P: 02 4938 3300 Serving the local community since 1997 THURSDAY 12 M: 0414 757 826 “Your paper of choice” AUGUST 2021 Keep your business in town and you keep your town in business!!!! Cessnock Council, local sporting groups and the community appalled at latest vandalism attack at Miller Park

A wanton act of vandalism by Cessnock Council and other four known persons has cost the Government agencies had community close to $3000. invested a great deal of capital The incident happened at Miller expenditure in the various Park Branxton on Saturday projects around Miller Park evening, the 31st July, when and the Branxton area to they attacked & damaged the enhance the outdoor amenity new playground at the coming for the entire community. Miller Park Tavern, some “It is such a shame that a small colourbond fencing & the safety minority see fit to vandalise construction barrier fencing the projects that will be around the new shelter & BBQ. utilised by the Branxton and The following Monday morning surrounding communities. “ Dale McNamara, the owner of “A vigilant community may the Miller Park Tavern, & help stem this spate of Councillor Anne Sander vandalism by contacting the done. inspected the damage & both Police Assistance Line on “That is a crying shame as all where horrified at what they 131444 to report any acts of four deserve to be vilified by saw. vandalism,” said Clr Ann the community for what they Thankfully the incident was Sander. have done. caught on CCTV which clearly Dale McNamara called for a “Miller Park is a credit to identified the perpetrators. public ‘name & shame’ but, Cessnock Council & I Clr Anne Sander said that under NSW law, it cannot be maintain it is the best recreational facility in the

Dale McNamara at left with Clr Ann Sander, far right & Tony Gates & Sophie Palmowski at rear surveying some of the damage caused by the 4 vandals at Miller Park on Saturday night week ago. Hunter Valley based on the areas At going to press NSW Police investigations & expect to lay population,” said Dale. where continuing their charges by this weekend.

10 Dalwood Road, East Branxton

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To make appointment, please call us on 02 4938 3366 Online appointments available through Hotdoc website ______Mixed billing practice Children under 16, pension/health care/DVA card holders/Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander bulk billed THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 ͽ 2 Branxton. Rod said he would be working with his Lions Club Central Hunter Business Chamber news members to support local causes and assist disadvantaged people. The Central Hunter Business He said: ‘To further the Lions Chamber held a lively and well causes, Branxton Lions Club is -attended breakfast meeting on always looking for new 21st July. Over 30 Chamber members to help the local members sat down to a hearty community’. breakfast at the Royal Federal Michael Robinson announced Hotel in Branxton with special that the Central Hunter Business guests Cessnock Mayor Bob Chamber were delighted that Pynsent and Cessnock they were successful in being Business Chamber President awarded a grant for re- Allan Davies also present. development of their website by Central Hunter Business Cessnock City Council and then Chamber President Michael announced that the next Robinson (Hungerford Meat Chamber event would be a Company) introduced the management board meeting on th invited speaker: Tony 25 August. Chadwick, Economic Following that there would Development & Tourism another general member Officer, Cessnock City breakfast meeting on Wednesday nd Council. Tony gave a riveting 22 September with a and comprehensive presentation by him entitled: presentation on the Economic ‘Managing a small retail Update for the Cessnock LGA, business profitably’. Michael Financial Year 2021/2022. said: ‘A big thank you to our The overview of his guests Bob Pynsent, Allan presentation was: COVID-19 Davies, guest speaker Tony impacts and data; development Chadwick and all the Chamber members who have turned out approval data; economic …… Chamber members & guests growth data and trends; this morning; the management support opportunities; and was thanked by several people CHBC President Michael board of the Chamber hoped you useful data and resources. for his excellent work in the Robinson also introduced Rod enjoyed the event and will join Some of the slides from local community. Local Taylor as the recently elected us again in the future.’ Tony’s presentation are Tony Chadwick giving his presentation …….. business entrepreneur Dale President of the Lions Club of included in this article. McNamara also gave a short Tony accurately summed up for a copy of the presentation he gave future of the region. address about his purchase of the the local situation and which included detailed statistics for During the meeting, Bob Miller Park Bowling Club and projected the prospects and the Lower Hunter region and linked Pynsent gave a short address he outlined his plans to continue opportunities into the future. many aspects of Federal, State, and and confirmed that he would support of local sporting and Many of the attendees asked local factors that auger well for the not be standing for the athletic clubs. He listed some of Cessnock City Mayoral his other financial interests in the position in the upcoming hospitality business and stated (delayed) local elections; he his support of the local area.

Cessnock City Council Community Strategic Plan – consultation is requested

The Hunter Regional Plan Assessment of the future for businesses

‘I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.’’ John 6.51 In our gospel this week, John tells us the things that make the Christian Eucharist celebration nourishing. We are fed with the body and blood of Christ. Though there is no institution of the Lord’s Supper in John’s Gospel, Christians identify in these words a future gift of Holy Communion. The Eucharist is the meal that we share together in an act of Local business entrepreneur Dale McNamara, pictured above, also gave a short faith, it is a celebration of the Lord’s Supper and invites us into the intimate space of Holy Communion. Christians call address about his purchase of the Miller Park Sports & Recreation Club and he this shared meal the Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. During the Lord’s Supper we are invited to come also outlined his plans to continue support of local sporting and athletic clubs. into holy communion with Jesus who for our sake gave his life so that we may have eternal life. We are invited into a personal and intimate relationship with the one who calls us by name and loved us into being. The response that we make to this Jesus’ invitation each time we come to receive the body and blood of Christ is one of faith. Christians Emergency Phone Numbers believe that God is present in all things and in all places. His presence in bread and in wine should therefore not cause us any issues even though Jesus is not physically present. During the consecration of the bread and wine, we pray the Police Electricity Dial 000 Energy words of Jesus, “this is my body … this is my blood.” We cannot fully understand this, but Christians call this “the real FOR FIRE, POLICE AND Branxton…. 4938 1244 Australia….... 131 388 AMBULANCE ANY TIME, DAY OR Lochinvar… 4930 7209 Hospitals presence” because it is presence in the fullest sense. Our belief is an act of faith. We believe that Jesus is the “living NIGHT FOR 24-HOUR SERVICE Ambulance… 131 233 Maitland… 4939 2000 It’s a free call. Just tell the operator bread that came down from heaven” and so we receive the gift of eternal life through the sacrament of Holy NSW Fire Brigade Cessnock.. 4991 0555 what you need-fire, police or ambu- Branxton…. 4938 3396 Singleton.. 6572 2799 Communion. Sacraments are an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. By receiving bread and wine lance. Then wait to be connected. SES ………….132 500 When reporting an emergency by Rural Fire Brigades during Holy Communion, we receive Christ Himself and accept the invitation of Holy Communion. I wonder how we Crime Stoppers calling 000, the telephone number & Belford…… 6574 7149 1800 333 000 translate and incorporate this into our lives? Do we allow this to inform us, change us, challenge us? address you are calling from may be Broke…….. 6579 1491 Poisons Info …… 131 126 given to the emergency service so Greta…..… 4015 0000 Jesus says a little later in the passage, those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life.” This is a present Hunter Water they can respond quickly. If you Bishops Bdg 4015 0000 1300 657 000 tense promise. It means that “eternal life” is a life that we live now, from today and for all days, for all time. It is not a don’t want the telephone number or Nth R’bury… 4015 0000 Ausgrid ………... 131 388 address details passed on, you must Rothbury….. 4015 0000 promise only for the future, though it is that also, but one that is offered to us now, where we are on the journey of faith. Gas Emergencies . 131 909 call the emergency service direct. Pokolbin...… 4015 0000 Lifeline ………….131 114 It is a promise and invitation that is made to all who believe In Jesus, who trust in the goodness and mercy of God. I ALL CALLS TO 000 ARE VOICE Rothbury….. 4991 1733 Mental Health Line RECORDED Bishops Bdg 4015 0000 wonder whether knowing that we are living our eternal life now will make any difference to how we live our Christian life Nth R’bury… 4015 0000 1800 011 511 today, tomorrow, next week? For non-life Rothbury….. 4015 0000 Domestic Violence Support threatening Pokolbin...… 4015 0000 4990 9609 May the blessings of God rest gently upon you each time you receive Holy Communion and as you live eternal life today Rothbury….. 4991 1733 Centrelink Self Service and in the days to come. calls……. Scotts 136 240 Medicare ……….. 132 011 Police Assistance Line (PAL)…. Flat… …… 6575 1200 Native Animal Rescue 131 444 Central 0418 628 483 Blessings, (Cessnock)… 4015 0000

Reverend Nicole THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 ͽ 3

Cessnock City Council calls Spotlight back on the on the NSW Government to Cessnock City CBD Bypass tighten restrictions to keep Cessnock COVID-safe As Cessnock City take huge investment and continues to grow so does planning. This isn’t going to be traffic on local roads and an overnight project and we Cessnock City Council is need to start somewhere. This looking for opportunities Council wants to start the to address congestion and process now.” plan for the future. Council resolved to include the At the latest meeting of review of the Cessnock Local Council the Cessnock CBD Government Area Traffic and Bypass was reprioritised Transport Strategy and Concept and Council resolved to Plan for the Cessnock CBD look for grant funding Bypasses in the Operational opportunities to fund the Plan 2021/22. Cessnock City Council is Council wants to see an concept plan of this major In the event Council is unable to calling on the NSW increased Police presence project. secure grant funding for the Government to tighten in the Hunter region to Cessnock City Mayor, Strategy and Concept Plan other restrictions to ensure the deter people from breaking Councillor Bob Pynsent funding options were identified. safety of the local the Public Health Order said as we continue to This includes $132,000 of community from the and ensure those doing the experience population repealed development spread of COVID-19. wrong thing are caught. growth we need to be contributions and $793,000 from Additionally, Council is thinking strategically about the profits from the sale of Stage Cessnock City Mayor urging the NSW the future. 8 of Vineyard Grove Estate and Councillor Bob Pynsent Government to clarify “The creation of the 62-76 Cessnock Street, said Councillors have testing requirements for Cessnock CBD Bypass will Aberdare. listened to the community those travelling from and share their concerns. Greater Sydney for work “The possibility and risks into the regions. Those of people entering our leaving Greater Sydney for region from Greater Sydney work require a test but is a cause of concern for our there remains confusion Cessnock many of us. The risk to the around whether they regions is real and the require a negative result people of Orange, Molong, before departing Greater Tamworth & Armidale are Sydney. feeling that fist hand, as we Council is asking that the are. We’ve managed to Public Health Order be avoid the Delta variant updated to require people making its way into our to receive a negative test community and we want to result before leaving keep it that way.” Greater Sydney.

Piggott’s Pharmacy Branxton is taking bookings for AstraZeneca. Piggott’s Pharmacy Appointments must be made Huntlee online: Open every day of the week. covid-bookings/ Please note that we are not taking (Please check times) bookings in store or via phone. 4 ͽ| THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 STEVE’S

Critical Race Theory recalled segregated public Critical Race Theory is the name transport in the 1930s whilst of a concept developed in the travelling in America. The U.S.A. among academics in the younger generation has not social sciences, law and political been scarred by these historical studies. The theory maintains facts and is generally that systematic racism exists sympathetic to the idea of within the white communities of Critical Race Theory. the U.S.A. and is So, there are legitimate reasons institutionalised in the federal for the Critical Race Theory and state laws, education, the movement, especially when the administration of the law and postmodern academics pull social services. Derrida deconstructions on When the history of black history, politics, philosophy, slavery in the Americas is and anything else that can be considered, it is little wonder roped into the argument. By that racism persists today. analysis, the advocates of That’s despite the Constitution Critical Race Theory can read of the USA upholding the racism into everything. The principle that all people are problem is that the ideas, albeit created equal and the frightful debatable, are divisive and Civil War in the 19th Century, contributed nothing to social which tore the nation, harmony and the national unity communities and families Joe Biden seeks. The concept asunder. Is it any wonder that the has been undermined by an black citizens of the USA have oversimplification whereby the historical grievances and turn to whole argument has been violence when injustice is reduced to a simple slogan of perceived, such as the Black “White Privilege.” The push Lives Matter scenario? back to this has been so great, Unfortunately, the historical several states in the U.S. have deficit doesn’t help. courts, where a highly regarded the simple facts. On a fair, bright, calm day, a racial apartheid stems from banned the teaching of Critical So, what you see here is a legal expert has agreed they have Sea levels are not rising. vast black cloud suddenly slavery and continues among Race Theory in their publicly divisive argument about a case. The sea temperature is not rising. boiled up in the southwest. A minority sections of the U.S. funded schools. legitimacy. While being well qualified for The Great Barriers Reef is still survivor described it; “as the population. Much of the older The polarisation of the people When the controversy about the role in legal terms, the judge growing. cloud neared us, the sky as- population remember of the U.S.A. sees no global warming is raised, the has no idea about Atmospheric temperatures are not sumed an appearance such as segregation and the struggles resolution, and this political and reverse is the case, in my anthropomorphic Global changing, and the only we had never before witnessed, fought during the 60s and 70s to racial division serves to distract opinion. There is no legitimacy Warming and even less about measurable effect of rising and which was awful and get equality. the leading democratic nation to the supposed threat of global any of the scientific causes of carbon dioxide in parts per terrific in the extreme. A dense Many whites of this cohort were of the world from the real warming. The vast majority of climate change. Everybody who million is an acceleration in the black arch enveloped the whole influenced by what the daddy’s problem, which is the the global warming is equally ignorant applauded the growth of vegetable matter ie., of the horizon, and the space and grand-daddies passed down imbalance of wealth and catastrophists, which is also the Judge for the ruling. the greening of the planet. beneath the arch was filled up to them. My mother and father economic opportunity. The U.S. majority of people in Australia if The Business Council of The urgent problem is the with a body of dust, of you believe the ABC and the Australia, the banks, insurance misallocation of resources and brownish-orange colour, woke press, are convinced that companies, industry super funds, money based on a wrong whirling round and at the same human activity is the problem. governments and even the proposition. time advancing toward us with They will broke no argument; energy companies are actively In the time of Alexander The fearful rapidity…at this such is their belief. taking steps to implement Great, a savant, one named moment, the hurricane came So insidious is this idea that reductions in Green House Onesikritos, who was on the way upon us - a warm, dry wind people who you would expect to Gases caused by the activities of to India with Alexander noted laden with the fragrance of the be intelligent, people in business, farming, industry and transport. that at Susa, (Iran) North East of aromatic plants of the banking, parliament, public Their aim being ZERO Babylon; “When the sun is wilderness, followed in a few servants, teachers, university emissions. They are dreaming. hottest at noon, the lizards and moments by a tremendous blast lecturers and administrators, and The Green House Gases related snakes could not cross the streets of wind with some rain in large for goodness’s sake, the CSRIO to anthropomorphic causes is in the city quickly enough to drops. The crash broke upon us and BOM accept this nonsense only a fraction of the naturally prevent being burnt to death in like heaven’s own artillery, and without question and fudge their occurring Green House Gases. the middle of the streets”, and the hurricane seems as if bent records and observations to The more complex molecules of that barley spread out in the sun upon hurling both steamers at support this point of view. Green House Gasses do store bounces like parched barley in once to the bottom of the A group of misled children have reflected infra-red radiation. ovens. (popcorn). foaming river”. The sandstorm been allowed to take this idea to Technically, they can pass this Ask the people of Iran and Iraq if did capsize the Tigress with the Do the right thing A great suggestion a court of law, and the judge has heat to single atom gasses such anything has changed since 331 loss of twenty lives. I am done with people who refuse to A good friend of mine agreed with them. Very silly as nitrogen and oxygen, thus BC. Extreme weather events are get vaccinated. offered a great suggestion teachers have brainwashed the warming the atmosphere. In 1836 the British Government nothing new. Australians have every right to wrap about COVID shots children to believe their future is Nobody has yet been able to sent two paddle steamers, the themselves in the flag and jump off a recently. Instead of trying threatened by manmade climate measure this. Temperature Tigress and the Euphrates, to cliff because they are hurting only to entice those who refuse change. (Global Warming) They records do not reflect any effect survey Mesopotamia (Iraq) themselves. to get the shot(s) with have been encouraged to take from CO2 level rises, but no- travelling up the Euphrates River. Cheers, Steve Refusing to get vaccinated affects $300 cash prizes, lottery this fear for their future to the body is prepared to accept everyone. Your right to refuse the tickets, movie tickets, etc., I have used this analogy many vaccine ends with my grandchildrens’ why not instead reward those who times to those who are reluctant rights to safely go to school or day have already gotten the shots with to have the jab; the probability care and my in-laws’ rights to live such amenities. of being involved in a their final years in community with The no-shot believers have had commercial airline crash is in others. adequate time to make their decision, the millions-to-one but the Fear of the side effects of the vaccines but if they do change their minds they chance of being involved in a should pale in comparison with the could still be rewarded with a lesser car accident to or from the prospect of hospitalization and death. prize (perhaps an autographed, airport is the real danger in The coronavirus — its lethality, wallet -size photo of our PM). flying. transmissibility and variability — is as Some of the best medical science With the current pandemic the potent as ever and as demonstrably minds in the world have given real danger is not having the hard to contain. undoubted assurance that the chance jab. Do the right thing. Get the shot before of having severe side-effects from a someone you love dies. vaccine is minimal to the chance of Mike McGregor, Narrabri Name & address supplied severe medical complications if you are unlucky enough to be infected with the new nasty mutation. THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 ͽ 5 community? Are you interested in meeting people and having fun? Are you interested to learn more? Contact the Secretary, From the Lions’ Alan Beckley – mobile Den – AUGUST 0426 261948 Email: 2021 [email protected] Getting a quart into a During July the Lions Club pint pot? of Branxton held a social Members of the Lions Club lunch which, for this of Branxton were also month, was held at the delighted to move into their Lochinvar Hotel. True to new storage facility, the their objective of serving Branxton Lions Commu- Artefact? No – Bob (Dusty) Rhodes busy washing up nity Hub located near the the community, but also Members of Branxton Lions enjoying their lunch with friends and partners having fun, the Lions Branxton Community Hall. phased out in Australia enjoyed a good meal and However, pictured below, Plan, which was launched Assistant Minister for ans. The plan includes that by mid-2022 and some happy banter. they seem to have more in Brisbane by the Federal Waste Reduction and polystyrene foam includes targets to cut The Lions Club of equipment and supplies Environment Minister, Environmental commonly used to package plastic pollution from Branxton has been serving than they thought – talk Sussan Ley, and the Management, Trevor Ev- consumer goods will be washing machine the community for more about trying to get a quart outflows and from than 60 years. Our members into a pint pot! The Lions cigarette butts. By July are involved in projects on their ‘working bee’ 2022, Australia should such as collecting used moved all their equipment have phased out spectacles, supporting local into the new building but plastic packaging high school students found that some ‘weeding products that do not through Leo Clubs and out’ will be necessary to meet compostable providing extensive store everything tidily. standards. By Dec assistance to those impacted While they were unpacking 2022, it is planned that by natural disasters. the containers, brought polystyrene will not be Ask yourself these from the old storage used in food and Artefact? Yes - Lions Banners from yesteryear questions: location, the Lions found beverage containers, Are you interested some interesting artefacts and that PVC packaging recycling and public sector in serving your from Branxton Lions labels will have been organisations to assist with community? history. phased out. The Morrison these environmentally- Are you interested As, ‘From the Lions Den’ government announced it friendly objectives. All in having the column has explained would support “coordinated members of the community opportunity to previously, Lions Clubs global action to address can help by carefully network with globally are involved in marine plastic” through the selecting packaging when key people in many projects that improve United Nations. Lions visiting their favourite your the Environment; one such Clubs will be working with supermarket. being the National Plastics The problem The solution

