U —( , * " ; ; i —^ ^ . " — T — /» ; W .



LOUI • freqMQtlj BM in FOR SAliE.SAlii:. TTF’ A^T.'P’T? TTVT iWtireatI0*(ircat Britainliritaia bMbas bacoraebacoras so osar sa neighbor almost AN ORDINANCE 185D. J-'-Er A-iJZjJTt, AAM I STtrrthing, trick, landed wwh henay wmgkti a» eneh emd. waaH BiBPanan.Bavwau nrraMna Ansaau. SIMACRE4soiACREe OF LAMDLAND foTKl-,formlr, K16 mtiMmllre N. E. from to ns, by tbs •^•TtWng, bnt it cinnot Ube sapsetaUexpected that theythay To lepare and incmrh the tidswalk I -L-SmL-. a_<, s.J DI I _ muUipUcationinuUiplicstion of ocssnocean steamstssni conTsy-cobmt fl« W«rtLlr $!. smir road In. nareaOMSe, alec,selectionion of the two to nvs dagrses of UutnJs, nor what ra- B«nlB«sala( BhUmJBullMte • «r UM cmU « i OB tw ensal^iwB A Saddlffy new House of Commons WILL ( WMkiTWMklr fw Old-eSUblishCd bashas onr i acraac, from Main to Gioou, V ^ ahull bo \ :*- rTTu^haZS'-rr: as. tiepauifoa upon into snebinch^ 5 v^AlraaM - •y"'P«‘W«,s^mputiiies, inasmuch at it “POO caasa;caata; theythay and recorhed iu aecordaoca and Moattvel, tonehiaa et^nr The ttme horn Ole. « will beb« a moTementraoTemeut to- I with tba g—tr^m4u Tha aditor of th^’hfftUnd P Fsirias—Is A»*ss< -Wsakir-1 soar «t; u Vrer) .T™ *JT® eronrVT RFTWFFN FIFTH ANT) iIAl^SIXTH Cm ^it h,, solahi on the ana oiBaatl W the rollraad rtation is one hour and fort, min. STREET, BLintLW ®«‘ oMwar to tba ba.it of ‘heirtbair knowledge,koowladga, rof^Iatiuj tba satsssraarr gl Maaeb. n^BaarIhHSBPQ—.' al. nwa-mreniamasiaMreni onus Lakenaar aM NO. 435 MAIN W.r.l an extension of the eUctivadcctive franchUafrm,chUe. endamt Kradm|, mJ ewrhiof fiYan to tho poUk tha faoulta of a aaa Is sdrsMe. The ooU liar rich as any in the Six >sasr> max br maM art asrsMe «noi^Uyignorant! m.sle^mialaad tbe.rtbair eorraapoodenta—correepondenta-they *l>*r»* ^ rtdawuka, approrod April 7tt plaa, which ha waa to adapt ttAm i r - for .-c . -.. t -. Thranah tkbaw caa be aaxbasrd at the ORce of tb* 5*^1*- adapt^ all Unds of afrirulraral pro. fifty-«igbt membersNKmw are-FB to 1,^ I* A 1 j thar M ^ MTriA. welj^ IhrtriDtercrt to examine »f dork before m.kine'hetr pi^^5re be elected; nsilk Mail Line aad at tb* dif. and for Mock; th* land Is tonerally , onld fl.d it to nia o-w wbsa sks h-M bar stwsys esMsant- LaatorWe aad CisrinnaH L^*. ‘’MwhanUand Manufacturerf .3 deowAweowif 471 for ^ res- -n-. or aos'ektiuko in thf. loi'jbvillk English constituencies 29 asm Lo-reUte. be from Wales, 53 I ’ sd her mntelw as a- to rosad sp bar bsck. AA« •aro.. kau-oad o««. . an'^“e'refcm^“2^nTM^and order, from a dlManoe will 'b. . Fok kbOLLAk AOVEKTI8EK8. ” ^ T* JOCBNAl. ^ ^ — for Scotland, ^P“^*“**respondents who actset apon the mfarmatiooinformatiooinformation tboathusthua oUo6-ob- J. triad and 106 for Ireland. A- GIX-LISS, P. B. C. obsarrmg tMs Ret, sad sflar bawiaw es-ziM ^aeaiasrc. rbanaeibli' osstlr. asr s—n» as ts ITieITia number of I C. Oea l Ds, *• tUaMasrTsik,peraM«B asaa^ PliiVTJSd KoglishEoglish county ‘*“*‘*’tained, thereby snsUiningsnstaining cooeidereblecooeiOereble lossloro of M. Vxet^s, Bd aU ga-tls mssnt la wain, tbs t bs-gbt cicjcmsI .auction sales. members is U4;144; of Loronghborough mom- . US So atUsM ^ 4s las as per^t lower than any land of equal soU and dm. CARDS. ^EATHEKFOBD, P.p B.r ts bta that if bs ca«M kssp bis esw's bask sMnl-^ lkTFR%4TI<)\'ALr.R.t.%1 iV.^AIr MUIE.S.,ilOTEI... J^r BUSINESS - - - bars, 319-319. >la ta rotaia bar milk. Ry A4»s>stsssi,sti sOIMiiI St Isaimk -41 lor mtassr- |k A A A laaw tba SUt« In a abort time. It la arranc*^ and “ •**"^*^ W. will not laugh 7 I I O C A I I C „ 4 endand the UnirersitiesUniyersities of Oxford and CambridgeCsmhrid^. 9 ‘'“S'* Approwml M., ’u59. my of axparimaiit, bs bsM tka sharp esr-sr at m ss ss4 as asaSi (at aaah wbuss gw sas. ^or NOTICE. a I f TmvFEU 2 1 »• PALLS. LAW NIAGARA _ ‘>»eir «U«P|H.ih#d houae wiil b# fiimiebed at rII tiinefi with every — - otbsr, MroeU, ( KincpHnn HicriHmH xi u ^ for their follTa bnt aav to them coosniiyoiftcooenlt Tour locatlocal wbils asilki-g with tba aad waa gratWad la W'’tan*, tb# Hooa#, ana OM)r# ' *^‘“g0om it divided ^ sarsrtuaaaals, aaS ntawan A of (tuciiiaatL Obk>. thus; Members , ” ailstr sUaMosI mra «ia»Awa Fnrnllure i for counties ss4 Tari.ty..fC.binet and thslrsof verv Myle.nd In ^ ,, ’c, / powar la BMtdiciBe,io# Uieatnnal,tiimtrtnal drear orar rMaorty aofiiaad al thr 8t. Nkbola# Hatal, baa. OKDINASCE iad that ihs caw had att tha boM aa bar aamm^iamn' atts. aasaat dnm confided to th«*ni. cla*.,clata, *ith#reither atSt wbotemi#Wholerols «ror retail. Tne uibKribi'r,subwiriber, from Kuglaod, Ireland, '•‘"‘““‘‘““I Societiea. Tbare ana number of aoaarruoa with bM aoa PnDTomutP attention to all budi>«M Scotland, and Walas 251- ft. e T« row.ww .w- - ...... milk asaal. Thas sai'id af tha rocy ar ika s isiMss ao< ssbltabsS byftf ib#ibr r«arraar aea)cia'l«Baa»t>cia*loa with EattarnEastern ’ ’ ** aa sR da4dr 4 a RIPLEY * i UU IonaIon* aad WeiiUToWestern uianufac-luanufer- . . <>• l»4*h Sidasof turabarbaWr laatMattoM.attcottoM. 4redr* compa-coreaa- iMa. uk.rn th# cKaiwt af tb# abo## aaparb aad pacioya The Gtohe Mills ^ IliRLEs Iwronghs,, ... . . •“®'“>fK»n«3iionisuch orironiziiinns thronghoutthrnnwhnut tbsthe WsstWm> thnttk,t msynow liidRifisT FtcUry, TllOMP^N. turaris la caablfHi to offer #T#ry article in hit line of biiiti- 3bl;forcittss, liuKngUnd, •SeTsntb stisst, from plan, ha aawad a pwos af haaid Ja*t Isbr saiaagk !• U#«ai. wtikb oil! afk#oa4 aa tb# alth of Mar. WVf R. I 4;’2in^t. CbseUmt ts Broadway. S Mrf ^AUtelliUf W M«in and Mar* neta at th# lo«#*t whoiaaal# piicaa. ComiimmenU for aalea bs Tslistl atraet. betwa- n upon for sdvtca In such raass, aadsad^illwill raaeh firom tbs Awr owarhaad la tba saw’s bach am Thw Hoaw bat b«#a cr#«cir aolnrc#d aad tenro#fd, In Covington, Ky, OAra OB eaat Md# Fifth Und, 2 sacb; and 6 in Irslund, 2 eac’h-lin Bamoriataad ha UaGamaral ketre^^ h#r#Wor# occupied bf U Wplcr, where ot auction aoHrited. ntoyft lylatp sll, 20; itlnat, iMat%#d ia «diao- aad viU nrcoouaodat# ooailortaMf #a paraona Oat hat chesrfaUy it. •**^ *'* businem boon. fnmUh W. claim for our own Hor- i hmUaUta, That tha mdewslx ^ laaerami, fi ba#a tatradwead. aad tb# auae^ai ccaandt ba#a ba#a AT^ * PUBLICr u a is 1 ^ AUCTION.AUGTlOlf* oo#cone of them esn slwsyi be found during ““ “>"• UniTersitiaa of Oxford, s- boU V c^aateMMaadiaaMdadlooromotF artvoa# •: „ aaau aariia#; thaae valf iaawtad at th# diaaaatiaa af th# haadwAd. laid o«t vfth walk# aad pUaM traat, DY VIRTUE oT a d#eraUl order of ib# Kaatoo CIredt m2 dim Cambridge, and Edinburgh ...... tbi# la all r# ctt aaoai»lable «a tbe aleaa- 1> ken^y c'o: aibaia aaad#f*nc HoW4 wa Cowl rendered at iu Mareh larrn. IHSR^^theroo. t !*• STOUT •““'"b.’o. i" cjftbmlandropavmli..^rd....wirbJr^ J. H.w Pf»b«bly ss large «» ‘mount of nibiii aalaai aa# naipa liad ar#-«aidtlaf Warelm. aidB dlis auU^t^aoUdat^d artkmaraartiowra Eqnlty, " COLSTON the House> of Lords nii not eii»ri- laa biw «|w. wRIh# iawHad EqnHy, of J. 8 KemparKemper ai^otiagaioai P#p-Peo- UCTIONEERS kNDCOMMIS^tnS MERCHANTS inflnanetdtnlluanctd by Psrlis.Parlia. ; „rtla«iceordinance rogilsungragnlaung tn^HIsp^each impsoveaaeali. aawowad 1^ A lUalr aad otbeia, tha anderaifoed will aaD podtivwx *“* **•"*• ‘nywhsre; kiag, after apg^ytaa tMs STOUT. Corner .Mein and Wall.tneu L-.uii.Tine. Ky. mentary elections:Uons toanvto anv greatgrest “ and ! AprU 7, 1857, thath. Work to bsb. dans •to th# blfheai hiddaL oa COLSTON & A extentextent. The F.ogluhF.oglub 18^ ju obiarvad ' *:: »pt>ar*at, tba caw waaMId bs oirearvad la ab. ""o>lon’t think we coatcnai ofor theinstha ownaroownars ofor property t .i—TL. m *3n, Merchants, re«« hold '“t*seat* by beradiUtvberadiUty ““mx claim too much.mneb. rrootiagfrootiagfroi thaiwthaiaaa, tha MOXDAYe may 1*W, AT * O’CLOCK P. M., fBiUBlbsloB a Forwarding de-r.ni-de-r.nl- Sco^dSeotUn.l _ SJS«£rs.*JZ.r^IrT2tlampdag la raiss bar back,fc, bat loaod tha sha^ ettycity to‘ babs littlelianle for ao portioa of tha coat tbareof 1 oa the premfaMaq the property froottne about Ilf “ 466 faet oa nVALKXb “ObUity. «br av.’ry JO ird ssara tbM a^lS^a saatab mr Farlm- Wo„h ! ^ tb# Ohio rtvar. In tb# city of Corioctoo, E±:'M'aV.L^‘•.‘l'r‘lro74^^^^^^ a Wc.-tVa roa it sUtad that if a. “rOOU^fTB!'*?!J A GIUJSS, PV'Tc'P. B. C. ^ Ky., which Pop- C. WHISKT, io«.-Ui hjr. Tta ttmaa of this rapert af tba_ taeoaaa af a per * iitair ooaveyad to J. Kampar io truat PURE BOURBON ure.df on termiietld-actor, r<. ment, and 28 pears, elected for life, J. M. VacoHaw. C. ^ 8 for crodi. . represent Ire. Onion Ire planteil in the M-M. Vacobaw,VacoBaw, C. B.B C C. lonL BDd known aa the y^ sama hill with melons or plaa wbkb his otMarvatwa of tba oaw'e marammatrn **Olob# MUIp;” embraeina tha ForeiKii nud Domestic Liquors, £. D. vtKAlHARFORD, P. ^ Partoo’, Eu|dti#a. Machiuery. buUdi&xa, Oronoda ''y" "* ConrotvaUves of encumbers, tbesa plant, AA. Tsg asied ts bins, says, is asadasMa. tha^ Wh^ will not ba infested with j.J. w.W. Tompkus,Tosifxills C.^B M g Ac. Th# Property will he aoM in on# bcxly, or io conra* Pried Fmits,ic., \lI,"lklV’ A I the C. B a. rkmr, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cbce*e. MEDICAL.ItILDICAL. Derby school, and will be coatinued, while ih.-ee bugs. This may not 7* Ibid tag harrelf aaabla ta da as ebt had naaa iccas Bian* toUq a* ahalt appear moat aceapteU«' to blddan. bs c >itbcc— who kmw.? A Approved May 7, 1^.1859. If taarod ta da, tba agriiaty af anbdlvided. tb# Factory and Machtoaryq with tbe AMB llAMITFAdTXEEa OF -- ''**“““* ““ ^''omier’e friend was eacad bro avC froimd strength— auggaat. that the ot.ioa affect, tbe bogs prin- mlUmlu dl ^T.T. UH CBAWCBAWFORD,FORD, ReMayor. aacepaary for ita operation, will form one paiircel. T 1 / bansu ia a law days. ’'m x-VT Col. Tb# tarma of tha aai# will be: X’ioii, twelw, XT’ixxeaje.x** Vtyndbam, LOW Lord Lactmtield; Sir Charles mp*ll7 ‘oont tbe eyas, and aifhtean Older cAutio:n.LJ j III ^Sl , so that co. bsing able to sea ' AN ORDINANCEordinance Perbap- evs.-y aew with 'bis trick may att bs em. mtmtiH* credit, to eanal loataljuanu, bawriBy aix per and Riv«»r, cant, 40 Pomth atreet, betwean Main from arermstorriiTa, or Nociunial Morgan, now Lord Tredegar; and Mr. E^erton, dearly, they cannot tiraly eorod in a Ibw days by tbi* plant bat, by tlm par auoam lolartwt from tb# day of aale. Hiirrnaarn to urFFEREK.-. EmU- now und tbair feeding tmarters. and To orocura tha rradtnir. navioa with bowlder eieeatCq aecordiad to law, aala bonda KY. adopUui of that or aero- utbar plaa btaaled aa tba WiWtia aaffaa mbI h# «Hwa %o tak# aat aad alop ad with approved aura- JsOUl^iVILIsE, •« .ou di. Wiu, tea,. Breath ts:* jSeS t^Br tim fur tbp paymenta. ?» Ihair aya. at sMBa prioerpls, we wiaa ex;rect eaceam af raaiir admertMa*^ bafoea tb# rearexviraaq C.ez,— I am w , . . eno*.encH, amiandmnj delav,defop* me.m#.me, Ibe*on Ciiioeaec^uiD#»a correspondentcorreiconaeDt of thethM Jour-».innp. d. jr.. -a. >.8 ‘as. .> r~y -U h. 4kre-n. wr Jf4pf Aff ^Vdbwirrft»r imim$g fr fig Carntmt iri^ 7— ; Gmmol pl ik»Oi wotir /»4rfid. whoha*onc#lie#u amllmly pUinttcdq anci „.i ; Of m Cmm of 9 of enUectinn. A .y p»rMod Mffonniry on«M dnwiM paifiaa# aaWr r la aa. aor will aay chaiwa ha For Sale. O-OBCSO- «K5rYX>E3H., a a l x . mi LommerLe writes that tb# have " • Larbutt, wntiog to i Toat Bixm-u atmnt, fruns Jaeub to Brock to you. ^ mbeU taken tbe u lutth able auti vilUnc beli> Aiag thn mmo nrinrinn. If tfrn mad# far Wai Iten aa# rear at th# rcarly rat#a. ' ROM tvealy to twenty -Ir* aem of Land adjoininr Inclo. d HE.xgy *>• #^MlAAAb wgPrbM A* M^f*nflUt'CriFtraav-k. *1>«the greatgroat cityciiy of Hackow, KOObOO miles Yorker nederncd#r ditaof June,Jane, lS.5t>, ^ IT»*a any oaeon# Meklofleekinr r#-re- H * Which tho Abbe Hue •stiinaied hr hUi I MmoAi tiremont from ****tb# boat .5“**and dun of th# dty) cannut *"b# Water, to ceotain a popula The pKorm or FAjuix?ia.— ^ contract for tbe grading and pneiog wiib Xa. No. between Main and I plan which we tewe tn m JIT!? •i”’* 34 Wall -reel, MRS. WINSLOW, “A K;rew Iocm in A known bn •weeMaM aaetrad hf ( 'iiaiieallar a^ far mk Ly foond.fuond. Tk#fvTh#fv ar# akontabout thf##thr## hundred benrisfbaorinf fmitfruit tr###tree# WM tiAY, MalUlaai. of #h#hoie(^oic#H varktiefTurivtiM of p#echp##ch and at>i4e,at;i4e, to««thertoacther with a LOUIMVILI.E* KYa Aneiperienced Narr# aud Femole Pb.>^«ianq preafot# U the att#nti«»Q of mcthi'fi* licr r * ^ 44I.4-440W AND NKW VOlHC HffOffiVd-- WMPANV-8T^M TO An exlre' ^tlcle of KaotUy Flour always on baud. Tl AJtFCri MAOARINKisr Ma y Priro »r ! *2^’ “ty*iJSd IhJ — > hLLA .Y i3jn7>C« U^R — — U ^ndUC: Indiaaa hill# In tb# dBtabe#. F#r a mor# uarucular d#- — SOOTHING SYRUP, from new YOWi. acrip«ioa.rE.N s HOOCSTORE. WiNBl'RO.IT>lNBl'RO,(.ammiM,(ammiM, “ JalyJalytt.atUtt.at Itsoon. and ”“' « ^a - w Aidb^ . Mayor. — — — r fW, and ao«etim#4 per *' ^ Johnson, tbe master, mi##ed hU Cbioe.*eaerxant boy, *“fiO »cre, af- a ^ Aprst^ overtakenorartakao by a thnaderihaadsr wor«ttorai *•aa thetba ennnaaaa ncifoprg FROM GLASGOW. adame D. UUHL Uk«# pleaunrcioannouncioato ^7 *'-‘^“:^jjLATE THE BOWELS. fhs fatbsr was AIvlag Mb laaSk, srd roans ai| M b#r nnm#rotti t^nd# aa'i cuvtomer#, atnl t’vpecUUr at^alro about EDINBURG. Cammlac, Satvday, May T. to the Udle#, the euiit-mie# the biiMinm oi l,iuiie«' *75^0^^^^^^ To grmU mtd p..; tb. .M-i^«tb. smtkaida.f , ilriSTlr: “ Jua* II. turally, be inferred that GLAimOW. Tbim a. Dr«o« Trimming In all It# br«uchtHi at the old »Uud, # tbe boy bad stolen ^tba tended 'o convey an id-a of tbe amosne of profit Madison .(roet, rwaiftb fiaad Ceew la rostT aad far sale from ts ThirtaeniA daslydanly rinnaedstnnaed ahuCashuCa Usethe Ughaniac.Ughtniac. CAt/l BCjHEL8pcbse EDINBURG, Camasag. “ July X by tbatha af CpM OUU M G. W BA-HAW . 'saavariag bis eanacioaanaae ami qvaiiag ria haoaa Rasas of Paamaa froaa New York, PhUadeiphia, or nae- —who ware roedly roaring—ha waked aroaad tea to filaapna I Iriri ~n1 Beifart, Dabtln.er Lundonder. kr ry, brat eiaat, g76. btlw rafe. foand wsn an abu ada nce of Tie ms. Imngisa his Cass' enartaa whe» ha bakalfi praperiy eoosed prondus.. pto. For Sble. ''Otk borwa apperaasly deed aad Ua ana g. haaaasr either of the abore plans la Mew York, — from A neat RE8I DENCE oa the northwest corner Upon going to tba wage,., ha luoad hue atroathad firs (dt; iSaaraae. SOS. diOdren aader U yesra ef ea^. OI Flrrtand Broadwav. It baa airbt rooma and Igtarrea Foartb. asF, ha'f fare, an exirerienred Sarreon attached to *erh npoa Us bask a corpse. Tna IlKhtalng acraak Mb 6M Mata sL. Third aad a bnbneat room, and b auitable for a drug store. meanaer. Mo eharpe tar madMaea. tbs part af tba bead, roaaeaing the hair aad II baa a good cellar, cMeru, and outhoiiwe. The sa bscs Far fMalri or paaaare apple to I las feet. Forterma,dic.,ap|jlyto Mrv. K. ZIKO- cattmg bw ^ i d paaai d dawn hM body. lanrMg h msaafartared Daria far b> J. T. Is mie e—r , ml* ROBERT CRAIO, Llttt,Mon the iirembee. aplSdlm* tbareof. bin boots fioai nia feat, and Ikaace Uaongh tha not the ri'kof daclsdly 17 Braadavay. N. Y'. xNowq** ifUT t#n v#mn*’ I ^ loeing what yon man ami the others Iriibrnen, who were coDvicted I bare gu(; It in tbe J. A. GILLIS5, P. B. C. C. wagon. Miorneff ai Ltaw^ rA|M*iu-ncCq AJbii ri.biA>uB ^ OCE BrPITTATIOM FOE TfIK HOUSE FOR SALE. rtrLKlU.HSNT Of WflAT ^ K nKll lirt'I.AEF.. inly upon their own autements, and condemned J. M. VaroHa.v, C. B C. C. 8|[ JU *“•“ ^‘TuT^’rf'hTviSi>« lure oi oanog thTctSiCathe CMnforta MY HOUSE on Cbeetnut atreet b for ml*. In as reniored to IgOuUviil# and pfoi*o#**ii to pra'^lc© hit wUvrt* rhf io of life, and c^:n^]sel coal. mo^t #v#rr in^tnne# ^ 5uftt*rlnc from diw.. rt \ n _*.#aL u E. D. WE.kTHERfORD, P. B. A. aheenee apply to H. Pope. iirof«#pion in the City and Court of Appeal# and the hong. Ooly a imall part of tbe musty baa as isdepesdeot oome old age, my Wm. H p»ia ^iiaii!-tioa,r#u#f $ will b# found in fift^ n or m and that U all that J. W. For Summer Use. If A. H. of Tompkins, C. B. A. WALLACE. Cui^yC'uuuly Utfdiu.Uardiu. twenty mlnutRMminutRM nftrr tbe 8>'nip I#li> adminiitfred.an Approved May 1859. tir*OFFiC£ b#W#ea Y'lUuabl# prepara- lion i# llie 7, hnv# for tU# and arc now tnretl|4 of a fraih Min* Thix i of thk U«aL frsMB (3^ rlwr, Va., cclabiatad tar Aiwt. on# of Ui# uutt EXPKKI KNCKI) and SKILLFUL inlu dl T. II. CRAWFORD, Mayor. ^ 2 Washington valne of oae bountiful crop, uor anv Parlor znd Cooltinr i»arpop#a COUNTRY SEAT WANTEDa NUUSESiu NVw Kui^Uiid. ^ and ha« b#f-o UM-d with Cff’The correspondent of tbe Hont- partienGr a-EivrEHi-A.Xe at th# omal mark#t MKV'RE-rAiLtxu srcf'csa in pLca of ground, for there ia bnt a sms'll lao, PitiriMirf and PumeroF Coal A tiMALL PLACE, fltanted within four or 9 gomery Advertiser, .roya portioa of rkm'% (Al. ) wrilmg on April 26, AN ORDINANCEVni/ieV.X^UCa I _ _ prlMa OLMRTKAD a O'COXNOKq five mliM of tb# eitf or on th# LonBvUI# end I No. 489! No. 489! THOlIbANDS a OF CAaSES. anti dim i^oalUcnlen. ('makfnrt Knilrond within tw#nty mile# of tb# that “oa tl-edxy befote.Tn order was sent from the cr/pa. Tha paslnre, iba an nmer^f^fot, To repave and racwb tba aids wJka as both ssfiro of mriff€tAi9m and Markm aU. It not only rod#v## th# rliild from pain, bnt Inrif. and tha MHAMITaH€C Olbeeq acatewait aomer of Brook city. Addr#M Box 377 Pot(ottc«q • nUn# loontion, ~ Broadway, batwaaa First and atrsata. oraiet stomach and bowel., coircria aciditv, I Suta Department to tha marabal of tha district in- frequent failare of crops add Kula Second L^niEB’ GOODS! Yordq wnibwcot eom#r af l"ISVILJ-aBq KY. la da; JOHN White. IbwwB.aad fNekixtoa lieae. ],meconvnbion>, farming,forming, nothingnothii mast be *hice oi Haae— * for an otfioe. 1V«»» MW fayrtta^ tquare and Mudiaon place. ThaThe order waawee eatiinEt#d ee credit but ea ordinnnon regnJnuig tkn gm4kig, pnv- Ijaaa do FreiKta Embruldared Mnadn Beads edit'd, end in death. We 5 b#U#>p it th# beet and ^ ^ edS aa. Celtaa Haae . . fvt (Mats; ^ thnt**'** which 'it “W'tu b'gvthsr with tbe increased ‘™* curbtng of atraeta, s'lava, and sidnwalka, nt SO cent#; Rorth Side, 2d door from the Corner of Third. i snn/°Kcim?Y'‘iN tux ^ U'OBI.I> in Ell CEtrr of I>TS- bEM tl UpOD E pED#r »ign#U by liOrtl Lvon and all 'he valna tut Meet far Mora; * of the stock 4,ttS yards Ririarai at 6 eests; xxtxut e-sn nieuau^ in cuiLitEKN. whether ii ari- «a,..„kq, and tba iroprovemenu mads on approved April 7:h, 1887, said woA to ba dona at Mib aad CatSea tJmabr Osraera; — IIAN lust nveiviHl a full and Uiyc aUirk of S .. t tbs rp | «tlEches, their t>e Lwa da Jaeonet laeertioaa at I* eewta; aea or fI oiii0111 any oih#rc*u«\ \V# would ETemng perMioH to m danger f*rm. Nothing that Is excliuiv't La Mai' Herotibcbed I, lata MaadkerrhiHb; nFAfilllONABLr. MILLINEltY GOODfi, which trom UKihiny .5 ronsnnied ut home enn be coal tin owner* of lota frowtieg I.eao do Moatia do It do: AffRirs of tbe Lorillard Fite Insnrf ^^ bufu child fri fThBdren*# Lwm 4e* Of tbs ^^^PwiU be Hold low al wh.iletrie and retail. “rMy to everv moUier who ^ mmutog m from threats, but spcciT^ing iio particulEr one of the Counted a# profit from tbe furin, tli* city to bn Itabln for "utinnM I unlesE there bo purl of thn Mat Vei# to trawnrt tn FiiwniiBT nnOw ib# nrw In mtaaariTiadhr CUARLi:8 F. RAUCHFU88. ouy of the ft>reuulns com- are lA4k«'nndlUM‘Kld.8Uh^LM#Thi«ndOewU snc« Company made in pursuance o Also, Just roeelvri u completo uaeortment of “winberB of thn fomily are wid’.h mtuom Luw •< m# niu»*. u^ dtf sa Foarth itrert INK FEU- or oTtiEEE i>tuiid number. It »eems that a teller in one of the bank- who ni lahorera, or ani- The of ibn pnvnment ta bn twnnty- PMUUP.0K8 5 Irim™ - -.1- 1.--- # - 1- t ttanrt oi of 1856, entiUed an to regu- beiw*-«Q Huiferiuf cuiid und the reia^ that * maUa kept for him.— The value of foarfoet, excloEiveexcltaive of tbn earb,enrb, uuiburbnduaiburbnd In prnun ita ta### Compnnw# ta the u #n tan Bnrk Glove#; your , . « .u >a a al # -i. t> tba hay und ta by lAikm' mm. end . ^ PfCCOl.OMINI BONNET. hoDJ^ea ^ log of this city, at tbn corner uf tbe Prasi- Ladaro' Gam Gsrdeaiar Glevro; l Ut« Agencies of lusurance Companlen wm b# SUitK—ye#. Alt- 8ULUTKLY 81 UK — to pmture la mnlised from the pnfit of urdinaocn approvedappiovnd Dnc. U'h.U'h, 1838. OI nilliarO Ladles are raroectfuly inrited to call and * lamin* tbe animala ^lI3a!*rodlM*Tar“iC faa daa ea eaire la g» Sae Wila. Tbaaad. asd UaSlaa ua* of ihii med. A \l incorporated in Um State at Kma- dant’a square or near by, diaenvarad that oaa of tbe which ^suma it. Yon nsnat not aatimnU tba J. A. 3?*^**^-GiLLiss, p.*’• ®'B. C-c. c.C. omSSt SEWING MACHINES!llRIPILw I dlilc'^'SjSriliin^l;^^ , „ _ ^ tucky. None KCDiifo* udIcm th* .TO lac Miuile of L’L'KTIS A British LegisGtion bad had too much to do with bis the corn raised and tba amount received J.-• M.*• Tacoban,* aoohan, C.C, BB-B. CC- C. A. D. MANbFlFXIFR. Waad'a Paleat kits I IBiakrr*f(»rCfity •«*46 ' wrapper. PtRKlN8, New York, ia M ““on the outside ,,i, hT'in— —the pork of tho >^8'’begs which eato«i H.if. TiMaloan E ^D WEATHERFORD, P. B. SL. Ladd.Wahalre.h (Xi.'a.. Mi| Moadoiroit MW 1. Tb# nun# at tbU Company Ie th# LortUnrd Fire In- lbsins CABIPBELL, McKEB, & CO., J.. J. W. Tompkins, C. B. A. Emstn na. *?*^^**“ Co»p#uy, und It i« iuemted in tb# city of New MUTUAL UFC INfiLKk.NCE COMI-T. at Nror Teak. ' Taflora, Cneb-trimaiara, Saddlen,Saddlers, Shoe.Shoe- tormad yonr 1859. MILIE8, Prinri?L ”«c"®.No.‘ * nJw Faii.cre OK THE AmiCAX Grodsd Ktrr Crop, own ax we” aa tte hli*JUh2*'SI.rM Atprnved May 7, Cmh Cepilel kKaikam F makan, Ciiaurriini. aad athera la waat of a food U Commi§»ion mllerchaHtSa wrM'lAvlr inludl T. H. CRAWFORD, Maysr. Tha Aarsrrd pnrttcipata hi tha Fin— Mwinf MacMua are reqanaiid te eallS?.r*‘iaS;,*^aad vumliir the 'u'lSrsiS'.flJL'* Foarth aa. above Machine* at No. 6 Masonic Tnunta, r ‘‘‘'“If , ORLEANS, LA. wmiirriZ «o»»t of Africa inform ua of a great deficiency in CON'HNF.NT.VL INSURANCE Ca, Nro IS WailSnsa asrrwf FtTruSKETT, NEW' CR0N( HITIS, »cd tool-, which it a heavy amonnt, if yon wUI foot AN ORDINANCE ai-1 i „52rfiil t’e I. Bond* and mart«ac*a on real aaCata bene COUGHS, New York. CaTO OaipaSU and Smphm. «iaa.am. KotoAce.Boriafkee. Bax 1IASSJSS (aplt£a|>I» dir)dty) LonWriUe,Lonlsrille, Kr. ield op tbs blacksmith bill, tbe propertr worth at least rev- INFLL'EN- .' of this crop in Gone and Senegal, and at wagon malur’a, tha bar- To proiure tbs grading, psving with bowlder atosaa, “ HOARSF.SES8.• COLDS, Tha Awand lanlrtian is tha FnAta. ' .. . . —— — _ - #iktr-flT# D#f cent mor# than tb# am# unt loaned frri- makar’a,*• tbe pl“wplow makermaker's,a, ~ asthma. CATAR^H^nnp Gambia it is sopposed tba crop will not exceed 8,. **“. and tba fornsea-fnrnaca- and enrbing Celldga atrsatstreet from First .treat to WdCGkMER A LUNG. _1 KXiifnfMm iw- TIE Wi8HIK4iTOX BI1.LIIRB S.tLOO.^, Cinsolution. It^glV.VkUala fafton orSortnena/ lA* rkroo(; man’s UUa, together with tba price ot tba forks, Floyd alrrnt. NORTH AMERICA.N FIRE INSCRANCRINSURANCE CO.,CO.. .Nn. ‘T^tau2d".^bi^k'r‘.^^ m 000 tona, or 600,000cat ,wia bushels,i .. u i. against„.i_., 14,000ii cm ton?,. cr. hrretoforrheretofore eiGtlnxeiGiInx under the name rakes, boas, aeylhes, and cradlaa Wall a4„al., N..N. V 'fk..rk. Cam cerimiaadCerirriaad surplus nssnans.smi.aaa, SeathweM cunarof Hein aad Seeand Btraets, a. Loan* on iteck aerableruble ondemand sasSM 'T’HEPHE oapartneraWpoapartnershlp which srare bought Sia a finSatacd ia Aa Gaaaml Cotmra At Cu a/ I and sty Ie of d A HorJ wu diaaolved on the tttb year. Prices the coast tha pnri searon, OmaaiaadOvsnniaud iain the YaorYear 1*«. there find four A iDIr rai aocniad aadad dndne this day 1 S.ut8 61 Cm sfiiin tcoU as as the price of tb# farm; tbe expente aad curbed, a»d that tbe work be ehestar. Cato Capital. .. Total amonnl of nasal* Rhltjiaiata4Jtm 7u I Mcooceni nn^Mshtriu ntiniaUrM or done according to waggener a long. ' indebted to either of th# above finna will please call and Japanese be mcdel. of repairing fences ;ind bnildinga; highway provisions ot spacillcntiona the twi ddinx drity, and will be bapprle I •rrita- CS'The city of .leddo must a and tba tha wMch form part 'Mio^Laekre w UABIL1T1E8. aettle tbe atme immidiatelr. ,.,-v FlRElNSURANCECOMrY 'Saw Hsaas. c*m ick— tSarea* pslmafac asl* hg lnta err aeacrally, and will I . _ will oiinort iMinroi ‘h« cost of tto grw rf tba contract for grading roe bh oM rrlandi aad acnaa s B-11. C. HOBD,H0RT>, S<». tA^ roinpls ?rmsdv bniw rbe London Times, detcribing it, says “every street t^ and pavisg wUh ptaaaaat 1. Laawannadjualed 1.M0S.W0 04fit I R m4 waggener a Long. d* ea*r, thhid In bw powre Ie reader Ihrir viriu of dc Hord. iiaihTiaii W .tcumam. Ucorer;*—all have to be paid for from tbe pro- bowlder eTooee Broadway street Mo other lieUliir*. SorviviapSorvivief PertuerPartner Curd « .. ti«« . w i i i i u- 1 1 *u- from Sixocd eireet PitaPta- ia aad durtaa* cifoqetaL —>A MitaMijiirr atd everybody clear; washing and bathing E3 regu- Net anew SS9.M1 TO ArrUApril dA*imdJkalm ducts of the form and have to be charged as firm to Sixth street, aad tbiu CO. >, IW. ^1}?^ tbo work b. done at^ ,, AMK-A,aH exas lailSi- Anwsasd for aala h tatta 4tf MAET LOOILEB 4 Praiident » IN9URANCR COMPACT CARLISLE NiiKWOOD, to anything ue Ur institutions as meat and diink; no beggars, no Ur. debt from the credit, and you have eoet of tbe owners of the k>M l^t.ng thereuo. ENKIKERBOCKER UFR WAOGENEk a LOhO. having .old#old oot tbetbeitockofrtuck of Groc#-Groce- hoa/umrl t-es«tei ead H »4 Qno. D. Ckaxt, nrerotaiT. HHEhe und#.dgned,ha»lngundetdgnedq *’— pruot No. 17 WUltam sreet. New YeiX. Garii II. Otur.Otter, K#i|.qKa^.q latoof ar#ore acguHfntrdeteguat’nird iHtk • uxistia.nua*8TiA.N Hekalu,IIf.xai.u, Li»h.Linn. of the form for one year. Bat there is J A. Ti lie# of Curd*Kurd A ^lurdHurd to John H. cripples, no cqualor, DO poverty, Du drunkeaneas, GILL1S4,GILLISS, KP. B. C. C. ffnrplMdaipln*. sSM.ptae. wa.we lai#lai« book-keeper ta CurdCnnl wtoef odmtitfV f rd-m#dp.‘*— B4 *bio# Jocuual. ofUnoften so diffcieocediffcieDca Inin rsr Hsanp Ssad! Wenr HeiMp SeBdil Giataow.lataow. Kv.aKv.,andand Wio.^*io. Allen, ^4 I x.a* i-i ii »t much thetba amount of prodnc-prodne- J. M. Vaooiiax,VAnoiiAN, C. B. C. C. throat ojfecftenM T»A-NarE»#T. uo tlgnliog, no bad sm« lit. SADDLERY, UonlqHord. uke# sreatgreat pleasureplfattire iniu rwcommeudingivcomim-uding thoaethuae gen- **Sur«retK*dy /n tk»ns.tiuns, and thathe market vaIu* of form oommAtlitU. F d a Rrssiii'iuDT riB£ Co.. MWtal at Btati or Nxw You. I . . A ukM and market value of farm commoditist lau E. Dn WLkTUERFOBD,WEiTftvDFADn P. a IXdUkANCE ' **^icagimutan4 ' tiweauf." —TxAvr.uLEX. B. A. York,| tlemen to th# confidence and patronage of thi riistimer# ettr end eonntr of New Urnggietd thronghout Ui# L'ulU^l States. yeuis, that it is necessary to tak* an avsr- J. W. ToMPKtwa, of tb# old htiose and the busmen rommonlty genemir. &'*ld by CoMPUMENT TO LihiT. M-itRy.—The subjoined C. B. A. CarihSe Norwood, praaldaat and Oeorge D. CVary, ae- removed thrn#ck of good# d30 dAwtSud age of a number ol year* to mcartoin tb* raal orofif Appsovad Msasr*. Otter A Allen have , . , , , , , J” M*v 7, 1869. crsi^, brinx br me dnly cwora, <^deporo my that rtund, on Sixth .iroet, near is a translutiun of a letter racantly addrasued by AlM.Sfi—In whets, half, aad taasaor bonaa—raarivad north of the old of faratlag. mlO dl THOS. H. CKAWFOBD. Mayor. atrreri *tatem«nt ^Xt.0.dLXA*S, ^ iWFVicf Oula TirenfF-Flv* Bkhi IV Anril 11 1859 O. " by. forty ’ ’ years of uaramicted . . 1^1 axtrtion and moat Alley lyiag west of First atraet, batwaaa Broad- Aa Ms duty autaerimd Aatam at Me iSiwe aimsd la- Acditob's Orpirx Kt., 1 . I. t ixfifi Mo. (1 Third alrasL |•<)uusa to ullpuiUof tbe Unl'*n.,JH It IS with the most lively acxnowledgment that I < MURREIJ:. & CO., |W~8aatfnM of rigitl economy, that they bavs accumulated tbair way and Jacob aad First aad Socoad straaU. •nraacefuraaoe Camtiuais.,temiroalro. wewo an orvaeredorvaarad Mla tUm*HSc< evuty de- rI'o“£S?.’*M‘iFrankfort, May7V;^sS'S, l{ wilpclaateilprioB of laeuxlaooxi sa r i uveaswea ibe meetmoot tbraabrofbvocalMS tarme ea 8uec#isers t# Murreilq Trigg, A Co., EDI. Property, and there are few vumtioB? in tbii couutiv a ... Tbi# Bi# a tn»# cepfcopy from the origtnaloriginal 00oo A '8EW AND REVI8FO N-c. 1. Bo If aadaSoM h. At CeaaraS Catm nSafAa prwyerty, Merebaadba aad LMa. laolaiknu I) plabi perintondeDt of SUtea Obaerval^ and wbere folAfaS Awfawriy cnaat4 eon» il# in thMolfiet Tioit of fibi'per** end IN) more than it is cU, Loatacflk, That th# allay »•»» laallymof alavro eaaauei ja a^ CaJjd . at WashingU>o, tbe inbuta of of rnnniag from Fust f 8ealV1{S^“^Atttat. TH0.8TUO. 8. PAOF,PAGFeq Whotesate Grocera pfie# SS cent# # copy* A populsr llydrognpbical Omoe n«icassarv for th#m to #p«;nd in procuring tbe com- >omm yramittiy aad uaacsily ad uroM^ Loa- on til# ^ street west to the property of H. D. Newcomb aad V AwUUw. and couprebensiT# Tmtlta my respectful admiration. Tbe maritime confer- forts of Hfo. tw in*, ay.^ __ tbarce oontb with Nswcumb’s Knt to Jacob atreet. ence at Bru^U und the happy influence which June, I8.V,. W.w. G-ARBUIT,GARBtrrr, Ivicg betwaan aad dnntraaa and CirtMrota* af paritr from aonae at d [No.Mt.) AcMToa't Omrx, I Broadway Jacob aad First aad pnct^niod# of tSciirlng iham^L- your vuit to Europe bas fortunately exercised, as- a WWV JR RP% V RP Ml aaShaasi Cbamiro at the sannttr. F xaSKroaT, Kj., May S, lust. Sacood b* graded, tri { ftOimSSJOM BEBCHiiliTSi Infertile onea>theii where your presence bas been enjoyed, have [From lavad A bowlder Friar •! tt a bo^ ox RIO a doaes “ Miciiuu# and pecially th# Kentncay PArnwr | Tbi* b te certify that Willbm Row, a* scant of the LUNAR LIGHTA TALBOT. Sixth sts., contribnted to rpread .vour views concerni^ the GARY * Lovlllerd Fire Inrarene* Ce. of New York, et Lovbrill*. So. 462 Mail, between Fifth tad CRoss-BRKKinao tv Stock -No one estimates aad Mofkai anvol. riiSj^iu reiS«d‘^Ii?