF TEXAS which was enacted into law in 1991. Department led delegation to the Northwest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In recognition for his work to pass the ADA, Atlantic Fisheries Organization, where he ne- Monday, July 16, 2018 Major Owens was awarded an honorary de- gotiated the first ever U.S. enforcement pres- gree by Galludet University, the world’s pre- ence in this international fishery regime. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in mier higher education institution serving deaf Captain Marohn pioneered the Integrated strong support of H.R. 5238, to designate the an hard of hearing people. Maritime Security Operations program, an facility of the United States Postal Service lo- Major Owens loved serving in this body and international approach to law enforcement on cated at 1234 Saint Johns Place in Brooklyn, he was a valued member of the Congressional the northern border that involves joint oper- New York, as the ‘‘Major Robert Odell Owens Progressive Caucus and the Congressional ations between the U.S. Coast Guard and the Post Office.’’ Black Caucus. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. These oper- Mr. Speaker, this bill is an opportunity for us As Chairman of the Congressional Black ations continue to serve as a model for over- all to pay tribute to a great American, a fighter Caucus Task Force on Haiti, he led the suc- coming jurisdictional challenges along a for justice and equality, one of the most pas- cessful three-year fight which restored the shared international maritime border to im- sionate advocates for educational opportunity, democratically elected President Jean- prove security. He is also known as the pri- and a man who served in this body with dis- Bertrand Aristide. mary architect of the Coast Guard’s Ice Res- tinction, Major Owens of New York. Mr. Speaker, Congressman Owens was a cue Program, and received the 2005 Coast Major Owens was born June 28, 1936, in legislator’s legislator. Guard Innovation Award for Operational Man- Collierville, Tennessee. Major Owens touched so many lives in so agement to recognize his groundbreaking He was educated at Morehouse College, many helpful ways that he will always be re- achievement of developing the first-ever Ice from which he received his baccalaureate de- membered by people he served so ably and Rescue Manual. gree, and Atlanta University from which he selfless for more than thirty years. Today Captain Marohn has been married to earned a Master of Science degree. his wife Christine for 26 years, and together Major Owens later moved to New York H.R. 5238 will honor the memory of this they have two daughters, Meaghan and where he worked as a librarian before accept- great man by enshrining his legacy on a public building in his district. Lauren. ing an appointment from Mayor John V. Lind- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Captain say to serve as Director of the New York City I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- porting H.R. 5238, to designate the facility of Edward J. Marohn as he retires from the Community Development Agency. United States Coast Guard. I ask that my col- He also served as a faculty member in the the United States Postal Service located at leagues join me in recognizing his many years Department of Public Administration at Medgar 1234 Saint Johns Place in Brooklyn, New of dedication to his community and his coun- Evers College. York, as the ‘‘Major Robert Odell Owens Post In 1974, Major Owens was elected to the Office.’’ try. New York State Senate and was reelected to f f serve a second term in 1978. IN RECOGNITION OF CAPTAIN HONORING WILLIAM CLAYTON In 1982, Major Owens won a competitive EDWARD J. MAROHN TUCKER primary to fill the seat of retiring Congress- woman Shirley Chisholm, the first African HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON American woman elected to the House of HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING OF MISSISSIPPI Representatives and the first woman ever to OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seek the Democratic nomination for President IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, July 23, 2018 of the United States. Monday, July 23, 2018 As the Member of Congress for the 11th Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Congressional District of New York, Major Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in er, I rise today to honor Mr. William Clayton Owens represented a diverse district centered recognition of the retirement of Captain Ed- ‘‘W.C.’’ Tucker, well known as a Christian man in Brooklyn, including low income areas of ward J. Marohn, the Chief of External Affairs of great character and integrity with an enor- Brownsville and parts of Bedford-Stuyvestant, for the Coast Guard First District in Boston, mous love for the Lord and his family. the large Hasidic community of Crown Massachusetts. Mr. William Clayton ‘‘W.C.’’ Tucker passed Heights, the heavily Caribbean areas of Captain Marohn joined the United States away surrounded by his family on Friday, July Flatbush and East Flatbush, and the more af- Coast Guard at the age of seventeen and has 13, 2018. He was born on February 25, 1950 fluent neighborhoods of Park Slope and Pros- served this country honorably for thirty-one to William Tucker and Olivia Smith Tucker. He pect Park. years. He served in a variety of afloat, ashore was a 1968 graduate of Siggers High School Affectionately known as the ‘‘Education and staff tours on both Coasts and on the in Shannon and a 1971 graduate of Mis- Congressman’’ by his constituents, Major Great Lakes. He also conducted counterdrug, sissippi Industrial College in Holly Springs. Owens fought tirelessly throughout his twelve fishery enforcement, search and rescue, and Mr. Tucker shared 39 years of marriage with terms in Congress to protect and expand edu- environmental protection operations from the the love of his life, Mrs. Patty Tucker. They cational opportunity for all Americans, espe- Bering Sea to the Sea of Cortez. Further, were blessed to have raised two wonderful cially those from economically and socially dis- while serving in Michigan, he coordinated the daughters, Camille Young and Dr. Emily C. advantaged backgrounds. execution of over 7,000 search and rescue op- Tucker, and three lovely grandchildren; Amber As he often reminded his colleagues in the erations that resulted in saving or assisting and Kayla Young and William Tucker Young. House, education was ‘‘the kingpin issue.’’ over 1,200 lives and $10 million in property. In 1989, while attending Union Baptist M.B. In an article he published in Black Issues in Complementing his remarkable operational Church in Shannon, Mr. Tucker was ordained Higher Education, he wrote: ‘‘We have to be- career, Captain Marohn served as the Coast a deacon. He later joined White Hill M.B. lieve that all power and progress really begins Guard Liaison to the National Marine Fisheries Church in Tupelo where he taught Men’s Sun- with education.’’ Service Office of Law Enforcement in Silver day School classes. Major Owens served on the House Com- Spring, Maryland; Assistant Chief of Enforce- After 35 years of hard work as a Senior mittee on Government Reform and the Com- ment for First Coast Guard District in Boston, Certified Engineer Technician, Mr. Tucker re- mittee on Education and the Workforce. Massachusetts; Maritime Drug Interdiction Of- tired from the Mississippi Department of As the Ranking Member on the Education ficer at Coast Guard Headquarters in Wash- Transportation. Post retirement, he launched and Workforce Subcommittee for Workforce ington, D.C., and earned a Master of Marine Tucker’s Fresh Produce and sold fresh vege- Protections, Congressman Owens helped lead Affairs from the University of Washington. tables at the Tupelo Farmers Market. the fight for minimum wage increases, blocked Recognized as an expert in fisheries man- Mr. Tucker was an avid gardener who was the attempt to eliminate cash payments for agement and enforcement, Captain Marohn featured in the Daily Journal, the Lee County overtime, fought against efforts to roll back or has also served as the Coast Guard rep- Courier, Mississippi State Extension Publica- repeal Davis-Bacon, and to weaken the Occu- resentative to the New England Fisheries tions, Mississippi Farm Bureau Magazine, Mi- pational Safety and Health Administration. Management Council, the Stellwagen Bank nority Landowners Magazine, and WTVA for VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Jul 24, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.016 E23JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.