Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. June 2011 Volume II, Issue 3 PCA joins campaign against corruption, Integrity Pledge-signing in full swing A total of eight chief executives from par- By having signed the pledge, all signatories action to foster ethical and transparent ticipating construction companies inked the committed to shun bribery in their business business transactions in the . integrity pledge at the Joy~Nostalg Center dealings, enforce adherence to the PCA Code , Ortigas Center, Pasig City last May of Ethics, promote integrity, honesty and The Integrity Pledge-signing is one of the 31, 2011, after the General Membership accountability in the exercise of their em- critical elements of the Integrity Initiative Meeting of the Philippine Constructors campaign first fronted by the Association, Inc. (PCA) came to a close. Business Club (MBC) and the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines Among the signatories who subscribed to (ECCP) back in 2009. It is every com- ethical business practices and good corpo- pany’s concrete expression of commit- rate governance were PCA and Datem, Inc. ment to operate in keeping with the pre- president Engr. Levy Espiritu, Pacific Paint sent administration’s national campaign Phils. Inc. marketing manager Ruben D. against corruption. Cueto, Livan Trade Corp. vice-president Lito Garcia, Society of Philippine Electro- By and large, this private sector-led technical Constructors and Suppliers Inc. movement seeks to put in place a more president Arthur Escalante, Manitowoc competitive business environment for the Cranes sales manager Engr. Long Naaman, Philippines by reducing, if not totally Jr. and managing director Raul A. Fernan- Integrity Initiatives Chairman Ramon del stamping out, the unbridled crooked dez, Asian Technicon president Felicitas Rosario and PCA President Levy Espiritu system besetting different sectors of the Pio Roda, PhilPrime Global Corp. chief together ink the Integrity Pledge Philippine society today. executive officer Hedy Barretto, and Ge- magin Industries general manager Gines ployees’ duties and responsibilities, encour- To date, about 500 companies from dif- Inguengan. age the establishment of appropriate internal ferent sectors have already joined the systems and controls to preclude unethical Integrity Initiative campaign and are now The signing of the pledge was officially conducts, report suspicious circumstances in part of the widening coalition of the kicked off by PCA President Levy Espiritu confidence and without risk of reprisal, pro- “Integrity Consortium.” Meanwhile, and Makati Business Club (MBC) Chair- mote and encourage participation in integrity more companies are urged to take part in man Ramon Del Rosario, Jr., who served as pacts when dealing with bidding and pro- this endeavour towards a renewed Philip- the guest speaker that day. curement procedures, and ensure collective pines. PCA inks MOU with CHINCA during the 2nd IIICF A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) them was Department of Public Works and in the forum to invest in the Philippines, was inked by the International Con- Highways (DPWH) Secretary Rogelio Sing- Sec. Singson crowed the $12 billion worth tractors Association (CHINCA) and the son. of transport infrastructure projects lined up Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. for implementation in the country, includ- (PCA) during the 2nd International Infra- Inked by PCA President Levy Espiritu and ing seaports, airports, railways and road structure Investment and Construction Fo- CHINCA Chairman Diao Chunhe, the MOU projects. rum (IIICF) Conference and Signing Cere- sealed a closer business partnership between mony held last May 27, 2011 in Beijing, China and the Philippines in facets relating to The MOU is expected to schematize and China. the public-private partnership (PPP) program, give a boost to the Association’s rapport financial security and sustainability, and pos- with CHINCA in realizing its goals for a The PCA delegation was composed of PCA sibilities of joint venture in the future. better Philippines. Executive Director Manolito Madrasto, PCA Director Rosario Evangelista, PCA The forum also served as a venue for Sec. As a consequence of the signing, Sec. Director Noel Policaprio, PCA Public Con- Singson to promote the convalescing and Singson will be tabling the details of the struction Committee Member Billy Beli- more transparent investment climate in the rules of engagement between PCA and sario, PCA Corporate Secretary and Legal Philippines. CHINCA in a month, which Pres. Benigno Counsel Atty. Ma. Elena Go Francisco and Aquino III will take up in his next visit in PCA President Levy Espiritu. Also with Wooing the international contractors present China. PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY May GMM: MBC Chairman Ramon Del Rosario talks about the Integrity Initiative Pasig City — The General Member- how the previous administrations vi- document. ship Meeting (GMM) of the Philippine ciously cleaved to a culture of corruption. Constructors Association (PCA), Inc. Touching on the culture of accountability He divulged that in line with the integrity held last May 31, 2011 at the that the present administration brings into certification and accreditation system that Joy~Nostalg Business Center in Orti- play today, he prided on the strategic re- they plan to establish in the Philippines, gas, Pasig City was concluded with a forms and good governance policies that the project has won the funding support of drive to push for a more ethical busi- the Aquino team performs in accord, to Siemens AG, a German firm concurrently ness practice in the field of construc- halt the Philippines in its downhill tracks. pushing its own Integrity Initiative project tion, as Makati Business Club (MBC) in an international scope. Chairman Ramon Del Rosario, Jr. suc- As he spoke of the leadership’s commit- cinctly but grippingly discussed the ment to pursue the anti-corruption cam- He guaranteed that all individuals and Integrity Initiative campaign before all paign with full intensity, the chairman companies that will religiously keep the PCA members and urged them to take sidetracked on the role of the business certification standards set will enjoy in- strides in achieving transparency in the community in building the nation. centives and privileges that are due them, private sector through pushing this anti- among those mentioned were (1) being corruption campaign forward. “But I think we also need to step beyond accorded preferred supplier/ service pro- our comfort zones some of vider status and (2)grants from different our energy and resources toward address- government agencies. ing...corruption. We need to undertake organized and sustained intervention Chairman Del Rosario said he is confident against public and private sector corrup- that the fruit of the Integrity Initiative will tion,” said Chairman Del Rosario as he transform the culture of doing business at urged the members of the Association length and will call the shots for a more with a fire in his belly. competitive global standing.