Bravo to all! If the Hunter lockdown is 6 ͽ THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 community groups and councils are being CRYSTAL BALL TOLD US extended beyond Friday, encouraged to apply for For regular readers of my Hunter MPs will face a grants of up to $50,000 as Crystal Ball column, at the dilemma. The Parliament part of the NSW start of each year you will is not scheduled to sit next week but it is due to Government’s Youth recall that we were warned meet for the two weeks Members say .. Opportunities program. by the Ball that COVID after. If Hunter region These grants will help Vaccinations were a the decisions and actions to provide the best possible “complicated process and MPs return home on you make. experience. young people develop Saturday to a still locked tangible skills to support significant money will be Thanks Alex for being open Making it easy to do needed to help it all down region then we will and sharing with our future business with Council also future employment, not be able to return. education and training happen. Fingers crossed leaders! extends to making it easy Member for Upper Hunter our Federal and State Remembering other opportunities. regions are affected too, for businesses to respond to Dave Layzell MP Governments have a plan 2020 Olympian Daniel Repacholi They will also support so it would leave the quotations or tender with for all of this.” Major Jobsaver Boost to young people’s participa- Parliament with too few Council – particularly local Sadly, the Prime Minister businesses. Council has Expand COVID-19 tion, engagement, and MPs to function. Support inclusion in the community. nor the Premier heeded that It’s possible the launched the Doing warning. The Crystal Ball Business with Council The joint NSW Government The Youth Opportunities Government will change and Commonwealth grants provide one-off, time is all wise and all-knowing the sitting dates to avoid Guide, which steps out the and should not have been process for lodging JobSaver program will be -limited grants between keeping us in Canberra significantly boosted to give $10,000 and $50,000 for ignored. for the non-sitting week. submissions. You’ll find the While I am not sure where Guide on Council’s website. greater support to programs targeting children That would be sensible. or how the Crystal Ball My own view is that we I look forward to more local businesses and individuals and young people aged 12- sources its predictions, I should debate and pass Congratulations to our very businesses working with impacted 24. Clr Bob Pynsent, Mayor suspect that it might have only immediately own Daniel Repacholi for Council to support our by the extended lockdown. Since the program began in Cessnock City Council JobSaver payments will 2012, Youth Opportunities simply looked to the essential legislation and competing in the Tokyo community and our complication of vaccine allow MPs and Senators Olympics. We are so proud economy. now be available to has provided $13.3 million Over the last couple of rollouts in other parts of the to return to their of everything you have businesses with an annual to 282 projects across NSW. weeks again our region has With Round Eight of the world, in late 2020, where electorates. achieved. Well done! turnover between $75,000 The focus this year will be experienced change and the NSW Government’s things were turning out to Meanwhile, all the Cheers, Bob and $250 million, up from on organisations delivering impacts of COVID-19. On Resources for Regions $50 million, which have programs that build tangible be much harder than first mechanisms my team and Saturday 24 July it was program now closed, experienced a skills or qualifications that thought. I use to assist, support and announced the NSW Local Council staff have done an revenue decline of 30 per will help with future job And just like my lack of advise constituents Government Elections amazing job working cent or more. The opportunities. knowing about how the continue to function fully. The only thing we would again be postponed. closely with community maximum weekly payment We want young people to Crystal Ball does its work, I can’t do is hold face-to- While it is of course groups to submit 18 has also been substantially be engaged in their local also don’t know how the face meetings. disappointing for the many applications for Singleton’s increased, with employing communities and participate PM or Premier do their We are as busy, if not candidates who had started allocation of more than businesses that maintain in grass-roots programs that work but I suspect that they campaigning and were $8million. themselves might NOT be busier than usual, and we their employee headcount will provide them with a can be contacted by motivated to achieve for And what a list of reading and watching the now able to receive between platform to gain meaningful phone: 02 4991 1022, their community, the safety applications it is. From $1,500 and $100,000 per employment and learn new experiences from overseas. Doh! email: of us all remains paramount. $1.9million for our mining week, up from $10,000, skills. [email protected] I thoroughly enjoy roads upgrade program and with payments based on 40 Cheers, Dave My office can be contacted , and mail: PO Box 526, representing the people of $700,000 for spectator per cent of their weekly by phoning 4991-1466, by Cessnock, NSW, 2325. Cessnock and will continue seating at Cook Park, to NSW payroll. email to Please do not hesitate to Sue Moore, Mayor Singleton [email protected] to hold office until a new $250,000 each for the Businesses can expect to contact us if you believe Council or call into 118 Vincent Mayor is elected in Singleton Sustainability receive funds in their we can help. We are also December. Our Council will Program and Developing Street (PO Box 242), cold-calling residents Over the course of five accounts within five to ten continue to work hard for Economic and Industry Cessnock 2325. offering to help, we have years since this term of business days from their this community. Resilience and Growth, You can also follow me on been doing so for many Council was elected approval date, and the At this time many of us may there’s a great range of my Facebook page months and I have been (acknowledging another arrangements announced be experiencing heightened projects and programs that “ appreciative of the many extension with a new date will be stress levels or anxiety due Council can (hopefully) claytonbarrmp”, go to messages of thanks we for the local government backdated, so businesses to the developing situation deliver on top of our Twitter and search have received. election on 4 December that have already received a surrounding the spread of operating budget that will @claytonbarrmp or check Meanwhile, please 2021), there has been a first payment on previous COVID-19 in NSW. Some have significant benefits for out my website at consider getting number of focus areas for settings will be topped up Member for Cessnock of us may not be able to see everyone in our community. vaccinated. I know the Council that have resulted when their next payment is Clayton Barr MP family and friends who live But what’s most pleasing Cheers Clayton Government has not made in a range of improvements, made. in Greater Sydney or for me, and what is the best it easy and I won’t dwell from financial performance JobSaver payments are Raising the BARR interstate. As a community thing to come out of the on that here. But our to drainage on Kelso Street. available from week four of RAVO! TO OUR we must all look out for changes to the Resources vaccination levels in the Another of those key areas the lockdown. Non- COMMUNITY each other and check-in. for Regions program that Hunter are far too low. is customer service, with a employing business remain Last week, across most of We cannot hope to return Any one struggling can ask this term of Council worked vision to make every eligible for a maximum of the Hunter, we were all to anything like normality for help in many ways. One so hard for, is the customer interaction with $1,000 per week. asked to go into a lock- until we lift vaccination step is picking up the phone involvement of community Council not just good, but Businesses have also down. We have delivered rates to 70 per cent or and calling Beyond Blue groups. Resources for an exceptional experience. received much needed sup- in bucket-loads and we more. who are providing Regions is now an avenue Over the past year, there’s port from the 2021 COVID- should all be very proud and If you have an underlying information, advice and for Council and our been a lot of work done as 19 Business Grant to cover congratulated. health problem and can’t strategies to help you community to work together part of the Customer the first three weeks of It is quite eerie to see the receive a vaccination, manage your wellbeing and to deliver infrastructure and JOEL FITZGIBBON MP Experience Strategy to put lockdown, with more than streets so empty and to have that’s fair enough. But mental health during the programs identified by the Member for Hunter a framework around $118 million has been paid such little background noise that is the case for only a pandemic. They can be people who need them. to businesses so far from as we don’t see or hear few. Please follow the delivering the best service reached on 1800 512 348 or We saw great results in the more than 56,000 children playing, people advice of your GP. Let for everyone who interacts I am again writing from an visit their website. previous round, and Round applications received. moving about and the me make this clear, I will with Council for whatever eerily quiet and surreal Luckily we live in a world Eight is shaping up to be For more information on general hustle and bustle. give serious consideration reason. Parliament House. Less than that enables us to connect even better. One of the to measures which restrict What we need now is your COVID-19 support None of this is easy. But half of the Nation’s digitally despite the need for headline projects is $1.3m the activities of those who input. Because we can’t available, visit our champion efforts will Members and Senators are our community to be for the Singleton Rugby chose not to be vaccinated know if Council is help stop the spread of this present. Staff number are physically distant, and for League clubhouse without good reason not covid-19/2021-covid-19- Delta strain COVID virus. severely restricted. My other delivering the best customer supported by their the second year we have development to be a centre support-package. And yes, there are those colleagues around the service unless you tell us medical professional. It is held the School Leaders’ of excellence particularly Support for individuals selfish individuals that country are locked down and that we are, and we can’t my very confident view Breakfast via ZOOM. Over for women’s rugby league, impacted by the current ignore the rules. They are cannot come to Canberra know how we can improve that in doing so, I will be 250 students participated in addition to $500,000 for COVID-19 restrictions and not team players. without quarantining here unless you tell us what we acting in a way which from 20 schools located the fit out of the new stay-at home orders is also The collective “pain” and for two weeks before need to do better. That’s enjoys the support of an across the Cessnock Local grandstand at Singleton available through Services challenge of the lockdown attending Parliament. why Council has launched overwhelming majority of Government Area. Students Rugby Club, $250,000 to Australia. For more will last longer and be more Along with my Hunter the Voice of the Customer my constituents. heard from former improvements to Singleton information visit severe if selfish people colleagues, I travelled to surveys, which will be It is everybody’s right to Newcastle Knight’s Player PCYC, and $150,000 each don’t do the right thing – Canberra well before the directed to all customers choose not to be Alex McKinnon who to support programs by au/covid19. and every time you see Premier locked the Hunter following an interaction vaccinated. But the suffered a life changing Singleton Neighbourhood down. I was unable to travel with Council. It’s quick and Applications Open for them out and about you will majority have rights too. spinal injury. Alex had an Centre and Soldier On. home on the weekend easy to do – simply rank Youth Projects know that they care far People are entitled to be important message to share, If that’s not enough, we’re because if I had, I would not how satisfied (or not) you Young people in our Upper more about themselves and protected from the virus. he asked students to focus already working with our have been able to return to were with your experience, Hunter electorate will have they care nothing about the Let’s get behind the only on the things they can community on possible Canberra. If we all did that, the opportunity to develop rest of “us”. plan available to stop the how easy it was to deal there would be insufficient control and think about their applications for Round the skills and knowledge This is a journey that we health and economic with Council, and if you MPs here to pass the Bills values and qualities when Nine. they need to support future need our society to succeed carnage this pandemic is like, leave a few comments needed to provide the making a decision. Alex and The announcement of employment, education and in. Almost everyone in our inflecting out our about what was good and Government with the I share similar values successful applications is training opportunities towns and villages knows community and country. not-so-good. Council staff authority it needs to make around leadership, he spoke expected in September. through a NSW this and that is why our will be looking at all the COVID-19 support about how leadership is not Cheers, Sue Government grant program response to the lockdown feedback that comes in to payments to people and to about being popular but which has recently opened. has been so outstanding. Cheers, Joel help tailor customer service businesses. about being respected for I urge local not-for-profits, Gravel, Soils, Sands, Local Trenchers, Trades Auger & Forks

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P: 4938 1773 P: 4938 1773 Pharmacist Advice with EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST

Contraception ‘the pill’. Some OCPs woman. Contraception is used to contain only progestogen • Sterilisation – a surgical prevent pregnancy. It is and are called ‘the mini‑- procedure (operation) that also called birth control. pill’. A woman may need is usually permanent. There are a number of to try several different oral Female sterilisation different methods of contraceptives before involves blocking the contraception. Family finding one that suits her. fallopian tubes that carry planning clinics, doctors, • Vaginal ring (e.g. eggs from the ovaries to the nurses and pharmacists can NuvaRing) – a soft plastic uterus (e.g. ‘having your advise you on the different ring that releases tubes tied’). Male methods of contraception. oestrogen and progestogen sterilisation involves Choosing a method slowly over 3 weeks. The cutting the tubes that carry For contraception to be a woman puts it inside her sperm from the testes into success, each woman and vagina and leaves it in the semen (vasectomy). couple needs to choose the place for 3 weeks. The Natural methods method that suits them ring is then removed, and Different types of natural best. When choosing a a new one is put in 1 week methods are: method of contraception later. • Timing methods – depend consider: • Progestogen injection on avoiding sexual • each partner’s cultural (e.g. Depo-Provera, intercourse during the and religious beliefs Depo-Ralovera) – a woman’s fertile times (e.g. • each partner’s age and progestogen injection. It’s Billings method). It is best 15 Wentworth Close, BRANXTON NSW 2335 abilities effect lasts for 3 months. to be trained properly in • the woman’s health • Progestogen implant these methods by a sexual 9.83HA/24.3AC • the need to protect (e.g. Implanon) – a small, health professional. against sexually transmis- thin rod that a doctor • Withdrawal – the man Lots 80 (7.72HA) & 81(2.11HA) in DP 1264654 sible infections (STIs) inserts just under the skin withdraws his penis from • each partner’s desire for of the woman’s upper arm. the woman’s vagina before RU2 Rural Landscape under the Cessnock Local children in the future It releases progestogen he ejaculates. This is not a • whether the woman is slowly over 3 years. It can reliable method of Environmental Plan 2011 breastfeeding be removed if the woman contraception. • how often you have sex is having problems or Self care • how effective the method wants to get pregnant. • Read and follow the is • Progestogen intra-uterine product instructions for • how easy and convenient device (IUD) (e.g. your contraception. the method is Mirena) – a small device • Watch out for side effects To be sold as one or individually. • side effects and risks of inserted into the woman’s of hormone contraception Lot 80 includes a 3-bedroom brick & the method uterus by a doctor. It (e.g. headache, nausea, sore tile cottage. • other benefits of the releases progestogen breasts, acne, mood The property is watered by method slowly over 5 years. It can changes, bloating). 20,000litre tank with good shedding • cost of the method. be removed if the woman • Don’t smoke. Smoking & stock yards. Types of contraception is having problems or increases the health risks of Ideal grazing. There are three main wants to get pregnant. hormone contraception. Inspections can be arranged by methods of contraception – Hormone-free IUDs are • Use a water-based contacting Branxton & Vineyards hormone lubricant with Real Estate. methods, rubber barrier condoms to CLOSING: Wednesday, 30th July 2021 at 4pm (if not sold prior) methods reduce the and natural risk of the methods. condom Hormone breaking. BRANXTONBRANXTON & & VINEYARDSVINEYARDS methods • Use a fresh Hormone condom each methods time you have REALREAL ESTATEESTATE use sexual oestrogens intercourse. P: 4938 3300 M: 0414 757 826/0412 566 041 and • Use progestogens (sex also available (e.g. Copper condoms to protect against hormones) to change the T). STIs. woman’s fertility by: Barrier methods Important Asian-style meatballs • thickening mucus (fluid) Barrier methods use a Talk to a sexual health and in the cervix so that sperm physical barrier to stop family planning clinic, a cannot enter the uterus sperm reaching the egg. doctor or a Piggott’s (womb) Condoms are a commonly Pharmacist if: • preventing ovulation used barrier method, and • you want advice about (stopping release of an egg are the only method of contraception from the ovary) contraception that can • you miss doses of your mins or until brown all • changing the lining of the protect against STIs. oral contraceptive pill over and almost uterus (so that it is not Condoms are available • you have side effects from cooked through. suitable for pregnancy). from pharmacies and other hormone contraception Transfer to a plate. Hormones can be very shops without a • your period is missed, Repeat with the reliable contraceptives prescription. Different irregular or unusual remaining meatballs. Serves when used correctly, but types of barrier methods • you have unprotected sex Cover with foil to keep 4 warm. they do not protect against are: (e.g. a condom breaks) and Prep STIs. All hormone • Male condom – a thin want emergency STEP 3 15m Add the soy sauce, methods of contraception latex-rubber or plastic contraception. Cooking rice wine, chilli sauce, have some health risks and sheath that is rolled onto Emergency contraceptive 10m remaining ginger and side effects. They can also the man’s erect penis pill remaining garlic to the interact with some before sex. A woman can take the wok or pan. Bring to medicines. • Female condom – a emergency contraceptive Ingredients Sliced spring onion, extra, to serve the boil. Reduce heat to low and Hormone contraception plastic sheath that a pill to reduce the risk of 500g Australian Pork Mince Coriander sprigs, to serve simmer, stirring occasionally, for 3 must be prescribed by a woman inserts into her getting pregnant after 2 tsp finely chopped lemongrass or Finely chopped chilli, to serve mins or until the sauce thickens (optional) doctor. Different types of vagina before sex. unprotected intercourse. It lemongrass paste slightly. Return meatballs to the wok 1 spring onion, thinly sliced Method or pan and toss to coat. hormone contraceptives • Diaphragm – a soft, is also called ’the morning STEP 1 STEP 4 are: dome-shaped latex-rubber after pill’. The emergency 1/2 tsp sesame oil 2 tbs finely grated ginger Combine the mince, lemongrass, Meanwhile, heat the rice following • Oral contraceptive pill cap that a woman places contraceptive pill is most 4 garlic cloves, crushed spring onion, sesame oil, half the packet directions. (OCP) – hormone tablets over her cervix (inside her likely to prevent pregnancy 1 tbs vegetable oil ginger and half the garlic in a large STEP 5 that are taken once a day vagina). It must be if it is taken as soon as 1/4 cup (60ml) soy sauce bowl. Roll 1-tbs portions into balls. Divide the rice, Asian greens and by the woman. Some inserted before sex and possible after unprotected 1/4 cup (60ml) Chinese rice wine STEP 2 meatball mixture among serving OCPs contain both left in place for at least 6 intercourse. You can get the 2 tbs sweet chilli sauce Heat the vegetable oil in a wok or bowls. Sprinkle with extra spring oestrogen and hours after intercourse. A emergency contraceptive 2 x 250g pkts Coconut Chilli Lime large non-stick frying pan over onion, coriander and chilli, if using, to Microwave Rice medium-high heat. Add half the serve. progestogen. They are sexual health professional pill from a Piggott’s meatballs and cook, turning, for 5 called combined oral can work out the correct Pharmacist without a Steamed Asian greens, to serve contraceptives (COCs) or size diaphragm for the prescription. $1 million in

funding to upgrade local RFS sheds

North Rothbury Rural Fire Service Cessnock City Council has been successful in securing $1 million, under the NSW Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund, to upgrade 11 Rural Fire Service (RFS) Sheds in the Cessnock Local Government Area. This is welcome news for local RFS personnel as many of the sheds are in need of an upgrade to better support local volunteers and the work they do in protecting our community. Bucketty and Laguna RFS have attracted the most funding, between them they’ll undertake major upgrades worth more than $500,000. Member for Cessnock, Clayton Barr MP said it’s fantastic news and investment for our courageous and hardworking volunteers. “Where better for a government to invest than in the RFS. The $1 million tells us that we had quite a list of things that needed to be done at our various RFS stations. I’m sure this funding will allow us to tick a few off that ‘to do’ list.” Cessnock City Mayor Councillor Bob Pynsent said its great news for the Lower Hunter RFS and local volunteer RFS Brigades. “The role the RFS plays in our community is absolutely critical. We want to support them in any way we can as they are the first to help us in a crisis.” “The funding means more capacity for larger fire trucks, more volunteers, improved functionality of briefing/training facilities and a safer facility for community volunteers. This will enable the communities within Cessnock to be better prepared and more resilient to future disasters.” Laguna RFS Captain, Andrew Jones welcomed the funding. “Our small truck bay will be expanded to accommodate a modern tanker, the outside toilet will be refurbished into male and female toilets and our training/meeting room will be expanded to include a kitchen and storage area. The 2019/20 fire season showed just how important a functional station is to the community. This will allow us to be better prepared for the future.” North Rothbury, Central Cessnock, Benwerrin, Greta, Kearsley, Mulbring, Neath, Pokolbin, and Quorrobolong RFS sheds will also benefit under the funding. This project aligns with The National Strategy for Disaster Resilience, by improving community resilience to future natural disasters. Upgrades will begin this year and be completed by June 2023.

Daily Thoughts

"Why can we remember the tiniest detail that has happened to us, and not remember how many times we have told it to the same person." Francoiss de La Rochefouauld "The amount of sleep required by the average person is about five minutes more." Max Kauffmann "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand." Bertrand Russell 10 ͽ| THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 Mr Lowe said gross domestic product was WITH ...... expected to decline in the September quarter, but Gemma BUNNER BA/LLB (Hons), predicted the economy REPORT Acc Spec (Personal Injury) & would bounce back. Kerri SHAW B.Comm/LLB (Hons) “The experience to date has been that once virus P: (02) 4046 1805 | F: (02) 4017 0646 outbreaks are contained, the economy bounces back quickly,” he said. “Prior to the current virus outbreaks, the Australian economy had considerable momentum 10 Hilarious Things Said in a Court and it is still expected to grow strongly again next Room year. The extended lockdown in Greater Sydney is expected to hit the national economy. Picture: Getty “The economy is conditions and the health “But it is likely to mean “Because of this hit to Life is chaotic at the benefiting from situation, and their that all of that economic economic growth now, it moment as we are all significant additional implications for the momentum we had pre-six rules out inflationary feeling the pandemic policy support and the expected progress towards months ago will have been pressure building in the fatigue. We thought we vaccination program will full employment and the dashed, so it’s unlikely that next 18 months, certainly,” would lighten up this also assist with the inflation target,” he said. those inflationary pressures he said. fortnight’s instalment with recovery.” Mr Lowe said the RBA will be able to build in time “It’s not my expectation some funny things that Mr Lowe said the RBA board remains committed to to make the RBA move that we will have inflation people have actually said board will not lift the maintaining highly faster than they expected,” strong enough to warrant a whilst giving evidence in cash rate until actual accommodative monetary Mr Ryan said. RBA policy change until Court. inflation is sustainably conditions to support a “If anything, it may push 2024 or 2025.” Most trials have stenogra- within its 2-3% target return to full employment out their expectations for Mr Ryan said the snap phers recording everything range. in Australia and inflation when policy changes lockdown in south-east being said: they record the “The central scenario for consistent with its target. happen.” Queensland, now due to last good, the bad and the the economy is that this “Together, the low level of Mr Lowe said in the bank’s eight days until Sunday 8 occasionally ridiculous. condition will not be met the cash rate, the bond central scenario, it would August, would compound before 2024,” he said. purchase program, the yield take some years for the the short-term weakness in Death by Autopsy Greater Sydney’s target and the ongoing stronger economy to feed the economy. LAWYER: Do you recall extended lockdown has funding that has been through into wage and Property prices to soar the time that you made the RBA’s position provided under the term price increases that were despite lockdowns examined the body? on rate changes even funding facility are provid- consistent with the inflation Mr Lowe said housing WITNESS: The autopsy clearer, according to ing substantial support to target. markets have continued to started around 8:30 WITNESS: He told me, he wearing a mask. the Australian economy in Mr Ryan did not expect an strengthen, with prices PM says, "I have to kill LAWYER: What was he economist Paul Ryan. the face of lockdowns in early rate move before rising in all major markets. LAWYER: And Mr. you because you can wearing under the “There was a lot of parts of the country and the 2024, given the time it “Housing credit growth has Denton was dead at identify me." mask? speculation a month or expected resumption of the would take for inflation to picked up, with strong the time? LAWYER: Did he kill WITNESS: Er…his face. so ago that the improving economic expansion,” Mr be sustainably within the demand from owner WITNESS: If not, he was you? Can you do the thing you economic climate would Lowe said. RBA’s target range. occupiers, including first- by the time I WITNESS: No. just said you couldn’t mean that the RBA While the RBA’s package home buyers,” he said finished. Try to get her name right. do? would bring forward of monetary policy

policy changes sooner measures have helped lower LAWYER: What was the LAWYER: You don't know At least he’s being honest than their stated funding costs for all LAWYER: Now sir, I'm first thing your hus- what it was, and you expectation of 2024,” Mr borrowers, Mr Ryan said sure you are an band said to you that didn't know what it Ryan said. the rate of bond purchases intelligent and morning? looked like, but can “What the lockdown would not have a big honest man— WITNESS: He said, you describe it? means is that they’re impact on borrowing rates. WITNESS: Thank you. If I "Where am I, increasingly unlikely to “The RBA will do what it weren't under oath, Cathy?" If two people died and one do that.” deems appropriate to keep I'd return the LAWYER: And why did is still alive… well, While Greater Sydney’s the cost of borrowing low, compliment. that upset you? you do the math nine-week lockdown consistent with what they WITNESS: My name is currently runs until 28 expect for the path of policy Susan!ing Ext LAWYER: How was your The defence calls… the August, there is in the future,” Mr Ryan first marriage Bearded Lady! speculation it will said. LAWYER: Can you All responses must be terminated? continue into September. “At the end of the day, the describe the WITNESS: By death. oral. Lockdowns to push change in the rate of those individual? LAWYER: And by whose economy into the red bond purchases isn’t likely WITNESS: He was about LAWYER: All your death was it Economists expect the to have a huge effect on medium height and responses must be terminated? long Sydney lockdown borrowing rates for say had a beard. oral, okay? What WITNESS: Take a guess. and the short shutdowns consumers with a home LAWYER: Was this a male school did you go in Victoria and South loan. It will be at the or a female? to? Are you drunk right now? Australia, which both margin.” WITNESS: Unless the WITNESS: Oral… ended a week ago, will Mr Ryan said while the Circus was in town, LAWYER: Officer, what led lead to negative RBA would expect a lot of I'm going with male. you to believe the When witnesses don’t economic growth in the short-term weakness, the defendant was under have x-ray vision September quarter. extended Sydney lockdown First way to identify a the influence? While acknowledging was unlikely to have a huge LAWYER: Can you WITNESS: Because he was murder victim: Are the economic outlook for impact on the bank’s describe what the they dead argumentary, and he coming months was inflation forecast for the person who attacked currently? couldn't pronunciate uncertain, Mr Lowe said end of 2023 and 2024, and LAWYER: What happened you looked like? his words the RBA’s central therefore its expectations then? WITNESS: No. He was scenario was for the for the timing of a rate economy to grow by a move. little over 4% over 2022 as it keeps official interest and by about 2.5% over rates on hold until 2024. 2023. The RBA board kept the cash “This scenario is based rate on hold at a record low on a significant share of 0.1% lastTuesday. the population being RBA governor Philip Lowe vaccinated by the end of News said the recent coronavirus this year and a gradual outbreaks are interrupting opening up of the Australia’s economic international border from recovery, which had been the middle of 2022,” he stronger than initially said. expected. Mr Lowe said the RBA “The economic outlook for the will maintain a flexible Reserve Bank keeps rates on hold as coming months is uncertain approach to its rate of and depends upon the government bond 4 December COVID lockdowns hit economy evolution of the health purchases under its Megan Neil situation and the containment quantitative easing measures,” Mr Lowe said in a program. The Reserve Bank of bounce back quickly once statement after Tuesday’s “The program will Australia expects the Sydney’s extended monthly board meeting. continue to be reviewed nation’s economy to COVID lockdown ends, in light of economic Church in Community THE NEWS 536 THURSDAY 15 JULY 2021 ͽ 11 by Rev Nicole Baldwin

Recently, The Right share a meal and time St John’s Branxton Communion service at Holy Trinity Lochinvar Reverend Sonia Roulston together at the Royal Communion service at visited our Parish. Federal Branxton. We Bishop Sonia is with us endeavour to support our spiritually each week, but it local businesses whenever is particularly lovely for her we can and enjoy the to be with us in person, to opportunity to gather lead us in worship, to together over lunch and celebrate with us and then dinner. to share fellowship with us. Thank you to the staff at It was a beautiful day, made the Royal Federal for a more special for the time beautiful lunch. shared with one another in The Church is the people of our community. God. We are here for our The morning began at Holy community and we seek to Trinity Lochinvar, where love and serve the Bishop Sonia presided at communities of Branxton, Holy Communion. It was a Greta and Lochinvar. We cold morning and yet the do this in many ways. We warmth of those gathered to pray for all people who live celebrate Christ’s love and work in our amongst us was evident. community, for business Due to the restrictions in owners, for community place at the time of Bishop leaders, and all who travel Sonia’s visit, we wore through our community. masks and listened to the We are active members of hymns chosen. local community groups. We then drove up over By shopping locally, we Harper’s Hill to St John’s support local businesses. Branxton, where again Building relationships Bishop Sonia presided at within our community Holy Communion. The strengthens our whole Confirmation of Chelsea community by developing was part of this Holy and deepening friendships. Communion. Chelsea’s Anglicans have been a part mother and sister, and our of these communities for parish family celebrated well over one hundred with her this important part years. It is our delight and of her journey with Jesus. privilege to continue the Chelsea’s confirmation was good work that has been a public declaration of her done. decision to live as a disciple As our community of Christ. As Christians, we continues to grow, we will seek to support each other continue to be Church in on this journey. community. Twenty-one of us met a little later in the day to

■ Enjoying a wonderful meal at the Royal Federal

■ Chelsea & Rev Nicole Cessnock Council adopts plans for jobs and economic Daily Thoughts ... development "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail." Abraham Maslow Cessnock City has announced What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? Anon. that it has adopted the Greater "The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run Cessnock Jobs Strategy 2036 from or fight its enemies, is lunch." Michael Friedman and Economic Growth Agenda. On public exhibition throughout May, the Strategy and Agenda were supported unanimously at the July meeting of Council.

The Strategy outlines economic development priorities and opportunities that will maximise the prosperity of the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA). It articulates the plan to accomplish jobs growth, wage growth, education attainment and increased visitor expenditure through productivity, investment, innovation and people. It is supported by the Economic Growth Agenda, which advocates for external support to achieve Strategy initiatives, and invites the Australian and NSW governments to work with Cessnock City Jackson said the importance of jobs and Economic Growth Agenda represent the on key projects. economic development in the growing groundwork for supporting this growth into Council also endorsed the creation of an Cessnock LGA could not be understated. the future”, she said. additional Economic Growth Agenda “It is predicted that by 2036 Cessnock’s The General Manager will report back to which focuses solely on infrastructure population will have grown to almost Council every 6 months on the progress and priorities such as the local road network, 80,000 people, with an additional 5,000 delivery of identified Strategy and Agenda Cessnock CBD bypass, Wollombi Road new homes built in the area. The Greater opportunities. upgrade and more. Cessnock Jobs Strategy 2036 and Council’s General Manager, Lotta

26 July and closed on Wednes- Postponement of the NSW Local Government elections day 4 August, candidates will now be eligible to nominate The NSW Government has I’m committed to staying on as the right thing to keep the virus from Monday 25 October 2021 announced a new date for the Mayor for the additional time. out of the Hunter Valley”, he to Wednesday 3 November Local Government elections in The priority is to keep our said. 2021. Both voters and prospec- response to the evolving community safe. I will continue The candidate nomination tive candidates can find out COVID-19 situation. to work hard and advocate for period has also been resched- more via the NSW Electoral Previously scheduled for the Cessnock LGA and thank all uled. Where nominations Commission and Office of Saturday 4 September 2021, the community members for doing previously opened on Monday Local Government websites. new date has been set for Saturday 4 December 2021. The decision was made by Minister for Local Government, Shelley Hancock following consultation with NSW Health and the NSW Electoral Commission. Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Bob Pynsent will continue to hold office until a new Mayor is elected in December. Councillors will also Rothbury Water Cartage retain their positions. * 13,000 litre Mayor Pynsent said he remains committed to the role until he * Operating 7-days a week can officially hand over the * Domestic, Mining, Civil & Rail reins. Call Peter on o417 499 554 or email “It’s unfortunate COVID-19 has once again impacted the NSW [email protected] Local Government elections but 26 Mayne Street, North Rothbury NSW 2335

 Open 7 days, Mon-Sat 10am-1am & Sunday 10am - Please check to see 10pm what effect the  Located 358 New England Hwy Rutherford current Covid-19 2320 Lockdown has on  Huge Kids Playground operating hours  Outdoor Undercover Beer Garden  Indoor Enclosed Beer Garden with a Big Screen TV  Pizza & Gelato & Cocktails Bar  Monday- Friday $14 Lunch Specials  Live Music every Friday & Saturday Night (not including during Covid)  Large Front Bar, TAB and Restaurant areas & upstairs Function Room available for all types of events

358 New England highway rutherford, nsw 2320 P: 4932 1842 Alex McKinnon inspires over 250 local students

Cessnock City Council his life. comfort zone and then we importance of held its annual School Alex spoke honestly to will achieve growth.” practicing gratitude. Leaders’ Breakfast this students about the daily Students were asked to Cessnock City morning, with former struggles he faced and the think about their own Mayor, Councillor Newcastle Knights player unimaginable challenges he values and personal Bob Pynsent said Alex McKinnon inspiring came up against. qualities. Alex urged Alex had a fantastic over 250 students with his Alex said after he was students to reflect on these message around personal story. injured he identified and when making decisions as leadership. The now, 29 year old, focused on the things he leaders. “Alex stressed that a opened up about his life, could control. Alex talked about his six leader isn’t always from growing up in “Things happen in life that month stay in hospital and popular but must be Aberdeen to chasing his we don’t expect or don’t how he thought deeply respected for their dream to play professional understand. We have to about how his injury was actions. This football, to making it into look at what we can control affecting his family and resonates with me the NRL and playing for the and educate ourselves on friends. This helped his personally and is a Newcastle Knights and then things we don’t know mindset and attitude during great piece of wisdom suffering a devastating about. We need to respect recovery. Another tip for for our future local spinal injury that changed these things, get out of our students was about the leaders.”

Dollar for Dollar Grants Scheme opens for community, cultural and sporting groups Cessnock City Council’s Dollar for Dollar Grants Scheme is open for community, cultural and sporting groups. The scheme will see $85,000 invested into the local community.

$30,000 is available to support local sporting groups kick off important projects. This could include improving sporting facilities or purchasing equipment for the long term benefit of a sporting club and its members. Another $30,000 is on offer for Council owned community facilities such as halls and other Greta buildings in need of an update. The grants scheme supports the completion of minor capital works or the purchase of equipment that will help residents enjoy a facility more. Not-for-profit community, arts and cultural groups can apply for funding with $25,000 available. The grants can be used to undertake projects, activities and events that increase opportunities for community participation and improve community well-being or that benefit cultural or artistic development for the wider community. The grants scheme can also be used to undertake improve- ments to Council owned facilities that contribute to the cultural or artistic use of the facility. Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Bob Pynsent encouraged organisations to look at the guidelines Tatt’s Family Hotel Greta under new management and talk to the relevant Council officer about their project. Tattersalls at Greta is an authentic Country Pub. Located at the gate way to “This grant scheme has delivered some fantastic projects and upgrades in our community. From a Hunter Valley Wine Country and the Horse Racing Industry of the Hunter new safety rail at the Branxton Croquet Club, kitchen appliances at the Cessnock District Hockey Valley, the pub has a long rich history that makes it well worth visiting. From Association and grandstand flooring for the Mulbring Cricket Club.” “While in the arts it has funded the restoration of four Kurri Kurri murals, machinery and tools for the 1800s welcoming coal miners, then many nationalities from the Migrant the Cessnock Wood turners and provided support for Sculpture in the Vineyards.” Camp , Soldiers from the Army camp . If only the walls could talk .. Today All applications must be discussed with the relevant Council officer. Applications close 5pm Friday Covid has held development up in bringing Tattersalls back to a Family Hotel 3 September 2021. where everyone in the community is welcome . We are welcoming back the coal miners, with our Early Opener miners breakfast , including a beer and/or barista coffee. Weekends will see the lazy day Brunch gourmet breakfast for locals and tourists alike .followed on by lunch and dinner at the bar in the dining room or the beer garden. Tattersalls is Greta’s Local Pub where the locals gather to catch up with friends and to support each other in good times and bad times. It’s a place for the travelling public to stop and for the tourist to be welcomed to enjoy a cold icey beer, cocktail, coffee, and a chat as well as being able to stay overnight. Reggie, the courtesy bus, picks up through out the neighbouring villages of Greta ,Branxton, Huntley, Lochinvar, Lovedale, Allandale and to the resorts by booking one hour prior to your pickup time and there is an abundance of off street parking for vans and larger vehicles. The veteran motorcycle enthusiasts gather annually to the delight of the crowds admiring many types of bikes. Tattersalls is the place for Rememberence on ANZAC day with 2-up and family activities. If you are looking for a place for a celebration, reunions, wakes, club meetings, ladies days out, Tattersalls is the place . You can even have a hair cut or treatment while you have a beer or coffee. Tattersalls have combined beer, wine, accommodation and horses. Trail riding, including pony rides, pony birthday parties (and for older ones as well) picnic rides, marriage proposals, tractor-hay-rides to feed the animals and Peddle Go Karts. Special days will have pony rides at the pub. A horse tie-up rail and watering trough will be available for Gretas’ equestrians who wish to ride their horse to the pub for a drink. and for the faster and more exhilarating horse enthusiast, jump on a tour for a day at the races, have a great day and return to recapture the moments over a cold beer .TAB and KENO facilities are at the bar. Once Covid is gone there will be entertainment returning as well as Pool Comp and dart competitions. Quizbiz Trivia and karaoke will resume and the beautiful piano will be playing again.





Three bedroom family home on large fenced block This property is exactly what most would like; a wonderful family Lots 521 & 523 Littlewood Road, home on a 809 square metres fully fenced in a very good area of town. Vacant blocks Three good sized bedrooms with built-ins in main bedroom, an extra 4ha (10 acres) very private bush blocks. Fully Fenced & within minutes to large lounge room and good sized kitchen eat-in dining area. Hunter Wine Country It comes with ducted air conditioning, a single lock up garage, a good sized patio & BBQ area in back yard. ASKING: $420,000 each Well priced & recommend inspection ASKING: $510,000

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K “Branxton Gardens” UNDERLIVING CONTRACT With optional potential home sites, the property has plenty of opportunity for a Unit 18 Branxton Gardens weekender country escape or unique rural lifestyle existence. Under a 2-hour Bed 2 drive from Sydney, approx. 70 min drive from the M1 interchange “Senior Living” Wahroonga… This heritage designed 2 bedroom strata unit has an Things You Will Love About This Escape Acreage… ensuite to the main bedroom, a lock-up garage & Garage - Approx. 14.65 hectare (36.2 acre) rural holding with dwelling entitlement your own private courtyard. It also feature security - Stunning views from elevated sites gating. The unit is next to Branxton Medical Centre, - Potential building sites is a 2 minute walk to the main shopping & amenities - Unique lifestyle acreage area, is just short drive to the famous Hunter Valley - Abundant wildlife and native flora Wineries, resorts & golf courses. ASKING 745,000 ASKING $320,000


Vacant building 2559m² building block Building Vacant Land with building approved A 809 square metre lot which is relatively flat; block ~ 809m² an easy build-on. Lot 1 DP 1205549 Wonderful views from the back to the north Vacant Building Block Well over half an acre of good level overlooking Huntlee & the mountains to the Blocks Fantastic visage block. north.

ASKING $160,000 ONO ASKING $135,000 ASKING $130,000 ono

nary sort of semi-tower "So needless to say, it took thing that he spent most of many drafts." his life building and never On a broader level, the finished. And that was novel takes the form of an where he would go and English "pastoral" novel — think and resolve tensions. but subverts it. You know, he practised "It's the classic story of the what he preached. jaded, sophisticated city "It's commonplace psychol- person who goes to the ogy now that we can get country to be revitalised by fixated and overthink a coming into contact with problem but, as soon as you virtuous shepherds — or start to use your hands and rural virtue," she says. construct something, you "Of course, we all know become more grounded in that small country towns both space and time. And are not full of rural virtue, also forgetful — in a good they're as complex and way," says Lohrey. difficult as cities." "And the labyrinth stands In The Labyrinth, Lohrey in for that. And I think writes the coastal hamlet of that's why so many of them Garra Nalla from a degree are being built around the of personal experience. world now. Because people "I've lived in small coastal don't have the consolations towns, and that's pretty of religion to the same much how I've found degree that they used to them," she told The Book have. And they look to Show. create new forms of sacred "Most small coastal towns space." have their share of I ask Lohrey what her own eccentrics." "coping" mechanisms are, She points out that the and she says: "Oh, well, I'm neighbour Ray, in The hopelessly impractical — Labyrinth, is conceived as setting in Lohrey's The and the value and purpose she mends her damaged like, couldn't build any- an alternative Besides being Australia's Labyrinth. of creative work". relationship with her thing. And I'm fascinated "shepherd" figure — Miles most prestigious literary Robbie Arnott's The Rain She is the second son and finds her place and in awe of people who literally a laid-off roust- prize, it's also one of the Heron might be considered Tasmanian to win the within her new small-town can." about — who is actually Franklin richest, with the winning a surprising choice for a award in its 64-year history, community. She pauses. "I suppose my fairly unpleasant. author receiving $60,000. prize focused on literature following the late Richard Neville, Mitchell making is writing." Interestingly perhaps — Literary This year's shortlist was about Australia, given that Christopher Koch (for The Librarian of the State Making the novel particularly given the notable for spanning from it's set in an unnamed Doubleman, in 1985 and Library of NSW and Chair As Kate Evans notes in her structural conceit of The Award 2021 early-career to established country that has Highways to a War, in of the judging panel, review on ABC RN's The Labyrinth — Lohrey says authors, with three debut experienced a recent coup 1996). describes it as "an elegiac Bookshelf, The Labyrinth she's not "a planner" when shortlist & novels (Andrew Pippos's — suggesting that the Accepting the award from novel, soaked in sadness". is light on plot — and it comes to her writing. Lucky's, Madeleine Watts's judges read the novel's Palawa country on the north But it's fundamentally a heavy on ideas. "I don't plan anything, what winner The Inland Sea and Daniel setting as a non-literal -east coast of Tasmania, novel about hope and It's also entirely about craft usually happens is that an By Kate Evans for The Book- Davis Wood's At the Edge version of Australia. where she lives, Lohrey resilience. — as a subject, but also in image, or snatch of shelf; Claire Nichols and Sarah of the Solid World) up The winner of the 2021 thanked her agent of 30 The idea of a labyrinth its form. dialogue even, takes hold of L'Estrange for The Book Show against the fourth novel by Miles Franklin Literary years, Lyn Tranter, her Lohrey, like most writers "My aim was to write a me and won't let me go. The Miles Franklin Booker Prize winner Award was announced on editor, David Winter and — and certainly all great narrative that felt like a "And so I sit down to work shortlist for 2021 was Aravind Adiga, and the July 15 & was won by Text Publishing, "[which] ones — is a keen observer. meditative walk into and with it and then it evolves announced earlier this eighth book by award- Tasmanian author has always put literary She says The Labyrinth out of a labyrinth," Lohrey into something — or it year: six novels by winning author Amanda Amanda Lohrey for The values ahead of commerce". started with her observation told Claire Nichols on ABC doesn't: it may just fizzle Australian writers that Lohrey. Labyrinth She also thanked her family that around the world, RN's The Book Show. out and end up in the are deemed by the judges Sydney featured heavily in It was praised by the judges and friends "for putting up labyrinths were proliferat- "And so — to get technical bottom drawer," she told to be of high literary the shortlist, as a key as "a beautifully written with a very vague and ing. So were related things about it — it takes a lot of The Book Show. merit in representing setting for Lucky's, The reflection on the conflicts distracted writer". like "walking meditation", very careful control to do "But if it develops, it "Australian life in any of Inland Sea and Adiga's between parents and In The Labyrinth, hotel where people walk these that. develops — and I don't its phases". Amnesty, and a lesser children, men and women, receptionist Erica Marsden paths as a form of spiritual "You really cannot afford a know where I'm going with moves from Sydney to a activity or mindfulness loose word or a spare it. Sometimes I think I small town on the south practice. word: the prose has to be do and then I turn out to be The New York Times Best Sellers coast of New South Wales Which led her to wonder: very tight and you have to wrong. And that's half the (15 August 2021) to be closer to her son Why? kind of hit your mark. fun, really: not knowing Daniel, a mentally "I'm really interested in "You know, actors when where you're going.

