Opportunities Been Approved Stage
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PLANS APPROVED TENDERS CONTRACTS Projects where Approved projects Approved projects detailed plans have which are at tender at main contract Opportunities been approved stage. awarded stage. but are still at The construction industry’s trusted source pre-tender stage. of data, analysis and project leads. Contract leads www.glenigan.com Midlands/East Anglia Detail Plans Granted for industrial pro- Agent: Lyall & Lyall, 6 The Fairway, Kir- Quinton Business Park, Quinton, Bir- TS9 7AB Tender return date: 1st Novem- NORTH SHIELDS £0.28M OLDHAM £4.9M Planning authority: Blackpool Job: Re- duction unit Client: A C Lloyd Hold- by Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2EU Contrac- mingham, West Midlands, B32 1AF ber 2013 for a Traditional Contract. Tel: n Land to the north of Pond, n Oldham College Campus, served Matters Granted for 209 houses/9 PLANS APPROVED ings & Leeson Polyurethanes Ltd Devel- tor: G F Tomlinson & Sons, Tomlinson Tel: 0121 423 2323 01642 712684 King Edward Road Rochdale Rd, Middleton Rd flats Client: Hollinwood Homes Ltd BIRMINGHAM £0.41M oper: Hitchman Stone Partnership, 14 House, Duffield Road, Little Eaton, Planning authority: North Tyneside Planning authority: Oldham Job: De- Agent: Broadway Malyan Ltd, Eastgate, n Land at Peak House Farm, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4SL Tel: Derby, DE21 5DR Tel: 01332 833100 North/North-east CONTRACTS Job: Detail Plans Granted for pavilion tail Plans Granted for university techni- 2 Castle Street, Manchester, M3 4LZ 240 Birmingham Road 01926 499456 BRADFORD £8.1M Client: North Tyneside Council Agent: cal college (extension) Client: Greater Contractor: Hollinwood Homes Ltd, Planning authority: Sandwell Job: De- NOTTINGHAM £3.2M PLANS APPROVED n Land at Harrowins Farm, Gillespies, Mitton Chambers, 12 Heaton Manchester Sustainable Engineering c/o Brockholes Pavilion, Brockholes tail Plans Granted for 8 flats Client: Mr. TENDERS n Toot Hill Comprehensive DONCASTER £0.59M Brighouse Road, Queensbury Courts, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 4LJ University Technical College Developer: Way, Claughton-on-Brock, Preston, Robert Watson Developer: Purvey May BIRMINGHAM £0.89M School, The Banks, Bingham n Moorends Library, The Circle Planning authority: Bradford Job: De- Contractor: Kier North Tyneside Ltd, Bluesky, Building 1000, Kings Reach, Lancashire, PR3 0PZ Tel: 0845 604 8819 Design Group, 12A Duke Street, Sutton n Park View Clinic, 60 Queens- Planning authority: Rushcliffe Job: De- Planning authority: Doncaster Job: De- tail Plans Granted for 82 luxury houses Block C, Harvey Combe, Killingworth, Yew Street, Stockport, SK4 2HG Tel: Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1RJ Tel: bridge Road tail Plans Granted for bowmer & kirk- tail Plans Granted for 8 town houses & 42 houses Client: Bellway Homes Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne & Wear, 0161 475 0220 BOLTON £0.275M 0121 355 2337 Planning authority: Birmingham Job: land building services ltdschool (extn) Client: Mr. Neville Brown Developer: Yorkshire Ltd Agent: Quad Architecture NE12 6UB Tel: 0191 643 6729 n Units 1 & 2 Greenhalghs Detail Plans Granted for mental health Client: Toot Hill Comprehensive School Max Design Consultancy, The Beehive, Design, Greenhouse, Beeston Road, ST. BEES £0.53M Craft Bakery, Beehive Industrial BURY ST. EDMUNDS unit (extension/alterations) Client: Bir- Agent: Franklin Ellis Architects, The old South Parade, Bawtry Hall, Bawtry, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 6AD Con- PONTEFRACT £6M n Adams Recreation Ground, Estate, Crescent Road, Lostock £0.3M mingham Children’s Hospital Agent: pump house, 5 The Rope Walk, Notting- Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN10 6JH tractor: Wainhomes (North West) Ltd, n Land at Buttercup Close, Beach Road Planning authority: Bolton Job: Detail n Land at former Police Sta- Quek Associates, The Wing Yip Centre, ham, NG1 5DU Contractor: Bowmer & Tel: 01302 378383 Cedarwood, 2 Kelvin Close, Birchwood, Common Side, LaneUpton Planning authority: Copeland Job: De- Plans Granted for bakery (extension) tion, High Street 12A Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham, Kirkland Building Services Ltd, Robert Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 7PB Tel: Planning authority: Wakefield Job: tail Plans Granted for 8 houses Client: Client: Greenhalgh’s Craft Bakery Ltd Planning authority: St. Edmundsbury West Midlands, B7 5HD Tender return W Kirkland House, Alfreton Road, Der- HUDDERSFIELD £0.92M 01925 859 650 Detail Plans Granted for 47 houses & Adams Recreation Ground Committee Agent: Greenhalgh’s Craft Bakery Ltd, Job: Detail Plans Granted for 4 houses date: Tenders are currently invited. Ten- by, DE21 4AG Tel: 01332 331444 n Land to rear of 103-117 43 luxury houses Client: Barratt David Developer: Day Cummins Ltd, Lake- Crescent Road, Lostock, Bolton, Greater Client: Mr. Robert Bartrum Developer: der return date 12th November 2013. Prospect Road, Longwood DONCASTER £1M Wilson Yorkshire East Ltd Agent: Chris land Business Park, Lamplugh Road, Manchester, BL6 4BU Contractor: San- Lynx Court, Victoria Way, Newmarket, Tel: 0121 328 9898 OLDBURY £1.8M Planning authority: Kirklees Job: Detail n Car Park to the Penny Far- Gothard Associates Ltd, Queens Tower Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 0QT Tel: dycroft Construction Ltd, Unit 2, Lake- Suffolk, CB8 7SH Tel: 01638 669 214 n Burnt Tree Primary School, Plans Granted for 13 houses Client: H thing, 52 High Street, Bawtry Lodge, 77 - 79 East Bank Road, Shef- 01900 820700 side, Festival Way, Stoke-On-Trent, Staf- LEEK £4.5M Hill Road, Tividale D Stephenson Developer: Farrar Bam- Planning authority: Doncaster Job: De- field, South Yorkshire, S2 3PX Contrac- fordshire, ST1 5RY Tel: 01782 210440 NEWCASTLE-UNDER- n Buxton & Leek College, Planning authority: Sandwell Job: De- forth Associates Ltd, 51 Trinity Street, tail Plans Granted for 9 flats & 4 retail tor: Barratt David Wilson Yorkshire WILMSLOW £1M LYME £2.7M School of Art Building, Stock- tail Plans Granted for school classroom Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 units Client: Ground Group Ltd Agent: East Ltd, Alpha Court, Monks Cross n Riversdale, Daveylands LIVERPOOL £1.7M n Valley Sawmills, Apedale Rd, well Street (extension) Client: Interserve Project 4DN Tel: 01484 424008 Barraton Design Studio, 68 Bentley Drive, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 Planning authority: Cheshire East Job: n Land bounded by Becket Thorp Precast Ltd Chesterton Planning authority: Staffordshire Services Agent: Sandwell Metropolitan Road, Bentley, Doncaster, South York- 9WN Tel: 01904 617660 Detail Plans Granted for luxury house Street (newly built Great Heath- Planning authority: Newcastle-Under- Moorlands Job: Detail Plans Granted for Borough Council, Sandwell Council YORK £0.61M shire, DN5 9TA Contractor: Danum Client: The Cave Developer: The Cave, Fonthill Road) Lyme Job: Detail Plans Granted for in- college (extension/refurbishment) Cli- Buildings, Freeth Street, Oldbury, West n Heworth Auto Point, Mill Lane Developments Ltd, Rands Lane, Ar- ROTHERHAM £1.8M 24 Altrincham Road, Wilmslow, Planning authority: Liverpool Job: De- dustrial unit external storage area (extn) ent: Leek College of Further Education Midlands, B69 3DE Contractor: In- Planning authority: York Job: Detail mthorpe, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, n Former Churchfields Nursing Cheshire, SK9 5ND Tel: Not Available tail Plans Granted for 25 houses Client: Client: Thorp Precast Developer: For- Agent: Hunt Feneley Architecture, The terserve Project Services, 395 George Plans Granted for 8 houses Client: DN3 3DZ Tel: 01302 831715 Home, Church Field Drive, David Wilson Homes (NW) Ltd Agent: shaw Greaves & Partners, Linden House, Moseley Exchange, 149 - 153 Alcester Road, Erdington, Birmingham, West Treatprefer Developer: Skelton Consul- Wickersley TENDERS IBI Taylor Young, Chadsworth House, 17A King St, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B13 Midlands, B23 7RZ Tel: 0121 344 4888 tancy, Stockton Lane, York, North York- LEEDS £0.85M Planning authority: Rotherham Job: CHESTER £13M Wilmslow Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, Staffordshire, ST5 1JF Tel: 01782 712281 8JP Tender return date: has been ex- shire, YO31 1BP Tel: 01904 424242 n Former police station, 307- Reserved Matters Granted for 20 houses n Broughton Shopping Park, Cheshire, SK9 3HP Contractor: David tended from 21st October to 4th No- PETERBOROUGH £20M 313 Broadway, Horsforth & 6 flats Client: Charles Church York- Chester Road, Broughton Wilson Homes (NW) Ltd, 303 Bridge- NOTTINGHAM £1.9M vember 2013 for a Traditional Contract. n HMP Peterborough, Saville TENDERS Planning authority: Leeds Job: Detail shire Ltd Agent: Persimmon Homes Planning authority: Flintshire Job: De- water Place, Birchwood Park, Birch- n Ladybay Workshops (Rad- Tel: 0121 449 3065 Road, Westwood BRADFORD £2M Plans Granted for 12 houses Client: (West Yorkshire), 3 Hepton Court, York tail Plans Granted for 5 restaurants & wood, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6XF cliffe Road), West Bridgford Planning authority: Peterborough Job: n Bradford College, Lister Rouse Homes Ltd Agent: ID Planning, Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 6PW multiplex cinema Client: British Land Tel: 01925 846600 Planning authority: Rushcliffe Job: De- CONTRACTS Detail Plans Granted for prison (exten- Building, Westbrook Street Atlas House, 31 King Street, Leeds, West Contractor: Persimmon Homes (West Agent: 3D Reid, City Tower, Piccadilly tail Plans Granted for 24 flats Client: BOURNE £17.3M sion) Client: Kalyx Ltd Agent: HLM Planning authority: Bradford Job: De- Yorkshire, LS1 2HL Contractor: Rouse Yorkshire), 3 Hepton Court, York Road, Plaza, Manchester, M1 4BT Tender re- MACCLESFIELD £4M Barteak Developments Ltd Developer: