U —( , * " ; ; i —^ ^ . " — T — /» ; W . THE LOUISVH.LE DAILY JOTJBNAL. KENTUCKY, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1859 VOLUxME XXIX- LOUISVILI.E, NUMBER 143 LOUI • freqMQtlj BM in <mro-r Ejutern e,cb.ng.aexckan^^ I LOUISVILLESVILLE Daoct JOURNAL.JOURNAL.!i. *V A I? I Hs-niwnnT Cowstrat iwrir LOUISVILLE JOURNAL, MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALESAI^ OR RENT. ^ ^ Y f^l W STOKES ~ - A/ A/* WW ^ 1 I 'oqnlnasinquirini as , ^ ^ IV- H.MM —I m to tb«tbs bMtbast rariotiMTarWtisa of fruitsfirnits forfoe dilT«r-dilTsr- Milc.—ttans Has agn R wm eused tha puin-n ^ p JJ ant localities in the West.''^*»t. KditorsPMitors know sOapercaad acraas thn back efe earn wRh iMsnpjr rUMTlCB. HKXDERMON. * OMBaRMK. 1850,J.OOH. LARDI<Ain> FOR SAliE.SAlii:. TTF’ A^T.'P’T? TTVT iWtireatI0*(ircat Britainliritaia bMbas bacoraebacoras so osar sa neighbor almost AN ORDINANCE 185D. J-'-Er A-iJZjJTt, I trick, landed wwh henay wmgkti a» eneh emd. waaH SIMACRE4soiACREe AAM to •^•TtWng,STtrrthing, bnt it cinnot be sapsetaUexpected BiBPanan.Bavwau nrraMna Ansaau. I mL-. a_<, I OF LAMDLAND foTKl-,formlr, K16 mtiMmllre N. E. from ns, by tbs muUipUcationinuUiplicstion of ocssnocean steamstssni U that theythay To lepare and incmrh the tidswalk <m bath isdea of -L-S s.J DI _ conTsy-cobmt ps-ra-s her tium hahtag a- bar mUk. Ta ha of- sbonld know the varialisa and locatioaa of soils Brook etrset, frane Main U Gnaa. “* l ® pijT •a li ce-B tha Wilghte eaepiaiaa maat ba <|iila heawy. a »n*n * SI A ^ ‘r* TilYT R Y HARDXIJAIVI^ tv tl-“. Onimlami ig Oa iSmaral tha rir ef tha WARD wiih * Omtal iR pto- M a- mi . At a AMERICANAMkHICAN STEAMBOAT CO. COACH A politic and elections a* ws do inou,out own.own Tb.in.! tf Otf y Jl^UuwMMfcc^BlIT Ml> fl« W«rtLlr $!. smir road In. nareaOMSe, alec,selectionion of the two to nvs dagrses of UutnJs, nor what ra- B«nlB«sala( BhUmJBullMte • «r UM cmU « i OB tw ensal^iwB A Saddlffy new House of Commons WILL ( WMkiTWMklr fw Old-eSUblishCd bashas onr i acraac, from Main to Gioou, V ^ ahull bo \ :*- rTTu^haZS'-rr: as. tiepauifoa upon into snebinch^ 5 v^AlraaM - •y"'P«‘W«,s^mputiiies, inasmuch at it “POO caasa;caata; theythay and recorhed iu aecordaoca and Moattvel, tonehiaa et^nr The ttme horn Ole. « will beb« a moTementraoTemeut to- I with tba g—tr^m4u Tha aditor of th^’hfftUnd P Fsirias—Is A»*ss< -Wsakir-1 soar «t; u Vrer) .T™ *JT® eronrVT RFTWFFN FIFTH ANT) iIAl^SIXTH Cm ^it h,, solahi on the ana oiBaatl W the rollraad rtation is one hour and fort, min. STREET, BLintLW ®«‘ oMwar to tba ba.it of ‘heirtbair knowledge,koowladga, rof^Iatiuj tba satsssraarr gl Maaeb. n^BaarIhHSBPQ—.' al. nwa-mreniamasiaMreni onus Lakenaar aM NO. 435 MAIN W.r.l an extension of the eUctivadcctive franchUafrm,chUe. endamt Kradm|, mJ ewrhiof fiYan to tho poUk tha faoulta of a aaa Is sdrsMe. The ooU liar rich as any in the Six >sasr> max br maM art asrsMe «noi^Uyignorant! m.sle^mialaad tbe.rtbair eorraapoodenta—correepondenta-they *l>*r»* ^ rtdawuka, approrod April 7tt plaa, which ha waa to adapt ttAm i r - for .