A Fo Stracts of Title

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A Fo Stracts of Title DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. Offioinl Vrorooriings of flic Kl-.p- & Uartlott Co., sup LEGAL NOTICES that the defendants, William D.Aber sgHTOtwaenrvmnwi.H.ijtmj s pli'-- for troHMirnr's nfTire (. ft, and ilie unknown heirs, devisees, IeR- - Hoard CoiuiniMsIoiicis Ni ImimiiIiih'- -- of T lteillv, ciMintv FirM !) 17 3w. ulei . ci'Miniil representatives and 71. W iu. - - JHor Order of llciirliitt ami .Not lei of 'all j.cisonj interested in lh. e tale Schricver Co., supplies ,of William H. Aber, Dakota City, 1918, Probate of I'orclvu III. claim '..mo in Neb.,Oet.l, for 9tov on one 'Uiv i m said Lot One (I) by irtue ihe board pf county ommfV:loncrt rnr ,., - ri 122.7b In the County Court of D.ikota Coun Of i iliAl 11 Vnnlilnt) mrmmtn iKba it ' ,,'- trustee's deed from Thomas T. The following clafmei wre allowey ty, Nebraska. Collie r to the said William D. Aber; O. W. John Feller, .. .d (ieo. State of Nebi.ipka, County of Dako- k on the road fund districts: that ihe defendants, John 13. Dewalt. OA j Wilkin, county clerk. ta, 3S. lxoi Pederscn, rotd work, Horace Dewalt, David E. Darkley, and i At which tlio fallowing pro- 1 lime district No. $ 11.00 To Archbishop Ilmma, Babies Home, Coeivia Jbj', as sole and only at to-wl- ti lirs ceedings wero hod, Mels Jomwn, mud work, dis- Gertrude Collins, Clarence Collins, law L. eommli-sioiuM-- s of Thomas Griffey, clai'o some At the hoard of 1 this time trict No. 1.00 Catherine McCune, Milton AlcCuno, lnter"t in and to said Lot One (1) selected the names of sixty W. M. Hnonnn, Minnie KaKinusaen, Alary J. McUrldn - rond work, by ntue of a tax deed from Enos OARKIGLD lias asked us ju- loyally qualified nerve an io iiis, to district No. 7 M.OO pmetimes known as Mrs. J. J. Keel, Treasurer of Dakota County, (iI'lP COAL NOV, so we jhIiI jurors, for the ipxt tonn of Tho following; allowed and lo all persons interested supply our customers with .i claims were Nobn.ska, to said Thomas L. Griffey; .i.-tii- for Dakota county,1,,,, draWing fit thfe C. their "winter iipccH rourt nd estate of J. Collins deceased. that the defendant, William C. Orr, KfOW. 'jilir.iskd, 11s follows, to-w- it Jamest. Love, draKginft rOHl, On reading the petition of Mary J. claims some right, titlo and interest rchie I'ounhtry, J. W. Clink, AI. 'i'Z Hint Iioiiin 1 . ar Meltrlde (iraying the instrument 111 and to said Lot 1 We on J Fiiicshne, Geofga Aladien, M. '!'. (tied two (2), as sole live lintid some Fancy rilinois Hec Coal. Louis Pedewen, drugging in this court on the 9th day of md i.nly or C. by K. A. O. Sides, II. I). Wood, V. heir Charles Orr, Ho-Un- Valley .i', roads, 11 hours 10.60 October, 1918, and purporting to bo virtue of a tax deed W'illiani I Coal, and have some Choice Wyoming c n tmeyor, II. I'. Crnno, C. A. Co-1- from Tho following claims were allowed a duly authenticated cojiy of the Adair, as Coun- Co.il on way. lU-'nr- Treasurer of Dakota ut, Skidmorc, W. W. Gas-1- on tho Inheritance tax fund: last will and testament of J. C. Col- Ir.i Howard, Wnldo Jeep, Geo L. ty, Iscbiaska, to said Chailes C. Orr; Sioux City Welding and Ma- lins, deceased, that said instrument that loan L. Collier, whoso and Li Jake ad- first Wc can iinmrc, Hummel, I'rod chine Works, repairs on be admitted to probate, and the name is L. supply your necd NOW, but el your orders m 'iiiuili, (.has. Waddoll, John Sohn, real Joan Collier, claims grader ... $ 7.00 ministration of said estate be grant- some rights nnd Inteiejt in early, whiloCoal can i"l J. .vlctz, II. C. Htoding, Oscar ed to Mary McDride as title in and bt si cured. A. Ira Davis, overseeing work J. executrix to sud Lots two (2), three (3) and Htiuiin, Drown, Otto Anderson, with county graJer, repairs, for tho State of Nefiraska. It is Nc 1, Anderson, W. Doorman, ton (lo) by virtue of from Call on Frod etc 111.00 hereby ordered that you and all per- Snrah M. Collier Mr. Fred Jensen, at the lilev.itor. Lou D6hk, H. F. Cain, Dcrt Cob-loin- Comstock to said n Standard Oil Co., oil for sons interested in said matter, mnv. loan L. Collier, Tom HefFsrnan, John Jesscn, uo appear whose first and real county grader 03.10 anil at tne County Court to name is Joan L. Collier; that the Peter Anderson, M. Andrews, G. S. Do"ard adjourned to meet Novem- be held In and for said couniy on tho D. William Kountze, and tho .icy, Orln Darbor, Horace Dugan, 18, 1018. 