1. THE LAST THING HE TOLD ME disturbed artist who is how people create special they're acting in front of the "I mean, if you knew where BY LAURA DAVE (13 WEEKS ON THE LIST) serving a life sentence for places [or] special spaces," camera have to hit their you were going, when you Hannah Hall discovers truths about her missing husband and bonds with his daughter from a previous relationship. homicidal negligence. she tells ABC Arts. mark every time: well, in started — or if I knew Ranked 2 last week As she looks for a suitable "People who are not this kind of story, you've where I were going when I 2. PEOPLE WE MEET ON VACATION house to buy, she is guided religious nevertheless go got to hit the mark every started — I'd be too bored BY EMILY HENRY (12 WEEKS ON THE LIST) by a mission sent to her in about creating a place that's time or you break the spell. even to start." Opposites Poppy and Alex meet to vacation together one more time in hopes of saving their relationship. a dream: to build a sacred to them: special and Ranked 4 last week labyrinth, defined in the meaningful. With the 3. THE PAPER PALACE book as "a single path that decline of religion, that's BY MIRANDA COWLEY HELLER (4 WEEKS ON THE LIST) leads in a convoluted become even more the After an extramarital dalliance, Elle must choose between her husband and her childhood love. unravelling to its centre, case." Ranked 5 last week and back out again". Lohrey has a long-standing 4. THE CELLIST Why dream about a interest in spirituality, BY DANIEL SILVA (3 WEEKS ON THE LIST) The 21st book in the Gabriel Allon series. A private intelligence service plans an act of violence that will labyrinth? Erica used to evidenced in her novels A aid Russia and divide America. play in one as a child, Short History of Richard Ranked 3 last week when she lived on the Kline (2015) and The 5. IT ENDS WITH US grounds of an asylum Philosopher's Doll (2004), BY COLLEEN HOOVER (7 WEEKS ON THE LIST) where her father worked which she has previously A battered wife raised in a violent home attempts to halt the cycle of abuse. as a psychiatrist. ascribed to being raised Ranked 11 last week Dreams, psychiatry, Catholic. 6. NOT A HAPPY FAMILY labyrinths — yes, Jung is a She also took up meditation BY SHARI LAPENA (NEW THIS WEEK) clear influence in this as a young woman and has Questions arise when a rich couple are murdered after an Easter dinner with their three adult children. book. An epigraph reads: been interested in how (and 7. DEVIL IN DISGUISE BY LISA KLEYPAS (NEW THIS WEEK) "The cure for many ills, why) people gravitate The seventh book in the Ravenels series. Lady Merritt Sterling falls for a Scottish whisky distiller who is in noted Jung, is to build towards that as a practice. danger. something." More recently, during the NEW THIS WEEK To underscore the point, COVID-19 pandemic, she 8. CLAIMED Lohrey makes sure the observed the boom in BY J.R. WARD (9 WEEKS ON THE LIST) reader knows right off the renovation and saw it as a The first book in the Lair of the Wolven series. Lydia Susi becomes a target when she opposes a hotel bat that a labyrinth is symptom of a similar, chain that wants to develop a tract of land next to a preserve. "unlike a maze, which is a fundamental urge: "To 9. MALIBU RISING by Taylor Jenkins Reid puzzle of mostly blind create an ideal refuge." Ballantine alleys designed for Jung might have agreed: An epic party has serious outcomes for four famous siblings. entrapment." "He was very, very big on Ranked 9 last week Erica takes the reader on a making; using the hands," 10. BLACK ICE journey into herself — as Lohrey says. BY BRAD THOR (2 WEEKS ON THE LIST) well as a more external "And he himself, at his The 20th book in the Scot Harvath series. The American spy faces dangers in the Arctic Circle. journey, through which home, had this extraordi- 18 ͽ | THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021

What’s on & More …. PRESENTERS WANTED FOR 2022 NSW LANDCARE AND LOCAL LAND SERVICES CONFERENCE Farmers, Landcarers and landscapes and farming that showcase resilience, as community groups with a story systems,” Ms Harker said. well as how we can rethink, Detailed Cattle report for Gunnedah Last reported 3rd August 2021 to tell are being encouraged to “This conference is the perfect renew and recharge to create There was a good increase in the overall numbers. Vealers and yearlings were well supplied and there were greater submit their ideas for an place to showcase them, so we a sustainable future,“ Ms numbers of grown cattle. The quality and condition of the offering was generally good, however there was a great deal opportunity to present at the can all learn from each other. Cameron said. of variation in breed quality. The usual processors were in attendance as were the regular feedlotters. Restocker 2022 NSW Landcare and Local “Whether it’s regenerative “We encourage anyone activity was high on a very good quality penning of light weight young cattle. Demand was high over all categories. Land Services Conference in agriculture, integrated pest involved in Landcare, natural The quality of the vealer steers on offer was very good. This, combined with high demand and preferred breeds, Tweed Heads. management, or innovative resource management, resulted in all weight categories showing a substantially dearer trend. However, there were varying trends in the heifer The conference theme is ways to capitalise on the sustainable agriculture, ‘Rethink, Renew, Recharge’ emerging natural markets like resilience and community portion. The light and heavy weights sold to dearer trends, while a greater selection of middle weights averaged with presenters and workshop carbon farming, we want to empowerment to apply.” cheaper. Demand for yearling steers was very high from backgrounders and feeders alike. Market trends were 10c to hosts being sought to share hear from you.” Presenters will join the 20c/kg dearer on the feeders and more for those to restock. An improved quality penning and increased supply of their experiences of recovering Interested presenters can find program alongside yearling heifers sold to a significantly dearer trend, the aforementioned factors contributing. Well finished trade from natural disasters, as well out more information and Resilience NSW Commis- yearlings also sold to dearer trends. Heavy grown steers to feed followed the trend of the yearlings to sell to a dearer as their ideas for creating a download their expression of sioner, and former Rural Fire trend. This category also included yearlings weighing in excess of 500kg. The well finished steers purchased by more resilient and sustainable interest form at Service Commissioner, processors were much dearer, with the grown heifers to process also posting strong gains. High demand for cows future. www.nswlandcareconference.c Shane Fitzsimmons, who continued, with the market trend up to 16c/kg dearer. Bulls also posted strong improvement. Market Reporter, James Local Land Services Board, with will be making the keynote Acting Chair, Allison Harker submissions closing on presentation. Armitage. said this is a fantastic Tuesday, 31 August 2021. The Conference will take Detailed Cattle report for HRLX Singleton Last reported 4th August 2021 opportunity for passionate Landcare NSW Chair, place on 15–17 March at the Numbers reduced only slightly for a penning of mixed quality cattle. Included in the yarding was an offering of individuals and community Stephanie Cameron Mantra Twin Towns in well-bred weaner steers, a token number of cows and a well-presented draft of grain assisted and supplementary fed groups from across the state to encouraged Landcarers from Tweed Heads. Tickets will school show steers, which ultimately sold to processors. All the regular buyers were present, with backgrounders and present and discuss their across the state to submit an go on sale later this year. feeders competitive. Weaners were in strong demand from backgrounders, with steers under 200kg selling $9/head insights with the broader expression of interest to share, Interested delegates and dearer to 734c/kg. Light and medium weight weaners sold to significantly higher trends. Heifer weaners sold to Landcare community. learn and connect as a exhibitors can find updates at cheaper trends on average, with the quality not matching the steer drafts. Trade veal sold to a dearer trend of 17c/kg. A “Throughout NSW, we know community. the conference website and there are incredible projects “Given the recent challenges by following ‘NSW draft of well-finished, grain assisted school show steers were offered and sold to the trade from 514c to 540c/kg. A being carried out that are we have all faced and are still Landcare and Local Land lack of quality through the secondary yearling steers, saw medium and heavy feeders sell to cheaper trends. However building more resilient, facing now, we are looking for Services Conference’ on the heifer portion sold to 15c/kg better with restockers also competitive through the heifer penning. There were no sustainable and productive presentations and workshops Facebook. numbers of grown steers or heifers to quote. Cows were in a minority with only eleven head offered. Restockers were busy through the yearling bull offering. Market Reporter, Stephen Adams. The hemispheric long wave pattern has remained Detailed Cattle report for Scone Last reported 3rd August 2021 LOCAL stable in recent weeks. There are five main troughs. Numbers increased to see a lift in quality for weaner steers, although the heifer portion saw drafts slip in quality and Currently the most significant troughs are near the sell to a softer trend through some sales. There was not a lot of trade veal on offer and cows were in a minority. All longitudes of South Africa, the Indian Ocean, eastern the regular buyers attended with strong demand for the younger steers. Backgrounders put in a strong floor for the Australia, the south Pacific, and the Atlantic Ocean. younger steer weaners, particularly for the well presented calves. The trend for these categories saw a rise of 16c/kg. Summary: Over southern and eastern Australia the cold front Light feeders sold to significant rises. A lack of quality through some of the heifer drafts saw a correction, although events with potential to bring widespread rain are now restocker competition was still strong through the better bred offering. A limited offering of trade veal saw both heifer expected about 19 August to 23 August, 27 August to calves and yearling heifers sell to dearer trends. Light and medium weight feeder steers sold to cheaper trends for the 31 August, and 8 September to 12 September. Rain most part, although the heavy drafts saw a dearer trend. No grown steers to quote, however, heavy grown heifers were events originating in the tropics and moving south are slightly dearer. Cows were dearer with the medium weights up to 25c better and heavy cows up 5c to 8c/kg. Heavy possible about 21 August to 25 August, 25 August to bulls made to 330c/kg. Market Reporter, Stephen Adams. 29 August, and 8 September to 12 September. Detailed Cattle report for TRLX Tamworth Last reported 9th August 2021 Numbers reduced this week with a limited supply of vealers. Yearlings were well supplied, while supplies of grown Racing Review & News cattle were down. The quality of the offering overall was fair to very good with some high quality yearling steers and heifers penned. There was a small gallery of buyers in attendance, however most regular orders were in place. Not all processors were in attendance or active. The small number of vealers sold to cheaper trends. Light weight yearling Iconic Birdsville races cancelled for steers to restocker and feeder buyers sold to dearer trends, posting strong gains. Medium weight yearling steers to feed sold to a slightly cheaper trend, however those to restockers were dearer. There was little but quality related price 2021 change in the heavy feeders up to 500kg. Well finished medium and heavy weight yearling heifers to restock and feed sold to dearer trends with an improvement in quality. The medium weight trade heifers were also dearer, however the heavy weights averaged down. A line of milk tooth steers in excess of 500kg included in the heavy grown steers category sold significantly dearer. Heavy weights to process also sold to dearer trends. The cow market was slightly cheaper with reduced processor competition. Market Reporter, James Armitage

Birdsville Race Club president David Brook at the historic track. Picture: Nell Brook

By Trenton Akers year. contractors cannot make it The iconic Birdsville races The two-day event will to Birdsville now also jeop- have been called off due to now be held on April 10 ardises our ability to stage a the growing uncertainty and 11 next year, meaning successful event. over Covid-19 border re- the club will hold a historic “We consulted key strictions in Queensland. two race meetings in 2022. stakeholders and feel that Organisers made the “We are now less than a postponing now while our decision to postpone the month away from the patrons and local event, originally scheduled event, and more than 85% businesses in the region can for September 3 and 4, until of our ticket holders reside plan for it is the re- next year as they attempt to in locations that are sponsible and right thing to maximise the potential interstate and unable to do. It’s not what we wanted Birdsville Cup race day attendance. currently enter Queensland, to do but it is the responsi- With huge crowds or in lockdown or ble decision. for us.” “Our unique racetrack is in have lovely temperate in 1882 that it has been traditionally descending on discouraged from travelling “To run the 2021 TAB With extreme temperatures the Simpson Desert, and the weather similar to what we cancelled or postponed with the tiny town of just 115 to regional Queensland,” Birdsville Cup in 2022 is in the southwest regions, temps regularly hit 45-50 have in September,” Brook Covid-19 in 2020 and people, the decision had to Birdsville Race Club vice unprecedented but if it's organisers said moving the degrees as we head into said. equine flu in 2007 the be made to move the event president Gary Brook said. good enough for the event to later in the year summer. We’ve gone with It will mark just the third previous obstacles. for the second consecutive “The fact that key staff and Olympics, it’s good enough was not an option. April next year when we’ll time since the event started Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Review: Entertaining, But A I used to believe that phones lasted 2 years, then you bought Bit Redundant by Kaitlyn Booth a new one! Geez was I wrong. Join fan favourites Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt for the adventure of a lifetime on You should get 4 to 5 years out of your devices, minimum. Disney's JUNGLE CRUISE, a rollicking thrill-ride down the Amazon with wisecracking skipper Frank Wolff and intrepid researcher Dr. Lily Houghton. Lily travels from When I owned my TV repair Business what the device brand or model, been released… London, England to the Amazon jungle and enlists Frank's questionable services to (Newcastle Telefix & Quickfix) we Macdroid’s has the technology Buy a $2,000 5g phone they said. It'll guide her downriver on La Quila--his ramshackle-but-charming boat. Lily is determined to uncover an ancient tree with unparalleled healing abilities--possessing the power to tried repairing the Nokia phones of available to repair virtually any be 100 times faster than your 4g change the future of medicine. Thrust on this epic quest together, the unlikely duo the time. The charging sockets used to device that breaks…even if it looks phone they said. encounters innumerable dangers and supernatural forces, all lurking in the deceptive break and seeing as we had a dozen of like it’s not repairable, we can As you can see from the screenshot beauty of the lush rainforest. But as the secrets of the lost tree unfold, the stakes them in the business, it made good normally do it. below, I'm in a 5g zone and I'm reach even higher for Lily and Frank and their fate--and mankind's--hangs in the sense to replace the socket rather than So if you’ve smashed the screen on downloading a 70mb update file....not balance. spend another $1,000 and get stitched your $800 iPad, we can change it. If 70gb or 7gb or even 700mb. A lousy up for another 2 years on pretty much you’ve dropped your iPhone 12 or 70mb. also obvious that everyone the same type of phone. At the time, Samsung 20 Ultra and the screens 2 minutes later it was done. It should involved does have a lot of nobody repaired them. and rear glass is smashed, we can fix have taken 5 seconds tops! love for the original The first challenge was getting the it and we only use Genuine parts Stick with your perfectly functioning attraction. The ride is parts. Eventually we got them from where available. 4g phone for as long as you can. If it's absolutely nothing special, but the thing that makes it Europe. The next challenge was to get Got a laptop screen that’s cracked? It not perfectly functioning, pop fun is having a good through the resin “bath” that the can be replaced. We’ve even done a into Macdroids @ Greenhills so we skipper who tells so many inside of the phone had been sealed few in-car / dash display units. can sort it out for you. It's free to terrible puns and jokes that in. All it takes is expensive equipment, find out. you just have to laugh. The So, 3 hours later, it was done. good research and patience. opening scene with Frank These days, most people think the Replacing batteries on devices is the shows him giving a jungle same about their phones and tablets riskiest type of repair as the screen cruise tour while making all but it’s no longer the case. No matter has to be removed to access the sorts of jokes and puns worthy of any skipper on battery (nope, the backs don’t clip off the ride in Disney World or anymore) so they may crack while Disneyland. That sort of removing it. comedy will go over the Most repairers won’t risk having to heads of anyone not replace the screen during the process familiar with the ride, but for and that’s why most people have the Disney lovers in the been told that batteries can’t be crowd, they will love and replaced. appreciate that. The action scenes are Well, if you don’t know what you’re pretty fun though they can doing, it’s true. Jungle Cruise is Disney main character is wearing get a little chaotic with the So, whatever device you have and very much trying to do pants in a time when she various creature designs. think CAN’T be repaired, pop it into the Pirates of the wasn't supposed to wear There are times when it Macdroid’s as the only things Caribbean thing again, and pants," the movie screams could be a little hard to tell preventing it from being fixed are when the movie manages into a bullhorn. "Therefore, who is where in the midst of Parts Availability and the size of to nail its tone, it works very she is empowered. Just a bunch of admittedly your credit card. Let’s face it, some well and is extremely look at the pants." Lily is a well-designed monsters, entertaining. However, the decent character all but that is sort of to be things just aren’t worth fixing but it’s moments when it doesn't around, but she and her expected. Jesse your device and your money so we’ll work, it feels very brother are the ones that Plemons's villain feels like do whatever you need us to do. redundant, like it has fall into cliche more than he wandered onto set from New phones today cost more than my brought exactly nothing anyone else. For Lily, it's another movie, but he also 1st car! (Holden Shaggin Wagon). It new to the table. the fact that she doesn't steals every single scene was a great car The first three Pirates of the care what society thinks of that he is in. He's just so and like many Caribbean were lightning in her, so, therefore, she is a ridiculous that you can't older model a bottle that probably strong woman. look away. shouldn't have worked as For MacGregor, it's a bit Jungle Cruise isn't going to phones, a little bit well as it did. They did more insidious with its change anyone's life in of maintenance to work, though, and they cliche. MacGregor is once terms of its story or script, make it work like brought in massive returns again being billed as one of but it more or less finds the NEW could easily at the box office. However, Disney's "out" characters right balance between save you after the third one and the [this is the fourth or fifth adventure and comedy. thousands. downfall of Johnny Depp, time this headline has been The puns seem to indicate I recently it makes sense that Disney written for those of you at least a base knowledge, upgraded my ~ Your Local Greta Plumber ~ would want to make that keeping track]. Still, they if not a love for the original Servicing all areas lightning strike twice with decide to show that he is attraction. The characters Samsung Note 8. another movie based on out by having him lean a bit too hard into There was nothing another classic theme park obsessed with his clothing cliche but are generally wrong with but the attraction. Jungle and looks, constantly likable, and the over new Note 20 Ultra Cruise isn't bringing drawing attention to the two-hour runtime breezes 256gb had just anything new to the table fact that Lily is more by, so it's well-paced. Does L/no: 140922C when it comes to this competent than him. When Disney have another adventure genre despite they try to make it feel franchise in the works? It's how much they want to say sincere, there is a moment possible, and maybe the that they are reinventing it that might have worked if next instalment could be a or bringing it to a new the movie hadn't leaned so bit more original and lean generation. It's trying to hit heavily into damaging into its weird mythology a very specific note, and cliches about queer men. more. when it hits that note, that is This isn't a subtle movie, 7/10 when the movie shines. All but the moment when Jungle Cruise is Disney the main cast is here for it, MacGregor reveals that he very much trying to do the and the script must be isn't straight is subtle and Pirates of the Caribbean given some credit for would be well done if it thing again, and when the making Dwayne John- didn't feel so out of place in movie manages to nail its son's Frank into an asshole the rest of the movie. You tone, it works very well and for most of the movie. don't get to lean on the is extremely entertaining. Unlike Elizabeth in Pirates queer character for comedy However, the moments or many other women in because he cares about his when it doesn't work, it adventure movies, our clothes and then tries to feels very redundant, like it female lead doesn't bother have a sweet moment has brought exactly nothing to go through the usual arc when he reveals why he new to the table. of straining against society. would follow his sister The movie makes a big wherever she goes. It deal out of the fact that she doesn't work. is wearing pants from the While it does seem like moment they set foot in the there is a fair amount of jungle with all the subtlety cynicism when it comes to of a 2×4 to the face. "Our this movie, and there is, it's