*"yTo^ See. 2. That lb* bowldar atems* otad for tb* CHf'APi’-T. BE-T. svu uo-t t t.N r filed liib office UrewataineDt* and «x- means of shortening tbe duratw of voj age* through tb# value of porttv of blood PITT8 ALE, Jefirreon so., ha. In LOI'IHVII.LK. RV. Si itonSro •i“ple^fr. aud more bigblv than tb* of said etroet aboU BURO Mving ba loMt dva ineboa i act iunl d*wly U wblcbwhich kUdbklbU* reqidrMrequlnd by the provWaiieprovbiaiia of ansn act enuueoentitled “anan — foctuel, that faUure b Impoeilble- seat traversed by currents. You are now enjoying writer. Tboea niCKLEh —M Asm 1 mUaa FleUea; brewedtewwed cxfntoDI nu r^r fe*for FALL AND WI.VTER USBUSE animals which poaaero tbemseivs* length for daily managf^insnU^an oa- or diamaUr. tba work ia avarr ocbor nonk M da M da Ar. S.MITlIIXfi mles th, fruit, of immenrolalK^. ‘h. ch.rmRaiU.ic, of tbair bread, wbkb have de- I #q«iAl ta ra« and *# mucli tliAa mm La IRON BAILIKG A!«l» IIOISE Spennetorrbata, with pr#cti-J- ^ for m> Aa «smt 4e; my on It Irelong. to more than to miy ot^r trevelat L^t took tb# Orta ssswiw oi mm taal M#caAnW for letlidaclioa of the nndereifi^ otMerrsUons on # axfer #cd a foa sanded to them from a long lin* of ancestor* of th* ^ M da rim da; T&SrtakSdy iroimi^^ by Pbyibmai MedU e*i tol^mpj^a^rof i^aaynroaaaay, fr^rrMS Second to si9lXih r r ta L#fu#vUlo. Oa#d^tas*« worts 'if f. lOAr Oil #*#• Meeaed #f aa actual caititai of at i#a#t one handjvd and hut# oaB of the age to codjjKtulale my illuririous friend upon asm* breed—breed tboeaiboa* tfao.a tom narived aad Mr elaal parpe### Htata *0^ sgeati An LouisriUe of IAm iDore tuee«##l ul mod# of irtaUuent—pr^antionar^ um* — and tbo.e only may ba expected I taahtataof W«f Lord Hi #4 tan: WuaIo oO: OP mfe^ required #aid aet, UMuaaid qtract A* « tythonaand doUan, ma hr evil* eaipirkulpructictv; to which '•add. tha career which be bus so gloriously ownaii. ' m* W s B BURKHARDT, 41? Merkel aL the rtouiUii* from to tranemit thasa qualities to tbair poeterily with un- 'ii Barmias FtoU; #14 ta of Caa taw lUi a bAroa uiiain a# agrot b* alonaaid, l« h#ivbx tie#n#- infancy U>M#q ed commeotorie*oiithadl**»*of fcmelrelrom to .Scarcely in a state i f couvalencence, I must limit truBMcIbuluero^tranaact baM! In- arrinir certainty. ’Pure bred RHODES & VER.NER, AND A. WOOD, id and permitted lotakerMcr and H. J. MEAD & BON, old u«*-«ut‘ eure xrui.bicall) Uhutruted by beautiful -1 at Ms ofifoe hi leouiariile,'i-'Otfor tb#“** termlei of onu lor tbm* irelf-Inflicted l‘> ““'-'"“IS b. relutod to wbanever it OF*v. PTTT8BUBO. I ______rc.pSTREET, OPF08ITEnppOHITE tbx LLBTOMI'UHTOM tiOLllOL'iiE.SL, SM.re‘**ir^inS"r«,^‘remX“'^^^^pla'e*. It winu out the remedio* from tb# dal# b#reof. tbi* llceiw may to re- GREEN mta«rieaao«db^rolatedL, »additM>roint«d hopeehopeaao»« nnfortunutelyanfortanatrly prevalentprcvAlaot koowledgnMat due you for so many years. cariAincariain quaiitioaquaiitioe and traits Uin a brood or family, and eea eoaffAently recommeod oar stock ef ALE eoi rokoi If it •boll b# Mod# w Appear to tb* underelsned ttot taatmthfaitruthful udvUeradviser to lb*tb# marrkdnierried undand ol>#disnt tarvont, « | l.W*JM»VRA*K.*i,I O II I S V I 1. L. E. KY_am. a Intaihathe youns^tpoung^ll Wu Ymir v#rv bnnible and v#ry alsoaloo when it iais desired to tntraoafer certain qealitie.A 4AAUNU; Tk.Mi'LK, Foaetk soasa filing I utove r*ferred_ to tbe m JOS. A. GILLI3A P. FOitTli.M to the potak ptaroaog#- _ I sine# tbe oftb# statemonti lu pcruwl I* puructilui^ B. C. C. _ _ w-> three contempUUu*rontemplelUi* marriafe.muriia«e. .B- P*™'-' i* ALtXANDEK VON HUMBOLDT, 1 _k;.i. u i»» riRst. HB.kWTT. ro ofef BiuclaiBurclarw;— rreomme^d*drecommended tot» peiwon*ireiion»ent*rtri*liwpereonsentertaiulnyroeretentertalalnx *^14011*1**ecrtt doubt* of thenthefrtheir J. M. Vacoh.v.v, C. B. C. C. SWgtatoaad CaaaOrw -be tor •*!* M MANUFACTT'RERSMANUFACTI:RER8 the of vaara 'IT'^ coucioua>uaot>aa ot huTinsbaa-baringhuvips bAs>baa- YtAt-At thTi^rofloin#tne ageawe 01oi vutxp90 Vaarayears. them, outB while**^T*.^*‘“^the toIim of pure blood is thus tas w.A m mitKMA Fsoof Safes, liwa Rottinga, Joita ehralcalybrtlcalcobdilion,ybysfesleoti4iti»n.coiidmon. uudAud who ar*ar# couc!conad E. D. WEArHEKFORD, P. B. JL set Bol^>Rita, hMith. kAppiavta*Uptiiiree*. and yriritea**^!rR#e#atoto wkirhevtfvwkreh evrey agoal uxaaxensee for the incorrectneto of my — V la tuetiiaoBy wi areof. I havt my band WsjV Yerendahs, st^cojoa. ordedthearied tbe health. TheTh* uaal conceded and declared, tbe carefel sad judicious per copy nr five J. W. Tompkinsi, C. B. a .A •ow'ata^otatameed CdtalMWf Al# taM re- . \tbe day uud your above writtua. S nurouo beliigGcuiiUed to. PrleaSScenti btoribl.horrible writing^writing. breatfor w b. dri-arred to d^roregwd 18.S9. CLA-YTOR’S — —d awd tar aaS# by S. PAGE copiesE?pT«fo‘r'o‘‘uVdXf'^Mril^^^^^for one dollar Mailed free of poatofc to eny part of — Ap^vwl May 7. T«»'8 I reUIAN’8 LSNDeN MUSTARD. 1 «ro»-ing animala of Oiliarent mi W A Ua KJKHAKUT, 41t Martelai. Auditor. iartoty of IKON for PubUf or Pri-Fri- Urethe LidudLulled SUte*State* by addnrolh*addreasbid Dr Lockrow (»o.t(]K>at i>ald),|Ald), o>***ff bratdi, majlU dl ^r. H. Mayor. tajn of 4—ks# #nd eowsamen hpontaolMG Atoo. every WORK SFDrmow asaxn Dkatii— be quiet village of CRAWFORD. nnHEeta#a Albany.Albany, New Corkfork enelcalne*nelc*lne*i>«>nt*.(scent*. »«»•, »nd famine*. eo-led ta tb# siipertar qaebty nod l#w pnow# of Uw WM. ROSS, Agent, vauBWiu. . _ M...m’. .hrown Inio « .f.to .5 nn- 1 eontiiUconaiilt Dr. LfH*EROWLfH-KROW North Adams,Adam*, MaMi 9., '* -ita bM# taAr aad wte# for «aAc by I N. b.ti. Tbo*eThoa# who priuarpreier may Nature boeina to delight in varieties: ttCGAB. aWMy Above muotard, eiMUAforHired by J. A J. ColmAa, Loo- mt dU LOUISVILLE. KY. fiBNA'MRNTAL* FNCIeClKl’REH i wi i i u and even ia Notice to Sidewalk Pawera. PREMIUM ^ mi WAGO^Lfi A LOMO. doa, mow tb# moei #xieoaive taeeon of moctard in GroAl newPatt^verywilAtaolfol and propoaols will b* forCemritoyLoiof J£Si5Ty1r%'‘i^ d"riopm"nLTf“'th“m^^^^^^^^ SEaLED nctivod At tb* oAc Briitao. piNEAPFI.E rUEE8E.-M boxu Plnranfie Cboare STonllw" ‘Tn" T‘ at# »snnf#ftared. which are partie. w bo „lOved^n toe most respectable SopHrtor Champagiia Widm. Four dHfcrant qn#Hrie# »»” ^ ^ril worktotbe HO^^^^ vo. vin^ packed ta kev, r# eitun tta-foAl, and bottt^ and oa#h V. D. GAETANO A VO., Main tL ,i^ Si^lSWeaS"’ Tj ;“clocX“X.X^r;Vc;te I caw. Widow Chrowt Chau|ia«M; , **” tiarA### I# smrraatad foU w«A^. Tb# 4, C aad lulh. ua tbriridvunu«e to give them u call higher i n provsmenL fbe oe- -aidixid work,Work, wbatbwwbut bar contractedoootracted for by tba city for m Ao RrinertOaftori do; PerwiMwUlVdU to b« M» AltoJ?*N.S^^ *^*”t*teemrthat Kme year and a bulf ago Charles TOBACCO. ntawiov AIM peoaitaHy for ^ bootb, aa they of purebaainx elaewbere. v?EjS,jat« piwnciion or Ain^ la on. of toe ntuto Itto property t. beekeu T A Twarooy 4a: bsfor* •^Office openouen'ojren Liydaily from A. M.to *SP.M-.andonP. M...n4ou Amaabury to North -\d-.\d- m botdar* or by tbo property boldare ir * FtWp*e-aie-,ef ’bis papolai Ci-ewiag rohaasamst tactaally exclitair dampwasi aad air, tho# pfwacrring tb# from abroad promptly attendedattend to. rR. LilUefield went from a****'' J' to Aa Moasy do; IWOrder* uimdarfrom S until ( P M tr-on, to b* docs andar tb* sapervlsioa at tha Cil> .V raaul«ed sad far ml* by * fiavor ta all lb atiwagtii. appUcatloa by letter a cashier of the North Ad.^. bank. HU | Ao IMIbeek and Boaa> Berghu Cbiawitae: ABOOK of PLANS «mt on ®“^‘Sffire“4mreil from „No. to Baavto atreatto No. .1 am. as I.**:!.'" » Imported anS fur 101#, at whnA###l», in New York, by ut:aoton fivea to WORK und EBgmeer, and recoivsd by him; and if dooa aadar la aSereuad far eeteet toeoM Bin* Hauer, No. MFeorta |V*,irorUeulu JAIL nSdeo Lane Albany. N. Y. ^tiin, re.pect.bl. leUtives, and uttonduice to GARLXKR O. YVLUN. Slf Fuhon tar#et - — • -o n private eoatract, and nut in sccordanco with ordi- amaet.by (mtl J. P THOMFfiOti. church dutio* WOO for him at once the confidence of J. UuitalkYS 8UM, 04 Motaen Laao; II. SON. new F«ndir?^Acji an i g^kriMrvat;An k » i p * 0^1 M do Loaf do; ooTlO ddkwu J. MEAD A OY'S* DRAB AND GRAY SUMMER CA^ Expartonce und observution have dsmonstreted narca, to Im ro let; JOtL\ WARD, ftt 4Awtm A- C'KAlG. the community. II. early In aton and for aala low by B styles, just received by lmt> idib] tbo^?rt‘S:rtli“"rHt"rd7Jl«t^^^^^a fuel that the truiu and qoulitieu of ibe mala are To raenrb and rapavs tbe tidewa’ks the *•*! LUMK-d oariu Berdeeui Ftaai* far PMcaad Pad- York. memtwroflhechoiriu owcf>---b“ro?S;rrmrn:tbechuro^^^^^^ on *«- MAI '> to* sa- aad fur ml# br J^- T. bLANtJAGNIEL, Third at. At their old stand, to# Main atreet, LeuGriUc, Ky. U ao Ugbt aud pUabl# tlutt many are wearing it m ... \ Ou _ ^hetfia aid of n.«.•»»“ *oin .b.^»cce.quaintucce, butout Itro wa, never suspected to exored ^ H 71 baaketa Ferre Champagne, pta to and rash ud- m«mi Auu»uuii«iAddiiiooAl.ddiiiooal licourmtem.ntuiwuraMvuisnRencouragement to jodicion*iudicionsiuuo;iuaa crosmng W Cba*. and q'a; ^SOUTHERN order* prompUyuitended 1 ’ , a' m ‘A r -A-. 1 I. ...re^L kl*. ..re w vTifenoKcrossing straaU; Gbare Flayan' laaniMaar, by Hsial ay. at Lute Um week She wia CLARKFB. ISO boxes aaaortod CluraU from Freocr; M boxa* Absyotbe: THAT ne, style Peerl Cusamere « t^Sen “’<1^ dj»d.^ ^for. Eli nkwsfd’e Meroalw* faa Aarim eowot-* for ante tow to ctoaa coo- v'Vn.tV to-nbw caa te bed at to* r WU^ lu atore uud iu b.aket* Sweet OU; ^ ‘excaTlS iValantea.Hu. sinat..uwre, batwaoauwqwawu ruuiFifth aMaad isixinSixth _ ( LARKE-fo ot the bar death -she revaaleil the I LACE A.NO EMBROIDERY STDRE. to—— by COLCToN A STuUT, Io store aad for aula tow to cloaa conalgiiment bf promise* U be one of the mort popular H«t» Twe HfasT. aad Iu 40 Wall atraac dressy. mdiAb Littlefield, ard taaWJ4kb Ita Fawih ataota « u my7 at., •ereon. It Is neat, lixht, uud reducedJ,.:; by ULANCAGNILL, Third CLARKrfo T. p''“-ss!,'“r'5“K.,-.. ;."s™“»SSta'5”Tbixr- ifriu/ “To's.ava and reenrb tba sidasralka oa tbe rorth xwGWaMaacaateiwremacaro otf Between Mam and River. V. GAL^TANO A CO. ?“!** ABre Laaxnaai. br toe Antbor af Jaba Ueldux. at m» U. ^ *®*‘'T ,V. agft'v" »“d endurance certainly exitoad tboea of sId. of ^rcan strari, batwobotween Second and Third CLARKE'I. BBLS extn KeetMud Wbiaky; Sirup in “her the jack or mare. It U trn# that nature hare 'tmte; t AA EMON HI RUP.-4W boxes superior Lemon X-J-A-OlEfes-u_e ^ SXIriIvS, her'g'ulu' On°thU, accreding to bar stetemant, f klHI Ml bbl* double extra Bactiltod Wbiaky; I “1 ” iini>neealujpciews ua uam«rburner upon lo#tho furtharlurioer udmixtnreaumixiure ofor thatbe Hobb^f Gomt Mkepnia is Store and tor sale by 7, a”” . . J lu a to -tj Totoio nsMvar#reinv* aada!M reenrbrecarb sMtawolig on tbd thst would — me^ciM mtn ISO bbl* copper-dladllwd do; V. D. GAETANO A CO. And other styl# Spring Goods, Mantles, Organdy Uittofi-ld propoted s^ ^a ^principal 'IFPICB-Wa*s AAa at Third so*** „ ,7p„.„v, ^t,em all di.'inet; ,id*id# of Morktt itiMt, btCwMii Prwtaoc ocA Jmckjoff a tow doore reute af Markai. UU do irid Bourbon and Ry* do; 8bawW, Ac, Ar.i that be would Pr~nro frv h". C-LARKE'8. Moiling, Orenodine Robes. but in tbe aume act .h. proclaim* tba vain* of th* a raata; nP~HR.\N'!H OFFICE- -oute dfiw MORRIS A BONfl. In Mar* aadfarool* by M* Mark* . barvaam Lp>* M* UMk, Laro Me Lsaa, by Chau beeAe. at mt JJ. a.^sortinmi Jn-t recolTcd, jackrea MARSHALL HALBERT A OO., eelvad aad for *ale by a new and feuersl P--P>: by ^b* ..bmtovd axcaltenc. of To rerepav* and rsciirb the lidswalks ea tho loatb J****^ aadoaA Haaaorock aad Kultea karisnakuns na naydriayd aadate Si?" ‘d^t^*\rwr i«o Xre'“To'?bu”,t . CLARKE' 8. Oil VlUtoL Powur* A WeicktiDun'*, for mt ue Main atrust. V. * CO. be offered low, by ner oooa^cm ow Modase and tvstirrast. Wurdv.ut C A CARBOYS D GAETANO and will foatur## of tba ofiT-iirinf. «M#aid* rfof WJnntriiw^Wolnot tarwoc, b«twMab#ti Saeood aad Tterd by aula J. 8. MORRIS A SUMS, ^ wiw£?^bUK« aite YorGHIlMOHKN Y CO.kL DU by WhlU nature thoa rebukes tha too wide crotaing streets, np to Out briars line ULARKE'S. atraet. FIFES t>tord. Dnpoy, * Co. Broody; ^ Ml* Agawey lor to* •*!• af P’>.M.--RuY .O.tL. tol AAw an Main AA HF f. ALL k fO., .M AIN STREET* b* procured. ^*“* /%U li qr do A. HatgaelSa do; Le Bon Ton. on ”*^*' of different breads, aba a* loudly and a* impariooa- To rapavs and lacarb tha tidawalki oa tb* west .tA eannaaanc*eanflauanca «fat te* HbiraiHb aatraaaa* kmsti revelatiun to her par an IS bhiscidw VlaoBuria aserr ud for auto an elebtb pipo* Cogaor do; and subjeqnent , wu—te>w*d *a * rteStestoNFiteaauitoilF saltoM. TINEOAR.— ^T^ATLOB'S London, Paris, and New York Book of itioier .vRjn carpets: Iv rebuke* the opposite coarse of braeding fa oiaf to. s d* of Elavsnth straat, betwaan Xaia and Market ^ ' H. FERGUSON A SON, ia bills New York do; at Fourth st. JOSEPH ROMH. by 1 Fashions for May coo now be had •»: rep- of Elovaotb straat, batwemi Mala aad Marfcat PIANO-roRTB MAN J. B. MOKKld A SONS. 1 CASKS Madeire Wine; FATHER TOM AND THE PO^ RUGS, MATS, AND presant. He CPAGTVRRBR. • A GKAl.N CARPETS, " tile*, most pr .bably by tbis coorso bave bec ^ma ai- straels; Havia* inevauasd *ar fuailWm, o* an A U li casks Port do; tupply of tbi# racy sod amusing article from AT times nwrly fresh MATTING, .1UST RECEIVED tinct from tbe earth; but ihl.A U not tbe cue with To repave and recarb tbe sitWwsHu o« the •OTth warn «as k l id 1* lara aasfotte laat* ivutoa do Malaga do. Io store und for lalr by I Si A Blackwood*# MsKAzin#. published in May, bos tbe but ms MARSHALL HALBERT A CO. AVarehouse of ^uc^ 1 any of tboa* under man’s control, and which there- side of Green straat, between Third and Foarth b#en receired and can be h.id at 16 (nmU per copr st The Carpet rTTTi.r^ • w f i lofoTta omr wkiilitata omd romkftwnhm A. DAVIl>bON’8, bA».dh.mo,tf^u.ntlyand juaK^^^ strroU; mn iBoR w# hop# for tBwItitarwtakaaktataif oij etreet, near Market. . xAi m7 iAb Third •Mroosod isms n 4 for #«r lascrumoota. 4# regards th# morhsof owr F n —rr~itait rmsiMM New Books. ly nfer to th# foot, forth# Im: #« y##r#, wi ##« um taiva:> rai ui«o#rr swosw# wH#muta##d in rimurntam withths Trmmmm .Ata m«#/ Jfow mni B##lois« lll.IH.jr IO I.UKUSU UOUI.I.J. >UUnHJ, U cog- SHl* OI C^Ftattateeatal ^iom> War#ffootaaeorwor«f Mata oaff White*! Son. lC4pp. • UQDOred HEMLOCK RIDGF; or. Only Dan malioo m rej ffiih slr##ta. I is elcb, I gmo. SS cents. Justreevired. DeiHMUtory 1«3 Fourth street. Z^, lish superkrtty conceded oyer the W Bc-itcn, «r*ats; Littlefieldheld leftlei North Adams on Sunday mghL sta*ra#fofT nrata o4 Foortiiwin ami Motnurstaik II. Littlf traced soatk m7iAh WM. tiULKLKV. ^ to the To npava and raenrb tbo ridawalks oa tha ft >Ai on I4^w4 FCTEBda CBAGO* A New Books. On th«_ part of tb«. i^j'ente imd more tatim_ e CO j ,jn,ixtnre of Saxon bl^; and tna boasted side of Green street, batwaaa Fifth aad Sixth young lady, there ia no diaposition JAS. I. LEMON E. J. DAUMONT. PLATA, The Argentine fri»n to the Mood ^of ,etUlJ, more frequentf ccu J,aee wbkb 'To repav* and recarb th* ridesralh oa tb* north -"Ws We i*v« reoitewd sox riNinaiNGaafi ThrS^Si o?innU*A‘m'e"ri.fl- _ w JAS. I. LEMON & CO., PIANO ta tea coorses in hii veins. The jodicions breeder who sid* of straat, batwaan Sixth aad Seventb; WARR-HuUMS aanaTri Msy# autl li.Ui4iraU«>04« $3- ^ A FiuoHTroL Accide-vt—A Han Camtdup Oar Green of 1^' »titiitloo, $S. to transfer sMewalk oa lb* aorth Triegraph aad faraal* by •or* and for *alr by SaDg>T*« History /fundred/'cef Aioor r«c AVirfA ^Tfi* most frightful, wisbes or perpetnato soma valnable To repave and raenrb tb* TTfisra \Viipon*» Conquest of M<‘rico, 5U. GEO. W MORRIS MOORE. MURRAY, A HADEN, » caotaliricAChrrrtas; Bridal Ftab; Real Point Lace 8#t«; _ of excellence superior to eitbar. A moat accura’e of Gieao Lf PLUllfi-4 cMks Ao Hams: Blark Lac# Veil#; Point Ajijittque S#U* In—«-ier.tarelnln imsi t has lately bean Mr. of To grade and t^te aidawalk n the aid* UUED ImporirrsImporter, and whokreleWhokrele and ReunRetafi I Xha bell had bean raised In this wav almost np to xf* made by Lawea URlfe.!) PRU.NCo—I cose# i>ricA Pronss la gtasr. Also, a giWt variety of Voienctanae Sets, oil m whkh CHILDREN'S CABS! Good,Good«»udaud PublUlier,PublUiiernofof Mua^Mnac, Uraon, between Tbirtoaath and ronrtsentk; Pt.nosaudPt.no, aud MtolcalMui.lcal t^_ope^ih« niwn *oace in the cupola, and tb# men were iuit England to a-cerlain th* comparaiiva fartmmi' of t Ao Ao As la mmv; w# will take great ploosure in eahlbitiog to our eurtomers. ml »g s» MainM*la.ir,*t..treat, Ite -•»»«*«• *>kb ,, quslilms of different breed, of sheep, in whtofi 4i> To grade retd pav, tb. «d.«lk a. Just twetavoA odJ for sol# by b9 MABB a downs V?n A nmn n.Ld Thomas Newton LARGEST STOCK In of Green itnat, batwaaa TbirUoalh and Fodr- mt W. A H K'KKHARL THE John KITTS J.J- WERNEWEk> \„low enga^ in guiding lb* folds of tba rope each of five dilfrrent brerds were carofully fed. AND hi, report on th# experiment Mr. Lawn* remarks, “it te^tb; as it wound round the cylimlar. To do this he had ., ^ VJP' A. o.^z«.i5^ .TriTTV KITTSIvlTTS &4& CO„CO- sM.walksidsmlk„ oo Urntb* oortb ATaTe FAFMirU JOHN the bell will b. noticml also that th* cro-s breed, .bow bar* To grjda .'id pav. th.tb# a^ he pwblk or# hereby aotified that tbe anAantansd W^teiw I firm Tasp upon the rope. When had LOOKING GLASSES! GREATEST Y.ARIETV OF STYLES **•H better increase than either tbe pare Leicester or aid. of Green streat, batwaaaMlwasm FoartoanthFoortoeotk ndand Ftf-Flf. T •uDiy everyhodv with Soda Water and Mead from ^trpTt * remihed a great height from the ground, oca of the * ^ WINDOW BUADESI Purr Block Tin Coolers, and not from Load pipe, os is MAIN MBI-Et.STREET, thay waie derived from Lsotb; IN THE MARKET in tha wheels of the windlass fixture gave way. pure Sonthdowns, thongh . . *“ ’’ oomtaouiy done. Th# Soda Water and Mead coming of Inrir cue ouier* and rtrangeni to “k* . repav*V* tb*tta tidswalkfidewalk oao* th*tta aaateast ’ >r^ UORNICKS AND CURTAIN BANDS! /''ALL the attenUm -in—H eff all tne tbese breed, To racurb and hA ^ fri»m of Third and Wolnat streeti is fr#« Also, ^ th# corner from of tetwea.,etweaa Maia andk1 Mtekri;Markat; PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES! • It iata ^hinwithin tb.the expenenc*exparienc. ofiff th.th# writer tha.that Uto Ponr.BFour. b vtr^Hrea*. tetw^s^mm^.« . VriF cootomination wHh Load or any other metalUe subotanoe. eel aud most elexant desixui. cogs, theTinbell ?ir.f,hl^f.erotifell to the ground, aid Newton, who U ^fodteffitro- \ *te*k at te* above Gaete k eoaepteSe. fo r*(*ve aad ^urbb tta sidewalk o* tta narfh My All Soda Water running throu^ Lead contains some 'qTVlllo'W OctYois of lower end of tbe rope, was carried greater tbrift, renew*.! vi^r, and exemplto.i from ™ lOO f"."* had bold the W. P. cooseqa#otiy poisonous. ' Good, ol atreet, betweenbetw... Sixth and Sav- BENISHCT. Lead in solotion and U feucy. Silver plated of one ui'ease are the sure resulu of frequent and ^d. «d. of Grayson OF OUR OWN MAKE. ol up with frightful velocity a disUncs hundred Third *4., b(4w*en Mala aad MarfceC TUOti. K. JENKINS A CO., and of a lar»e aud varied »lockwklock to roU^tertoltomnut Ilia to,w IL-AJtataETE'J t C f„t almve the creases in l«Jth sheep and hogs In a flock of about enth; Chamistfl and Druggists, Ail for sole viey raXAP by W'. W TALB«'>T, ridawalk on tta loatb price, one hundred breeding ewes and their offapring, T« rb tta eiaroet. ff ComOr of Third and Walnut I*#*#!#. call and examine rtyla. aud a, to . 7 Tbi between "aII rr“nviled to a™|u';^‘wherettelin"w*s 7 **** si.le eUeat,d, betwaanbetween ShxthSixth ^and Sav- a Mata ui4 of Utayaon ateatiaa to *f amm aad btaaMM •_ it ,rtll afford in pleanire in ,hwi^teem. waa surprUml beyond made during about twenty years by the ino.t ran- invITR mr T'or the instant every one I HOLtDATN. FASKS Holland Gin; ^ bleat croaaing, there ia Karcely ever tha ootb; GOODS FOR THE r n.ihiGh** h* II p ir* nml Lefora 'those eiwag^ in the work ant and w ...... Amwieaii Gin: In iter* aad for talc ... Ikf ACXLIN HAMS—teatei lost reottvad aud for aal* by O l« bbl* ^ manifr-lation the elighteat dieeate of any klurt. a to.|ewalk «• >roth tid* Irlair UiBBiTrASON. ma MARSHALL HALBERT A CO. tfWyULrip^i'dV’&ci.fawMain.trw.Lte^^ comprehena what hart bappanad, Newton, to ta..it. . . . -. . MANTLES! cause also is cbiort/ a«c'*ibed tho exemption of Brosdwmv, from r.ioTonikvanch TwoiRATwelfth ; . - - .. LACE To tbis or. With hi» bathtU all Ucerauil and uleedioK, worked ^ uoux ul in, W*n®d#. tfi® ob#ervati«*n of tbo roauer »>on A NifihtiWei# Toiks, by U. platform in the cupola, reoebtd out at lie risk -* -fcaSli. r. H1TE....O. W. SMALL. ...J. P. MAKSKALI. Alto, son* wuh chorus, by w». puio. mamfe-tatioc of ita mju- of Bru^way, between Twelfth and ThirMaath;Thirteaoth; ce* Crepe d' Eapoaae. foacy colon; W Fourteen Y#sr* ^imoot, and, boizing Newton by tbo waist, and in i.reodinif tbero h a aae iik sidewalk oa the sooth tide poeilioK be weident To grads end pave tbe HITE & SMALI-i. Malta Midnight March (with vignet (g the S^ pulled him from hia awful f Wn, of ahouidera,shoulders, amiand by tbetbo appearance of aadiseaaeQiseas# calledcaiiou of Broadway, ^twean TTwelfth and Tbirtaanth a; DEALERS IN ftf uiiduiybi un»c##i*l«n). 50. everybody with amjzsment,amazement, and ail bnt Ibetb# raocivod aad tor ml* ay WHITE BiHTGT CIRCLTS! xi^tH. ill their struck Jait -idewalk tta aerth md* . m » l>.Ter',lu,m*ni,.to;.utiiyl*.nf,bytV*lt^^ - u. i: - iL .k.: a.. I I thetlw. thump*,thi.mn. in theth* offnir pting.nrin.r. I Toto gnm*grad* andena pav*pave tb*ta*w uwua r •a i m ^ JAMES LOW te CO.,41t Hatect. ave witreaaes wer* loth to believe in tbe incrodulona mT Home, a charming Ring, by L. Curredi Col- dk-cooraged Broadway, between Thirtaaath asd Feaitacoth OLOQglSw Dream uf The bell weighed three thousand seven bun- Tbe eapiring stock fairer ahouH not be of Caarieerly ea kaod Ita »»xa** aftmoH Igitea miio^ifi Black Barege Circles! vignei). fellfoil without hicdrat.eehicdratice from thetha improvement of bitbia stock by cr.waing by a stmt;street; m, fiirlsiiis, FImt Siicisths, and Uosse Schottiach iboautiful ta drediTred pounds,imniTds'and'Mend a* it some ...... -... tnrni Btaek Bilk Ycfoct Blbboa. aU vidtks; Iiird ,, Ita eoatbi^eoatb R "l abeandlnlaong. byKari Mery, fancied difficulty of accomplwhment.accom^ishment. He will liedfind To grad* end pave the^walk e* Fiter Stteck tef Boaort M>ob. osswitad; «^nRem^^r.Me, i,,„Lte* mav{n,y be formed of the rapidity with which FINE SFE^CTACLES. ta oartooBsfaaey B1 Furnishidf Gosds, 0 Thirteaatb ated tcaiteaau ssJ# many of Ibeiii almost as plastic aa wax urder bie of Broadway, betwaea laOUtilei-ruaeBtl kaaeaLAROE jMt r###ta#4 Oita for BAREGE SHAWLS! *ignel of Mad. Colwm. to. Newton aacended. YaRIETY ata I CHMHH CLUTBING, ^ Sebottiaeh, with .7 JAMES U>W A CO.. 414 Moia st 499 Msin st., bctHeen Thirtl and Fourlb. Colann * save he thought of letting go the rope, but ‘killfnl. careful band; ard if bU life should be spared strvef; aae *rii«a*d '* aa*r* aroaHaa^o *4 lO. bbei^ extra super linen fcUITR, JUST kbceivi;d by He tta wert.kto delin*d, be was to old age he may hope to achieve some lauti. gg.«d. To grad* and pava tta eidawalk oa ***~ *•* UKEN AMD CASSUlEitE DUSTERS. m7Jteb J.Ntt. A, aill.I.KIt. Iiefore tt* thought was clearly ante ^ • tar#st, Ponion4« b#lw#oa 5foco»d on fo«t above. 11# had not Um# to Tb# Bjfcew#U breed of sb##p and catti* waie mad of >altoa gwi,K BLAUH AMD OOLUKKD ALPAOCA COATR, every variety from tec R*yal t-4 Velvet dowa l>#am, a hundred j n yyf HakiM rg embraciac by tbe mao wboi« name tli#y bear; and the Nr-w Third; Ut. his bold uDoo tbe rope. Some cons and plrtJes . , . . ,k **.- * poiw ak dti^BA WHITE VHSTS. FANTd. dri.. to te* UommoB R*< aad Hemp. VO raaMvad aad breed of sheep wee made by Kicharol Goovd, of To reMve and recurt the st^w^ ea machinery were hurled a distance of two square* Kent — • CHOM8 PLAIT SHIRTS, * C0,dMMMu^ CURTAINS. BOOKST of J#hr- a, is e .pr a " i iv Sato m a NEW hetweea Market tad ^ street ^ New Bookell Mr. Smith, who waa. F-ngUnd. Tbe .Morg«i atd lb* Messenger horse# side of TIurd OOLORSD unem TRAYELIRG shirts, bote white and colored, to anit tbe toal* of aU. Just Keceived: New Booke! from the church; and* un^ “M“HR?D?y* apWiteb 48 Tlilrd iWaae. namkimette ! suits, FLOOR OILCLOTHS, 'IRBT things, orte* Drvetopmant of fhiirch Life, ood rvearb th# sidewalk oe tbe eortk F by Raroa Stow, repave UNDERWEAR, do do D*m**k: from d to 1« feet wide—come entirely new pAtteru. Eighth OOFERV T»OLd at acaar feted lap sal* wfeaiarola SD BMOM CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD, by Baron Stow. it Qrayaoo, betwaea a#voeih oed HOSIERY, tarn Wowa Aa Aa Clotk: INDIA MATTING. C aadi-toUbr A. Me UR] OK. do Damavk; AGNES HoPETOM'S SCHOOLS AND HOLIDAYS, aaU Ita O fet TliwW Una*. OLOVES. _ Aa pime* d* (-4, and (-4 WbiM Contract Mattinf Mr*. Uliphant. 4.A by sire. and rocu^rb the ita mmi for sols kr il!n*trstions snd a Mmp. By Ui inherent qualities become IraiwmUdlde hy tbe To repave ^ POCKET RAMOKERCniEFii, OM 4-4, 4-4. sad e-4 Check do do; BAPTIST by Edward T. WUh i^dB, 6V#n to the bona, which U supposed ~ te 41, Mala *4. CHURCH DIRECTORY, Sovootk and Eighth. air JKWRLRY! BAIR JKWELKr! af ovary 4*7 7 JAHES LOW CO.. beat imported tbi, aeaaoB. Hi«»x. of Day; Kesdioc without Tears. Ac. bis sliding Horses and cattle are esteemed /uZI 6food when live side of Grarm st., ba*w##« D. y*^v death grasp, and ^ aaste* artear TIBS, D. tbei^uruf H toriptl*-. to hi arm mat feaaaHM tealaa. of all SPURGEON'S FIFTH OF SERMONS. ci“W. . unbroken cn>v#5, of one sfroM, have been maile; Usual aw^ty toatl, aael n ao* tea hafo aad seSPEHDERK tee. WUb a aeaeral aaoruuant kind* of LINENS and SERIES , ^ . Hffinier'i Mseszine for Msr down tbe rone during the «wift passage in tbe sir. Ordare by aataag tea J3alaa RASH.— lu BouiHgv, by Rev. J. will ottotaad GOODS, PILLAR OF FIRE, or luaal thorongkMfiod bas been aptly defined to be the •maned, fee promptly •* ead 'oad - aroiilrodat J. m. teKM«TRON(4>D. katoi and Bi*ach«d Creak; HoUSF-f URNI8M1NO A. DaA'IDSON, suppose there is not a more startling and *•*>?*.• m m tea C U Americaa Br*wa lowaat price*. Give u* a eall. B. Inxrabam. Alto«ther ^e Meyer. d*; All al th* vary Third street, near Market. power to iraasmit certain qualities which have de- m9 dtd i. it* CRAWFORD,UttA Ao escape I al UBOateteSte MaltoaBl. i aL Ratetoa HITE te SMALL, MANHOOD, it* Duti** and Reaponaibiliti*,. Lbh lAb accident, or a more miraculous -SJUTtefe I.. Wafier. D. aw Main atreet, OPEN COMMUNION, by John D. . ried gexhan plihk-s kM* «( a* » ' “ Between Third and Fooitb, *outb aide. PRECIOUS BTONP» OF THE HFjtVE.NLY FOUN- a-CrSTXtBOESi-VTTElIi through several generationa. The careful breeder WBWBOO:IY£W BOOKa aadahaae IWLlB saa tett lii I* aoR, j«t reeaiva Bp I D DaTIOWS, by Auaaata foowne G*. a*u. FU'ar of Fire. *t lara.1 la Baadaa*. NP J- - I James i will te, op a Skim'CRU in CAtayoKNiA — aiU be almost surprised to find bow aooa ta he aad Eroilatewhy WiRIE. COUN'TINO-HUUSE bTATIOSEKV of all kindu Fatk lugrabam, aateor of tho Priaea of teo Uoaa* of IH- /-VOFFEE 8M mrk* fair to priin* Rio Uothe; io San Fraiiciaoo oo permanently T ^ l iisaa FLBTUHEB te RN.MfrY. tried tad acquitted | have made tbe*e five croasea, and how O. W. ROBERTSON, RESTArRANT, Fouzer waa vid. Frire *1*6... Maia bat. M do Santo* do; 8T. (U.IRLES _ . I ap7 dtewteR 4« m., Faoate aad PMK ^ mf Itebtew No. <6 Fourth at., aear Mam. uit., rf the charge of mutder, in having he hiu impnaeed tho qnalitioa ta deairod, especially oi iho We; a Romaaee frem Roal Li to do ImltotioB Java; U 1 iw . urv X. . ..-CO* 1 the 7lh j '‘fh, BETWEEN MAIN AND MARKET...... Soute.nob Prioa FIFTH STREET. Deeric. Tta latter, a man of fam-- with hogs and sheep which breed earlier in life than Kmia* uTL N. »y . - _ iB^re and tor aal* tow winiam Bibte, Bunday School. # Tp»et DtepoattCEy ^laNCAONIEL. M Third at. into. Now York ^im..X«.d«tol! horso, ?r c.uk./u. tta young ' . a writor .l® *|M teb BMaata Jfomtey^wtg am*am. Riga tb€s#ss#u,sueh ss trovless, Squsbs, Spring ‘ tb# 3d. About 11, r. M. , HneurpoMed for u:iT •Inmiinfr ya aifoct a clandsatkn# *i ak . ^ ^ofrmB.-st lou boxee Star Candiet; riiHE qnaiitr of oar Bt'OOIES U and Ducks, Woodcocks, Young Squlrrols, seducer steamljoat loadiog, being ' * Frediika Bisai^. N. Ckick#n# Blufwlnf * Ktar Awn rKavratU r*M the vicinity of th# and yooz Slffwi. By tMe LKMKB KaT .—A froih ^ luo Af* Stareb; i eoie low at UOAIt—SH kbd, tok to fhntee aaaar, la .tore *as for tt# d# tioap: HOOKE. MURRAV. te UADVN, 60 eoaee Mstcaee; ‘ gtulW-^’ . . . . nrkt k joa Ruekete; “not I gold -iLic 8 Haia eowet. abov* Oatt Heaaa lio do«#a SUES’ VARIETIES. C. c. RUEFEB, Proprietor. vardict of but poor moo are wittaat bon.ea to rest a ,OLD HLEEYE Bl’TTONa EYE MNi aaftsTabe; jB»« . — to be had by the gallon at oU boon thia ipriag, Mr. Ten Broeck ia I in.” Th* nex- ii^l biaacqumDteac* beard a foil SOI rim te l af am bEte groes — Turtle Soup A LAROR VTYLM too Bteekinff; M B York'r«»» At tta i-r to part of tbe city he had I seedy oar tela* tots SHrama. 900 frtfff ctaoia; and sent any deal of mooay by betting end a spi^ In tta water. Of iMa year, FLETCHER * BENNETT. DRSda Utel of th# ^ y aid to bav* won a g-od , tau boMSBOtaao :>t«ak wi.h other deUcociee for to oxceee, and pool. *U MsIb ar**k ITRaTUKS te tMlTH, BUoa W'Turtle 8oop and tta bore* which ceniod off th# groat I iodnigml in dnnk waa vary da Gkooetata: et lOM o'clock. on Gladiator, dte-tefe Betwsta Psaitte ead Hiltete 4talteHata•^ M Boy* of every deacripUou L^CULLNCU every mornlu*morttiu«*t WM body ba* not jret boon fomnd. *t7 rA. 7TRAW HATS (or Mon and ^ Rt£r£n. No.^ Haiidicap. Hie WICKR. « 00.. ill Malm aL . A T C , a , ) .

