The free magazine for The Victoria University of and UMIST UniLife 24th May 2004 Volume 1 Issue 6 2 UniLife


A summary of the key news in this issue of UniLife: Contents

3 Founders’ Day The Bee Gees were among the recipients 4 News of Honorary Degrees from the Victoria 3 on Founders’ 7 Research Day 12 May.

10 Profile

12 Project Unity

14 People This year’s alumni weekend promises to be a varied programme of events for VUM graduates including city and campus 17 Students 6 tours and a host of talks from the University’s academics. 18 What’s On

20 Seminars & Lectures

21 Looking Back/Noticeboard The School of Biological Sciences (VUM) and the Department of Biomolecular 22 Classified Ads Sciences (UMIST) have joined forces to 7 recognise the first class research being 24 Just the Job carried out at the universities by postdoctoral and postgraduate scientists.

Professor Daniel Everett from the School of Linguistics (VUM) is visiting 8 the Brazilian Amazon this summer to Front cover photo by Howard Barlow study endangered native languages in remote villages.

Project Unity update on different aspects of Human Resources including pay and 12 structure, appointments, communications, team briefing and pensions. UniLife 3 Photo by Howard Barlow Founders’ Day

International recording stars, Robin and Barry Gibb, were the recipients of an Honorary Degree from the Victoria University of Manchester on Wednesday 12 May 2004. The brothers also accepted their Doctorate of Music on behalf of their late brother Maurice, who died in January 2003.

historic metalwork. He is a former Keeper of Metalwork at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and has published many books including a two-volume study of The Crown Jewels. He was born and educated in Manchester and is a graduate of the Victoria University of Manchester. Sir Ian Kershaw (Doctor of Letters): Sir Ian Kershaw is widely regarded as the worlds’ leading expert on Adolf Hitler and the Third Photo by Craig Strong Photo by Craig Reich. He was born in Oldham and educated in Manchester and spent an early part of his academic career in the Department of History at the Victoria University of Manchester. He began his academic career studying medieval history, before a visit to West Germany in 1972 inspired him to begin research into the social history of Nazism. His books ‘The Nazi Dictator’ and ‘The Hitler Myth’ have become central texts for students all over the world. Professor Wang Shenghong (Doctor of Science): A distinguished academic in the field of precision mechanical engineering and the holder of a number of senior They received their Honour from the The full list of those who received positions in the Chinese higher education University’s Chancellor Ms Anna Ford at Honorary Degrees is: Barry Gibb, Robin system. Since 1998, Professor Wang the annual Founders’ Day ceremony in Gibb and the late Maurice Gibb (Doctor Shenghong has held the position of the . of Music): The Gibb brothers were born President of Fudan University in China. on the Isle of Man, but moved to The Victoria University of Manchester has The brothers, were presented by Deputy Manchester in the 1950s. just concluded a major research Secretary to Council and Senate, Gareth agreement with Fudan University. They formed a band and performed from Evans who, in an entertaining speech, an early age - impressing audiences in Councillor Roy Walters (Doctor of Laws): recounted the their first foray into Manchester before the family emigrated Councillor Walters was born and entertainment singing in the cinemas to Australia. The Bee Gees went on to educated in the Parish of Clarendon, around Manchester, through to their become one of the best selling and most Jamaica, and settled in the UK in 1958. He international success and numerous influential pop groups in the world. They was employed by Manchester accolades from the music industry. have released 28 albums and sold 110 Corporation Transport from 1960 to 1991 million copies – making them the fifth and in 1983 was awarded the British Barry Gibb said:“This is a tremendous biggest selling pop group of all time. Their Empire Medal for services to transport. honour. People who do what we do, don’t hits, which include ‘Staying Alive’ and ‘How Councillor Walters was elected as a expect something like this. This isn’t Deep Is Your Love?’ have been covered by Councillor for Moss Side in 1998 and was because of our education, it’s because of everyone from Elvis Presley to Take That. Lord Mayor of Manchester during 2002/3. our music and what that means to people.” He has served on many Committees at Claude Blair (Doctor of Letters): Claude is Manchester City Council and is a former The occasion was reported across the recognised as a distinguished scholar in non-executive director of Central world as far afield as Australia. the field of European arms, armour and Manchester Healthcare Trust. 4 UniLife

News Gold Standard for Recruitment Drive

The Victoria University of Manchester has won a HEIST (Higher Education Information Services Trust) Gold Award for its Strategic Marketing Campaign to increase student recruitment from the South East and London.

The first of the campaign’s activities was region, targeting schools and colleges for the publication of ‘Manchester direct liaison work and developing a Uncovered’ a booklet produced by the ‘Student Ambassador’ Scheme for Public Relations Office aimed at schools and colleges in the region. prospective students in the South East. Julian Skyrme, Undergraduate Recruitment Other aims included increasing the Officer, collected the award at a special number of HE events attended in the ceremony. (Pictured on the right) Executive Education is the Business

Manchester Business School's The Financial Times Executive Education now outperform some of our keenest survey looks at non-degree programmes, rivals in terms of course design, executive education activity has including open enrolment programmes preparation, and new skills and learning been rated among the 50 best and those which are specially designed created for our clients, where we are in for particular organisations. the world's top 25. The highly-rated business schools in the world by research carried out by our staff enables the Financial Times for the second The survey looks at the satisfaction of them to share the latest management clients with such factors as course thinking with our clients, who can apply year running, rising to 42nd in the design, teaching materials and the this to their businesses to gain a relevance of new skills learned from the world, compared to 47th in 2003. competitive edge." training. It also takes into consideration the proportion of international clients The School was ranked 6th in the UK for and participants, overseas programmes executive education and 42nd in the and diversity of teaching faculty. world, in a list which includes world- renowned US business schools such as Professor Paul Sparrow, Academic Duke, Columbia and Harvard as well as Director for Executive Education at European rivals such as London Business Manchester Business School said: "We School and Switzerland-based IMD. UniLife 5

In recognition of their contributions Honorary Degrees to Project Unity, four North West people were awarded honorary degrees in a special ceremony on for Unity Founders’ Eve (11 May).

Honorary graduates, front row, from left: Nick Sanders, Dr John Beacham, Mike Shields, Sir Howard Bernstein

Dr John Beacham: Dr Beacham retired Sir Howard Bernstein: Chief Executive of service career in education since 1971 from the post of Chief Scientist of ICI plc Manchester City Council. Prior to holding a number of senior positions in 1998 after 30 years’ service. He is becoming Chief Executive, In 1996 Sir including Principal Private Secretary to currently a director of the analytical Howard was Head of Urban Policy for the Secretary of State (1974-7) and Private services company LGC, Vice-Chairman of the city (1980-86), Assistant Chief Secretary to the Prime Minister (1978-81.) North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Executive (1986-90) and Deputy Chief Executive (1990-98). He played a key Mike Shields: Chief Executive of Chairman of the Pro-Bio partnership and role in the Commonwealth Games and Manchester Knowledge Capital and Chairman of the Society of the Chemical has been Chief Executive of the formerly Chief Executive of the North Industry. He has strong links with higher Manchester City Council Task Force since West Development Agency (NWDA). He education and is a member of Council at 1996. Sir Howard was knighted for his has held a number of positions in local Liverpool University and an Honorary services to Manchester in the 2003 New government in Leeds, Salford and Trafford Professor at Liverpool, Liverpool John Year’s Honours. where he was Chief Executive (1983-87) Moores and Leicester Universities. He before going on to head the Trafford Park was awarded a CBE in 2000 for services Nick Sanders: Director for Higher Development Corporation. He was a Pro to the Chemical Industry. Education in the Department for Education and Skills since 1999. He has Chancellor, Chairman and Deputy enjoyed a long and distinguished civil Chairman of Council at Salford University. 6 UniLife

Something for the Weekend

If you are a graduate of the Victoria University of Manchester, or know someone who is, then you might be interested to find out more about this year’s Alumni Weekend which is taking place between 10 and 12 September.