-c . -.. t -. Thranah tkbaw caa be aaxbasrd at the ORce of tb* 5*^1*- adapt^ all Unds of afrirulraral pro. fifty-«igbt membersNKmw are-FB to 1,^ I* A 1 j thar M ^ MTriA. welj^ IhrtriDtercrt to examine »f dork before m.kine'hetr pi^^5re be elected; nsilk Mail Line aad at tb* dif. and for Mock; th* land Is tonerally , onld fl.d it to nia o-w wbsa sks h-M bar stwsys esMsant- LaatorWe aad CisrinnaH L^*. ‘’MwhanUand Manufacturerf .3 deowAweowif 471 for ^ res- -n-. or aos'ektiuko in thf. loi'jbvillk English constituencies 29 asm Lo-reUte. be from Wales, 53 I ’ sd her mntelw as a- to rosad sp bar bsck. AA« •aro.. kau-oad o««. an'^“e'refcm^“2^nTM^and order, from a dlManoe will 'b. Fok kbOLLAk AOVEKTI8EK8. ” ^ T* JOCBNAl. ^ ^ — for Scotland, ^P“^*“**respondents who actset apon the mfarmatiooinformatiooinformation tboathusthua oUo6-ob- J. triad and 106 for Ireland. A- GIX-LISS, P. B. C. obsarrmg tMs Ret, sad sflar bawiaw es-ziM ^aeaiasrc. rbanaeibli' osstlr. asr s—n» as ts ITieITia number of I C. Oea l Ds, *• tUaMasrTsik,peraM«B asaa^ PliiVTJSd KoglishEoglish county ‘*“*‘*’tained, thereby snsUiningsnstaining cooeidereblecooeiOereble lossloro of M. Vxet^s, Bd aU ga-tls mssnt la wain, tbs t bs-gbt cicjcmsI .auction sales. members is U4;144; of Loronghborough mom- . US So atUsM ^ 4s las as per^t lower than any land of equal soU and dm. CARDS. ^EATHEKFOBD, P.p B.r ts bta that if bs ca«M kssp bis esw's bask sMnl-^ lkTFR%4TI<)\'ALr.R.t.%1 iV.^AIr MUIE.S.,ilOTEI... J^r BUSINESS - - - bars, 319-319. <li~Ppointm.ntdisappointment S's44Mk«al smse. sm-MT absTS pricas. IN I near It. It is offerod at •do per acre by tha owner, who - == London has a dietinctdistinct represantatiou j ,, ^ of ‘ sfas saigkt ns laager bs a>>la ta rotaia bar milk. Ry A4»s>stsssi,sti sOIMiiI St Isaimk -41 lor mtassr- |k A A A laaw tba SUt« In a abort time. It la arranc*^ and “ •**"^*^ W. will not laugh 7 I I O C A I I C „ 4 endand the UnirersitiesUniyersities of Oxford and CambridgeCsmhrid^. 9 ‘'“S'* Approwml M., ’u59. my of axparimaiit, bs bsM tka sharp esr-sr at m ss ss4 as asaSi (at aaah wbuss gw sas. ^or NOTICE. a I f TmvFEU 2 1 »• PALLS. LAW NIAGARA _ ‘>»eir «U«P|H.i<ttm«itsdisappointments norm,r upbraidnpbrsid ml<» dl *1. ftrr ‘-T — g- .tirei. b:tw«.n each.each, ‘xbs^Tbe “reSnUUo?*f7r^h“‘*r.pre?enUtion for the them U. CRAWFOtD, Miiyor. main «Hrk et wosid OM Irir back with saa baad, 1 A^U.S w^JS’lS.dwhole l^d ' Yssiir s4 1 ttsm asr issfSsrIr; all otbMi ts s4rs»se. y^BEKT ?"'