Amekk-s.— ha troabU which tha peo- g^Tha Loi^priUs Coariar cF yaateriTO.t INSFRAltCE C07IPA.YT, "W" JOURNAL, Aanricaa haw had wiA fi.ibnatort lOUISVILlE DENTAl DEPOT. -A-TEIt "W -M LOUISVILLE anwarraatabla attonpt to Hx oJIun of ple of Central Wacra EET.,. wry Uw g~iAN find couataat cmi-lornieal and rood bjr ap. OF IXH’IStTLLAEY.- I Ibo Ualtad Sutot bat caaaed a vary naliriaad- brag C^i4,iu.mA«iUH«cA£pENTUW0fAeci.F.^_ aqasttor-sovanigaty or noa-iatorwatioa oe Cokiosl from bb4 PrescriptiBB i»torCt Chartsred Capital $500000 WALLACE, LITHGOW, & CO., people of tba United Statoa Tha Osuriar qaatei fcr Aii purpose tha ly fealiag lowardt Aa S^WTICK, HEWOUMON, * OHMUIC, Manhall. MesartBaU, aerner Fourth sod JaSarsea.EBV — Paid In and secured Q 120,000. gtwtotoeet power QDdMrweryW heMm * Pxropxrle'toxrto oT ttx^ corraapoadoot of the eitr i4eaieatale ara found there. A New \t’ ILL the Baaa L'anwolera of thia Aa - . . PBOPBIETOIIS. fuUowiig panaget from Ool. M.’a apeoch in nfllai nurA Hde of Main itrmt Sacond, oeor__ tha. rf B. W. DAWES, Fraprtotar. » immber of handa each wantotaa there are Idle handa ,ira,'n. *« . -hMh aakingtoo last Jan- York Herald writat from Belixa, Iluodaraa, that we A wasee are awall eaousb Hoan af Bapraaaautiras at W ia Ae eitr who want work. The TALLCOT fr EOU3STJDERY. - EAGLE •B^CUPTIOX peicsi—in apvanck. lam ad ls Awlamir odrertikGiueDi to “cannot even imagina tba obloqay and contempt ot premol, ohd WO bolievM the above beo -nra ffisl-Awl.. ^ LOriSnLLE, KT. —g bmnmcU maUat 0t tfpaiiia »lw. «> buHibox iot«Dd«Ml to reduc** our woo*M. ^ VtJiSELS ~ ~ Nvoba: tti- Aat are haapad oa citizant of tka United Statoa in LOLLSVILIaR Stele of Kentneky, , Nk O—t D«ay ?«»*. > PITTSBUkO at bi>9 do j OF STOVES, GRATIS, t’OOKI.NG RA.NGESa MARILCIZti r »*“ «y.ryA«5«»« good hat baaa dsaa by agitatioa apoo this tnbject, Aa Central Amaricaa Statoa now. No man who COAL As low. — 0QOD HulUHull* oodoppnrteuoorkMof Stoomb^U.StoombooU. sacb i^Utioaa, both IRON .MANTILS, Ac„ AND IMPORTERS IN TIN CLC* PBICEN-IN AOVANCK. aad tkat tko caotiaaaaca of wUbea to go from tba Atlantic to tba Pacific will CONFECTIONARY directors.DIRECTORS. AND DEALSR6 PUTE. Morth aad Booth, caa produoa no other alfect than „ J- N. KELLOOO, Afant, B. P.1* ScoUv,firaUv, J. F. Howord.H.>ward, W«*tr iMWNfifci*— kir a kep without a pampoit aa a Britiah tabjact. lytoalaiy Wear earner AND rafataan mndenl the Marki BLOCK TIN, SHEET COPPER, to aliaaats fron aaefa othar people who shoaM bo Third and Main lU. W. H. Pope. Q, W. WlckF. I SHEET iRON, ZINC, SPELTER, AOTBKTUna—IN DAILT JOVMMAi _ Such it Fr^ W. Burkhordt. ^ Mksd, aad to joopard inkitoticoa which aacurs pamport a piotoction, and it tnra to ba re- ICE SALOON, TINNERS’ TOOLS, .M.tCHlNES, 4«. For Rent, CREAM wSw,J. H. Lfndonbercer, W. M. Word. pectad, wbila tba cootrary is snia to be tbs cats if JfeMmwmwMatkw* . ... WM. JaRVIA,JARV1:A Pi;aidaBt.Priwido&t. WK AMC rO.'NnTA.Vfl.Y FAfTL' B I.V44 _A BRICE_ moy6 dtfU MANr IK WBESXY JOCSNAL. _ HOUSE on Jefierfon street, between PRESTON STREETS. WM. ROSS.ROSS, 8ecmor>*.Seeretar}-. to ana nsv and iMFfrUV81> KiTl BBI RANGK. M wMA ton toau 9* M^ be raliaa on a pamport aa an Amerioan dtican.’' Fiiet and BETWEEN FLOYD AND If John d. Kenyer. end aa to the |h«1Im Smod, north Hde, contalnlns*na eiabteiant ’ Steorate end ehareclar of awsNM Ito FlilsT CLAS8 FhAMJL M w**v aU saswankan ky •• ill rooms and cellar. Third doer ahore Fiord. __ _ ontdendina 4ekw owlaa le end ^S3SSCi^^HvS»^...r..r Inqnln of , Mw KENTUCKY MECMa.NK .*r l.'•rrm'TS, ara whan la riM naaky. leaee to Inform bia eld patrooa &"J. D. Sbryar baa bean slaetad Mayor of Jaf- “ARY OSBORN. M. ORIESMANbeas WA pertamhlp aasete Knee the iascKation •ky ara resstesfnl azutlgnnry ramma ram fciifiM , J?*® | 10 ttHWCI VI of the truk. end as a Jeginon street, the pubic la fentral that ha lm< fitted w a area to the te yukfie. kavteg Bas ii >• near Foiuib. W and AOOXl expeneto In "’‘^uglng the Wroaght Iran Ovago, aratung Faraggg. •.^11 Cmi — fanoBvilla, 8. HsiaksI, f OOw UO MOMWW a truit tT*s to is axcon for tka ramwal of the tlaTcry A. J. Howard, dark; R. SALOON, where he wA oe Than ao end handaome ICECREAM _Tbe roof I Wastr AUashteaut, ia. » — ..n — p wM to eoafinu^ upon inch edJoaraiDsnts aa to mrre thooe who fovor him with o coU with ftCSOim FI££ fcllaar iaK isssans agmakam qaaatioa. This cowatry naoda no lagialatioa aboat traaatuer; W. Howard, manbal; John F. Easd, st- bopPT I5SlRi5CE CO*, of Hew York. ®- WALLACE, TW hasa am Kaonm to masamM WANTED 86,000. deflcfour CREAM ood CAK^ of oU vorietiof. y** JDHN WaTsuSrite., ROhl.NduN, tea Tha povar of Coogran nqairas do aster* Cepitnl Paid In end Surplna — *3Aw| Metocr CrmiefcRMn nfr^^ KTa. Mwry. taraay F. R. Levis, tntaaor; aad J. Johnson, ea- rrar., lor which ^^Fomilier oad Porti^« con be fumiahtfd with Croom, id. OEIA W. SMALL, Fun.. hlf Jk». LOUISVILLE. ; Uberalln- HARD ATK'Ng^ tiaa oa this ditaraeUag tbaaw; bacaan tba guiran- 4x»d J^eo, ot r^rl notice. mb dU W. N. £.<1 ia mortem cirtnon ood Coker LORILURO FIRE L\Sl Ri.YCE CO., of Sew York. Cotton Wnipn, RALLFMA.N Han. JAM Gl TMRIK. ginaer. dtj propwtF, Addm Box 176 Courier ond Democrot eopr. Hsa. ton af axiatiag law are alraady applied to awry iTp. O , itettaf tornT JUlGI riRTHt. SILAS J. FVAN- Ra« . * Capilal Paid In and l-ANS AND LINdEY WAKP8, nmrio .Surplus 8161,1111 70. nenufectored **at Grn- Mn. W. J. GRAVes. Mr-. M. rKBOUfidM. fcot of gronad within tba praaant bimadarin of tlie dAwtf J bamlon. Ky. Ordar. reeeived to U. Raynoldt, one of the tntisrart by tbs AdminlRtration and Guardian's Notice K18K8 taken in these rellebie any; dSfiwl A. 1- anoTWrr L. Ka,.. Uaioa. B9*U. Marfarot ilAlladOF i ^ THOd. STATE TICKET Companies on BuUdiaas end Coo- ANDERSON t VQ, OPPOSITION died at Memphii on Wednat- St- Nicholas iliaaatar, B0r3,tentc LOSS I'd prompUy i«ld Thia it aat saly parfccUy aaand aad correct bat A. Hkladar”- Helm, *o.,j ' m— eccordlna u* edluioaenu nr arbi- ^*7- crediton lr.tlon.by ' POE 0O\'EBN0E. parfecUylcoMiatoBt vitb tbs doetriaa of iatanreo- he of A. li«tUd«F are bervbF notiflod Umt I.OL I8VILLE REEEKEflS. £. W. MACDONALD, T thi« te « procoediof to aetUe hk Mteto ood of Ca letter a th«t iho let JOSHUA r. BELL, 8or>* tioa fcr ptotoctioa which (^Extract of a from very iatolligant dor of Juo« Mxt hM been op|»oloted wHoLgneLX nneLxn in enn MeiicrecTUBan op Cot. Marabtll distinctly by mid Court, on or milch cow. The undondgiied wUl ot the tome Ume rent Keln, near aeeond, oveV*lh’e*^Si^’ol TflfiffillTElll’Afllu LIEITEMAKT-OOveknoe, revidaat in Mexico, before which claiou ocoinot mitl HoiUdoF’o oouto a P. denUy, American, luug now ia Waak- j cun be out three hooom, vie The two bourm on Fifth street <>c- meyfi dtfis snaru aad stroagly aad lucidly anforcat ia anotb'r preoentod ond prored oceordinc GtlYRDizrd IroB Io Uv. euplFd by Dr. B. J. Dudley or o ruMdence oimI olhoe, both RefHgfrRtfrrs, ke- ALTBBD ALLEH. of BtEcktertdcE. ington: TIIO. sroa aa&a partiaaaf tbs Sana apaacb. Ha nyi: , P. SMITH, twoeotory, copo^na brick bouoer, ond o twoeetory briek NOTICB. Chesls, ml6 d3Aw^ OomiutiioloDer of Lou. Cboocory Cooi rd4 H aier-(««lcn, COBNKB Off THIRD AND BAIN nTRKBT*. ATTOBNEV-OBNBBAL. sinca learaad to yield to t boBm recently built by him on center rtreet. She trill olro Ibis Whaa tha ntanbaT from Mmiaa anaoBocas that I have long tke preetura I HAVE day sold to my brother. Mr. W. A. Jones, then bira out reverol oefri>*«, unieOr roouer dkposod of. a eniiie VateumvCMm HAHLAH, Of Franklin. of cirrumalaucaa, and to meat my fata. I am bare C. Loeoeh l my .lock ol Usare, Tobacco. *c., vbo vUI In rak.. JAMES kit par(y deans thi* squttor nvsrsigaty the next The public are LnviUd to ottend. fotare conduct lo Loukvillo Chuacorr ura. tbe “MetrupoUtan" Ci«»r and Tubaceo BETWKE.N MAIN AND THE that 1 see I / Courtv , RIVER. abalitinti i quite lonalr, only Senor Hata aud bis ^ All perroor indebted to Dr. Dudley’s mtolr will ot once WAINTED. aumtoe bast apac lk to tha Wilmot proviso, I tup- V. Loocb*« IlDdrt FOR SALE OR RENT. and bear tbair msllidumia cume furword ood eefle, or their occounlo viil be put into I.oriSVIX.I,K, MV. bis other Osclaraliuo aboaid not amiable SanMita, and Ara I would rnmectfuUy solicit tor S PAGE of Franklin. pan axcita ao much ^I^UE eroditf»n of Voleutlne Loeoeh the for ouiloctlou. him n eontlnnunce THOMAS ore aotMed that ! houdr of offtevn twaat mnneal language. tha I of the patronage of my frleol DLEY, Adm’x of the veUte ot MkCDOYALD’!! mPROVED REFRIliERUTOR. Wantnd, TBEASUEEa. I ThU funriiooary baa for bia Mcretary tba aoa of dof of aluiM. boo been oppo.uted iMidley, dvceored, “4 J. PALL Junes. by I oud Gitordlon as tha baata af arganiulioa agaiatt slavery exiao- mid Court, on B. J. of THE FRA.YKLI.M REFRICER.tTdR. Q<'*OD STRAW MILUNERS at white, of Clap. cslabrauil cbi«, Geaaral lleguliadu, who spaaka or Iwiore which cloiiuo oooiooc mid wute con ho B. J. 8. BAUGBERTT aioa aha will Aroo bartalf into tba arms of the the prooentHl ; mo»dtd a Wm. Dudley. katwaag Third aad Faunh. Ua- to me otid proved uccoraing to low. KE CHESTS for Plaaiatioas, fliaamboals fcc OFFICE. ao bjigliab, bat ii graceful aud poliia, and 1 hope I MH8. WM. NBOimJt UP LAND nacracy ttpea tke aqaaUfr mrentgnty idoa, at tbs TOBACCO AND CIGARS. THE liLOBE udMunN. ay: O RDci.AK .SKKPHaM heart of old beg Icere WATER-C 41LER. Saga kut sotegteaut kaads aaad ckaaov af affecting slavery in iba may reach the Buck—rather a tight WOULD to inform the MDoking comninoity agofiy. JOHH B. HERjn>OH, of Mason. aaxt bM Territo- ( of TIIE ARCTIC place, being tome sixty-eight yean I..ouienUe end k’icinity that I here perchem d tbe W.ATER-COULER. I kill of tba opioiuo Aut againk the .1 IILrttLR F\R6 *HLE. of PLBLIC IN 8TECCTIOM. rin advanaly. an that tbaia miilUISIlMYSCllIll eboTc e^htiehment end lutend to keep conetenily F6t NCPBEINTEKDENT uitrnaiun of tbe fair mx, and old falbar Time lock- on WATER-COOLERS for OAce ISa, he., he. UOUIMVII.I. ia aat roon “fcr tba ton of a oappar" betwaon IiTOTIOEI. he^ e choice xtock of Mrietiy fine HAVANA ilGAKaH gfo I offks for tela ay Farm, In rated on te F. EVAKS, of Barran. ’ WM aad the Wilnot proviiio, ing the door. Col. Rulterliald iotrodored hhn, in la oddiUon to the Urge number of B4>okr olreody on itr endthebeRquelUy ofVIUGl.MA CHEWING TUBAC- .MAC DONA i. It’S PRIVATE -sad nfl ag tram Gla av te Loteodte aqnattor sownigaty or, to MEDICAli OISPENSART. >•1 j INTEKKAL IMPEOVfSIENT. addition to the unal caiemooiaa by Colologue, UO. W. A. iteao.t rnwk. tew. Baaasreh af uteww^c PEERITIENT BOAEO apeak non plainly, batwaan torritortal praventioa Aa SaerwUry of Improved Oalvanised Iron Refrigerator, MatahUakei far tke rrHe/ --- - Metroftolilen t Igmr at tke ;jA*ad Mz tettea i i iiiht ai i of PrrwteT. State, Ac., Ac. ^pUE LOUISVILLE AND POHTLA.ND and Tobacco Store, J Kaok RAILROAD on Practical end SrieBtiic of aad tka Cangnatiooal probibitiuo PrincIpLn— I LuuMvtIte Naahvitte D. R HAGGARD, CumberlanA af ay'oyfcp a ^bt I would meytdim IThird at., betento Jeffertoa end Grrrn. the beet end meal .,a te aad Ifaitei lA. iwateug Tbia genllemao bai obtaioad tbe COMPA.NY respectfully coil the otteatioo of cunrenieut article In net* for of Inad. it dost team to that a mail gnat of all camUm eud preeerrlne Mena. of tows kaa fterl oad tea omo oar katl d wMsh af uis on of k. And me tbe public to tbe fort thot, from ond ofter Ibir dole two Being over TwelvK Hundred DiNiinct p^y tba Gulf poM, and steaman are now built Milk. Butter. FruitM, Wine#, taatogh note of ruMi.aliam aaa haa dr .k asrra «a m alaneata both for sad againat Ait idea being *Kuoor will be run irum every Cor—one to Sertiod roattiaiac ctreet t^i irrulMr#end t'erd*. giving full demriptioa «f the etaeae oad oihrr srarai. Ths Farm te won irapsusod wHh FtlEOOMUEESS. for that service in New York. Ilia grant with oud tbe other to TO I^UHLIC. Mex- WeoxoU The leUerior ol Voluue«, THK the of i-*p**t»*’ nvonignty cannot tia firmly attached to 'Burm wiU ebove-nemed article, wtU be tout to *nr eddnee on eppR. a aaoi tramm d wiKiaa. haran, as ate*, aad womo kiiii cooliniied, will dmienote their dertlnoiioo. In order thot tbe odditlonol WE here information from e v*>ry HUMPHRET MARSHALL, of Hsnry. particnlar ik of opinioni on tba aubjact, or ico kaa been and no donbt ba ratiliad emtiom mnyg did3aUbweuw4 fins ternd.wa, .rrhard fto with an ahnndnass et fiaa any foeiuty wtikh the Cumpony her pioce>d ot tho dtrpoml retiable loiirce that it !• undeirtood bare next Congrtkt. I have lattera from Tampico of tiny af awvaw fii ras water capacity to admit lota its orgauixalioo the irubUc inoy meet tho jurt expectotioiir by come that the Frodehem W'etebee mak ban of oil inlerorted. ^ ror* » as foster toteteutesw ara*r te fca F. Gowaste at Glaa. to tba 2d, from Aa city of Mexico to tba 18A, aad h !• n- rpectfnily requcaitod ktiu be nriseintd end edjiieied ee nuwfy Dssvmad by Dustm TUE8DAT, MAT 1«, IMS. awry variky and almda of opinioo. Caa it ba than thot pomengorr will reel them- WILL ISSUE A NEW BOOK Ktea— gnw, or M tea at te Uatead dteteo HoSsi, LauterUte, FOUNDIRY AND MACHINE SHOP whare I Ky. selvor In the proper MfruMpawtti. ifr about eritding ibra to .Mr. WU* to would saU te aliwaSm diffarwace from Vera Crnz to tbo 22d of April. 1 regret to 'Bur before leorinx Twelfth rtreet, or nmrU daowAwaowJm* J R. UARNKFr is material la tba of opinion npon will iiHil, tbe g«>berml agent ol Mr. Iniddbem. Inenewer.we of aUihoreaBtnsdwnhdHMMaof learn that tbe Hberali have met a tevera It be tmiiorrible to correct ooy Inodverteocy in thU re- Donglat aad Mr, Davit; the revana BVERVSATURDAY HORNING DURING THE YEAR. will elate Utot we Wsll replace any pert of IhU I'or Safe -iactioM. ,-ynvoteor oonfi teullal UMMctatk lAlina, thia paiat bkwaaa Mr. gord oftor the 'Burcr leove the t:orv. Watch that at aatonte SRTh* OfSoaHw U ym and lorn at tbe capital, and that Miramon cut hia may be broken fully ee perfect ia erery ruwpect ee when te nww aMthod of ama Mlding to tht doetriaa of bit Fiwport ipaach PtrylM dtf JAS. H. DENNIS, Sup’t. WlLLtoUtothelugtkeetbUlder, OB the Utk of at a. OHIO RIVER PARM FOR bat b made eud edjuat the Wetoh to mn the toroe lu mx Jbm, aaf cxtnvacaaec M aar ikau, amjai fatally way Aroagb Gaoeralt Ampudia and Traxoni’a I 1*^. cwUiuia nciog el leo'cloek. the Ground end Rnek aad tba ether dawoaaciag k aa beratkal. difft-r'Ut p4»4tione flour eirenler end two horixontel) end poor, ill fed, and ill-paid troops, and reached As liOta for Bale. . Ratldia««. cuueieUiMc ot KoonAlory, Machine Shop, Bteck* MV la • aMt hrwidibh putp U racUia tb* not to ebauge from the tempereturr of jtoro to *6 degrees MMth Bnop. Bre.-r r»undtoy end Hutorn Shop, n#ti#ntrd on LauisoUI.. capital, and whan thay arrived there found that limy WILLrell ot cHy voluotiou— eborn It el«» menufectuiv Jewelc aLiTV, wMh te hanwtedra !*•* te atew af m Jokteona auanky. But the Territorial govaramant ia io ao mate a one third corh—bolonce We from Ruby, Sep* tbe nuitb fruie of Moutasc itreet. rraa who h«Tt mtmia k iMakrapt I ISSrES FOR THE .nO.^TH OF M4V. between Klkrt^ntb end al *** half ted* froa < ito* rtear. —a U*M tbe reactionary tba In one ond two yeon with interirrt-one Lot of pbire. Garnet, end Chryflolite Stunea end ftol«h them tern, worrnute hha ia oayteoarian that ihssa te -M~il-to.A • te Tha to- ware rejokiag in ramp, cHy hav- Ground u Twelfth etreet.*, Ltniakrille. fountli maa feSBfera os laatrm m . It darivn Ka Ufa aad being Com- Rr. The rr bej* S.6*i6 prop roaoato bow caaonilBg od towod g tf fmm on the «mrt ride of Sec nd. briween fluely e« any welch jeweling ceu be made. uurfecUhiea syamote whaa uay araaathal te wHhnal a kuv;**at are , a tog kotera, ra sad a laproadi Ivdara tha varid, aia lookiap wkh ia- ing driven the libarala off friiin Chapnitapec, and Groy ond B^odwoy ff'OC moulding door; bieckfr«»itb •htip be* mm forgm e ouirk aad aaa is iacapa^ af axsrtiog a power iocom- 37 feet front by I2U deep. for ei^ psrwuarnt aain. hte..htoo. wpff,, as., aad oka at W at iwa ib ctoaowd tora fram, bne lot of toole; 1:!,ud6 friaada la Vk- Tacnlisya. Ikia waa duaa through bai'hing *hop he^ ebout niuere feet YOU. oho. rOk Tka Iraot. gate pot tog Ma weraa haa Ito aspob •avM iaaiav U Um ac eaai af Ibair potifala with tba aotist baloaging to nagram nadar out of Aa la- AUo, oue lot on the werlsideof Seventh, routh of Brood- 40 MKN hy tadnlgiag ia toMary a-a:.. to tea C RKPAIRl.tU FIAE ol rofiim. « ilk boiler end two engine# to dnre mnckAnerr, has- rualraclsd fiaarafiaato abbfftp at itoibat Tha nakar ten aatioii of a priak aided by tha graal iiiillHmaira, voy, tdM ftseC front by 3tti feet deep. 6.AT(UES tel Miad toiTowtns aad hody -dmlras ^S: owtokto fiu w* caaaot aaUcipau aacb aa orar- the CoastkatioB. It is plain Coogrett cannot dala- oua* for feu gWa. WbUr Saturday, May 7. i4«1e uw dteras.. aaoulirat wraha.... iTZte cufd-wowd aid Aoabtp paP te prtoa I ate tor tea J. ere fuUy equal to any thi# of Europe. wM » ihTteM . Eacaadoo, whom vou ramauibar. Ha ia tbe aanm A. BALLARD I lejrge llurtaooteJ Bering Mill, fer eylindera. gata wbat it doei not potaatt, and that tba craatura Ml*. eiuTtoingend feml eoMeimBtoee. toniild euelv iM^nsttoik Innd vhalau^ af opaiaa A tha OU Daaiaiaa lor uen Jeiuip. Upright Boring «• c^fa to liuild railroad from t turn »«d fret. ly,cttbef in I wiU add tfiat ikia toad Hao bat aaa canaat perform wbat was deoied to Aa creator. who offered Aa tbs city of BROKF.N UlSTKKNS. OK THE SDIKY uF JESSIE JOHN Kirrs A CO, pm>n er W toSer haM teBa Item tea alaetiaa of 1 Donbit** Heeded Lethe, 31 feel kwd; #eiug« 46 inchei. kPhvU.te nmraaa aad ostenSte Oak Ripsr Taniptkr. It te aaoraararad hr M to aiaaaidly varraat tha kapa af tka Maxicu to cook. dri - •• •* •terafo and;awtd^ WVatiag tbo. dtsM. mar >aadto tea Aa For Sale, m4 MAIN STREET. I ^ Piaigiati iokiiutaa tba Territorial TOvarnaMot, (Vm- WOKTIIINUTiiN. beauUfuily lUokratafi. Thick ‘II ^ nato tbr foptettp wteh sapsr foila ad affranra a ratek aad rraaaal awa. and ia will ao doubt recollect Mr. Orcar Rot«rt, I nnell Lethe*; turn Mr. >aBI wa baliaTa if Jaha Laickar aat datiaat aad Uauta its powai; aad foarte aaok- ka to ara to ..as. Ww. aad ikna paar* gnm JL 13th of Moy wiU be rold # l2mo., aztra luuHiu. AG Oc1> MR? who, bp eiCvvteVfi* In- wite to- to Major Patterauo, Fricc 7& c.ula. 1 Heoer 13 fee* by 3 feei square. daln-ars to wall \ij tha Canatiliitioa, aad mty give to tba Territo- wbo woa interpreter Gan. and J^oNP:gK«> WoMAaN, 17 y eon olJ, belong CopaitDersIUp. teto paa.wao. baso prraart-d a dstotup la ad- dafaaaad ka vill ba nu ao ciaaa to tha tkat AX I 4'ouponnd Heuer, witb circular Uig to the ettechmenft. saasa ad tete psan. no t I fplar totte a. A ItoitoiB. aitosaap at one of tbe bak tranalalora with tha army, lie woa erlote of Geo. Doiip, dereiuiM urdenigned here ee^ocieid^d tbemselree In tbe aaa mote Ur Caira oUh te lallra to*. Unto rial governmeat all Iba power to do for As Territo- ^I^IIE 3 WrmmI Tnmmg Lathee. arriiraaop od brtag reteorad Pdfo. ap.. for farter uarMtwtera, hr tka raaak wflj bava all tha aaoral aSacto af a com Apply to DANIEL DoUP or aaala la tel oteto at bsalth ! ammmbtora m,tor ara*l mla taken priauuar by tba clerical party, with diapatchea Saturday, May 14. 1 Coal Trade, to do bUkinece under the ttyleof Crittee* Fretoa*. 1 Geer rial people wbstovsr Coograta cunld do. It it (4ain 3 DnU Uutter, 1 HoR U'nttor, Vhe*, end a abicb tep wuaM ba*w ra>opsd bad tep aspwr arahrratoad teabaroCra caaTieliaa CURUaN pope, Ky den A tientt. R. W. UKl rTENDKN, lata atetary. S’a ara oaakdaat ia oar extoad tba grant no fartfaar. oa bia pariua for Gan. Dagollado, and shot togetbar tote aap szsaaa matthpw u P Cosgran caa If Con. THE working BOY'S SUNDAY IMPROVED. Mey 4, 163*. N. II. GANTT. SMB. PMaaas saatoaapla t inr aarriarw and will raoaira caanut pravast tka slavaboldar from with otbera. Our old aud worthy Couanl Block waa NOTICE. kaptog aap daaka tkat tha Oppaaitiaa ia Eaatacky gnaa going to will be told withunt eny of tbe meebiiierv). gi.uto, in one, a* to telr pbriteal akitUp to -.fo4.ra.f BcauUfiiUr Illuatratad. IZmo , azlrs BoaUn. Price U #aur tola tkat nhtea caa- alavet aa property mails to ride out of tba capital on an aaa’ colt. All Eoi|.« two. th^ee, four, end fire reer*. end ib« awniaat aad eaoour^atoaat thia aiaath ftaai TIr> tha Territory wiA bU (^d tka ^1L4S F. MILLER, her wtihdrown from our exeeei uunn eix tenai. Oboald at>gtP at aaaa to Ur. Gob-o. aha win iwteopw J-- thia ia mighty dignified fcr unr diploiualj at that linu, (uiltf d31 cenW. CX>AL! end rlgbteen m >nlbc, with lien end e|tpror«d I it Dl COAL! tommy epon all obtea rira prwwobt Sapnmt Court myi caaaot). then Cuagrats can- MESNIL A CO. to a laau aad kaagp Ute. Arid giaia, aad, altbaagh wa baa* as apprahaaainn that point. indigaity was, I presume, to tbe four |H#vmmlx. The m«ihin«ry end tooD will be Tkasp are panabo who nst make a Territorial govainmeat aad endow it Tha make him | todbigw to tba food pot teratfoaaJ FITTSBTJnGfi ndd In deteil; ell fum# of gAu end under, enab; fromgto to Feter ansi haltof aataiw te lafcawanaaaaa ar iaactiaity do penanoo, aa it was but church aiacipline, and holy Wanted, Saturday, May 21. that saga bia at iwaaauag wilbaal araotaasw will iajora oar gaad wiA tka power to prevent him. If Coogram cannot •bk. lix munlhB, 4JU to twelrw ^ gUtlgy, «U end muetke; has toot pawara. Tw oarh 1 saa aalp mr tel te itom ***** a aklad rate orar a totgr par* ad ter gtoga. right of the slavaboldar after orders are paramount. Stmuld tbe liberals auccaau, T>o:bd:EPt.oYi end over gl Mie. hi, teelr*;, 3s. aaaat, tka asva af a laigaly radaead Daaanrtatir afetet Aa ba raacbea THE FIRST TWENTY YIURS OE MV LIFE. By end eirkiewn montkx, vttk wkkh te wasted to tte datop te p rarto oo ara invlnopakla, it physical necurtty, Territory aafriandly iagitlatioo,” tbaa muk be tbrungb force. epproved peyeblr in bunk; ell deferred pnymenie abd cbb aalp toad to pwrgwtaaaa Iba batote •- arill “by Coa- at j itiio im- I SYEAOXJSEi atojaaky ia Virgiaia aat as a powotfal iacsa- Alleu Rii-auoan. llmo., ezln mualln. llluMnUed. to benr iutereet from dele. graaa caaaiu craata aa lakrnmant by which the The anny and ckurcD ara hoth thorongiily corrnpt. bwcteltp aad rwadsr ttepubacy parmaaabt. tiaa oar friaad a, aad raaniaiata thair axartioas ia A LIBERAL REWARD E. A. GARDNER, to aams Aiag caa ba rightfally dooa, aiii> axy at- Poor Mexico bleeding at every pore. Will not tbe COAL! COAL! TOTHBLADIB8-Or. c. te ag*at for M. LaCraaz'o Aw'lgnee ef Lewton A Pneree. United Statoa help her WILL be paid (or the reroverr of tbe body of GEO. Fpwasb PPppsafips Powdara. bp wteh teaa who, dariag tha aaxt tbraa aaoat ka. la tka maaatiaaa. raxpr TO DO IT ar acca iximicMc.'iT m»ui.i> bk young ana wuk aiater? One N.&—The eSore btt'ldiugd ere edmirebly Bulled for ea faura *7 YEAKGER. lieiumiM-d from tbe ferrrbuet plyiez aap eaaaa, dsare it bMaaaary la aptdd raatnteoa. oaa CoSl.KIOia good diviaion of volaotsan, aaeh aa wa hod ia Mex- pncee, for tele by Agrlmlturml Impk-iUBUl Meuufmetery.Ftening Mill. Fern* da tka daty af tkaraagb argaairatioa Eaalf COirtSOLXAD ASP IHW'AKTKU BT IN THE betwice tbyclly eud JeffuraouvUle on Seturdsy, toe Tin Saturday, May 28. •0 vhhoat lasanfag daagpria haalth arooaitiiatlub;prte loo during tha war, would iu three Ink.. tbe CRITTENDEN A GANTT, iture i»r Tufancc*» Fectory. Brewery, end for nmny irlhrr VAIB AND loar AOMININTBATluX OF ITS OWN MTT. roonlbz put tha n«v Kentucky ebore. He Is nbout 47 yenra ol AJ*a,agpot for Mada ats t'agraaaPo Pwraais ff-w-klT ara We>4 Mde of 'I bird erreet, brenefaew uf luenufecCurofi. midtomwiig apaa aar osaaMataliaa, aad agaia adjara aar Me. end bra on n I It rasu'ta from Aii view, that Cobubkm hhodld liberal party in power aad lecure to the country aa red underefairt. biwe overebirt, old cm- THE BROKEN BItIDGE. Imo. Illaotratsd. FJitn Betwpen Mein eud Mexk^ Pina, a ran aad o ffbri iial iwraadp for IrragatorWsa, ub- unet pnntnloons. dark vest, pee end n jacket. Ilis bools terwEtfoas. At ; prka gl. I'arPltia! Tbsas PlUs Eiaada la awary caaaty—M mattor how bspalaas'y PBasaavB acyibbtast ai'rxKvitioa of the Tkb- iiiimenaa market for onr mechaDical products' and tooold eng tke 6x4m fo“Ok end worn wllhoul leiekL Bot bt teksa dnrtu Prewbaatp, aa thap eeewmnlei# In Ike ckenlexien. e^A exeA^^e domekk uianufecturea, a Irada that, an fare to pro. itoy ba ia a laeal aaiaarky—4a Haka ptopata- airoBiAL uniiatATiuN, asp that, whaaavsr that ui fivs yean, F or further pertlcularenpoly Io 8. 8. JONE3, TUrd dasa teiocaiTiaga- Tbs PiUo raafeea dirardra"’TCteteS: tbay AT COST! AT COST! aad aamt Ig aate to aadteIraSlTSSS**^te te&S? would reach forty mitliona of dolUrs. nreet, between Merkel end Jefferson, -araab jrrara i b u o wte tea Itoar. rad hasaraa lAOniATiOS TSaVBtA BKTOHP THE FBOPEB UMI- John Ball wbo vill per tbe Marshal's Sale. aap part ad te ssaalrp. dhir tiaaa to hawa orary wsta braagkt sat ia Aagaal. reward for Ibe recovery of tee body. don date*. narapTte lo-ten ad ora oogaabaa. ra TATIOS OP TBHKtTOBlAL ruWEK, CoSOESat aad John Frag hava thair ayea sn tbU trade. Will mlu dlJAb* l*ar—bo at a dteteaaa aaap hr twrad at kaaos for oitowra '**“** •* kauCLP WUoon A Ilrady 1 Si^x*±xx8;ce;S'iaxrL33aex* ***—* -r Itoraha. bafbra aa, lagateitor, ote:lag sasa. optegfoiaa, la r* u loaraanaira Wa bawa a gnat atraggls agakut odds IT. Brutbar Jonathan allow it to slip fram bU graip? egelnet In 4 hencery. No. tl,£33. rate od Uara te ABBOUATE } dteaaop haa suaMbaad. tewatebtood at te badp to te lalirwal irar.liitoote Masonic Notice. t 'ertnell, MmLnlKTEIIlY, aad hapw teadtofas (orwardad taaa Henry ) *•? te*fo to saoa U aat. wkkh woaM utararkaln aay oaaaa tkat had aat ka 1 haw baard it fraquantly aakad, “Dost aa Amer- tram daaiaga ar auraodlp, to aap part at tea owaairp, Tha htowd taapw. te — CALLED MF-ETiNG OF rirtue of lu6 Fourth xtreet, between Market eud .It'HcrMB. wuk eng nwke# le the xnliel Srxent Uuvr.Mom . find, by a reference EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. I) Y e decree of the Loulerlile Cheocery Court. At AtU dlrectfoao for wMk eeMaxtove nelM«. jaaL” Tbs last liacti oaa ia Ksw Yarfc, icas dtixan lose bit rights by bacomiag an inbabi- —We to MSGfTETIC ara. “oaaml MS. L6 rendered In tbe ebore ceuee, the underkgoed, or one PLASTER Itet » teto ^e% n foito. Tkra tea ?” tba valuabU katUtical tablea ceatained io the .HAUA.HE A. JOMK.*«, Lattero aokiur adpiar areat saatofa fit. ar aa aa ttsa wiff TVJ" !*f. toat af a Tarrkcn I anawar that As Cooitita- May ef oa, will, on rrara Mh>«>. la Wbicate htowd laaora PaaaaylTsaia, Kaw Uanptkin, Cnaaa rtin at die., THE merabersof Ihie Ludfe are reqnested to 1UE>DAY, the 17tb of Mey, l«P, ebout T h* ukoa ad teai. for kte Uaa te loa raark tewsatetaar- , nnmbet of Huot'a Merchant'a Mogazina, A N CoNdEQt'ENCE OF DiCCLl.SlNG BUSINESS oreagted la tame aad nab sa la tion af As L'nitea States gnarantiea to him bit right that da- “'I at tbelr Hail, corner oi Market the hour of 4 e'Hock F. M., aell, et public euctlna, to the aarwor Irltoraod tear, tea raitesa. aa Id to aaatear Mbr* la _ Am — FUk end I will offer snitotelp. Atea, ardaro for Pdto or opto Aow to what dasparata sSwto tka Adniaiatiatlaa of co aci tbs free ezarcite ring tba lak nine moatha tbe foreign imporU receir- Vetreeu. blgbeet bidder, on the premltow, on e credit of 3 month#, te inuaitog patera ihro.te tbat otera mama aaaaa- a eaca , of bit raligiuo, free- Wf THIS EVENING. Tuesday, el 7M Powdara tewal auataia a iratogp otaaiit. o'clock. the property in pWedlam mentloDed, rle: A lot of ground riPHE bra .ra Ebsspra UoossboU RoteOdr Is vorM. torp-terato. la ikte aka nMfc aad te anlira aban- will rosart to rstaia tka ssiablaaca of popalar ap- dom from aiTMt, unlaot by warrant of law, Aewril ad at New York amount, in their dulUbU raloe, to D. MAKCELLL 8, W. M. RIBBOVS, PLOMERS, te Coaouliatiaa a»p ho todd fniai oa-te. a*g.te. (oa In Luttitrille, BOANETS, 1 duao tea aitaragi .wtoi arad. aad f ~ 1 J . Datizs. 8ec*y, Er., beginning et the Bonthcei>t C4>mer of ate for te riraoorp od K ml* dl* tUnate aud ptsateot 1s Ml av«tw aartefg asd of. toadap irote • to ifi a. bli, at kte ofitow. aortk i at t swraor af kmkemt cvtjm*, aad trial by jury. Tliaaa are of bia #150,199,221. Tbe cxporti for the mme iwriod and IsOfeyette end 1 lord Btrrelx, AXW TUB nrpagib to iwgral te bipalara paoral, to iaiataea tha Piaai dMi a l canpaiga aazt running eeri tojf feet, thence ad Third aad Markat otnaia. Pripala catiaats ^testaal hi tea nsulU. ksautiful an Third are te fite or oaaatitatioaal righu of which ba can no where be from the rame point ara aUtod at #63, M2, 740, of touth perellel with Fluf d xtrect Itl ^t to en elley, thence A -swsauc. sztsrteol Cs- sflMtebff Kv parwapteo od PwwraPwi aaa Aags.