The Alumni Weekend is traditionally a There are also a range of talks being great opportunity to meet up with old organised in celebration of the Department friends and relive those student days, and of Religions and Theology’s centenary. this year there are a range of interesting These include a talk by Professor Mark and enlightening trips, tours and talks to Juergensmeyer from the University of keep you entertained. California who is recognised as a world expert on religion and globalisation. The first major event of the weekend takes place on Friday 10 September in the For many, the highlight of the weekend is shape of the Welcome Reception. This the Alumni Weekend Dinner which this will feature a talk on four famous people year is being held in the Whitworth Hall connected with the University – physician and will feature two special guests – and compiler of the Thesaurus Peter Mark Professor Sir Martin Harris, the Vice- Chancellor of the Victoria University of Roget; family planning pioneer Marie Manchester and Professor Alan Gilbert, Stopes; children’s author Alison Uttley President and Vice-Chancellor Designate and Labour politician Ellen Wilkinson. of The University of Manchester. The Saturday programme of activities is Those attending should remember to very full and varied, featuring everything have an early night however, as there are from a tour of Manchester’s City Art a number of trips arranged for the Gallery to a behind the scenes look at the following day, including a coach tour of BBC studios on Oxford Road. Bronte Country, a visit to the Jewish There are also a range of talks taking place Museum and Buddhist Centre in on Saturday, including one entitled "Who Manchester and a trip to Jodrell Bank. Lived in a House Like This?" by Blue Badge For a full programme of all the events at the Guide Alan Holmes, who will be looking at Alumni Weekend and details of their cost, the many ‘blue plaques’ in the City of contact Patricia Ross in the Development Manchester which commemorate buildings and Alumni Office on 275 2195 or e-mail her of historic and architectural interest. at [email protected] UniLife 7

Research Research Recognition

Research prize nominees, from left: Joanne Pennock (winner), Anthony Valentjin, Christopher Sellick, Paul Cahill, Scott Allen, Christian Jarrett and Andrew Coogan.

The School of Biological Sciences The Annual Research Prize was established of Manchester, who took into in 2003 to promote the School’s consideration the scientists’ research (SBS) at VUM, in conjunction outstanding achievements, not least its 5* impact and their oral presentation. with the Department of award in the Research Assessment Exercise of 2001. This event showcased the best Professor Martin Humphries, Associate Biomolecular Sciences (BMS) at research papers published by SBS and BMS Dean for Research in what will be the in 2003, the eight finalists all received Faculty of Life Sciences in the new merged UMIST, presented eight industry-sponsored prizes. The overall University, commented: "A number of winner was Dr Joanne Pennock of the postdoctoral and postgraduate extremely important discoveries were Microbiology, Development and Repair scientists with Research Prizes on Division of the School of Biological made by scientists within the School of Wednesday 12 May. Sciences (VUM) for her work. Biological Sciences in 2003, and it is important that we celebrate and publicise The event began at 12.30 with a trade our successes. It is particularly pleasing to exhibition, followed by presentations from each of the scientists. The overall prize, see the young postdoctoral and with the prize of a laptop computer postgraduate researchers who are donated by AstraZeneca, was be judged by responsible for much of the benchwork several leading scientific figures from underpinning these discoveries getting industry, UMIST and the Victoria University deserved recognition". 8 UniLife

Research Amazon Adventure

Professor Everett, Julia, Karen and Ingrid Logging Innovation

A year ago Manchester Innovation provided free copies of the Innovation Logbook, produced jointly by the DTI’s Innovation Unit and the Patent Office, to research groups at the Victoria University of Manchester on a "first- come first-served" basis, all of which were snapped up. The logbook is designed to record the development of original ideas and inventions and to help accumulate legal evidence of intellectual property (IP) ownership. In its role of identifying and protecting the University’s IP, MIL Deepest Amazon is this summer’s destination for Professor Daniel encourages the keeping of correct and validated records of research. It is Everett and two of his students who will be studying endangered important to have a secure, formalised languages in remote villages in Brazil. record of the scientific research, but it can also be a crucial factor in obtaining patent protection. Professor Everett of the School of English Turner, an undergraduate, will be gathering Copies of the Innovation Logbook can and Linguistics (VUM), has been awarded data for her dissertation for completion be purchased from Findlay Publications. two research grants, to record and further next year; and his wife Karen who was A sample copy is held by Manchester our understanding of Amazonian raised in Brazil and speaks Satere well. languages – some of which are now only Innovation Ltd for those who would like Professor Everett, who has 25 years’ field a preview before ordering. Contact spoken by as few as 70 people. experience in the Amazon said:"By [email protected] The National Science Foundation in the studying these endangered languages, we US has awarded him £135,000 (with can find out a mot more about the Professor Robert Van Valin of State parameters of human language and this University New York in Buffalo), to study tells us more about the human mind. My intonation and information structure in theoretical goal is to understand more the languages of Satere, Piraha, Banawa, about the interaction between psychology Yarawara,Wari’ and Suya. Put simply this and culture." means how the meaning of a language is affected by how it is spoken eg the rising Both projects will involve at least three intonation in a question. The second trips each year for Professor Everett, a project is funded by the ESRC for research associate (to be appointed) and a £249,000 to compile, for the first time, a Brazilian colleague. grammar and dictionary of Suya. Since Professor Everett arrived in Accompanying Professor Everett will be Manchester in 2002, the study of Julia Reinbold, an MA Linguistics student Amazonian languages at VUM has who will write her thesis while in the developed with the appointment of two Amazon on Banawa– in time to submit it further staff and it is a growing area of when she returns in September; Ingrid study and research in the School. UniLife 9

Research First Image of Dying Star

Researchers from UMIST have unveiled a in NGC 6302 was the mixture of minerals dramatic new image showing a dying and crystalline ice - hailstones frozen star 4000 light-years away, surrounded onto small dust grains. Very few objects by hailstones. Despite being the hottest have such a mixed composition." star known to astronomers - at least 250,000 degrees C - the star itself has The dense dark ring around the central star never been seen before. is something of an enigma to astronomers. They believe the nebula was expelled The image, taken by the Hubble telescope around 10,000 years ago, but do not quite (pictured), shows vast walls of compressed understand how it formed and how long gas, laced with trailing strands and the dust ring can survive evaporation by bubbling outflows. A dark, dusty ring the now very hot central star. surrounds the inner nebula (upper right) hiding the central star from view. Dr Ian Griffin, Director of The Museum said: "We have worked closely with North The image of the Bug Nebula NGC 6302 was unveiled at The Museum of Science West scientists in preparing the and Industry in Manchester. contemporary science section of our new flagship gallery ‘Manchester Science: Albert Zijlstra from UMIST’s Astrophysics Discoveries that Changed the World’ and Department leads a team of astronomers this is another opportunity to bring the probing the secrets of this extreme fascination of cutting edge science to the object. He said: "What caught our interest general public." Biologists Reveal Source of Civilisation

UMIST academics have won more than £1m for their work to reveal the source of European civilisation. Keri Brown and a team of archaeologists and biologists are analysing the DNA in wheat and barley to trace the path of agriculture.

The arrival of agriculture allowed societies "This gave us more time to pursue new UMIST is the lead institution of a to give up their itinerant hunter-gatherer activities such as culture, as well as giving consortium including the Universities of existence and settle down, grow bigger rise to writing systems. And women were Cambridge and Sheffield and National Institute of Agriculture and Botany (NIAB) and become more complex. It also probably at the forefront of all this as they had always been the gatherers of wild that has won a £880,000 grant from the triggered the invention of writing as National Environment Research Council plant food, so they would be the ones who people began to record the cultivation and (NERC) for this work. NERC has granted a could observe which plants grew best in exchange of produce, and probably gave further £150,000 for a post-doctorate which conditions." women more power. placement for similar research. She adds: "It was also the start of "This is one of the major grants in "We were no longer chasing our food, genetically-modified crops – 10,000 years archaeological science in Britain," Keri says. travelling from place to place – we were ago humans were selecting what they "It’s very exciting and our work will help us controlling things," Keri, of the Department were going to grow and thus having an and other researchers to address a variety of Biomolecular Sciences, explains. impact on crop and plant development." of controversial archaeological hypotheses." 10 UniLife


You can feel a very real “ energy here now. We have Genial experienced a creative evolution... ” Gordon Being a musician as well as a medic helps to put things in perspective. Being a cellist of some repute – he had the same teacher as Jacqueline du Pre – David Gordon is happy when he is playing his part in the uplifting discipline of a chamber music ensemble.

