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Þÿtraditionallatinmass MASS PROPER: JANUARY 27, ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH MASS (In médio) (white) INTROIT Eccl. 15: 5 In médio Ecclésiæ apéruit os ejus: et In the midst of the Church he opened implévit eum Dóminus spíritu his mouth: and the Lord filled him with sapiéntiæ et intelléctus: stolam glóriæ the spirit of wisdom and índuit eum. (Ps. 91: 2) Bonum est understanding. (Ps. 91: 2). It is good confitéri Dómino: et psállere nómini to give praise to the Lord: and to sing tuo Altíssime. Glória Patri et Fílio et to Thy Name, O Most High. Glory be Spíritui Sancto, sicut erat in princípio, to the Father, and to the Son, and to et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula the Holy Spirit. As it was in the sæculórum. Amen. In médio Ecclésiæ beginning, is now, and ever shall be, apéruit os ejus: et implévit eum world without end. Amen. In the midst Dóminus spíritu sapiéntiæ et of the Church he opened his mouth: intelléctus: stolam glóriæ índuit eum. and the Lord filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding. COLLECT Ecclésiam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine, May heavenly grace, we beseech grátia cæléstis amplíficet: quam beáti Thee, O Lord, prosper Thy Church, Joánnis Chrysóstomi Confessóris tui which Thou willed to enlighten by the atque Pontíficis illustráre voluísti glorious virtues and teachings of gloriósis méritis et doctrínis. Per blessed John Chrysostom, Thy Dóminum nostrum, Jesum Christum, Confessor and Bishop. Through our Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives in unitáte Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per and reigns with Thee in the unity of ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. EPISTLE 2 Timothy 4: 1-8 Caríssime: Testíficor coram Deo, et Dearly beloved, I charge thee, before Jesu Christo, qui judicatúrus est vivos God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge et mórtuos, per advéntum ipsíus, et the living and the dead, by His regnum ejus: prǽdica verbum, insta coming, and His kingdom: preach the opportúne, importúne: árgue, óbsecra, word: be instant in season, out of íncrepa in omni patiéntia, et doctrína. season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all Erit enim tempus, cum sanam patience and doctrine. For there shall doctrínam non sustinébunt, sed ad be a time when they will not endure sua desidéria coacervábunt sibi sound doctrine, but according to their magístros, pruriéntes áuribus, et a own desires they will heap to veritáte quidem audítum avértent, ad themselves teachers, having itching fábulas autem converténtur. Tu vero ears: and will indeed turn away their vígila, in ómnibus labóra, opus fac hearing from the truth, but will be evangelístæ, ministérium tuum imple. turned unto fables. But be thou Sóbrius esto. Ego enim iam delíbor, et vigilant, labor in all things, do the work tempus resolutiónis meæ instat. of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be Bonum certámen certávi, cursum sober. For I am even now ready to be 2017-12-16 Errors? [email protected] consummávi, fidem servávi. In réliquo sacrificed: and the time of my cælis est. Nolíte putáre quóniam veni glorify your Father who is in heaven. repósita est mihi coróna justítiæ, dissolution is at hand. I have fought a sólvere legem aut prophétas: non veni Do not think that I am come to destroy quam reddet mihi Dóminus in illa die, good fight, I have finished my course, I sólvere, sed adimplére. Amen quippe the law, or the prophets. I am not justus judex: non solum autem mihi, have kept the faith. As to the rest, dico vobis, donec tránseat cælum et come to destroy, but to fulfill. For sed et iis, qui díligunt advéntum ejus. there is laid up for me a crown of terra, iota unum aut unus apex non amen I say unto you, till heaven and justice, which the Lord, the just Judge, præteríbit a lege donec ómnia fiant. earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall will render to me in that day: and not Qui ergo sólverit unum de mandátis not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. only to me, but to them also that love istis mínimis, et docúerit sic hómines, He therefore that shall break one of his coming. mínimus vocábitur in regno cælórum: these least commandments, and shall GRADUAL Ecclesiasticus. 