He said that the Makati Business Club has “The integrity initiative is a bold and already forged ahead through the Coali- unprecedented undertaking, but we be- tion Against Corruption, an alliance that is lieve it is doable,” said the chairman. primarily concerned with procurement monitoring for anti-corruption in the pub- After some time, he dwelled on the note- MBC Chairman Ramon Del Rosario talks lic sector. worthy advances of the project, from the about the Integrity Initiative during signing of integrity pacts even of suppli- PCA’s May GMM According to him, the project aims to ers, the creation of policies on bribery and prevent the misappropriation of public “facilitation payments”, setting up of hot- In the outset, Chairman Del Rosario funds and the abuse of authority of offi- lines for ethics issues, and the linking of alluded to the poor stature of the Philip- cials in procurement transactions, and to the Integrity Initiative with the Govern- pines in international corruption sur- promote competitive bidding and institu- ment e-Procurement System. veys and indices, where it ranked 134 tional accountability, among others. out of 178 in the Transparency Interna- Determined to push the Integrity Initiative tional’s 2010 Corruption Perceptions Meteoric in nature, the procurement forward, Chairman Del Rosario finally Index. monitoring project does not promise a urged all PCA members to join the cam- deep-rooted solution to national corrup- paign and be among the associations to He also cited the World Economic Fo- tion. On this account, he propounded that lead the way in this groundbreaking ef- rum’s Global Competitiveness Report the Integrity Initiative sprang out of the fort. for 2010-2011 where the Philippines MBC and the European Chamber of Com- ranked 135th out of the 139 economies merce in the Philippines’ urge to sweep- “I was informed PCA members are in- in the category of ethics and corruption ingly address corruption in the private volved in over 85% of government and in public institutions. sector. private construction projects in the Phil- ippines. Imagine the impact that you Having made mention of these igno- Initially launched in December 2010, the would have on the conduct and outcome minious figures, it was an opportune chairman resolved that the initiative will of government infrastructure projects if time for Chairman Del Rosario to dis- secure the commitment of signatories you collectively abide by the Unified Code cuss what such a prevalence of corrup- from the private sector in putting in place of Conduct or sign an Integrity Pact,” he tion costs the Philippines today. policies and systems that will promote said. integrity in all aspects of business prac- “...P250 billion could be feasibly lost to tices, the first phase of which is the sign- In an unprecedented move to take bold corruption each year, assuming that ing of the “Integrity Pledge.” steps towards breaking the perennial cycle abusive officials and their accomplices of corruption and raise the stature of the are allowed to continue on their merry Though not legally-binding, the principles local construction industry in the eyes of way,” said the chairman. contained in the pledge will essentially foreign investors, the chairman urged the peg the CEOs’ expression of moral obli- PCA to magnify its calling as the Chairman Del Rosario said that the gations in stringing along with the integ- “guardian of construction professional surveys were a collective symptom of rity and accountability standards set in the integrity” through signing the Integrity Pledge. June 2011 Volume II, Issue 3 PCA Exec. Dir. Madrasto predicates his position on the PCA organizes technical World Competitiveness Report 2011 working groups to contrive “As a Filipino and still proud to be a Fili- wage distortion formula, to pino, the (World Competitiveness) Report push for DOLE D.O. 19 2011 moves me emotionally to disagree with the findings.” amendments