That sits perfectly happily with his rôle of about £400 million. He was also "We have a much clearer picture of where running an academic division which next enthusiastically involved in the career we are going," he says. Being outward- year will have around 9,000 students, and a development of scores of bright, up-and- looking by nature, he is also pleased about new title of Vice-President and Dean of the coming scientists. "It really is exciting to see the good relationships with all the relevant Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences. He good science developing, especially when it partners in the Health Service. is known for the part he plays in bigger involves someone young and new," he said. He sees the new Faculty as "very exciting" – groups – as Chair of the Council of Heads of "It is very important to get people into and he means it. He is enthusiastic about Medical Schools (he was elected to take research at the right time – and to help Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy over from a previous Dean here, Sir Robert people in mid-career." "reaching across" into Human Sciences (he Boyd), and Vice-President of the Association cites Psychology and Human of Medical Schools in Europe. But then he is "Exciting" is a word that recurs. "The past Communication and Deafness as one also known for his unquenchable good five years have been tremendously illustrative link-up). The Faculty will have five humour and charm, his crisp white shirt, interesting and exciting," he says. "You can Schools – Medicine (including Optometry); trademark bow tie, and colourful cufflinks. feel a very real energy here now. We have Dentistry; Nursing, Midwifery and Social experienced a creative evolution, with the It is a little less than five years since Work; Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Professor Gordon arrived here as the first result that we have gathered together more Sciences; and Psychological Sciences incumbent of the substantive (as distinct logical research and clinical groupings. And (including the former Psychology Department, Human Communication and from rotating) post of Dean of the Faculty of this will be even stronger in the new Deafness and Clinical Psychology). Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy, organisation." David is particularly pleased having previously spent 16 years with the that Medicine and all the related subjects David’s appointment, of course, ensures Wellcome Trust. There, he was involved in are now very much in the mainstream of continuity at a time of change – and there the funding of scientific and medical the University – not "different", like some will be less perturbation than in some research throughout the UK – and, when he offshore island. And all the subjects within other parts of the University, by the very left, the Trust had an annual turnover of the Faculty are seen whole. nature of the new Faculty. David agrees, but UniLife 11


Name Professor David Gordon Position Vice President and Dean, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, The University of Manchester Education University of Cambridge BA Natural Sciences First Class Honours (1967-70) MA, MB, BChir (1970-71) Career History: 1980-1983 Senior Lecturer in Medicine and Assistant Director of the Medical Unit, St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School. 1980-1995 Honorary Consultant Physician, St. Mary’s Hospital, London points out that "there will be huge Leicester to hand-deliver my application. I differences for everybody". And he pays drove down overnight in my mini – and 1983-1999 ready tribute to the work done by the wrote my application in the back seat." He Assistant Director, then Interim Faculty Leadership Team under got the job – as a house surgeon with Sir Programme Director, then Professor Stan Metcalfe to effect the Roy Calne. "I think I was the only applicant Director of Special Initiatives, transition. (Stan has been accorded the to meet the deadline." signal honour of having his photo in what Wellcome Trust David calls "the rogues’ gallery" of Deans of "Roy is a great man, he was in at the start of kidney transplantation in the UK, and he 1999 – present Medicine going back to 1873, which adorns Dean of the Faculty of the corridor wall outside his office). was a great influence on me," he says. Then, in 1972, he happened to see a very small ad Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing Looking back now, it is strange to think that in the Lancet for a Research Fellowship at St and Pharmacy; Professor of he might well have opted for Music or Mary’s Hospital Medical School. That was a Medicine, the Victoria perhaps, Chemistry or Biochemistry had it major turning point – he got the job and University of Manchester not been for a man called Bernard Saunders, went to work with Sir Stanley Peart. "Stan is Director of Studies at Magdalene College, another great man and, through him, I Cambridge, who suggested he might started to work on renal disease and renal consider Medicine. He took a First in Natural physiology generally." He stayed there until Sciences at Cambridge, won an Open 1983. (He still sees Stan and enjoyed a lunch Scholarship, went on to do clinical training with him only last week – "He was in at Westminster Medical School and house brilliant form".) jobs in Leicester, where he "got a taste for real medicine". Then he got the call from the Director of the Wellcome Trust – and couldn’t resist "the Then there’s this story that is typical of chance to do things in the academic world David – in 1971 his career got a boost from on a wide scale". his determination during a postal strike. It happened like this: "I wanted to apply for a And now he is looking forward to the next job at Cambridge; because of the postal big challenge – and, of course, the next strike I decided to drive there from concert with the Mary Anderson Quartet. 12 UniLife

Project Unity Human Resources Update

The creation of the new University of Manchester is a landmark event and is a key event in the Higher Education sector. The new University will be one of the largest employers in the North, competing in size with the leading public and private organisations based in the North, as well as the largest University in the United Kingdom.

The foundations of the success of The Appointments clarity on where we are at the moment, University of Manchester will be us. The A cornerstone of the single University will and what the aspirations of staff are for bringing together of UMIST and the Victoria be the new organisational structures that the single University. University of Manchester is about far more shape how and where we work. Communications than bolting together our respective Appointments to the senior administrative A web address will continue to available institutions. It is about building upon each teams, which will be responsible for until the completion of Project Unity, for other’s strengths and unlocking the completing the design of the detailed staff to raise any concerns or queries that potential present within both institutions. administrative structures, have now been they have about the issues relating to the The people of the new University of made. These teams are currently working formation of the single University.The web Manchester will be The University of with urgency to complete the address is [email protected] Manchester. Its success will be our success. organisational structures that will allow and a prompt response to your enquiries the transfer of the remaining staff to the Below are a number of updates in can be expected. single University to commence. different area of Human Resources, which Team Briefing will give you an idea of the work that is Their work and the appointments which Team Briefing is a mechanism for currently being carried out: follow represent a great step in turning relaying information to staff on a the vision into reality, and is the Pay and Structure monthly basis, which has been used beginning of the ‘home straight’, to coin a The aspiration to be a leading global within the Registrar and Secretary’s phrase from the second most significant University and an employer of choice in Department at VUM for a number of event to happen to Manchester in the our sector demands that we have a years. Within Central Administration at last few years. This work builds directly on reward structure that is fair, transparent UMIST there are a number of effective the active consultation with all staff and and represents best practice. This will existing communication practices in stakeholders that has been ongoing since ensure that staff are directly sharing in place and team briefing is being the inception of the idea to create a the positive steps that are being taken implemented to complement and add single University. value to these existing approaches. The towards transforming our University. The idea of team briefing has been well design and implementation of the new This consultation has continued received by senior staff within Central pay and grading structure will throughout the process. Most recently, Administration at UMIST where both necessarily take time, but we are all staff have been offered the Estates and Finance have ‘gone live’ with committed to trying to bring the opportunity to contribute to the goals team briefing and Personnel and Registry benefits to all our staff at the earliest and ethos of the new university by will be following soon. When opportunity, and we are working hard, in completing the questionnaire designed communications across the single partnership with the Trade Unions, to by the President and Vice Chancellor University are reviewed, team briefing, or achieve our shared vision. (designate) in order for him to gain UniLife 13

recommendation to the Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) by the end of June as to which scheme (UMSS or GMPF) should be offered to staff joining the University from 1 October. This team has been working hard and made good progress to ensure that the right choice is made for the single University and for staff who join after 1 October. It is important to reassure staff currently in both schemes that combining UMIST and the Victoria University of Manchester will not result in any change to their own circumstances. In the future the Pensions Steering Group will review the best options for staff in the existing schemes, but this will not be for some time. We can confirm that staff currently employed at both institutions who contribute to either UMSS or GMPF will continue to do so from 1 October and their benefits will not be affected in any way. Similarly there will be no change for staff who currently contribute to either USS or NHSPS and those schemes will continue to be offered to appropriate a similar process - will continue to continue to provide good quality final staff joining the single University. ensure that we have effective salary pension schemes. communication mechanisms in place. We will continue to keep you informed A Pensions Steering Group, comprising and updated once the steering group’s Pensions both Trade Union and University recommendation has been reviewed by Both universities currently have final representatives, has been reviewing the CLG. salary schemes for all staff and the future pension arrangements for all Chad Ryan single University is committed to support staff. Their aim is to make a HR Project Manager 14 UniLife

