Coral Reefs DOI 10.1007/s00338-015-1291-1


Genetic diversity of free-living in the Caribbean: the importance of and seasons

2,3 2 Camila Granados-Cifuentes • Joseph Neigel • 2 1 Paul Leberg • Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty

Received: 20 October 2013 / Accepted: 23 March 2015 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Although reef corals are dependent of the di- Symbiodinium was detected in T. testudinum seagrass beds. noflagellate Symbiodinium, the large majority of corals The patterns of association between free-living Symbio- spawn gametes that do not contain their vital symbiont. dinium types and habitats were shown to be complex. An This suggests the existence of a pool of Symbiodinium in interesting, strong association was seen between some the environment, of which surprisingly little is known. clade A sequence types and sediment, suggesting that Reefs around Curac¸ao (Caribbean) were sampled for free- sediment could be a niche where clade A radiated from a living Symbiodinium at three time periods (summer 2009, free-living ancestor. Other interesting relationships were summer 2010, and winter 2010) to characterize different seen between sequence types of Symbiodinium clade C habitats (water column, coral rubble, sediment, the with Halimeda spp. and clades B and F with T. testudinium. macroalgae Halimeda spp., Dictyota spp., and These relationships highlight the importance of some variegata, and the seagrass ) that macroalgae and seagrasses in hosting free-living Symbio- could serve as environmental sources of symbionts for dinium. Finally, studies spanning beyond a 1-yr cycle are corals. We detected the common clades of Symbiodinium needed to further expand on our results in order to better that engage in symbiosis with Caribbean coral hosts A, B, understand the variation of Symbiodinium in the environ- and C using Symbiodinium-specific primers of the hyper- ment through time. All together, results presented here variable region of the chloroplast 23S ribosomal DNA showed that the great diversity of free-living Symbiodinium gene. We also discovered clade G and, for the first time in has a dynamic distribution across habitats and time. the Caribbean, the presence of free-living Symbiodinium clades F and H. Additionally, this study expands the Keywords Free-living Symbiodinium Á cpr23S-HVR Á range of free-living Symbiodinium as environmental Thalassia testudinum Á Coral reefs Á Macroalgae Á Log-linear modeling analysis

Communicated by Biology Editor Dr. Ruth Gates Introduction Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00338-015-1291-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Members of the genus Symbiodinium (Freudenthal 1962) are among the most studied symbiotic dinoflagellates be- & Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty cause of their symbiotic associations with several different phyla (reviewed by Baker 2003; Pochon et al. 2006). The 1 Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International majority of studies have largely focused on understanding University, Miami, FL 33199, USA the symbiosis between Symbiodinium and reef corals 2 Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, (Scleractinia), as this relationship represents an obligate Lafayette, LA 70504, USA symbiosis for many coral and is responsible for the 3 Department of Natural Sciences, Baruch College, City success of coral reefs (reviewed by Baker 2003; Coffroth University of New York, New York, NY 10010, USA and Santos 2005). The of Symbiodinium is based 123 Coral Reefs on different molecular regions including the 28S nuclear has been assessed (Pochon et al. 2010), but has not been and 23S chloroplast ribosomal DNA sequences, which examined across periods of more than just a few days. currently recognizes nine large clades designated with the Furthermore, only some of the more recent studies em- letters A–I (Pochon and Gates 2010). Some of these clades ployed pre-filtration procedures to exclude small organisms are composed of more than 100 sequence types based on with symbionts that could be mistaken for free-living higher resolution markers, such as ITS2 rDNA (Franklin Symbiodinium (Koike et al. 2007; Pochon et al. 2010; et al. 2012). Differences in geographical distribution, re- Venera-Ponton et al. 2010; Takabayashi et al. 2012; Huang sponse to environmental stressors, and host specificity have et al. 2013). In addition, many of these studies based the been described for these symbiotic clades (reviewed by identification of Symbiodinium isolated from the environ- Baker 2003; Rodriguez-Lanetty 2003). Constituents of ment on cultures prior to molecular identification (Loeblich clade C are the most common symbionts of reef corals, and Sherley 1979; Chang 1983; Carlos et al. 1999; Gou except in the Caribbean where clade B has been common et al. 2003; Coffroth et al. 2006; Hirose et al. 2008; Porto since a Pleistocene radiation (LaJeunesse 2005). Repre- et al. 2008; Hansen and Daugbjerg 2009; Reimer et al. sentatives of clades A and D are considerably less com- 2010; Jeong et al. 2014). Culturing introduces biases due to mon, but certain types appear to be adapted to high levels the tendency of the composition of a culture diverging from of irradiance (e.g., some members of clade A; Reynolds the original inoculum (Santos et al. 2001; Coffroth and et al. 2008) and high temperatures (specifically species S. Santos 2005). trenchii of clade D; e.g., Berkelmans and van Oppen 2006; The intent of this study was to characterize how the Jones et al. 2008) when found in symbiosis. Clades F, G, distribution of clades of free-living Symbiodinium varies and H are mainly or exclusively found in symbiosis with across habitats and to examine changes over time. This will sponges, foraminiferans, and a few cnidarians (e.g., LaJe- allow us a better understanding of the actual reservoirs of unesse 2001; Pochon et al. 2001; Rodriguez-Lanetty et al. free-living Symbiodinium and the temporal dynamics of 2002; Schonberg and Loh 2005; Granados et al. 2008; Hill these populations in the reef ecosystem. The habitats et al. 2011). Clades E and I have the least number of ge- sampled were the water column, sediments, coral rubble, netic types and are the least common symbionts (reviewed three different genera of macroalgae (Dictyota spp., Hal- by Pochon et al. 2006; Pochon and Gates 2010; Jeong et al. imeda spp., and Lobophora variegata), and for the first 2014). time, seagrass beds of Thalassia testudinum. The seagrass Although the symbiosis is obligatory for many corals, bed habitat was included in this study because they are Symbiodinium is vertically transmitted to the progeny in known to harbor diverse communities that include di- only 20 % of coral species (reviewed by Harrison 2011). noflagellates and other epiphytic (e.g., Rodriguez For the other 80 %, symbionts must be acquired de novo et al. 2010; Selina and Levchenko 2011; Hitchcock et al. each generation. This suggests that an environmental pool 2012), and could be acting as a potential reservoir of free- of Symbiodinium is crucial for the establishment of the new living Symbiodinium. symbiotic relationship (Harrison 2011). Despite reports of Symbiodinium-like DNA in environments outside of hosts (hereafter referred to as free-living or environmental Materials and methods Symbiodinium) dating back to the late 1970s and early 1980s (Loeblich and Sherley 1979; Chang 1983), free- Field collections living Symbiodinium did not receive much attention until the late 1990s. The first molecular identification of free- All sampling was carried out on the Caribbean island of living Symbiodinium in 1999 (Carlos et al. 1999) was fol- Curac¸ao, Netherlands Antilles. The initial steps of sample lowed by investigations of their occurrence in the water processing were carried out at the Caribbean Research and column, sediments, and on macroalgae (Gou et al. 2003; Management of Biodiversity (CARMABI) research station. Coffroth et al. 2006; Thornhill et al. 2006; Koike et al. A total of seven reef sites were surveyed during the sum- 2007; Hirose et al. 2008; Littman et al. 2008; Manning and mer of 2009, and the summer and winter of 2010 (Fig. 1; Gates 2008; Porto et al. 2008; Adams et al. 2009; Hansen Electronic Supplement Material, ESM, 1). At each site, a and Daugbjerg 2009; Pochon et al. 2010; Reimer et al. 50-m line was laid to define a transect of constant depth 2010; Venera-Ponton et al. 2010; Takabayashi et al. 2012; (10–12 m). Water column, sediment, and coral rubble Zhou et al. 2012; Huang et al. 2013; Yamashita and Koike habitats were sampled every 10 m along the transect. For 2013; Jeong et al. 2014). These studies found that free- water column samples, 1-l plastic bottles were emptied living Symbiodinium occurred in diverse habitats; however, using air from the diving tank prior to collection and a they did not address how Symbiodinium assemblages are sample was taken near a coral colony (1 m above the structured across habitats. Short-term temporal variation colony head), usually of Montastraea cavernsosa or 123 Coral Reefs