44: 16 qui autem fecérit et docúerit, hic so teach men, shall be called the least Ecce sacérdos magnus, qui in diébus Behold a great priest who in his days magnus vocábitur in regno cælórum. in the kingdom of heaven. But he that suis plácuit Deo. Non est invéntus pleased God. There was not any shall do and teach, he shall be called similis illi, qui conservaret legem found like to him, who kept the law of great in the kingdom of heaven. Excélsi. the Most High. OFFERTORY Psalms 91: 13 Justus ut palma florébit: sicut cedrus, The just shall flourish like the palm (From Septuagesima until Easter the (From Septuagesima until Easter the quæ in Líbano est, multiplicábitur. tree: he shall grow up, like the cedar Lesser Alleluia is omitted and the Lesser Alleluia is omitted and the of Libanus. Tract is said instead) Tract is said instead) SECRET Sancti Joánnis Chrysóstomi, Pontíficis May the holy prayer of St. John LESSER ALLELUIA tui atque Doctóris nobis, Dómine, pia Chrysostom, Thy Bishop and Doctor, Allelúja, allelúja. Beátus vir, qui suffert Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed is the man non desit orátio: quæ et múnera fail us not, O Lord: may it render our tentatiónem: quóniam cum probatus that endureth temptation: for when he nostra concíliet; et tuam nobis offerings acceptable, and ever obtain fuerit, accipiet corónam vitae. Allelúja. hath been proved, he shall receive the indulgéntiam semper obtíneat. Per for us Thy pardon. Through our Lord crown of life. Alleluia. Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and TRACT Psalms 111: 1-3 Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat reigns with Thee in the unity of the Beátus vir, qui timet Dóminum: in Blessed is the man that feareth the in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. mandátis ejus cupit nimis. Potens in Lord: he shall delight exceedingly in ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. terra erit semen ejus: generátio His commandments. His seed shall rectórum benedicétur. Glória et be mighty upon earth: the generation COMMUNION Luke 12: 42 divítiæ in domo ejus: et justítia ejus of the righteous shall be blessed. Fidélis servus et prudens, quem The faithful and wise servant, whom manet in sǽculum sǽculi. Glory and wealth shall be in his house: constítuit dóminus super famíliam his lord setteth over his family: to give and his justice remaineth forever and suam: ut det illis in témpore trítici them their measure of wheat in due ever. mensúram. season. GOSPEL Matthew 5: 13-19 In illo témpore: Dixit Jesus discípulis At that time, Jesus said to His POSTCOMMUNION suis: Vos estis sal terræ. Quod si sal disciples: You are the salt of the earth. Ut nobis, Dómine, tua sacrifícia dent We beseech Thee, O Lord, that evanúerit, in quo saliétur? Ad níhilum But if the salt lose its savor, wherewith salútem: beátus Joánnes blessed John Chrysostom, Thy Bishop valet ultra, nisi ut mittátur foras, et shall it be salted? It is good for nothing Chrysóstomus, Póntifex tuus, et and illustrious Doctor, may approach conculcétur ab homínibus. Vos estis any more but to be cast out, and to be Doctor egrégius, quǽsumus, precátor to pray for us, that these Thy lux mundi. Non potest civitas abscóndi trodden on by men. You are the light accédat. Per Dóminum nostrum, sacrifices may bring us salvation. supra montem pósita. Neque of the world. A city seated on a Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy accéndunt lucérnam, et ponunt eam mountain cannot be hid. Neither do tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee sub módio, sed super candelábrum, ut men light a candle and put it under a Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, lúceat ómnibus qui in domo sunt. Sic bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it sæculórum. forever and ever. lúceat lux vestra coram homínibus: ut may shine to all that are in the house. vídeant ópera vestra bona, et So let your light shine before men, that gloríficent Patrem vestrum, qui in they may see your good works, and .
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