People Return to Tower Ridge

Richard, 33, lost his lower right leg because £20,000 for for the Limbless Association of the accident and lost virtually all of his and the English Federation of Disability fingers to frostbite as the overnight Sport, climbing exactly the same route. temperatures plummeted to -20C. Richard said: "I’m a tough, stubborn But his friend, 29-year-old Neil Stoodley, Yorkshire man and I won’t let that didn’t survive the fall at Tower Ridge on Ben mountain beat me. I need to put that Nevis and Richard was left lying for hours. demon to the sword and this is the only UMIST Computation Incredibly, Richard was spotted and rescued way I can do it. the next morning after lying in the snow "The accident was actually responsible for postgraduate Richard Lamb is for over 16 hours. me coming to UMIST in the first place. I returning to Scotland to climb Despite his injuries, including shattered had been planning to join the Earth mountain that claimed the life of legs, a fractured skull, septicaemia, severe Sciences Department in Gothenburg, shock and hypothermia, Richard emerged Sweden, but the accident put a stop to his friend when the pair plunged from a partial coma and regained that. So I made some enquiries and in 800ft down a ravine consciousness 13 days later in hospital. September 2002 I started a Conversion But he admits: "I really shouldn’t be here Masters at UMIST in Computation." today – it’s a miracle, really." Anyone wishing to help Richard with That was in 2001, but next month Richard sponsorship can contact him via email at is going back to Scotland to try [email protected] or by calling again…and this time he’s hoping to raise 0161 236 3736 Fond Farewell

UMIST bade a fond farewell to its Registrar Jon Baldwin with a special dinner at the Weston Conference Centre. Jon, who joined the University four years ago, has left to become Registrar at the University of Warwick. The new Acting Registrar for UMIST is John Cunningham, formerly UMIST’s Director of Finance. John would like to thank all those who gave him gifts which included a camera, a signed Manchester United football shirt and football and a UMIST shield which he says will be a “fabulous memento”. 15 UniLife UniLife 15

News People Bishop Checks In

On a recent return visit to UMIST, Outstanding Alumnus the Bishop of Nottingham, the Rt Rev Malcolm McMahon, said he was proud of its plans to merge with the Victoria University of Manchester to create a world-class university – and was particularly impressed by the new logo.

"The logo is brilliant. I like the reference to The course also gave him time to pursue campus by UMIST Students’ Association Laurence Rowe with 1824, when UMIST was founded and it’s other interests. He was President of the Education Officer Laurence Rowe, followed the Rt Rev Malcolm McMahon in an Episcopal colour!" he joked. "The UMIST Students' Union 1970/71, a by lunch and a tour of the Mechanical two were part of the same university precursor to his 30 years of pastoral work Engineering Department by Professor with the Catholic Church. when I was here so it’s just as well they Graham Thompson, a contemporary of Fr are coming together. I’m very pleased I Fr Malcolm visited UMIST courtesy of the Malcolm and now Head of Department. attended UMIST, I gained a lot from my Alumni Office with his brother Peter four years here, so I’m glad to see it going McMahon, who graduated from Fr Malcolm, Mr Filson and Professor from strength to strength." Mechanical Engineering in 1975. Peter’s Thompson recalled heady days when son, VUM medical student Sam famous bands such as Procol Harem, Fr Malcolm, studied for his BSc in McMahon, and Fr Malcolm’s old friend Steppenwolf and the – "not so great" Mechanical Engineering from 1967 to and fellow student Daniel Filson joined according to Fr Malcolm – Herman’s 1970. "I didn’t plan to enter the industry them. They were given a tour of the but I loved the academic side." Hermits played on the campus green. A Piece of Cake

Never mind Mr Kipling, UMIST’s Department of Chemical Engineering makes exceedingly good cakes! It has raised more than £280 for the Liver and Bowel Cancer Appeal with a Bake a Cake Day fundraiser.

Sixty staff sampled cakes baked by 30 chemotherapy, a further cancer in her colleagues, whose international origins liver was diagnosed. generated a delicious spread from across Lorna is happily on the road to recovery the globe, in exchange for a donation to and, wishes to give something back to the appeal. the people who saved her life. The event was organised by secretary Pauline said: "The support and goodwill Pauline Howarth to help colleague Lisa from everyone has been overwhelming!" Marsden, who became involved with the appeal after her sister Lorna was To make a donation to The Liver and Bowel diagnosed with bowel cancer in February Cancer Appeal, Registered Charity Number 2003. Lorna had her bowel removed 10 58 776, contact Pauline Howarth at then, following a course of [email protected]. 16 UniLife

People Mentor Carolyn Blunt of Real Results Consultancy with mentee Ruth Budd, BA (Hons) UMIST, French Mentoring and Translation for Success

Developing the talents of university staff, fostering better links with alumni, improving the skills of PhD’s, enhancing students’ employability, and retaining talent in the North West are just a few of the benefits of the many mentoring programmes offered by the Victoria University of Manchester and UMIST Careers Service.

Mentors David Buckley and David Sin of Goldman Sachs International with mentees Yuya In fact, with nearly 500 successful Fukutomi, VUMr, Bsc (Hons) Economic Science and Hugh Rittner, VUM, BA (Hons) Philosophy mentoring partnerships annually, the Careers Service offers one of the largest programmes of careers mentoring Council. Mentors, many of whom are academic, administrative, secretarial and schemes in the UK. alumni based in the UK and abroad, technical roles. This pioneering equally benefit by developing coaching programme, supported by the Staff The flagship programme, Manchester skills and sharing their experience and Training and Development Unit is in its Gold, is aimed at students of The Victoria knowledge with enthusiastic students. third year and runs from May to October. University of Manchester, UMIST and the Manchester Business School. Mentees VUM graduate David Buckley, who is The Careers Service, in partnership with are matched with mentors representing Managing Director and International the VUM Graduate School of Science major employers such as the NHS, Treasurer for Goldman Sachs, has Engineering and Medicine, also trains Norton Rose, Accenture, the National mentored two students each year for the current postgraduates to mentor Audit Office, BT, Barnados, HBOS, last four years. "Through Manchester incoming PhD students, many of whom AstraZeneca, Mott Macdonald, Shell, Gold, I have raised my organisation's are international, to help them manage PricewaterhouseCoopers, and the British profile on campus, encouraged the talent the transition to Manchester and assist of my mentees and forged closer links them in their critical first few months as with my alma mater." HR consultant and a PhD student. UMIST graduate, Caroline Blunt, agrees: Funded by the North West Development "The beauty of mentoring is that it is a Agency, Sector Mentoring North West is win-win situation for all involved." another major initiative run by the Through the programme, students Careers Service. Piloted with the 30 improve their employability and develop partnerships in the environmental the confidence and skills needed to technologies sector, the scheme has been succeed. Final year student Lucy Attley a resounding success, with one student said, "Manchester Gold has definitely mentee crediting her mentor for helping been influential in securing a graduate her to secure a Knowledge Transfer position and will continue to be of use as Partnership position next year. Mentor I progress in my career," adding, Iain Taylor of the Mersey Basin Campaign "alongside practical advice, I have also said "Environment Mentoring North West acquired precious networking skills and a is a terrific programme and a tremendous Mentor Professor new support structure for the future." asset to the sector and the region." John Helliwell, Dept. of Chemistry, VUM Aiming to unleash managerial and For further information on all our with mentee Karen supervisory potential in university staff, mentoring programmes, please contact Hassell, Senior Manchester Gold Staff brings together [email protected] or Research Fellow in mentors and mentees working in [email protected]. Pharmacy, VUM 17 UniLife UniLife 17

Students Shining Examples

Three UMIST students' inspiring stories Ardialisa, a final year BSc Textile Science of life in Manchester have seen them and Technology student from Indonesia – perform well in a major national award were both shortlisted. scheme. The three international Alessandra says: "One of the most exciting students were chosen from more than things I have experienced here is the fact 3,200 students from 145 countries, across that I have been able to meet people from 258 UK institutions in a 'letter home' all over the world and to understand their writing competition organised by the culture. I like the multicultural mix and the British Council. fact that Manchester is a big city, with all Jun Zhou, a second year International the opportunities associated with it. Management student from China, wrote Studying abroad is a wonderful experience, one of only 58 entries that were 'highly and if you can motivate someone else to do commended'. June described her UK it too, you can be proud of that." experiences in the form of a letter home to Fara entered the competition in order to her parents. Her inspiration was "the whole share her own achievements as a student Jung Zhou experience of growing up, really. I just felt in the UK, such as being treasurer of the that I've learnt so much academically and Indonesian Society, a correspondent for a socially since I came to the UK." British Council newsletter and also "my Two students – Alessandra Modesti, an daily life here, which I count as an MSc Marketing student from Italy, and Fara achievement too".

Pulling Together The 34th Manchester V Salford Boat Race

On a dreary Sunday afternoon, finishing an amazing 5th at BUSA, Manchester University Boat Club set participated in a far closer race against the crowd alight, effectively Salford but managed to stave off any whitewashing Salford University in all worries of defeat after recovering from categories in the annual boat race a messy start. In addition, both womens clinching the overall prize for yet VIII’s have developed remarkably over another year. the year and secured deserved victories Although Manchester gained victory in in their respective races. almost every race, certain crews deserve particular mention. Hot on the heels of Evan Bickmore of the Manchester a gold-medal winning performance at University Boat Club said:"Clearly, the British University Championships, Manchester rowing is moving in a new and (BUSA) the men’s novice VIII cruised to a exciting direction. The merger with UMIST three-length victory over their Salford in the next academic year will see an rivals. Similarly, the men’s 1st VIII, after enormous growth in size and potential." The Whitworth 18 UniLife Art Gallery

DISPLAYS/COLLECTIONS William Morris "Ministering to the Swinish Luxury of the Rich" 10 April to 23 December 2004 An exhibition by David Mabb. Mabb recycles familiar images from the Gallery’s holdings of William Morris material to produce a new installation. Blasting the Future! Vorticism in Britain 1910 - 1920 7 May to 25 July 2004 What’s Though short lived, Vorticism was a vigorous and influential art movement in early twentieth-century Britain. This exhibition, the first survey in thirty years, will include works by Wyndham Lewis,Wadsworth, Bomberg, On Nevinson. Organised in partnership with the Estorick Collection, London. Susie MacMurray from 15 May 2004 In March 2004, Susie MacMurray worked as Textile Artist in Residence at The . During this time she created a new piece of work for the gallery’s textile collection, Tue 25 May 2004 - Sat 29 May 2004, £9/£6 Wed 26 May 2004 - Sat 29 May 2004, £8/£5 made almost exclusively from peacock Paines Plough in a co-production with Drum Manchester University Drama Department feathers. This new work will be on display Theatre, Plymouth and Hampstead Theatre ROBERTO ZUCCO alongside other textiles from the collection. THE STRAITS It is a cold, lonely night in the city.The The Straits tells the story of four teenagers, nightclubs are pounding underground whilst Ship Ahoy! 5 June to February 2005 This exhibition of watercolours, prints, living in Gibraltar as children of the British the faint neon hum breaks the silence of the wallpapers and textiles includes depictions Forces during the summer of 1982. But for the street. In Little Chicago, the city’s red light of galleons, fishing smacks, trading vessels, sons and daughters of the British Forces, district, business is going well whilst from a warships and freshwater boats. The another war beginning in the South Atlantic nearby prison, criminal Roberto Zucco escapes. exhibition also features a Ship Ahoy! Reading will soon bring a dark heart to their games. Incarcerated for murdering his father, now out on the streets again, he collides with anything area providing children’s books with stories Following the smash hit GAGARIN WAY, for his about ships, pirates and the deep blue sea. second play Gregory Burke draws on his and everything in his path. experiences growing up in a family stationed Thu 3 Jun 2004 - Sat 5 Jun 2004, £9/6 in Gibraltar during the Falklands War. Penny Arcade (USA) TOURS AND EVENTS BAD REPUTATIONS Suitable for ages 14+. Some strong language Every Saturday at 2pm there is either an Penny Arcade is one of America's most prolific, and nudity. Exhibition Tour or an Eyeopener Tour. Education resource pack and workshops articulate and outspoken independent artists. available. Contact Jennie on 0161 274 0651 for Emerging from Warhol’s Factory, she is Blasting the Future! - Curator’s Tour, Tues 25 more information. credited as one of the artists who originated May, 2pm, FREE ''Burke's engrossing new play brilliantly New York’s performance art scene of the early Eighties and remains an icon of queer Vorticism and the War - Lecture by Dr Jonathon captures how the political is personal'' Black, Fri 28 May, 2pm, £2 (students FREE) THE DAILY TELEGRAPH performance. BAD REPUTATIONS explores notions of female identity and challenges the CONCERTS processes which influence its evolution. Drawing on her own experiences of growing Cefiro Clarinet Quartet: featuring works by up ‘the bad girl’, Arcade sets out to explode the Piazzolla, Farkas, Gershwin and Motzart - commodified bad girl aesthetic. Sun 30 May, 3pm, FREE

Contact Theatre, Oxford Road, Manchester Tickets/Info: 0161 274 0600 Whitworth Art Gallery Oxford Road, For information on other events please visit our website 0161 275 7450, [email protected] A limited number of tickets are available from just £4 on the day from the Ticket Office between 11am - 4pm daily. Opening hours Mon to Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 2pm - 5 pm FREE Admission Gallery Café The café sells a selection of Gig Guide 1, 2 & 3 drinks and light meals. 0161 275 7497 Gallery Shop The bookshop stocks a range Mon 24 May Sun 30 May Tues 8 June of art and design books, cards and gifts. The Datsuns - Sold Out INME - £9 Dillenger Escape Plan - £10 0161 275 7498 Tues 25 May Wed 2 June Thurs 10 June My Chemical Romance - £7.50 Phoenix - £8.50 Taking Back Sunday - £8.50 Wed 26 May Weds 3 June Dirty Americans - £7.50 Banco De Gaia - £12 Razorlight - £7 Fri 11 June Thur 27 May Thurs 4 June Fingathing - £10 Queensryche - £17.50 Gretchen Peters - £14 Sat 5 June Country Joe MacDonald - £12 Fri 28 May Ash - SOLD OUT Sat 12 June The Killers - £7 Ezio - £11 Coheed & Cambria - £8.50 Roxy Saint - £7.50 Sun 6 June Sun 13 June Sat 29 May Josh Ritter - £8 Ozric Tentacles - £12 Killswitch Engage - £13 Mon 7 June Hothouse Flowers - £18.50 The (International) Noise Mon 14 June Conspiracy - £8 Tsunami Bomb - £7

Students’ Union Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL Tickets from:Piccadilly Box Office, easy Internet Cafe, (c/c) 0871 2200260 Online @ Royal Court (Liverpool) 0151 709 4321 (c/c) Students' Union 0161 275 2930 International Society UniLife 19