Lost and found: How Japan’s THE NEWS | No.537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 ͽ 20 You can e-mail, fax or simply drop your WD or  ‘father of the marathon’ NSWD into our office:- 12 Clift Street, Branxton or NOT SO Fax: 4938 3301 or vanished midrace and E-mail: [email protected] All contributions welcome By Rick Maese To those local residents of Elderslie who didn't respect the rights of other local Reaching the Olympic starting line took weeks. “He was very lucky,” Sayama said. “He’d never run community members by visiting their neighbours during the current lockdown, Finding the finish took decades. And in between, abroad and was suddenly in a strange country and please be aware that this is a very small community and everything you do is the young long-distance runner — considered had no idea what to do. So when the family seen by someone. Don't think that sneaking around in the dark stops your the “father of the marathon” in Japan — seem- offered to help, he took it.” movements from being noticed. If there is a next time, there might be a knock ingly disappeared into thin air, a Swedish mys- Kanakuri had to grapple with the disappointment on your door from a person of authority, who will have a very large fine for tery that marked one of the most bizarre chap- of what had happened and the shame that was you. Don't be so selfish, you have no idea who may be carrying the virus. ters of perhaps the Olympics’ most storied event. taking hold. He wrote in his journal the next day: The marathon was the final medal event of this “It’s the morning after my defeat. My heart is To the Branxton local idiots who decided it a good idea to vandalise parts of summer’s Tokyo Games. One hundred and fifty or aching with regret for the rest of my life. It was the Miller Park last Saturday week. Thankfully the term idiot does suit as you so women and just as many men lined up in most significant day of my life. But failure teaches have been captured on CCTV whilst destroying fences and other. Sapporo, Japan, for separate races last weekend, success, and I can only wait for the day with fair Hopefully, the local constabulary have caught up with you by now and will their every move easy to follow with cameras all weather after the rain so that I can clean up my lay the appropriate charges. I would like to see, as part of your punishment, along the course, GPS tracking in every wristwatch shame. If people want to laugh, laugh. I showed community service orders to repair and work on the facilities at Miller Park. and transponder timing chips on each runner. the lack of physical strength Japanese people have The park and its community facilities is one of the best I have seen in That was not the case at the 1912 Olympics, where and their immature skills. I can’t fulfill this burden Australia (with comparable villages). Cessnock Council have done a great job the world’s best marathoners lined up at the but dying is easy, and living is hard. To wipe off providing what we now enjoy & I’m sure that if there is anymore vandalism Olympic Stadium in Stockholm for an out-and-back this shame, I will work with all my strength to they will be reluctant to repair & provide further amenities which I quite course. brush up my marathon skills and raise the prestige understand. It was just the fifth edition of the modern Olympic of our country.” Games, and the temperatures in Stockholm were Race organizers, meanwhile, couldn’t locate To the Huntlee Academy for their clean-up work & mowing around the unforgiving that day. Runners were struggling from Kanakuri. He never notified Olympic or Swedish North Rothbury Memorial site a couple of weeks ago. Thank you so much; the start and dropping out every mile. officials of his whereabouts. He instead quietly you did a great job & it is very much appreciated. North Rothbury Tidy One was especially determined. Shizo Kanakuri, left the country and returned to Japan. With his Town usually do the mowing & cleaning but have been unable with the the first Japanese athlete to qualify for an Olympics, whereabouts unknown, authorities considered him Covid. From North Rothbury Tidy Town carried the pride and expectations of his country to be missing, and urban legends grew around the into the race. Just getting from Japan was a two- country’s lost marathoner, many suggesting he had week ordeal that required trains, boats and patience. been running around the country for years, in search

The 20-year old had set what was widely believed of the finish line. to be the record for the marathon a year earlier, and Kanakuri continued running in Japan, determined to Classified’s Classified’s Kanakuri was taking aim at history in Sweden. bring honor to his name and country. Like his But barely 16 miles into the race, he vanished off mentor, Kano, he went into education. He’s the course. A pair of South Africans were the first credited with creating the Ekiden race, a multistage Computer Tuition: From basics to highly skilled & learn all Seamstress: Sewing & mending P; Brune 0413 351 057 about ebay. P: 0429 381 908 repairs. Comtronics P: 4991 1128 Wanted: all kinds of Honda mini bikes qa50 z50a z50j1 runners to cross the finish line back at the stadium, long-distance relay that is still popular in Japan. Drum lessons: Young Musician studying Bachelor of Music will z50jz ct70 st70 & atc70. Contact Drew 0435814841 and one by one, others followed, exhausted and And he made it his mission to involve as many conduct lessons (drum) your home or mine. ($25.00 at mine $30 Wanted: Clean Fill Required North Branxton area. No relieved. people as possible in athletics. He took a special for away for ½ hour). Beginners welcome. call Josh on builders rubble or materials P: 0413161296 Fred Kanakuri never showed up, though, and race interest in recruiting and coaching female athletes 0458 611 362 Work Wanted: Need a house cleaner $25/hr P: 0488 588 officials couldn’t find him. The Olympics and also trained blind students by having them hold For Rent: Branxton RSL Hall, air conditioned. Short or long 333 eventually packed up and left town. The world on to a string to guide their runs. term. P: 0429 438 460 Work Wanted: Need an extra hand? I do all maintenance, would soon go to war, international sporting events “He wanted everybody to have the opportunities For Sale: 2 ton chainblock $100, Hardwood Timber beam 4800 labouring, construction, asbestos & have working with were canceled, and for decades in Sweden, that he had,” Sayama said. x 290 x 75, $50. 2470 x 140 x 100, $20, Humes prime coat solid children licence. P (Pat) 0414 278 292 Kanakuri was considered missing. Kanakuri did not talk much of these athletic exterior door, 2040 x 820 x 35, New $120, sell $50, Work Wanted: Lawns mowed, rubbish removal & “Kanakuri was a good runner and a very important accomplishments, and though he stayed in touch Painted solid door 1985 x 920 x 40, $20, trailer axle with Holden slashing. Also ‘Bobcat’ work, trenching & post hole boring hubs and stub axles, $20, 4 White roll down security shutters & general maintenance & handyman work. Phone Steve on runner in Japan,” said Kazuo Sayama, the Japanese with the Petra family in Stockholm, he spoke little 1800, 1860, 1760, 1650 wide with 2000 drop, Free 4938 3601 sports historian and Kanakuri biographer. “But it of the 1912 incident. Ph.0437312905 Work Wanted: HORSE CLIPPING - PERFORMANCE was vanishing that day that made him famous to “It was so long ago,” said his daughter, Yoshiko For Sale: 3xwheel motorized scooter. 2 new batteries; excellent READY. Hunter Valley & Central Coast. Phone Caron many.” Sakaya, 88. “He never really showed signs that he condition P: 0417 413 316 0416 128 701 Kanakuri grew up in a rural town called Nagomi, was at the Olympics. It was nothing he volunteered. For Sale: Practically new medium sized Mobility Scooter . Only Work Wanted: Lawns properties, mowing, trimming, located on western island of Kyushu, in a family of He would occasionally talk about it but only if 3yrs old and driven 3 times, as owner didn’t have the confidence removals, maintenance. Paul 0478103814 or 49987567 modest means that made and sold sake. His grade someone asked.” to use it. Brand new batteries just installed as it has been Work Wanted: Sick of cleaning, cooking dinner, washing. school was nearly four miles away, and he got there It’s not clear why the Swedes couldn’t solve the unused. or a long time. Always kept inside. Comes with canopy Call me! Taking bookings now. Professional and reliable each day by running. This informal training would curious case of the missing marathoner. He was and shopping bag. 2200 ONO (value $4500) Inspection by service. Sue 0497257081 prove invaluable years later when he received hardly in hiding and resurfaced to compete at two arrangement. Please call Cherie on 0458721077 Work Wanted: Rural Fencing (TW & A Hollingshed) For Sale: Collectable rabbit traps from $10 P: 4998 1583 or Trevor on 0429 320 787 for quotes. proper coaching as a college student and began to ensuing Summer Olympics. He placed 16th at the P: 0421 102 711 Work Wanted: experienced baby sitter looking for work. set his eyes on competing at a higher level. 1920 Games but failed to finish the Olympic For Sale: Alpacas Ph 0400697148 Very reliable P: 0458 606 804 He was trained by Kano Jigoro, the founder of judo marathon in 1924. For Sale: Free range eggs. $4/doz Greta 0412 976 809 Work Wanted: Lawn & Garden Maintenance, P: 4938 3153 who is responsible for Japan’s entree into the The story of his disappearance started gaining Riding Lessons: agistment, horses trained. 0407 453 494 Work Wanted: Piano teacher available to give lessons Olympic world. Olympic officials were eager to attention around the 50th anniversary of the 1912 Share Accommodation: East Branxton $180 + share utilities P: Phil Aughey on 0447 381 989 welcome Asian countries, and Kano tapped a pair Games. The missing Japanese runner had become cost P: 0407 383 026 of pupils to compete at the 1912 Games. much more famous than any of the race’s medalists, The logistics were not easy. Kanakuri and a young a folk legend many were surprised to learn was The “For your Diary” section sprinter would represent Japan, but sports weren’t alive and well in his home country. of The News is a FREE highly valued in Japan in the early part of the 20th In 1967, Swedish officials arranged for Kanakuri to community service. century. The athletes were denied government return to Stockholm, where he was reunited with support and had to raise funds and plead for the Petra family and also invited to finish the donations to travel. marathon. EVERY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY MORNINGS — The The trip to Sweden took 17 days. Countries such as “When I went over to Sweden, I was surprised to Branxton Greta Mens Shed meet in the mornings; come the United States were able to take huge ships, find that he was very much more famous there than and have a cuppa at the Shed. 49 Branxton Street, Greta (in taking advantage of training opportunities onboard. in Japan,” Sayama said. “Everybody knows about the grounds of the old St Mary’s primary school) For more information contact Richard Wesseling 0417422560 Kanakuri, on the other hand, took the Trans- him for going missing.” Leagues Club. For information: Phone Anna 49904093 Siberian Railway, stealing quick workouts They held a ceremony, which was covered heavily WED 25 Aug – Central Hunter Business Chamber Board whenever the train stopped at a station, running on in the Swedish media. When he finally crossed the meeting the platform before hurriedly reboarding. finish line, his time was announced as 54 years 8 SAT 28 Aug – Branxton Public School ~ P&C Trivia Night When he arrived in Sweden, the travel had taken its months 6 days 5 hours 32 minutes 20.3 seconds — SAT 4 Dec – Local Government Elections toll, and the local food didn’t sit well in his an unofficial time but surely in the running for FRI 3 SEPT – Applications close 5pm for $for$ grants stomach. To make matters worse, the July slowest marathon ever. Cessnock City Council WED 22 SEPT – Central Hunter Business Chamber Break- CRAZY FOR LOVIN' YOU: THE LIFE AND temperatures were climbing. On race day, it was 90 A stadium announcer blared, “This concludes all SONGS OF PATSY CLINE degrees, according to some reporters. Kanakuri had the events from the 1912 Stockholm Games,” and fast meeting with presentation by Chamber president only flimsy street shoes that were no match for the Kanakuri joked he had six children and 10 ‘Managing a small retail business profitably’. All members & Next date: Saturday, 21 August 2021 | 08:00 Guests welcome scorching gravel course. grandchildren during the course of the epic PM to 10:10 PM Upcoming Concerts There were 68 starters in the 1912 race, and just 34 marathon. There are few SAT 11 DEC 2021 — Iconic Scottish band SIMPLE would reach the finish line in the punishing Kanakuri was 92 when he died in 1983. Until his female singers MINDS will be performing at a day on the green Bimbadgin of her era who conditions. One Portuguese runner was hospitalized final days, he would take long walks each day, winery. had more hits - and died the next day, the first reported death eager to talk running with any young athlete he SAT 26 MAR 2022 — Rod Stewart Live @ Roche Estate certainly none during an Olympics. encountered. had a greater Kanakuri was about two-thirds of the way through “Most of my memories are of him wearing a “Dates for your Diary” is free and more when he stumbled off course and into a garden area. kimono, reading the newspaper on our porch,” his community service which has been lasting impact Many reports suggested he passed out, perhaps daughter said. “But even when he was older, in both country and pop music. Her rich booming voice filled because of heat stroke, though others suggested he running was important to him. Exercise was included in the News for over the room, awakened hearts & stoked imaginations. Almost simply wandered into an outdoor party. Regardless, important to him. Throughout his life, he took 23-years. 60 years after her untimely death on March 5 1963, Patsy the race continued, and the Japanese runner found special care of his physical health.” Cline is more popular than she was in her lifetime. himself at a farm home along the race route, owned Please send your event notices and Undoubtedly one of the most exciting shows to hit Australian stages in 2021, Crazy For Lovin' You: The Life and by the Petra family. The family fed him raspberry dates to [email protected] of Songs of Patsy Cline recreates country music history with juice, fruits and cinnamon rolls and gave him new Akiko Kashiwagi and Julia Mio Inuma contributed call me on stunning replica costumes reflecting Patsy's unique style, clothes and a place to sleep. to this report. bringing you an unforgettable country music concert 0414 757 826. The Editor experience, bound to set fire to stages across Australia.

THE NEWS | No. 537 | THURSDAY 12 AUGUST 2021 ͽ 21

Street lighting partnership delivers sustainable savings for Singleton

The streets of Singleton are significantly more energy-efficient with Singleton Council and Ausgrid’s partnership to replace local streetlights with new, more reliable LEDs now 99 per cent complete. NEWS The replacement of 989 Ausgrid-owned lights has occurred over three years, beginning in 2019. And while the project is expected to pay for itself within the next three years, energy consumption has already been slashed by almost a quarter.

Justin Fitzpatrick-Barr, Council’s Director Infrastructure and Planning said the project was a win-win because it Sponsorship program awards $126,100 supported Council’s ongoing improvements to financial management, as well as reducing our environmental footprint and commitment to sustainability. to support local business “Never before has local action had such potential for global outcomes, and with an ever-growing emphasis on climate change and conversations happening around the world about the future of energy and consumption, there has never been a more critical time for tangible local action,” he said. “With the street light replacement roll out almost complete, we’ve already seen a 24 per cent reduction in energy usage, which is projected to continue to decrease by over 76 per cent – that’s a reduction of 244.9 tonnes of CO2-e each year. “The new LEDs last up to 20 years, and use just 17 watts to power -- that’s up to 82 per cent less than the old streetlights. “In terms of financial savings, Council recorded a reduction of $40,375.19 in electricity for the 2020/2021 financial year compared to the previous year, and over $33,000 the year before that, which is a significant saving for ratepayers. “The new LEDs will also cut Council’s long-term costs of street lighting and reduce exposure to higher energy prices in the future, so we will feel the benefits of this program long after it has paid for itself.” Mr Fitzpatrick Barr said perhaps most importantly, the energy efficiencies of LEDs would deliver a 76 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the lights being replaced over the next 10 years. “There are also significant social advantages to the LED lamps because they deliver higher quality white light, which improves transport connectivity, security and wellbeing outcomes for our community,” he said. “Our community told us they want meaningful action that minimises our environmental footprint and does not compromise the economic viability and social vibrancy of our community into the future, and this is another way Towns with Heart Toby Thomas, Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Bob Pynsent, Towns with Heart Council is acting to reduce our impact.” Community Project Manager Towns with Heart, Council’s Economic Development and Tourism Manager Tony Chadwick and General Manager Lotta Jackson.