This was how Executive Director Ma- Pasig City— The Philippine Contractors drasto encapsulated his stance when tasked Association, Inc. (PCA) is set to organize a to react on the World Competitiveness technical working group (TWG) that will Report 2011 during the Asian Institute of contrive a formula for wage distortion of Management (AIM) Press Conference held labourers earning above the minimum last May 18, 2011 at the AIM Conference wage, following the daily Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) of P22.00 mandated Center Manila (ACCM). by the Department of Labor last May 2011. Sponsored by the Sweden-based Interna- (from left) PCA Executive Director Manolito tional Institute of Management and Devel- Madrasto with Prof. Benjamin Diokno of the UP In a statement, Department of Labor Secre- School of , Prof. Ronald Mendoza of opment (IMD) in partnership with the AIM tary Roslinda Baldoz reiterated that the the AIM Policy Center, and Mr. Sergio Ortiz- additional P22.00 compensation granted to Policy Center and Konrad Adenauer Luis of the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Stiftung (KAS), the report packed off the Inc. during the AIM Press Conference all minimum earners in NCR is not an Philippines from the 39th rank in the 2010 Emergency Cost of Living Allowance report to the 41st rank this year. (ECOLA) as most people label it. Despite that, she said that the country According to Mr. Madrasto, while the re- should never close its eyes to one major The function of the first TWG is to come port was done round about 2011, data on component of competitiveness that may up with a formula that will standardize the the performance of the Philippines last have acted as a drag on the over-all rank- wage distortion for minimum wage earn- 2010 served as its bedrock. Thus, the study ing of the Philippines, and that is infra- ers and non-minimum wage earners and was not entirely indicatory of the Philip- structure development. have this formula applied to all institutions pine performance this 2011. and firms concerned. Mr. Madrasto addressed that while the Basically, the results of the World Com- results of the 2011 report was hugely According to the Regional Tripartite petitiveness Report 2011 looked into four founded on the 2010 performance, he is Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB)- general factors, which include our coun- confident that the stricter policy implemen- NCR, the increase will take effect 15 days try’s economic performance, government tation and improved transparency initia- after the administration publishes the deci- tives in the area of infrastructure planning, efficiency, and infrastructure. sion on national dailies. procurement, implementation and mainte- nance demonstrated by the present admini- On infrastructure development, Mr. Ma- The sewed-up formula shall then be sub- drasto stated that as the government en- stration will bestow the Philippines a much better World Competitiveness Report for mitted to the Department of Labor and deavours to expend on our basic infrastruc- Employment for approval. tures, the lion’s share goes not to the con- 2012. struction of new infrastructures but the rehabilitation of the existing ones. On this Having remarkably cited the palpable ad- Meanwhile, another TWG was organized account, he deflected the culpability on vances of the newly-appointed DPWH by PCA to change the nomenclature in the two factors which he identified as (a) poor Secretary Rogelio “Babes” Singson and Department of Labor and Employment governance in terms of infrastructure plan- DBM Secretary Butch Abad towards re- (DOLE) Department Order No. 19 ning, procurement and implementation; newed governance, he hinted that despite (Guidelines Governing the Employment of and (b) the lack of political will on the the downward gradient the Philippines had Workers in the Construction Industry) proper usage and maintenance of infra- to face in the past administration, there is from “labor-only contracting” to “trade structure. still light at the end of the tunnel. contracting/ subcontracting”.