TRIPS Sat 29 May Day visit to Robin Hood’s Bay and Scarborough. Sat 5 June Day visit to Lyme Park and Hall to see open air performance of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Sat 12 Day visit to Alton Towers Sat 12 - Overnight visit to Edinburgh Sun 13 June EVENTS Fri 4 June World Quiz Night Wed 9 June The End of Year Party Every Tuesday 8pm until late The Melting Pot @ The Thirsty Scholar (next to Oxford Road Station). THEATRE AND MUSIC For details about the availability of tickets for various theatre and music performances, please visit our website. International Society, 327 Oxford Road (next to Krobar)0161 275 4959 Saturday 29 May, Sunday 30 May, 2.30pm Thursday 3 June Monday - Friday 9:30am - 5pm The Grand Tour Alchemy and Witchcraft Graeme Pye, our very own Victorian (Presented by Dr Ian Fairweather, University of gentleman, is back again to guide you on Manchester and co-authored by Dr Stephen this special tour around the Museum. Meet Pumfrey, University of Lancaster.) Jodrell Bank at reception. FREE Why has the "the witch" - a person of magic Saturday 29 May, 1.30 - 4.00pm and mystery - fascinated and frightened us for The facilities at Jodrell Bank are going so long? Dr Fairweather explores this figure's through a period of redevelopment. The A Trek Down the Nile Find out more about the world of the transformative powers across cultures and Visitors Centre currently has a café, an eras. £3, book ahead to ensure a seat exhibition space and a 3D theatre open, and ancient Egyptians as you take a trail through visitors can still explore the various trails the galleries on a scavenger hunt. Followed Friday 4 June,1.30 - 3.30pm and the natural habitats of the Arboretum's by an ancient Egyptian art and craft session. Beneath the Skin 35 acres with its 2000 species of trees and Monday 31 May, 1.30 - 3.30pm Feel the fangs and touch the tusks! Get shrubs and National Collections. In January Bones and Skeletons closer to the Museum's bone collection and 2004 Jodrell Bank completed a 180 degree find out about the work done by our observational pathway close to the base of Find out about our bones and skeletons in the world famous Lovell radio telescope. this drop-in workshop. X-rays and model Conservation Department. FREE bones will be available for handling along Saturday 5 June, 1.30 - 3.30pm INVITES with an art and craft activity to build your Making Mammals Tuesday 1 June to Friday 4 June, 2pm own skeleton. FREE Discover the beauty of the animal world Meet an Astronomer through your own creature creations in this Find out the answers to all those Tuesday 1 June, 1.30 - 3.30pm art and craft session. astronomical questions you have always Monkey Around wanted to ask. Meet on the Observational Make your very own chimpanzee puppet to Sunday 6 June (Family Friendly), 12.00 - Pathway, under the pagoda. take away. 3.00pm Wednesday 2 June, 2pm Wednesday 2 June, 11.00am -12.00pm, Making Mammals Children’s Guided Walk of the Arboretum 12.30 -1.30pm & 2.00 - 3.00pm Art and craft session inspired by the This walk will give children a chance to Unearthing Mammals Mammals gallery. explore and find out about trees and their natural habitats. It is essential to pre book Find out how scientists study mammals in Saturday 12 June, 1.30 - 4.00pm for this walk,we would also suggest that this series of interactive workshops run by Ingenious Illusions parents accompany their child. the Mammals Society. There will be lots of A lively and challenging look at optical opportunities to handle specimens and ask illusions. Find out how easily the brain can Jodrell Bank Science Centre & Arboretum questions. be fooled by what the eye sees in this fun- Macclesfield, Cheshire Thursday 3 June, 12.00 - 3.00pm filled interactive presentation with Keith Kay. 01477 571339 Marvellous Mammal Masks All drop-in events cost £1 per child, unless Animal mask making session inspired by our otherwise stated. For group bookings please collections. call 0161 275 2648. Children must be John Rylands accompanied by an adult.

Library Manchester Museum Oxford Road, 0161 275 2630, Opening hours, Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 4pm The John Rylands Special Collections Library, Deansgate, will be closed for a period of Free admission, booking is essential for all programmes approximately 2 years, until 2005, for essential refurbishment and the construction of a new visitor and interpretative centre. Access to all the special collections is available through the main University Library Chaplaincies on campus. A Special Collections Reading Room is open on Purple Four, Monday to St Peter’s House Chaplaincy Avila House RC Chaplaincy UMIST Chaplaincy Friday 10am - 5.15pm and Saturdays 10am - SUNDAY WORSHIP (next to the Holy Name Church) Chaplains on UMIST site 1pm. Readers may find it helpful to contact us 10.30am & 6.30pm (Evening Mass Times Monday to Friday in advance on 0161 275 3764. Further Worship Term-time only) Mon - Fri 1.05 pm Floor B, Room B 25 information can be found on our website FOYER 10am-4pm. An area (term-time only) UMIST where students and staff can Oxford Road 0161 236 3311 Ext 2522 relax and meet friends. A 0161 275 6999/273 1456 John Rylands Library, tea/coffee machine is available. Mosque: Main Building Mass every Sunday at 10am Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PP Precinct Centre Prayer Room: 0161 275 3751 0161 275 2894 Renold Building B26 [email protected] 20 UniLife Seminars & Lectures

Monday 24 May Friday 28 May Wednesday 9 June Dept of Chemistry: "Title to be announced". Prof Shu Dept of Physics and Astronomy - Condensed Dept of Physics and Astronomy Theoretical Kobayashi (Tokyo). 4pm, Room G.51, Chemistry Bldg. Matter Group: "Towards graphite-based Physics: "Quantum versions of random walks for Tuesday 25 May electronics". Kostya Novoselov (Manchester). 4pm, quantum computing". Viv Kendon (Imperial). Moseley Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory. 2.30pm, Niels Bohr Common Room, Schuster CCSR: "Schedules of work and family life in Tuesday 1 June Laboratory. All welcome. Britain - towards a typology using qualitative Royal Society Bernal Lecture: "Are low data". Collette Fagan (Manchester). 4pm, Studio, Dept of Physics and Astronomy Theoretical frequency environmental electromagnetic fields 1st floor Dover Street Bldg. All welcome. Physics: "Lattice simulations at the Fermi surface". Simon Hands (Swansea). 2.30pm, Niels Bohr a health hazard? The scientific challenges". Dr Faculty of Education - Teacher Professional Common Room, Schuster Laboratory. All welcome. Michael Crumpton CBE FRS 6pm (reception from Development: "Models of professional 5pm), MEN Lecture Theatre,Weston Bldg, UMIST. development for teachers and their relationship Thursday 3 June British Computer Society Interactive Quality to school effectiveness". Bill Boyle. "Why are Manchester Business School Vital Topics Day: "Quality standards for effective IT". new teachers leaving the profession?" Amanda Lecture: "The challenges facing business start- Barton. "Improving mentor training: an ups". If you'd like to attend the event, please ring MacDonald Lymm Hotel. For details email evaluation of practice". Liz Smith. 12pm, Room 0161 275 6399 or 0161 275 6566. [email protected] C3.19, Humanities Bldg. Saturday 5 June Thursday 10 June NPCRDC: "A nurse practitioner to support British Computer Society - British Logic Dept of Chemical Engineering: "Image general practice? Does substitution of care Colloquium & British Society for the History of reconstruction for position emission result in an increased quality of health care and Mathematics: "Alan Mathison Turing (1912- tomography". Dr Andrew Reader (UMIST). 12pm, a decrease of the workload of GPs?" Miranda 1954). A celebration of his life and Room C63/64, Jackson Mill, UMIST. Laurent (University of Nijmegen). 2pm, Seminar achievements". For details visit For further info or to list seminars contact Room 2, 5th Floor Williamson Bldg. [email protected] Wednesday 26 May Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research: Title to be announced. Dr Mark Pelling (King’s College). 4pm, Room C16,The Pariser Building, UMIST. : Title to be announced. Tom Muxlow. 4pm, Lecture Room, Jodrell Bank. Centre for Philosophy: "Collective goods and public health". Angus Dawson (Keele). 4pm, Room OG.16, Old Dover St Bldg. All welcome. Dept of Physics and Astronomy Nonlinear Dynamics: "Self-organised behaviour in driven colloidal systems". Prof Wilson Poon (Edinburgh). 4pm, Blackett Lecture Theatre, Schuster Laboratory. Dept of Physics and Astronomy Theoretical Physics: "Log-poisson statistics in non- equilibrium ageing". Paolo Sibani (Oxford/Denmark). 2.30pm, Niels Bohr Common Room, Schuster Laboratory. All welcome. Contemporary China Seminar Series: "The uses and abuses of pilgrimage in Taiwanese identity politics". Elana Chipman (Cornell University). 4pm, Room A112, Arts Bldg. Thursday 27 May Faculty of Medicine - Imaging Science & Biomedical Engineering: "Developing a musculoskeletal ultrasound service in the District General Hospital". Dr G M Hoadley (Blackpool). 5.15pm, Lecture Theatre 3, Stopford Bldg. Manchester Medical Society - Paediatrics Regional Meeting: "Investigations in childhood obesity". Dr C M Hall. "Strategies and interventions in obesity". Dr P Gately (Leeds). "New monogenic obesity syndromes". Prof P E Clayton (Manchester). "Chinese medicine in childhood eczema". Dr N Lampert (Birmingham). 2pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Wythenshawe Hospital. Dept of Chemical Engineering: "A loaf less ordinary: bubbles, bran and bread during a New Zealand sabbatical". Dr Grant Campbell (UMIST). 12pm, Room C63/64, Jackson Mill, UMIST. UniLife 21 Looking Back Oxford Road 1964 & 1974