Fig. 1 Map of the Caribbean island of Curac¸ao, Netherlands Playa Kalki Antilles, showing the sampling Playa Jeremi sites. Black circles mark sites that were sampled throughout Lagun Bay the three sampling periods (summer of 2009, and summer and winter of 2010). Gray circles mark those sites that were sampled on some of the sampling periods. Underlined is the seagrass bay where Thalassia testudinum was collected. Inset shows the geographical location of Curac¸ao in the Southern Caribbean

Snake Bay Piscadera Bay Water Factory Marie Pampoen

Caracasbaai/Spanish Water

Orbicella spp. Although this could be biased toward de- Tris–HCL pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0). Attempts at PCR tecting Symbiodinium released by the host, this was done in amplification of the internal transcribed spacer region 2 of order to standardize the substratum below. Samples of the the nuclear ribosomal repeat unit (nrITS2) and the large upper 2-cm layer of sediment were collected in 250-ml subunit nuclear ribosomal gene (nr28S) were successful for jars. Coral rubble was sampled by aspirating in close only a few samples. Additionally, amplifications were un- proximity to the surface of the rubble using 60-ml syringes. specific for Symbiodinium, as sequences from other or- Clumps of macroalgae identified as Dictyota spp., Hal- ganisms were obtained. Therefore, Symbiodinium detection imeda spp., and L. variegata or three blades from each was based on amplification and sequencing of the hyper- plant of T. testudinum were placed individually in sterile variable region of the domain V of the chloroplast 23S sampling bags with flat closure (Fisherbrand) with ap- ribosomal DNA gene (cpr23S-HVR), which is a putative proximately 1 l of water to avoid dehydration during Symbiodinium-specific marker (see discussions by Santos transportation. Epiphytes were collected after vigorous et al. 2003; Manning and Gates 2008; Pochon et al. 2010). shaking of the macroalgae samples or were scraped from This region was amplified using the forward primer both sides of the T. testudinum leafs. All samples were pre- 23SHYPERUP (50-TCAGTACAAATAATATGCTG-30, filtered successively through 1000-, 500-, 300-, 210-, 100-, Invitrogen; Santos et al. 2003) and reverse primer and 53-lm nets (WildCo) to remove small multicellular 23SHYPERDN (50-TTATCGCCCCAATTAAACAGT-30, organisms that could contain symbiotic Symbiodinium. Pre- Invitrogen; Manning and Gates 2008). The PCR profile filtered samples were then drawn through 2.5-lm filter was as follows: initial denaturation for 3 min at 94 °C, 42 paper by vacuum to collect and concentrate Symbiodinium. cycles at 94 °C for 20 s, 52 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 30 s The paper filters were immediately preserved with 20 % followed by a final extension of 10 min at 72 °C. PCRs DMSO and stored at -20 °C until further processing. contained 1X GreenMaster Mix (Promega), 0.5 lM of each primer, and nuclease-free water for a final volume of 20 ll. DNA extraction and analyses For initial PCR attempts with each sample, between 1 and 10 ng ll-1 of template DNA was used. A second attempt Paper filters were rinsed twice with buffer (50 mM EDTA was made with three times the amount of template DNA pH 8.0, 0.4 M NaCl) prior to DNA extraction. Total ge- for samples that did not yield products in the initial at- nomic DNA extraction was carried out according to Vidal tempt. All samples that resulted in negative amplifications et al. (2002), except that centrifugation steps were carried in this second attempt were precipitated with 0.55 mg ml-1 out at 4 °C. DNA was resuspended in 50 ll of TE (10 mM GlycoBlue (Invitrogen), 0.10 M sodium acetate, and 93 %