2nd day of November, A. D. 1018, at 10 , ber unknown heirs, devisees, lcgalei-1"- Slaughter-Prestco- Wll Klicl, Jr., A. II. Anderson, Harry Geo. o'clock A. AI., to show cause, any it Wilkins, County Clerk. if porsonal -- EleVo'Co. Dj,lo, Dean Cornell, Thomas why pe- representatives and all pe Cro3b, there be, the prnyer of the sons in Henry l'owlcr, iWnrtin Hogh, Martin titioner should not bo granted, and interested the ostr.te of Will Hc-ico- ' iam Kountze, sonte bam Knox, William Goortz, that notice of the pendency of said claim right, title Hr-nr- and in nnd V Peters, Henry Trampcr, Wm. Gains 22 lbs. At petition and the hearing be interest to said Lots five ' thereof (5) and (,itr-r- P.fn Mnnrtnn TTnMrt, VVIttrn given to all eight (8), by virtue of a persons interehlcd in quit claim deed from Augustus 'b.m Hansen, Harry Francis, John! said by publishing ' matter a cojiy of Kountze, as '' '""" ",l '''''' !l"'.r!'"i' Wm. Hchindler, Henry McPher 71 this order in The Dakota County President of the Dakota '''" '' r'Wii.'ii'i ".iiiii'iliiiiiiV'lriiNl! I'i, Years of Age City Company to-nh- 3 ..... (' J Driscoll. Giles Pollv. Fred1 Herald, a weokly newspaper printed said William 9 Kipper, 1). Thack-- Kgunlzc; that the defendant, Anna P. Ld Iiichorst, John i In said county, for .three successive Kountze, r, Heck Nelson, Geo. Harris, George ' weeks to said dny hearing. claims some right, title and prior of interest in and to said Lots five (5) vi II, Louis Wilkins, Dudd Orr.'TAXIiAC COMPM.TKLV HLSTOItllS Witness my hand, and the seal of Friggs' New I lo mjIi O'Doll, Wm. Covt'll. Jamost and iiisht (8), by reason of being tho Restaurant and !: said court this 0th dav of October, wife of Ilirri- - and James King, "f .MILS, COCII It A. A. D. 1018. Luther Kountze, the grantee VS IILALTII in a - I He following claims woro allowed S. W. AIcKlNLEY, certain deed from Herman Kount.e and Elizabeth Kountze nu im n the county general fund I HAD WASTlin i?J!M. (SEAL) County Judge. Pool Hal! Iho Ahhford, clothing for porting to convey said Lots live (5) ami eignt to; to 4 Ji.hn McKonzio S 0.75 Order of Hearing on Petti Ion for tlio said Ulther Homer Star, publishing com- Kountze; that the defendants, Thomas "I" Appointment of Administrator. T. missioners proceedings, re- can walk twenty blocks now Collier, tho 'unknown heirs, devi- In the County Court of Dakota sees, legntecs, personal representa- I l'mve my port of treasurer, oloction qaslifr than I could one before I took County, Uistnuiunt buildiutr ami ballots, and Nebraska. tives nnd all persons interested in the drainage ditch "Tanlac," said Airs. W. C. Codiran, a Stale of Nebraska, County of Dako- u 'will install pool tables in the fi'nnt pail of building." notice . .", . 281.00 estate of Thomas T. Collier, claim . well known residi-n- t Ida-'h- o, --88, , G of Jullnetta, ta some right, titlo and interest insniJ. F. Hughes & Co., coal, To Mrs. Laura Thompson, gj All my restaurant pillions will he eared for be- - hardware, etc 80.00 recently. Airs. Cochran says she Pearl Lots four (4) and nine (0) by virtue as ' V.fl Gigear, and to all persons interested of a deed fore. Meals ;.li John II. Kcam, member can- not (illlv irHn i.imiX,l ....!.',. f from William F. Lockwood and lunches servul at hours. in the estate Qf Pete Gigear, de- and Mary A. Lockwood to the said vassing board 2.00 rom her suircring, but that sho has Geo Darnett, same ceased: Thomas T. Collier; that the defend- actually gained twenty-tw- o pounds On reading the petition of Pearl ants, William II. Harvey, un- . Jennie K. Doss, supplies for. and the ,,osi(los' e Gigear praying that the administra- known I poor 154 . M She is now seventy-on- years heirs, devisees, legatees, per- I S. Dacon, age, tion of said 'estate be granted to sonal representatives and all persons county troaiuror .of and her statement, which1 is Frank L. Thompson as Everything New, Clean pos-tage- , administrator. interested in the estate of William expense monoy In j altogether remarkable, in- - will bejjf It is hereby ordered that you, and H. Harvey, claim sonic right, titlo me'Tlnto case and cash ad- terost to evory ail persons in Up - - vanced Hockwell and Cain one. interested said matter, and interest in and to said Lot six and to Date i may, and do, appear County (G), to Norfolk nnd Omaha ... 1KI.03 "' ""'fored a complete nervous at the bj virtue of n deed from Eugene .break-down,- Court to be held in and for J P Hockwell.
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