As plans are drawn up for the campus Brian Pullan’s A History of The University for the new merged University in the of Manchester 1951-73, says: "During the years ahead, these pictures illustrate an 1960s the University site became, in the earlier period of change for the VUM words of a visiting schoolteacher, who campus – the massive expansion of envied the amounts of money being 1964 higher education during the 1960s. Both poured into higher education, an empire show the same view looking north up Oxford Road from outside the main on which the concrete never set." University buildings. The Maths Tower was the only building of These ‘before and after’ pictures show just the 1960s entrusted to London-based how much expansion the campus rather than local architects. By 1973 the underwent in this ten-year period as popular College Hotel to the right of the universities were encouraged to take in earlier picture was surrounded by more students. The 1964 view being scaffolding in readiness for demolition. It almost unrecognisable just ten years later, stood on land in front of what is now the unlike the 1974 shot which is instantly Williamson Building at the corner of recognisable even 30 years on. Although Brunswick Street and Oxford Road. there are too many changes to mention, the most significant are the construction Although long gone there are still signs of the Maths Tower and the appearance of its existence in the shrubbery where of the University Precinct Centre and its there is a piece of pub masonry carved landmark bridge spanning Oxford Road. with an eagle device. 1974 Noticeboard

Interested in a Secondment to In the context of Project Unity, they would Do you have used laser or inkjet Student Support? particularly welcome applications from cartridges in your office? All academic colleagues in VUM and UMIST are colleagues currently at UMIST, for whom If the answer is yes then Manchester Rag can experience of working within a central service of invited to apply for Secondment opportunities in turn your old cartridges in to charity cash. This student support might be especially valuable the Central Academic Advisory Services. CAAS is a project not only raises hundreds of pounds each and interesting. student support service offering confidential advice year for local charities but will also help reduce to all students, undergraduate and postgraduate, Applications for either Semester 1 or Semester 2 the amount of rubbish sent to landfill each year. on any matter relating to their academic work. The of next session should be submitted by 30 June To arrange pick up of your old cartridges (from work is thus varied and rewarding, with the to CAAS, 2nd floor,Williamson Building, Oxford either UMIST or VUM) please phone the Rag secondee gaining greater insight into the student Road. For further information, please do not office on x63261 or email perspective, as well as getting better acquainted hesitate to contact us on 275 3033 (internal: [email protected] with the University's systems and procedures 53033) or email: [email protected] across the whole institution. John Rylands University Library Café Scientifique Secondees spend half a day once a week for one of Manchester Cafe Scientifique....a place where, for the price of a semester working with students as part of the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and cup of coffee or a glass of wine, ANYONE can team of permanent advisors. A full induction Medicine, One Day Conference come to explore the latest ideas in science and programme and mentoring throughout the "Medical History in Manchester" technology. CafeMuse, Oxford Road (Manchester semester is provided. The secondee's home Saturday 16 October 2004 Museum). Free entry – booking essential. department receives reimbursement for the time MANDEC given to CAAS and, in addition, a small grant is The University of Manchester To book a place email available to the secondee individually to fund any Cost: £25 (£20 unwaged/students). [email protected] or use the booking approved project designed to enhance the For more information ring 0161 275 8740 or email form at experience of students in the home department. [email protected] scientific/Cafe-web.htm 22 UniLife Classifieds