•"SraTSr yaar. Wa hava aaaa tka asry yardi, caaton r’OXJKTaD. C:o 4mIk now ill Slorr, wuaiaraal di. tdor ad daprivad. Bat when ba antort a Territory over which #21,662,264 were ia apecU. It will thni be wtot feet to Floyd itreet, tkem-e with Floyd street Io „rafi»s. afpltoabls fos te rolisi at Pais at asp UaM,la asp (WOrcresp topfolakfot Doa't foriwt tka aaaar aad mam- wM BLACK I ACE MANTILI-A wes foued, Uu nUht. the beginning At New York price# to cioee out the whole xteck. Id it te aat iwaaapwd. bsaaaa, aad naiiaa haapkala sobaUiasd to tha ku- which a Territorial govaramant baa aten thk nut only ii the “bsUnce of trada" Urgely ^plass. In asp )*rt of te husua 'oteou, aod aadar aBsbr. bar. AU tettsta teuaU ka addnrad to bean insUtutad A u& JHiKrMOD, betwofiin S^rentli end Kienth #treete. The purr bexer will be rt^uuirod to give good bond Wr ka*a tobotad to fiaA with ler rent eud tke llxturex for xele. Statea, tlf~The fftore suiooUncM. If tbi* Fadaial Gnptnaatat, aad tka psapla’a fay Coagraat, hit political rights—hia right of par- againat the United according to tha repra- owner eeu gift tbe leBe br celtlof et Ihlt ofKee. pruT* epprored eecurtty. beering intereet from detc until peid, pua i-at Pteoter aspvLars, IT pots ^akaaa niu41i>ire of MADAME A. JUNFJt, sk ticipatioB ancat iooi of theae iteGatict, but, wbat kill log property, eud peying for thb edvertPement. mly da eud e lien will be releluotf ex eddition*! xecurity. ~tbsre, tbs Plaalt-r will oUck ter* ostil ia iagklatioo and tba limitatiuna on At U nzora I Agent. te Pala bas wiyer^n atiyue nsMy kTkhad to aacan tka ntaia af annhan of D. epl6 iAblxtfA^ Vurea significant, one-third of W. C. WHIPS, M. L. C. C. wkick - axtont to which ba may axercim that right—dapood onr commercul exchanges lobad. Tba Ptoator teasastiaas tba Palg swap, aad nmomllnex ikix mnlerm - * q In ike MeeA, em Main JA8. O. BA LEE, ) - Street Lot for Bale. I wksas was thair attar aabaar rui.-tu- Jill I tkeffwieesMittfremineemgy. Ca^fosA only narh aatinly apoa tbs asuin aad orgaaization of rt««r with Europe from tha port of New Y'ork u made ia THOd. A. P*MUee. PAia uaaaoT sziar wazsa nua n-aataa a#M*mM Morgan, { ml did u asrura. M tkit specie. OQ FEET 4 iocfafls of Ground, fronting on Mein itreet, eAcMng AiaDfAcr wttk x m*e6 iWnie tka Diatacaatir Adniaiatratiaa. Wa Torritorial govarnmaal. which ia ktt cumtiautmM,pm PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING! Rbsuautiam, I laisaaai. attffnra, ^MEYER’S Tiawes to Wsakaaoa, ^*%ng It ^ juit eboTt* the Gelt Home, running tnruugb to Wesh* iniHMIi. W- Sum nwxw, er mxker Aeee whet m ui mm Aa it ia nndenUble that tbe pracioni met- ington Rruet. rro Nerraasnesp, NsurafoU. l>pa .,ote. m raps t d to tka a i l ny- IS THE SEASON TO hET KUDS CHEAP. , Uoofbt aad Ualda, ^ axpsci aad ba a nakt w THIS aat p p MlKACULOUa VERMIN' DUTRuYEK ara it aU alwayi flow thoM countries Apply Co John D. O* Leery et tbe UTrilezgvie R bora te rrAam ra a i from which Freuklin Seringa In* Paius and Acbaa of arerr klod. dawa aaaa to t.'osM, af tha taan toetiai ia Kaatacfcy. Tbs attack •titunon. Fifth trp«t. an boogo tem obu ara it fn* bora a* anactwTraoga anal tns euasUtnciao or , irguia.'' Ur of one wbo would an aufferiag nadir a badly regnUted mon- S. OESHON & CO. The taly BemcCj ix Iwle tea IMMEDIATELY RKLlBVEU.ara.aUbaffUlspaMaasa. Uw H WbtM ogram to baaMa olttoragA oggi rad oa Xra dtocraa. caraa- tha alroag eowa- etary mlu dlewSw CHARLES TteAtelLiO! op the letart end moet approved Lightning KamIx on wfll ka dkactad apaa Danaaatk talk abrnk “kia righto aa an Amarican citizan” wbo aod commarcial lyatem, to thom whom fi- GALLAGHER. UT fi—atly X oafar earoa. te trito ra bora, te* fry Buperior erticle of French x^ntifle pfindpiee. PERMANENTLY CURED, bp te niagtral lafiaaaaa at SCBe TO KXTEMMISATtt JS!*/ •! ^ m*a* nances are placed on a bkter footing, it V Toilet Powder JoH P varlmg of o ffb rriiai, ahrah tn ladarad tias. vhars k is bopad aapiaaasai aad waat af aaten a beak oacponlion where kia poweri and ra- may not the to RAT3. MICE, l». br teri araMgrara Marabal'a Sale. A received et the xjutheext comer id bixth eud Cbeet* Pereunx in dty end conntry wbo with here iheir teth MAGNETIC PLA8TER. It te te teai|4asC sanM. COCKROACH bCGd. XT8, MO*. glta -aca, each a* ttoraXtoai nowsibUKisaapowsibUKisa an dsfined bybjr a IcgialotivaIcgialative be that this fact supplies a genarai criterion by Povvr. chdlPaora. IMrab, or charter? nut xtreete eud for aele by buildingx pnitectod irum ttghtaing can rely on our furoleh* - spaa a wids, teira, tJsara n ti at and QUITUES. FLP.A8, MOTlIi. MOLKd, GR.UN MaobodMaoked Agaa,j Pvrtoteeai iSr^ — OppaaMaa otgaaiiatiaa nay R. W. Bnowden'i Adm'r ) . cbsaiaaU raiuidp la szteteoaa. Ite Hndarba. ar teltora “T-irbi Tka Torritorial nvaremeni ia nothing but a lagiala- which wa can judge of tbs beosficent working of m7 d4 W. H. YOUNG, log them e good Rod end errungvd in e workmanlike WORM8, A.NU OsRUk.'l INfikA^Tlt, RteoaoRfftoa, Pmeo,P( Ni raalgto > In Chencery—No. I4,84i. apidicaliua te . Rhaaaratera, Goat. MadBara daar to tka osHiiaana af fraad aad tka anploy- j manner. *6 aaivssaal—suuaUp te te otrou, aiaa. tka tiva charter. It aaad not conform to tba iitoa of any public economy? If, for iakaaci, it U seen R. W. Snowdro'i heira, Ac.J TaoebaeW. karacka, cotarra. .krakaoa, Ifotorianaa, Ptea. Uering been In the buxineei for twelve yenn. we can dslisBisde woman, and te fosbls IstaaC To aask aad all fol Atecte.a«v4 Ogtora. Fartwarasd Aira-- l tbat the precioas mataU flow from Mexico, h 50,0fl« BOXES 0-NE te Hrtoorw.. i'iki rMoIjra. anat af noway ia tka alactina. papa ar participation in tha lagislatiao of the Ter- from y rirtue of e decree of the Lnoierille Cheneery Court, ISTKW KOIJTE werrmni to give xetixtectiun. _i SOLD IN MONTH. wtU props a Balni aod a Bteafiag. aad Paiafal fiteettiaea* tea SMraaab Peru, from Turkey, mod from all rendered in the ebore eeuae, Ite usa te atrrosabla, aad aad tizib. oRif Incalktoa know tha* rttory. Inatoocae ara repaated in onr bikorr where mmi-civilized B the undersigDed or one Tu Ordere left with Tbo#. WUliemx St Co.. Gee Fitten end Thfw Cpirhratad Rrratdira kara kara aztsaodPtop raad wbtea.ataea. akrawl arte* faraa teto ariaaff Oar friaadi ia sack nilbout annuyaaes er Iruabis. eaara. atek. fote toiT aod barbarous States, to Great Britain, of will, on Moudey, Mey 143*, etM>ul the boor of 11 liumbeir. No. 4bS Merkel atrvet, north eide, between Ite prtca te wttbis raacb at for twsatp-two paar. ia all itodr K haa Jspaitod from thia idaa— ai in Michigan and to F'raace, parteof Raropw. aad ato aaaat -—****raa iatoira ci ra t Igga. Tbto - Aaaa lit than at aa aaiiy day naka arary pnp- o'clock A. M.,eell at public euctiuu, to the h'gh««t No Third end Fourth, will meet with prompt ettentiun. ell raeaioao Udder, ORLEANS, SOI all—rieb or poor, all ii ia^w to Germany, aod to all countries whose fioancial .MEMPHIS, g the tU. laap kspo It. aad aU oboald bar. b Mwen hope kara attooMd bp te t araiaad Rraoto, Cvaa'Cwaa'* rfora i tea eaara ed tea*, daaraaarato. rad ia lodioaa. I thiok it bak, whan no paramonnt ob- et the l^nrt Uonee door. In the city ef LiOuDvUle, may! d3mle Fraaew. ' on e who are okk, oaffering Eagtoad. Awotna. ITai lio, itoparto. fiazaap. Bat, oanateaoorarate aawtiaa to aratt k by a daci di d aad aaflindaag jaettM system is the exponent of a bigbar civilization, credit of 6. le, lu, and In anp wap. 1 cxiota, that Congrota ahonld allow the Ter- U, 14, end 36 nwntlu: gtara. H-ltora. Napira, fra., aad Ikatr U b oaiiral ptuprtttea Tkteit it A Lot 4M Ground In told city, with PLANTER8 oboald ba alwnpo oapplisd Ihte arpoaan af fraad wkararar k oocats. ritorial paopk the widak range af power io mattarr may not be aasumed aa a gaoarel Uw tbat “the the liaproveniente with laraln. txaa-iaad aad appropod bp te teoal iliitofi iiibii Madt- ogrisaga* tete, vara ftora tea *pfi^^rra^^k!!ra MraraH«*te thereoiu bonoded thu: Bt^inalng et e point on the north cal raacaramg thamaalvot alona; niia le movemanU of tbe precious metals frirnish the mok SPRING GARDEN! .babto PLANTER. It will ba te Qaad Pbppktea oa nap PocaMao all ooor te ooiM. mam kao iiai, katotod to da teto tek tote odtera “t-totog to total ncT mcaasa- Rde of Druedwey, ISl fret eeat ot raa Wa haw a Am aad Uik a Dono- the uortheeet comer of TWir ttootrectivogo oi la all kind* at amaia aad iaoaoto accord. Mom- oaiaeo ote o* irara reliabU tek by which to prooouoca on the aonod- i>6ptantetlon. raadp at all Umsa, and at Inoteat aattew. ratofoMriadtoa Ite, niLT WTmix aucM BorxpaRin aa limit CnsoRBse Bmedwey end Rrook tireete, thence with Broedwey eut Two and s hall' Mili-z rruiB tbe City, oa tbe PRES- ka* baaa corttecd to tei* felt tii- aaaatn bg te Dtnciara at tba ciatic dadwt. Wa isfirad with bopas af oeaa or uoauundnem of any commercial sykem?” Ito feet, thence uorthwerdly end perellt;l Put up la alr iWhl tin bozs*. rraci-r, avi> Mcar ><>t aa isooHraTiiiLx with thk with Brfvuk et. from TO.N STREET ROAD. Each baz wUl oteSa tez te oaifora Pubtic la*tita«t> aa. liaatm. Faimrro Pro m to- 176 feet, more or 1«ms. to e go-foot elley, thence wtwt with ot aa^k vhaa Jaabaa F. Ball was aoaiiaatad forr pctt CoHunana owk, to thk MEMnena of thk Id France, under ths prevalence of what is called •*0 make Ume pex# agreeably. AiMrlcaD lofforance CompuiT. RRJCK kUdUTuX, Drragiot, Xo. to Aoiag liraia baaanlactad to dght for aar priaciplaa aad bear I Marnharn Bala. oad LOWXLL, HAM. ayttom, MrTATLRASTCoNonaaacanRnraniHTBKiR tbe precions metals in F'rance have toached the St. Louis to Memphis. A itock of French. Kheneih, end other Wiuex of the OF LOUiaVlLLK, KY. G7 Beoadvar. Nva York. John W. Pence; Chertered eg am haaaart to riotory. Narar bafaaa ia tka poBti-i- KFPOBTa TO do wntWU, AND MAT ABROOATK THKIK nerves of industry and imparted to them a vigor noct eppruved brendx hex been laid lu, end every etten- For rate, Wbotoeato aad RrtaX, ia itoe cl bg Cagg A MSlu>t ' In Cbnnrery, No. 12,506. ravelers from the Ohio reliey, tbe up|*to Mla^ tioo will b* bextowed on vlaitorx. FeMIe eu4 8ecurv«l Tolboc. til Market nraot, aad MXtor, Stow- i-aoULATioii, rr txFRiauni cpo.v ttit-UT, which has enabled her to snatain a Urgely increased tamrazd, A aal hikory af Kawtacky baa than baaa sxbibkadd WHKHK J. W. WnluriJ T •ippi. end the Ijikeo teking the reriou# imiuxtor art, IM Moia elmt. TUx t.’emiieny le now ergea* aam dOaoio WHK-H ConouMa eaxaor ixvade. foreign commerce, cumpelliag in turn fresh cootri- Cairo, end rveching there etft:S>i A M-, arrive et Mem* sack a self nrribring irrsspac- y virtne of n decree of ibe I-oui.v Ule (Chancery f'ourt, lx#4 eud re^y te engege Tu e daTotiaa to a aaan, * butioos Ler nuiooal wealth. phi# at 4:30 P. M. xeme day, vie Mobile end Ohio end K Tba pooplasf a Tamtory, in formieg their Stole to Such boa been the B rendered in the ebore eeue, the underiigned or one generel Merine eed Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Memphix end Ohio D«dx. H. PREISSI.Eirs Flrw Inxu. tiraaf tha iad i ridaa l l vsald protective of will on Monde) popa arky af aaaa. It " eowkitntioe, have right Io admit or working of the sykem in France, and, if m , Mey 16«h, 163H, ebout th« hour recce busu»eex oe tibrrel terex*. Tim Foii Stafietailic the nnqaalified Time from dt. Looii to Mempbixend LouUrllle to Mem* Cm *— aaa teRraM late a raa, an for tea amaat aeaay of 11 o'clock A. M., «iU, et Mblic auction, to tke highest 3 . assn aa if lacaUty d to alaverv, they ahonld be admitted Into it be so nnsonna as some sptcaUGve economists phi* from oue te three deya tburter thia n^'*tHBce No. 5 IB ooitb xxd# Mein atieot, nuiMte *k« owing to coragtotet. awry ia tha Buta had eawlatod rajM and bidder, et the Court Houae door, in Ute city of LuuicrUle, on route then by DE3STT-A.LI ZDEI^OX: Tteratud Laag ttenrirateofir liver xteemem. Benk of LoukvlUe, ov«r tk# Acrieolturel 8ier# ef O. MANUFACTORY, eaao rarg torao ths Uafam wHoont qnakion aa to tha uiaaner ia argue, how dem K happen that thia Empire haa on e cf^it of 6 eud lx aiijnUii': the eneo i»kalbb in W n tonii c l-Aa ovtdogra tolto riwara. tka Stats asawatiaa la aalartiag tbs wry bast ran,I Bextiew. J6:^>8e K. BELL, Premdenl* Mte. C'rtefrXjr i ahmvra » kw kara to to.^Aa which they have exerriaed thia right. baeo constantly advancing in proaperKv, while free A Lot of Ground In raid dty, et the uorthwest comer of S8 Mrcct, IXcw ¥terlL. rap r h te taa« hraa te BaKKnioU Cherked TlirsuKh- DriigM .MLedicines, UxmeT Dent Secrotery.. caatoui raa teoa^tete teto raten a, and ara da aad, aa a anannatatr, than ia aat a Lagialatiw er* trade couatrier, notwitbstaadiog iKaoretical su- OreMB end Be%eoth etreate, fronting 16 feet on Given et. aud raara Thia, Mr. Chairwma, ia a full view of my o^- I tM teaaramteira^ito end vxtondtng heck tome width nwrtkwerdly log ftset. Peaxengerx for New < irIeeM here e choice of two routex: ninioTone: caatagtotatora to tea kte a Ongnawaaal Itiati ict ia tka Stato ia arkich tkae iana, Wilmot Proviao, which I reject, periority of their public tcjeomy, bava bean as Perfumery, Toilet Articles, 4c., 4c. JoMOJama K. Ben,Ball, Wm. 11. .'Mekm, b^ npon tba Tbe purcheMsr will be reqnired to gire bund with ep* Vie reilrued to Memphuend xteemer to New tlrleene. JOHN J. suffering from dapletions E. L* Huffiueo, Jfifbe tterbtw, CliOOKE k ro. aad on aqnatter aoveraignty, which 1 reject also, censtaoily sneemsivs sod prored wcurRy beeiing intrreat from deb* until pnad, end Do do do eud fteemer to Vickeburg end South xid# of Market, betecen Fourth aud Fifth xte. appaaaati af Danacracy ara mat warkiag vkk a* Merxkffili Ueibwr^ •em'l Am mnnafectartng under thew Peteni impoverUbinent ? .Vut. laid. e lien will be retemed e« eddlUouel tocurity. reilruel to New Orleenx. ma>’3 dlyie l!ery, . aad on tha principlca of the lagialatioa of 1850, on — Rob't Belt, haaaty goad will, aad bitsyaat with tha kapas af W. C. D. W11IFF8, M. L. C. C. Wm. £. Curd which I have koM far yeare-^doed through my CLOBE CONNECTIONS AND NO DEUiVB. en le dikuAwtlyl JA». G. BALE>:, t ROLLED TIN FOIL. riatot ia AsgaaU Tha snan af tka past; the fatal [From the St. Louis KepubUcen.] ,v^.Hura y ^ whole public ooarm. Ilodtd Tno. A. MORGAN ^^^”* THROUGH TICKirrS liEE.OUEO.t'H I PLAtS, PBiyrSD, OB K.VBOSAXD, Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, CAUFOKNIA OVERLAND MAIfo j waat af casaartod actiaa ia IMS; tha aacaUsd fcr**' Coarisr will tkiit perceivs that represent- For «ele et tbe ofike of lUloob Central Rellroed, Cblcngo; flMKIaODI:M>N8-^u#t received e»np|4rof Hxrtwcirs Piilext ra it obto for vroguiag FOB Alfrlfr THE PURPOaiB OF PlAl- The in AINT DHYEK—A ffUMwior article of Pelut Dryer, re* 1 M !l 0 riiiinrxt#4 A Tbe ovsrUnd mail, which left Saa F'rancUeo at Ohio end Mix«4e4pui. St. Louix end tiuclunetl. end New 7TTTrjl!S‘ri• m J Utbe celebrxted M»*lodcouxmxriiifecturedby ffIMfr CUT tNIP CAVKNDI^ TOBAUUten, diriaitat annag aaraalraa aa niaar inaaa to tbsk P HUlriDg krto then hell the ordinary dryen tu make e iag Cal. Manhall aa occupying tbs platform of non- reUr«»edjt, Tr*'tet tV Lenxley, New lleveu, C»nn., for which wo err CHKKmB. HPIf'KM. Ac. OATIVB MSDlCimSp noon of the 15th ulL, reached St. Lonis Saturday good herd lob, meuulectured for Albany, Salem, eud JeKerxonvile L«mbfvkUe. eud lele by tht MOSQTTITO gia ft af tha NViioleoele AgOBt# of the 8uutuw(wlern Stete#, which HjVRS! Foil, oil rim, mtpanar in sa abaarbiogly inpartoat daty af daai> intervaatiaa with ths Frankfurt Yeoman and tbs night, twenty-two days fram San Francisco. ml6 WM. SRENK A CO., BuUittet. HENRY COFFIN. Tmx BxAm trriferac| Supenntendent Mempkix end Ohio Rellroed, eueble# ux to xell them et the loweat Eaxtrrn retell piie* x, TUB Mt«r GKACEFUI., SFAC1UU3, tha diitb to AND AJKV 00)1 .o«roR.»4 to tha im|»oitail oiticlg. iSg kisw rniAail aad vrkkiag Danac4- rek af tha noa-laterveationiau ia the A brief Asich of proceedii^ in the l.egialsture my? dtf MemphtB, Teun. eud to fumlxh de*W#xt fWebu^ whoWwele retex. W# mu8 baic: renka and at URE LARD OIL.— 3tM bbbi atrieUy pure Lard Oil— guitu ecas . fon rwm Uenn «jw Dveurtenv : tmn e F««n lieve e lung lUt a«( lettimouiel# of tke #u|ieik»rfty of of tbe passage of aa act carving rat of CaUfornia a LoulevlUe; them !Houx* n , Fb ia wtiag fcr Bachaewa “aa a cksica botwsaa orila,” will pttbUxli till November Ixl, oud tend biilx itoira»< ong ootea niune Cwnrirafeiwre; F«*n van Lena ew a very grela injaatica to our diatiaguiabed Kepraaen- mlu Menufectaren . Bullitt xt. to Mrmphix RaaeneTieM. Mouterey. Tbe aams given to it U tlia Colorado ahell ctintinne io keep en ex^ortruent of George dirio roaairad. Alra A>hlo keiifoed Memphlx.) We A. --m. >•»«». Fun Dieneunenr lan .*mui ; Fwn en an all warakga to as ia thafatan, aadhawtoagktVf end Company, mb cvna Livm | tativa. take for Tarritory. Priuee A i!o.*x Meh*deoo#, xo fevorehir known In thix mer* Aa we K granted that tbe injuatiue OAL t>ILs—Burning end Lubneeting Coat UU on Manic PUtnn, Soldnr, Typn, nod Brltaniilg CoixriaAUive ; Fon imnrev : Fon vnn ennn on TBrenn. ket, which meke# our uf firxt-clee# Mehideonx aa that tka “karadkary raaniea af Danocracy" Aa KectUay Bet . —We learn that Thomas Janes, C baud end for tele by the PATE.#T VETTED Tbwune eji» 8ai.t Rjxnvn; Fun Wunixe; Fun vnn woa r l i l nnin an ana . we do not allow ourtelvea to mo<< Ciimplete found W««t. F.very Inxtmmont Mntaln. of Baffolo, New York, the bead manager of WelU, mlu WM^MEN^ A CO., BuUitt xt In tk« war- Ctinaiin Guce; Fon* DxennnPux, funennLaM nakftghtahaaUarto Awkdar aadar oaa gallaat* rented. TRIPPAOLXGG, 6’on denbt that K will be promptly oortected. SqnaUer- White 09 NneaeMie ; PnntrvtJin «MB fi rtx bouse, Lime. F'aigo, A Co.'s made a bk ot #5,00u with et>30defi>d tf 10*Fonnh etrvet, Loinxvaiu. Ky* HISHOF SJCIRTS!! laadar, aad aat inpair thair atnagA by npara‘ a * aovateignty ar non-iaUrvenlus for protectioa awak- Commodore Vanderbilt againk tha Utter's magnifi- J. B. WALKER. Oppoxlle THK HEnT SKIRT MADCt cannaada. Katkiag Waada aa aa inpartimaat tole Beak oi Kentneky, THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY ^ aatkiag bwt tbe haortisk aad prefoaBdek aosrn cent #16,000 span of horses tbat tbs overland mail, MxnnfecUired end xoU by MAIN 8TRLET, Ii. (udte 545 Mam mreat, I nntoailto Tnttnfn'Kffuw— »nnnww# wen ten tha patfcct aaioa af awry ilamaat af tha Oppok-li- with datM of tbe 21k March, would arrive io San — RUTGERS CLARKSON, m CeL Matahall. FFERS to the pnblic one of tbe lergeat end beet xetoet* Plumber, Oan, Fitter, , Francitoo before the pasaeogers by the Nicaragaan and Steam and ep13 dlmfidp Cl Werrm xveM, N«w YorR. bt tiaa. O od etoortmentB of Goode ever brought to the dty, con* For Hire. Gnm wmmkmn Ckreymana f^rMMMn, SMHMn, liaa landed in this citv. Brans Foundnr, keamar By tbe arrival of xitdl end eminent have lent dwh nmm In mrttSb ng of Clothx, CeedneU, end VexUngCi iudxwd, every* sutUblr for .> y^--fifi-te.A .A I boast. to After a tariaf n^ka, Mr. Ball vUl tajaka If- SERVANT GIRL, te Appir Mr. C^Mr. T. T. Garrard, tbe Demecntic ncmlaee the overland mall yesterday, Janes won tbs span of thing e gentlemen weere. fi/lk wtreet. brtweea Jfria Markd. HCNRT A. BcnVK AND FORWARD DAILY RY RAILROAD mr*^ km rw gaer I ^ A ni6 ittf BRANMN A SL'MNLga. gnd DUMBaNnTjrCO^ ^ Pensneer raedai beenR*** win netirnmn the M irtiin ^th—[ MagaEiB at Haadarasa twday, aad hones. The bet wiu mode' in the Union te. 1849, aad to psIliaU tbe San The proapects for New Oiiee nx. or .New York. Perticuler ettentton petd tn Ut MAR.SHALL HALBERT A C<1. Vl^ILLtivsotiktattsaUon te all buolssoo satrustsd to 11 aad t Vtoraaara, tvaaavilto, Cato, Fiue Shirts Made to Order. At A. M. PJM. (w . fogfor ttea, aad drag teate kavo te eUMOt by staiiiig that “bat (or tbs frigitivs alavc gold mining on tbe Fraser an brighter than ever. TV tbsiu. Froiute attsnUoD sivt-n la coUsrUotis. otBcs filling Seuthem orders. chaina party; abow thaai tka baaa attanpt to gat dL Irate ARt ow raraadto, ara fog rala bg K WRira rad gatriM lav Kentucky weald have baaa a free The Alta states that tbe Brother Joealhon brought usar ths corusr of .atzlk aud JstelVun su ^ua> 6 dilute he und^'rdfwed, having many yeerx* fi’Xiwrience in npa di*U nUMESNlL A CO. S ate to all New Books. At • A. M. ud Hi P. M . fer Piaakfon rad Lntogte; Hate*. IraatovRIa mA ; date tab ana A Ca,. Ctaa., Waa- thirty n ttlnaa af dallara aa a aarra tiaa faad to ^bo•m T the menufnctnre of the finext queliUtw of GrnUemen'x 1 p intanti sad parpemt; if net runkitutionally, it would one hundred tbonsaod dollars, tbe produce of mimng At U aooa bg Nra Albaag ud dtoeai Itaitoaad. rai Shirtx, end having given flpeclel attention to the xel of tbe i plaead asdiapanii been PRIZE MEI»AL For rsiM, lafiaira to i at tha dirsetisa af tka Pnaidaat;at; have m from aecsmity, oa there waa no sacuri- on Fraser river. Shirt, both In boxoui end coUer, ix prepared to execute all PIANOS. j mate 4mM k A. JONU. Agrak. — fcr onr alara propeny Aoter British Coluaahta.—K High Lifelife In New York, by JonetUen ISlick, Shirtx in the moet thorough meaner. LAKGEST SOUTHEKS PIANO FACTOKT. akaw than what leadiag Danacrato ny of tha ty without K. from steamer arrived £#14., with o^erx fur cuMwm ^ hnmuruue lUuxtretionx. price gl. Gentlemen wlebing well fitting Shirtx wlU de wtdlto cell at Victoria on tbe 8th from the Upper Fraser, bring- \V M . KNABC K CO., Beltlmore, Md., keve been ewerd- If thia haa aay meal i n K maana, net only tkat * BOBRHAVE’a aharaafol i af he PiUer of Fire. Price gl 36. i aman tha Goraranrat sxpaadkataa, g, 1 CONCENTRATED I.YE, end Ixeve ihetr mexxor# with * ed gi»ld midel* in four uncexxxlvx year#, et the Mery, iog #20,000 in gold dnk and 15 pauengert. Tna Love Littkr, Ka waa aa a n Me Lovo Me l^ng, bpff.'herlex Rcede. Price MRS. E. lloWORTII, lul FourU xC, lend lo^Huu*. Bettimorr, for Staieyiuihoritya trill Fm cipaUanut ia 1849, hot that ba The Reedy Family 8oep Maker, xevex continui*d -afoerierUy: ee By aad Aow than that tkiagt go aa fton bad mto centx. Garette taya; I 76 Bet. xteirt. fit ditewSm Merkii end Jeffrrxuu. up eli*o the bigbeet eeerdu et Philedciphie. Richmond Ve*, wonld ba aaa atill if W'het Will With It, tha I Do waan, aalan tha gaagnaa Oanoctacy ia caatorittd fhgitive alave Uw bad act Tba news cuntinuea exceedingly good from the He by K. Bulwer Lyttoo, Bert. W'exhington, D. C.. end .Moulgomery, Ale. Trethnoninlx H#LLA.\» BITTEK 8 ^ Price 76 oeotx. L.A.BOH, Fraser, lower conntry T. L. CRITTENDEN. R. H. CRITTENDEN of exceileacr dwo by Thelbrrg, Strekoxeh, G. Setter, end feon tha gyalan by tha biiraiag iadigaalina paamd. Hi wiahm to bava K nnderkood that in Upper and tbe U aboet da- Alice Lxtenuont, or Molher’x af tbs^ A Love, by tke enthor of e large number of th# best mueicienx end eiiixtemi inthe First Class Insurance sened. Laborers cannot ba bad at any price. Pro- Juba tielUex LvoUeiuea. 'Txt^:e, Choice psopla. 1849 ka waa oa Emaacipatioaitt (a prbui^ limply Pnre 6uc. CRITTENDEN & CO., cunotry. Saad sat naa ia whan tha psapia bars Ledy uf tke IxU*, by prietors of mining claims betweso Hope szd Y'aU Emiue D. £. N. Soatkwoiih. Wm. Kneb# 4k Cn. rexpectfulty Invlle the eltcntlon of hacaam alara piopaity, for tbe waat ef the fagitiva Price gt. -A-3SriD twafedaaoa; lat i laaar ratlw goatlanaa ooaatkata^ find K impossible to sngagt minors, tboiigh offering Proritiou SrCouiutission th# public, eud especleUy of sutb e* ere In weet of really My Thirty Yeerx Out of the Scuete, by Melor Jeck lUva Uw, aafe ia firnt clexx PUno, to their well eexorted xtock of inflty a n t nwnaa haraay ia adweatod by ing clam; J. J. Cook, J. P. McMillan, John Moot- U COOLING A BKUNDEN'S, epl4 jixdUdch Sole Af*t for ChrixUeo A Son'x ^ggiea, ^ Mxio, between t irH end Second xtrewuc N feadiag DsMcmtir nrgaaa gomeiy, R. K. Smoot, E. S. Wilson, aad William1 mitt KAWSONfi COOP, St TODD. Prvperetionx in OP AST DID aad sraton, aad pran 1 five-xent Rockewey, peuueled; med« tb# LuiUmI ^tex, Ax noitrixhBeent With m Starpltas «r fMeT.M# #8 WKAKNE88 * C^We fiad ths following in the JeHenonville GiUaspis. Tbs pablic exsreiaea were held at tbe 3 Four-eeet for children, laveiidx, end perfunxin hrelth, end ex xnh. baaaa to thair ‘ d#, do: oaariatiaa that each a party aad aaeh UVERING'8 8UGAR.-Cruakcd, Coaroa Pulpsplasd, rn i i zp ratoara. I 3 Fpur-xret Open xtiteUw for T#e and Goffre in Nervoux end Dy " gegtk Aod tea gnra,i to to grarP la iw rad Ropablicaa; Second Presbyterian Cherch, and were attended byf Saai Powdered, end IdOef in Rockewxyx; xtore end lending trwm xCeem* 8hlttlng-tob ceaea they ere Inveluebie eud the AND ACM# tosdidaan ahaal il aat rscaiw the aa part of uae 1 Buggy; recemmeoded by moat figRbig dut at »my fiiR FEVFR p ** a Ui« and brilliant andienca. Tbe addresses weret *r Key Weet end for aele by LIFE SIZE Thg CtfliUl kloM bgiR# Ths LenisvilU Jearnal aad tha LsaUville Conner mlu 1 DoctoFi PhwtoB, penneled* PHOTOGRAPHS, eminent phydeieox. nmhira naa. Thnaaaadi af bigbiv' satisfactory to the coDcoane of bearers, andJ KAWSON, COOP, fr TODD. xele th#tr iRguriRfg ! Ifig FRiM# Staigg. wton who an occa-*' have met aad frued; they ara politically one and the I Open Huggr: II Forror by Atratx.Agratx. D. V.U. Murrey. N#w Yerk; CgaflUf 1 PYBPKPgIA. tha graduates leave our midk to eater upon t^ ac-* Spring Wxgon with top; piad wkh thair daily datiaa aad labon haw aatSt aoato. They both agree apim tha only imae now lAVA COFFEE.—300 pocketx Java Coffee In iture end -Melauiolypes, Da«uerre«Iyp#s, 4c. I I 1 good 8ecoDd*he&d WeeoD nlthowt (•»- J2ISn‘^i..lU.JSa!'Slrbg‘Sit AririKTri JAM. 1. IMfr. tive duties of their glorioos work, stteousd by the• for tele by MfXlKE, mUKHAY. A UADEN. I aaoagg tkra arraora to ta tee d. •EAcwat tins to dsTsto to tha paranl helhn the psepic of Kaotacky. They agree that * do Rockeweyx; Cate oa head dag leltod to Hartford Boaka RmojOt te kordlg fori dkmarad to af papanr, a host of fnends. mlO Mein treet. above the G elt Ueu#e. , MAIN 8T„ B£TW£EN FOUBTU A FIFTH. A toara tea aaate^ gawl wUbesof Tba commenca- 1 Light Barouche. m.am te Uate Fea kaiv aaraaad rategtra « aad Ooagram ahnnln interfere and protect aUvery ia tba Cate ia iraaril aad la Agaala’ krada. • aaaaapaaally to aa oadaMaadi^ af this pan** ment exercims at tbe church were agreeably inter-* Tbe new Cerriegex ».*•* 19 Itorariadforaw. laJrat. a a raito* aF HON. ALBERT G, Fint aad Swuad. ui^rariu Uw Grit Upward of eil.000.000of Loom **tomk Iks ragnint Mngei at ths kass where thrift pleiad as. and tkraaieard lbs old wotnaa witk violegca, but, BROWN, liouae, p It F. MAllDEN'a BUUKSTURE, HAVE REKM PAID BY THE ACTNA INSLRANCR rrasrdlsaa of bia tbreat*, tks contiauad abutiae him, mitt A S#ne^r in Congrexx from MlMUeippi, may follow turning." Let lech Indhridnal reflect j»7 'ihird atreet. end fwnnerly . Have the pleexurc of eauounclnf te their wbta be ruabsd u|wa her, sod a acuffls eiuusd. It frik-iulx Ttairte east al4r, COMPA.NY IN THK PAST » YKARte 0‘John C. Calhoun, in 1842, thought lianrv Guventor of thet Stete. Prefeced by e Biofrephlcel eoil tbe public geuentUy, thet they No.TI xL. ttk ks U ens of tan tkon-aad, vke era sanlonky r^ws(a:±r ' have now in aloiv e complete ia farther allayed that ba waa about to aUike ber, Skeub, end Portrelt engraved on #Uel, flm exeortment VBETWEEN M.UN AND MARKET STRKETI wenty-fivs of tbe dixtlnguNA- their line, Orraatoad ra a vttk agaaewa to tha «k4anwMing CWy. ekimate of t Bullions a yaar for BrideM luterfered to oaua ber motbgr barinlsoa. of their own menufecture l.aalovUta, Mg- naTwara kate to canvect a wnglt man from kU ana- wbsn ed xabiect. Edited by M. W. Cluxkey, aud -feikTUou priaetpoi ctUra aad toonn. froa (rara Exq , euthur of conriating of— C*tB(1'arda nrallg Eagrarod and Printed. jradialg Crak tranraatkira, tke Govanment cxpandltares too high; sad declared Fiwtentl^ Joyce bold at a lor^ pair of aheari, naont pAcy, and Ik aaki ene at them tan tbimrsnd ROt **The Politkel Text Book.'* 4 oechea, Feur end nx*aeet lC>ckeweyN, lira ab)arUaaa to tea credit *g*tara. Apgitoarion raada to witk which be stabbed Bridget six ttmea in tb« left Ih^ttx, .''hrlt'tfiiu aod ium*^et to., aar dulg aatkorirad Agaat prorapUg anrndad la. kto aaagg rate ka tkat mveataen milUoet wars eoongfa lor an efficient Tbe ebove U complete la one lerge octevo rakataaataL RteaM rad ^ >fi^ tkat volume of ll *k pnrpaas, aa if tke resnlt depended breast, infiictiog wounds tkat will probably cauoe 630 Plurtoax, ShiAiug'toti end uivn Bugrie#. JrAmrou InRoiteocR Comptuiy •Met a raUon to a bgltiaato l uaMTanca krataora tUi admiaikratioa. Mow tke axpensm are five to tix- CultlTntoim. pegee, bound In iheep, bext library xtyle, price $3* Snlkiea, hlide>xeet Bnggie#. Ac. tppoaiie Coaapnng ia i-n ablri to offbr bath iaSranaitg for iha paal fi rtek araaStrator Ba tera ai npM fail exertUns, Mack gmid dene ber death. A’. Trtbaae. OJIrc aa aorta afoU Mote drret, tka Baatk tl^to^teTrawa'ann aad M U by pablic — ^vente^ in meDufacturt^, we ere aad aacartfg for laa fotnra. to kilra Iraaad vktoraw talar akate ra |iratar to te* MW BookaeUerx xhould tend eeily order# to in»ure . enabled lauieatUe.eaerlktattTaa/ Mattata,Cta4.ATt4i atete*aa,aaS aE tea**, Isld the calcnlatiua of Hr. Calboun. copuw IO «*fl below the rate#. bg dUomriM. wksrs bath Tbe puMk ere reauectfuU ii ara to goritetog «*te^ partem vU asaaaat to mak edition. Ckartatad itopttel RMte tefo^Ste irate frora kv from tbe fiiet Copiex of the ebuve xent invited to ceil tefftri ^ tree by end examine onr an>^ prliei*!