*din«. oornsr of Fifth and Welnut o«tahii'>h#d houae wiil b# fiimiebed at rII tiinefi with every — - otbsr, MroeU, ( KincpHnn HicriHmH xi u ^ for their follTa bnt aav to them coosniiyoiftcooenlt Tour locatlocal wbils asilki-g with tba aad waa gratWad la W'’tan*, tb# Hooa#, ana OM)r# ' *^‘“g0om it divided ^ sarsrtuaaaals, aaS ntawan A of (tuciiiaatL Obk>. thus; Members , ” ailstr sUaMosI mra «ia»Awa Fnrnllure i for counties ss4 Tari.ty..fC.binet and thslrsof verv Myle.nd In ^ ,, ’c, / powar la BMtdiciBe,io# Uieatnnal,tiimtrtnal drear orar rMaorty aofiiaad al thr 8t. Nkbola# Hatal, baa. OKDINASCE iad that ihs caw had att tha boM aa bar aamm^iamn' atts. aasaat dnm confided to th«*ni. cla*.,clata, *ith#reither atSt wbotemi#Wholerols «ror retail. Tne uibKribi'r,subwiriber, from Kuglaod, Ireland, '•‘"‘““‘‘““I Societiea. Tbare ana number of aoaarruoa with bM aoa Pn<dFrkA W. Uoto- a*aiTR X*r<>DTomutP attention to all budi>«M Scotland, and Walas 251- ft. e T« row.ww .w- - ... .... .. milk asaal. Thas sai'id af tha rocy ar ika s isiMss ao< ssbltabsS byftf ib#ibr r«arraar aea)cia'l«Baa»t>cia*loa with EattarnEastern ’ ’ ** aa sR da4dr 4 a RIPLEY * i UU IonaIon* aad WeiiUToWestern uianufac-luanufer- . <>• l»4*h Sidasof turabarbaWr laatMattoM.attcottoM. 4redr* compa-coreaa- iMa. uk.rn th# cKaiwt af tb# abo## aaparb aad pacioya The Gtohe Mills ^ IliRLEs Iwronghs,, ... •“®'“>fK»n«3iionisuch orironiziiinns thronghoutthrnnwhnut tbsthe WsstWm> thnttk,t msynow liidRifisT FtcUry, TllOMP^N. turaris la caablfHi to offer #T#ry article in hit line of biiiti- 3bl;forcittss, liuKngUnd, •SeTsntb stisst, from plan, ha aawad a pwos af haaid Ja*t Isbr saiaagk !• U#«ai. wtikb oil! afk#oa4 aa tb# alth of Mar. WVf R. I 4;’2in^t. CbseUmt ts Broadway. S Mrf ^AUtelliUf W M«in and Mar* neta at th# lo«#*t whoiaaal# piicaa. ComiimmenU for aalea bs Tslistl atraet. betwa- n upon for sdvtca In such raass, aadsad^illwill raaeh firom tbs Awr owarhaad la tba saw’s bach am Thw Hoaw bat b«#a cr#«cir aolnrc#d aad tenro#fd, In Covington, Ky, OAra OB eaat Md# Fifth Und, 2 sacb; and 6 in Irslund, 2 eac’h-lin Bamoriataad ha UaGamaral ketre^^ h#r#Wor# occupied bf U Wplcr, where ot auction aoHrited. ntoyft lylatp sll, 20; itlnat, iMat%#d ia «diao- aad viU nrcoouaodat# ooailortaMf #a paraona Oat hat chesrfaUy it. •**^ *'* businem boon. fnmUh W. claim for our own Hor- i hmUaUta, That tha mdewslx ^ laaerami, fi ba#a tatradwead. aad tb# auae^ai ccaandt ba#a ba#a AT^ * PUBLICr u a is 1 ^ AUCTION.AUGTlOlf* oo#cone of them esn slwsyi be found during ““ “>"• UniTersitiaa of Oxford, s- boU V c^aateMMaadiaaMdadlooromotF artvoa# •: „ aaau aariia#; thaae valf iaawtad at th# diaaaatiaa af th# haadwAd. laid o«t vfth walk# aad pUaM traat, DY VIRTUE oT a d#eraUl order of ib# Kaatoo CIredt m2 dim Cambridge, and Edinburgh ...... .. tbi# la all r# ctt aaoai»lable «a tbe aleaa- 1> ken^y c'o: aibaia aaad#f*nc HoW4 wa Cowl rendered at iu Mareh larrn. IHSR^^theroo. t !*• STOUT •““'"b.’o. i" cjftbmlandropavmli..^rd....wirbJr^ J. H.w Pf»b«bly ss large «» ‘mount of nibiii aalaai aa# naipa liad ar#-«aidtlaf Warelm. aidB dlis auU^t^aoUdat^d artkmaraartiowra Eqnlty, " COLSTON the House> of Lords nii not eii»ri- laa biw «|w. wRIh# iawHad EqnHy, of J. 8 KemparKemper ai^otiagaioai P#p-Peo- UCTIONEERS kNDCOMMIS^tnS MERCHANTS inflnanetdtnlluanctd by Psrlis.Parlia.
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