Touching on the performance of the Philip- “These are good signs for As opposed to labor-only contracting, PCA pines in the past year, he discussed the deems “subcontracting” a term more ap- misappropriation of government funds the Philippines. I just hope propriate to delineate a form of contracting intended for programmed infrastructure that this change will be that does not go within the paradigm of developments and the lenience of govern- legitimate contracting. ment officials in the enforcement of laws more permanent in nature, governing the standards, specifications and away from our “ningas The TWG to push for this amendment is to utilization of our existing infrastructures. cugon” culture. If so, we be headed by PCA Corporate Secretary and Legal Counsel Atty. Ma. Elena Go In a statement, Ms. Suzanne Rosselet of just might see a better World Francisco and will be comprised of other the IMD divulged that the 7.3% growth in Competitiveness Report lawyers from PCA-member firms. GDP and the strong rebounds in export demonstrated by the Philippines in the past 2012 for the Philippines.” The amendments are intended to be incor- year was symptomatic of the biggest im- porated in the Philippine Omnibus Labor provements in its economic performance. Code. PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY


PPP makes headway with wooed Australian investors Manila—A three-day roundtable discussion The wooing has reached the first base as held via the video conference facilities of Australian investors signified that they were Trade Commission Office Manila con- particularly interested to go in for the toll cluded with a windfall for Director Eleazar road, expressway and airport development E. Ricote as he was successfully able to woo projects lined up this year. DID YOU KNOW? Australian investors to invest in the public- It took 25 million man-hours to build the private partnership (PPP) infrastructure “The eagerness is encouraging and we are projects for rollout in the Philippines this Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. It grateful for this meaningful investment facili- year. is the most photographed bridge in the tation support provided by the Australian world and is the most popular for sui- Trade Commission,” said Director Ricote in cides. Around 19 individuals are said to The conference was held last May 16-18, a statement. 2011 in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney, jump off this bridge every year. Australia with potential investors from An investment briefing last May 31, 2011 around the country. It was organized by the followed the series of roundtable discussions. ANNOUNCEMENT Australian Trade Commission of the Austra- Held in Manila, it was an opportune time for lian Embassy in Manila. the interested Australian investors to tie up General Membership Meeting with partners, consultancy firms and transac- July 29, 2011, 12 noon In the said conference, PPP Center represen- tion advisers to brace themselves for the up- Joy~Nostalg Center Manila, Ortigas tative Ricote brought to the table the specif- coming PPP project biddings. Center, Pasig City ics of all individual PPP projects slated to be implemented this year, including their The Australian Government is one with the Guest Speaker: scheduled bidding dates and the ongoing Asian Development Bank (ADB) in strength- policies and procedural reforms being un- ening the PPP Program of the Philippines dertaken to improve the PPP framework in through providing financial support. the Philippines. Thailand expresses keen interest in bringing in fresh capital in the Philippines Bangkok, Thailand—Upon the invita- In a press conference held a week after the “They have expressed interest in our PPP tion of Thailand Prime Minister Abhisit visit, Department of Energy Secretary Jose projects and they are telling us that they Vejjajiva, President Benigno “Ninoy” Rene Almendras said that Pres. Aquino and wanted to discuss it some more because they Aquino III flew for a two-day visit in the Prime Minister have spent some time have some ideas and proposals on how PPP Bangkok, Thailand last May 26, 2011 to discussing the PPP projects and opportuni- worked in other countries,” Sec. Almendras make a pitch for stronger bilateral rela- said. tions with the country as well as to pro- mote the public-private partnership Pres. Aquino also met with top business ex- (PPP) program under his administration. ecutives of three of the most celebrated busi- ness groups of Thailand who have expressed The call also served as an invitation to their positive gestures on the subject of ex- the 18th Association of Southeast Asian panding their investments in the PPP pro- Nations (ASEAN) Summit that was to gram of the Philippines. be held in the Indonesian capital on the same date. The business groups were the Charoenw Pok- phand (CP), Siam Cement Group (SCG) and Soft-selling the PPP projects in infra- the PTT Public Company United. structure for possible investments during Pres. Benigno Aquino III and Thailand one of the sidelines of the said event, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva make a Sec. Del Rosario of the Department of For- Pres. Aquino’s visit seemed to have pitch for stronger bilateral relations eign Affairs said that the bang-up job was a taken off with a good start as three of between their dominions result of the good bilateral relations of the Thailand’s biggest companies were Philippines with Thailand, all the more wooed to invest in the projects. ties slated in the Philippines in the next few strengthened by Pres. Aquino’s recent visit to years. grace his counterpart’s invitation. The PPP proposal presented by the