\ Paid la aod aocurto Bite .ikri W. aad hear Iks i Fatal Afray —We ore iDforined that os Monday & VBlUfOH. Aflteat. ignm nl i. hat Dcmscratk Uadan mail on N*oeiiU e #*x#. deodwmAwHeow di RISKd lakaa oa abiporaiila bg Staam tka agio raSkto. It oarararawMaa* *—• 0*Tke telegraphic dispatch dated Boston, May Bight loot a rarioui and fatal affray oca-urrsd on tbe W. F. BULLOCK JONATHAN FKanc'F f te~utera to t iniMritIa H*. OM Mata ilraat, baCwara raatocal gra Cltibi kgz„gaaito wgtria i tote ikrite •adanver to hasp sway ths of 8U WaU aad BaiUtt alraata. .kote to tea » toll. rank mi fiU with toe 6th, draws the enrtsio npon another pretty piece of Dover ro-d anao* tan ar twelve milaa from tbia RUUIjOCK & PEARCE, ^am maeam, place, whk-h reaultod in tka death of one of tka par- agpurwaoaraato dtoara baa ta. W. D. BE>1CI1, Agaat, Jrffriaaaoflta, aad aad private aegnmaato can eCset the Oi» w i««a wtoOUag la tae torgery of names to a Fire fr^^n^Bnil'illeaad SSi'itoto'Stoar^?*^^ ticipants on tbe following day. It aeama that a Insurance Wa. Mata doeratarg. Jooa Maia.Praald*rat WM. M. LEWIS. Nra Albav. ante d.adRwaawly relii l s, vBiea n traa kaewtedge af the facto AIxo.iuxt reedy, e revixed end much Improved edition of teOENHiffi etltian to meura George B. Loring and G. W. BY aiaaggoao: 5 Tor**?AC9i£lTED IN EAR|.T , p young man named Bobert Baylioa hod a pravioni General Insurance Agents, "ae reyte mak WhlUkly ream. Ths extrevegaacs at Iks CLUSKEY 8 POLITICAL TEXT BOOK, k. Ravaoa. J. A MrDoaate, indisposed to EIS»-:Wa Pika aCom aoder the Federal Governmeat. difticnltr with a moo by tbe name • I Tbo. .Votao, OR ENCY- Wbite. toSte ta^ RIebard Atkfaara Joha tel todf af a laragi total. Itwte Ktgas 0#ce 4S5 MfiinSt., oter W. H. Slokea’ Store. CLOPAEDIA, JOHJST MXJI C. H. WIROMAIN^ rag Damsemey caa he Aiwn ap ia its bidaoas and, after tea on tbe evening specified, Yataa loft K. Joba Corawmil, Joha M. Kobtaoate. 'IRE, Life. iArgo, end Simmboet liuilrixkxtekvo nth# gbinratr Boatar Ate. W. Xratol. end fcigktfnl as ect by ear intolHgsnt raederi tht ig" The magikratoa* alection, which came off lost bis fatfagr’i bouse and wnlksd down to tha spring. Inveluebie for poUtieel epeeker# or writen, conteiulag PHO:.\IX PIKE INSI KA.NC'K p F fuUuwlng rellebie Compentox, xeveimlly euthorieed tty t'O.HPANY laa Mr. Baylioa, it seems, woa near the spring, and in- CommiMsioH mlterchmmiy btetejite V*dMcy af that in diffiwent ports at the State, Uoemw from th# Auditor of the 8Ut« to trenxect huaioexx the hietory of every pohtleei 4ue#tk>n thet b the xubiect of cogiui .ra, tea rara* raorate party to ilinniia ia Iks Ssalh and Sataidsy give tbns “r!: APTKK EAT1N«?-Ttt quired wbo H was. Yatet spoke, and Baylisa im> under th« new Inxureuce Lew of Kentucky: diecuaxioo. The moxt importeot polUicel Lootavlllto Inaiuancg Company z.aoratoi fora R wtS gto Wteirto ra i^* Ducuuicutx xod .MO.NT A •' *4 FI 301 MAIN STREET. BELOW RIGHTH. ra*aL ^dskMeakm ia the Keith—the epprmmsa and ty- far in tbair raanlts ths mok tbaering indications fired on bim with a rifle, the ball METKOFOLITAN FIRE X E J-NM’ MA E itoe ra u street belaeea ffSTslteagtog latoittos to *» madiataly taking 1N8UUANCE COM- Oongreexionxl Note# ere conulned In U. ovurHttupe^^ M rO.H PA N Y Ofliee aorta V M PUrd 3Tto ^fP— PANY of New York. Gexb CetHtel eud 8uru|ux gSTU.UOC Fourth, aaar Ike afar* a? O. 8. Mcurjhct. «f feed, elm mem dhyextMew m **7 wkieh rkatsfiwiii svatywhan, tkat tha Oppoaitioa U wall organized aad that there effect between the sixth and raventb riba and peie- CteU. U4 fii'r'gir. LOmSVIZd.B. KV, end ^ k and ha ix bm mm HOPE 1N8UKANUE COMPANY of New k'ork. nf Inveluebie poUtlcel metter ewhreced In it. Cbartofod Capital • RtOfidto teking. We pm^m pmM dfipxMm ed trotiiig tbe stomach. We have ao fartbar porticn- ATLANTU; avidNt tocBaalfca to mbvmt ear 'fins iakkatiaas U perfcct unity of actian. Cexh Ceidtel end Surplux ilTS.OUtt Price, mtue ex Gewrnor Brown. PIKE INSI KAM'E UO.HPA.'N PaMioaodaacuml lfio.im R R P 9 A SUPPLY, PuR SALE AT LOWEST Ion of tbs difficulty. Baylioa mode his ascaps and FIkEMKS'8 FUND 1N8LKANCK COMPANY Y. Thix cumeeuy being new er- K MARKET PRICKS. OF •adarmfiadmgkiam. All Seme tenux to Clnbx. Capital u4 ^ thma cm ha draMMtrs. bad not been arrested at our lost seconnu. of New York. Cexb Ceultel end 8urulux gl67JM) sJJjiw. geniaed, wtU make nawrunew on NEW WOULD INSURANCE C of The undfiinegoed el#u pubUxh over Stttt different IfiEt'l fftdwmbonla, en •d, end the Mill bat tens aaamrvative g^Hoa. WiUUm D. Biahep, having bean defeated ClariariUt Ckroalde, OMPANY N. workx in MITY PIKE IN.Sl'KANf HuUa, on Cergoaa IdlCOI^ZCE- read CABRFl UaT.^fce 1— atemwt «f York. (.Axh (;epilel end 8or»lux g^ex .im mi E i'OMPANY. vexadaet •very depertmeot of lUeretore, ceteloguex of by xnem, bt #%. eud by^ffmhM Snadford'* and otkar hnadato Sm naalitg SPANISH efi Bmrtmw'x H.dtx^ Eliwe M imt up fcr re ais etioB to Cungrem, in Connectimt, baa been of which will pmbeWn fit*7 ks vithdraten HOME INSURANCE COMPANY New Yijrk. Capi-l.adsSiiL'.'r.!."'?*:.^.?.?:^.- tba uxuffil BKNiaa af lob# id treeapurtelion, mo X %iuu ee MASS. eiMy , rimili i et ONB DUiXUI and aakad Fart Ktaraey.—Wa laorn from the Nebroika tent to eddrvex epplkelion. mi From Cexh Cepltel end SurUu# gl.3ttO.Utttt he eny on egeuwt loa# or datuM by firm •“kaa. Hokatks mtampt psakswed npon tha country by Praaideiit Buchanan BuUdiufx. Ac., aad dank News that a gentleman arrived iu that place UNITED STATF:S LIFE INSURANCE Agvot L>. despair ef City COM- .^^^to- of Uw aboe, relto. fi. BI^EDICT, Prxiliini. TOBraAtaCCO. ^^sT .*si r'sa ssTffiiW k sad appeiatod Usiooer of PataoU. Fort Kaamay. sta- PAN Y of New York. Cexb Ceidtel end Suruiux 460 000 Secretery. « yam twantUU aigamaal Comm OU Friday loot direct from He reim b Wn. Pneman, Gbniae end Mcdkim VlBGI.NiA IHUUUT FOCNDB msv' mam SirWt eOentiuB given to b«#xin«xi end the lu u r«#te of our ' ratera to ik, lo*„3 ' tea* am aama to to «aU ted one at tbe most oevtre snow storms aver AGENTS. W m raublLbod nte nineoTonn. end ntber grad##. REWaIe Off mroMTIOin-Ew ^an mvillmg ears. Uwt cuxtomerx, eud 1o#mx pruoiytly ediuxted et our oAoe. TO PrerapUg ire uUiured and ptod. D. S. Benedict, Ben. J. Adam A. J Qecfien, arateatoktoto aaaar karitagoakrag. baaton ia ClevsUad experienced in that vicinity bad recently folUn.- BULLOCK 4k PEARCE. Aftnla wfli find the ebove work# very prufitebl# end ge*A wemsn waa mverely toto'SaTbim'm:La Tbe#. K. WUao R. A. Rob vW ozo-^Ajas. feet drap. LooDvlUc, Oct. 1666. c ok36 dixtf * * CWra I'be inow on on avtroge was three Thera mknb i#. Terme on the above end any of our other pub* An aarartraanl to HAVANA. aad nSNJA.WIV FAOK. * Uk week by bar illagitimato son. Tbs boy, al- oAmaN. DOMER- tke Pike’s Pook and otk- Sltod ta III ISEtEfl. PA was great snffsritig among UeetloiM, eud ell Infiirmailnii counectud with the buxineax, * FIKE I.K91 KAmCE. TIC. aad ardaaa Nra Vork al Ura*l Fa Sara SOLE PROPEIETORSl BnixkNUnNwd ! tkw Ywar ISM. ri rg for g7ASri > w. tkoogh the natural son af bU father, U a very er emigrants wbo nod baea esu^t ont in tbe storm, OMHJwte u a aii tkraagk rag Ate« ra aaatirarea CIGAR RMS ta Lira*iEi ag WILSON A iJU j made kuown on ep|4icetion by letter. l MOLSE. SPRIMOERA BBO. I Markat *raoa», tol karraynd nanst ural eas to hU mother. and tbev oouM neither help themselves nor moke J. L. D^VTS KOKTti. aam kmlf agaiak tka Mayer and THE UYERPOUL AND LONDON JAM K8 B. SMITH A CO., rrankliaFfKn INJURES EVERY llEOCKI PTIuN UF PKOPEItTY ftetofoE CART A TALEOTT iWi taragto teate, CeJ^Su any pro|^oa. At tke Fort com was selling at tka Inatuance Company, •d epmad aU ka bakerim rirn nad Llfn Innairanon CoBspnay PubUxherx, Wboleeeie Booka^rx, end againat loaraa bg Fin la tha faltowing firat ciaae Coaaga- PZ. Paj^radtanratatocraratota. .. ^ agaiak tktm tha extraordinary prks of per OF ^ re and #4 LUU18VILLE. grThe ham at bem is baard is the foiloviag unreosouable UanTSL 8IujMi,WN. ^ Mk »m a cemplate BUuk Book Meniifectitrerx, oner,Offiee, comncornrr of Main Oppokteon triampk. Again te buokel, or #20 per barrel. and Bultttt atrreia uaai„e . INtUH.fiNrKUU.VfP.fiNT AgTxecc# Max# #e i#esig8B#el9 i# liam, aad ••••.•tttt Uapralird la NewTerh. xtreet, riPKINUKIEI.D Off tks “btimful calm of summer iadotance" meyS dim* No. €10 Cheatout pbiledelpble. Nvweom tApllmiand itorphw Map k gratelsd aat saertad ^amk iDeurenee egelnxt lexx hy ire BHkiNliFIEI.D. M.vas. , ira.te Jt BODIJIV, . fm LANE Mmmn. btmthes iteatpkta, CiarkaatUe, aad Loa/trlUe Radroad —Tbe i*urapenp continu** tu H. & C. H. them. i-^m Ota k WIROMAN, bam Their sotkor Us traa post, aad on huQdlngi end coolentx. iMfi! ^ .1IA*w>AH0IT INMI M.4.X-K 4'O.ltPANT Off MANUPACTURERE Off eota ami Motlack and a. a emiaw|a.am boa bten completed from tba Ken- inmirmuee a^uat the twrO# tkey were ef ths gradiag, etc., texureace effi>cied on the meat fe- *' naevatiou SPKINGFIELII. tfAdS. Capitol and Ourplua ,IM,uafi. I.BAr TOBACCO FACTOKe mak gifted young editors of Ohio; vureble teBmig .a kipa. ere^ imer " kj dakded auierkim. Whan tucky Stota Urn to CUu^oTille, and tbe track laying tenux. Loxerx p3id bytmBiJU WALITPAPER and Uwir UIIAKTKH U.4H I.NMI'U.fiM K UuiiP.fi.NY al PlWfl n^prkimg aWmk w enrgoea: Amnk tke tw CAxe aluo Il.VKTFOI:l>, Co.\N. Capital and dartoua gM*,uufi- enn tPorthe LmHnrilte Juuraal.] bs commenced in a few dsyt. Tba roils are ewM, Compmby nut reuutHns amami. If tka CoarUr wUl ‘ mmm ia mm. aaad by $iMtw dayx' ttmu. i^'ple^ andte torura’.^ « kiake taken at foooM aat ak lirbto rata* aud foama prerapfi ^ tke expected to reach Clarksville by the lost of this GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHiXTS aatmw, wa skaU kavn atkar UNDER THE LOCUSTS. lueareoee twken ou reMduwcee u eny pert of tKM Me e tg adJuaUsl and paM. J. L. DANFoRTU, Agaak M evideaem al Mama. Under tbe enm'getic mnnageinent of Cofoncl WM. weak. 8INTON, AgMt, A-nrara Hit., d.erei^''^ I MOe- Ip Noareumb'a BniMia,, oraar af Main aod Bab S3'e'\;w TTox*^. Clrcolair in tka Ne. 4§tt Mein treet, 1- kteam ilski ta af Jaskaa F. BeU. T WH. ». BOWLLe. Qeorles sad in tbe fine proopect of a speedy comple- LeuMCrKv»F AT COST FOR CASH! a>-.u -•p-.anea on Bnllitt atraak ante COMNEE Off JOteN AN* WAT## SS— Dr. T. ff. BbUs. Medleel K»e«an#r. MBBTTOBe. imM dtoU to a Urga odeanca in Cl-NCDOiATfl. O BM toe tion of the road, we bear at tbe he extraordinaky condition of the WiUlnm G.^. s. Lhhgow, arab M dlyto thia piece induce# the DICK80IY A OIUXORS, Wsavme Iheir homr'fi harmoai«i. value of tbe bonds of tbe company, a tola of which T paper merket in aabaeriber to WUHnm HugCe. frH* Tka I gaUrflU CkatUi My om, by *'A*£Lr«.AafieTaao, tke fcl- FIRE offer hix entire xtoek of NEW AND CHOICE WALL J ubn Wa ttaw c i ’# wiMtei a n la me srtow Weern at th. tecmi inw.1 at very fair pricoa was leportra a few daye o({o in INSURANCE. InpaHcrs #r ttans xbX Fishiag TacU#, Itr Caeelry Wtrtmn. Iswiag pamgraph from Iks Kew PAPER AT cost FOB CASH. ^uei I Htok, Thos. ! S#nrtliim Alfasay Ledam colnmno.—A'asAetlfo Baamar. WHoLEfi-tLB AND BFTAJL Keeffe, onr commenuol HIXE, We have tba lergeat end beat ferce of PAPPR HANG- Warren Newearab, *;bae. F. .1*1,.,— #AVE B#CEITR» A LA#fl# l ’ Mn. TbiM atiwm, n#nr Mein, Leawvill*. tekafi ks i iMrir i friends near Iks rivm tkkfrkk EltS in the dtp, end ere prepared to execute urdera with Jaa. B. Wilde, Wra. Trrrg. 61 Kp», wite'* . leltara eOBBT OF THS €)ommis$imH mfferrkmmiy W Osae tee fisRisou wiada Frmt aad Ike Fratl —From sad tba the mnMi pfumptnem end aupariurity which he* heretofore Cardaetngtotokcaae rigkt paakUa; tet kfow Tke _??? dial Tkseegk tes swra drifla — nawopapers reooivad from tba ooitbom aad westara gained m ao iibeml e Mierv of puhUc petronege. of —,fr anew. COXWECTlCFr FIKE.iySPttANCE CX. ooUTllla Batin* Inanranos WBW ORlcBANe loA iM Tte Vevay Mews, vary great — portnos of tbs Htata ire ore sstisfiad that tbs pescbai Companv^ TtIWS ^ frosty t'anUtel riarplas ThixCamueny will taka rixka on ore all kiUad. Tbongh wa bad nigbU here aad 0*433,074. wm;. f. wood, Certet* of 8t«*eniboeta end Vaa- ^PTA^W MADE ONCONSIONMKNTS T >T . within tba post wank, tedo not think dl tbs penebes I bttAjl THIBD rTHF-ET. NEAK MAIN. lake, rtvera man ffilBKmia V tM, eed to ftefilSg ANDREW RUCTRANAM ore doslroyad. Wa axominsd loau at tbs tieea yret- ^^reotlfrom Attenttaend Fureif te Cg porta tmaepertetion. ftrand tbsm eompnretiroly nninjuied. I>AVa£! eud lulend terdsy ora of propertf at Uw moat farora- aCHRODT * iMnmjtone: froot ^gn^rterataa. I n iaaialllbaerurata. Cnlra K—-MedrinTir Apples ora not aOseted by tbs anywhere. We MANUFACTURERS OF ALCOHOL, CO- A. Baebenen, A. L. ShottweD, end Ailcn'a Ptetele RMm ef aveiy 4n V A Maori, why tera adjuati-d ood paid. mnat —ot* aa arraagnmant witb onr eoetberastam g LUGNE-oad PURE SPIIUTd. and donlera in Cbea. U. Lei^ Roland Whitney, •eriptioa, evury erttele iwed by Gnn- m B ( ifbca cornar of Mala aad Bullitt atreeta. nad rtpinei n, etn viabiag Tackle ef Dsuklsfisflgkl, osM UCttepaial fer tbair gar tka Urai Old Boorbon and MaDuGdntwto White Ira, waat A. V. Dupont, .lul. Von Uorriaa. «y A H necerding t# erdm. friends te exchange paaebas superb np- ntrrctal Bank of Keatuckg. dexeriptlon, ell of wbirk tba wUl^aall Bteaa,Onio. dd« of Sacond, batwara Main nod Wator teraaia, Q. W. MEBI WrrHER, F mdienl y enp S^Caidaaad teratogato aRMtaa togratara IIRTR. plaE— Zdllle Bock Ifamocrat. Lociariud, Fte. t. INK.—(a for ceM or to pnaetnel enatonMn, Gt noe^A^^B *aaad. No. IM Paaote IranierUla,© Kg. r*> dAwtotf i DAUraald atraaLkatwara E&tggffa, . •lytt.dlrtf WN. dJNTOM; Secrelery. Mar- ttnUfi nB of yon wbo ere In we nng|W sate dtoif . oaaAaaaaAaaa IRtAa fiMbv M Rotrad Jgffriaste FI Mil I BT _ - > . I — : : I T . U ^ • I " , N ' „ .

TUSSDAT, MAT 16, liW, I A. M. VW. C. AaderMB, Eaq., U proaMatiag tba 0*For all kind* of larabar, aretMd and nndrtM TTT!^ A Rffportffd for the Zioaiffville JoamAl. iax IV ruhac rate. La«aum we «ae«e UMe. Rkswe caaraai ia the Foaith Coagmiioaol DUtiict with ad, aaah, daon, blindi, Moaldingt, boxea, Ac., call iLAI fii BY TELEGRAPH. RIVER NEWaS. INSURANCE.XIVAliAl eases at 4Ma Hau«r rin* Pa««. Croat rigor, and tbroufboat that regtoD tba proipacU at Alazaadar, EUii, A Co.’i planing mill, laah, \jUM ftM « C UEDKinUl 0 CnklC From FL'BTHEB Fbcits.— aUse. we qwote M. B $1 Mffiff W aad oaey door, and blind factory and Fultoo WM.rriTli OiS. VERNONiCnliUll the Evening BuUetiii. BT the ANGLO-SAXON. for tha Oppoaition ara reiy flattaring. Mr. Andar- Inmbar yard, on & SONS,oUllU| scarce; krer at $a 14 FtteLMa DatH,es. tsmnoi Quebec, May 9. toa in ptoaaiDg Chriatman OB the aqaattar qaeatioe. itroat juat abora Praaton, fronting tha river; or at (r|i'\PRAT $assffia M per Mz. No aruoeae in eiesbiA No fokd l T VQI TR A F7 trrtnl or the Ebytand.—At tV Lori GliNEKAIjTji J iQflo-Saua Mayor’! bnequM Earl fruit comiwf to, l at keek. twdy t* Tha lattar Ukaa tha general gronnd that Coograaa their luaabaryard, corner of Walnut and Praatun INSURANCE aa market bar* q~-»«llnM‘i hriiiCivMi” Maa4« Darby said that, within twelve hunra after Ceb- tV Fuanuaa. GotuEito. Bsuewax. awu Raaa— We <|UOto Tikgoek No. A Oto. Dom Br. haa no power alave proparty in the Terri- atroeta, or leave yonr orders at their wararooma on " 6^ «** < Aw if I Th(*4Ti«MncaiTrf to protect ^-g iMtknew tV coarea Austriahed decided npon, they .Utenee^ A nialimu. teffeuA a C3r * TWT" C2 UltlILf from toe ooaatrr fsatherstte, (iassuf Sue, becwwuz Mffi “A. ii I.IIFOKTANT ioatruc-tal I J. FRO.TI thair .'toeh. toeeelte oppoaite E3 . 1— toriaa, Maia atieet, nearly the Galt Looia- 3\r gH EFROPE. Ambaaau lor to prteest !>- aad whan Andaraoa pnU the quaatioo ia plain llouw , S. erapWicuUy I T tee. aad n«i tGdSke. * ^ gurnet a step which churecisrised fesma Daou. CUsreMtoa. TMe, Tee Tha al- laaguage, voU for a law to puniah tiIM, Ky. janl tf Voung'a Banking Offlt e, nor V os prreipiute il^ Itaw mtj that ywli H tka*. “WUl roa a man DECLINE vu cnmlnal; liar.— ffecatoto l(bt aud slock ntdaeed.aad pricee are ®* IN CONSOLS else tVt on L .1 *««MBn, aad at «aia, whSa Bamia a a! I Ubaity ha repudiated the Loaia- »» «ntren« i^mpaniM WTersllr T T a* tl ns Fourth atroat, baa ratarned1 from thetha hutEast withwlin syUiorU*.! to , ^n~r., eeid that la earn Hipwa—Dee kropay MtebetsSfoc; otbar foatripttoas are in Ivwitiickr “»“»*«-• tliEBBi, MayW., 8.n a ot war tha froatfeta af l.». baahirw br the Aadttor of Ststs; ^uarirooa powertui to ana, d dhie da. TVa Qwmtop; to bhda laaaaav a hoamm .md adva—d them ta^ Aaa^ U axp,^ a naw purch— of rich aummerler Uremdroa. gt^,gooda. l«=a sDough lo uphold tV dtanitv af nwrkaweod. toea—au. eUair: th«i- ,I^?L'*1ANCE .The stosmahip Anglo-Saxon ; hbdads. XorVadAca. I thm db l mea; e kalm i*T5J * CO.MPANV OK HART. , hu arrivad with ** VdCy, Aartm has inbablj rroMii tkt Ti- **-: Dwwcrmtic baraooy! conn Loth in tv Mediumuim luoa,— rt( oary daU aad tawsv. A mto at Iom Tem- mA Ptmiii *^**- • msBtUfl, parswU, &c., t4> whichch ihtythey inviuinvite sUen-mtten- FORD,FORD,coNN CuhCaiiitsiCm^C»pi£i Liverpool m ratek MU Ua Aee; 1 ale taVer, . teaaA Wertar Aao.to kffe ai,iw;,oua dalu to the !t7th nit., four daya later th«w —i tbe Enniuh eb—o*L ®”* easM al ffte, S moa. We eaauM ftoo aerarale euetottem i k( pawdar, Dap ittu S Pte tdn, I but toman, E Wa- 0la0 Uiritarj. Tk* Britiih tion and priceepricaa PHtKNIXPHQCNIX INHl’KINHI'K 4NCEANCE i ^ •‘•rices by the Niagara. tttuI nf rilg, i iwii Isi ti mail agent on the Ohio and MitMiaippi with every aieurance that both goodsgood, C’0.>ii»AN€'0.>I1*AN fllAUT* TV cooi^tol Vntaae ware •Itr. m KURD, CONN ell mneh excited. for other Jemrimiutm. beet nboGOosI tteb Capitol **)o,ouo The crisis !n Europe contianas, bnt tbara We euote tor ol Mg wUl be a mlOdtf hu ^At Aniteerdam, on ibe ’Jfitb, Oavafrem iar ite d foand ^^tory. baon tVrw was an extra- cool Mgi^ eborcoal tooM boa HgWV. teeutuk Pm Aw by m bte muA Ihtefo'fol SITES BTEAMBOAT MATTEU. CITY KIKEEIRE INHl'KA.NCKINhi ua-NCK no decUratioo of war. oriliqary faU of h i ftiikira. waffm PanerTt I MytoGaaaaferCaaaa fer *^inrTaTiabaarwatioatr a^aad ta beha la^ylaady for ADD COVtPA'NYCOvTpa^ i ^ to place tV b-driau. ^ V corpa d arm** aod*r uaiTowarpsafo Caaba kiMhtat from to ate aud fraa iary; U Ataw omlUMSk Amteap A Ciadria; d ate. msaa^ SteaMaal aMd *be Emparar Geoaral LodBr* S Loaia Napalaoa with occaainaa l alight ahowan. Vary feilnres “oar saOeringf are iatolarabla," <>K NtW roKK caJirspiui aswijNS) on a war fcM>t« waa dandy and we beg p^nd to toDnlv the wanti of ecDllainen at tba S Go Mo-tv farmar Bobhard A WneV; s kbfe ffMUr, Joem reny Aesj^dl bbds >ng but not advance as lung aa Germany refrains, tauree for Itoeop oadtV toller fer tabaeao. derau . Uaara maa; Ap da, taaald ffnaei t wiU.teAtehaA.A.Mi.p.rw. Although Uuro btel. ef hLraa. traaapired at tha wharf. AU wavelaava wto csUcan PoKnumarI oatmaaur oeuraiGenaral Holttiolt a teUntionattoauon ,o10 otVrniie M m S ahorUst notice. myOdifmyfdlf ’^Sl%liJ*Vyk*rrTr.7'..!*..^:i;"AL'^^^^^^Ol NEW YORK CITY Corii Aweu al.niii,^ ^ctW/hsparcA.Saxmd DufmcM. a corps d’otvrvattau would V pU^ an da da, Ntamie A ssssktate haa haaa na actaal itadaia l iy af war, avaati aiaat are again compelled to atop at Portland, the facto. a waa fouCio^. LaaTuzu-Ftom Utga baate ***** pad ooeboaeod. The foOaatoff era tow PwTIaafiamTtms flam Itoeemsa—te bate warp, teams; 1 toa - To PoisoNEii Citizens * tioxBBC, Mmy 9. Pm THE BaiiRcoouD ASi> or voKK*^.*.^.*T.V^.^.*I^f!!..*..V.!!.**:*.^i\,,Xi' ! _. , Advices eamat Mlliae pamipitote.mUiaioa bayeml tha hapa af avarriag Moaigomary U da. from New Orla... from China lay that Lord Elgin hud rales from sSeto: IbtefeatVra.l^froiker*. J 9i Hrnnaaco; 4 «te I v4kte'aaLm Jiam. : ,a-W. s.,7inVbUdni:;::rr:totVrh. AdamsA u„.-p.n....Expreas and '’F »ba ADglo.8.xoo seei Alu. kms fosa, ‘ Co; *414 Me esttau. wdaaaa. Bead, 4 EE*TfCKV.—Yon xra OY-errun wiih a deluge of the GOOIIHCB INsi HANcE C O.nPANV .N. state tailed fur England. It U stated at coun that Pakin Oak iMa bm •>> m mm am V oa. I kbd W She ia advartiard to of l* — thia mamiag. laava thia avea- Hsmloek “ A’JO:A'ja; »S kkMs eomem,remiu, « amply bats, N-sU, totetekAc o: X bte etill opposes tV admission of tV Knglkb Ambue- iTfo:’ ef- i R.oueai Lsotoer, e yoamarmimk .SeaoambAAra;.Seaooail n bte vhook toam’toamc; at bte feg- .NEW ‘"eMILA^U MARINE Au.^~ ‘mS’^vrAuMrST eudor. dakVd w'ib SZaL to^iri10 too Now Albnay ona Solom and JoffenoDMUeT"' TU ^ Ik. M. “ oyora.e ram. DacdmrteOordmid ai dte has sera. Oiffbrd; n kte wma. HsuBas Cowra.—A German wamaa aude ap Uint ooor of oocioty, tbo KVitANc’c. company oF Sordini* 14 uoyi loogor to rJSr * omanoUd from tlut pest HaktF(»kD, coNNtc. dUorm ond dUbond the - ti ;f Tha Highdyar will laava fer St. Loaia toidle M, dubbed, •’'tekewAlsloro;I mlbe A ti il n ca; 1 dta m sm. TouadAffeD; bobsiaraa. to-day. ‘-••’•W fid ia volnnuers. ARRIVAL OF THE ADELAIDE. per 4os '"'nsa loose railroads St. Lotus paperi. ’ tau.uoa Lii IV pfamlfea to Chaaadlar Lagaa, an Saturday, fer a V Uquon Mixer. are mid to you a luxurv, ; I de rodk CVmSrrtatoATaeot Id ate htea. j aA abe; S. M. PaUv, Capt. Barnard, TVy u V TV wiU Vva far Lmws promptlf adjusted ot thiiAjrsnc7 and poia 1^ > rniD. T bte I Qoe* enter- -it writ af Adi i i n iip ta ihl lia bin ta~ i i bildrin, wbc i m (i*Madame Borco made her first oppaaraoca ia ^ diapenaed to yoa aa a Medicine, and rtek I ffmama. ImeautAtem fS Ha m itoa. ..ward; tha Taaaaaav river this evaaiog. I 9d into an alliance offsnsire and J^ffkfMfiuijVd.^^^^^ to W | defcaaiTe. TV stoamar Adelaide, from Galway, with tha Be. Vmoaat (he eendltten dates '3LV?J»,.uus Ite irauTlZr DteCa; d 4a M do, OmvmiACa ; to da da waae la charge af the Praakteat af avanliig, and introduced a great many ‘be effect U tha same, gtalemaataof of the forefoliis rorapaniee The French troop# are also said to TV tiv Giva Bivar packet BimeaUt ia pert on be entarina to tV 3uth alt., arrived ilua uftornoun. da. wSdammm— aA lAtouos;lai d to da da, A A C u vtU be (arai«hed application. tj-y dl> ia “ Laao aifo 8nov.— Bar " Oathalir Aaylam, rofe to give them ap. TVre but ooa to escape, and that is to uaa Sardinia. kad aa ktU aatea as «ka - aad wha md “** “Rising tricks of dextorUy and mechao- U way ^ Tm steamer H amitowia, front New Y'ork, atrivud V Pm Emma Dma from CbrpaAwm—te oMs lad opa, OX- aad wUi leav again tbu avaiag Wa are H toa aad tMe to muffer of gMO, caaaot of .’100,000,000f. i« announced. out ou tv 29th. eimailtlM. Fit tr. TV ro5Tlocd; teTSS14 htei do*da Saydsr: te kbte M dBadm: X kdia bam The Ohaaoallar, aadar A paualty « a luxury or a medicAiiieut a safe and reliable IX^UIHVILLE AfiKT'jnV^Ali i •«••. *bich sh. axecatod with wonderful prwdsioa. >K. .< ad to Hr. Uwaidi her attoativa for X Humors of an allianca tity mennfectery i* «*Uia« y«r* PfaiuC ifi fMfat hateOatbrls:Im* X maap, I ban aaaL CateVu dark a cov- or raa between Kranoa and Kusaia Tv Mws k mote important. vWt* Im4 at #1 Md#8« M iafeae each a writ, aad k wu aoaordmgly iaaaed Some ol raally •‘imulant, told under sUmp and aeal, wbk-h renders lid sAm farudwro. sbabm A Sea: Ie safe haibm. d baam tVm were unaccoMtoble, especially » paoic ia « be l.oooHC0HDiAi.ora,LONDON CORDIAL GIN, Company, J,„50i, Strader, Cbxoa, of Uw Ltrerpod, April 29. TV talas of cotton tor lodrmfcamkfrsmsioraVlVdrvtaadd* teaMVra. cMdrtn. war* in cowt, tka — tV , flbifCathar aT tka »om*nhood. ond it quicker with kertricko thonony which it diatilkd under inspection of tha British At o Meedn« of the Isoeal DlrtYtort of tha chnaof>^d. Tha cloting quotsUons ora oa followi; week ^ oad Pandlatoa owl have been 30.0U6 bake, inclndiag 600 bale* ua tatlVto. SfcomiitEJSs araa nkaat giriwg aa ardar In 4*liv«rtkc o4bar hoT* teen. middling Uplond* speculatloa CkMaalkir . panom we Sba givat onothar an- Govoromant, Udalicotcly floTored (unlike ony «»iher 6J^a. and 25UU bales for expert. OILS l.l n r d aVky. r Uatto;ee«a,Uatto;- da. anmsay; ineMleiapa, grf sk* Riv*r n*rk*t Does wo ore \T_„. Vrii*!- T Ildb fBxrYuvAx.x^ H The devliM I m oU aa aoa iimke at TOe. Lard we Papa; te methar, when their nmrie maiqi^ M all qualities for tV week haa qoote at BADarin M dMe ah^. JVrdm; Em mi hakk H -pU • chUdtau to thr «“ba Mawmic Tempi, this evening, Gin) with rome of mote valuable leHoraUves of 1AV..VSS..V.OFR ijllt fwacoed I teWtec lor No. f aad pwo. Ashtoad off and tV MCW 111811^11106..iom«iiv.v> CO.VU. being little InquH, for >b99(d. cool toe ^eyrap.sai.aieimatam. iudatoed for fevurt. Maym]iv their A^wvarErowshadoV war grow lnqX/foVetI!>a.*Ma“tV*I^^^^^goods snath. nirkeV^^^ The quolatioDS are very irragnlar, A3UbCu; Xbble Ua |k erb. owing to ! for atated that tic cbaiucMr af i ^ iV laeuknuiae aad ate for karatec. J de Monu:teoeru; adimafim Vio oamt vd we cun UMurc our citizeoa that tV makes an evening ‘be Vegetobk Eingdom,. md is by —Lr the moat |E1.I> St toe oIBce of Wm S. Vern.n, in the »e»h. mdm. — .-O B -r — | city of cootinentol tronblea. inle. to-day, '**• **“ Tm Friday, ate Fuoviaiuaa.— In iVfiaceportef too arek tales af mam puss off very delightfully. healthybeeltby Vverag.beverage extent. *" 27t* .-Cotton closed estimated at 4000 bake, nVInlm“S?'ilo*r.d: tM market ctaeieg i|uiet te I pork fo IV exiaat * ••'deucy to still of IASS kbls aero mads at OIA abfeh kkOL'Lbfiii louer ' mott eminent phyiiciebs of Europe The undenesu"!, irwdont and Irirectun of tba prices; quotations ir- tv following quoUtious. Urtoaas fair . n- . .. Tu».T»4. Th« li.ninw.: "I'— -n i. TV md Anier- Com- 7).; mid- owadeettoe of Waal for PtUaburgtkit evanmge Theater.— ba Mortinotti Iroupa will moka Imv^Ftsinioed th** snd *^uJ**^ Wid all quuliiiaa or* a abode H to Tie pB Tconaooee rivor loat their aaeood oppeoronca tbU aveni^: ^>7 holders dem.ind an odvaote of 8(i^.l fair 7jg;> middling Canutlton. Tbe Tum arrived Ue h..u. uid prodnee TV stock w ruunu in i --• — ‘*»t presenV it a. a medicine wVre a term- per cen,^ Prot irmn. clostel teeady dM lA Yealarday AM is was toe aakira rote, bat *•—e __- TV’Ths sSamm Uietei mmeMr stoamm ‘“"•F. at the port 416,000 ,, teghtaml Mr. MeV.y pUcmlplucad at vd«udar oUigtekvoUigatiav tV langVblelamgVbl. pantomima of Uie Magk Tnimpte, ir.?im‘J:,roitelr^»f ui U to pr.vi- k bllta includiag 351,000 bates of DEa.i. ' v ous ouv*ni.e. traatpired. Baeoa ba« bees to pratty good demead, mpa- capt. L P. LB Ste. will had childroTwaro . t . iaM»ori «l the eommuniiy. American. ^ cVrmVr V TV V” . ^ iiaa'A- ja .# ewJ ul— !• Feu uirod *1ul*Br« for (ka «ku^ P*r*B emi *44 manifosl. Time bus 76.5 tons iron, 15 fuHeffallaf azcvllantezc«lleat tnckitrichi and trauaformationA Life Inencinre | rially ddee. . . for the “aaiVt- TVThe tov TVy •» The .Nee V-vk Company has been in Ijmdua Money Martet, AurU iTik. The I TV miss Vve baru led easV ibaMlan ao ^^^^^^dmt* i ex- advices M—.A . .a* t-u » -ii c i . i daprse- V from MascVsIer coatiniie to i ••* »•' " *‘ •“>• » lvusant V nn- ‘“‘F l rion iu p. t, hk esuV " khdthhda tobacco,toliaccii, aadand I4 bale,bales cotuucotton for raabipment.roabipment. likauVlikauka perf.wmperf.irm thetbs wonwobdsrful Vu of tkill md co^ls ciu-ed by the rumorwl French md favorable. All kinds of goods Vve declined porkboam eiear kdas at Itfge saratd, aad * * V ‘;^-.‘-u-d m t^i* in price Fmla***JiiJti**d arp ^ a certain relief m aurtcring. of a pen- *••;«;, Ru«^ alUouce coaimues. TO larday tea ea«V ribbed Coumd. are and admaad Ud eatVckarkdss lvT!^p.«telVickrim,gye.t^ntor.ing' yvaUrday nuruing, gymnateics calkd Cluke.Chtesns Equlpms. mnl make tV quoted at busiMsa U almost enuraly snspeodwd. i ^ “***'K® ^ *'* lakes fed te a viriav quurrol ita nsostsafeaiKl r.iflrable Harra . by a aiiy dealer al S aad lafte reeked, ffekdae ^h^i-te. Iwtwuuu tV , . • Aiia-j. * a odicol chofocter, Ws thiuk 1 mods >f iovastiu* Vutton Market, Apn! M —New OrleaM tna IV mW will arrive knday aV—lag, “**ond loo va—8oCnr-"• w—derfal ooconown oo o d—bla Ugbl rvpa from tba mooey. TIm* tfrolitj eourfl to Uss hiuwfit uf io« iiwNivd, 'IVI ua steamshipssteamsbips — a„.i.ai...i /xV -ii i-u •. Alpa.Alps, Kmgaroo,Kongoroo. ParaUPersia, mdond ordinaste k quaed at Dhif and bat at lull; closing ' sbovethart Vva bass take auorden site ea-ka dear kdat kWtel uud wife. TV fonvr ia evidavly^ uAvd AoalyUcal Chemieto of all rauks pronounce it per- end h.ve ev-r..ed «ot Iw. Ui.o a. per oeai per MM^UidAMmKarit.airmWMI>JMSJ>A TV. X MAIL o.J ' /aCKST bockback ofOf tba atogateag. to tba gallary.i .mu... Nov.Nova .Scotia bed all arlri^darrived Vvavenim.'.Aov **ofe mml' tV ** tV iupporting tVir out!out. with a decliumg tondency. setae of al M\c. abaal casks ribbad kdm at ft, aad ^7 • TV tV weak M X naV PorFor bdr>»rrA City^( tknt Ika Miwo«44tfWtian mot retwnl aaoiaCkuie^ cnaitw . 