123 Coral Reefs ethanol. Precipitation was carried out overnight at -20 °C, dissimilarities (Adonis) with 1000 permutations (Oksanen and the pellet was washed with 70 % ethanol. Between 2011) was carried out fitting habitat, sampling period, and 5–10 and 15–30 ng ll-1 of precipitated template DNA was reef site (all seven sites) as environmental variables. Re- amplified in the third and fourth attempts, respectively. sults showed that location was not a significant variable PCR products were treated with ExoSAP (GE Healthcare and was not included in further analyses. Adonis analyses Life Sciences) or Illustra ExoStar (GE Healthcare Life were also performed among the other variables (namely Sciences). Direct sequencing was carried out at the DNA Symbiodinium clade, habitat, and sampling period) with Analysis Facility at Yale University using the 23SHY- 1000 permutations fitting habitat and sampling period as PERUP primer. Sequences were checked for chro- environmental variables. Non-metric multidimensional matogram quality and edited using CodonCode Aligner scaling (nMDS) was used to ordinate the data based on the (CodonCode Corp.) and BioEdit (Hall 1999). PCR prod- occurrence of free-living Symbiodinium by clade, habitat, ucts for six samples were cloned using the Qiagen PCR and sampling period. First, a distance matrix was built Cloningplus Kit (Qiagen) to isolate single PCR products, as using Bray–Curtis dissimilarity with zero values auto- direct sequencing produced ‘‘noisy’’ traces indicative of transformed using the package Vegan v3.17 (Oksanen et al. multiple DNA templates. Four ampicillin-resistant colonies 2010) in the R environment version 2.10.1 (R Development were selected by blue/white screening, picked using a Core Team 2009). Data were then standardized using sterile tip, PCR-amplified, treated with Illustra ExoStar, Wisconsin double standardization and standardized to and sequenced as mentioned above. equal totals, as suggested by the developer. In order to compare the goodness of fit (or stress) from random ordi- Sequence analyses nations, the function metaMDS was used. The solution was rotated so that the largest variance of site scores was on the Sequences obtained by the above methods were used as first axis. Hierarchical clustering of the samples was also queries in BLAST v2.2.27? (Altschul et al. 1990) searches carried out and was calculated in R (R Development Core of NCBI’s GenBank nonredundant nucleotide database. Team 2009) using complete linkage, which finds clusters The results of each BLAST search were used to verify that based on maximum distance between objects (Everitt et al. the highest alignment scores (best match) were from 2001). known Symbiodinium cpr23S-HVR sequences and also to Log-linear modeling analysis was performed to examine provisionally assign query sequences to one of the nine associations among Symbiodinium clades, sampling peri- recognized Symbiodinium clades. To further assign geno- ods, and habitats. Models were compared based on the types within Symbiodinium clades, a phylogenetic recon- likelihood ratio Chi-squared statistic (Sokal and Rohlf struction using maximum likelihood was carried out, as 1995). Models were reduced by removing higher-order BLAST is a quick approach to search a database and not interaction terms that did not improve model fit to the data. phylogenetically supported for assigning genotypes. For Sources of significant interactions in the reduced model this, sequences from each clade were combined along with were determined by obtaining standardized residuals from their matches in GenBank (ESM1, ESM2) and Hetero- the null model of no association between variables. Stan- caspa triquetra, a free-living dinoflagellate, as the out- dardized residuals with values \-1.5 or [1.5 indicated group sequence. Alignments of sequences were done using combinations of clade, habitat, and time period that were MAFFT-FFT-NS-I (Katoh and Toh 2008), edited with not explained by differences in sampling intensity (which GBlocks (Castrana 2000), and then, manually edited in are accounted for in the null model). Log-linear analyses, Mesquite v2.75 (Maddison and Maddison 2009). The model comparison, and calculations of standardized resi- maximum likelihood tree was built in CIPRES server duals were carried out using the MASS package (Ripley (; Miller et al. 2010) using RAxML (Sta- 2011) of the R software. matakis 2014) according to the recommended parameters with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Results Statistical analyses Detection of free-living Symbiodinium Given that two locations were not visited across all sam- pling periods, statistical analyses were performed on the DNA was extracted from a total of 303 samples (ESM1), data collected from the five reef sites that were visited which were collected from three sampling periods; ampli- across all sampling periods. Furthermore, in order to de- fication of the cpr23S-HVR was successful for 58 % of termine whether location had an effect on the distribution these samples (Table 1). This percentage probably repre- of Symbiodinium, a multivariate ANOVA test based on sents an underestimation of the ‘‘real’’ presence of free- 123 Coral Reefs

Table 1 Percentage of free-living Symbiodinium after clade assignment based on a BLAST search and phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2) detected in each habitat Habitat Percentage of Symbiodinium clades found per habitat across all sampling Percentage of samples with successful ABCFGHamplification

Water column 34.8 56.5 4.3 2.2 2.2 0 62 (n = 73) Sediment 91.7 8.3 0 0 0 0 23 (n = 43) Coral rubble 30.6 52.8 11.1 0 5.6 0 66 (n = 67) Halimeda spp. 11.1 66.7 16.7 0 0 5.6 82 (n = 22) Dictyota spp. 16.7 79.2 0 4.2 0 0 62 (n = 39) L. variegata 0 75 0 0 0 25 80 (n = 5) T. testudinum 7.4 55.6 14.8 18.5 3.7 0 57 (n = 54) Total 58 (n = 303) These values were calculated across all sampling periods (summer of 2009, summer of 2010, and winter of 2010) based on the actual number of samples where Symbiodinium was detected; n indicates the total number of samples collected for each habitat. On average, six replicates of each abiotic habitat were collected per reef site per period, and between 15 and 20 samples of Thalassia testudinum were collected per sampling period. The number of macroalgae samples varied depending on the reef site and season living Symbiodinium since factors such as PCR inhibitors spp. or M. cavernosa coral heads, as members of clades F present in environmental samples and/or primer bias could and G have not been reported for these coral species (Yost have negatively affected PCR amplification success in and Mitchelmore 2010; Green et al. 2014). Additionally, some of the samples. In every positive case, the highest other clades (especially clade D) have been found in scoring alignment from a GenBank BLAST search was a symbiosis with these coral species (Santos and LaJeunesse known sequence of cpr23S-HVR from Symbiodinium (e- 2006; Correa et al. 2009) and were not found in the water value \1 9 10-10). Based on their best GenBank matches column in the present study. In the case of sediment, initial and the maximum likelihood tree, cpr23S-HVR sequences technical difficulties restricted sample collection of this were assigned to six major clades (A, B, C, F, G, and H) of habitat during the summer of 2009. The single sample that the nine, genetically diverse clades recognized for Sym- was collected, however, contained Symbiodinium clade A. biodinium (Fig. 2). Of the 143 different sequence types During the other two sampling periods, these technical identified, 57 (40 %) represent novel sequences based on difficulties were addressed and free-living Symbiodinium the phylogenetic position and the low sequence similarity from clades A and B were detected from the sediment with reported sequences. Twenty-eight different sequences (Fig. 3). From the six different sequences detected in the (17 novel sequences) were recovered of clade A, 87 (33 sediment, four novel sequences were identified, all be- novel sequences) of clade B, 15 (five novel sequences) of longing to clade A (ESM1). The other abiotic habitat clade C, seven (one novel sequence) of clade F, four se- sampled was coral rubble, and it contained free-living quences of clade G, and two (one novel sequence) of clade Symbiodinium belonging to clades A, B, C, and G H (Fig. 2). Since our cpr23S-HVR sequences were, in (Table 1). A total of 38 different sequences were detected general, shorter than those reported by Santos et al. (2003), in the coral rubble of which seven represent novel se- there was not certainty in the assignment of our sequences quences (18 %; ESM1). to Santos’ chloroplast 23S genotype nomenclature, which Two biotic habitats were sampled for free-living Sym- is based not only on sequence nucleotide information but biodinium: macroalgae (Halimeda spp., Dictyota spp., and also on sequence size identified from acrylamide gel L. variegata) and seagrass beds of Thalassia testudinum.In separation. the case of the Halimeda spp., samples contained Sym- biodinium clades A, B, C, and H (Table 1). From the 16 Structural and temporal changes in the assemblages different sequences identified in Halimeda spp., ten rep- of free-living Symbiodinium resent known sequences (62 %; ESM1). In Dictyota spp., clades A, B, and F were identified in the samples collected The water column contained free-living Symbiodinium as- (Table 1), and 14 of the 22 (64 %) were sequences previ- signed to clades A, B, C, F, and G (Table 1). Nine of the 31 ously reported (ESM1). Only clades B and H were detected different sequences found in the water column represented from the few number of L. variegata samples (Table 1), of novel sequences (29 %; ESM1). These results are unlikely which only one of the three different sequences represents to be biased by collecting the water sample over Orbicella a novel sequence. As for the seagrass beds of T.

123 Coral Reefs

B120_W ( ) )

Clade A Clade B


B_EF428344 B437 (B1)

B_EF428345 1 ) A225_S B_GQ370606

B B132I_D (B1) B91_L (B1) A187A_S A107_T ( S. minutum Coscinaraea A178A_D B69_R (B1) R

_ psygmophilum

B_AY035417 5 B_HM032166B_GQ370602B_EF428351 A349_R 0 2

B A343_W B359_D (B1) B341E_W (B1) A355_W A79_H A50_H A187I_S S. psygmophilum B103_T B_GQ370605 A354_W ) B113_T (B1)B21_W (B1) B_AY035415 B38_D (B1) B_GQ370604 B327_H (S. A105_T B_AY055232 B76_H (type B_AY035419 B_AY035421 marshae A183_S B89A_H (B1) B_GQ370603B119_W ( A85_R B22_W (B1) A24_S (A4)A33_R B107A_T (B1) B_AF474164B158_W (BB4) A_EU006528 A170_R B28_W (Pk706) B164_W (BB4) B365_R (Pk706) ) B173_R (type A20_W (A4) B_AY055234 B_AY055239 marshae A23_W (type A_JN558029S. pilosum Coscinaraea B102_T (chvB14) A37_D ( ) B_GQ370600 juvenilis Cliona B125_R (B1 B306_R ) H. triqueta B111_T A31_R (A4) A238_T (chvA18) B135_H (B1)) B171X_R B204_R (B1) B83_W S. fitti) A207_R (chvA18) B88_R A43_W (A3/ B36_D (B1) A208_R (chvA18) H. triquetaB34_R A61_R (A4) A_AY035413 B303_W (B1) B106_T A_GQ370590 B196_W (Pk706)) B143_P B54_W (B1 B140_H A_GQ370592 ) B236_T A_GQ370591 B147_T (B1 B99_T A_GQ370587 A_GQ370586 ) B178I_D A_GQ370588 B319_W (B1) B328_H