Cessnock City Council is supporting local business through the annual Maitland Liberal Council Team Seek Re-Election Economic Development Grants and Sponsorships Program awarding $126,100 to support local business and stimulate economic growth. Cr Ben Mitchell to Stand for Mayor The NSW Liberal Party has endorsed Maitland’s four Liberal The program offers funding to Advance Greater Cessnock Partners, this includes Councillors to stand again for election this December. business chambers, tourism bodies, training providers and community organisations. Councillor Ben Mitchell will head the ticket as the Mayoral Council has approved funding for twelve applications. candidate and will also re-contest the West Ward. Cr Sally Cessnock Chamber of Commerce, Central Hunter Business Chamber, Wollombi Halliday, Cr Kanchan Ranadive, and Cr Mitchell Griffin will Valley Chamber of Commerce, Kurri Kurri Towns with Heart, Hunter Region contest the Central, East, and North Wards respectively. Business Hub and Hunter Valley Wine Tourism Association will all benefit from this “The Maitland Community has been well served by the Liberal years’ program. Council team over the last four years, and I am proud to be This crucial funding is being invested into vital initiatives including small business leading this team into the September Council election. training, business service awards, tourism projects and the Kurri Kurri Visitor Decisions facing this next term of Council will impact the Information Centre. Sponsorship has also been granted for Kurri Kurri Nostalgia quality of life, sustainability, and cost of living for our city and Festival and for the town coordinators in both Cessnock and Kurri Kurri. its residents. Council’s Economic Development Manager, Tony Chadwick said the local business In voting for the Liberal team, Maitland residents can be as- community is highly engaged and proactive, making Council’s decision to support sured that they are electing Councillors who will carefully business programs and initiatives an easy one. manage financial resources, keep cost of living pressures “As a commu- down, and put community and sporting groups at the heart of nity we need to our decisions.” Cr Ben Mitchell said. Cr Ben Mitchell ~ Maitland City Council-West be collaborat- The Hon. Taylor Martin, Liberal MLC for the Hunter and Cen- Ward & Deputy Mayor ing and work- tral Coast endorsed the Maitland Liberal Councillors saying; ing together to “The Liberal Council team has the experience, commitment, recover from and energy to steer Maitland through the challenges facing the what has been city as it balances sustaining its regional identity with increasing population growth. an incredible Electing Councillors who will manage rate payer money in a responsible way and ensure that rate payers are difficult period. not slugged with new or increasing costs should be at the forefront of voter’s minds.” These projects “I am proud of the adoption and implementation of the Social Media disclosures and accountability policy that will have flow I put to Council.” on effects to “In adopting my policy motion the Councillors ‘code of conduct’ was strengthened as was community confi- our entire 4 DECEMBER dence in the use of Social Media when reporting on Council matters. business For too long Facebook and websites with no identifiable owner were being used and abused in reporting on the community.” activities of council. This misinformation and fake news had eroded confidence in Maitland’s elected represen- “I’d also like to tatives. use this as a Councillors are now required to disclose to the public websites and social media pages that they administer.” reminder for In 2017 Cr Ben Mitchell was the youngest person elected in Maitland City Council’s history. When asked people to about the prospect of potentially being the City’s youngest Mayor, Cr Mitchell dismissed age as being a barrier continue to participate in our Support Local campaign and shop locally. Your support to the city’s top job. Maitland is growing rapidly as a city and we cannot continue to do the same thing over really does have a huge impact on our operators, so put on a mask, grab a coffee, eat and over again expecting different results. Maitland needs fresh leadership whether that comes in the form of a lunch and scratch that retail itch.” leader who is thirty or eighty. It is the ideas that are important and the leadership to deliver them that matters.”

For more information on support available for local business and resources, visit Advance Greater Cessnock.

RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES TO LEASE There is a strong demand for residential rental accommodation in the local area & our office needs more properties to sate the current demand. If you are contemplating renting your property please contact either Helen or Mike on 4938 3300 BRANXTON & VINEYARDS REAL ESTATE P: 4938 3300

