Asymmetries of Dark and Bright Negative Afterimages Are Paralleled by Subcortical on and OFF Poststimulus Responses
1984 • The Journal of Neuroscience, February 22, 2017 • 37(8):1984–1996 Systems/Circuits Asymmetries of Dark and Bright Negative Afterimages Are Paralleled by Subcortical ON and OFF Poststimulus Responses X Hui Li,1,2 X Xu Liu,1,2 X Ian M. Andolina,1 Xiaohong Li,1 Yiliang Lu,1 Lothar Spillmann,3 and Wei Wang1 1Institute of Neuroscience, State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience, Key Laboratory of Primate Neurobiology, Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China, 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China, and 3Department of Neurology, University of Freiburg, 79085 Freiburg, Germany Humans are more sensitive to luminance decrements than increments, as evidenced by lower thresholds and shorter latencies for dark stimuli. This asymmetry is consistent with results of neurophysiological recordings in dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) and primary visual cortex (V1) of cat and monkey. Specifically, V1 population responses demonstrate that darks elicit higher levels of activation than brights, and the latency of OFF responses in dLGN and V1 is shorter than that of ON responses. The removal of a dark or bright disc often generates the perception of a negative afterimage, and here we ask whether there also exist asymmetries for negative afterimages elicited by dark and bright discs. If so, do the poststimulus responses of subcortical ON and OFF cells parallel such afterimage asymmetries? To test these hypotheses, we performed psychophysical experiments in humans and single-cell/S-potential recordings in cat dLGN. Psychophysically, we found that bright afterimages elicited by luminance decrements are stronger and last longer than dark afterimages elicited by luminance increments of equal sizes.
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