'I* ‘“•‘’‘••••* '•“‘•••‘‘'"“k-tuble. Moimd Cairo^ CoiombM^ Hios- P®**. Auteria ultimatum Vva been 5,UUU; ' fuBe.iu Spous tolaErapbs that tV Fa;lipee will eietor V their tbonldars, a feat whkfa k aquily kiwmwii.fo .locks, V., th« Uv ofNVw on tbe tM slock in port n 131,000 betas. aboaldert al Te, pkp estrs. aud a fra — kama al IdKc ” l~“ ^ iman.1^ knd imi k ^ York r.-.iuit.’* me eddiiumel ..cuaiy tuai 2t>th ult but tbe result bad tjorerpool, MempiUAb VwuthV.^XrivLuwr romfeVau V Sold oulv in quart md pint bottles by all drug- aiiu.seu .hell be , not been .livulged. AprU 29.—Biundstnffs — market fer caavamed aad like fer torar-carad. oatycoakd- duringdaringdannv mdundand mcefol.gructfUl.gractfUl. TheseThcee cleverrUeer peophoMiok .» off.e. • Ym TV TV arrive amom Wedvtday ueorniagaeorniag and karukava Mtm Tbura- TVi are offer- • d-po-uJ with ll.eSuu-Ce.a,lrull«r.io meet kvful ^ 2 a 1.1 I •.. 1. . . my TV Austri in troops were exoecteel •“lo cfoasrro.7i»^ closes with an r^uwww w^ CMWiiawwa. gists, grocers, Ac. Sold m Louisville wbolesule by the Csmeai.) u^iy to IV advauemg tondency tnd quotalioM erable sale to lard was tea tierees at lie. Orders are dUad m dOI^BR-NEfirCteL o'. i«. •. dalightfulAJi..l,.ryl , demeu.li ebuh fm mt 4„_ T day. feff tummar attraction and are very lyoo at any raomeul, ^though it u reported for ell qualities are d£S2aZaiU laave im tV abuVB paem aad ail lalmmo- • <• \““neiw.l.enlke W U.e tVt higber. at 11 far tkm- aad IIWteUMc lor keo. Wiimi.YYiiAOH & MAKBiRi.,«4Tau«iRi, HamMain Mroct.Uroct Epmi..dI i.«i .i C. the V biteai Wsdoateay jirrcksoH oorxTY' electiom Ren kNB. Fairchild hard working artiste. u,„ oi iiteine..r»iK*e3»rt furiu by ihl. iu..tit«ni.n. Emperor Vd agreed to mutVr rropoeed medi- Pruvuions—Tv market conlianee an iv lltb Hi TV E. N. k expected to arrive to- to exhibit an No baeoa arrhriof from IV eeautry. It aoald krtad at 4sa'ctork.a'Ctork. F.M.. raetlaad. CuaRUta, Gaurml AgeDt, 40 Broadway, New York'. It «ul be eecn by the »Vyest..ieu>«nt that tbk arioo. F.SL. pmaStoeW. from II ’ company advancing AphiiiMi Pr^Umd.—J. B. Briaooe aV K. F. ’ ' tendency for all deaenptioos. FurFor fr Vy. ~ bin a fluanto.iiii euecUtien.eunditien. Tbow ileUrun..leUrun. of intunu- SJi.lk. aad WRe fer ikoaUem, home, aad ctaarkdas, aad frambtankt er pamtoipi apldy an beard m to „ intunaa- I The Fren. li “«*?•.*•••troopstr.ieieelef euterimenterim PiedmonLI’ledmonL Urmkm, AprU 29 --Coasols are <|Ootod at 89i^)^. .V A LU.NO m umi.. Afcato, Maltot warn elaotol MagiaOulv aud C. ¥. Walk Uouin IV lownneeInwranre uueldwould do I . ?. leia tad IIR^II.HeferbM tad ke« lord. Antokppa paaatd Vkksbnrg Sunday r rr-i woiiika activity tele TV v ^ mon- — well u> coli OB th« IvcsJ snsut uf tha sbovs oowiMiur who prevailvil throughout TV Rank ol Fmgland haa advened rutoa ^ No XWJm^ broken off tba m—opoly which it koa allowed the tV to 3^ FuTaTota— w. —r. ,! I t— ** Omriahif. CtiiunCtilUA oni>ARI> Fb^'ERFB^'Kll Phovutkif,—pREVEe'tTBi).—Thishia bonebono of will oiv«> thrm sof iofur—ti»o that msr Franca. Tbe Corps I.agihlotif T"ig'- feff- U desl^ orfor mat at Ports uo tba par cent. per Foe Bfleanphltenteiphll *" in ‘he tranamViou of Wtb ult. to receive bbL from kora. TV d it maos fer IVm k aiiuualVr M White Blxck, and LitUte NarrWs fVatl FVacfeiX.—J. T. Baker aud T. *“W aWvt,wbich^^ich UyiUy. the fonndalionfoundation for mmy a odw tV governnient .totenmnt of TV croasing of tV river Ticino by the AnaUian Wa are iadableJ to tV cfeA af tVtba BroceklBraoelal for 3^”' to a •mall aay. RAd Htwdyx •••racaivad at llalifex, St. .loha’a, Ac., tV present conditioD of *5*'^affaire. Count Wal.w.ki troopa had not Onmt war* ufectod Magiatrataa and T. U. Puytou covumption,vumptioo, mldomMldom fails to attack tboattboes with dis- JOHN MII.TON. Pre.l4e.t. Walawaki yet bMn officially confinnsd. No Vr niauifaat. TV B. will kava fortar GrtanGruan river made tbs statement, throwing all actual SuBBo.—TV maa'iu li over. No dazaeadarriviud. wbich IWJte tV blama on confiict had yat tokan ’ j Caaatobfe. by British ttoamars. Tbis k a subj«:l of coogiut- MOW'VtiOO. place. FRANl 16 No. A CapA^^sTuLZ WaoUk ordered liver. Tbk tondency k effectually prevenU Austria. French contingent has decitoad la ffl X. MUkI #d Xl$A thk eveuiag at 4 e'dack. B U. llaunr, Auctiourcr aud ruuimU—Q Marchsot TV of trmps for tV TV French army waa pouring into tV Piedmon- ^XMJ*nu laava| forahava aad latvrnmdlalc poem am ““ "**™ *“* '•“‘‘‘••btodly been used «“ Cksas Sand* —Juuma A^stw aad Gv. L. GuU- ,d by aj occasional use of tVPEKrVIAN SVKL'P, Wu. Prather, t^*7 LaaudvIUe lusursocaOo. year ia to V raised to 140,UUi. tese torrilofy, 6Taecu.—We qaala No. 1 fa. dto.toelklb to meu i.mXa’etaeuX TV St. Lank BepuUicaa has tbsI foltowiaenar.folfewing pur. Nstb’l Wolfe, Atiternef xt Iav. Fm fritehi “m *pamass beriy on bamtd to f» pnrpoaas of private spacalatioa; aad by throwing England, Rus-ia, and Prussia have each protest- Grand Tia PLaTB -We eaow eoat mea IC lUalA $10 X. IX m htuulh mam afecBad M^klratoa aud J. E. Gailbrtath i,y {,( alterative md tonk effects prodocei A. G. Mudd, MsDufsetBrer. TV Duchy of Tuscany had josnad France ^ * ticulars nf a atvmhout dkateer: ed against tbe conduct of Anstria ***” **** *“** *® ®®“putiti«o, tbs apportunitiaa for Uebj. O. iMviSsOomniiiaion .Merchaat. towards Sardinia. and Pkdmont againat t V Aoalritns. WlIA ffU M. 1C raef UxX, keded, die, IX I4rX. mXtX "*‘*winJ!5te. toe ito tmt.. healthy action of the blood md liver, and effectually On Friday uifbL. whea eicMekht mlim above jubo MUt<«o (Js«Ui(*r of Nortliaru itxaB. TV reported allimce, offeuiva end .lefensive, V- T V report of tV A'rench leaded, dll TA IX. I4ZMI. hrishi dU DXIed stole dIA toe ****^** "** feeaened. and Raaaian alliance V d— i;„ M. Wan dan ill aad S. V. Snrumic Qufeci , Ueawev cedar lUMde eaiue la *“**^“?*'*‘eoUMoa wilt effects HaculaitlA$UlAr Pmetedtf-kCi foi ClazRtewui« ^^* reatorea tba ivitem from the miscbkvoue twMn France and Russia was coDclude.1 ou 23d been denied, hat ee offset block Uo par gad MaaIs- Lioaki Mot. tTr*Mnf hw aikoat ****4*’*Tli~f on tho Wor. tV an IV Loudon Times pnfo A XC. ZiM-easks. $ ». Me. dwate llai **" tIUa. mute alaeUad MagistratesiMlMai ob4aud E.IL &S. Blank—BUakauVJtarhalmf boorfi die. oo4 opf. pendiug war. »3f aeicbtt, at d> W la 4 ft, aad mam Vra beea ZJ In consequence of tV ffuctualiuu end Vzardoua For SMteort,****L|*^V Toacninltete, And Floduncte. ** Macbmics’ Bmk, New Haven, Sardinian C'Vmber has •old ae bi(h u dA ruiamoa kaf df X to d it. —Itom » , de. al TV inveate.l ^ i In tlw Hwlii tin ioat avtsi^g wa pniili^kad tka —to^Lwcy'Mm: • *• w~ , «. wmwv street above„ Brook, where they^ niannfacture King Victor speculationa, about forty failuraa amoug stuck- TV dm aad Mrhi fraudki yauaae r Araaam tV ddMIodT.sadeeod todaa kaf dTlodto. TVsaksof __ Kii>.nuel with the p^e« of Uictotor. brokert are (E!>’II- rr- mR. M. P.kT^'N. .No. d, I apL A H«aw«aw. ftotegn will uamlnatioo. Ihrae; M.rcVnte’ Bmk, Salem, Mae.., kind, of caV, chakes, Ac., at price, to euit tV LOUISVlUJi: THEATER. announced. uawe by IV Anglo SuEou which V tCa week hare bare Md hkde at toa feUuatoe ffteea, via: jdteCSYImaill bfeava tar aVva aad totormadUta parfe am The H'ar C’rww.— It VJ been telegraphed from • J^fiffSQ^aiU hMstiaibai VXtelefrH hhdste ddXWtSAIteat dav, tos MU totmai, m 4 •'etotk P te. various sources tVt during tV night of ‘26th of ForfrdfMlpor fiuHl'sr paaobtesi apatl •• board la Bank,**UIIE, tyieva tV m ^ m teat, Clevalmd.im tM~Priee§a/‘ ••••y ob arvstioo. d4z>4 Sd; X at tfegd hit al fdi UT at tdc Laat night V received the vws by tV Ada- make her sad eaiaccpIaBk see toOee eat. Tbeboat lllIU IIY’L'' IIIIR llVL’ llllll HYPt WiVices of AdwiesioaAdmiAr**t»— Dressl>resa Circle and perquetlepxrquette 50 ^ AprU 100,000 Austrians nnder Guile crotaed tV Ti- M d*to< dlffiT mtomie Nrfo^LoNO A EffU. bemtk_ . o o- .c- . •- oouH ate he eeeufwd U) shore Veever, end e number H.II*U.IIR l)YE—UI U.tlR HIT—111 HAIR DYE!1»I C«. tent.-;eent.-; decouddecond Tier 25eente;25 eenU; Third TkrTWr 15 rente; Gtrmm HintDiet bus pn- I TV decided to keep thetbe prii cino Xald-HV*.Ualde(te>X.«>tSMffiWX.aadlaldU. . It H torse days inter thm tvt by tv Aug a ^ W^Mr.<#»*•• JameaJ»»ra A.a McCorkla,McCorkia, .c . a. d. c princi- in tfarsa curpa and took tV road toward Huvu- Ituiemlli Orteums Uyttmama Lana .f g««ti«mra wV nitoed .ul eiace ware mwrtteu- the aUcondlng Rich- • yeieimiw.*.;»»•* ‘•“''••l:' CokradcoloredCulorwd Hox« and Arm Pmakat v tv i . i i s ' t Vxeevxee aiceuu;teceuu; Cob.redcoloredColored Gal- b.I f..l.r«l .„niiB«.et J!;. i TYw i 1 1 1 IIii t. I Gel-Ooi- palpol federal conUncantcooUngoBt readvreotly to marchmarch'and to TV miss yesterday, tzelmdia of IV above, aara Tv ond to arm n; also, tVt tVy uAurward blew up tV bridge ot IX khda Totp Ifuw OrlAfuiE. steitlhteFr^ »oud (Ind.) caahkr, ha. given bml ia tV sum of ‘fe> federal porta. Tbe bhdi art *iliSll?te'tv'^p.-m.p.r..«v drowu.4,^^ IS^ikix 2f.9c Muy**r^Meay of tor eaawasertood>ol*if«r oei «Uall egrrte,cSrrto, $$*7. T. Alex—Alaxmder,der, Eaq.,i , a decUv of 4f 7c. since tha previov protfisrud . toewthmr sodxod oaeowe day, . # mmman k tV Oppoa ition can- u . i THK MARTINETTI Fawn v | mediutko of Englu .d and pautpuned tV Wouu— Has deel l aed. aad ae saw qaatateefeeirttm. seetmateterp cutomeicial MbM^o^book.luteVpa^bmk^^aiatBiBct'.dauiaeooioioiacffi.—fiabUli.Mlb. otVra are mere unitatiov, md should V TbeCaderTbeCedMr « ti7f.(!5c. dUa.ito forfer fbe Qin#* in rpnis EVENING Taae.(ar Vlav lo will wVn tVv opevd at declaration of war. fer took ow *•*«**•didato w fVtb* S»tot*State sSenate iV rBuntie. n/ A Vir be nreMni-d —1011 poikd.aad WffiW tor lab-waibid. MauafecSur. itop**F boord tbe MiBkeo booi*$ powenfw. —d «« the The Inilion boil Vtelligauce haaravur todicatv war.w. TV Auctua- « y- UofftixW f$^ comic paiitoi^nie nf me mail arrived ot Omdon with Franca hod nut yet accepted t ssitiM Wdoa Si'Stbare ot ldiorma*e, two mttm above ttto aoewe of dt». Coocy, ..ad B*vl*. V madistion, but ie art are teoeratly buytoc la muuII qaaabtka. — " *" foVwad by the CalcntU da'es to 22d toe Muck martat had caved n vary sm*—r. TVTbe CMarCbdorlUj^ko^ ttetb*e Kocaededprocaeda4 onou herber Tovade.ToyagS- GEAT, RED, OK RUSTY UAlH djrod ioet— ••"Tb C'lUISfii March md Hong Rung to tV tukl to V considering it. BMOCLAM U. a. MAIL PdCKKT May Lvdv Faaioia Vary scaiaa. Te New uriaaui from PUeS- mA**^*'l . - TVLeey wmwunhpraVbly SUASU-aadblstoaiich“***' Cj^utt. iinports were hiB^r TV ConatituttaMl, City,I , of , Poi ir* ly to a baantifnl natural brown or black, with- !^.T..‘^nc^n•te• v(!b tV^rallibte'^e^uco^leeBj Park, and tV Doily Uad Sue huadiad fer frtedbk, bbl fer Tot MotuidMound Cutra Colunubtou, Hlck- feiga aunehar af failusM ebTM^rJi—sV cm V twksd au4 soxwT—sUnetoSVSbo^^vttbont Jiftenity. pRot'KBWnoo—Afewdoy, Jfoy M.~Cen'tb md v m F.zchmga OL * pond Xs $ DGMESTiC COMFORTa tnglmd 4s. 8d. At Shanghai Newt, of London, deny tV axistenoa of tV report- man, and MampkAa : pork, tee bht for abkky , ite fer aheap, dd fer make. _ _ . l»y J. H. Hornsby va H. DiUou. out tha Uaat injury to hair or skin. V „ _ .. . » „ “I doatructiou of oro— z: imports were dull, bnt prices of toa continued brm ed alliance between F'rance and Ruasia. TV•••> awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor siuca 18S9, md U v/J\ XlUlJ 1. Hi signed aud which gave rku to tV •* , Thomas Ginty vs John I **idamtey. IV IMb imA. o’llar’ . k**^’ O’Biyaa Muaav Mauu*.—TV aioBty market watiBaMto W M 4 ri.«a||d Break, auUV^ tori... w^ tamp kaxptedmL ^«in* har vary daugsrouriy.- prices easier. Some euthorities quote a decliu of report is a mere coavsntioa. V of over 80,000 applicaUoo. Vv. bate, mml. to tV hmr B.U O’Brym reported easy, bat taudi ri i U $100 tor thrai OF >4d. Ltrerpool Breadatufa tV ary k da li dly luaarde tuto- **plr natoktar pi a aoaali hove wuuU wall to attoud thi. aala. Two otVr fedma cam. to her aid alighUy .Wartet, ApaU 29 —Mamrs. V wV wan ^ af petrous of Dye. fcMy. U«ia« to toe learciiy of Eaeicra earbiasa. toe etlS hk hU femov « ww L/rrrjwo/ Brradsftiys Jfuriet.—Ricbardaon.Spenco, RkherUaou, Npeccei, 4 Co., quote dour buoyant et *’*'^"***' NV«awwNwwvra a leport dRuktoiB af tV Reataeky aad ladmaa i ~ Bernard Murphy, WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR produces yP a T, |1T|M 11 AT IJ nrL|? U QJ & Co. flour buoyant at an advmcs of 6(<$9d; an advanca of Id sioca 'Tuaeuay, Ving baaki beiM r. a. g^li ia haraby nrdarad tout all paraav Vviag Tamacs Schultz, Chua. Gar- DYE JAIUjUJ.1$W Qb an advance MKOCLAMMKOVLA MAIL PA SPALDING XBOGERS*XiUuXiAO .ales at IOjQISi. Wheat buovant and (M big Vr; of l>6d pet csatol for tV week. rapatly raw ard, aad I V bisk rate* af rich. aei at Chico- eVla tV L’. S. District Court at New Orfeau atm, aud Jamaa Swinuay, drank .bA diaorderiy • calar not to diatingnisVd from nature, and k Wsatorn tted et POrTot ClAClarAcffwillA and Ifa touahau hafe^iag to tV Ctllrau Guards ahull V “d quoted at 9d. vwv as w we a ueaa ee...... 9.^91 and whits Sat^lV 11^14a Wheat k buoyant, writh a large epacaUtive (okas chwAad cuuddaaci to IV lUiUuieaad Wasuaato __ TVTVldm and Uebt-dranani feat weak a verdict af $0,600 waa randerad against conduct. Swinuay wannairrEU not to injure in least, however long n n gave boil tV ’ feava thsai at the amary thk (Tasaduy) evaaiug, md tV otVrt wsra n 11/ flljT TfllTn PTYlflfTn ,Cd;soatVin white sella at llL/>12s. Corn k alxo inqiiiry, et an advanca of 9d lo Is since Tuesday, banks. TV dlscsaat as toaw aoera kae beea toecraesd, ! (ITv" m JOHN GAULT. R» laavat tor abava aad the tern mar Falls City, Jaines Sharrau was cook mot totV workbonta. it may continued, md tbe ill effects of bad Dyes Vmg an advance of ls6d for tad tVy era vvry rctneiaatly takva. •bipmaabi « 8 u’afeek. in ardar that tV aM bauds may V V ^ tV weak. Wsetara red TV af $*BmhBT^riaraday. toa Uto laa* ths •tsamsr B UtlLBillllii U (quoted at lUdpjlOi 9d evia Iu Karuve Vve aka krfaly tarnimi 4 ibiaafew from riSy wharf # John Simondt feat auumar. TV Jamaa Pryor, Vipactod folon. Discharged. raaedied; Uw hair invigorated fur Ufa by thk splan- MWW mijuis LlnLlld. V ; Wasurn white KM a cm iJrrryoot t^rorUtom Market ^Uirralora roport b**f 12j NwuiVra lue For ftaidhi er pa mate apatv aa ; 9d<^18e 6d. m r Corn k buoyant, weekMo Nrw York wtea** k firai at S ftemkmm. ’ S. S. CBAIE, O. 8. Falk City waa lying ataugaida Uw Simonds sad 'Thoa. Caitk, biting off John Biley't ear. BaU in 6ys. mX* C. BA.4 with an advance of la aioce Toceday mixed ia — Ixjiranfr, .Monday, .May 9tb. : ; For 3iev ori*r*< kffit Uiere h kat fittl* t*a*iry. Latm btaw oat a cyliudatVad. SevaemI both $G0u to fataoy Made, sold, ar applied (ia private rooms) at persou v auwar a 9 iV srbr;:.'?';;’ ss?j‘ quoted at V 8d|.«6a 9d yeUow 9d^rt white fitafivilli tetd -.bem Orleaa Uyltevtopsri, Doom, Chortas Levar'a aew woto, | L'*!r'T’-. iS ; V ; aaMFuatowrre told U* >*»»**» M>d»»*$rU y*r, baste were kiUad aud wouaded. Sbarron saw Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. BfUrord,Bfdrord, Tuesday, MayYlay lOih.10th. guild; Americm Vcon tirm Lard quiet at A’> for 7s 7d|»0s. For Wdrr tV DMWttaol* Ilttaok $md WimuMfia caircBsy at fit*- is for aale ut FTauk Madifeu'a, uud k u briiliuaE va- GO, for We 8 TV foreign vws under tV tokgraph head is IToiliinciIuv priiv and extra. Tallow u higher, liidin Proliant.—Tha markst cIosm active. Pork end TV aaa aad accidaat. Had V lamaiaad ia tV kitchau ha wastol Sold in all dtiei and towns of tV United States NewNrwnew msiir,Tastle,r»«lU VTrdufsday,H raufsuay, .TiayMovlllhI llll. eoMt. TfoarMrei Iodi»a* St*>c« eod iRiio fitete .May lltli. i dull 4, for common. ' IC?* m^ AN r vra ia toa aVher'a bast atyks. four days later thm Uw advices par at Sugar «teady. Coffee liroi. liaef bwiyaut, with a large speculauve inquiry, and ia Niagara. hy cuttUane «t par. Mkreaii l»aUiw frre ^fllQraiU ^feave Vva beau nhurt, bat attamptiag to run sway DrnggisU md Fmcy Goods Dealars. Spirits turpentine li ni st 48 1. uJ •»» Shfibyviile,Shelbjviile, Thursday, May 12th.I’iih. all qualiliea advanced. Bacon qukt, but holders ^^^“rriday. IV following, though received by tV named lAmekm 8o*tk CareUa* H dk«*«*l( NurtJi C*r»U*« iieorgi* UMIt win be asm hy tos card which appaan ia after toe daagrr was putt V foil aad broke bk fog. Notice.—TV gennine bxs tV name and addreaa ae . a.-i. Money Market.— Tha mooev market ie demand an advance of IsiwlsGid. 1 eet^-ilrrivriy. Y'ranklort,I-.. Ltrd quiet, but p 7'**”"* intarast. Austria did fol- rrankion, rnday,Friday, May 13th. eUghtly more stringent, it u expecUl tV Vnk firm at 5V(w6Ut dMcuuBL FmtnkH vf*erp« toot the LsuieviUe ami Poetfeud for which V ioaUtutad thk aait, claiming dnmagM J^**^*^’ T”* „pon , pj^ engraving on four eidea of Uw box for prime, and 60c<^62s tor extra. j I Gold k «IHar et pres. *od Wu*kt at low Uw udvios^ gi vmm Vrvr byuy ugimaRagland *‘1‘ demsnd .n advance in tV rf dkeount. In taUow iMre k eiso a large specu.acive inquiiy H „ Bodtraud Oaoipaay avtourtail a vaty anpuetuat at $10,000. TV jury thought hk figuraa too high : o, WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, GrOrj;CtOWU,Georj;ctowu, Saturday, .May 11th.1 1th. *** Vv . „ trance —At the meadng of tV Lcgislaliva Corps, aed it has advanced surer m dull: Um brofim Uk* k fron tkeir riMlnwrn *i " '**• M - to 60s. TV iiiarkei closed uMktaaal fecBky to their patraaa, aapacially to toa hat gave hist $6,000. low. tv promt stew'te New York, md sold by Wa*ro i Stort.ird, Lonia- (yUtlliaua,fyotliiaua, .Monday,.llonday, .May I6lh.I6ih. Count WalewskireaUlo theCoamVi* an expositioo qukt. peTs b«t «o«ld Bot Miy eoy ^u*atlly el itm Um 1 dk. ^ **Ai—&e— DtereuMB thr TklBo8W4M8iDca vttfilB of the negotiatiooa which had taken place, saying The leuak KepiiMkmn, of ycatanMy, For Cast tUI*. f*bl6 tl6m farlisle,fHrlislK.llblC,^ Tnr«dBT $lnv ITih M. rem TO THE PUBUC. tfirre doy* of groc* fixed lo tiie imperodve demood of • Tuesday,1 ursaay, 7iay-May 17th.l fin. WAeHL'Ui'mit, May 9. ,y £o,pe,or m.da war it would V becaiua Tbe moderete deseafi *or memet k feirty $«oivli*fi mmyi^ ta pat^ lwrati*ea tov aeJi- tfie A—rieu Goetfomeiit. SordioU occuUm the oppo4t« hy hv had coretrained by tv aggrewiva Thera is sach information in Washington aa to o«r dkeoantiBC mrikeko— vikek pmm mamsif »U tkr mwm Eramaw: A card fro- Mr. Gaar*. Mal- book of the TfdAo, vHh • foeee vhkfa comm not prubobly WIQS---WIGS—WIGS! OWiniTSVille, Wednrsday, .May ISth. v van coVvt IWeC** ^ • PBp>*r iku otferaeo*-onn*My I* tli^nU**. fill *•> anaUy ths whala eapaid^ af toe bus was tokv up .ppaiue ia papaia erbich deloy for 48«e doy lU o«rm deotrncUon tiuu of Austria. Ha also sa'd that every poasibla con- warrant tV Vlkf tVt tV tinM of tV Mtikmaut M dSBr Ve IV r*qairsa soma reply by giimiittc ene* %i. 0...-I:..- »vk.. a. I BATCHELOK'S WIGS AND TOUPEFS rar- A ...k BDilakf** ef Bo«n vklila Um» rvk* ere at tkw oU fi#*rea .Mt. StCrllllff, Thursday, Ylay 19th. Iiderati<>n bad bean used bv Fnioce to avert of our affairs with Costa Rica k nnt far dkum. hy ev Iravat, as that it wv hapoaribta that thair It k tnw that ail our eugagtivntaebgageivata wanware made with K J* » passesaases aU.all. I Vy are elagmt, ligbt, euy, md dn- tV cte of Ik IO 8 per reat. per aiomb, rireply t* e***-r «k« rkk. w-k . k- . .k - . . IndadiOE Vr free eonu. After laaUnr i*4pettaiis fnr bar t Mr.Mr for aanwauroa leagtb lami'ylamcyofof war. Count Da Morny expressed iV So far, V Water W itch and tV Fulton are the Noire wcored r*-*i retelta If fi. N*. 1, cbb Bak-r^ Uw af aauMaaum as last : ateuat petrous oauM V aroffidaleil by thair ap k^ m .arTkim, ganlinia aiar V able Is ranre ui,wn la line of rabla. Pariq.Paris. PridaV.Pridar. Mav 9Alli W , wbich ^ * Lope that if war should evueensue it wonidwould cenflnadceofload only veaeals to M tent lo tV Gulf of Mexico, end •t I# pe ceai. per eanuAe Rollfie lerpar p«t*f tWaete- ,, I. ni k- -k _ki i • . . Tav,vev, wbwh lastod teaten mouths.mooths. Mr. Baker, m battlr." . V hosaa. Thia difecuky wfll V thotnaghly obnatod c- to a eoririre fo »t 18 per ee*L - - k-,city for.... Califarnk, told roa that TV Tiawe conctodes by remarklur that : Fltoug ebarm—no turmog np behind—oo Hiurhester, Saturday, to luiv. tbM cannot V immodiotely dkpatebod, as tVy ^ .AMm. Vurn kflMO,. May 2isl. Tbe t*ipr*i* o* ib*t mark t»ld k Wine wet #«rfilr are to overhauled ^to.hy Va new artamtamarnatrangaataal. TwaTwu ’bvv’bssaaa baiacbteug Dsarun ^bmin^tagoadbk bvivaa io goad bauds witbwith off V.d; indaml, i. V and taoruugbly rwpairod at from St. Louk oaiouodMl. ts th* book* hs^ md»d ample mamsmam. ,;:»S?SSvI;’'ib?tai‘bfcw Jv Vrinking tV this tV only Kv *f ol mm Rx- R«l.m.sd. MosSay, >I.y 23d. Norfolk. prere egMDpBokji, wkick cU1i»$ *» k* ik* c*rrkr ky f ch * Moia %* 4 ifif—fi, or4 w the w—Ic **oaoo. It toon I^om* kbovo tbot Uoo, »U1 tmee the odv—to** oMroliy ep«o$loc, the pic. 17771^^ W — 9^ R— ; tobli*bm—t wber* ihew thioira ore properly —dor- Xkm lerrret pen Yk S’: aloadauwd md -vta.made. to defend Uemselves at Sects tVir dupatcbaa for Utah. Baker daring hit . , ... momesewere md ih*t fnr toiBcciaMi p*x( ike akiptueBU k*r« b*Mi V And tVnoe to Y ersaiUc, NicholasvlUe, Laaoaster, Crab W aguacy was to torn foblG dGm 233 Broadway, New York. auuit tV arrival of tV Ffsneh. Gen. Juboston wUJ Vraafter await IV orders of tb*fi SUHUtol Orchard, Stanford, DanrUle, Harrodsburr, Springdrld tbe Oovernor before hope the ryn^osm of » r«B*«ed **ver'* k*t by Mr. Baker tV 1_ Sardima . —A db pilch from Turin state that tbe celling imt iV truops to act aa We v Boi«.rir«ul*i4B* bfeak" eatl otk^r taaiitBkBMMr* Gdabo cpou twx CunoE Fiauw in Gbowuia ff^Basaruyoo are right, and inquire for Mrs. Bardstown, tiisabethtowu. Munford.ville, Gkssow.Bow- the would attend religioas a posae comiuius to aaakt tV civil auihoriuee in wheat wu had all Kiog and CVroVre ceiu- Apfir*r»ttere*re. kovtwrr, ufifferormhle. 9ng Green, Frauklin, *c.. Ac. TV gavuvah Mapuhh e ea rays 1344 tov guav Gardncr’i Indian Balaam of Uverwort md Hour- monles at tV Cathedral on tba ‘27lh, md tV King the enforcement of tV laws. The reorr«B-iU ta rxekxiiCK kri vtjpk w%mm »»» *» depart immediately with his eUff for Alax- The Postmaster GeMral bes mads a decisiou on Tkdre vxAi perbApe. * fiesMbd fpr ham bom travpaatadUBaapaftoU lato toe anaattorhwartor afof toutthat Stelaatola Vat^genttamun w^ua uyt enga^ by Hr. Baker, ffme to enable hdirimd to pevTaU upon Auauk not to pre- tWTbe Fortr-Hone Team will poativeir V driven, vm w bouad, if yon artuta wifferiegeafferieg from congV, colds, wkkka koMerer e**'laM»8care* Md*l «lu«» wUhoul fail, raoi or salne, at each place «f exhibiUon, mdria. tv bids for tV Califsrnia mail sarvkt, hut V de- fur* r»le o( pretrelu T«* $ffifffex$$w" arar tVtoe niVulsraitaaads 8wfor tVtoe four muatVmautV vdiagaadiag SlatSite . bronebiUt,broochiUf, or in fact an3ona tVthe eoteritenm^telu^^^oott^ruiom. »u erery j.o^ciUor \ asthma,ootbmo, lung akeaee.dtoeoee. I bi'of-tb^w^ribe of tbo miuo alwam daas--^at^lwtote^*'fe^'^ “^mvi^!*ro'*tV*rJS!i’Kr**Tol—treni, to the Biuaber of 10,iMfi, from tVth* variousTorious —myy lucf? It dliufrfii.^Tbe official Vknno Gozetta trabliobes o cliMs lo furnisb iV infurmAttau toa iM rtk»«»« ^ '**^*^^1*0* /me bwiskteWle nil' -Vironii.bed ii. exlubi Viu Ule. • iu^u.. rate Jaw bees to S per nmi. Mate*. TV B-ptoffiev ...veto, eider perttavef cm V found .tellet ell druggists,druggists. For hJ,,j, ^yby Cary 4 commkVcsUoj^ce^m the 134 prr Boaro.*, May 9. G saigk an assre thrifty aad peadactivc at thk prapon hiauelf for a riae er feU ia trade? Mr. lull. Talbott, Market ****“’itnwt, Vtween‘*‘***“ Third Fourth. * “**md “<» '*>•• ‘fej* Ri'^ poritive answer to TV New York Pest san thte BteH-of tV Italian, la * TKMPLkE.a-XX... » An atactioa was VId to-day te decide on tho prop- MV tov toey wan twent yaart ^a. aii*mg MASON’IC TKMPLE. The New York Jaaraalvf cam y I •** minfiuw op *h«lr ofioin, to order to rotoro lo np27 dl24«2 the** r*quii«ni«Dt9, tbreoteaiog m coo* <4 o r*fua*l ^ thk"ow«iont it k w*ir known that' b* bold* ooitiuu made by tba last Lsgislutura providing tor my* an teat af tV inn heap aad haasp npa foe tos•• to hk hands t houeeyl s of dulUca’ weeth of Mr. KacIM papers eoammt vartoBdrvattaoilroaon tV eeVuaction otof IVlb mdiet not supplied * amcadment of tM Cuoatitution, to dobor tV news freui Xarape $VA I NtmrE.-IwdieeNotice.— wWvewho have yet Uiem-them- GREATEST OF THE AGE!A(lE! T?Tl4Srcrieg.tion at Vienna hmi bem, ord«^ TV bm . BaVr'e pcopertv. w bet oxruao had thm er Kmwcor of Auterk. NOVELTY foreign-born citizen from tV right of voting for meat Id tV luack-l; ibe iai* I V spring quit the Anttnan CapitM as soon as Austrian ”!* DaUr News**•” throw. tV“•• whole reepeusiliUityr*e»eiisiliUity of wmwa Mlveetelvea with goods for tVtv andend summersuinmar will to iV Beat, aau tVre is mack da 1 Ml. AlellBsllu to reducered'acc caw jafezteemfezlra CDeti accovlaccoont of a **?"? 1,’nBTIIRrF't-«DXnDl't' IkIf'UTC: (l\lfkY;i T*Yt two years after tV complotioo of hn Dsiuralizsttau. latopoearytoemoturvirr vesavpswaoiaBa toro fltitnSftruaiiaeSr^neoer n*ne '•-* onou rvaaektvaaok .Jowph..Joseph. ^' IIIKfot.IIIKL.E1 nlUHlNnllsIllN UYLl.UYL.I. armv cruesestV licuo, wbich wasbourlyexpectod. of •acb bo4CUiuee apoa f vgsnvoavo m vnm e«>i.4*'*'»«,, ,wiw findfindattvut *v etore.tore of G *•»• Tubb,Tabb, comercorner of Market TV returns from 60 towns show tha foilowrag re siaaaet if oightly labara, had to We have bvar t H aemrt- OBM md daiau New loATribov,Fribav, BOttaiagtVadvur-aoticiag tV adver- and FourthFeeitb tereeu,tereots, a large md variedvro^iod assortmentaweirUiient MO.XDAV,MOX’DAY, Tl’ESDAT,Tl'ESDAT, WEDXKSD.4YWEDXEND.4Y EVEMXGS,EVE.M.VCS, inlt: Yeas 12,637, naya 6,132. In this city tbe of A , Europe woald rrvaie a aar fall lalaiy. Mr. MaUu etotos that we agreed at at teood Teas aud lead a drafts on * ‘ Memphis for tV ask -rof teveeoms rfof tvtV I every deroriptkndescriplkn of dree,dress goals. He received thiitbii MAY »». lo,IO. ANDand II. vow — A516, Mye 2,695. TV iDduatioM la toe reductina. did as, it bat l!r„':.;rhtaXn liriB etf 3tSte.“w.We W .:Tfek trv, witb from tne vae, as far as beard from, are tVl tV bm tout IV WmdersrWmderar’ia Africav, eeyaaaya ; tV naderteapdingeraUixliBg that it weewas to V u^y tsteporary.tatoporary. moraing by exprsas a choice assortment of .Silk md ecd tVt therefore Vr faithful adVrecce to IV end that tV tend. roft Flmjr bor- ^y amendmant has been carried by a large eeajonty •tale of totom ab- U— ^Atvanl hmind my such AfrioaiwAfrioaiie b aetoalreetaaffr offered focsole.toe 1 union with Austria ie hopyd lor. la1 ^ hkhfetureml—uotaaaertkalaantkauuttW thk ho*haahot b*—been oa bmbo4bad tVutriralTh**Tri-iltheatrir'al V Luca Mmtlai. Nilk Itabee. Small Check Silka. Ua- A'l IA A ' A BALTiMonu, May 6. -ulB.y, m far se PtI* *f IMOOR&4 fij«r how b*— p—cho**4 io K*w **oino Mr MellotHellas k wroofwrong—toia N*wNew York, Philo.Phils- **!?* i.»Ai!AL./a.AxYA Jli Sanfoita.— It is asserted that tV King Victor wOr,^dv,.iid»»» nr-mwdu. Gronadm.I'—, a;, KoV.,w i TraveUng vUl V Itis s delphw. NewV.. OrfeeItefo—nt andI!3r«.i-,atoer eitwt,eteu. ittek’..ihei -wv...... oo „ Emmanuel will co.nm.adcuinmaad tVtbe armvarmy in vrson.pvreoo. The Washington correspondent of tV New York asatsof Eur Yeah wdtote e few days, at e price ate exceedtog , bem The Origiiul World Revwned and Only ate teilliaat atoooo.eeasoa. Holds, PereeeJs, LiwM, JecoaeU. Organdk vote in tbe Sardinian chambers ioveating Herald says lemp'iae 'S* Bd. 3_ I a. fo A- a -a-a»- o ommC Uillioot Ai^e!o*'wlll°V**s*^!loktE? tbs’ Srai*'y^v*L^Sted Tbe tbe Signor Alata la sangnins of l V soccoaa $3 Uperhemi.wVebet«toV ved ia dsteillAag •a I—rn W Thet it k tV emtote ia Ml Uwetore to tern eale- a*:.^o-ioxie3N':n'£3! Ring witb dictatorial power* bUkmI UO to 24. of IV Mexkao LiVraia. War itr aooflfoctar* «f artick the ioi. A «ht whkky, — moaaesMs^aeos iafeV WVTetemporaraUI- /’rcmce.—Geo. Nkl left Park on th* 24tb for hia Brigham Y'onDg haa offered to wU out tV M-mnoo fetid’ —» L'aisod teav AUoroey for tV Dkirict loobutn frooi Embrmdenos, Hnsllu, Fans, GreOAdiv SVwls, of .oocare.otto comiu—d. interests in Utah for a reasonabta anm and to re- ed apo wmbanoftVMpmyaraelwsys Dktric«ort3iT.itt jB4f.ao_tt.orit»to seieetviHse Um Afneau.AfncMiM A4 K K N T K K T A I M K NT OK A.^Tot NIUxNO ^ ^ oc*n*.s-K,fic*rf* ThinTbi.im* Dou**hmiMbou.. n—hxMh.. alwaysmIwmvb.1—^. •D>>yeaMninwfodl tbetkds. J \ Pr—deiitor the tkANSFOEMATIonk and illL'sIONS u printed Th*Tbe Pa^n*Pa^rie Day**ayi tb*tbe Emperor and Napo- move in a specified time. Tv maUer, wbkb haa !« eoBBtry. to the luiwt A» repatatioo *f kecLiag tb* nicest —d moat desirable by her Disiioaiu«Ued aad Fanakaxbk Andi- leoaleon woaldwould leave uaon WcWedoe^ay to join tbe army. been kept very secret, is likely to V arranged. 