A_GQ370584 A_FR773857 A_GQ370589 B175_D A_FR773855 A_JN558021 B157_W (B1 A_GQ370621 B25_W B41_W (B1) B78_D A_HM032170 B167_R B131X_D (B1) ) B242_T A_AY035405 B332_R A220_H (A4) B87_R (B1) ) B124_R

B197H_T (B1) B216_D (B1 A_FR773856 S.minutum ) B323_D ( A_FJ461477 B322_D (B1) S.minutum ) B112A_T (B1 A_GQ370585 B_AY055233 B139_T (B1 ) B89C_H (B1 B333_R ( S.minutum B132B_D ( ) B132A_D ( B131Y_D ( B312_D (B1 B132H_D ( B151_T (B1) B110_T (B1) B


B109_T (B1 1


B89D_HS.minutum (B1) 2 ) ) J

B211_R (B1) _ )

B362 (B1) T B141_H (B1) )


B S.minutum S.minutum

1 B317_W (B1) S.minutum B55_W ( B360_H (B1)

) B346_D (B1) S.minutum

B305_R (B1) B145_T (B1)

C348_R (C3/C91)

C169_R (SY0318)

) C27_W (SY0318) ) B185_S ( ) Clade C Clade F

F200_W ( F52_D (BJ0801) kawagutti

C383_T (C3/C91)C70_R (C1)

C171Y_R (C3/C1) C77_H (BJ0603/SY1210) C237_T (C7)

S. F_HM032174 ) F_AY035422 C100_T

C71_R (C3/C91) C39_H C59_R F_AJ872097 C49_H (C3/C9) C67_W C81_W F_AJ872102 H. triqueta H. triqueta C_HM034769 C_FN298479 F_HM032171 C_FR773858 C_EF428361 C_HM032161 F_HM032173 C_FM877442 F161_W (BJ0401) C_GQ370613 C_HM032163 C_EF14080 C_AJ872081 F244_T C_EF428360 C_FM877467 C_HQ832737 F152C_T (BJ0401)

F152B_T C_FR773859 (BJ0401)

C_HM032157 F240_T (BJ0401) C_AJ872085 C_EF428359

F138_T (BJ0401)



G361_R (2.7)

Clade G G126_R (2.7) Clade H


G150_T (BJ0415) G198_W (BJ0415) H219_H (H1) H129_L G_AJ872107 G_HM032178


G_EU006522 H. triqueta H. triqueta G_EU006519

G_JF920173 G_EU006521

G_GQ370619 H_AJ872113 G_GU219494 H_AJ872109

G_ G_GU219516 GU219492

G_ EU006517 G_EU006525

G_GU219511 G_ GU219514 H_ JN557984

123 Coral Reefs b Fig. 2 Maximum likelihood reconstructions from environmental and Multivariate ANOVA based on dissimilarities (Adonis) symbiotic Symbiodinium using cpr23S-HVR from clades A, B, C, F, was used to test for associations between Symbiodinium G, and H. Numbers indicate bootstrap support branches above 50 %. For the complete set of data, see ESM 1 and ESM 2. Samples listed in clade and habitat or clade and sampling period. Results black are previously reported Symbiodinium sequences from culture revealed no significant association between sampling pe- and/or hosts, in green are previously reported free-living Symbio- riod and Symbiodinium clade (p [ 0.05). However, a sig- dinium sequences, in blue are novel sequences reported in this study, nificant association was detected between habitat and in red are sequences from the present study similar to known sequences from hosts and/or cultures, in light purple are sequences Symbiodinium clade (p \ 0.001). In order to visualize these from the present study similar to known free-living sequences, in gray patterns of association, an ordination by nMDS was per- are the outgroup sequences of the free-living dinoflagellate Hetero- formed (goodness of fit calculated using Kruskal’s caspa triqueta. For sequences reported in this study, first letter stress = 13.12; Fig. 4). The clearest distribution is the indicates clade, number indicates sample ID (as seen in ESM 1), and last letter corresponds to habitat as follows: W water column, group of sediment samples near clade A (Fig. 4). The S sediment, C coral rubble, H Halimeda spp., D Dictyota spp., L nMDS analysis also suggests an association of symbiont Lobophora variegata, T Thalassia testudinum. For those sequences sequence types within clades C and H with Halimeda spp., similar to previously reported sequences, the closest BLAST hit(s) is although further statistical testing (below) only supported a in parenthesis significant association with symbionts within clade C. Hierarchical clustering was superimposed onto the nMDS testudinum, Symbiodinium belonging to clades A, B, C, F, ordination, revealing three clear clusters (Fig. 4). Two and G was detected on this habitat (Table 1). Of the 31 clusters were composed of either abiotic or biotic habitats, different sequences detected in seagrass, ten represent while the third one was composed of a mixture of habitats novel sequences (32 %). (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3 Relative proportions of free-living Symbiodinium found Water column (22) in each habitat during the Sediment (1) different sampling periods. These proportions were Coral rubble (16) determined in each sampling Halimeda spp. (7) period by dividing the number of Symbiodinium sequence Dictyota spp. (8) counts per clade by the total L. variegata (3) number of Symbiodinium sequence counts in each habitat. T. testudinium (17) Numbers in parenthesis represent the sample sizes of each habitat that were Water column (16) successfully amplified. Symbiodinium clade colored as Sediment (8) shown on the lower right. Coral rubble (19) Lobophora variegata was not collected during winter of 2010 Halimeda spp. (8) Dictyota spp. (13) L. variegata (1) T. testudinium (13)

Water column (11) Sediment (2) A Coral rubble (13) B Halimeda spp. (3) C Winter/2010 Summer/2010 Summer/2009 Dictyota spp. (5) F L. variegata G T. testudinium (3) H 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

123 Coral Reefs

Fig. 4 Non-metric multidimensional scaling F (nMDS) of free-living S10_ Symbiodinium. Six different T. testudinium G habitats (water column, sediment, coral rubble, S10_Water column Halimeda spp., Dictyota spp., S09_Halimeda spp. Lobophora spp., and Thalassia W10_T. testudinium testudinum) across three W10_Coral rubble C S09_L. variegata sampling periods (S09 summer W10_Dictyota spp. 2009, S10 summer 2010, and W10_Halimeda spp. W10 winter 2010) were S09_ sampled. Hierarchical clustering T. testudinium B resulted in three clusters (light blue, green, and black lines). S10_Coral rubble S09_Coral rubble S10_Dictyota spp.