Catch up now for spring

The first whiff of spring is a joyful time for gardeners – unless you left your run a bit late, or didn’t even get started! Here are some ways to salvage the situation so you can still enjoy the flowering and planting Brrr it's cold outside! Top tips for pet owners this winter pleasures of the season. Spring-flowering bulbs If you’re still sitting on a bag of daffodils, tulips or hyacinths, then get them into the ground or a pot now. Bulbs aren’t like seeds, which can be left unplanted for years – they need to go through the growing cycle each year or they will shrivel and die. Planting this late means you’re unlikely to get good flowering, but give them an application or two of fertiliser, and hopefully they’ll do well for you next year. To get your fix of spring- bulb flowers this year, splash out at the nursery or florist on a few pots of flowering bulbs. Unpruned roses Most established repeat-flowering roses need a winter prune to stimulate new growth and better flowering. And, yes, unless you live in a very cold region, it should have been done by now. The solution is to simply pretend that you live in a very cold region and do what they do there by pruning later. And by later we mean now! Your first flush of flowers will be delayed but it will be a much better flush than if you hadn’t pruned at all. Vegie-patch failures If one look at your vegie patch tells you you’ve been more successful at growing weeds than cauliflowers, then now is the time to prepare for success with the next crop. Yank out weeds and any weak vegies that have failed to flourish. Apply a generous layer of manure, compost and organic pellets. Finish with a dusting of dolomite, then dig it all in. Water in with liquid seaweed, cover with sugarcane mulch and leave for a couple of weeks to allow the worms and microbes to do their thing. By The wind is picking up, the rain is bed off the ground and add an head out for a brisk walk together! behavioural changes. then, your patch will be ready for planting or sowing setting in and temperatures are extra blanket for warmth and Your dog will still love the joy of We recommend pets go for 6 warm-season crops, and you’ll get that spring- starting to drop as winter fast comfort. Try not to place the bed their walk even if it’s a bit colder, monthly check-ups to stay on top planting endorphin rush. approaches. It’s nearly time for too high though, as cold and you will feel better for the of any potential health is- Last-minute plantings Winter is the time to plant a woolly socks, hot drinks and warm temperatures are especially tough exercise too. sues. There are a number of good range of ornamentals and edibles as bare-rooted coats. on older dogs or cats with stiff Heat seekers products which can make your pet plants or dormant crowns – think roses, stone fruit While planning for winter, joints who may have difficulty in Cats are notorious for finding feel much happier. trees, ornamental cherries, rhubarb, asparagus and responsible pet owners should also movement after long periods of warm spots around the house, like Your vet may recommend a berry canes. Even this late in the season, it’s worth start thinking about the comfort rest. the afternoon sun through a number approaches to help treat checking online and at garden centres to see what levels of their furry companions. If You can place a heating pad or window, or sitting close to heaters. arthritis: they have left. Potted (leafed) versions of these plants you are starting to feel cold and disc in their bed (avoid hot water Dogs too will seek out sources of  Supplements: There are do appear later in the year, but often the range of uncomfortable, then your pet is bottles as there may be the heat during colder weather. Be natural supplements of Omega 3 choices is limited – so act now. likely feeling the same way. temptation to chew!) to gently wary of your pet sitting too close to fatty acids, like 4Cyte™, you can Luckily, there are a number of warm up the bedding and create a heaters or fires as they can fall get from your vet to give your Take hardwood cuttings simple ways you can keep your pet cosy, warm and safe sleeping asleep and end up with dried out older dog at meal times. This will safe and warm this winter. environment. skin or worse, burns. encourage healthy joints and help Winter Coats Check out RSPCA World for Pets Pet heating pads and disks are a to reduce stiffness. Although many cat and dog breeds range of Cat and Dog Beds. safe alternative that can be placed have luxurious thick fur to keep The great indoors in their bedding or on a favourite  Medication: Your vet may them warm, when they are outside If your pet spends a lot of time chair. This will become your pet’s recommend a regimen of non- or on walks in the cold, they will outside, then appropriate shelter is favourite warm spot this winter! steroidal anti-inflammatory still likely benefit from an essential. Pet stores like RSPCA Senior care medication. additional winter coat. This is World for Pets have a great range Cold weather can be harder on our Injection: Many owners of older especially important if you have a of kennels for dogs and enclosures older cats and dogs as, just like dogs have seen great thin, older or short haired breed. for cats, that will give protection with people, the drop in improvements in their pet’s A good pet-coat or jumper will from rain, frost and wind. Choose temperature can aggravate joints arthritis with a 4 week injection give coverage from the neck to the a spot for your pet’s housing that stiff with arthritis. You should be course of a product with pentosan base of the tail while also giving is protected from the elements in a mindful of keeping a healthy eg; Cartrophen Vet. The frequency protection to their belly. Make sure warm elevated position. Fill your exercise regime during winter of treatment varies from once a Making hardwood cuttings in winter is an easy way to your pet’s coat is the right fit and pet’s shelter with dry blankets that without over-doing it. Dog walks year for mild cases and up to three propagate deciduous favourites, such as mulberries, isn’t restricting movement. Check are washed regularly. should take no more than 20 times a year for severe cases of grapes, roses and hydrangeas. out World for Pets range of dog If your dog is usually kept outside, minutes a day over even ground. arthritis. Cartrophen Vet is a Because the plant is dormant and has no leaves, water coats to suit all shapes and sizes. you could bring them indoors to Exercise encourages good prescribed veterinary medicine loss is minimal and successful propagation is greatly Remember, don’t leave your pet’s sleep at night, somewhere warm circulation and develops muscle which is provided by your vet. enhanced. Once the leaves have finished falling, cut a coat on once they are in a heated and dry, away from cold drafts and tone. Extra weight on your pet will Be mindful that all medications firm-barked piece of stem. Remove any soft tips and indoor environment as they may damp. only worsen joint pain. have side effects, so be sure to trim the cutting to 10–12cm long, including at least 2– over-heat under all those layers! Keep on moving Make sure your pet has a warm, discuss the prescribed drugs in 3 nodes (leaf joints). On one side, near and down to Better bedding The temptation in winter is to stay comfortable rest area away from detail so you can decide the best the base, slice off a narrow vertical strip of bark. Dip As the weather gets cooler, you indoors, safely snuggled under a drafts and elevated off cold, hard course of treatment for your pet. the base into hardwood cutting gel or honey. Make a might notice your pet is spending warm blanket. But your dog or cat surfaces. If you notice your pet is Heart warmers hole with a pencil down into moist potting mix and more time snuggled up in their bed. still needs exercise and boredom showing signs of discomfort Pets are wonderful companions carefully push in the cutting. Firm the mix around the You can make a few simple busting stimulation. Keep playing associated with arthritis, you and loving members of the family. cutting and water well. A number of cuttings can go adjustments to their bedding to indoors with soft toys or a ball to should take them to their vet for a Snuggle up and stay warm together into one pot as long as each stays clear of the others. ensure they are properly protected get the blood moving. Both Cat check-up. Signs of pain or this winter, and remember, there’s Put the pot into a semi-shade position and be patient. from the cold. toys and Dog leads are stocked by discomfort include stiffness, nothing like lots of cuddles to keep You may not see new growth on hardwood cuttings Make sure your pet’s bed is away RSPCA World for Pets. chewing or licking certain joints, the winter blues at bay until well into spring. from drafts and elevated off cold, Or, brave the cold, grab the lead, difficulty walking up or down Advise by RSPCA hard surfaces. You should raise the put on both your winter coats, and stairs, eating slowly and noticeable players sallied forth into ships, scheduled for next round on Saturday to win the Steve Ross finished his day Perkins 48, Chris Taggart & ter 3rd. Ball winners were: RESULTS to-day’s event and almost weekend, have been post- Centenary Trophy in 40-50 beautifully winning the Pro’s Kevin Gibson 48, Larry Lorraine Clack 34 & Glenda arrive back at the clubhouse poned due to the lockdown. knot winds—the north- NTPin on the last, worth $82 Forbes & Beepa 47, Mick Williams 32 c/b. dry. Sadly this was not the There will be a stableford westerlies are famous around for a shot that was 702 cms Tsakissiris & Ken Springbett Thursday 5th August case, as midway through the competition instead. He also Branxton, making scoring away—that showed how 47, Ryan Wilson & Peter Solid scoring featured across round, a10 to 15 minute wants to thank everyone for very difficult—even standing windy the day was. Threadgold 47, James all divisions in the Vets Sta- shower occurred. their assistance in playing the to hit the ball was a task! Saturday, 10TH July 2021 Schofield & Mark Barrow bleford event. Division 1 Congratulations to John Competition in pairs and Eddie’s nett score of 71 won 2B AGGREGATE 47, Kevin Dick & Ian New- went to Darrell Porter with Branxton Veteran Golfers Crompton on winning his changing their tee times with him the day, as well as the B STABLEFORD = SINGLE ell 47,Silver & Fluff 46, John 38 points from Larry Forbes Results 5-8-21 division and achieving the such short notice Grade daily event. Dave Matt IN CONJUNCTION Carmody & Wally 46, Dave 37, Division 2 to Dave Gell- Stableford “Score of the Day”. A well Saturday, 31 July 2021 showed how it can be done in Field: 58 Fury & Geoff Sweetman 45 wiler with 36 from Ruff 35 Winner Div 1 B Turner 29 done to all other winners and STABLEFORD - winning the A Grade nett 2B WINNERS on countback. NTP's Graham and Division 3 to Tony Lorri- pts R/u M Ford 28 pts (c/b) place getters. STABLEFORD competition with an excellent DAVID MATT / LUKE Morris (3rd) Doug Harley man 40 from Sue Peel 39. 3rd G Geason 28 pts LN Bootes, Hon Sec Field: 58 72 nett, just ahead of Dean MATT 72 PTS (10th) & David Peel (17th) Ball winners were: Phil Winner Div 2 S Condran 33 Branxton Lady Golfers Grades A David Matt 40 Fowler and Nick Wheeler, 2B RUNNERS Saturday 31st July Wetzler 38, Graeme Flynn pts (SOD) R/u A Hackett 32 The Branxton Ladies Golf Grades A Toby Grant 36 both with 74. Club President EDWARD BARRETT/ The 2021 4BBB 36, Jill Ramsden 36, Tony pts 3rd M Kingston 29 pts results for the club day on Grades A David Kinch 34 Richard Crooks finished GEOFF GEASON 70 PTS Championship has been won Neale 36, Bill Harden 36, Ladies Div Winner J Scobie 14th July 2021 were as Grades B Lee Jackson 36 second in B Grade with his 2B THIRD PLACE by Ryan Wilson & John Trevor Collins 35, Chris 30 pts (c/b) R/u R Friis 30 pts follows; Grades B Neil Jordan 36 73 nett with Mick Carling LUKE SIMMONS/ JOE Grayson on countback after Norman 35, Peter Payne 35, 3rd J Harris 26 pts This was a stableford round Grades B Ed Garland 36 third with a 75. Andrew BEREZA 69 PTS 6 teams returned 46 points, Bruce Chambers 34, Ken NTP Ladies J Harris Gents and Round 3 of the Pauline Grades C Lennard Porter 35 McGovern’s 73 won him C 2B FOURTH PLACE the runners up went to the Harris 34, Rex Talbot 34, G Train Thomas Memorial. Grades C Barry Turner 35 Grade with Paul Brown run- GLENN FLETCHER/ MICK team of Dave Hollis & Phil Kevin Dick 33, Ryan Wilson Members draw - Won Winner: T McMillan 37 pts Grades C Darrell Fletcher 33 ner up with his 75. Junior MARTIN 66 PTS Baker also on countback. 33, Geoff Sweetman 33, (R McMillan) Runner Up: J Scobie 30 pts NTP 2/11 A 2nd Peter James Hale, visiting from SINGLE 1ST PLACE Congratulations to the Kerry Bartlett 33, Lorraine A fine Winter’s day with Third: K Johanson 28 pts Wilton 300cm Mudgee for the day with his BEN ELPHICK 42 PTS winners and to the large field Clack 33, Greg Ireland 33, westerly winds, of moderate N.T.P. Karen Johanson NTP 4 A 4th Michael Tracey father Mark, had a great day SINGLE 2ND PLACE who contested the event. Michael O'Brien 33, Garry to freshening nature Regards, Ruth 30cm finishing third with his 76. LUKE SIMMONS 38 PTS The Medley Stableford Marsden 32, Don Bradley 32, maintained the chill in the Branxton Golf Club Sat NTP 9/18 A 9th Peter The shot of the day belonged SINGLE 3RD PLACE played in conjunction has Chris Stebbing 32 & Kevin air, making not so Comp Mackenzie 181cm to Dave Hodges on the 2nd, DAVID MATT 37 PTS C/B seen A Grade to Adam Coleman 32 c/b. Nearest-the- comfortable conditions for Saturday, 7 August 2021 NTP 13 A 13th Toby Grant finishing only 79 cms from BALL COMP – 59 PTS Taggart on countback to Pins went to Lorraine Clack play. Congratulations to MONTHLY MEDAL 2100cm the pin. Bryan Worms won PRO’S NTP 18TH HOLE - Mark Noble after both (3rd) Darrell Porter (4th) Stephen Condran on winning STROKE Balls 17 Distributed down to the Pro Shop Voucher worth NEIL JORDAN 140CM returned 37 points, B Grade Mark Green (10th) & Eric his division and achieving the Field: 48 score: 29 $118 with his shot finishing $102 to James Schofield with 38 Smith (17th). “Score of the Day”. Well Winners C Lachlan Kauter PRO’S NTP 18TH HOLE – only 251 cms away on the Saturday’s 2BBB was well points from Michael Saturday 7th August done to all other winners and 65 DAVID MATT 292CM - last—certainly making his patronised with 58 players Tsakissiris on countback and The Monthly Stroke round place getters. Grades A Dean Fowler 70 $94 PROSHOP VOUCHER day a memorable one. As an enjoying a cool, calm win- C Grade to Brett Hoban with has been dominated by local Results 29-7-21 Grades A Peter Wilton 71 David Matt continued his aside, the best scratch scores ter’s day around the Branxton 39 points from Paul visitors on the Podium with 9 Hole - Stableford Grades A Norm Redgrove recent good form to record an for the day were scored by Golf Course. David Matt and Campbell 38. Ball winners 1st to Kurri GC member Jack Div 1 Winner G Sheldon 20 72 easy A Grade win on Satur- former champions and low Luke Matt combined very were: Leon Dureau 38, Sylvester with 70 net on pts (SOD) R/u D Kinch 19 Grades B Andrew McGovern day with a wonderful 40 pts, markers from our club in- well together to win the day’s Brock Gardner 37, Col countback to Steve Abel of pts 3rd G Geason 18 pts 75 on a day where he was the cluding Brent Watson with event with 72 pts (37 for Somerville 37, Ryan Wilson the Vintage GC and local Div 2 Winner P Sekulich 19 Grades B Neil Bridge 75 only one to break his handi- an amazing 74 in treacherous David and 35 for Luke), just 37, Muz 37, Aaron Marks Mug winner Alan Proven- pts R/u B Smith 18 pts (c/b) Grades B Gary Walsh 77 cap. Dave has been a very conditions, Josh Tracey and ahead of Eddie Barrett and 37, Caleb Porter 36, Dave zano in 3rd place with 71 net 3rd C Hughes 18 pts (c/b) Grades C Nicholas Redgrove consistent golfer over many Cameron Johanson 2 shots Geoff Geason with 70 pts. Hollis 36, Larry Forbes 36, on countback. Ball winners Ladies Div Winner C Cald- 74 years, having played junior back on 76, and Fifteen- time Luke Simmons and Joe Gary Arnold 36, Darrell were: Phil Small 71, Gary well 18 pts R/u J Harris 14 pt Grades C Pip Lancaster 75 golf at Branxton and now still Club Champion Mark Hale a Bereza finished third on 69 Porter 35, Jack Ben- Arnold 71, James Schofield (c/b) 3rd N Busch 14 pts Grades C Sam Bridge 75 showing how it can be done stroke further back on 77—a pts with Glenn Fletcher com- nett 35, Damien Porter 35, 71, Peter Puerta 71, Henry NTP _ Not contested Balls 14 Distributed down to in his more senior years great effort by these 4 bining with Mick Martin to David Agnew 35, Jordan Murray 72, Jarrad Hofman Members draw - Won score: 77 (sorry Dave!). Toby Grant excellent players. The club finish 4th on 66 pts. Ben El- Burton 35, Andrew Zok 35, 73, Larry Forbes 73, Dave (E Munsenberger) NTP’S finished runner up in A was very generous with 51 phick won the individual Scott Jones 34, Wayne Hollis 74, Scott Vowles 74, 52 players assembled for A GRADE Ben Bridge Grade with his 36 pts just players winning a ball with event with an excellent 42 Cowen 34, Mark Makin 34, Wayne Drayton 74, Matt to-day’s round, a 9 hole 320cm ahead of another consistent only a nett 87 needed! pts, well clear of runner up Steve Jones 34, Max Hopley 75, Scott Ling 75, appetiser for our mid-year B GRADE Neil Bridge golfer, Dave Kinch, with 34 Saturday, 17 July 2021 Luke Simmons on 38 pts, Hindmarsh 34, Doug Wand Shannon Attewell 75, Colin luncheon. A glorious 652cm pts. Lee Jackson won B SATURDAY COMP - with Dave Matt third on 37 34, John Grayson 33, Ben Somerville 76, Wayne Barber Winter’s day with a zephyr of C GRADE Lennie Porter Grade with his 36 pts in a STABLEFORD pts. Only 59 pts was needed Pickering 33, Phil Small 33, 76, Ruff 76, Luke Johnston chill in the air, making 710cm very tight contact, just ahead Field: 49 for each pair to win a ball- Adrian Kent 33, Peter 76, Adam Jackson 76 & comfortable conditions for PRO’S NTP 18TH HOLE – of Neil Jordan and last Grades A Peter Mackenzie yours truly is pleased being a Perkins 33, James Adamson Graham Morris 76 c/b. Near- play. Congratulations to KYLE MOUNSER 320CM - week’s winner Eddie 38 swinger, winning a ball with 33, Nick Hain 32, Brian est-the-Pins went to Phil Grahame Sheldon on winning $92 PROSHOP VOUCHER Garland on a countback. Grades A David Kinch 34 each player despite some Connolly, Aaron Dries 32, Small (3rd) Tom Foster (8th) his division and achieving the A strong field of 48 players Lennie Porter turned back the Grades A Peter Conroy 34 indifferent golf! Neil Jordan Jeremy Holden 32, Wade & Steve Piggott (10th). “Score of the Day”. Well enjoyed playing golf in the clock to win C Grade with Grades B Kelvin Mather 36 enjoyed his day by hitting the Attewell 32, Dylan Palmer done to all other winners and middle of this pandemic lock his 35 pts, just ahead of Barry Grades B Noel Hughes 35 best shot to the last, winning 32 & Scott Ling 32 c/b. placegetters. Once again our down, with those of us out- Turner with the same score Grades B Hugh Dilley 31 the $102 Pro Voucher for the Nearest-the-Pins went to thanks go to our chef, Paul side the 10 kms area unable with Darrell Fletcher return- Grades C Robert Miller 35 NTPin. Peter Wilton once John Grayson (3rd) Jeremie Has your for providing an ample and to participate. Congratula- ing to form to finish third on Grades C Richard Turnbull again had the shot of the day Morton (4th) James tasty variety of food. tions to Lachlan Kauter in 33 pts. David Matt had a 32 landing within a metre on the Schofield (8th & 17th) & Results 22-7-21 phone producing an outstanding brilliant day as he also won Grades C Sally Lamb 31 9th—it was a pity that this Wade Attewell (10th). Stableford round and winning the over- the Pro’s NTPin on the last NTP 2/11 A 2nd Paul Bush wasn’t the same shot on the Sunday 1st August Div 1 Winner G Anderson 26 all Monthly Medal with his earning himself another $94 271cm last! Todd Jolly has won the stopped pts (c/b) R/u R Crooks 26 pts nett 65—the only player to voucher in the Pro Shop. The NTP 4 C 4th Karen Hunter Valley Golf Club Weekly Challenge with 38 (c/b) 3rd G Musialik 26 pts break his handicap—I as- shot of the day belonged to Johanson 164cm Wednesday 28th July points from Mark Harry 2nd ringing? Div 2 Winner L Bootes 28 sume he was playing the Mick Tracey’s shot to the 4th NTP 9/18 B 9th Kelvin The Ladies Foursomes with 36 on countback to pts (SOD) (c/b) R/u I Harris same course! Dean Fowler finishing only 30 cms away. Mather 169cm Championship played over Mark Makin. Ball winners 28 pts 3rd M Kingston 26 pts If so you showed how it can be done 29 pts was all that was NTP 13 B 13th Douglas 27 Holes has been won by were; Nathan Lawrence 35, Ladies Div/Centenary Cup in winning A Grade with a needed to win a ball. The Elphick 406cm the Mother and Daughter Greg Amloh 34, Grahame Winner C Caldwell 29 very solid 70 nett score, just query with this report is the Balls 15 Distributed down to team of Melita & Peree Mankelow 34, Di Atton 32, need to pts R/u J Scobie 28 pts 3rd beating Peter Wilton’s 71 (a NTPin on the 13th by Toby score: 27 Watson with 150 Scratch and Josh Fagerstrom 32, Jai N Busch 26 pts near par round from this Grant being 2100 cms PRO’S NTP 18TH HOLE - the Handicap section to Pam Kumar 32, Jeff Shanahan 31, advertise NTP --- Ladies C Cald- talented golfer). Norm away—I’m not sure we have STEVE ROSS 720 CM $82 Snaddon & Sue Peel with Phil Douglas 31, Justin well Gents S Dunker Redgrove returned to form to a green that big! 210 cms PROSHOP VOUCHER 116.5 net, congratulations to Preece 31 & Justin Lawrence Members draw - Not won your finish third with his 72 nett seems the real distance! Saturday’s blustery windy our winners and all who took 31 c/b A fine sunny Winter’s day, score. Andrew McGovern Saturday, 24 July 2021 weather caused havoc to part.. The daily comp has Tuesday 3rd August great for golf, if you ignore won B Grade with his 75 SATURDAY COMP – NETT most of the field with only 27 been won by Jill Slatter & Jeb Hardy with a solid 43 business the frost and the chill in the nett, just ahead of Neil – CENTENARY TROPHY pts needed to win a ball. Jeanette Irwin with 79 net point round has won the air. By the end of the round Bridge with the same score, Field: 68 Peter Mackenzie’s 38 pts to from Pam & Sue with 80 net. Tuesday Stableford from the weather improved and with Gary Walsh third with Grades A David Matt 72 win A Grade on such a day is Thursday 29th July Ray Anthony-Saunders 39 & made for comfortable his 77 nett. Nicholas Grades A Dean Fowler 74 truly outstanding with only The Vets 2 Person Stabrose Blake Medway 3rd with 38 play. Congratulations to Redgrove won C Grade with Grades A Nick Wheeler 74 30% of the field getting 27 has been won by the James on countback. Ball winners Call Lester Bootes on winning his his 74 nett with Pip Lancas- Grades B Ed Garland 71 pts or more. He won by 4 pts Hogg & Bill Harden with 55 were: Ryan Wilson 38, Dean division and achieving the ter and Sam Bridge filling Grades B Richard Crooks 73 from Dave Kinch and Peter points from Wayne Burgess Morison 38, Rex Talbot 37, “Score of the Day”. Well the minor placings. The Grades B Michael Carling 75 Conroy who both would be & Terry Webb 51 c/b with Jason Cowburn 36, Wayne Mike at done to all other winners and winning scores in each grade Grades C A. McGovern 73 very pleased with their final Jeff Taylor & Muz Flannagan Cowen 36, Scott Ling 35, place getters. showed how difficult the Grades C Paul Brown 75 score. Kel Mather won B 51 c/b Ball winners: Doug Darrell Porter 35, John Stew- Results 15-7-21 ‘The conditions were (unless eve- Grades C James Hale 76 Grade with an excellent 36 Harley & Phil Wetzler 51, art 34, Larry Forbes 34, Stableford 3 Clubs + Putter ryone is suffering from post- (Mudgee GC) pts, one of only two players Peter Payne & Garry Clarke Steve Piggott 34, Sean Henry Div 1 Winner J Crompton 29 pandemic virus symptoms!) NTP 2/11 David Hodges to play to their handicap on 50, Wazza & Curly 50, Troll 34, John Grayson 34, Jordan pts (SOD) (c/b) R/u G Jones News’ A 77 nett was needed to win 79cm the day. Noel Hughes was & Grub 50, Rex Talbot & Gageler 33, Andrew Causey 28 pts 3rd P Anderson 26 pts a ball. The shot of the day NTP 4 Lachlan Kauter runner up with a very John Stewart 49, Barry 33 and Paul Smith 33 c/b. Div 2 Winner L Bootes 29 belonged to Ben Bridge in A 141cm pleasing 35 pts with Hugh McKay & Joel Fitzgibbon 49, Nearest-the-Pins to Ryan pts R/u J Flynn 25 pts 3rd Grade, finishing only 320 NTP 9/18 Brent Watson Dilley third with his 31 pts. David Gellwiler & Graham Wilson (3rd) Tom Vaughan B Smith cms away. Kyle Mounser 133cm Robert “Shirl” Miller won C Morris 48, Dave Hollis & (4th & 10th) & Phil Darcy Ladies Div Winner J Scobie won the Pro’s NTPin on the NTP 13 Neil Jordan 470cm Grade with 35 pts, well clear John Martin 48, Tom Bell & (17th) 27 pts R/u C Caldwell 24 pts last giving him some money Balls 51 Distributed down to of Richie Turnbull’s 32 pts Steve Jurd 48, Ken Wednesday 4th August M: 0414 (c/b) 3rd J Harris to spend in the pro shop. score: 87 with Sally Lamb third with McLaughlan & Boss Hogg The Ladies Stableford has NTP Ladies C Cald- Club Captain, Steve Ross, PRO’S NTP 18TH HOLE - her 31 pts. The shot of the 48, Tony Neale & John been won by Mary Fortey well Gents G Noble wants everyone to know that BRYAN WORMS 251CM day belonged to Karen Grayson 48, Ron Findley & with 38 points from Sue Peel 757 826 Members draw - Not won the Foursomes Champion- $118 PROSHOP VOUCHER Johanson on the 4th, only 164 Spot 48, Eric Smith & Peter 35 on countback to Jill Slat- Despite the ever threat of Eddie Garland played a great cms from the pin. Captain rain, a pleasing number of

Greta Workers

Matt Wielgasz with Tailor, who continues to dominate 20/21/22 August and it is Trevally, Tarwhine, Bream the juniors and scored a bag Harrington. and a Jewy. Matt fished full of Tailor and a Bream A reminder to members to Sandbar, Hawks Nest and to show his father Jason up book in. Generally in the Newcastle Harbor through- again! past fishos have shared out the weekend and Bad weather and a number houses, stayed up the Fishing Club deserves loads of credit for of cancellations saw low beach, towed their caravans June/July News the commitment he shows. numbers brave the Seal or hired cabins in the The long weekend in June He was closely followed by Rocks weekend in July. The Caravan Park. was an Open weekend and a huge effort from Mark only ones to venture out A reminder that the Fishing it saw a heap of members Dever with a big haul of and have a fish were Fee Club raffle runs every gather together at Sandbar Bream, Salmon, Tailor and Jacobs, Steve Nevin, Joel Wednesday and is drawn and the remainder travel to Flathead. Special mentions Platt, Tom Field, and about 545pm. There are other secret spots. The to Ruby Nevin who Anthony Field. Andrew now 4 prizes which include weekend started on a high weighed in a Freshwater Jacobs made an appearance 2 Seafood Trays from The with Outlaw Ave rocking Catfish just under 2kg to so he could see what all the Sea Shanty Rutherford, a the Greta Workers Club in put herself on the score- fuss was about regarding voucher from The Harvest front of a healthy crowd. A board and Emma Nevin the “party shack” and have Bistro and now a voucher great night was had by all logged her first ever score a few BV’s (VB’s). Fee from The Bottlo at Greta. and everyone can’t wait for with an Australian Bass. weighed in a nice whiting, Thanks to our other them to come back!! Loads Micah Platt also deserves a Nevo 2 Tailor, a Bream and awesome sponsors the of fish were weighed in, but mention for spearing a nice a Whiting and Salami Greta Workers Club, the overall winner of the 1kg Luderick. Also full weighed in 2 Bream. GoCon Rural, and weekend was current leader credit to Riley Mckewen The clubs next outing is McDougall Concreting. ■ Matt Wielgasz with his Mulloway caught in Newcastle Harbour.

Advertising and news information may be phoned direct to our office at 49381773 or M 0414 757 826, or call in personally to the office at 12 Clift Street, Branxton. The ‘Branxton Greta Vineyards News’ is published by B&VRE, 12 Clift Street, Branxton NSW 2335 & is printed by Spot Press. The Editor reserves the right to refuse to print advertisements and contributors’ letters and accepts no responsibility for the veracity of statements made by advertisers and contributors. NEXT ISSUE: 26/8/21

Contact Details for The Branxton Greta Vineyards News:- Ph: 4938 1773 Fax: 4938 3301 Email: [email protected] Address: 12 Clift Street, Branxton 2335