'or Ilf the rerlvel fooee In inauy of Uji* priaeipal cittre of Karoik* Aiaer- . * i d> j i au* . »mj Xj.nr thdw«ihml good* to be found is thi* Four thou9—tbo«9—Ud trooptroops bad arrived at Toulon to 1 caore thU Bhat* or —y other Southern kv aud l»4-for« <^ue**o Vktork aod tbt; Britlffh Coon at . New Yuer, May 9. U, aad aay other Balmorml Certlr, >e<»Uaud, oa the 84h o^ Heptmubrr, IhU. form a camp. maraei. »tof*Stnrm aouinweit*Mithw*M comerrArn«p MarketMtorLmi —dtonH Fourthl>'f\itp$li bank statement for tV week ending Satur- DomiL |irTiiUirtiierulnwMi»t bai.lie4.o exteodT^ly irixtromxed Tbe Park Moniteur announcea officially tbe foU TV et*. my2j&b by dl-ti—ai-^ked ckrtyaMm of dfiAunuoaUin^ aod lowing diaposithin of the French amiv: Marshall day shows ao iociaase of loans of $61A0UU, decrease unirerriatiy proiKMiBoed by tbe P«blk aod PrM to be UDv inrresse of Magnonai.xiw.. * rei^nicommaiidersw«v*i«te..xi-ei uf,/ the*km armyawiCsv .* of'tpeck $243,000, citculaliea $504,00' _ eqoMlIod. MAUAMh BO^oVill make $i;leciioB* from deersaso of daposiu $690,000. 11^ nuwt rech«?rchr of h^r experiment^*, many of whkb ibe Duke of Malakotf will be coBmandeMn-chief SPli!r-fi^V/lxa.1^I A I Nl 1^1 ^ la M. aarere enentirelrtirely new. and Ihereferetha*r(»ri>m nerern^rer wlUitrairdvttik4>^d here.h#r». ofraf ikra armysptnv ofnt observation;nhMrvMtirme Gen.Cwm. CastUavpAstilAnto com-fvhnw e^ioyen aaruara, M, Itv ^01 eveauu^. as was steppinc tV St. Loti.*, May 9, P. w a Tl TTz. . V asVro from tba AmVv Pl^ Appropriate muek wUl be in attendance. V., did net receive her aetary, Mr. mander in.'cbkf of tV army at Lyons; Baron Dickson hv Vat framFliitedalpbk. He was tV a«eiit of the Adami si snisiv-r' a- r8r”AdmlwioD to eenla. Childre* aad hervanu 3Sc. river haa fallan foot during VTl^9*THK^a-ruL'Hr. alakmingALARMING increaseinereaae of tVtb* diaeadieease* of The a Vra tV net late a sdagla night in tweaeasevfe rough illasia. ExpnwsCo. aiMoniromerT. Ala., at she limo iV pocka«e M^ llootv open at TM o'eiock. D’Hilliers of tV first corps d’armee of the Alps; <>f6«>A<>v vos*te|eo, hours sod k still rocediog. TV Illiuou r Mr awn ilivti diaabtad as from vrformaacM So aud ako when tV ffM.euoMrfcace tV vmacb within the past few years has awakened t^Coniuieoc^ at H o'clock. m6 dtd Gen. McMahon commander of tbe second corjie; souri are fulling t pper tbe and V U Mistissipp' where km MIall at MnmaprHanaMr Melius’Mellue' vLTrimroe,benereieno*, go^good. in “•* “’“«•»medical »orid.but*‘»rtd. Vt wHhwHb Uttleli ef- Marshal CaninVrt of Ibe third; and (iea. Niel of «oiMWi*reamo*m*,ai>«sareDaiiisiiMMim of glW Wi I iug. Woathtr clear sod vt^ warm. hi riayiuf iti rarafee; tha akUifal fonrtb; Prince Napoleon rh^n ril ahle mmm that he k? Ifeet h* not knew th^ for bi* p|ie*rea*e at the Jaae Urm ef tha Montaomcry I mow acknowledfe tbe cummauds tha corps Coart. I AUCTION xSALES. PiTToauao, Mr both Mr. Dickaon and my*alf ham time —d n^aio their loabilicy to remore the dkordera, and were it not that pioneer; Gen. Rowdon will V Major General ef the army of tV Alpa. Rivar 3 feet 2 inches by pkr raa> By C. C. Spencer. TV regiments wbkh quitted Paris for tV fron- WeatVr wet. OLASSWARi; TilBACCO, FISH. FAMILY SOAP, tiers were roost euthusioatically cheered by the Arrived—'Mariner, Vixen, Gaz< VINKUAR, CANDL»;S, TSXA. ClUARS, AND people. The London Post complains that tha policy Hazel Dell, for St. L'lnia. LIQUORS, AT AUCTION. of tV Eogliah Cahinet had forced France into an 'I'HIS MORNING, Tuesday. Maf lu. at 10 o eioek. will alliaace with Rntais. dupoteb from V lenoa as- nutober of yarfermaaeat to fill tV place af him at th* time of arraW. acta dinetly „a,ke—hu>.r A u ou tbeMomach and cairiea off tbethe morbidBorbid matmat. 1-ra beIMT WIU,rold, el•$ AueuuDAuetiuD Koonu, No.O>o. 8Mamt MeinMiun niwre,rtrret, a wasV^ets^ge^toeneger, Mr. Lotiou, Auriug teruxtert*temrtM lOfilthfitthAt th*to*tha Franckrreoc* trooo*troop*iroopetrooa* hndhfidn»a filr**dvEirefiuyelnAilv rwuiearioUtedrioifii^wioUtAd l!f llVI M Ktt^ Me ab- MXte tra tifif. fife, lerMlerrt ereortiiwotereortiiMOt of artif-k*. V> WiTIiTlJCjfk 0*Tbe Detroit AdTeitiaar of Satuday aay*: ter toeia dapodled, both speedily and witb>itk ease to the pa thetbe Mborxetore artifke, BmbrMein*tmibreeinc manyxnanv verirtiei aod mnie of «ztr» fine niielity. neatrfil tamtofy. It w*s alio aoaoooceff thfit tb* leant roikble Iuf« Mr. (fld*oa hbryuck cud Uliarlre Floor bid #dv#nc*d is Friiic* 2s per sack. for biCuD, rei’ Venv has hev ujuatly deprived of Wliwlow, an Mr. S. Suemd. The her jute rights. AiitTAi. r#oM Forr Bs)rTi>M_M^or V*a*faaa hoijffre oouui# t**n moiu8 i*Mh/ b»*Jdri fiukfaed HcMment Kuasi# b#r mobilirwl four corp* d'irmee, two of Tobicc U 8. 9one #ad fem#le phyddeo. ry- Aprat f*r the nkrWiirt IndiMi*. iirlTed lo y«»- h#« # 8oothiof ““i and iktb Ro^"*** to #dr#nced toward Austri# tb* TW tV theater wee brought lo so eaddv a cloea Uu* dly which #r* b* #nd WM* gvnerv fit ruf for children tcHhin*. which frratly f«cUiUtre the punier. net an accouat of tV illvas of two itiemheri of ^l^£V^^Sf^nV^?r55’ 0tH«r t.o .o*.rd .V PriLS.^ • deprvw *u**8uey, ;y. Th* London Times of tb* 2otb spenkieg of tb* Imt an aooouat of tV mesa policT of fuUy 7fi l»in end ta to rrgufelr tor Tram or fiAi-B'-Ope-thirdSi resh; > mrr taUooe In one, two, Ror.'My French illinnce Bays tbit tbri U most stirt- tV nuanffw,moauger, whichwkieb wvidweald aetate sitawoitaw himhies tokMnto kaen na »n«v -diMbRed by toe Groe Tcntree, Asrineboior. , week* « -« «m BUckfeet, Crow*. Arickorere, Mawdenfl, cod fiiouE. There Vaeta.bowek. Depr.dUepCMd upon ILit, iimtoen.HOkothc wto give rest lo your. in ® moment tbe whole i*p*cl of i*fib-**nt nwrebtf ^r peepto emptavud— to properlyMmraMdrite Gideon >!“«* ^SStl^ ^ OMmber of buffalo In the fihryock, itN I MlTrei&d relief aad hrekh U> your carry *n bndkiii. In Ji ffiy^eVtfac ” InfiuU. perfecUy on tbe preuiweu. tmcDtiii iff,iira. Uat etOlMiMt WMh RUekfect eouulrrcouatrT.. endand thetbe tredin#tradinc bouereboiure of w P.F. Ckmtsau,cbontenu. ,7., ^ tof* bi e" See idvertiaemeni in iaothcr cuhuun. mlM dtd 8. G. H E.N AY A CO., Auctinneofi. • (Mff to tfci box iffic* for oor *#1#^ ir., Al». and D. M. Frori A Co. hud done an eioeltant NiCW Ofil.RAXi, Miy 7. I bn idnre*. wUI be to r^ It Wit pr***ai*d W «• W** o** *tckth, of They ibk eend fonrerd # very Urcc ipTi? dkwly iMaiberof rob**—St,ftiu loSleMU. The fiioMS - By S. G. Henry & Co. Tb* st«iro*r Coitzscoilco* ii below with San m two-tkird rodnetioo, Indian* h*d witkoot uy *xpi«*fj*ri. fared mnch worse then otk^T tribe*, an* niiny of them Wc cMt to tU raeui of BYKON SAYS Two Days’ Mr. MeUur; be refused to hid been In i stcrriiAraondUion. fioch wa$ the ixtremlty Large an4 .Ulraclive Tasb ^Tv^'SJ.ll^L'^rouKhtlJLTW^^ •« trea«ir. and Agem w« reqseeted to wbich they werr driven that they were cumieUad to **Wr1nk1re,U** Wrinklre, the vUe democrek, don*t fijOef.** Tbesiine Ue prases ra. whee hit hal$i hundred passenger*. ‘Ths minors are pruapc' vfe.» LiU^tocir bofici and dote in avoid abmlntr Gtorvation. three ffuntlcmaulTgeutlemeuly rtulylualv wmwaa tbet woma “mtobt•‘mivbi all aoan tota : miymny Vbe mid*iid of frayernr hiin,bnin. which very often ippe»r on ih* " TVatotmaB.mtcoscvenMhad brcnripcriMierd ill ••'^ remitting largely. t_llb--^ omf tbtorfeKL- H .u . ^ j 7T . ON TUESDAY, MAY 10. AT 10 O’CLOCK. WM all tv aZpUuatSM Touch- tMteUmalclaprvrioii«maMPi,t>utaBTn*T riiiTC 1* pirnniii *oeion$ TniT in anparatleludnr*nfHTirfife"»*>«n>t bendhead endand In th*toe whUkcr*ahtaken indand monu uriochkie beloreiwrlnv V aniuunt At Auction boomi, Thn market* are more active. Flour u selliD umu. of mow hidhad fillen—fellca—aothinenotoina of thetbe kind bidoad beebenttn known kfeklc mnnman GVthe face. RutBut whoabo mind*min; them now? A very rstnuire and well amorud lJ<^14c. Ula oMdMMB,cabcltMtaa. Ultat M*ma soy,mv fnmfeaa. #. kaowledc*k—I.A— of 5^foryrara. In GV rnootb uf April Umo acre only torer aUtek of ^ di>~* dwriniMrtikh it The Sandwico Uland volcano la stiU actnrr tv L^ll. puUie, tVl. did not i^w, and moet of tha timv €RI8T41M)R0*H EXt'ELSIUK DfE frpriugfeitwio.ir UlldI....S SuiniNKF in-m. Ll tM maeaguriLl SUS Dry fi.oodff. from Fraser river are favorable. '* **'•’**••* *••'*• *•• ***• toanfivc miuulsi, Uben^ at tV epebiag of tV eteeob Wproperly UaS^lto of Febrimry an rxprm arrived al Fort Bcu. GERMAN AND ENGLISH JOTfON IIUSIEKY, \ era Cmz, lU—MlnUitlan, 4/A—Acqpti/c- stnagaeaed tV oommuy, loa, notifyias MaJ. VauirVo tool toe Btaekfrci Indians no reduettau of eUriet PRESTO! THET 'VANISH! (romprtainic a riock of >ver 5uu doaen). Xhs Liberal, have taken Ran Bias, Mac. acR eomlnc lo rMoivc GVir anncMfea Tt ta riprem found . »•?“ Lean leqmsad end ...... , v...... Srw style aud m reduettau ia tV him ct Gbr farm ahirb V aa. opcainc for toe Indiaui. And a macnifieeot btowu or (lortoui klaek.toe nudrlrcU- Sprius Aimmcr sbawta. zanilla, and Colima with hard fighting; India kubber Drt'svln* uadm a tivoty itiimlatfoB, sVcl te milei from Fort Bco- ble counterfeit of nature'! Urins Hats, ta imparted to eve- «nd Back Comb*. routed I Vvu buM rebbad of ull (Uoofiyear*(Goodyrar-. Warranted GvoGtod. for Kutailera). ^ IT fibre. Tbk dye k the only one In n*e that k poreJy re. Alvarez ii at Providencio with Sa* Mr Besm Vriug umple awaar Extra fiuper French ?ii tos getable, and contain* no vieUoi Mtrin(«ol or canstic ole- supplies from California aud prapari md I kow* m 4*«bt if book n^WcWe with confidence railcall th* special and porticalir mente.weiiiffi. ooaafiold ewywoerecverywhMre andaaa appoeaiiihed by07 mall ua^rtMn.llair Dreeren th« P-Anitol busu ntettny anough ra- M.. tV mow Vrinc commemed aito Ibcir tooraey. At itteutiou of both ^Ureitr and country dealer* to thk mk. CE18TADORO, liwyTha*y will find oneon* of the be«tbret andan4 Ur*t"*lar*e«* *t4>ck*of*t4>ckiiof wWl BlcLnn* li it MiDltitlan OB • euiradto maat aU -»-teiniaa.la Atoina puriiaanaMlm lorfar toat hour iV wind ebansvd u tba Narto, and h became Atnug oMorWdareorted GammI*Goufi* ever uffer*^ at city, Consul All*0. this taugtby ooM. TV wind Mew a perfect burricam aero m Ho.No. 48 Aitor UoBse, New York. aoctionauction in thkdty,thk aodand iutrattau, whkh will he aold without iv*erve. Enwsan Wildiu. 4te Main .tract. an4 ten. O. N«m- D*j{alUdo i* it Tiloci. lie 1 am, yoiwe obliggad. WEDNESDAY', i OLaa,n.^’';'?oI^"“i^ra‘‘*‘rFoenb mreet, Asvau.Aiiret*. cpls ON WKDNKSDAY, MAYMAY' 11, AT 10 O'CLOCK, of tb* moeazin* and want of To «dd to the eninmity they #ot lori. end it niijbt Perot W dAalm iLLLAJf RCALULN. A liFKe and entlivly fivch iovuiev ut ilefcit of Koble* with 17iK) u) *et»rated frum Miior Vou^en. and wm not beard of af* -_i -i LucmviLLE, Muy 8, 1859., _ _ terward. All effort* U eommunicale with him were of no XeaikTlSn FIRST CLASS NKWNEW VoKAVottK CITY MANUFACTURED I pudiipodia with 2,02,000 men retu avail, aud (ke Maior pfiranad hkjoomey. Forthreedays it eni^mpeJ i^fore Jaiapa. .tlarsFilles rdiI Linen' Dosom Shirts, ’ ‘TuX'h'i^i"Juarez bod Uoiied a i married. MPnir? A It DKnoVFRYI embraoincembraoiof newtAcw mylre^pvcrnijlre^rver offered iU.XjLflV/-AlJ ? Ijli 1 1 many before ataec- Amarir*BAmaricAB CVwi«CVwi«uld miul h Uon,kon, vie: PicoolomiuiPioooloiuiui LxUaExtra Puik*Pulk* ^ape^eaper UoenLinen IkiteioIkiMfin .s.a^ a-^ ... and French Corded,Oorded, with other new style*-sO'les. . UCi^hcios ODon tD*the 'Sm.’.mi MrIfifWe\V« neednerti only nay to oaruarH»yd.*akrsH»v dealers thaUkeIhaUhe ittvoic*invoice f effnto* IV1?ATflDI V DFUL'ItV Townridp, Prankitn ooanty, Cllfio. eumifrire*eumi>rii^9s ueorly am8u* doxeu, aud i*(« fromfruui the Kam«Fame manu- JoboJODD VorxiOQVornoo b*8 t cbcrii.. MCF. finrcTv. and toe. wrrr frost biilcn, aod it re- li^li-T FA JaWtiyuvXiiiLilDiilj ALLi.UljirXXVIjIUIjI*! [Fism tor locturerfocturer fur whom we sold swvfrxl invoice* lost Foil, and tfocisasli EasVvr ] qaifod frmi effort Go relieve him from tor imio tout Roeciere,Roetiere, co*prco>propri* pro- la whkh,hkhs.renKbunirenal«tfef.cion.gave Mich univenal naiMfectioo. TBE ABSENT GUEST. daerd. A> rocBst pomibir tbenallrr, Gao lodiam aud . !IL_- - — ^ NicoU Pietro w ^ invoice nfof tbiar afeStrrwm dtapsicVd to find Mr. Ferot, bat tt aa. Cl 1 We aiUwill Mtooko reUsell an invoke ST 40UB i. nsTT. | Vf’ TT I A tt# Xew York m only to dtaeow bta dead body. frvaUy dtafomrM by C -j-IiV O J? TTI-J -LTjJ ..^A.a. Arrived-ste Itasr mmer, tbi. yaur aodd iV anaek. of aotva.. Ac.—6(. Lauia RtpnUieun two Regular S*rini(Sprini^ and SiiamrrSnanirr riothinr,flothinr, ImAay. *'th$‘4».«.yis’ SAle, yom Irmlios baud. DK. J. DUPONCO*fi car* krw* com* to be raa. Noticiaf ia a CiaciaaaU By Thon. Aiiaerson & Co. Bat fomfflar 'msuf feara therr. wbich i< devoted to tbe laudatioo of tba PfriodiCRl PUIs fUF , | FCBRitSa Ictuds Icviuf drsam to V Penasylvoaia Csotral aud tV absm and ditpuraga- INFALLIBLE Vf 1G5S, commeucilir each ds> te 10 o'cIk^ A. M., when Irr«ful«ritie.Irvefulaiitiei and reumrincrewmrinf rausrre n Mn^'nmrn; c< Amoms tor somt. Isneadofam— maut of sll cumpatiag iiMS of traffic and travei. a *..“•7?'“^ Obetnietioii.Obatrnctiotis ef wUl be told wilhont taviac saffai ot air. York Csutral and A IV JSJp tit tv™ tV L^V ^LilSSS'a’SSli.avr to cue luual variety, ut many rt con-tatina, tu additlun Skora roada Vd not madt their conncctious at tUa rpussE pUtaare uotolns new.butVTr barn iwed bytoe feldum onend at public anje. It prayotV aamm yeon tooy brlsf tims tohls Doctor In bta. practise for tuny year, both AljMt. • Imfc sf Rad riTuc, umt CUeVTiUs. noint legulurlv aocs tV fast went into io France For yoo aad yson s tavcJR bsnrSb. 30 p. of niprri.>r Inprain and Vnietian txrvvta mSLrasii'nr.^^^ dazrn «lk Fuiuata and Unibtelta.. TVt 'rsoad it toe urimmte asrtb cam.“^ouTsCr*Siuca tuot pSDudKir sj luu 4m. Coutrsl bus miessd but om oomssetMO at Buaio, pitta pohUc for toe alleriation of those .ullarins from any KcTcral iuToicea of Fteiey Good., Houery, Kid GI MsnA, Dr. JsH Bull’s, wssm dsstro yur a ussUam ia nuffictaut " •••*.“a ptvvtaiiTc i> ihose Threadaxnreaaa, Seviua Silks. NuUonr. and aniaU warra. (m B. ‘•iand I6cI V Laka abotwnboew buttXBt OM.om. Thia ia auaweruuawer F’S*'*'*^’****. uffwlBsd sur uslthVr at HiuM in AND sHoES. M IV GsusH to cuH sa misf rissuts l i nn of oiv Ctaciu- Bmgtm to Ifv to tM gratuitous uff 3X caaee Bm>G, Shoe, and BrursnU, fmh ao? Manuauar Una, fotmarty at Lstdieill;, Ky. • HsMsadsf tV Dsmaent to psisulin tV —— nsli coutomporary; hut wa propoM to illsotrato still blr Mock of t-Vteru and Wetaern uiMe to which with which wc eommsueed nttcnlion ta directed. TVac. with tlnia. Bonnet 8sr Us si nlrai i sffi so «V s uuttoi mi ci ty. Os toe sto imtoai. hy Rev. Mr West. D. D.. st toe Bur- furtVr tV propHtioo q mf Ws auld te o’clock, A. M., Tbura Uy. H _H«.min tVetauaii. WiLLiaw CaaM. Jr., af Man. thia Darasranh'. aad fer this purpom ws toV tM be SM ssr. Vtesam, toste VsRtey aUk tV Oootor's *»vh«ersf Tcrma cam. TliUd.TlYud. ANDEANDER60N pur- lease Duas. jj,„ Y4rtCmttml, s iwed whose opsraltaa slid gau- Aoc 4SA. bfesstedy dssps, wVsh sU iTGamrdaaalai^tV" M cMlfirn cmwUb ••-- tos ssgsmsut are ssers fomtHte than My otVr Ou IM kto at V J A Hmdmfem Mr it.,. HSk rips r suly lumsri ffism frii pa^. lu fax twM rua ut By C. C. Spencer. Ry. detess^ of ts thum^ sf Keuterky. ' ^ mitas an iMmr, inclsdiug Mop- LOT (UN JACOB 61. tM nts of aver thirty BRICK COTTAGE AND ia. trip AT AUCTION. _Ou toe rveulss sf toe tstk sf April. ISX. ky toe Rev. R pages hy tV way. Tfcut tM hatwma Al- tor af Os Dstoutoat nasds u cfesMtH sf tonfe. tV >!•' A. C. Mavm G. teV Anns, toe ealy bouT aud Buffalo is mads ia lam than tan hours, tM N TUE6DAY AFTLKNtXJN. May lA W 4H o’efec L the premine* a ueat ana coinfurtihl« tjfj^*** McOowau. koto at Prlaeatun. twslvs tisses ouon tM rauto,rsuto, om sf tM O 1^ *old on iroiusiraise stoppingttopsiiig twsWa Ut, to feet ^ut by tau deep to iM sis ri tssrs . Brick Cortaae with a Ur»« nM*ffjiii wm M g. G. Hsmy A hour for diansr. Aad uotGrith- rssts hsiag s Vif a Su-foot alley, •itu.b'd on the u.rth ride uf .Incob atreet, I Gs.'s la^ sash asta of spiiug aud sutoumr dry teaudiog iVa high rata of apesd, tV iwquiramuuU about widwey Uiwetei Firat aod Brook. A Urte binbte .ilhaUlta fnr aizhoiwa. gM$s vQl usffsassteM tVt mstuiug (Tuasdujr) at W »• Kovtm. *» ;rhv sf ter Jsmpk W. pvctsr. ofot thsUSMthuuuM tahfotahta srsora coustautlyconst ooofijrmed to with on the alley "i, I arell worthy at. Lute, and Ti.ta ta a really drairable Cutlace »n toe at- Iowa papan ptaaac espy. creatastgraataut exaexactct Mm.m. A trsvatar wishing to toV ufofeg fft uu tdiiu lusMS. AbauutifdlUnsaftoasris tV M teution of those wantios a ,no« and k tV train at A way station kMwa with oertointy ot postUve and larempfory. tte~Mle . 1 with tasps iffwstas at hss i sv sauaivud sinM lout aii l .» u y, whst tims k will arrivo, and V mukoa hit arrangs- Tzaua-one-tolrd caab: batanee In I ra$®rpi; Uen. C. C. sph^ijrai,, oak, srIB V inriudsd iu IV usfe. At IS a’ctack menu Gsith aa msch osufidance as if M was stoitmg inlereatand This mu dtd f'”'*’*!*;''- Tbs Typo, pnssfesiy, sa u n suter of Mr. JsV Kurchbaagh, s from silVr aod of tV Uoo. regGUority io a giuat pabltc couTOtioffco, naivorauUy rsoagnizod hospi* oad aakaowtadgad. 18591 18 KXCEL8IOKI Ws rsuust Grind np thia brief arttds aioiu fittiag- ly by stating tM fallowing fhet. TM Day £x- E X C E L I O R I thou to EXGELUIORI pram trUu from Bsffata Ksw York haa miase il Steamer r'’« KXCELdlURI siuoa EXCEL8IUII but OM osuMction at Albuuy tV spriag ur- EXCELRIORI ra^iment In U57, uad that accnrvsd sa ths lOtk ot cold KXCELniOKI Jsausry last, about tV H doy ovur known in Tburad. . • Wadnradav Anril tl'. tog. kivar 5 EXCELUIURI this Stow.—«w/ota CSmrfer. “ aBffiwTBIt'H EX^riOK 44AI.I.KKV. FridaTtii-y d' WaatMrek Monday. May a * -»- MENE^l’l ' Jrif apectai Agtau rtf tka Paaitjfkt Psp offiu H.-Wo Tneaday, Jnne T. P “£•;*;•?*• V7»., an antborizsd to tiols that utl comatiasious of spu- _sP‘i <»•£___ Bit *r fell 6i. catea White gWlne r .elved by ctaJ tgauta at tV Poteaffiot DupaHiuuut tasuad pm IVHITE WINE.-6U „ changeablew w si PHOTOORAKHB. vv ataamer Ball aad for mIe by i to th I 14tta of Ifiorch, 1859, uud uot stgMd hy Ju> V. D. GAETANO KH O T O G i A K te ff . A TO. I mph Holt, tV pnaeut PootXMter Ooucrul. Vro ’I PlTOTOeiAPteS. vze. mpertor LetaJn''8lrap raoToaRAPJtff, bosuNwwhod, uud thair isHra to tV Dspurttostet 1 EMON SIRUP--4jl(l in ™ 1-d tenopto toBfi lor *ai* bJ * —.a . - •7 vt A V. D. CAETEStJ A CO. Bate .Issr and cloudj - — •

COPARTNERSHIPS^ BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. TRANS1K>£TAT10N. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK BUSINESS CARDS mAILROADS. NEW YORK. | Window Shades, Brass DftMolatlon. Ko. 2 TEMPLE Ko. 2. Cornices, Ao. Bj^TJMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, Just ruouivwd , SFLENOIDMuck he firm ef C- Davell A Co. le dimaived by miiiuel from N«w Y'u^wbioh seM fftadution to t^s sMect from Jenaery A i oAtr lower theu ever sold in tmii mei^eL T •bmmA FANCY STORE. - fiiendi end tbe office MIUINERY AND public generelly thet their mey epH&tui JOHN A. DiCKlIigO X, 79 Fourth it. be found el T. Shenks of Jsfler* i m. 46 Co.*s Grocery, comer w ll B cfaeifed wHfa tbs estttomen^ of tbe ti esN e ^C^^ m J. BRYANT son end Third streeU, where ell will be ettsndsd to firai ii^tho MRS. M. orders etsne nelhsAed 6s wee the neme of tbe , OREAT Spiinff BRmttraMes. to WOULD reepectfuilv Infomi her imiucdmtely—4o farnkh tbs seeeon through with deer NATIONAE ROUTE. ef the mme. ^UFEUIOR patent s^ng MsUrsmes end Bed BoMoms. ' oU friends end tbs (nbtte In generv G08NELL A gCOTT. rpERMINATES CLAUnirg DU6’AIX. AT WASHINGTON AND IIALTI the moet eonvsoient end deeireble erticle of the kind W". TVRNEIl. el thet shr bes now openei end ia M. more on Best end W’bseUng, Bsowood. 1 enmpily ettended to. Fare to Nav York and Boiton ONE DOLLAR baa than T tolwSSrS Porttead. Vie eny other B^Pedow delivered eltber la tbe dty or W. C. KENNEDY. routs. epl6 dtf M. J. BRY-ANT. W. P. IDX7VA.L.L. Sc GO., Wheeling deUy, et 8:06 P. M., end * I.. R. 8HRTOCK, O- and ... ko kaap aoaataaUp oa hand a fall ^ eaaMAaa | W. H. CRUTCHER, FANCY GOODS. Direct connections ere xieds by these trelns At 110 Fonrth atraat, batvaan Morkat and JeOanon, l.'NPOMTANT FOR MAN. Comniissioii 4ia MAIN ST.. OPPOSITE I.OCISV1LLE HOTEL. FOR a^L THE EASTERN ClTlBa Merchants, CURTAIN GOODS, I AN ba fonad a lorta and baantifal oMartmaat o< bncy URF OIL cun. old Sana. This is **cSiPE^AND as now on hand and is constantly r& co atin Foai. the only route to Weshington City. r reil f C artlelaa, nd i; of Oombt, Bmahaa, Par- VS.-V —K WnnnU. CoBBMfcUl St., W1T« ceiving. stocks of Pessengsrs by this visit Beltimore. Phlledel. M M. PiM kad OIHe StK, I H one ef the lergest end bendeomest famary, Pomodaa, Portmonaiaa and Pnraaa. Batahala, Vb- route cen pkie. New ticket Turf core* Scald staple anS Doaestic Idnk Cordo, Cord <;ata8. o«ar Coaaa WritliK Daaki. Sab- Yoik,end Boston et the cost of e to Bos- OO Head. Pluf FM^y (HIM 4 GLA88 , sKD QEEEKSH ARE ton eione by other , aowKnlra^Cabt, Parombulaton. Boakata, and all kinda routes. Tarf OO eam Tetter. Sta X^O-UlSv ago. Through Tickets to tbs Eestem dries een be procured «Tor oBatad in thb morkat. of WUluv Wore, Faatbar Dnatara, Toyi, Aa., &c. Ml Oaa r at av . Wa vie Weshington edditionel cherge Turf Oil emras SpraliM. a a toTila tha attanlion of tbe I-odlea to oar atock, famine City et en of $9 8U TRAIN-Ac— •• ^ goods, ALSO, Quick time THI BD t* end sore connections. Torf aurw dry aaaorad oa rawda ivicaa and tha qnobty of our tooda they OU Bnim. loppiaa at all bnrtaaa. oad, retaraiag, viU bare Laaraaw . ,nh^ - -riBHauanrr tha aoma patronoaa ao Ubw- LttokiSK Glasses, Casters, aod other cannot foil to be piaoaad. Bi^lD4iuireforl*lcksUvU BALTIMORE AND OHIO aad orma at Laakv Turf oil cur« Bonu aad luuvw ao tear. aidJtP. M , aaowia, at aD itarioaa, taart. RAl et eny of prindpel Reilroed Offices in the rs, aModad to him lor tha laotairtaaa mrH d ARNOLD A MILLER. LHUAD tbe aiUa at a.M M. Laateras, tc. West. K. F. Osnsre) WesUwti Aeent. FOR BEASTS. A CLAUDIUS DUVALL. Plated Goods, FULLERa Trolaa orrire ia LaalaaMa aa follava; FHMBata at IKlk L. M. COLE. Generel Ticket AgenL I Tarf OU mna Saddle Gall. HYDRAULIC W. P. SMITH, Mesterof Trenspoitetlon. rt»dly CEMENT, Turf OU curee old Strain#. F THE BEST Ol ALITY, CHEAP AT WHOLE- Turf OU coTM gwaUed O SALE AND RETAII. isse. isse. Lege. Turf OQ core# Stiff Julut#. MANUFACTURED Tuff OU turw Sweeoor. SPRIIVO ARHANtiE-UEIVT. Turf OH cuTM PoUoTiL Turf oil curee Cracked Heel. Tort R.«ga/am«aR.l.E AMU N ASHVIUUM JOB! W JSIjTTY. uU curw Wind GaU. Ieb7 WILSON A STA RBI RD. A.MD LEBA.VON BRAMCH KENNEDY’S H.\KKIBAL AKD ST. JOSEPH R.ULR0.U) OAKY A TALBOT. THOMAS Q. OQ AT.J QFFXO£], Of *lli980uri ROBERTS i;HO. rCORt.'U. (lota OolUna'a}, 19 HAll^HOADS. »* at- . 1^ riore, aaeond k a and DrugoGu its snUre length for tbe treneportetion of poAttn‘ door R-oro tha nortfavaoi and Caontry Mnchonu'la^iM State. THIRD 6T-, TWO DOORS SOUTH OF MARKET, PEN corner of Fourth O af^oriino the sAortcet. qnicketi, XT’ A Main riroau, a nav atork of Watrkaa, it FRF. tba beat PltUburf Cool b aold at tha lovaat and ekmp€$t route to Wetitm if>«soun. iowa, Kansao, miiSO Iavalry. PUbjI-irara, *c.. Ac., vhkh ha^ > price. mal7 d3m C. W WM. KENNEDY. h'ehraska^and the N6!\V GOLD MINKS. n. r- lor «ob unuaually low. Wah-haa and all MAILLAKIFS kinda o on end AfUsr F»b. 14, 1869, trsins Iveve ffannibaiyor JavaliT promptly and rnrafiiUy repaired. ou*i dtf MAILLARD'S dfe SL Joaeph deUy et 7 u^clock A. M., or upon errivel of U MAlLLAKD*g C-AJRSON^ WKS. A. IVAUTS’ dr 8. J. H. R packet* from 8t- LouU, emving in at. WBOUSdLE PAPEB WABEUUUSE. Joseph et 7 o*clock P. M. mme dey, connecting with H Superior R. line of first cIsm Packet*, which ieevv iniiu*>dietely on CONFEtITIONERY i ii Barn Yaak. BOTE’S’ G-XZULiS’I Bo. 44 Baava Bwr. Copaitnerahip Notio*. JOHN R CONWAV & SON, errivel of trelns for aVebroeIra Cfly, Omaha. Council CONFECTIONERY pari Blu/f*, Atchicon, WectoH.uad Leaventtorth City. *- ALEXANDER taq .b admitted sa a rUKIUS Mm THE 11 A 8T. JOE K. R- LINEoE PAi;KET8isoom. CONFECTIONERY I in A«r this detr. Hones trom elegant eud euiolotteblH on and MASSER’S PATENT H- H. NEIk’COMB A BRO. Clothing Establishment. posed of the most stceiaera BALTI.nOBi:, ItID., tbs Miadpsippi river, end rue oxjtrecMly in connection street, east side, CHOCOLATE, Third between Walnut xnd Gutbiitits., this ro^, 8t. 1 <>uU evrry day Impartert and WTtoUaale DemUrt in Brandies. with boats Iceving et 6 o'- CHOCOLATE. 8 RKlxLUte woncB. one door north of Sefaon Chapel, clock p. M tar Hannibai (slui>piuh* oolv et A Iton), tekinr Ac jind A ycnis/or the various Brands 1_,_ ...ya,, a portaar In the hooM of Gtns. damrs, ^ .a/ r.AdrS. chocolate. A O. BRAXNIN b odmltud Oid Rye, Bourbfm, and Wheat Whiskies. IdOUlMTlLLE, HY. L. K./Ti LeataanW. and HiUta'd, Sam- af It I. K , BmaSd A Sammart, H E has eonsUnUy on hand a rapplr of the beet Mate- from Urn Srd ind. Tha dyle 11* F offer for sele ts tbs Trede, from V. 8. Hondsd Mfv A Co.. Nav Oriaona. rials for making CbUdteo's Clutnuig. Also, a fine as- THE BEST IN THE WORLD. FREEZERS. e» heretufors. 1 V Wervhoose, e ierge emortment of BRANDIES, vix: S A w. wvmroM. w. c. ICECREAM f both bowses wfll be eowunued sortment of Trimmings «pay, dh Ck>.; Jules Robin; Plnct Ces- THE WORLD. SS Noa.d. Itn. gredss THE BURTON A HAIal., eptraON tinpto. Eesatt Certaia. tiUon. A Co.; PeUsvoistn, end Brigmetie of veriowi BEST IN THE WORLD. Shttm* Medslre, Port, CUrvt, V r a.nt CoDAitnATship MotlCA. end rintegrs. WINES— w, itrdtrum lugpouad.ta l4U.(KBpauad.a CMRI- ijliAmimeiie, WHISKY We would cell perticoler MRS. S. A. ALIreEN'S TBK IMCREABIKO MEHAMD. AMD THE mmavv M 1 ^ mream*.^ IwAa I IWSsilln fdAtlBe the mori reofouatl. tarma Aptdy or addrare WHOI.ESALE GROCERS, eUonti^ to uur stock of Old Whkky of veriuus gredi*# e.TMOMUt.CMC VALUED POPCLAUTT OF THME FREE*ERA very extcMlve some very old end World’s Hair Resiorf r k Zjlobahanum H. MAILLARII. ina om aayv mmiithw, which U BIST IC^KKAM try oad CeanmMon Bodnam nndar n^ to give entire Mtlsfecllon. 0Pl6 » Priea lor Wool. auii iimni m of the most valuable as srell as perfect Chemical combina> II. Sqvore. ronar af Penakfort omuar (Oy** TH08. HUNT A CO. tlons eva-r produced. 6'or sal*; fffWWiikMB k Fffrwardigff .MercluBts, car at Tha Grant Weatara onJ Nurtbwaat Short Line Rnnta by Grfmt Sseiap Tfme and Bxptnat—iha aml^ Snreem- J. WAl.KKR 8F.ATON, Druggist, An» •My'haoadarad In the riiwm lUdajawT. ^MaM. Mkbw ya Fine Foreifs Extrarti and riieairsl8 . nA Cumer of Seventh and Giwn sg , whe^ Pamily Plour. Ttaa oBarhar'a May and Baih Soama awnikad la marl3d3i^ LouisvUlv, Ky. m ALLEN A CO.'S, of London— T enn bs run by liorsv, 8tc*m. Wind, or Wnler ^wvr STEAlfBOAT AOCa^TS KEW ALBAKT AND SALEM RAILROAD. I and Bnnkann vko Extract llyoecUmus; Price, with 8uiv« nrrungNd, for fffiing Com Mml for *^.*B*Varema* af Bnnmvra &mily use, whilv grinding F^nedvMW-- Do BelUdouua; FABK TO CHICAGO REDUCED TO *S 00. ggu nmvaaafMI. M. FRENCH. Cates. large aieortmeot always on hand. Also all price, with ikkitiwg Machine attached, fur m*s«»kg I A A Do Conium of every style finl^, and bav. PautngtTt for Rock Itland, Bvrlinotoit, Iona CUu, CoDKitnerfflilp. iI kinds of Wood i;^bs and Family Fkmr $76 Do Comp'd ColocynUt: and all rointi Xortkweot fYMUF wndsnifBsd wiU conttaas Uir bu^em ing two new GUss llsarses aod s Urge oambsrof fine Do IndUn Hemp; will taor One JEWBLlYlDWATm GwBiriiHivv CtiruUfB can be had, or tbs Mill can bs twen Dollar by takiny WATKINS. HI NT, Cairiages, we are prepared to attsod to calls in toe Hty or Iku Route. In op«*ratlou, at tb«* t>lbos of thv "Uulrautn I Hunt, A Co. uttfier ff»e firm of Do Taraxicum. M We have reef lved by EXPRESS a Urge Farm Mill MERCHAINT TAILORS. A OO onntry promptly. fl9 dSm SQUIERKTS, of London- Cooipaov,** Tribune Building!!', No. 7 8pr«cr strsri, N Y.. H5mWTTTwTT! asMrtioent of all sorts of BEN. J ADAMS. I-AoiBrlllo, Eztract of Indian Hemi> wbpre all orders will rseetvs prempt nitration. i JKW6.LHY AND WATCIIEN, dlldGm WM. WATK1S& Ix. 8 . GORDON, HERRING'S, of LonJon— 1859. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1859. w hie makes our stock complete. MARTIN TIlATt’HER, Ssc. (Loif or Watkuu A Ovrioy.) detract of IndUn Hemp. Howaxn, Agsnt, Malnst., LouUvUls, by. We intend to sell cheap, and th« rvlore invite onr i i .• uJs W1L8.1N 8. HUNT, Fayottoco., Ky. U II A N G E O F T I ,n a HOWARD A SON'S, of London. E cu4omersto call aud exsmiue our tt4Kk, wlurh is JNO. H. tXiOPER. CbMiJMisstoif alMerrhaut^ Quinine; Two Iknlji Traini to St. and Cincomatl, and complete. AMAICA. ST. CROIX. AND NEW ENGLAND RUM. LiMwIBa Sayt. 1, lH6-«6 Qulaidioe; 114 SPKAR'S 6^'HARF, BALTIMORE. i J s hbds lot aale iW No. One Dadj/ Train la by Caiomeh CH/coj/o. HIRSCHBUHL & DOLFINOER, _ap26 ANTHO.NY ZAaNONEu ESPECTFULLY sobcits conttgomeots of Floor, Ulus Pill Wheat, C'am, C!lovel«eed, Baci>n, Po^, Hams, Lard, On nnd after January SM, No. Maia etreet, IXEl A.3D~TSIfilI R MANDER'S Calomel: 1859, B«-tween Seci>nd FRENCH qr hf Tallow, and Btitter, and all other things appertaining to a and Third aireeU. BRANDY.—49 acd pipes la store aad Blue Pill; Traina General tu^marisslon Basiuess. feblO dSm Paweiiffer will lear# New Albaor, o^poelt# Lou- F Ciistooi lloose aad for sads by NEW ORLE.iNS MEDICAL NOTICE. MERK'8, of Darmstadt— lewlUr, ae followc apUj ANTHONY ZANONE. Morphine: COA-JL. DK. LEROY'S MIXTURE FOB THE OEO. 8. MOORE. JNO. C. MASON. Cbieoyo Moil at %ao f xtrmet M IndUn Hemp; A. M. |)EA< H AND APPLE BKANDY.