Clades A, B, C, F, G, and H are NMDS2 S09_Water column placed based on average weight across sites and are shown in S09_Dictyota spp. boxes. Stress = 13.12 (see text for details)

S10_Halimeda spp. W10_Water column A H


-1.0 -0.5 0.0W10_Sediment 0.5 1.0 S09_Sediment

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 NMDS1

Log-linear modeling analyses were used to further ex- significantly during the summer of 2010 as seen in the amine the relationships between Symbiodinium clade, residuals analysis. Interestingly, all other clades exhibited habitat, and sampling period that best accounted for the negative associations with the sediment, particularly clade data observed. This analysis excluded samples from L. B, where the standard residuals were lower than -1.5. variegata because this habitat was not consistently sampled Halimeda spp. had a strong positive association with clade across all time periods, and clades G and H were not in- C during the summer of 2009 (Figs. 4, 5). In the case of cluded due to the low number of samples containing these Dictyota spp., only clade A showed a clear negative as- clades. Likelihood ratio tests from the log-linear model sociation during winter of 2010. Finally, T. testudinum analysis indicated that the model that best explained in- showed the greatest variation of positive and negative as- teractions in the data was habitat 9 clade sociations of clades and sampling periods. Remarkably, (p \ 0.001) ? sampling date 9 clade (p \ 0.04). Unlike there was a particularly strong positive association between the multivariate analysis, this log-linear model analysis clades B and F during the summers of 2009 and 2010, showed an effect of sampling period and clade. A plot of respectively, and a strong negative association with clades standardized residuals was used to determine significant A and B during the winter of 2010. departures from the assumptions of the model stating that clades are distributed independently of sampling date or habitat (Fig. 5). By analyzing the residuals, we were able to Discussion appreciate not only the positive associations between clades and habitats, as revealed by the nMDS analysis, but With the pioneer work of Brandt (1881), more than a it also allowed detecting significant negative associations. century ago, we learned about the existence of the intra- In the water column, there was a strong negative asso- cellular symbiosis between Symbiodinium and scleractinian ciation with clade A during the summer of 2010 and a corals, which doubtlessly is the driving force of positive association during the winter of 2010. In the case ecosystems. Surprisingly, it took 100 yr from Brandt’s of sediment, there was a positive association between clade work to discover that the large majority of corals spawn A and sediment throughout the different sampling periods gametes to the water column where external fertilization (as seen in the nMDS ordination; Fig. 4), but only occurs (Harrison et al. 1984) and that most of the coral 123 Coral Reefs






Standardized residuals -1

-2 ABCF A B C F ABCF ABCF ABCF ABCF Water Column Sediment Coral Rubble Halimeda spp. Dictyota spp. T. testudinum -3 Symbiodinium clades detected in each habitat* (*excluding clades G and H, and habitat L. variegata)

Fig. 5 Standardized residuals from the model clade 9 habi- intensity (accounted in the null model). Sampling period colored as tat ? clade 9 sampling period. Dashed lines represent the cutoff shown. Lobophora variegata, clade G, and clade H were not included values \-1.5 or [1.5 indicating combinations of clade, habitat, and in this residual analysis (see text for details) sampling period that were not explained by differences in sampling offspring lack their precious microalgae symbionts in their and to a lesser extent G are found in the free-living envi- early developmental stages (Harrison 2011). This clearly ronment, but also discovered, for the first time for a Car- implies the existence of a free-living stage in the life cycle ibbean reef environment, the presence of Symbiodinium of these symbiotic Symbiodinium. However, over the last clades F and H. The detection of members of clades F and 30 yr, we have learned so little of the ecological aspects of H as free-living (Zhou et al. 2012; Huang et al. 2013; this this important phase of the Symbiodinium life cycle. Hav- study) thus implies a pool of symbionts that might be ing said that, various studies have documented, through shared among hosts from different phyla in the Caribbean. time snapshot explorations, the composition of Symbio- The discovery of new Symbiodinium clades in the envi- dinium in various habitats within the reef (Carlos et al. ronment in the present study highlights the value of using 1999; Gou et al. 2003; Coffroth et al. 2006; Thornhill et al. culture-independent techniques to assess diversity, com- 2006; Koike et al. 2007; Hirose et al. 2008; Littman et al. pared to culturing-based surveys conducted in the past that 2008; Manning and Gates 2008; Porto et al. 2008; Adams have underestimated the ‘‘real’’ diversity in the reef envi- et al. 2009; Hansen and Daugbjerg 2009; Pochon et al. ronment (Coffroth et al. 2006). 2010; Reimer et al. 2010; Venera-Ponton et al. 2010; The data showed a great diversity of Symbiodinium Takabayashi et al. 2012; Zhou et al. 2012; Huang et al. chloroplast rDNA sequences in the environment, par- 2013; Yamashita and Koike 2013; Jeong et al. 2014). ticularly from clade B, which could be expected as this Nevertheless, none of these studies, except one (Pochon clade is highly diverse among the symbiotic Symbiodinium et al. 2010) over a timeframe of 2 d, used systematic associated with reef invertebrate hosts in the Caribbean sampling approaches to understand the spatial and tempo- (LaJeunesse 2005). Moreover, Symbiodinium clade B was ral distribution of Symbiodinium in the free-living envi- identified in all habitats and was the clade most consis- ronment. With this in mind, this study set out to tently present over all three sampling periods (Fig. 3). This systematically investigate the composition of Symbiodini- ubiquity of clade B is in agreement with its reported um in multiple reef habitats (water column, sediment, coral dominance in symbio in the Caribbean (Baker and Rowan rubble, associated with macroalgae and seagrasses) over 1997; LaJeunesse 2002). Conversely, considerably less various seasons within 2 yr. It is important to note that diversity within clade C was detected in the environment some of the Symbiodinium types detected in this and pre- even though this clade is also a highly diverse lineage in vious studies may not necessarily be ‘‘free-living’’ but host symbioses (for a phylogeographic synthesis see transient since they could be recently released from corals. LaJeunesse 2005). It was also unexpectedly found in a Adding to the contribution of previous studies, we revealed small number of environmental samples (Fig. 3), which that not only the common clades of Symbiodinium A, B, C, contrasts with the prevalence of this clade not only in the