President also won the interest of Thai He also divulged that Thai construction com- Prime Minister Vejjajiva to bring in During the visit, Pres. Aquino handed a number of Thai officials a list of all slated panies are adept in managing PPP ventures as some fresh capital in the Philippines this is the scheme that they avail themselves soon. PPP projects in the Philippines and solicited their participation in their implementation. of in implementing their topnotch road net- work projects especially in the city of Bang-

kok. June 2011 Volume II, Issue 3 June 2011 Volume II, Issue 3 Hong Kong firm bankrolls for a PPP transport project Government agencies sign Hong Kong— Department of Trade and projected roll on-roll off (RORO) termi- memorandum for safer Industry (DTI) Undersecretary and Board of nal with a 200-kilometer, 10-lane toll Investments (BOI) Managing Head Cristino road linkage that will better serve the construction Panlilio held a two-day investment mission business communities of Luzon and in Hong Kong last May to woo investors Visayas. The Department of Labor and Employ- there to pour in more investments in the ment (DOLE), Department of Public Philippines. This will be accompanied by a ferry ser- Works and Highways (DPWH), Depart- vice for cargo trucks and buses traversing ment of Interior and Local Government On the word of Mr. Panlilio, Hong Kong the eastern seaboard of the Philippines. (DILG), Department of Trade and Indus- firm Hopewell Holdings Limited has ex- pressed its interest to invest in a transport try (DTI) and the Professional Regulatory The Hong Kong firm also caved in to Commission (PRC) are now collaborating linkage system that would connect Luzon to look into the other PPP infrastructure the islands and central hubs of the Visayan projects in the Philippines, as the eastern to forestall industry-related deaths and region, specifically Iloilo, Bacolod and seaboard project is not among the priority mishaps in the Philippines. Cebu, where the seaport in San Juan, Batan- PPP projects slated this year. gas will serve as Luzon’s hook-up point. The said agencies recently signed a Meanwhile, Panlilio said that the pro- memorandum to promote safety in the This flagship group of Chinese Tycoon posed project will be tendered to respon- construction industry and are all in for Gordon Wu also divulged that they are cur- sible agencies and will be presented not their own commissions in this endeavour. rently straightening up plans of merging the as an unsolicited project.

To ensure that a DOLE-approved con- struction safety and health program is INDUSTRY TIDBITS well-implemented by all construction firms, the signed memorandum tasks the Cement prices plummet to P185 BCDA proposes elevated DILG and DTI to oblige all local govern- for lack of gov’t infra projects monorail in the Metro ment units to bid all firms applying for building permits to submit their own con- From P220 to P230 in 2010, cement The Bases Conversion Development Au- struction safety and health program prior prices are now down to P185 to P190 thority (BCDA) plans to build a monorail to the acquisition of permits. because of lack of government-initiated that will interconnect with the Metro Rail infrastructure projects, CEMAP said. Transit (MRT) 3 and the Light Railway On top of that, the DILG is also tasked to

Transit (LRT) 1 in Metro Manila. ascertain that all contractors and subcon- According to the Cement Manufacturing tractors applying for permits are accred- Authority of the Philippines (CEMAP), Dubbed as the Makati-Taguig-Pasay most of the projects implemented in the ited by the Philippine Contractors Ac- first quarter of 2011 were undertaken by Monorail, the proposed project is among creditation Board (PCAB). the private sector, while there was hardly the medium-term projects slated in the any from the government sector. Philippines in the next five years. For the time being, the PRC is to conduct ocular inspections in construction sites to CEMAP said that no road construction The project was designed to address the ensure that all mechanical equipment, projects have been started during the escalating demands of the commuting electrical installations and emergency summer season, which is supposed to be public for transport systems. health facilities comply with the regula- the peak season for such projects. tory laws and standards set by the com- It shall be implemented under the Public- mission. Due to this, cement sales dwindled by Private Partnership (PPP) Program of the 6.7% by the end of the first quarter. Aquino administration. The Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) of DOLE will then assess all the CEMAP recently declared that the figure The completion of this project will be reports submitted by the commission. must shoot up by the end of the second followed by the relocation of the coun- quarter or insuperable crises will have to try’s international gateway to Clark, Pam- be faced by the industry. Seminars and workshops will be con- panga. ducted by the DTI to ensure that all con- struction personnel are well-versed about the hazards in the workplace. Published by the Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. 3rd Floor, Padilla Building The collaboration is towards pushing for Francisco Ortigas Jr. Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605 an “accident-free” Philippine construction Tel (632) 6312778/6313135 Fax (632)6312788 industry, following the death of 11 con- Email: [email protected] struction workers in Makati early this URL year. PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY Mar Roxas accepts DOTC chief post PCA to latch on the 32nd ACF Council Meeting in palace following the terminus of the one-year ban on the appointment of Thailand defeated candidates, which technically ended last May 11, 2011. Chiang Mai, Thailand— This year’s 32nd ASEAN Contractors Federation (ACF) “Sabi ko sa kanya kailangan sana kita Council Meeting will be hosted by the Thai sa headquarters pero may sunog sa Contractors Association (TCA) and is slated to happen on June 28-30 at the Le Meridien frontlines...Pwede bang sumugod ka Hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand. muna doon?,” recounted the President

