Non-Profit Foundation Formed to Proceed with Housing Plan

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Non-Profit Foundation Formed to Proceed with Housing Plan 0 u Go Mnivoutli, 111 Read the Herald H . Pomp Read the Herald For Local Mews For Local News Serving Summit Im $8 Ytmn ERALD Serving Summit for 68 fear§ Record 68th Year—No, 20 Cm»rH •• Sftooi Claw Mattrr at Ih* tolofftr* SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER II. 1956 kt Summit. N 1, lain tk« 4rl bt Ma/cb 1 ItTf K A YEAR 10 CUNTS Non-Profit Foundation Formed Case and Forbes Women Voters Tow United Appeal Opens Sunday; To Proceed With Housing Plan Both Speaking at Lack of Space Cuts October 18 Italy Library Services Ministers Back $145,800 Goal A major step in a community plan to provide low-cost Inadenuate library facilities, due ' Summit clergymen for the first time in the 19-year Two of New Jersey's foremost hotting unit* lor local residents was disclosed this week bv largely to lack if space, wan thp ihistojy of the United Campaign have united to back thU Republic***, U. S. Senator Clif- the announcement of the formation of a non-profit corpora- sub-eci of a discussion recently year's fund drive and to urge all-out support of the cam- tion called Summit Civic Foundation, Inc. tait will attempt ford P. Case aod State Sen. Mai cclra S. Foitoet, wiS urge Summit *h>nthr Summit League of Worn-ipaign by their respective congregations. Only once before * <o raise $90,000 to 3 per cent notes to finance the i>rmx*£i '• en Y»ters met to consider the need voters to give complete support has the nty a clergy publicly banded to support a civic 14 unit housing project on Weaver i for a new library building here. to the entire Republican ticket on project and that was.last npnng •••• Street The group pointed out that in November 6 at a Refublican rally whrn solidified ministerial sup- The Foundation rtated that to 1948 Common Council drew up a to be held next Thursday, October port was given t> the low-cost date it hes be on promised one- list' of necessary improvements True Realty Tax 18, at tiie Hote) Suburban at 8:30 Ceylon Ambassador housing question. third of the needed $90,000 from a t.» meet the post-war needs of the p. m. The meetir^ is open to true The ministers and rabbis stated small group of local residents. A pubik without charge. j community. It was revealed that total cf nearly $300,000 will be re- Value in Summit 'all parts of the overall'plan have i To Address State they will all emphasize the import- quired to completely finance the Sen&tcr Ca*e informed the Sum- ! been completed with the exception ance of the success of the United U djplex dwellings planned for mit City Kepubitean Committee, j of a new library building. J Campaign in special messages to the selected Weaver street site but Hiked $89 Million spooacra of Mt» rally, only this | Lack of space, it was shown. 'Garden Group be made at Sunday services. The week that 'he is re-arranglrg his it is expected that financial insti- The true value cf taxable real I has curtailed children's activities, I _ , , public phase of the annual appeal schedule so that fce can make an ^tuiijns will grant mortgages for property in Summit is listed at i "rea'rr book stock, teen-afe facil- Foatnrcd speaker ,it a special opens this Sunday, October 14, „ address to reakferts in behalf of i I'rited' Nations meeting and tea r a new high of $133,947,752 in the ' ities necessary for, classroom- as- when 8. >0 volunteer workers will twt>-thirds of this mm and the the GOP candidate. He wig share of the New Jersey Division of the 1956 table of equalized valuation • sii^nments, sufficient tables a"d start a house -tohouse eanvass b.ilanee cf $90,000 can be obtained the speakers platform with Seo- Woman's National Farm and Gar- released last week for state school for contributions to meet the $145,* locally by issuing 3 per ce~t inter- atcr Forbes who wM stores* the j chairs storage room for audio den Association on Oct.""'257 will aid purposes. Railroad holdings 800 campaign go<|l. est bearing nctea in varkus necessity cf electing a£l Republi- : visual aids necessary by modern be Sir Senerat fiunewardene. K.T., in the city are excluded from the amounts. can candidates at county *nd state library standards ns woll .is a Amha«s.idor <<t <"e\|nn tr» the The quota this year represents figure. The incorporators ot Summit levels a< well »« national. place of meeting for local organ- United States. The subject of the minimum figure needed to Civic Foundation, Inc. are Rome izations. carry on the work of the nine The total represents an increase Joini-f the GOP cavalcade the ambassador's address will be E?