123 Coral Reefs

Caribbean but also worldwide (LaJeunesse 2005). The groups when inferring phylogenetic relationships (Fig. 2) disparity in diversity and commonness between these two supports the postulation that some members of clade A clades could be attributed to differences in population dy- found the sediment as a niche to radiate from a possibly namics among the Symbiodinium types when present in the exclusively free-living ancestor (also suggested by Ya- free-living stage. Clade C types could have a peak in the mashita and Koike 2013). free-living environment on a different season from the Another interesting positive association was discovered sampling periods included in the present study, or it is between Symbiodinium clade C and the green macroalgae possible that clade C uses other habitats not sampled here. Halimeda spp. While clades including A, B, F, and H were Alternatively, it is plausible that free-living Symbiodinium also identified in association with this macroalgae, the as- (non-symbiotic) in clade B could have radiated in the free- sociations were not significant with the exception of clade living environment. This could explain the discovery of H, which was not tested due to low sample size. This more novel sequences within clade B compared to clade C finding supports previous discoveries of Symbiodinium (Fig. 2). A similar case could occur for Symbiodinium associations with macroalgae (Porto et al. 2008; Venera- within clade A, in which we detected a larger number of Ponton et al. 2010). In the southern Great Barrier Reef, new Symbiodinium sequence types than clade C (Fig. 3). Symbiodinium clade C was associated with samples from Whether these novel Symbiodinium types discovered in the the green macroalgae Chlorodesmis fastigiata, Halimeda free-living environment are potentially able to associate in opuntia, and H. discoidea, the red macroalgae Hypnea symbiosis with an invertebrate host could not be measured spinella, H. pannosa, Laurencia intricata, and As- in this study and therefore remains elusive. However, paragopsis taxiformis, the brown macroalgae Padina sp. previous studies have shown that some novel Symbiodini- and Lobophora variegata, and algal turfs (Venera-Ponton um types found only in the free-living environment can et al. 2010). Interestingly, this previous study did not detect engage in symbiosis with some corals (Lewis and Coffroth Symbiodinium types other than clade C. This could have 2004; Coffroth et al. 2006; Thornhill et al. 2006), but it still resulted from a bias in the molecular DNA markers used remains unknown whether these experimental symbioses (D1/D2 28S nrDNA) by Venera-Ponton et al. (2010), are stable over time. which may have preferentially amplified Symbiodinium The patterns of association between Symbiodinium types clade C or perhaps due to the predominance of C types in discovered in the free-living environment with specific Great Barrier Reef corals. In the Caribbean, Porto et al. habitats within the reef were complex, as in some cases, the (2008) used the same molecular marker used in our study type of association between Symbiodinium and habitat was (cpr23S-HVR) and were able to identify the presence of reversed depending on the sampling period. For instance, several clades (A, B, and C) associated with the macroal- clade A was positively associated with the water column in gae Halimeda spp., Lobophora variegata, Amphiroa spp., winter 2010 but negatively associated in summer 2010. and Caulerpa prolifera. However, the few number of col- Clade B was positively associated with the seagrass T. lected samples prevented them from finding additional testudinium in summer 2009 but negatively associated in cryptic Symbiodinium clades found in our study, and, for winter 2010. Longer-term studies that span beyond 2-yr the same reason, they were unable to detect a significant cycles are needed to better understand the temporal effect specific association between Symbiodinium clade and on the population dynamics of some Symbiodinium clades macroalgae species as in the present study. Taken together, in the free-living environment. all of these studies provide clear evidence of the asso- Other significant relationships between clade and habitat ciation of Symbiodinium in the free-living environment and were less affected by time. A positive association was re- macroalgae. Several factors may explain why macroalgae vealed between sediment and Symbiodinium clade A. could be a reservoir for some free-living Symbiodinium.It While Symbiodinium clade A was also found in other has been shown that macroalgae release organic substrates habitats, most of the sediment samples were dominated by that are utilized by epiphytes including dinoflagellates novel Symbiodinium clade A types, which corroborates (Haas et al. 2010). It is possible that this leakage of nu- findings from other studies. In the Caribbean, Hawaii, and trients is favorable to Symbiodinium in an otherwise nu- off the Japanese coast, clade A has been commonly found trient-poor environment (Porto et al. 2008). Additionally, in sediments (Carlos et al. 1999; Pochon et al. 2010; macroalgae may provide a large surface area, making them Takabayashi et al. 2012; Yamashita and Koike 2013), even ideal for colonization attachment (Parson and Preskitt though this clade is not the most common symbiont for 2007). While more studies are required to further broaden corals on those reefs (LaJeunesse et al. 2004; Pochon et al. and confirm that particular sequence types associate with 2010; Yamashita and Koike 2013). The fact that sediment- certain species of macroalgae, the findings presented here associated Symbiodinium clade A types detected in our suggest that not all groups of macroalgae have negative studies and others nest under different non-symbiotic effects on coral reefs, since some microalgae, such as 123 Coral Reefs