when he offered the post to Roxas. In conjunction with the said meeting, matters

Pres. Benigno Aquino III and new DOTC concerning the results of the 1st Construction Chief Mar Roxas II during the former’s Pres. Aquino related that Roxas was Standard Trade Skills Training (CSTST) public announcement of the latter’s commissioned because he believes that Technical Working Group for Manpower appointment he can respond to the pressing needs of Skills Harmonization will be discussed by the Filipino people with both urgency ACF Secretary-General and PCA 1st Vice Malacañang—Last July 7, 2011, President and integrity. President Ronaldo Elepaño on the 27th. Benigno Aquino III formally made public that his former running mate Manuel “Hindi pwedeng magtiwala sa kung Others to compose the PCA delegation will “Mar” Roxas II accepted the offer to be- sinu-sino, dapat may kakayahan be PCA President and ACF Council Member come the new chief of the Department of at...kaya akong sabayan sa pagtahak sa Levy Espiritu, PCA Executive Director and Transportation and Communications tuwid na landas dahil maraming former ACF Secretary-General Manolito (DOTC) last July 6, subsequent to the un- mamahaling proyekto ang hawak ng Madrasto, ACF Chairman and PCA Past foreseen resignation of its former secre- ahensyang ito,” said the president. President Jorge Consunji, ACF Vice Chair- tary Jose “Ping” De Jesus. man and PCA Past President Anthony Fer- Reports have it that the sudden resigna- nandez, and PCA Secretary and ACF Repre- sentative Will Decena. In a press statement, Pres. Aquino said that tion of former DOTC chief De Jesus he has long been reckoning with the odds was due to slow action on the issues of placing Roxas in a post based in the On the 28th, the TCA will be rolling out in a driving up the walls of his agency. 15-minute presentation the Thailand Con- struction Machinery, Equipment and Tech- nology Exhibition 2011 (ConsTech 2011), an PCA President rolls out the PPP roadmap and PPP international conference and exhibition it coalition initiatives in FINEX seminar sponsors.

Dusit Thani Manila—Philippine Con- are the continuous engagement with the ACF-member associations are also expected structors Association, Inc. (PCA) Presi- government through consultative meet- to cable their own country reports through dent Levy Espiritu presented the “Public- ings, coordination with the Office of presentations. Private Partnership (PPP) Roadmap and the Court Administrator in pushing for the Present and Future Initiatives of the the signing of the ROWA Memoran- The Singapore Contractors Association Lim- PPP Coalition” last June 11, 2011 at the dum Order, support for the Department ited (SCAL) - China International Contrac- Dusit Thani Manila Hotel, during the of in its PPP initiative for tors Association (CHINCA) Memorandum of Financial Executives Institute of the Phil- school buildings and the Department of Understanding (MOU) Signing will also be ippines (FINEX) PPP Seminar. Public Works and Highways (DPWH) slotted in the same affair, along with the dis- for the construction of bridges, recom- cussion of the next steps for the ACF- CHINCA MOU signing that took place last mendation to NEDA/PPP Center to In his presentation, Pres. Espiritu cited as year. streamline ICC Guidelines, and com- among the thrusts of the PPP Coalition the establishment of a legal and policy munication with the Congress and NEDA/ PPP Center on the BOT Law Adopted past resolutions, medium-term and framework that promotes a solicited, open long-term concerns that will lay down ACF’s and transparent PPP process, the piloting and IRR amendments. groundwork for the next four to six years, of the tendering and implementation of 2- The multitudes of facts presented by and the agenda for the 33rd ACF Council 3 high-impact and commercially interest- Mr. Espiritu all boiled down to the Meeting later this year are among the matters ing PPP projects, and the development of coalition’s presumption that the PPP that shall be hammered out during the event. a pipeline of bankable PPP projects. program is a winning option to fund the infrastructure gap and take full advan- The 31st ACF Council Meeting was held last He also touched on the past and recent tage of the available resources and ex- December 10, 2010 in Bali, Indonesia. Such steps taken by the PPP coalition in nailing pertise of the private sector in bringing is held biennially to provide a forum of dia- the PPP initiative. about practicable infrastructure devel- logues among the construction contractors in the ASEAN to promote economic develop- opment in the Philippines. Among the future steps yet to be adopted ment in the region. June 2011 Volume II, Issue 3 PROJECTS IN THE PIPELINE