*ts, Oscar D. Dennis, Prentice j Miss Carter, chief librarian, member agencies and requires an cf $31,852,152 in the value of land that will come to Summit that "Ceylon and Her Place in The ('. Fcrd, Harold T. Graves, Jr., • made clear that the local library average family donation of $20. and buildings since the compila- night will be aM local and county UN" and will be delivered at 'he Raymond H. Hartlaub, George E. j possesses manv rare books includ- tion cf a similar table in January candidates on the GOP ticket as home of Mrs. Homer Rose, Jr. Breakdown for Agencies j, Moore and Stanley O. Morgan. R. that was used for county tax pur | ing the Marvin and New Jersey of Short Hills, starting at 2:30 Out of each $20 gift the agencies well as Mrs. Florence P. Dwyer ! collections which are not available Paul Mitchell is serving as attor- poses. who is seeking election to Coo- p.m. would receive the following ney for the incorporation of the j anywhere else' in the United amounts: The statewide table is the sec- gic;s from t.« Sixth District 1 States. She reported that the Li- The visit of the ambassador to Foundation. ond annual compilation that is (Union Cctmty). Summit is in celebration of the YMCA. $6.04, YWCA. $5; Fam- Plaa CUyWITe Appeal GLAMOUR FOB THE GAME—Abover arc the 1953 U.tiers 1>T Sum-brary of Congress has at timejs used to form the basis for the ^ Bryant W. Griffin, who will in- eleventh anniversnryof the Uni'ed ily Service Association, $268; The Foundation, if the necessary mit High School's band who «re enhancing ain!.,c or.;e*:s th.s yojr. ; sent researchers here because of distributicn cf more than $500 mil trcduce the speakers, stated that the coliedion on hand. She "•aid Nations as well as Colombo having Mental Hygiene. $110; Bny Scouts, funds are obtained, will act as su- Twirlers are selected at the ead vi iheir < ) m n- a~! junior >ear> lion in school aid funds to state a dance wiS fclkrw rhe talks by thai under the present conditions. been ilio^<n this vear a> the vju« 51 K; Cirl Scouts and SAGE, 90 pervisors of the project and will by the principal and teachers and senior ••• K r- ar; 1 after i >-.m-year municipalities. the speakers and that refresh- 'There i« m-ilher space to properly nf the Ti it'iwiel ( .inferenee in cents earh: Child Care Confer, control the management, collec- stint receive bat>n charms and a school l vr. .V>>\i\ b.,a in rnv, The figures were arrived at by ments wiH be served through the s: tie the bonks nor Itio mrnrs to December of the A*.>ociated Cnuu- 52 cents, USO, 20 cents tion of rental and selection nf eft to right, are Diane Lundry, Eleanor Hanek, tw;r:.>r captain: tax bureau researchers sifting courtesy of the GOP City Com- . prcNrrve thp items from further try Women of the World, of which John M lx»avens, chairman of tenants for the proposed project. Joanne Popolilb. Second row, Arlcne Para e ard Ph>l!is GwA and through the records of 154,000 real mittee. i deterioration. Farm ai;d Garden arc consituent the United Campaign's Central The Foundation also stated that op row, Judy Reiber, Anre Osborne, majorette, and Mimi Ncl n. estate transactions dated prior Also available will be campaign I Increased Use members. Delegates from the Committee, and Kdwird «•'. Jjocal orgarizalong and churches * (Fraf.tzen to June 30. Average sales prices material such aa Eisenhower but- various <1ivi|feinns of Farm and Holmes, chairman of the cam- as well as individuals would be '-. I! vas learned that use of the were considered the true value ter.*, auto bumper stickers, etc. Ililiraiy is incicasing rapidly and Garden will attend the conference. paign drive, jointly expressed their asked to purchase notes for the and were computed with muni- since. 1943, HIP overall increase is The luncheon will be given at apreciation for the efforts of the project in the very rear future. The Mayors of Summrt, New cipal assessments on property to GOP Denies Store Boycott I approximately 109 per cent. Ann- the I'anop Brook Country Club in 850 volunteers who have devoted Plans for the project were first Providence, Berkeky Heights and arrive at a ratio of assessment to Springfield will be present to re- : ual circulation is seven books per honor of the ambassador and his many hours in preparation for the made public the end of July by a true value.
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