Halimeda spp., seem to act as environmental reservoirs for Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Mark Vermeij and some Symbiodinium clades during an important phase of Mr. Nelson Manrique for their assistance in Curacao and Mr. Ven- katesh M Thirumal, Ms. Meagan D Bahlinger, Ms. Lisa Sherrif, and the life cycle of these organisms. Mr. Jesse Soleau for their assistance in the laboratory. We would also Although previous studies have identified other di- like to thank Dr. Anthony J. Bellantuono, Ms. Tanya Brown, Ms. noflagellates as common epiphytes of seagrasses (e.g., Ariane Martin, other members of IMaGeS Lab, and two anonymous Marasigan et al. 2001; Rhodes 2011; Selina and Levchenko reviewers for reviewing previous drafts of this manuscript. This re- search was funded by a PADI Grant awarded to CGC and an NSF- 2011; Hitchcock et al. 2012), this study is the first to OCE Grant (0851123) awarded to MRL. document the presence of Symbiodinium dinoflagellates (A, B, F, and G) associated with the blades of the seagrass T. testudinum. Some of these Symbiodinium, including clades B and F, showed significant positive associations with T. References testudinum in some periods of the year. Future studies are needed in order to gain a better understanding of the Adams LM, Cumbo VR, Takabayashi M (2009) Exposure to sediment ecology and dynamics of Symbiodinium within Thalassia enhances primary acquisition of Symbiodinium by asymbiotic coral larvae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 377:149–156 seagrass beds, and between seagrasses and coral reefs. Altschul SF, Gish W, Miller W, Myers EW, Lipman DJ (1990) Basic Besides the significant association found between some local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol 215:403–410 clades and habitats within the reef environment, the ana- Baker AC (2003) Flexibility and specificity in coral-algal symbiosis: lyses also revealed that some free-living Symbiodinium Diversity, ecology, and biogeography of Symbiodinium. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 34:661–689 clades are differentially distributed through time; however, Baker AC, Rowan R (1997) Diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates the temporal patterns are complex and longer-timeframe (zooxanthellae) in scleractinian corals of the Caribbean and studies are needed to better understand the temporal dy- eastern Pacific. In: Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Symp 2:1301–1306 namics through several annual cycles. Having said that, the Berkelmans R, van Oppen MJH (2006) The role of zooxanthellae in the thermal tolerance of corals: a nugget of hope for coral reefs time interaction might suggest the possible existence of in an era of . Proc R Soc B Biol Sci phenology patterns in free-living Symbiodinium. We hy- 273:2305–2312 pothesize that the phenology of free-living Symbiodinium Bouimetarhan I, Marret F, Dupont L, Zonneveld K (2009) Dinoflag- could potentially include a peak near spawning season, ellate cyst distribution in marine surface sediments off West Africa (17-6 degrees N) in relation to sea-surface conditions, which is the time when newly released larvae would be freshwater input and seasonal coastal upwelling. Mar Micropa- engaging in symbiosis with Symbiodinium. Future studies leontol 71:113–130 are required to confirm the existence of such phenological Brandt K (1881) U¨ ber das Zusammenleben von Thieren und Algen. phenomenon and to determine its close proximity in time to Verh Physiol Ges 1881–1882:22–26 Carlos AA, Baillie BK, Kawachi M, Maruyama T (1999) Phyloge- spawning season. netic position of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) isolates from In conclusion, the present study provides a baseline re- tridacnids (Bivalvia), cardiids (Bivalvia), a sponge (Porifera), a quired for understanding the patterns and distribution of soft coral (Anthozoa), and a free-living strain. J Phycol free-living Symbiodinium populations. Results presented 35:1054–1062 Castrana J (2000) Selection of conserved blocks from multiple here highlight the variety of habitats, including seagrass alignments for their use in phylogenetic analysis. Mol Biol Evol beds, that might be acting as reservoirs of free-living 17:540–552 Symbiodinium. More studies are required to increase the Chang FH (1983) Winter phytoplankton and microzooplankton number of sampling periods as well as to use quantitative populations off the coast of Westland, New Zealand, 1979. N Z J Mar Freshw Res 17:279–304 tools to determine the abundance of free-living Symbio- Coffroth MA, Santos SR (2005) Genetic diversity of symbiotic dinium. This will improve our understanding of the phe- dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium. Protist 156:19–34 nology of these populations in the environment. Further Coffroth MA, Lewis CF, Santos SR, Weaver JL (2006) Environmen- experiments will be required in order to determine which of tal populations of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium can initiate symbioses with reef cnidarians. Curr these cpr23S sequence types are actually capable of en- Biol 16:R985–R987 gaging in symbiosis and would therefore display both life- Correa AMS, McDonald MD, Baker AC (2009) Development of history strategies (symbiosis and free-living). Additionally, clade-specific Symbiodinium primers for quantitative PCR it will be important to understand how factors such as (qPCR) and their application to detecting clade D symbionts in Caribbean corals. Mar Biol 156:2403–2411 temperature, salinity, wind, and precipitation may affect D’Costa PM, Anil AC, Patil JS, Hegde S, D’Silva MS, Chourasia M free-living Symbiodinium assemblages as seen in other (2008) Dinoflagellates in a mesotrophic, tropical environment dinoflagellates (e.g., Villanoy et al. 2006; D’Costa et al. influenced by monsoon. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 77:77–90 2008; Bouimetarhan et al. 2009). Answering these ques- Everitt B, Landau S, Leese M (2001) Cluster Analysis. 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