Road and will be constructed in compli- 8 I.T. parks in province of Nueva Ecija and the municipality of General Tinio for the Balintingon Reser- ance with the road limit that was imposed Eight IT parks are soon to rise in Davao voir Multi-Purpose Project. This will include by the National Irrigation Authority City, according to ICT Davao President Bert the development and operation of a new (NIA) on all vehicles passing near the Barriga. The new projects were identified as reservoir and a new hydroelectric plant in the reservoir. M. Piazza Oro, Panaca I.T. Park, Mamay area for purposes of power generation and I.T. Building, First Mindanao Industrial irrigation. 20 retail stations by Unioil Park, Centerpoint Plaza, Felcris I.T. Park, Abreeza Mall and Filandia I.T. Center. P2.6-B Marco Polo Hotel in Ortigas The P2.6-billion Marco Polo Hotel Project P4.5-B plant in Batangas was approved by the Board of Investments A projector and inkjet printer manufacturing (BOI) and will be implemented along the plant will be built by EPSON, next to its Meralco Avenue in Ortigas, Pasig City. Fili- existing inkjet printer facility in Lipa City, pino-owned project owner Xin Tian Ti ex- Batangas. EPSON targets to begin its full- pects commercial operations to start Septem- scale production in the new plant by Octo- ber this year. Unioil Petroleum Philippines, Inc. plans ber 2011. This is expected to increase the to construct 20 additional retail stations in manufacturing capacity of EPSON in the Twin Lakes Project in Tagaytay Metro Manila, on top of the 40 existing Philippines. retail stations in the region. 10 of the 20 Fil-Estate and Megaworld partner in the de- projects are now under construction while velopment of the world-class Twin Lakes the 10 others are still under negotiation. 300-MW coal plant in Luzon Resort Estates in Tagaytay City, which is Each station is estimated to cost P10 mil- Eastern Petroleum mulls over the possibility expected to boost tourism in the community. lion. of erecting a 300-MW coal-fired power This project will cover 1,149 hectares of land plant in Bataan to take full advantage of the and will offer overlooking picturesque view escalating need for more power capacities in of Taal Lake. P2-B Primary Homes Projects the region. The open access implementation A total of four to five projects have been is believed to lower electricity rates as more P430M Submarine Cable Express lined up by Primary Homes this year, industry players will be enticed to compete including the condominium project that it The Philippine Long Distance Telephone in the market. recently unveiled in Cebu Business Park. (PLDT) Company is set to build the Asia Primary Homes owner Stephen Liu said Submarine Cable (ASE) Express, an under- that this a capital expenditure of P2 bil- Subic Port expansion water cable system that will connect Japan, lion will be spent for townhouse units this Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority sets Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines to year. sights on expanding its facilities to be con- other Southeast Asian nations. This system sistent with its goal of becoming a one-stop will have the capacity to incorporate 100gbps logistics center. The expansion will begin optical technology in the future. P368.7-M plant by Chemrez with the construction of cargo terminals and A P368.72M-plant will be put up by the related infrastructure. The New Container country’s top biodiesel, resins and oleo- Terminal-2 has been bid out last year and is chemicals producer Chemrez to give way scheduled to be awarded this October. to the exportation of green technology products. The plant will be the country’s US$2-B power generating facilities first facility to commercially produce distilled and franctionated coco methyl at Manila Electric Co. (MERALCO) will al- 15,000 metric tons a year. low $2 billion for the construction of 150- megawatt power-generating facilities from 2012-2016. The project will be built in La- P30 M Beverly Hills facility in QC guna and is expected to significantly influ- Aesthetic and beauty facility Beverly ence electricity prices. P250M Road Project for Diayo Dam Hills 6750 is to build a P30M-facility in Timog Avenue, to cater to P250 million was earmarked for the develop- Multipurpose dam in Nueva Ecija the increasing demands of its clients. The ment of a 7-km road project to protect the company said it is gaining a good 20% Diayo Dam in Aurora. The project will be First Gen Luzon Power Corp. signed a market share annually since 2006. memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the implemented along the Baler-Pantabangan PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY

PHILCONSTRUCT 2011 Coming off on July 7-9: Philconstruct Mindanao 2011 punches the clock Davao City— Following the walloping back in 2010, it is without a shadow of Corporation, and Supreme Steel Pipe success of Philconstruct 2010, the Davao doubt that Philconstruct Mindanao 2011 Corporation. Contractors Association Center, Inc. is the biggest construction industry event “Our two organizations, DCACI and (DCACI) and the Philippine Constructors to have ever dawned on the Southern PCA, have and will continue to put in Association, Inc. (PCA) hook on for an- Philippine region. great efforts to give exhibitors and spon- other high-flying construction expo yet To date, over 100 companies have al- sors a show that brings together the con- again. ready booked their spaces and are having struction industry’s decision-makers Set on July 7 to 9, 2011 at the Convention a go at turning this industry affair into a from around the region that include ar- Hall of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, PHIL- polestar of jillion business opportunities. chitects, designers, engineers, consult- CONSTRUCT MINDANAO 2011 is set to Among them are CEMEX Philippines, ants, contractors, builders, developers, take Davao City by storm as it showcases Holcim Philippines, Concepcion-Carrier and other related stakeholders, experts, the industry’s growing business novelties Air Conditioning Company, Crocodile professionals, and traders in one conven- on all counts. Tape & Co. Inc., Davies Paints, Igros ient venue for business,” PHILCON- With over 71 companies to have joined the Marketing Corporation, Koppel Inc., STRUCT MINDANAO 2011 Chairman exhibition, 2,316 trade buyers registered Maxima Machineries, Pacific Paints Wilfredo Guerzon, Jr. said. and P42.5 million on-site sales generated (Boysen) Philippines, RnW Pacific Pipes

PCA PERSONALITY OF THE MONTH Philconstruct Manila 2011 Philconstruct Visayas 2011

Manila—The city that has started the Cebu City—The “Queen City of the Philconstruct series makes the scene on South” braces itself for the onset of November 9 to 12, 2011 at the SMX Philconstruct Visayas 2011, happening Convention Center, Manila with the on September 1 to 3 at the Waterfront Ecobuild Asia 2011 launch as one of its Cebu City Hotel and Casino. newest highlights. Organized by the Philippine Construc- Having been the Philippine construc- tors Association, Inc. (PCA) and co- tion industry’s flagship trade show for organized by the Cebu Contractors As- 20 years, Philconstruct Manila 2011 is sociation, Inc. (CCA), the second off- sure to hit the mark as this annual mega LITO G. GARCIA exposition fills the bill for exhibitors shoot of the Philconstruct 2011 series is and buyers, local and international sure to pitch in as exhibitors and real Lito, a BS Mathematics graduate of the buyers from across the Visayan region alike. University of Santo Tomas is a PCA get to step on the same platform and Director and concurrently the incum- Last year’s four-day expo was able to bide until opportunities of being bought bent secretary of the Philippine Con- represent 18 countries around the and having a good buy alight upon crete Industry Association. He presently world, record 877 exhibiting compa- them all. heads two of PCA’s major committees, nies, and generate a good $25.3 million namely Manpower Development and from on-site sales. With a total of 108 companies who joined, 4,378 trade buyers registered Construction Equipment. With over 34, 600 buyers already primed to make on-site purchases five and P53.7 million on-site sales gener- A former ACEL Director, he has credit- months before this year’s expo pops ated last year, this annual trade show is able experience in construction equip- up, booths and pavilions of valuable sure to become another chart-buster. ment leasing and contracting. He is the infrastructural and industrial equipment “This is the only event where you will Vice-President and Sales Manager of and products are sure to burst at the meet the real buyers from the entire Livan Trade Corporation, “the light seams. Visayas Region and exhibitors will equipment supermarket.” never run out of chances to discover new business opportunities, network with the right decision makers, and get involved with the next available pro- ject. This is the only place you should be at!,” said Philconstruct Visayas 2011 Chairman Bernard Vonn Sia.