-t6 bbla for sale by PROMPT ANDCEBTAIN CURE oF ALL St. Lonband CifiHanati Day Exprao. o' 12:06 From Coal River, Va. OU of Ergot. ** P. M. 1 sp36 diseases. AND THOSE AF- GEO 8. MOORE & CO., •* " •• AoNTUONY KANONE. URETHRAL larger portion of Nl«ht nt «:S5 p. M. FBfT10N»SOLELV-TO THE PUBLIC.— Tbe our own direct Importation. \K ' E are new in reciMpt of a lot of this troly celebrated (Socnoaon to Donicoa. Moon, A Co.), Clotaronnaatlantare modant Milcliall ICTcntaan ytvre' trial of thia Mtxture In an «x. _apH WILSON A STAttHIRD. with oU tba Paa- vY article of t'annel i.’oal tool the pupuiug kindi. fresh A QU ARIL M8 -Thick Freneh Plate Gl«« of ths varP aancar Train* on tha (Mik, and Mhria-ippi ORMSBY, MOrire ynetiri- la Nrv Urirena boa fnlly toared lYlRnHfactHren. and Dpalpr« RaUrood to and from the mines of the Western Mining and Maoutacturing A.\ out sixes suitable for Aiiuariums always on hand and COLLIS from St. 1-0 ub and t.'incinnati. iu onA rasMTod tbore iirejudieM vbich Company on Coal River, a branch of the Kanawha, which for sals by |AP^J HEGAN A t:8t OTT. pawn Raacliiuc SI. I.onb at kau A. and to* pnbik *»oaroUy hareomam^ ad»«- CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES & GIGS. M. 2:30 P. M we are desirous to dGi>oCK, Wicks, iffsrflnn of tbs Kidasyi, iMonttnenos of ^rambnUtors^ also the colored Willow with enamel top Wili Only one Chanyeat Care to St. A CO. IdOUIHFlLldE, KY. LouU, , and Pomeroy Coal for sale at the lowest market prices. or Chicago. vnll In okotinnta anoea of eonoiTkoM and JILL rnpplr Foundcriea and KoUing MUU from the OLM8TEAD A O'CONNOR, Coal Ilealera. ^AUTERNE WINE.—100 boxes aod 60 bMs for mJs by V Office southwest corner Brook and Market streets, O ANTHONY ZANONK, ,n aaa la aonaoctian vith tba Mixture oar CAM- foU iwing Fnrnacee: n tbe city. Ws invite all btiyers to come and examine Baggage Checked Through. and sonthwest Fulton ap36 Fifth strest, below injection. Priea M Cottage Furnace, Star Furnace, base good# betore parchaaing sisewbere, as we are selling yard comer of aod Clay strewta. Mma. PHORATED belladonna BEING THIRTY MILE.S .SHORTER than Boena Visla Furnace, Bel.font Furnace, at very low prices, lower Gian ws ever hav« sold. any other janl6 dtf Route tQ St. Loub, and it. Trolna connactlny ENN ETT ALE.-90 Mds and Kenaett AU, brew Aa la all aneomrUeaUdcaaoa ONE CUroUae k'umace. LMrrI Furnace, cloaely with XX *?2kE KOTICK K ed especially for summer use, just reesivod aod for DR. LE ROY’S MIXTUREiuflUavtoafcct Steam Fumaee, lit. Savage Famaee, D^ot Sh Fourth atreeCfi BOTTLErf indefiLltely for O. A .M. traina whvn they are de* laUby (ap66j NOCK, WICKS, A CO. I AMERICAN HOUSE, fi!i4aMBtaan.la from tbrre to ai«bt dayA oariawd. U penn Furoaoe. Harrison f urnace, Innueto the coal Fai«engen Reliable (Aitnectionaat Mitch. mSamimTar a rial of Ike BaUadonaa lajo^a, Greenup Fumaco, Ila^Uy Fnmacs. oaee# CaetUe OAP AND CHEESE.-fiu Soap: alLto or from Ht. Loub or Cincinnati attsntlon iven to tbs parebass sarod of a dlsagroeabls nad ofton dan« Furnace, BOSTON, . C. HITE. G. W. SMALK J. P. MARSHALU |>ER80NAL g and mis sf of gotttog prom^y Umsatone S 5 do Hamburg Cheeee; J^Poaaancar. and Uowar- tokan to oduce. and from any port I.S tbe A Pr Msirhandim, aod Manufactured Artielsa. also band all ttoea Received Fairchild lor aale by tha Urr’Y.t and best arranged Hotel In tbe • k^Ws keep oonalantly on of Nalls by and of iity and tha t:ora Fre-o of Cborga. Liberal advanens mads on eonrignaitnu. mapifiral rsmedy. New England States; Is centrally located and easy and Fire Bricks. ap» V. P. GAETANO A CO TnoocbB Toaivaronnaet at UrenncoiCIa vith tha Terra Rxrraxooxe: Cbas. B. Foote, ‘ pbystoton aad prsscribodsotoly for H'22 of accews from all tbe routes of travel. It eon- ano CwsbUr, Worthtagton A by a febi d6m GEO. S. MOORE A CO, Haiita and KIrbmoud KoUroad, Waat for Terra Uauta and modem improvemenh* and every Ce., Hagh McHtfaey A Co., NettUton, Lowry, A Ce., ACCAKONI.—60 cases ItalUn Macearuni justrecelvv St. Louia, and Eoat for ludionopoUa. At Lofayatta vith Fi:R!VlSllla'«Ci MetUcx« lure ct>nv«'UipncH for the eomfort and aetomaodatlon of the OOOD§. Day A A WsK, Wyana, Haiae^ A Ce., M ed and fsr mle by the Totodo and Waboah KoUway Went for HprIrcSald and CtnctasaU; Areber, Whiteside. apte travfclliug pkbllc The Bleeping rooms am large end well A Co..Vfm. WMttaaa, V. D. GAETANO A CO. all poinu VMt. and lAat fur Toledo. St. LeuU; damned And viUi tha Micbi- ventilated; tbe Miites of rooms are well arranged and com* HI'TE Sc Orr, EvaeisvilU: Rsbsrr Dainll A Co., MD Suutbern and Northern Indiana Railroad fur Toledo Alexander Laughha, PRUburg; EMONS.—16v boxes prime Lemons in store and for plelely furnished for Camilies aod Urge travelling parties, 199 Sontb Side ef .Main street, between Third aad Fourth. Met.'ntebf-on A Culb^ f and Chleaeo and oU intarmadlata Stationa. And at Mbhi- PbiudaUbla; McAodrww Warm, New eslsby aod the bouse will continue to be kept as first A Y«e%: John A. V. D. GAETANO A CO., aan City vith tha Michlcon tVntrol a cUss Hu. K have ree«dved daring tbe pact weak eoveral ba^. CaJdwsIf, Railroad for Chicofo Keokuk Alfred Oatelmll, Mtoncy, 111 ; BalUy A apS4 674 Main street. iome patterua of BoaTON. Jan. 7. lB6». janU dly EMON SIRL'P.—duo borne# euperior Lemon Sirup in [ EngUrh 6. ply do do. new siylas; La #tor# for aal# ADVANCES. and by REMEMBER THE ROUTE., and ao additional supply ef all pades of l.friy Ingrain, read, aa eored^reeafo fo PAR- apBh V. D. GAETANO A CO. nSRAL advoaare New Albany and Salem Itailroad. whkh. In addition to our former stock, enables us to offbr MKLC * BRO., New Olfoaa>>y . to our customers great iaducemsnU la style, gnalitjr, aad EARL LIME— Expressly for W^bltewashing. 1 am BELL A MURDOCK. tWOauarol Offiea. 666 Main atroat, South aide, batvaan To Sell 9150,000 luw pnevs. HIIIIM lUID nCTOBI. sole agent for the sale of the above P brand. Second and Third, LOUISVILLE Kantiirky, vhara D. ORTH, including every deecription, from tbe com. J. BGNDURANT, THKtiUOH TICKETS and further informatioD con ba ap68 Sixth sL, between Mam and Market.^ W monest to the finrvt quality of Cases aod Frames FLOOR OILCLOTH. obloluMl. Abo at Ticket Offlca.LaiibTiUe Hotel. JOHN F. HARVEY. with PlcCiims. that 1 will wairant not to be excelled A good Stock of all qualities oa hand. Train, ore run by I»uiarilla Tima. any. ESHANOC POTATOES.—100 bbU in store and for where, and at price* compared with other Galleries In this S*. 4M, Bortk lida Market, kef. 8acaa4 8b4 ThM, KJE RICKER, aiip't.g sale by J. D. BONDURANT, city as follows; Those that I sell at 66 cents you wlU find INDIA MATTING. N A. B. BAKER, Tbkat Ay't, LaubrUla. ap6H Sixth street, near Main. equal or superior to others at 60 cents to $1, and so on 4>4aod 6re| Gowqna, cheeked; LOUISVZU.B, KT, Nav Albany, Jaa. lat, ISW. throimhoTit the whole catalogue. Nauieo—Types, Gn^hs, 4.4, 6-4, and 9.4 Gowqua, wfeiite. espectfully taforrea eg frGada and IbavaMfo [BOROUGH aud BmiUr Y’ankee dock peddler sebmurs of trickery are R that bs may be found at tbs xbovs place, over Mssme. Van Pelt's: NASHVILLE AND (HATTA.KOOGA fast being uodoretood by tha public, bsuce the d^y la. CURTAIN WATS4IN , GOODS, , A STOCFFUrS FURNITURR WARE- Cultivators; Lace aud 8wns Embriuderea i^urtauss, ail grades Improved creased crowds St tbe btar Gallery, No. 76 Fourth •trest, aod ROtlMS, where be is prepared to make to orffer aad wiR Biiuley they i(et of Chirtain Damasks and Trimmiags. All Orden prompUy attended Plow; where can the cheapen, Uwt, aud moet durable koxe on hand Vsnkmn Biiads of every tine, relor, and For sale by powers; Pirtui'tw uuw m tdi-. Uw HITE A SMALL, quality usnaJ to the trade else, to repair, rspeint, and rs- Threshers daitf 499 Mala ftreet, ; V. 08TER. trim old BUnde at abort nsriss. From x practical kauwP C. I. (STa.^TdU PONT, ilarvesterr. 6p26 Between Third aad Foarth stresto. edge *f tbs bniinsei, 1^^ 11. 1^ 13 . aad ky evict attrattua to tt, bs kopea Formic by J. D. BONDURANT, 0 ^ to five satiMketioa to all who may deal with hmi and msr- JRAPPINO PAPFA- . ^ MAKUFACTURUR8 OF apt* Sixth street, *|'nr. wnuemgnew are me only auinonx4«<] Ageol I WraMtec Pap«, ao;^ana4 >«.; near Mam. ICELAM) tt a ttberxl patronage M« kaaKl*. Hrmi- M. Uiis eity for the Nashville and Chattanooga MUSS PASTE. Ifflusense stock at cost for cash. Lmn 4o itomw Ao 4u, Ao Ao; Prices reaseaxbie and terms Cask. n9i dly NEWS, BOOK, COLORED PAPER. VORY CUTLERY AND PLATED WARE. - Hotek Company, and are now prepared to bsue through run €f!M DROPS of Every Description, UEGAN A BfftrOTT. 17 * A V rrePONT. & I and Steam boati furnished whh fine Ivory Cutlery and fur freight to Charletton, 8. C., SavanuiJi, Augasta, ALbO, Plated Ware In any quantity at low prices by con, and Columbos, Ga., aod Msotgouiery, Ala. For coughs, colds, etc. BBLS Utica Lime in store and for aal# by ap69 C. ORMSBY. PENTON A GALORE, . MOORHEAD A CO., Fanpy Perfumery. WHOLESALE DEALERS tna9 d3m No. 63 Wall st, Louisville, K OoodN aud — WaU atra#L la nvils and B6:LL0WS.—Blacksmiths* Anvils, Vtt- For sale by TU08. £. JENKINS A CO., •a. Bellows, Sledges, Hammer#, Stocks and Diaa, BBLS Cement la store and for mis by PETER A BUCHANAN. A PEKKSILI A.KIA diS dtf orner of O ^ Rasps, Fttea, Knives, Ae., for sals by CE.KTRAL RAILROAD. Third and Wainnt streeta. 40 PENTON A OLORE, UMGKIMO TOBACCO.— Paper of all Mfinds, C. ORMSBY. apA6 66 WaU street. bbk Fia. Cot; THEi'ELEBKATED OSH EGO ST ARCH, RALES ivinui TiaoUiy Hot ta Mon aad for refo O » OOPERS' TOOLS.—Uoup Jointers, Knitea, Crexca, k rear MlPriiifc*: tor iolaby ASH PAID FOR RAGS allth. Oflkee of tbe LOUIS- UUU by PENTON * OLUKK, I and Uowris for sals low ny MAKUyACTTKEn BT CASTLEMAN * TORBITT. C VILLE PAPER MILL, No. 477 Main It. di C a|i3* No. 36 Wall Mrnri. ^ ap69 C. ORMSBY. 1. KINGSFOKD A SON, W. C. TYLER. E. J. MARTIN. AD1E8* PAGES.—A new and convenient nrtisis, to * Bor Hrrrlac. Nan 1, 3. and 3 AN BE OBTAINED OF- Balaion, L which we call tbs attention of tbe Indma. CodAA'far ml. OBEAT ATTKACTieST! C .James Fuada, W. A 11. Borkhardt, and MARTnr, xp96 MILLER, 119 Fourth st. ^ TTIiER A J. T. Laaham A Co., T. L. Jefferson, ARNOLD A V. D. Gasuno A Co., boxo* "Eixvo, PAPER MANNINGS T. A J. F. Jeffersun A Ce. ONI Wbolr. half, aad (laartor of WHOLESALE »«ew nier "DO TOU KNOW 11-^ to OPEH»L’8dV8. wUa Hog Chain# complete, ^RESERVES.— Aasortod Shaker Pre#erv## just reeaivad I I AlfD nrticalarir if kit. 1,3, and 3 Mackerel; FEED PRODUCE DEAUSia F not, auka hfo aeqnalataaca at oaec. nl dtf I.OI'IBTIH.H. KT. ^jj^l^m^i^olfered for mis as she now lies at N«w AU and for aala by W A H. BURKHARUT. I yoa want aa aatdt ia tka any af CLOTHING or FI R- iVA G7 Market atrrwt. N,. SS TUrd jtraat, batwtaa Main aad tka Kirw, NIsnNG GOODS. HB Mock pmbraere Men'i aad She will nake an excellent Wharf Boat, having been 10 bblfl shod; OLLAND OIN.—4 pipe# lor aal# by LOCIMTILLB. Yootk.' of all aaai, both ta. and madluai qaali- LssisTitlr Bleachinx Estsblishwest. thoroughly ovet uauled. MV. CMUv 36 kit. do; [ apas ANTHONY ZANONR. tr, bat all cbamclcrlacd by Mrir and durabiiity. For terms applj' to FRANK CARTER, mnrin, 16 do Salmon. ERSONAL ottaattoa giraa to tka Sol* M Hay, Oraia, tiaafore B at tkr eorarr af Fonrlfa aad Main MRS. WM. OSBORN, o9 dtf boA Main strvvt. 379 bbb for sale Aire, IM kit. Morkarel, to airrire. OPPaK DISTILLED WHISKY.— P Uriod FroU, B«trr, Cmi, uadraa, Ayylm, ^606000, apforiM IBe Natioaal HoiaL «r«o N«a 464) Jefferwwn wt«« hei. Tkirff n.w4 Pwttrih, C by ANTHONY ZANONS. >p3» W. A H. BC RkHARDT, 417 Market ri. Flour. Bacon. Lard, HE8P£CTFULLYinformstbe ladies that T»I-A.lQ-OS TXJlSrEID. vd.ni for Grocortao, maaia, aad Maaafactarad T»T EXPRESS THIS DAY- has r,gamed from the Fast wttha well- ';«RKEN AND BLACK TEA M hf chmta Green and Artieig. adicitod and ,llad on tka aiori fo.onkia Elofant new «ylr Suit, for Sprioc: Ws a e now prepared to attend ! D selected stock of Bonnets, Ribbons, in store for aal# Straw J Blacit Tea and by to ail LIkarmI C'aok Adraarea reade aa Caa- Biack Do.iAtn Carererera PanU; mm 111 orders for Twatito aod Repair^ Flowera, Wraalhs, aad Head Dresses. ap» W. 11. BURKHAKDT. 417 Market it. aicaatrata. dW A R N If ning, liavlng seenred the services of Mr. aovlt Are SkairioD VoMr. Also a good assortment ofchildren's Hats aad Plata, lusce J J J J K. M. Hxnt, a first* rate toner and ifroeft* a Urare aad Frock Coat.; at aod Bodtram Frames, and Crowns of the latost styles. CANDLES.—lUO boxes Star Oand lee; W cw Piano makr-r, dlrurifrum Vuaus A Clark. NswYoriL R. H. WaOGKNKR, JOHN S. LUNG, J. M. ARMSTRuNO'S, 60 bf boxes Star Cand Orand TrunJc Railroad of Canada. Malaatrarir. Bleaching and Preating cniried on as osnal at Send in your orders. TKlPP dk CKAGG. Lato af Formerly of Coraar Fonria aad 6u qr do do do; HoOel. 06 MRS. WM. OSBORN'S. fl4 dti lue Fourth st., between Market and Jefferson. Armstrong, Allen, A On. RmmWvflin. Ky. Oi^paritc the National In mors and for aale by ap39 W. A H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market st. R A. SHRADER & CO, >UBT WINE—3lt ca.k. for talc bp To the Voters of Kentucky. ANTHONY ZANONE WAGGENER & LONG, tXIMMISSIUN MERCUANT8 A.no WHOLE- UM GAM BI ER—for preventing incrustations In boll' A tbs West to Boston, New York, nud the Enstom ; by tiUud Miipa from London, Urerpool. Ply. all t'otmmkm* m»d lemim relead par MalnotH and tor reie by ^ Ckerriage Trimmings, mouth, Glaenw.BrietuI, Hull, Aberdeen, and Montroae CIIKAP: rilE-VP!! CHEAPin 600 do Fancy SUk Nrektin; 300 d. block do do; apt, H D. NEWCOMB A BRO. An s«ent of the Grand ’Trunk Railroad superintend, the Wii. V. KcBMdy Wre. W. -Waggto. remoTOlof euiifrant. and ('REAPER: cheaper:: creaper::: Jail recalTrd and forrele by C0 .1 CH& SADDLERY HABDW*KE. brown and Mua ha«pi,e to Quebec fra. of onnet boards.—300 grooibaaTy cborfe. op36 JAMU LOW A Ca. 413Malni6. llOri. MACH.KNZ1U A NONI4, Na. 3*A'A Bal- B Bonnet Board. In More and for reie by cheape-nt: cheapest:: cheap'^ht::: kCHMIOT OSRIS. and Pare from 830 to $36 ts CUeayo, lDcliidln« rooked pro- & T Ifrearritrerl Baliimarc, .Ma., Imuoner. •pao c. I. A A. V. Dupont. elMona Manoioctarer. uf Mirrup., Bridla Biu, Buckiea, Weba, A-M — A-MB-R-O- A-M-B-R.O-TY.P.E-S Havana Clgara The Mammoth Steamship AMBRO- OIaOTSI3VC3-, it Toefco, Uomaa, Head, and Ktdn., Terrri. and Hook. wo Way. to WodlocK-a Norcl-at TYPKS in tbe cUy at the Notiunol Ooilcry, juri bsloa 1 !^l\ rtnU GBNUINE Imported of tba more refoctad Spokre, Hnbt, Felloa., BaireU, Spnrt, Loere, SprinfO, CLARKE'S. -iUU.UWU brawB.rech a* Par a,.., Inuinidad, El Skirts, faderwear, Skawls, Faacy . 1_ T M LEVIATHAN! Foarth, on Main rireet. ml patent and Enameled Leothar, Ac. LoT.MeUttla,LoT.MeLon«,at SoL Furano, and Cinto drl Orion, for rela at abol.rel. clarke-S. Of 33,000 ton. and 700 feet lone B nnder contract to UiB ondretoUby EDWARD PEYNADO. Coeds, aad Tailct .trticles, mnhtihowke, b> Ltowtoimnt Marmy. Price 9u ossts. rompony for one or more trip, Veriatfre of Lora, at to Portland. Tour- op36 No. 1 Main M., under the LouBrilia UotaL Charity Green, or Tbe leu' return tickau from Chlct^ 4S1 Mnia Mroat, third donr below Foarth. F. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE, Rl£ S to the chief town, in Eu- 97 Third stiwL roFe wUI foonly be i^ed. -rkket. from Ctuca»> Trrmllllen and HI. Friond., by Dr. R. Shriton Mocken- for all gross Penri Shirt iCSi&8 polnU F-oM, aim for tb* f-erintban, or for the EARL BUTTONS.-9AD9 BnttoM, de.at CLAKKE-'S. M. O. 8. S nsBorted, just rsceivsd nnd for mis by Ti Co.’. Miipc cen be obtained at the office of P 17 a ii a li TTaiJ Dictionary of Coofrae. from the Foundation of the (}o. tbe Grand st ban cna he found nt Trunk Railroad, No. 36 Dearborn etreet, Cblcoco np96 JAMES LOW A CO., 4U Mnln NEW AND USEFUL CA88EDAY' A HOPKINS'S, remment at CLARKES. Stephen Colwell, J warrack, 664 Mnin street. The Way. aad Mean, of Paymoat. by Agent. ,e,Grand Trunk 'ENTS' AND BOYir FURNI.SUINO GUODB P.lTE!tT CUiE DSCBLE SEAT CHAU CLAKKirs. R. R. Co . of CaniriA PIANOS. tt C l.MU doxen Gam kloatic 6'oacy ffiw^ndeie, ereorted; a. People'e Editlen. Pt^ 810. JOHN CANNON * CO., 'iKu Warerly NeroB, eomplete, EXCHANGE ON EUROPE. 3IW do boys' Gum do, do; CLARKL B. 66 doosn Bcythre, grare aad ftaln: jht Bight Drofu on London at a.e dollar, 3iM do genu' Pioculomini CoUen; *M nnttfta r I ttrr m« Munsy nt per £ narting can M do SootlM; A Tbonannd Cbnacesto Mnks be obtained at the office of tbe 16U do do white do; PETERS, CRAGG, & CO.’S CrLARKFT 8* Grand Trunk Railroad of LOUISVILLE, KY., AND NEW ALRANY, INU M do HoyFrek.; ia icago. Steau Engines, t'ircnlar Saw Mills, 3IM do do foaey do; Moral Gov- Canada Ch M de Wood Bakes: for reie by The Atonement in He Relationa to Lew end JuM receWed and for rela by CLARKES. Comer of Eighth and Wxter atreets, f9*areP0oms, emmeot et Buffalo and Lake op* J.YME8 LOW A CO.. 418 MolnM. Norton's Liree of tbe BBkope a. lata os pukUatairi at Huron Railroad. LOUISVILLE, KY. nl4 dtf Comer of Mnln nod Sixth sts. GIaARK t» B. hicago to buffalo via detkoit—ai tke Levlion Chnrch Unity nnd tbe Protamnut Bt^pnl C oboee office ticket, for New York, BoMon, .nd all Me- HAWLBY, BILLINOS.&Co. Xk. Urti New York a3U Chnrcfa nt CLARKL a. J’™ ^ntrel :; CA3F.S of tlM celebrated Widow Clbiaol Cbom a Witness of the Ohurch, by •I Mae; reid to be tbe SneM Wins in the Werid, Double IRON WASH large aNurtmsnt of 2 A wrought ERS-A being ibe And erer to ihie V V our ow n make for nxle by brought market, for reie to the i^ple, nt opr36 Iso. 36 Drerborn rt'., Cbicogo. errire. Peteou. wlabing It will Vose's New Lnwyer, or Lnw for x3M HAWIaEY, BILUNGS, COn plasm leara their or- B ULARKn. Se A den at the Blue House Immcdiataly. Polite Correepondence^^ot State «f Kcacwcky, Jeffrrewn rwunty. The Complete Guide to STEAM P1PE-8TF.AM FITTINOS-Oor stock J. P. THOMPSON, A BTA i r-Ht-riT ep36 76 of Sisxm IHp« xnd Flltios# is Ixrqv xnd ctunplsts. Fourth Mrcet. Waobo ^vaaa hong tka FLAT SPUT CHAIR and publiMied at Bttpectina the Afairta/ Che American Rnpreu TIE MIIMI RlllROlD New Book, reeelred a. eoon a. Com Ws xrs itreptfsd to put the auns st the 'IN and WIRE SAFES. .pwi made jrerriUMt to sh Aet the ny skoit- ClJtRKES. pony, •/ Legielature t i #st ,*TA UB 8RysWhisky,9ysnrso4d; P 36 dly R. Kentucky, entitled notics xnd in x workmxnlikf mxuuer. JNO. CANNON A CO. The Slate of 'U« Act amermina xlU 900 bhl« pvnnsyWxnlx cMsr Viosfxr; ARenta In this X99 HAWLEY, BILUNGSa A CO. STARCH! 8TAR<'H!1—Ws xrv the unly KxyrmcCgmvanieo." Ayiemyd. on coo^iuusBl xnd for mUv low by Mxdison Penii 8txrcb ComMoy xnd ^vs ^ city for the t U E biMnea. of reid Company U managed and Iu prop. TIAM AND W. J. S. ORTH, nuw in store x Ixtr** stock of thi# cslcbrxtod Stxrch, wkich and elfccu ore owned by reren I erty TniMeea whoa > sals by (aJUj CoBKBiMKon Mvrchxnt, xt luw rxto#. HAWLEY, BILLINGS, * CU. w« offer for sxle to the irxds fuU nauee end proper places of realdenee ore e. follow, xp96 Third ft., bstwsrn Mxin xnd River. Ce I. A A. V. DePONT, Heiry WelU, of Aurora; John BntterAeld.of MS Mxoafxctarf»' AcenU. rix: Utira Thff Office of the Ifouivville and NaahvlUff apS9 William U. Forgo, of Bulfolo; JohuMon LiringMon o New Yoik City; Alexander Holland, of New York city KAIIaKOAU COMPANY Willem A. Uriugeton, of Urlngslou; Dr. J. A. MCCLELLAND’S LINDENBEROEK CO., .nd all in the SUM 3 now in Newcomb's BuUdlnc, on the uorth v»s4 cornsr »f of New York; end Hamiluu Spenaer, of Bloomington in 1 BuUittxnd Mxin strsstx Entrxncs on BulliUslresC Illinoia person, tbe 8UU of Tbe interested os ccMui na. xnd sn* G 8ugxr Cnuber, tbo beat xrtlcls ever invented for Jefb* een County, xp37 opposite Bxuk of LuuisvUle. W. rcceivad and for tale by p. BENEDICT^ fod|MB|iir Ixrged onr fxcilities fur tbs mxDafxeturs crusbing brown Sugnr from the hogshexd nrepxrxtory to c-ter-... . JuM of ABtai us Aoam. Ex CO., 416 MolnM. Ji« H )KS xnd every description pursuant to litre- ap36 JAMES LOW A WHOLKBALE BLANK of BINDING. pocking In bxrr^ or amoller pxckx^ for ixmily use. ptCM Company, mode an act of tbe LexBla e c.iur.l> A.->u LIMI.UKS I AND RETAIL DKALKR Hf Tbe welLknown xbUities of Mr. Kentucky, euilUed An Aet 6tt hhdff prime Cx^, wbu for ten ysnrs Price $M. turcof eonoerulug Exw'ei. New orlesos Sticmr; AK.YSOL.S.. bxd cbxrge of ibs Urge sstxbhfbuiMit of Mstors. A. I>Sw xp99 dAwl PETER A BUCHANAN. Companie., aud numbered 711, deeloriug sold Compuiln 6UU bsc# Rio Coffw; AT.T. T»AT»-Kgn=»l cxinp A Co., of New York, xnd for tbe Ixst carrier., and providing Ul du 8*Qtos sixteen yexrt to be common for the refriy of Cuflee; 3 da Maire Antfone do; the entire clixrge of tbe iUoding estxblisbmeDt of Mesvs. articlee entruMtsd to their care. 6U do ituiUtioQ JmVR (kiflee; Pier, .Pastel, 1 do Fringed Ivory Uondb PorareB; aid Oval Laskiac UaNsci)! Moftou A Griawold, renditf fuA^ut xasurxnes tbxt 1U0 ktw# Bi Orbooste of our The bumnere of reid Company B conducted by nine men 8od*; JuM received OM for reJa hr work will be executed In x stylo equxl to xny bonssin tbs 9W> bbu Crttabed end Luof ! agen. wboae fuU names and proper places ef raMdsnea arc Siinr; opl6 JAME.ay, Keaffing Withaut lS«a, $16 Buckets^ xtaurted; M now stock tks Clapp Spooner, Bridgeport, Conn. ap37 MoAtoN A AM rseHving my sf above Goods, dUoek XWTLL FRANK CARTER, 10,UUU U«xr#; Ac. 6»eantg QRiawuUL 1 fPum Mviio & xnd CO New York Pkilodslyhix. xnd tbo pnb. ON EVERY PURCHASE OR PROPORTION OF ing.ton. New York, N V. Johnston U' ;25u bottis# Periqus Snuff: Bingham, Philadelphia. Po. book by CHARLBS RFjIDE. — Love Be to oxU xnd rxxatins tbnm, pledging myactf to sm ss John ' new Me low ss tns mme gsuds ena bs bn«gb< in this sttv. wad 'WHOIiEBAl.E OROCER, $100 OO RunuBrKinaley, Newport, R 1. ‘S A Uttie, Love Me Long, by tba aiunor of Peg Woffiag- K&c».^ JahneCone, while Liaa. Ac. Priea FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT IN The person. ntereMad re cufwt qut tract are the stock, 10 xnd bbls purs tun, enrisUa 76c M Si French Urnmij- MORTON A SAMUEL L. LEK. J. W. OWEN. holder, of reid Comreny, who change from day to day, and luu boxes Ularet, different brxnd^ GRISWOLD. imporelble tomake an ooeursu DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS,Ac. ufwhomitB statement, fo bMkels Sweet OO; ia store xnd for axle low by aAkf'D Ia LBE X CO. All Daactiptiona of Boat Stor«a, to the frequency of each chan^ owing T. blancaqnieL Vy piece, all wool TapeMry Ingrain Corpela; 636 MAIN STREET. *7 of capital employed Tn tha buainare 34 City aaS Sho« Store, XO Tte amount of sold Stair corpeti*, 16 do Company In the Slate of KentuAy I. a. nearly a. the sum ^ inches I UmbreAlxi ! do Velvet TapeMry Carpcie; WHOLESALE AND RKTAll. Foarth | 16 itreet, betare«B Market tnd Jeffenon. bs oicertalnad, ten thonrend dollar.. justroooivedxnd for axle by can 66 gruaa Carpet ikndlug: .P'hl the .i^riber., tbe Managers above-named, »P« J.YME8 LOW gRw And we, do A CO.. 416 Main M. JoM received end for aale by SPRI.NG GOODS JUST REl’mED! hereby agree thA legal proc« eerr^ upon any authorloed gp37 J.VMES LOW A CO., 4UMatniL ret W Cue doily reoking aSAMfon. Is onr agent of reid Company In reid county Mtoll be deemed end Lite of North AbbcHtxd Insocts hr R » 616 MAIM STREET. XO'Z- upon reid Company Solraady IregaMoek ct Baa'A Share. oud^^BBS tden e. good rerrica and ourwivas. Z"«'®6)-, w!th nunrer^STu-’ LARRT.—46 boxes Chombartin, Rfobbourg, VoogbL whereof we have barato subscribad luMretionaire *^*^***£-*ffrom specimen, W OaBete, laIs which wawe Inriia ihathe reieuihHi jg -.ue nuM 466 Merkel — nji^lNG AMD MOWING MACHINBff; In witnere our bond, in Ibe Cridnet of the AnUinr Ac., far reb low to ciure eo niignm ent by RICHARDSSK'S IRIiiH LIKEKH at 25430. C .^W uada. SAMUEL L. LEK A CO.. WWKL^HINO MACHIES.aU sorts; this nth day of April, A. I). UiiA Price 81 35. gp37 MOBT^A T. GKf gtyyLP gpl7 BLANC.LGN1EL. 446 Market Mreel, I ANS: Wm. B. Dlnemore, L. 8. Kufu. R KloMey, L. K . , . ' •• Saennd ' g I 046. ' for tpM dear ohavt Ponrth tL by MAJtMUALL M BKKT • rf.' igiftoVKDCULTITATORS: E.R Sanford. J^ M. Thomp«>n. entucky harvester— improved 'RESU butter ia Mon aod reb by bB^ DURKEE, HEATH. CO. “ Clapp Spooner, for tb. immb CRADLEJS: & 8. M. SboamoW, K of 1-d#, andThrrehliig Machin« of U» F gp37 S.NYDER A 36cCALLUM. “ •• moitlj^v6PPri>r- kave tret reerieed a eg HCp:^T MOWING SCYTHES; Oao. W. Core, John Blngbom, ad end reliable make, on hand and lor reie bv WB lag 'EW USLKAXI ii aXM—m CCLTI V-ATORS.-The beat ever .eld ins I eMing Ooltafi ^ lo-z. JohnMon Urinsrion, G. W. BASHAW, No. 616 TEEL TOOTH wBk end^^XlH Main M endfo- M.RKMAkPf. W%«ftSELS PRIMU BUCKWHEAT FOR SEED; between Third and S in tkb luorkei—OU hand reb by lV wMwM He^ Al^ LadMe' KM sNpwefe W. A 4-4 CM6LISH k Fennh. Main M.. wBb and aMkuut mHCH CHINTZ at 12 1-2 k 16c. T4TU or P«>t*6TI.T*Jll.: gp37 oppoMte Bank of O. W. BASH.AW. 6W H erb, and ether artCtaa fc^ctTl^ eUK] WTKIN BROTHER LonBvuU between Tbird and Foarth, toe auntaroea la reoaHen. Ptaare COFFKK—gg^pa. ramombered. that on tbl. elaventb day of April, 1«M, gira re a and kadon AVA Ba U pEFINED SUGAR -W bbb N. Y. Dortfo’ lufi jbi apt? old Mand of Milter, Wingola, Co. ptinkeMmg abewhan. J eateod aad fog reb ky • O.d. lirXXAT, A 8AMUKLL. LKEACO M.6. BAf>B X07- before me coma George W. Core, Prseident of tba Adame XL Crushed landing Irom moil-bore and , W. A - PRKMAkPT. oath foregoing for reie 4* realk tide of Morkee Mr.et, Exprere Company, and mode Umttbe aUta- gp37 RAWSON, MIRRAVg BLACK k FAHCY SILKS, Hl'SLIHS, CtHtD, A TOPD^ Is earea Toreolo in uoart boMtao; •Pl* M deer okwva Fanrth MneA k UADEK, BABESES,kc. memtMgned byUm U true according to the beat of hb 4"'ATSUPR— I tbibn BAGS letres Bb OsAbe M <•••• *Bd fog reb W koowlad«« and beUeC. Q. W. CASS, PreCt. oUU mawmaix malmemt aj3& Cbaapeat Goods ever offered I do Wolunt do do; irchUd .ad .od for OEO. W. MURRIS, MARK * I>OWXS, eg reytrire gagAW < CltT o» Pimnena, Connty «f Allechrar.l by [apX-] ANDREW BLCUANAN i:nT* ^UEKKY AND POAT WIMM8 IN THIS MARKET. * A No. «) Third alract. SUte o/ PaoQirlTaaia. | «1 MAIN STREET. y^rewondfogrebby MerchuiU, ap» ddew D., HITE F1SH.-M bf Cta' k’a Detroit w. A kCRKHAkPT H„ A CO. ^ Be It mnenlwrad that on tha alamth 1^ Rivar Whin** before W I'lab juat racaiyad and for aala by ‘U E Kunmnee end its Hero, by tbe natbor of Msgdnlsp STAPLE DRY GOODS. of Aprs, A. D. ms, Ch. Mc- D«»na ana j nira, hreshing machines, wheat FANs,Ae.-wa -A^ay _ opk) thl( lani Iciurt Hayi.aCommtnrioner In tha 8uta ot GARDNER A CO. sHoffurd. Si J^ECEIVJW dor kp lb, -MILD v^i v LOUISVILLE, KY. T on BOV reeaivinf, for tba Uurrait of lte» 1 8EA1. a lam for tha pM MORTON A ORI8WOLO. •took of Tbraobara, Horae Povan, Claaa^ V. ^^ PenniTioaw StaU of KaatwAr, alcined PLASTER.-M bbb Uoaandole WhtM Fans, and eommiarionad bp tha Oorarnorof Ken- la alore « 4 and lAd Table Da me aka; dkc.. of the aoM opprored oatUsma and of the boat mol^ duTruKortatA C andforaalabr J. I>. BONDCRANT GARNETT tba lawi thereof oa anch to take oeknowl- 'OFFEE.—I.4UI hact prima Rio reaal Damaak NopkiM and DaySaac rial and vorkmanah ip . Fonnan and othara tuekr and under vould do ' hallpaa and far aola Wine Clotka and Oar**- ta moith; fur iuuaciatad thareta.,*,. Fairchild oad by ‘^Merchants vtdl to aend oar priea cotolosua fumlahed SS5anTofd^A**..tobe.^ Hack ToaraMoad Dfaparv. wwil-m. all opplicanta W. Coa, who, bein« dnly nrorn ocaord- P. WM. GAY. ^lamt SASHJXK)RS, BLINDS, by moil iratia to before maklmt thalr our. •o^lveome Oao. V. D. OAETANO. VACARO. R. A. \j TurkMfe Twala aadCrvJt; JwyjD WORK NECE88AKY cboare. peter e BUCHAN^, Poiaat Horn DaMtttK FWfoitos9K—ttff<99rtotowMan. isihibrf?uroV"i5fi?‘iMJ:^‘^ V. D. GAUTANO & CO. eSr^N OF BUILDINGS. »4, U- A »«d tt 4 Borcalay Shaatlasi; - vnoLsooi-a and bvB atnnad PvnAoM DKIX.MOAD OONTKACTOtff MH^jpaal atock of SEASONED he KENTUCKY HARVE8TEE. — Paraoni S^IraoM bare bsrennto aet my bond and WkMa. k^ pink, OMkp; daeiiinc “inuato^ * S. Llgana; tt 4SM fftoMMff iBMrtt to examine thia ealakrotad Comkinad tbs day and year abora vrittan. k-4. and ( 4 PUov M T Raapar and amiaamyowio*—olBxad my oacial aaol FANCY GROCERS, Aadravt Soa'a Iitih UesK m As Ptoki sttr& Mssk* will find one on exhlaMton at oar atoreTST CH. MoCLL REHAYS, RMmilioa'i and A Mow Main 111 a I aaa la 1K4. n-l, and vkMo, pink, and Man HaraaHlaa 6 4n Csmrnbsm atraat, batvaen Fonrth and Fifth. Pries Situ. com. for Kantarky in Pennaylraak. U-4 _ op m dAvl PETEK A BUCHANAN. kiraadr. forMOtad atat*®*! of Um ollkln of tiia ojiD noaniyaonima or I koafo WcoA'k na abow and fTtlSSUE PAPEB.—IW laomi Tioma Paper, vhlta produced to In 8ri 8g MnStrei WailOetlgrreltky and "Adomi Exnraii Co. "was ma my oOaa and 1 amorkad cmio, la rt«ra and for aale by iathd C1XD¥, SIRUPS, ARD PRESRRTIS, •*aD«a * CO.. «• lad. kwSaaimTband,thl« ayof AifU.lldd. _ aplk C. 1. A A. V. DvPONT. oprlMtf CBAS. M. raBUBTOM. Cl k JaS. Co.,Kr. No. Kd Main atrott, batvaan SaraalB Md Sl(btta ilnatt. I