ACCOMMODATION TO LET Steps to Unwind. Bespoke Trekking breaks to As new wheelchair 6mnths old with foot rests & Scotland & Snowdonia. Luxury walking holidays cushion for seat lrge wheels. £150 ono. (27)54591 Heaton Moor.F/F s/c luxury lifestyle aparts in Costa Del Azahar, Spain. 01942 274 812 or 07789 or 0161-370 7725. situated in det Victorian villa conversion. Quiet, 255 912. Email: [email protected] Web: PhD Gown & Cap, immaculate condition. £50. safe, conv area. Fully equip 1 bedrm (dble) & 01653 698 760. studio (dble) aparts, with private parking. Rent neg includes water rates. 0161-432 4885 or Luxury Villa in Orlando, Florida. 4 beds, 3 baths, Word processor, brother LW-600i, portable, fast 07816 618 280 to view. with 24ft pool & spa, overlooking lake. Close to inkjet printing, tilting backlit LCD, MS DOS/MS Disney, shops, restaurants & local attractions. Write comp. 512kb memory, 5 fonts, Glossop. 1st flr 2 bed purpose furn duplex apart. Very spac, beautiful furn, 4 poster bed, fully spreadsheet/business graphics ability, floppy disk Well maintained property, rec dec, gd carpets, equip, games rm, accommodates up to 8 people system, instruction manual, 5 spare inkjet exc cond. Spiral staircase. 5 mins walk to + cot. From £400pw. 0161-439 0408 or email: cartridges £50. Desk, single pedestal with 5 drws, station, direct line to Piccadilly. Close to town [email protected] solid wood & wood veneer,synthetic inlaid working centre, open countryside gd walks. Dep & refs Andalucia-Gaucin. In a beautiful white village, a surface. W 121cm, D 61cm, H 72cm £20. Filing reqd. £475pcm. 0161-480 8583. uniquely designed villa, built as a series cabinets (2). 2 drwr metal, dark beige, each 50 A4 West Didsbury. Rm in my hse avail July onwards. ofapartments & cottages, around a central suspension files W 40cm D40cm h 66cm £5 each. Conv for buses, gdn etc.Would suit pg or visiting courtyard & pool. Sleeps 2-13 (6 bedrms/6 Avail to collect from Knutsford. 01565 633 405. academic. £280pcm inc bills. 0161-445 1647. bathrms). Breathtaking views to Africa. Summer Handcrafted Dining Table. Made in Mombassa Fallowfield. 2 d/bedrm, newly refurn, purpose- avail. 01865 791 999 or Africa.Very lrge 6 seater . Cost £1000 new, only 12 mnths old. Move forces sale, will accept £300. built 1st flr flat. Sep study. Fitted bathrm with Llyn Peninsular. 4 bedrm stone cottage to rent. 07789 568 524 or email: c_simms shwr, fitted kit, w/machine, d/wisher, f/freezer, Stunning panoramic views over Porth Neigwl ECH. New carpets, decoration. Covered private (Hell’s Mouth) bay & Snowdonia Mountain parking, beautiful gdns. £625pcm. 07966 472 Range. Lovely 300yr stone cottage, sleeps 8. WANTED 960 or email: [email protected] Newly renovated to a very high standard (Aga Car share Chester-Manchester daily. Usual office Bramhall/Cheadle Hulme. Extremely sought style cooker/log burner etc). Area of outstanding hrs. Share car/driving or fuel contribution if non- after loc. F/F 2 bed bungalow, inc GCH, natural beauty. Great walking, windsurfing, bird, driver. 01244 679 710 after 7pm. dolphin & seal spotting. 01758 760 664. microwave, fridge etc. Very comfortable & cosy. Exercise Rowing Machine.0161-273 6048 or 0161- Beautifully dec, small pleasant gdns with parking 2 bed new comfort apart. Sleeps 4 people, 30 969 4986 after 6pm for 2/3 cars. Prof person(s) only. 0161-485 3112. mins from Alicante Airport nr Quesada. Golf A take-up spool driving hub for a Boots course & country club, restaurtants, shops & Didsbury Village.Very comfort 2 bed Victorian distributed Super 8/ Standard 8mm projector. bars all on site. Guardamar beach 10 mins, aqua cottage in quiet cul-de-sac to rent for a min of 0161-881 2544. park nearby. 0161-864 1535. 6 mnths. Suit visiting academics. F/F & mod Flat in Didsbury area begin August onwards. with gch. Close to shops & transport. No pets Willing to pay around £400pm. (27)54686. please & non-smokers only. £750pcm + bills & CARS FOR SALE dep. 0161-445 1426 or 07717 171 779. Red Peugot 205 1 ltr. 3dr hatchback. H Reg, 1990, SERVICES Chorlton Keppel Road. 2 bathrms, security average mileage. 1 mnths MOT & TAX till July. Counselling/Psychotherapy - Sandra Gregson. alarm, smoke alarm. Fitted kit & GCH, Gd runner. £220 ono. 07870 328 033. Diplomas in Counselling/ Psychotherapy; Stress Nissan Sunny 1.4 Flamenco. 5 dr hatch, L Reg. w/machine to share with friendly people. Management & Reflexology. Sandra is a well- £49pw. 07887 775 556 after 3pm. Pale green metallic, electric sunroof/windows. 8 respected Therapist/Trainer, with 10 yrs’ West Didsbury. Rm avail for woman in quiet mnths TAX. £700 ono. 07909 558 613. experience of therapeutic care. From a safe, comfort hse. Use of liv rm & usual fac. Share S REg Citroen Saxo, Silver Blue 1.1i Stateside. 54k nurturing & professional approach - Sandra cooking (vegatarian) with owner (female miles, FSH, MOT Feb 05. TAX Aug 04. 1 lady works with individuals in addressing a wide lecturer), but flexible arrang. 2 cats, non-smoker owner. Exc cond. £2,700. 07712 043 404. range of issues affecting their general wellbeing only. £260pcm inc bills. 0161-434 6359. and quality of life. Appts in Central (close to universities) and South Manchester. For further Didsbury Village. Rm to rent. Nr shops & buses. MISCELLANEOUS SALES info - contact Sandra on 0161 747 8103. Period terrace to share with 1 other. £280pcm + Bosch f/freezer £80. 1 Hoover w/dryer £150. 1 bills. 0161-434 2190. Ian Hancock,BDS, Dental Surgeon, 180 Oxford farmhouse pine din table (seats 6) with 6 chairs £190. Road (nr Manchester Museum). Courtesy, All between 2-4yrs old & in very gd cond. (27)55024. quality, safety. Same day attention for genuine HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION Fantastic Laptop. IBM thinkpad A21e (Japanese emergencies. 0161-273 8484. Tuscany holiday cottage to let. Superb setting model), Duel English & Japanese keyboard. Psychotherapy/counselling available for individuals near mountains. Florence, Siena, Arezzo easily Pentium Celeron 600mhz, 256mb RAM. 20mb and couples. Confidential and supportive. Member accessible. Ideal walking, sight-seeing etc. 0208 removable hard disk, CD-RW 48x read/24x write, of the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy. 699 8883. Details and photos on 144kb FDD, ATI rage mobility, 14.1" TFT LCD Contact Josanne Cowell. 0161-224 1634. website: flatscreen, 32 bit colour, speakers & 3 audio ports. Qualified/Exp. Joiner. All types of carpentry, 112kb integrated V.90 modem, YSB, extension Email:[email protected] woodwork, joinery. Tiling & Plastering. Kitchen, slots, PS2, com LPT ports, Vivanco optical mouse. bedroom & office fitting. New windows, doors, West Coast Scotland holiday cottages nr Oban. Win XP & 98, Office Pro, Pagemaker 6.5, ceilings. Hardwood/laminate flooring. Skirting & 18th Century listed buildings by Loch & photoshop5. £250. (27)52213 or 65804. dado rails,stairs & staircases. Plumbing & electrics. mountains, pub, tearooms within walking Boy’s Bike (Silver Bazooka), suits age 4-7, gd cond, Bricklaying & masonry. Problems discussed. No distance. Great walks from hse. Extensive website bargain £15. Yamaha keyboard (with orig box) gd call-out charge. Free estimates. 0161-865 9647 or 01866 822 309. cond £35. Children's black/navy rollerblades, size (answering service) or 07743 324 169. Brittany. Hilltop farmhouse. Self-catering. 13 £3. (27)58710 (10-2.30pm) or 07743 074 666. Painter/Decorator. Good quality painting & Simple, natural, tranquil, organic produce, walks, Stage dining table teak, 8 settings, extendable to decorating, inside/outside work undertaken, tidy rides, woods, rivers, menhirs. South coast 12 in vgc, buyer to collect. Orig price was £250 will workman, 0161 877 1845 or (27) 53003. beaches 25mins. 01453 860 058. Email: accept £100. A pair of crushed velvet curtain Therapeutic Massage. Look after your mind and [email protected] measures 90scm x 154cms, accept £25 ono. 1 body and improve your general health with 2 traditional styled Breton holiday gîtes in fridge/freezer white h 158cms, w 60cms, d 58cms, regular massage from an experienced Southern Brittany, France. Open all year round. Perfectly gd cond. Orig price £300 will accept £120. practitioner. For more information/booking Buyer to collect. (27)5210 or 0161-773 5635. contact Josanne Cowell DTM. 0161-224 1634. UniLife 23

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Just The Job

I know everyone in this Carol Rowlinson “ building, because quite simply you have to! Administrator, Department of ” Optometry and Neuroscience When your bosses have nominated you for PA of the Year, it suggests you must be doing something right. But Carol Rowlinson has no time to rest on her laurels. After 13 years working in UMIST’s Department of Optometry and Neuroscience, Carol’s workload has never been greater.

She first arrived at the Department as a Department in those days, but as it Department Secretary and she is a big help, part-time secretary, working for Professor expanded it was good to be in from the but we could always do with more!" Nathan Efron at the Eurolens Research start. The biggest change was the At her home in Astley, near Leigh, Carol is Unit having spent a year at Salford addition of the Neuroscience course very keen on cooking and baking. She said: University before that. Within 12 months, which doubled the workload overnight." "I’m always bringing in bits and pieces, Professor Efron had been named Head of Since 1991, Carol has experienced especially around graduation time when I Department and Carol went with him; something of a crash course in Optometry now she is the Administrator for the become very popular." But she enjoys the and Neuroscience. She said: "I had entire Department. outdoor life, as well, and spends as much absolutely no prior knowledge of these of her spare time as possible walking and Last year, Carol was shortlisted by The disciplines, but I have to say my knowledge travelling south to take in the coastal Times in their PA of the Year competition, has grown in both subject areas over the walks around Devon, in particular. Carol an honour which she is still coming to years. You do pick up little bits as you go has two children, who are both currently terms with. She said: "The whole PA of the along from the various researchers and I studying at university. Year thing was very exciting but I was find their work fascinating. I know amazed when I was shortlisted. In truth, I everyone in this building, because quite As one of the top PAs in the country, Carol found it extremely flattering and I was simply you have to!" is ready for the challenges of Project Unity. very proud to be nominated." She said: "The department is about to The growth of the department and the undergo a major change and we are Carol has witnessed some major changes work around Project Unity has meant some currently in a state of flux as the two during her time at UMIST. She said: "When long hours for Carol, but she has had some disciplines of Optometry and I first started it was purely a centre for help along the way. She said: "Thankfully, Neuroscience are heading for different Optometry and it was a much smaller I’m not alone – Joanne Cohen is the faculties, so it’s exciting times." News Contact Events Contact Adverts Contact News and story ideas Events and listings information Ads and distribution queries Lisa McCarthy Philippa Adshead Lorraine Harrop, Susan Howard

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